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Latest revision as of 00:01, 27 September 2024

Brother's Keeper

Someone's always in need of assistance, and for whatever reason, it is almost always their fault. Much like Fox to Coyote, you are there to pick up the pieces and keep them going.

Role: Single-Target Healer/Buffer
Solo-ability: Medium-Low

Soul Powers

Level 15 Rapid Response
Level 25 Periodic Checks
Level 35 Ancient Medicines
Level 45 Intensive Care
Level Ancient Medicines 35
Level Periodic Checks 25
Level Rapid Response 15
Avoidance 2
Back Row 2
Bewitched 2
Concentrated 3
Endurance 2
Healing 3
Health 1
Lingering Kindness 2
Roll With It 1
Speed 2
Support 3
Tar Baby 1
Warded 2

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