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"So, want me to get airborne, see what I can see?" Buzamu asks, looking over those assembled.  It was definitely time for them to keep this operation moving, and well, out here, not exactly a lot of cover.<br> <br>Winter disembarks. The demoness looking very uncomfortable outside the only home she's known. Inside the bubble that is. She stretches her wings before folding them back as she sniffs the air they stir up. "Well, this'll be lovely I'm sure. Just what do these things we're looking for actually look like?" she squints in the sunlight. "Think I can fly out here? I've never been.. outside." she finishes.<br> <br>The studs look to each other, "The last known location was in the the facility itself, and no idea where exactly. The best bet would be to scout out the area and figure things out, from there however, we are not sure what would be best." says the fully male one, the herm one nodding back. "And the plant is right, careful out here, we wouldn't want the humans spooking." Shi says. Nothing much to go on yet.<br> <br>Turning to Winter, Savi points to the buildings in the distance. "Long, flat, black glass, metal frame. Should be rather large." With that she turns and faces the buildings and watches, two hands shielding her eyes, two planted firmly on her hips. "If you fly be careful, they may have rifles. If the buildings are not flat, burned, or overgrown, you can expect them to be inhabited." Her stare unbroken, Savi lets her vision take in not only the buildings, but the surrounding area, watching not for anything specific, but the tellings of life. A glint or more importantly, the telling hint of movement. Speaking to only herself, Savi frowns. "Ironically... we should have come at dark."<br> <br>Edel flips a switch on her sword's scabbard and flashes a smile. "Well, I'm ready for whatever! Though I do think Dio is right about us sticking together. It would be wise."<br> <br>Buzamu nods.  "Agreed.  And if you think you can help me spot trouble from above missy, that'll help a bunch.  Having an extra pair of eyes has not hurt once." She says, looking at Winter and then back to the rest.  "Sounds like a solid plan.  The pair of us above, teh rest below?  We'll try and keep each other aware of what we see and and pick up, that way we can reduce the likelyhood of ambush and miscommunication.  If these folks are still 'natural' humans, they're likely to think us ferals, though our equipment and gear would indicate otherwise."<br> <br>Alta watches and listens, doing a preliminary check of hir surroundings. Satisfied with the lack of things shi sees, Alta glows brightly for a moment. When the light fades, instead of a talakai, an anthro phoenix is in its place. "I have no problems flying in. Plus I have a few abilities that could aid with our goal." Concentrating, Alta looks over the group, smiling at each of them. <I can very easily let people know if I see something.> Shi says mentally to the whole group.<br> <br>"Remember," Dio comments, strapping his shotgun upon his back while looking towards the other member of the party, "We're dealing with individuals who might be holding the other team hostage as far as we know. They could be murderous bandits that would love to take a few potshots at winged lady. Or maybe they're misunderstood humans with an itchy trigger finger trying to survive the apocalypse. Either way, let us begin heading towards the building." With an adjustment of his suitcoat and a tap upon his heavy armor just underneath, the lion squints his eyes at the building in the distance. "It's also quite difficult to fly outside the bubble. Either way, we should start moving soon before it gets too dark."<br> <br>Winter shrugs faintly and rubs her neck with her hand "I suppose we should try to keep the sun in their eyes then." she says, glancing down at her quite non-existant equipment and then back to Buzamu. With a slight grin she tests her wings for a brief spell "Well, I'll do my best not to get shot then!" she says with a laugh as she crouches down and pushes off, lifting herself off the ground with a few powerful strokes of her rather large wings.  
"So, want me to get airborne, see what I can see?" Buzamu asks, looking over those assembled.  It was definitely time for them to keep this operation moving, and well, out here, not exactly a lot of cover.<br> <br>Winter disembarks. The demoness looking very uncomfortable outside the only home she's known. Inside the bubble that is. She stretches her wings before folding them back as she sniffs the air they stir up. "Well, this'll be lovely I'm sure. Just what do these things we're looking for actually look like?" she squints in the sunlight. "Think I can fly out here? I've never been.. outside." she finishes.<br> <br>The studs look to each other, "The last known location was in the the facility itself, and no idea where exactly. The best bet would be to scout out the area and figure things out, from there however, we are not sure what would be best." says the fully male one, the herm one nodding back. "And the plant is right, careful out here, we wouldn't want the humans spooking." Shi says. Nothing much to go on yet.<br> <br>Turning to Winter, Savi points to the buildings in the distance. "Long, flat, black glass, metal frame. Should be rather large." With that she turns and faces the buildings and watches, two hands shielding her eyes, two planted firmly on her hips. "If you fly be careful, they may have rifles. If the buildings are not flat, burned, or overgrown, you can expect them to be inhabited." Her stare unbroken, Savi lets her vision take in not only the buildings, but the surrounding area, watching not for anything specific, but the tellings of life. A glint or more importantly, the telling hint of movement. Speaking to only herself, Savi frowns. "Ironically... we should have come at dark."<br> <br>Edel flips a switch on her sword's scabbard and flashes a smile. "Well, I'm ready for whatever! Though I do think Dio is right about us sticking together. It would be wise."<br> <br>Buzamu nods.  "Agreed.  And if you think you can help me spot trouble from above missy, that'll help a bunch.  Having an extra pair of eyes has not hurt once." She says, looking at Winter and then back to the rest.  "Sounds like a solid plan.  The pair of us above, teh rest below?  We'll try and keep each other aware of what we see and and pick up, that way we can reduce the likelyhood of ambush and miscommunication.  If these folks are still 'natural' humans, they're likely to think us ferals, though our equipment and gear would indicate otherwise."<br> <br>Alta watches and listens, doing a preliminary check of hir surroundings. Satisfied with the lack of things shi sees, Alta glows brightly for a moment. When the light fades, instead of a talakai, an anthro phoenix is in its place. "I have no problems flying in. Plus I have a few abilities that could aid with our goal." Concentrating, Alta looks over the group, smiling at each of them. <I can very easily let people know if I see something.> Shi says mentally to the whole group.<br> <br>"Remember," Dio comments, strapping his shotgun upon his back while looking towards the other member of the party, "We're dealing with individuals who might be holding the other team hostage as far as we know. They could be murderous bandits that would love to take a few potshots at winged lady. Or maybe they're misunderstood humans with an itchy trigger finger trying to survive the apocalypse. Either way, let us begin heading towards the building." With an adjustment of his suitcoat and a tap upon his heavy armor just underneath, the lion squints his eyes at the building in the distance. "It's also quite difficult to fly outside the bubble. Either way, we should start moving soon before it gets too dark."<br> <br>Winter shrugs faintly and rubs her neck with her hand "I suppose we should try to keep the sun in their eyes then." she says, glancing down at her quite non-existant equipment and then back to Buzamu. With a slight grin she tests her wings for a brief spell "Well, I'll do my best not to get shot then!" she says with a laugh as she crouches down and pushes off, lifting herself off the ground with a few powerful strokes of her rather large wings.  
She stops just shy of the treetops trying to atleast get some view of the area to make sure she's not going to get shot down. She doesn't stay for long, she was not quite built to hover, after all, and she quickly descends again to report.<br> <br>Alta looks to the others and nods. The baton in hir hand grows to a full sized staff, with a stylized blade at one end. Alta quickly moves towards the trees, in search of what little cover is available. If things did not go to plan, then shi would at least have some battlefield advantage, however slight it is.<br> <br>The weather overhead, with the partial clouds, threatens a storm, the late afternoon sun setting slowly behind the building. Everything looks fairly still right now, only the wind criscrossing moving the grasses around, the few branches and the bushes.<br> <br>Savi Takes her shemagh out of her pack and places it swiftly around her face, knowing full well the unsettling effect her 'mouth' can have on others. Her face now covered, she folds two of hr arms neatly behind her back, the others she holds out slightly away from her sides, palms up and open. Nodding towards Dio she agrees. "Then we should probably get started." She says and calmy, and slowly, begins 'walking' toward the compound.<br> <br>Buzamu nods at Dio, and with strong flaps of her wings, gets airborne, realizing that powered flight was going to be a right pain in teh air.  The air was still, which mean not nearly as many opertunities to glide for extended periods.  Sadly, she doesn't have an eagle's sight, so she can't fly as high as she'd like and still see enough details to keep an eye out.  As it is, Buzamu at this point can still be easily seen as a person with wings, but it's tricky.  Then again, there's also that storm brewing, so Buzamu is wanting to stay low enough to hte ground to dive should the air start feeling overly electrified.<br> <br>Edel pulls the brim of her hat lower. If it rains, at least she's prepared! She sets off after Savi, a rather content expression on her face. "Maybe we'll even make some new friends out here! Who knows!"<br> <br>"Very well," Dio nods, watching Winter and Buz shoot up into the air. "I'll take the more direct approach and walk towards the building. I suggest others should probably take a more stealthy route so we can have a few aces up our sleve. Consider us the distraction I suppose." With another tuck at his suit-coat, the silver lion begins making his way towards the facility, keeping his eyes and ears open for any potential dangers.<br> <br>Not spotting anything that's an immediate threat, Winter takes to the skies again, following the draconic womans example. Using her wings to simply launch herself above the treetops, glide for a little bit and then gently fall down, catching her breath before doing the same thing again.<br> <br>Seeing a pair of mutants taking flight, someone decides that is threat enough. A pair of shots ring out from somewhere in the facility, intent on striking the pair. Buzamu's hit square in the leg, while Winter's armor takes the hit. There was hardly any flash, and very little sound as well. Another shot rings out, this one pointed toward the ground, but, without good visuals on the ground force, it was wild, or warning shot at best!<br> <br>Buzamu hisses, and focuses on teh task at hand.  "We got a sniper out there, I say again, sniper in the AO." Buzamu barks through the radio, looking towards teh building trying to spot the shooter while still keeping aerial coverage of the ground team with her lazy gliding laps, occasionally flapping her wings to give her a bit of altitude to maintain same.<br> <br>Winter is a bit startled by getting hit. Still, it seemed her comrade had it worse. Her protective instincts kicking in, she concentrates, hardening her natural armor further and flaps her wings, trying to make herself a juicy target to draw the fire away while doing some evasive action. Hopefully she could lure the attacker out and the rest could find where the shots came from.<br> <br>Savi scans the windows, her lower arms going to the grip of her laser cannon. "Dammit..." she whispers softly. Not stopping her advance Saviante raises her voice to a shout. "We are not hostile unless you want us that way. We seek parley." at this point the plant stops her forward movement and stands still, calmly waiting for some answer.<br> <br>Alta makes it to the trees and runs along the tree line. Upon hearing the shots fired, Alta freezes and looks around. With the sky getting dark it would be hard for hir to see where exactly the shots came from. Slowly and quietly shi makes hir advance next to the trees, stopping again to let hir staff go back to baton sized so shi would seem less threatening. Stepping away from the trees, Alta caustiously moves towards Savi. The last thing Alta wanted was to get hirself or one of the others hurt.<br> <br>Dio hears the first shot ring out and could only guess it was directed towards the flying pair. His leonine ears twitch about, watching the rather wide shot cross his path and attempting to find where it came from. Perhaps the shot originated from the closest building, but he certainly wasn't very sure. It wasn't worth betting on. They don't seem too keen on violently gunning the party down, but rather ward off what they feel are a threat. With a cough, the feline holds up his hands in the air, hoping to come across as little as a threat as possible as he advances slightly forward, trying to see if he could get that shooter to spot his peaceful gesture.<br> <br>Edel stops beside Savi, then reconsiders and shuffles a few paces off to the side, in case she gets shot at. "Hopefully this doesn't get ugly, hmm?" She looks about for some kind of patch of grass tall enough for her to hide in.<br> <br>An interesting sound comes from the facility, it sounded like the hum of an entertainment system being powered up. Not long after that, everyone's ears are assulted by some very very badly song Madonna, Like a Virgin. From the brush and trees a great deal of animals, coyotes, rabbits, wolves, foxes, and even a few mutants go running! Then from somewhere in the distance, a long howl can be hard, a few other noise joining it. The 'music' is earsplitting to those with more animalistic hearing!<br> <br>Alta puts hir hands over hir heads and slowly kneals on the ground. "Whoever is in there, please we just want some help. We mean no harm." With that, shi puts hir hands on hir ears to make it so that hir brain would not want to implode from the horrible, horrible, music.<br> <br>Winter is too tired to keep up her airborn dance for too long and finally touches down in the open, still presenting herself as a juicy target if someone decides to open fire. She puts her fingers in her ears and winces. Thankfully she's not exactly gifted in the ear department but it's still painful to hear.<br> <br>With his leonine ears enhanced by another mutational power, Dio's surrendering hands descend down to cover them in a desperate attempt to escape the awful singing the very best he could. He remembered clearly the day that song came out, never much a fan for the tones of Madonna or her songs, especially sung by someone with a ghostly whail. He could only hope the banshee would tire so he could be free from such torture.<br> <br>Taking that as her answer, Savi begins swaying slightly, at first seemingly erraticly, until after a moment it becomes obvious she is swaying with the wind. Crouching low in the grass, she begins to walk-crawl at an agnle perpendicular to the compound. Her legvines creeping and her arms slowly digging her fingers into the dirt. Her progress toward the buildings slow, but stead as her path curves toward the building and slightly away from the others. With a soft sigh she thinks to herself... why must it always be the hard way?<br> <br>Buzamu groans, shaking her head.  "Psychological warfare, and badly done too." She mutters, glad her hearing wasn't too sensitive.  "Ground team, Buzamu.  I'm going to glide closer, see if I can't get eyes on the personnel operating that place." She says over the radio, before tilting herself enough to cease her 'laps' around the team, and starts flying towards teh facility.  She was the only flyer still up, but only because she hadn't decided to do any fancy flying manuvers.<br> <br>As the animals disperse and Winter lands, the 'singing' stops, but whomever it was didn't have the foresight to turn the speakers off. The same voice, which is now known to be a mid Alto, "Think they are gone now?" she says, though the mic must not be close enough to hear whomever responds, "My throat is sore, besides, that should have pushed them away if they were more of those insane freeks, and if they aren't-" She is cut off, "Look, the military failed to get into those cities, just because you walk in here and-" SLAP, the sound of skin hitting skin was clear enough. Then a male voice, "Sir! She didn't turn the mic-" click.<br> <br>Edel tilts her head as the awful singing stops, rubbing her cheek. "That's... Going to give me a headache later, I know that much. But at least they're not openly hostile! They just think we're ferals!" She drops low to the ground, decreasing her profile even further and slinks towards the facility.<br> <br>Winter blinks a few times in stunned suprise before she suddenly, and comically, crouches down low, deciding that perhaps.. perhaps it's best not to be seen. Moving as quick as she can and keeping a low profile, as good as an over two meter tall succubus can do, she makes her way as quick as she can to the building in a straight line.<br> <br>Seeing both Edel and Winter begin moving for the buildings, the plant freezes aside from her almost imperceptible swaying with the wind. Counting on the others to be a decent distraction, she focuses on just not being seen. Movement can wait until more events unfold.<br> <br>With the ear-shanking music over, Alta stands up and and quickly runs towards the building. With no obvious weapon in hir hand, Alta advances towards the building. After a few moments hir run becomes a fast walk and then a normal walking pace.<br> <br>"Phew," Dio exhasberates, taking a heavy breath after the awful singing finally stops. Certainly an effective method for scaring off any ferals or wild animals for that matter. The conversation within that blasts over the speakers makes the lion chuckle a bit, but it was time for business! Smoothing out his suit, he makes his way further into the facility in a calm fashion, not caring too much if he's discovered. Hopefully with such an attire, they'd maybe think a little before firing upon him.<br> <br>Buzamu groans, definitely knowing she'd need ot train more outside a bubble with her flying to be sure of being able to hold herself aloft for longer periods, damn.  Settling on the highest building, she winces a fair bit as her leg wants to just collapse as the pressure of her weight settles on the wound in her knee.  "Fuck that's gonna suck."  She growls, before standing and pushing towards the roof accessway.  "This is Corporal Herrick, US Marines to anyone inside with a working radio.  I'm on the roof.  I have a loaded rifle, and I will engage personnel attempting to attack myself when I enter.  I say again, this is Corporal Herrick of the US Marines to anyone inside listening, I am entering the building from teh roof and will engage anyone showing hostility towards me." She says, turning her radio to general broadcasting, making sure anyone inside could hear her if they had their radio's on.<br> <br>As Dio and Alta approch calmly, the speakers come back to life, "And be quick about it, bitch, don't want to waste the power this place has stored up." says a rather young male voice. The woman singing before, speeks, "Go away, we don't have anything you want, just leave." she says. "Por favor, deje, regresa de donde viniste. Umm... yes I remember, just give me a minute. S'il vous pla�t... umm... laissez, retournez d'o� vous venez." Whomever is running the speaker today really should be given another job, as more information leaks out, "The California National Guard owns you, owns this facility, and owns whomever sets foot in here, understand! I run this platoon, the governer gave me my commission and unit just two months before this all fucked up! How many rounds we have left. Only 4 more 100 round crates!? Alright, in the morning we draw lots for who goes out and gets us more." No radios inside, but they could hear something on the roof and they didn't like the sounds! "Sargent Black, take your fire team up there and get rid of whatever that is."<br> <br>Seeing as she wasn't discovered yet, Edel keeps on creeping along the ground, trying to approach one of the buildings to see if it has any windows she can look through.<br> <br>Winter frowns. That didn't sound like good news at all. And she was alone up there too. Better send some backup! Which would be.. well, herself. With a groan, she pushes off the ground, hoping she has the energy to reach the roof. "Being outside the bubble sucks.." she mutters under her breath as her wings strain to lift her weight.<br> <br>Hearing that broadcast, Savi begins moving again, heading towards Buz's new perch. Aiming for the side of the building rather than any door, Savi's crawl takes on a slightly faster (but not much) pace. 'Got hot, they aren't playing Buz' the plant whispers ito her com.<br> <br>Observing what is going on around hir, Alta decides to do something couragous and also probably foolish. Shi picks up hir pace and soon enough is running full speed towards the building, hoping hir plan would work.<br> <br>As Dio listens to the speakers further, it seems they might not be too keen on waisting ammo upon him just yet. Or perhaps he just wasn't close enough. Deciding to bite the bullet would could say, the lion presses onwards towards the building with his hands in the air, once again hoping they may recognize his peaceful gesture. "Watch out," Dio says over his comm directed towards his teammates. "Try not to seem like raiders. If we start breaking in, firing, and running about, then it'll be certainly hard to explain."<br> <br>Buzamu listening to the audio blasting, Buzamu sighes and shakes her head.  "Roger that Savi" She mutters, but keeps the rubber .50 cal caseless rounds loaded.  If they're just Guardsmen and women, she didn't want to go around killing them.  Disabling?  Yes.  Taking a deep breath, she tries to open the door, and finding it locked, growls.  Time to do what she did back in Fallujah.  Kick in doors and sweep rooms.  Pressing the barrel of her KAC Masterkey against where about's she'd figure the hinges would be, she takes a deep breath, and fires one, pump the slide, place in the second spot, fire two, pump the slide, turn around, and kick the door to see if it budges.<br> <br>Edel glances over at the solar panels, then at her comm and frowns. Bit of a choice to make, then. While the other handle negotiations, she makes her way towards the solar panels and shoves her drone behind one of them so it doesn't stick out while she settles down behind another to see how they're secured.
She stops just shy of the treetops trying to atleast get some view of the area to make sure she's not going to get shot down. She doesn't stay for long, she was not quite built to hover, after all, and she quickly descends again to report.<br> <br>Alta looks to the others and nods. The baton in hir hand grows to a full sized staff, with a stylized blade at one end. Alta quickly moves towards the trees, in search of what little cover is available. If things did not go to plan, then shi would at least have some battlefield advantage, however slight it is.<br> <br>The weather overhead, with the partial clouds, threatens a storm, the late afternoon sun setting slowly behind the building. Everything looks fairly still right now, only the wind criscrossing moving the grasses around, the few branches and the bushes.<br> <br>Savi Takes her shemagh out of her pack and places it swiftly around her face, knowing full well the unsettling effect her 'mouth' can have on others. Her face now covered, she folds two of hr arms neatly behind her back, the others she holds out slightly away from her sides, palms up and open. Nodding towards Dio she agrees. "Then we should probably get started." She says and calmy, and slowly, begins 'walking' toward the compound.<br> <br>Buzamu nods at Dio, and with strong flaps of her wings, gets airborne, realizing that powered flight was going to be a right pain in teh air.  The air was still, which mean not nearly as many opertunities to glide for extended periods.  Sadly, she doesn't have an eagle's sight, so she can't fly as high as she'd like and still see enough details to keep an eye out.  As it is, Buzamu at this point can still be easily seen as a person with wings, but it's tricky.  Then again, there's also that storm brewing, so Buzamu is wanting to stay low enough to hte ground to dive should the air start feeling overly electrified.<br> <br>Edel pulls the brim of her hat lower. If it rains, at least she's prepared! She sets off after Savi, a rather content expression on her face. "Maybe we'll even make some new friends out here! Who knows!"<br> <br>"Very well," Dio nods, watching Winter and Buz shoot up into the air. "I'll take the more direct approach and walk towards the building. I suggest others should probably take a more stealthy route so we can have a few aces up our sleve. Consider us the distraction I suppose." With another tuck at his suit-coat, the silver lion begins making his way towards the facility, keeping his eyes and ears open for any potential dangers.<br> <br>Not spotting anything that's an immediate threat, Winter takes to the skies again, following the draconic womans example. Using her wings to simply launch herself above the treetops, glide for a little bit and then gently fall down, catching her breath before doing the same thing again.<br> <br>Seeing a pair of mutants taking flight, someone decides that is threat enough. A pair of shots ring out from somewhere in the facility, intent on striking the pair. Buzamu's hit square in the leg, while Winter's armor takes the hit. There was hardly any flash, and very little sound as well. Another shot rings out, this one pointed toward the ground, but, without good visuals on the ground force, it was wild, or warning shot at best!<br> <br>Buzamu hisses, and focuses on teh task at hand.  "We got a sniper out there, I say again, sniper in the AO." Buzamu barks through the radio, looking towards teh building trying to spot the shooter while still keeping aerial coverage of the ground team with her lazy gliding laps, occasionally flapping her wings to give her a bit of altitude to maintain same.<br> <br>Winter is a bit startled by getting hit. Still, it seemed her comrade had it worse. Her protective instincts kicking in, she concentrates, hardening her natural armor further and flaps her wings, trying to make herself a juicy target to draw the fire away while doing some evasive action. Hopefully she could lure the attacker out and the rest could find where the shots came from.<br> <br>Savi scans the windows, her lower arms going to the grip of her laser cannon. "Dammit..." she whispers softly. Not stopping her advance Saviante raises her voice to a shout. "We are not hostile unless you want us that way. We seek parley." at this point the plant stops her forward movement and stands still, calmly waiting for some answer.<br> <br>Alta makes it to the trees and runs along the tree line. Upon hearing the shots fired, Alta freezes and looks around. With the sky getting dark it would be hard for hir to see where exactly the shots came from. Slowly and quietly shi makes hir advance next to the trees, stopping again to let hir staff go back to baton sized so shi would seem less threatening. Stepping away from the trees, Alta caustiously moves towards Savi. The last thing Alta wanted was to get hirself or one of the others hurt.<br> <br>Dio hears the first shot ring out and could only guess it was directed towards the flying pair. His leonine ears twitch about, watching the rather wide shot cross his path and attempting to find where it came from. Perhaps the shot originated from the closest building, but he certainly wasn't very sure. It wasn't worth betting on. They don't seem too keen on violently gunning the party down, but rather ward off what they feel are a threat. With a cough, the feline holds up his hands in the air, hoping to come across as little as a threat as possible as he advances slightly forward, trying to see if he could get that shooter to spot his peaceful gesture.<br> <br>Edel stops beside Savi, then reconsiders and shuffles a few paces off to the side, in case she gets shot at. "Hopefully this doesn't get ugly, hmm?" She looks about for some kind of patch of grass tall enough for her to hide in.<br> <br>An interesting sound comes from the facility, it sounded like the hum of an entertainment system being powered up. Not long after that, everyone's ears are assulted by some very very badly song Madonna, Like a Virgin. From the brush and trees a great deal of animals, coyotes, rabbits, wolves, foxes, and even a few mutants go running! Then from somewhere in the distance, a long howl can be hard, a few other noise joining it. The 'music' is earsplitting to those with more animalistic hearing!<br> <br>Alta puts hir hands over hir heads and slowly kneals on the ground. "Whoever is in there, please we just want some help. We mean no harm." With that, shi puts hir hands on hir ears to make it so that hir brain would not want to implode from the horrible, horrible, music.<br> <br>Winter is too tired to keep up her airborn dance for too long and finally touches down in the open, still presenting herself as a juicy target if someone decides to open fire. She puts her fingers in her ears and winces. Thankfully she's not exactly gifted in the ear department but it's still painful to hear.<br> <br>With his leonine ears enhanced by another mutational power, Dio's surrendering hands descend down to cover them in a desperate attempt to escape the awful singing the very best he could. He remembered clearly the day that song came out, never much a fan for the tones of Madonna or her songs, especially sung by someone with a ghostly whail. He could only hope the banshee would tire so he could be free from such torture.<br> <br>Taking that as her answer, Savi begins swaying slightly, at first seemingly erraticly, until after a moment it becomes obvious she is swaying with the wind. Crouching low in the grass, she begins to walk-crawl at an agnle perpendicular to the compound. Her legvines creeping and her arms slowly digging her fingers into the dirt. Her progress toward the buildings slow, but stead as her path curves toward the building and slightly away from the others. With a soft sigh she thinks to herself... why must it always be the hard way?<br> <br>Buzamu groans, shaking her head.  "Psychological warfare, and badly done too." She mutters, glad her hearing wasn't too sensitive.  "Ground team, Buzamu.  I'm going to glide closer, see if I can't get eyes on the personnel operating that place." She says over the radio, before tilting herself enough to cease her 'laps' around the team, and starts flying towards teh facility.  She was the only flyer still up, but only because she hadn't decided to do any fancy flying manuvers.<br> <br>As the animals disperse and Winter lands, the 'singing' stops, but whomever it was didn't have the foresight to turn the speakers off. The same voice, which is now known to be a mid Alto, "Think they are gone now?" she says, though the mic must not be close enough to hear whomever responds, "My throat is sore, besides, that should have pushed them away if they were more of those insane freeks, and if they aren't-" She is cut off, "Look, the military failed to get into those cities, just because you walk in here and-" SLAP, the sound of skin hitting skin was clear enough. Then a male voice, "Sir! She didn't turn the mic-" click.<br> <br>Edel tilts her head as the awful singing stops, rubbing her cheek. "That's... Going to give me a headache later, I know that much. But at least they're not openly hostile! They just think we're ferals!" She drops low to the ground, decreasing her profile even further and slinks towards the facility.<br> <br>Winter blinks a few times in stunned suprise before she suddenly, and comically, crouches down low, deciding that perhaps.. perhaps it's best not to be seen. Moving as quick as she can and keeping a low profile, as good as an over two meter tall succubus can do, she makes her way as quick as she can to the building in a straight line.<br> <br>Seeing both Edel and Winter begin moving for the buildings, the plant freezes aside from her almost imperceptible swaying with the wind. Counting on the others to be a decent distraction, she focuses on just not being seen. Movement can wait until more events unfold.<br> <br>With the ear-shanking music over, Alta stands up and and quickly runs towards the building. With no obvious weapon in hir hand, Alta advances towards the building. After a few moments hir run becomes a fast walk and then a normal walking pace.<br> <br>"Phew," Dio exhasberates, taking a heavy breath after the awful singing finally stops. Certainly an effective method for scaring off any ferals or wild animals for that matter. The conversation within that blasts over the speakers makes the lion chuckle a bit, but it was time for business! Smoothing out his suit, he makes his way further into the facility in a calm fashion, not caring too much if he's discovered. Hopefully with such an attire, they'd maybe think a little before firing upon him.<br> <br>Buzamu groans, definitely knowing she'd need ot train more outside a bubble with her flying to be sure of being able to hold herself aloft for longer periods, damn.  Settling on the highest building, she winces a fair bit as her leg wants to just collapse as the pressure of her weight settles on the wound in her knee.  "Fuck that's gonna suck."  She growls, before standing and pushing towards the roof accessway.  "This is Corporal Herrick, US Marines to anyone inside with a working radio.  I'm on the roof.  I have a loaded rifle, and I will engage personnel attempting to attack myself when I enter.  I say again, this is Corporal Herrick of the US Marines to anyone inside listening, I am entering the building from teh roof and will engage anyone showing hostility towards me." She says, turning her radio to general broadcasting, making sure anyone inside could hear her if they had their radio's on.<br> <br>As Dio and Alta approch calmly, the speakers come back to life, "And be quick about it, bitch, don't want to waste the power this place has stored up." says a rather young male voice. The woman singing before, speeks, "Go away, we don't have anything you want, just leave." she says. "Por favor, deje, regresa de donde viniste. Umm... yes I remember, just give me a minute. S'il vous pla�t... umm... laissez, retournez d'o� vous venez." Whomever is running the speaker today really should be given another job, as more information leaks out, "The California National Guard owns you, owns this facility, and owns whomever sets foot in here, understand! I run this platoon, the governer gave me my commission and unit just two months before this all fucked up! How many rounds we have left. Only 4 more 100 round crates!? Alright, in the morning we draw lots for who goes out and gets us more." No radios inside, but they could hear something on the roof and they didn't like the sounds! "Sargent Black, take your fire team up there and get rid of whatever that is."<br> <br>Seeing as she wasn't discovered yet, Edel keeps on creeping along the ground, trying to approach one of the buildings to see if it has any windows she can look through.<br> <br>Winter frowns. That didn't sound like good news at all. And she was alone up there too. Better send some backup! Which would be.. well, herself. With a groan, she pushes off the ground, hoping she has the energy to reach the roof. "Being outside the bubble sucks.." she mutters under her breath as her wings strain to lift her weight.<br> <br>Hearing that broadcast, Savi begins moving again, heading towards Buz's new perch. Aiming for the side of the building rather than any door, Savi's crawl takes on a slightly faster (but not much) pace. 'Got hot, they aren't playing Buz' the plant whispers ito her com.<br> <br>Observing what is going on around hir, Alta decides to do something couragous and also probably foolish. Shi picks up hir pace and soon enough is running full speed towards the building, hoping hir plan would work.<br> <br>As Dio listens to the speakers further, it seems they might not be too keen on waisting ammo upon him just yet. Or perhaps he just wasn't close enough. Deciding to bite the bullet would could say, the lion presses onwards towards the building with his hands in the air, once again hoping they may recognize his peaceful gesture. "Watch out," Dio says over his comm directed towards his teammates. "Try not to seem like raiders. If we start breaking in, firing, and running about, then it'll be certainly hard to explain."<br> <br>Buzamu listening to the audio blasting, Buzamu sighes and shakes her head.  "Roger that Savi" She mutters, but keeps the rubber .50 cal caseless rounds loaded.  If they're just Guardsmen and women, she didn't want to go around killing them.  Disabling?  Yes.  Taking a deep breath, she tries to open the door, and finding it locked, growls.  Time to do what she did back in Fallujah.  Kick in doors and sweep rooms.  Pressing the barrel of her KAC Masterkey against where about's she'd figure the hinges would be, she takes a deep breath, and fires one, pump the slide, place in the second spot, fire two, pump the slide, turn around, and kick the door to see if it budges.<br> <br>Edel glances over at the solar panels, then at her comm and frowns. Bit of a choice to make, then. While the other handle negotiations, she makes her way towards the solar panels and shoves her drone behind one of them so it doesn't stick out while she settles down behind another to see how they're secured.<br> <br>With the roof door open, lots of sudden movement outside, things get a little more tense inside! "What!? They are advancing?? PFC Chalmers, get over to building 3 and tell those sleeping, we've recieved contact, our base is being sieged, I need all hands up and in whatever armor they still have that works. Take aim, fire when read! Don't waste a round!" However a few rounds are wasted shooting at Savi, but not at Alta, taking a hit direct to the shoulder. Seeing Dio though, and knowing the Mic was still on, the girl talks, "Help! They've had us locked up in here for a couple of years! If you are sane, like the ones before-" SMACK, and click.
Meanwhile Edel gets a very startling surprise. As both she and her bot take their postions, a very quite 'click' can be heard, the ground under Edel's paws sinking slightly.<br> <br>Buzamu growls, and stays against the now open door.  "Corporal Herrick!  US MARINES!  STAND DOWN GOD DAMN IT!" She barks into the stairwell, fully expecting to receive fire from someone jumpy as fuck inside.<br> <br>All stealth abandoned, Savi hops up and runs full speed toward the building, and reaching it, continues to run straight up the wall as if it was a flat surface. Two hands being used to draw her laser cannon, the others to help in her ascent. "always the hard way..." she grumbles.<br> <br>Edel goes rigid for a moment, fur standing on end. She's set enough traps to be paranoid, so whens he hears the click she tries to leap up and grab onto the solar panel. Anything to keep her off the ground right now. The shiel drone dutiful hovers over and takes point for her, leaving the tanuki between the panel and the drone.<br> <br>Winter approaches the doorway from the side, taking position opposite of Buzamu. Extending her hands, she extends her claws for some added grip. If someone decides to come through the door, she's prepared to grab them and toss them off the roof.<br> <br>As shi runs, Alta gets hit in the shoulder. Not letting it slow hir down, Alta continues to run towards the windows, now with hir baton back at staff sized. "RaaaaaaaaaaaaarGH!" Shi yells as shi leaps towards the window, staff first. Smashing through the glass, Alta rolls and quickly stands looking at any in the room shi just blatantly entered, poised and ready for close quarters combat if need-be.<br> <br>Was that a woman getting hit? A woman getting hit AND being held against her will? Dio's gentlemanly blood and honor simply couldn't stand for such dishonorable actions. While he didn't want to go and shoot up the place, he certainly wouldn't stand-by and let an atrocity go unanswered for. Making his way towards the building the lion attempts to shout as loudly as his powerful leonine lungs can take his voice. "WE'RE NOT RAIDERS," he shouts, hoping perhaps his teammates can hear him to. "THERE'S NO NEED FOR SUCH VIOLENCE. WE JUST WANT TO TALK."<br> <br>As Buzamu shouts down the stairs, a female voice answers, a lamp being turned on and shing up, "Sargent Black, 2nd platoon, of Bravo Company, 160th Infantry Regiment, you stand down! LT. Smith has command of this facilty! Drop your weapons and come inside." she says up
Meanwhile Alta's entrace is recived by a few lamps directed toward hir, 3 total, but many more firearms, "Don't move, you are a captive of the Bulldogs, make a move, and you will be braught down." Says a male voice from behind one of the lamps. Should alta have good eyes and military knowleage, this is a SFC talking to hir.
Edel manages to avoid getting blown in half, but her footpaws and legs are ripped up, drone taking a good bit of the blast, disabled off to the side
"Give me that!" comes the LT's voice again, "You are on ground held under marshal law, get back to whatever hole you crawled out of and stay there till the government, whoever the hell is running it now, pulls its head out of its ass and restores order."<br> <br>Edel grimaces and mutters many angry words, as is custom of her in such situations. "Fff. Blood for blood, dammit. I'm going to split them all." Legs mostly out of order, she maneuvers around with her arms to set up on the panel, drawing forth that mystical little handgun of hers, deciding she can just shoot at whatever comes into line of sight.<br> <br>Buzamu rolls her eyes.  "Sargeant, you REALLY do NOT want to piss me off right now.  You get the Lieutenant out here, right the fuck now, or you and yours are gonna be having a VERY bad day.  You should be able to tell he's snapped!" She barks down, knowing this could go back rather quickly.  Flicking her rifle from SAFE to SEMI, she also turns on teh flashlight.  "I served two tours in Iraq, and after Fallujah, I really REALLY fucking hate CQC, but damned if I didn't get good at it!"<br> <br>Sliding to the top of the building and hearing the commotion on the coms, Savi growls inwardsly, rather than going to assist Buz, she turns to the buildings edge, powers up her Harvester cannon and waits for the first pool fool to exit a building, thus letting her know which one is building 3.<br> <br>Perhaps as he thought, they seemed to be humans doing their best to survive the apocolypse with what's worked so far; Using little discrimination combined with an itchy trigger finger. However, those hostages be another problem... With his hands still in the air, Dio calmly walks towards the window Alta broke in, "I'm moving in," he says, warning the soliders within so they hopefully won't fire on him. "My weapon is on my back. I can't shoot." With a few more steps, the lion reveals himself in the window, arms raised and eyes peeking in. "We have knowledge from the outside world if we could simply sit down and talk without shooting at each other."<br> <br>Winter snorts. "They're never going to listen to reason. You ready?" she asks with a slight grin. Not bothering to wait for a response, the succubus takes a deep breath and barreles down the stairs, descending on any targets like the terrifying demon she looks like. Claws extended, fangs bared, she guns for the closest target she finds.<br> <br>Deciding that sitting around just wasn't going to do it for her, Edel stows her pistol again and sees about tending to her legs, hoping to get them in working order again. A swordsman without legs is no good, afterall.<br> <br>Alta nods and slowly puts hir weapon down. Standing back up, Alta puts hir hands behind hir head and grins. "You may be in charge, but I know one thing. this day is going to end badly for somebody in the room. And I am going to do my best to make sure it is not me." With that, Alta rips hir hands from hir head, sending out an electrical pulse that filled the room. One pulse was all shi sent, and hopefully that would be enough.

Revision as of 23:46, 3 January 2014





Far outside the safety of the bubble, a pair of Promethians, strong Clydsdale Studs, pull a pair of carts with the agent volunteers inside. If they are successful, the carts will then be used to bring back the injured and perhaps some of the before mentioned solar panels. The area is very vibrant, green, though not too many trees about. Brush dominate the area, as well as tall grasses. In the not too far distance is the facility itself. It seems that weather, time, and raiders have not been kind to the place. Stopping there, the pair of workers from New Dawn look back, "We will stay under cover here, come back if you need or when you've found our borthers and sisters. It would be a bonus to recover some usable parts, but we are more worried about our people." Says the bigger of the two.

Hopping off the ride excited and happy, Saviante skitters around in small concentric circles as she waits for the group to get off the carts. Her shemagh and goggles off, Savi's prismatic tattoos gleam on her face as she eyes left and right excitedly. "comeoncomeoncomeoncomeoncomeon." she mumbles to no one at all aimlessly running her four hands over her gear to constantly check for readiness. With a brief pause and moment of clairity, she turns to the others assembled with an honest look. "We should scout first, wandering in could be very very bad."

A tallish talakai looks up at some of the other then smiles. "So what's the plan?" shi says as shi steps down out of the cart. The talakai looks around with hir hand on what looks like a small baton, ready in case an ambush is waiting.

Edel hops off of the cart, her drone in tow as it hovers quietly. "Feels good to be outside again! Not as many ridiculous mutant things. But I agree, scouting would be handy. Unless any of you are good at it, I'd be happy to." She adjusts her straw hat, glancing up at the sky. "Not much in the way of cover, though, that's for sure. Maybe I'm small enough to hide in the tall grass to jump out at unsuspecting people."

After taking a rather heavy bite of some tough looking food and a handy purifying tablet, a silver lion shivers slightly as his body and skin hardens a bit to better protect against attacks. Putting the rest of the food away, Dio leans back to enjoy the slow cart ride, occasionally looking over his trusty shotgun that would hopefully go unneeded. "Whatever works," he says, scooting himself off the cart in a rather dignified manner. "But I believe if we stick together in a somewhat spread out formation, all should be well if we look out for bandits. Did we ever get the last known coordinates of the second team?"

Buzamu chuckles at Saviante's actions. "Hyper much?" She asks, jumping off teh back of the cart. Thing was almost worse than a duece-and-a-half on a shitty road. Which Iraq had a lot of. "God what I wouldn't give for a proper vehicle to drive around these days. I really do hope RSX, Z, and hte Prommies get that plan of theirs off the ground. Radio chatter's been getting heavier lately about it." She says, looking over the area around them.

Figuring that there were likely to be civies around, and being that they were most definitely NOT in a nanite bubble, well, that made it paramount to be careful on fire. Ejecting the magazine in her rifle, Buzamu also pulls back the 'bolt' to extract the live caseless round she had chambered. Once this was done, tapping her inside forearm mounted tablet, popped open one of the magazine compartments in the breastplate of her armor, and puts in the magazine, and pulls out one with a blue tape wrapped around it near the Magpul grip. That handled, she loaded it and nodded.

"So, want me to get airborne, see what I can see?" Buzamu asks, looking over those assembled. It was definitely time for them to keep this operation moving, and well, out here, not exactly a lot of cover.

Winter disembarks. The demoness looking very uncomfortable outside the only home she's known. Inside the bubble that is. She stretches her wings before folding them back as she sniffs the air they stir up. "Well, this'll be lovely I'm sure. Just what do these things we're looking for actually look like?" she squints in the sunlight. "Think I can fly out here? I've never been.. outside." she finishes.

The studs look to each other, "The last known location was in the the facility itself, and no idea where exactly. The best bet would be to scout out the area and figure things out, from there however, we are not sure what would be best." says the fully male one, the herm one nodding back. "And the plant is right, careful out here, we wouldn't want the humans spooking." Shi says. Nothing much to go on yet.

Turning to Winter, Savi points to the buildings in the distance. "Long, flat, black glass, metal frame. Should be rather large." With that she turns and faces the buildings and watches, two hands shielding her eyes, two planted firmly on her hips. "If you fly be careful, they may have rifles. If the buildings are not flat, burned, or overgrown, you can expect them to be inhabited." Her stare unbroken, Savi lets her vision take in not only the buildings, but the surrounding area, watching not for anything specific, but the tellings of life. A glint or more importantly, the telling hint of movement. Speaking to only herself, Savi frowns. "Ironically... we should have come at dark."

Edel flips a switch on her sword's scabbard and flashes a smile. "Well, I'm ready for whatever! Though I do think Dio is right about us sticking together. It would be wise."

Buzamu nods. "Agreed. And if you think you can help me spot trouble from above missy, that'll help a bunch. Having an extra pair of eyes has not hurt once." She says, looking at Winter and then back to the rest. "Sounds like a solid plan. The pair of us above, teh rest below? We'll try and keep each other aware of what we see and and pick up, that way we can reduce the likelyhood of ambush and miscommunication. If these folks are still 'natural' humans, they're likely to think us ferals, though our equipment and gear would indicate otherwise."

Alta watches and listens, doing a preliminary check of hir surroundings. Satisfied with the lack of things shi sees, Alta glows brightly for a moment. When the light fades, instead of a talakai, an anthro phoenix is in its place. "I have no problems flying in. Plus I have a few abilities that could aid with our goal." Concentrating, Alta looks over the group, smiling at each of them. Shi says mentally to the whole group.

"Remember," Dio comments, strapping his shotgun upon his back while looking towards the other member of the party, "We're dealing with individuals who might be holding the other team hostage as far as we know. They could be murderous bandits that would love to take a few potshots at winged lady. Or maybe they're misunderstood humans with an itchy trigger finger trying to survive the apocalypse. Either way, let us begin heading towards the building." With an adjustment of his suitcoat and a tap upon his heavy armor just underneath, the lion squints his eyes at the building in the distance. "It's also quite difficult to fly outside the bubble. Either way, we should start moving soon before it gets too dark."

Winter shrugs faintly and rubs her neck with her hand "I suppose we should try to keep the sun in their eyes then." she says, glancing down at her quite non-existant equipment and then back to Buzamu. With a slight grin she tests her wings for a brief spell "Well, I'll do my best not to get shot then!" she says with a laugh as she crouches down and pushes off, lifting herself off the ground with a few powerful strokes of her rather large wings.

She stops just shy of the treetops trying to atleast get some view of the area to make sure she's not going to get shot down. She doesn't stay for long, she was not quite built to hover, after all, and she quickly descends again to report.

Alta looks to the others and nods. The baton in hir hand grows to a full sized staff, with a stylized blade at one end. Alta quickly moves towards the trees, in search of what little cover is available. If things did not go to plan, then shi would at least have some battlefield advantage, however slight it is.

The weather overhead, with the partial clouds, threatens a storm, the late afternoon sun setting slowly behind the building. Everything looks fairly still right now, only the wind criscrossing moving the grasses around, the few branches and the bushes.

Savi Takes her shemagh out of her pack and places it swiftly around her face, knowing full well the unsettling effect her 'mouth' can have on others. Her face now covered, she folds two of hr arms neatly behind her back, the others she holds out slightly away from her sides, palms up and open. Nodding towards Dio she agrees. "Then we should probably get started." She says and calmy, and slowly, begins 'walking' toward the compound.

Buzamu nods at Dio, and with strong flaps of her wings, gets airborne, realizing that powered flight was going to be a right pain in teh air. The air was still, which mean not nearly as many opertunities to glide for extended periods. Sadly, she doesn't have an eagle's sight, so she can't fly as high as she'd like and still see enough details to keep an eye out. As it is, Buzamu at this point can still be easily seen as a person with wings, but it's tricky. Then again, there's also that storm brewing, so Buzamu is wanting to stay low enough to hte ground to dive should the air start feeling overly electrified.

Edel pulls the brim of her hat lower. If it rains, at least she's prepared! She sets off after Savi, a rather content expression on her face. "Maybe we'll even make some new friends out here! Who knows!"

"Very well," Dio nods, watching Winter and Buz shoot up into the air. "I'll take the more direct approach and walk towards the building. I suggest others should probably take a more stealthy route so we can have a few aces up our sleve. Consider us the distraction I suppose." With another tuck at his suit-coat, the silver lion begins making his way towards the facility, keeping his eyes and ears open for any potential dangers.

Not spotting anything that's an immediate threat, Winter takes to the skies again, following the draconic womans example. Using her wings to simply launch herself above the treetops, glide for a little bit and then gently fall down, catching her breath before doing the same thing again.

Seeing a pair of mutants taking flight, someone decides that is threat enough. A pair of shots ring out from somewhere in the facility, intent on striking the pair. Buzamu's hit square in the leg, while Winter's armor takes the hit. There was hardly any flash, and very little sound as well. Another shot rings out, this one pointed toward the ground, but, without good visuals on the ground force, it was wild, or warning shot at best!

Buzamu hisses, and focuses on teh task at hand. "We got a sniper out there, I say again, sniper in the AO." Buzamu barks through the radio, looking towards teh building trying to spot the shooter while still keeping aerial coverage of the ground team with her lazy gliding laps, occasionally flapping her wings to give her a bit of altitude to maintain same.

Winter is a bit startled by getting hit. Still, it seemed her comrade had it worse. Her protective instincts kicking in, she concentrates, hardening her natural armor further and flaps her wings, trying to make herself a juicy target to draw the fire away while doing some evasive action. Hopefully she could lure the attacker out and the rest could find where the shots came from.

Savi scans the windows, her lower arms going to the grip of her laser cannon. "Dammit..." she whispers softly. Not stopping her advance Saviante raises her voice to a shout. "We are not hostile unless you want us that way. We seek parley." at this point the plant stops her forward movement and stands still, calmly waiting for some answer.

Alta makes it to the trees and runs along the tree line. Upon hearing the shots fired, Alta freezes and looks around. With the sky getting dark it would be hard for hir to see where exactly the shots came from. Slowly and quietly shi makes hir advance next to the trees, stopping again to let hir staff go back to baton sized so shi would seem less threatening. Stepping away from the trees, Alta caustiously moves towards Savi. The last thing Alta wanted was to get hirself or one of the others hurt.

Dio hears the first shot ring out and could only guess it was directed towards the flying pair. His leonine ears twitch about, watching the rather wide shot cross his path and attempting to find where it came from. Perhaps the shot originated from the closest building, but he certainly wasn't very sure. It wasn't worth betting on. They don't seem too keen on violently gunning the party down, but rather ward off what they feel are a threat. With a cough, the feline holds up his hands in the air, hoping to come across as little as a threat as possible as he advances slightly forward, trying to see if he could get that shooter to spot his peaceful gesture.

Edel stops beside Savi, then reconsiders and shuffles a few paces off to the side, in case she gets shot at. "Hopefully this doesn't get ugly, hmm?" She looks about for some kind of patch of grass tall enough for her to hide in.

An interesting sound comes from the facility, it sounded like the hum of an entertainment system being powered up. Not long after that, everyone's ears are assulted by some very very badly song Madonna, Like a Virgin. From the brush and trees a great deal of animals, coyotes, rabbits, wolves, foxes, and even a few mutants go running! Then from somewhere in the distance, a long howl can be hard, a few other noise joining it. The 'music' is earsplitting to those with more animalistic hearing!

Alta puts hir hands over hir heads and slowly kneals on the ground. "Whoever is in there, please we just want some help. We mean no harm." With that, shi puts hir hands on hir ears to make it so that hir brain would not want to implode from the horrible, horrible, music.

Winter is too tired to keep up her airborn dance for too long and finally touches down in the open, still presenting herself as a juicy target if someone decides to open fire. She puts her fingers in her ears and winces. Thankfully she's not exactly gifted in the ear department but it's still painful to hear.

With his leonine ears enhanced by another mutational power, Dio's surrendering hands descend down to cover them in a desperate attempt to escape the awful singing the very best he could. He remembered clearly the day that song came out, never much a fan for the tones of Madonna or her songs, especially sung by someone with a ghostly whail. He could only hope the banshee would tire so he could be free from such torture.

Taking that as her answer, Savi begins swaying slightly, at first seemingly erraticly, until after a moment it becomes obvious she is swaying with the wind. Crouching low in the grass, she begins to walk-crawl at an agnle perpendicular to the compound. Her legvines creeping and her arms slowly digging her fingers into the dirt. Her progress toward the buildings slow, but stead as her path curves toward the building and slightly away from the others. With a soft sigh she thinks to herself... why must it always be the hard way?

Buzamu groans, shaking her head. "Psychological warfare, and badly done too." She mutters, glad her hearing wasn't too sensitive. "Ground team, Buzamu. I'm going to glide closer, see if I can't get eyes on the personnel operating that place." She says over the radio, before tilting herself enough to cease her 'laps' around the team, and starts flying towards teh facility. She was the only flyer still up, but only because she hadn't decided to do any fancy flying manuvers.

As the animals disperse and Winter lands, the 'singing' stops, but whomever it was didn't have the foresight to turn the speakers off. The same voice, which is now known to be a mid Alto, "Think they are gone now?" she says, though the mic must not be close enough to hear whomever responds, "My throat is sore, besides, that should have pushed them away if they were more of those insane freeks, and if they aren't-" She is cut off, "Look, the military failed to get into those cities, just because you walk in here and-" SLAP, the sound of skin hitting skin was clear enough. Then a male voice, "Sir! She didn't turn the mic-" click.

Edel tilts her head as the awful singing stops, rubbing her cheek. "That's... Going to give me a headache later, I know that much. But at least they're not openly hostile! They just think we're ferals!" She drops low to the ground, decreasing her profile even further and slinks towards the facility.

Winter blinks a few times in stunned suprise before she suddenly, and comically, crouches down low, deciding that perhaps.. perhaps it's best not to be seen. Moving as quick as she can and keeping a low profile, as good as an over two meter tall succubus can do, she makes her way as quick as she can to the building in a straight line.

Seeing both Edel and Winter begin moving for the buildings, the plant freezes aside from her almost imperceptible swaying with the wind. Counting on the others to be a decent distraction, she focuses on just not being seen. Movement can wait until more events unfold.

With the ear-shanking music over, Alta stands up and and quickly runs towards the building. With no obvious weapon in hir hand, Alta advances towards the building. After a few moments hir run becomes a fast walk and then a normal walking pace.

"Phew," Dio exhasberates, taking a heavy breath after the awful singing finally stops. Certainly an effective method for scaring off any ferals or wild animals for that matter. The conversation within that blasts over the speakers makes the lion chuckle a bit, but it was time for business! Smoothing out his suit, he makes his way further into the facility in a calm fashion, not caring too much if he's discovered. Hopefully with such an attire, they'd maybe think a little before firing upon him.

Buzamu groans, definitely knowing she'd need ot train more outside a bubble with her flying to be sure of being able to hold herself aloft for longer periods, damn. Settling on the highest building, she winces a fair bit as her leg wants to just collapse as the pressure of her weight settles on the wound in her knee. "Fuck that's gonna suck." She growls, before standing and pushing towards the roof accessway. "This is Corporal Herrick, US Marines to anyone inside with a working radio. I'm on the roof. I have a loaded rifle, and I will engage personnel attempting to attack myself when I enter. I say again, this is Corporal Herrick of the US Marines to anyone inside listening, I am entering the building from teh roof and will engage anyone showing hostility towards me." She says, turning her radio to general broadcasting, making sure anyone inside could hear her if they had their radio's on.

As Dio and Alta approch calmly, the speakers come back to life, "And be quick about it, bitch, don't want to waste the power this place has stored up." says a rather young male voice. The woman singing before, speeks, "Go away, we don't have anything you want, just leave." she says. "Por favor, deje, regresa de donde viniste. Umm... yes I remember, just give me a minute. S'il vous pla�t... umm... laissez, retournez d'o� vous venez." Whomever is running the speaker today really should be given another job, as more information leaks out, "The California National Guard owns you, owns this facility, and owns whomever sets foot in here, understand! I run this platoon, the governer gave me my commission and unit just two months before this all fucked up! How many rounds we have left. Only 4 more 100 round crates!? Alright, in the morning we draw lots for who goes out and gets us more." No radios inside, but they could hear something on the roof and they didn't like the sounds! "Sargent Black, take your fire team up there and get rid of whatever that is."

Seeing as she wasn't discovered yet, Edel keeps on creeping along the ground, trying to approach one of the buildings to see if it has any windows she can look through.

Winter frowns. That didn't sound like good news at all. And she was alone up there too. Better send some backup! Which would be.. well, herself. With a groan, she pushes off the ground, hoping she has the energy to reach the roof. "Being outside the bubble sucks.." she mutters under her breath as her wings strain to lift her weight.

Hearing that broadcast, Savi begins moving again, heading towards Buz's new perch. Aiming for the side of the building rather than any door, Savi's crawl takes on a slightly faster (but not much) pace. 'Got hot, they aren't playing Buz' the plant whispers ito her com.

Observing what is going on around hir, Alta decides to do something couragous and also probably foolish. Shi picks up hir pace and soon enough is running full speed towards the building, hoping hir plan would work.

As Dio listens to the speakers further, it seems they might not be too keen on waisting ammo upon him just yet. Or perhaps he just wasn't close enough. Deciding to bite the bullet would could say, the lion presses onwards towards the building with his hands in the air, once again hoping they may recognize his peaceful gesture. "Watch out," Dio says over his comm directed towards his teammates. "Try not to seem like raiders. If we start breaking in, firing, and running about, then it'll be certainly hard to explain."

Buzamu listening to the audio blasting, Buzamu sighes and shakes her head. "Roger that Savi" She mutters, but keeps the rubber .50 cal caseless rounds loaded. If they're just Guardsmen and women, she didn't want to go around killing them. Disabling? Yes. Taking a deep breath, she tries to open the door, and finding it locked, growls. Time to do what she did back in Fallujah. Kick in doors and sweep rooms. Pressing the barrel of her KAC Masterkey against where about's she'd figure the hinges would be, she takes a deep breath, and fires one, pump the slide, place in the second spot, fire two, pump the slide, turn around, and kick the door to see if it budges.

Edel glances over at the solar panels, then at her comm and frowns. Bit of a choice to make, then. While the other handle negotiations, she makes her way towards the solar panels and shoves her drone behind one of them so it doesn't stick out while she settles down behind another to see how they're secured.

With the roof door open, lots of sudden movement outside, things get a little more tense inside! "What!? They are advancing?? PFC Chalmers, get over to building 3 and tell those sleeping, we've recieved contact, our base is being sieged, I need all hands up and in whatever armor they still have that works. Take aim, fire when read! Don't waste a round!" However a few rounds are wasted shooting at Savi, but not at Alta, taking a hit direct to the shoulder. Seeing Dio though, and knowing the Mic was still on, the girl talks, "Help! They've had us locked up in here for a couple of years! If you are sane, like the ones before-" SMACK, and click.

Meanwhile Edel gets a very startling surprise. As both she and her bot take their postions, a very quite 'click' can be heard, the ground under Edel's paws sinking slightly.

Buzamu growls, and stays against the now open door. "Corporal Herrick! US MARINES! STAND DOWN GOD DAMN IT!" She barks into the stairwell, fully expecting to receive fire from someone jumpy as fuck inside.

All stealth abandoned, Savi hops up and runs full speed toward the building, and reaching it, continues to run straight up the wall as if it was a flat surface. Two hands being used to draw her laser cannon, the others to help in her ascent. "always the hard way..." she grumbles.

Edel goes rigid for a moment, fur standing on end. She's set enough traps to be paranoid, so whens he hears the click she tries to leap up and grab onto the solar panel. Anything to keep her off the ground right now. The shiel drone dutiful hovers over and takes point for her, leaving the tanuki between the panel and the drone.

Winter approaches the doorway from the side, taking position opposite of Buzamu. Extending her hands, she extends her claws for some added grip. If someone decides to come through the door, she's prepared to grab them and toss them off the roof.

As shi runs, Alta gets hit in the shoulder. Not letting it slow hir down, Alta continues to run towards the windows, now with hir baton back at staff sized. "RaaaaaaaaaaaaarGH!" Shi yells as shi leaps towards the window, staff first. Smashing through the glass, Alta rolls and quickly stands looking at any in the room shi just blatantly entered, poised and ready for close quarters combat if need-be.

Was that a woman getting hit? A woman getting hit AND being held against her will? Dio's gentlemanly blood and honor simply couldn't stand for such dishonorable actions. While he didn't want to go and shoot up the place, he certainly wouldn't stand-by and let an atrocity go unanswered for. Making his way towards the building the lion attempts to shout as loudly as his powerful leonine lungs can take his voice. "WE'RE NOT RAIDERS," he shouts, hoping perhaps his teammates can hear him to. "THERE'S NO NEED FOR SUCH VIOLENCE. WE JUST WANT TO TALK."

As Buzamu shouts down the stairs, a female voice answers, a lamp being turned on and shing up, "Sargent Black, 2nd platoon, of Bravo Company, 160th Infantry Regiment, you stand down! LT. Smith has command of this facilty! Drop your weapons and come inside." she says up

Meanwhile Alta's entrace is recived by a few lamps directed toward hir, 3 total, but many more firearms, "Don't move, you are a captive of the Bulldogs, make a move, and you will be braught down." Says a male voice from behind one of the lamps. Should alta have good eyes and military knowleage, this is a SFC talking to hir.

Edel manages to avoid getting blown in half, but her footpaws and legs are ripped up, drone taking a good bit of the blast, disabled off to the side

"Give me that!" comes the LT's voice again, "You are on ground held under marshal law, get back to whatever hole you crawled out of and stay there till the government, whoever the hell is running it now, pulls its head out of its ass and restores order."

Edel grimaces and mutters many angry words, as is custom of her in such situations. "Fff. Blood for blood, dammit. I'm going to split them all." Legs mostly out of order, she maneuvers around with her arms to set up on the panel, drawing forth that mystical little handgun of hers, deciding she can just shoot at whatever comes into line of sight.

Buzamu rolls her eyes. "Sargeant, you REALLY do NOT want to piss me off right now. You get the Lieutenant out here, right the fuck now, or you and yours are gonna be having a VERY bad day. You should be able to tell he's snapped!" She barks down, knowing this could go back rather quickly. Flicking her rifle from SAFE to SEMI, she also turns on teh flashlight. "I served two tours in Iraq, and after Fallujah, I really REALLY fucking hate CQC, but damned if I didn't get good at it!"

Sliding to the top of the building and hearing the commotion on the coms, Savi growls inwardsly, rather than going to assist Buz, she turns to the buildings edge, powers up her Harvester cannon and waits for the first pool fool to exit a building, thus letting her know which one is building 3.

Perhaps as he thought, they seemed to be humans doing their best to survive the apocolypse with what's worked so far; Using little discrimination combined with an itchy trigger finger. However, those hostages be another problem... With his hands still in the air, Dio calmly walks towards the window Alta broke in, "I'm moving in," he says, warning the soliders within so they hopefully won't fire on him. "My weapon is on my back. I can't shoot." With a few more steps, the lion reveals himself in the window, arms raised and eyes peeking in. "We have knowledge from the outside world if we could simply sit down and talk without shooting at each other."

Winter snorts. "They're never going to listen to reason. You ready?" she asks with a slight grin. Not bothering to wait for a response, the succubus takes a deep breath and barreles down the stairs, descending on any targets like the terrifying demon she looks like. Claws extended, fangs bared, she guns for the closest target she finds.

Deciding that sitting around just wasn't going to do it for her, Edel stows her pistol again and sees about tending to her legs, hoping to get them in working order again. A swordsman without legs is no good, afterall.

Alta nods and slowly puts hir weapon down. Standing back up, Alta puts hir hands behind hir head and grins. "You may be in charge, but I know one thing. this day is going to end badly for somebody in the room. And I am going to do my best to make sure it is not me." With that, Alta rips hir hands from hir head, sending out an electrical pulse that filled the room. One pulse was all shi sent, and hopefully that would be enough.