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&quot;We have a lot on it here, our scouts were diligent, though nothing about the interior. I saw plenty of damage on the first floor, lots of openings we could get in through, but we can&#39;t be sure where we&#39;ll encounter the undesirables.&quot; he sighs quietly and offers Shultz the file. &quot;My guess is we&#39;ll have to just run them out of the area. We&#39;re well armed and ready for such a thing, though we&#39;re not doing anything that might endanger a life until we know just how many we are dealing with. Maybe you folks can clue us in on that? You must have been dealing with them for a while now. A rough estimate would help too.&quot;<br> <br>Meanwhile Nekura is dreaming of possible lewdness to come. Then again she&#39;s pretty sure she&#39;s never done anything with a hyena, either, so this should be most interesting if it comoes to that kind of result. The ~_~ remains as Otto and the human talk.<br> <br>Firecracker quickly looks around for the mentioned veggies, darting over to land next to them and grab up a carrot!  She then plops down on her rump and starts munching away, not really caring about boring things like coming up with a plan!  &quot;Yuh!  It&#39;sh that big one wid all da wuhndahs obah dat way!&quot; she affirms through a mouthful of food, waving a foreleg in the general direction of the computer science building even as she continues to munch and crunch little bites out of the carrot longer than her whole body.<br> <br>Setrian continues his watch, but calls over to the humans &quot;Do you have more men posted outside? I saw some movement.&quot; He states, it being the first time he spoke around them. His axe is drawn while he speaks, again with his overly cautious nature.<br> <br>Prof. Shultz takes the document provided to him by Otto and begins to look it over, &quot;These are desturbingly acurrate.&quot; he comments. &quot;We hadn&#39;t known about your scouts... give the one our traps injured our apologies.&quot; he says as he examines the document. Prof. Shultz looks through the document quietly for a few moments longer.  
&quot;We have a lot on it here, our scouts were diligent, though nothing about the interior. I saw plenty of damage on the first floor, lots of openings we could get in through, but we can&#39;t be sure where we&#39;ll encounter the undesirables.&quot; he sighs quietly and offers Shultz the file. &quot;My guess is we&#39;ll have to just run them out of the area. We&#39;re well armed and ready for such a thing, though we&#39;re not doing anything that might endanger a life until we know just how many we are dealing with. Maybe you folks can clue us in on that? You must have been dealing with them for a while now. A rough estimate would help too.&quot;<br> <br>Meanwhile Nekura is dreaming of possible lewdness to come. Then again she&#39;s pretty sure she&#39;s never done anything with a hyena, either, so this should be most interesting if it comoes to that kind of result. The ~_~ remains as Otto and the human talk.<br> <br>Firecracker quickly looks around for the mentioned veggies, darting over to land next to them and grab up a carrot!  She then plops down on her rump and starts munching away, not really caring about boring things like coming up with a plan!  &quot;Yuh!  It&#39;sh that big one wid all da wuhndahs obah dat way!&quot; she affirms through a mouthful of food, waving a foreleg in the general direction of the computer science building even as she continues to munch and crunch little bites out of the carrot longer than her whole body.<br> <br>Setrian continues his watch, but calls over to the humans &quot;Do you have more men posted outside? I saw some movement.&quot; He states, it being the first time he spoke around them. His axe is drawn while he speaks, again with his overly cautious nature.<br> <br>Prof. Shultz takes the document provided to him by Otto and begins to look it over, &quot;These are desturbingly acurrate.&quot; he comments. &quot;We hadn&#39;t known about your scouts... give the one our traps injured our apologies.&quot; he says as he examines the document. Prof. Shultz looks through the document quietly for a few moments longer.  
James looks over when Setrian calls to them. He walks over to the big fox and shakes his head, &quot;We have a few more people but none of them should be on this side of the building... they can&#39;t be that clever, can they?&quot; he says looking down the staircase with his rifle prepared.<br> <br>&quot;Ah, that we will.&quot; he nods and sighs quietly. &quot;Well, I think I&#39;ll just round the group up and we&#39;ll see how we can best approach this. Hell, it might be easier than we thought.&quot; The otter goes quiet for a moment, listening to what was happening around himself. He looks over towards Setrian and James, interest piqued once the human had raised his weapon. &quot;Everything alright?&quot; he asks, one hand gently sliding towards the hilt of his chainsword. What danger could there be around here? They were in a secure camp! ...then again, this was the age in which the unexpected is always expected.<br> <br>Nekura doesn&#39;t appear to notice whatever is happening between James and Setrian at the moment. Then again she might as well have a set of headphones on and be listening to music for all the more she&#39;s paying the hoomans mind.<br> <br>Firecracker looks over to the others as they start to gear up, tilting her head a bit in curiosity while she continues to chew.  She lets the carrot drop back down and takes to the air, headed over towards the entrance to get a better view of what&#39;s going on behind them.<br> <br>Setrian follws cautiously after firecracker, being careful to note any potential threats as he makes his way over to where the movement was he had seen. glad to have the support of the pony, as he had seen her in combat before.<br> <br>Prof. Shultz takes a few steps past the stove to the door as Benjamin and Jack rush over to James. The three of them line up, ready to shoot in a formation resembling a formation that would be used in warfair around the time of Napolean. Jack looks over to Setrian and Otto, &quot;We&#39;ve got to make sure they don&#39;t get to the acutal camp. If you want to help you can head down and check if it is wildlife or cr- ferals.&quot; he says.<br> <br>Realizing that something was indeed afoot, the otter cracks his knuckles and draws his blade with an audible *ssshink*. &quot;Alright, let&#39;s see what it is, then.&quot; Brushing past the others, the otter heads out the door and down the stairs, all senses on alert for what it was that&#39;d drawn their attention like that. &quot;Ain&#39;t got time for no smelly feral to be sneaking around...&quot; he grumbles quietly and heads towards the source of the noise.<br> <br>Oh boy action! As if on cue Nekura snaps out of her ~_~ face and goes to follow after the others as if nothing had been going on. Hopefully the fact she&#39;s in-heat won&#39;t go pulling a bunch of horny feral hyenas on the party!<br> <br>Firecracker stays right on top of the otter as he bolts down the stairs and out of the building, literally.  She lands right on top of his head and rides him as he moves, still chewing her dinner while her sensitive little eyes and ears nose stay on alert.<br> <br>Setrian steps outside, moving over to where he imagines the source of the shadow he had seen to be, constantly scanning the surroundings, checking the ground for tracks as he goes.<br> <br>The trio of Humans stay in their position, ready to fire on anything that tries to asend the stairs. Benjamin nods as Otto and Firecracker head down. When he is quickly followed by the Nightmare James lowers his rifle for just a moment and looks over to his compatriots then returns to looking down the sights as Setrian moves down, leaving only humans on the second floor. As the party exits the building they see a single hermaphradidic hyena with jet black fur. The hyena, noticing them, barks, yaps, and snarls at them. This hyena having been caught in whatever it is that it was going by the woodland the party had come from on the far side of the humans building from the CompSci builing backs away, defencively as it sees it&#39;s outnumbered.<br> <br>Seeing the feral back away, Otto sighs quietly and covers his face with one paw. &quot;So I guess this is what we&#39;re dealing with.&quot; he notes, then steps forward towards the creature. *ssshink* he puts his blade away, moves away from the camp exit as best he can and and waves one arm at it &quot;Shooo! Off with you!&quot; he exclaims, not feeling the need to have to butcher a single feral right then and there. They had no purpose for that one straggler, so what&#39;s the point? Might as well send her back to her den of ferals, that is if she&#39;d actually shoo off.<br> <br>Figuring it wouldn&#39;t go well to have one of the hyenas get mauled by the traps if they&#39;re going to be investigating the ferals Nekura goes to beckon the herm closer the way she almost always does; by putting on an Erotic Dance to draw them closer. Of course one they&#39;re near the smell of her heat /should/ help keep the other mutant locked on her though at this point she might well pounce them first. How does she keep getting in these long periods of not getting laid anyways?<br> <br>&quot;No wait!  Don&#39;t shoo!  There&#39;s a buncha traps and stuff in the shooing place!&quot; Firecracker say to the feral and Otto at the same time.  &quot;But after you don&#39;t shoo, ya gotta tell everyone else to shoo to somewhere else, cause ya keep scaring the people living over here!&quot;  She waves a hoof behind her, gesturing towards the building they just left and the people inside.<br> <br>Setrian is about to go to chase the feral, but is suddenly caught off guard by the dancing nightmare. Her heat wafts towards him and ignites the fires of his loins. He is stunned for a while as he simply observes, just on the edge of pouncing nekura himself!<br> <br>The hyena seeing a heavily armed Otter trying to shoo it off on one side and a sexy Nightmare danceing erotically on the other the choice is pretty clear. The Hyena aproaches Nekura, clearly growing excited by her scent and display. The hyena comes close looking like it&#39;s about to tackle the Nightmare and begin humping.<br> <br>Otto&#39;s glance wanders between himself and the mutant. He finds himself locking his gaze onto Nekura, only to rip it away momentarily. Cursed be these animal instincts. Normally he&#39;d be all over her in an instant, but they had a job to do! Reaching into his pockets, the otter pulls out a small pill bottle filled with white colored tablets. He lifts the bottle up against his muzzle and downs one of them. A few moments pass, and he feels that accursed male need pass away, crushed by the drug&#39;s potent effect. It was a lot easier to watch Nekura now, and there was no denying that she was quite the seductress. &quot;While you lot are doing that, I&#39;ll scout ahead and see what we&#39;re dealing with.&quot; he announces, then takes towards the building.<br> <br>&quot;Agh!&quot; squeals Nekura though it&#39;s not so much a sound of surprise so much as.. wait no it was surprise. It was the GOOD kind thouh not the sort she often makes when being run over by things like giant metal balls and shot with guns. The Nightmare doesn&#39;t offer any struggle as the herm tackles her to the ground and just kind of acceptingly wraps her arms around them, moaning out as she tries to angle their tip into her pussy.<br> <br>&quot;Oooo, I didn&#39;t know you brought candy!&quot; Firecracker says as she watches Otto take a pill, then goes back to watching Nekura and the hyena get down to business.  Without leaving Otto&#39;s head, she simply rotates a bit on top of it to continue watching as he leaves, bringing her with him.  &quot;Have fun peoples!  We gotta go do that thing we&#39;re s&#39;posedta do!  Then I wanna play too!&quot; she calls out to them, waving a foreleg goodbye before turning back around and scoping out her new surroundings.<br> <br>Setrian growls with feral rage as he hefts the puny hyena up before slamming it down on its back. He glares at the pitiful creature and looks back towards nekura. The fenrir is torn between the options of savagely taking the herm in front of him, or claiming the nightmare behind.. He squeezes the throat of the hyena with his strong grip as he struggles to decide, looking between the two to see which would be able to actually physically accept his large rods as he pulls them out.<br> <br>Cerl wakes up in the corner where she had been keeping watch on the humans, and stretches.  The cover she was hiding behind seems to have done the trick, because noone found her while she was napping.  Hearing the commotion outside, she tries to reactivate her vanishing nanomagic and then slips silently out to see what is going on.  With a grimace of distaste at Nekura&#39;s antics, Cerl turns away and walks over by Otto.  &quot;Good morning.&quot; she says quietly.  &quot;Sorry I couldn&#39;t stay awake all night keeping an eye on our...hosts.  Morning Firecracker.  So, that&#39;s one of the ferals we&#39;re dealing with?  Looks a lot smaller than the one I saw last night...kind of a runt compared to what I saw.  If that is one of the hyenas, probably got driven out of the pack for being weak.&quot;  Shrugging, she flips a dismissive paw at the lust crazed group, deciding they&#39;re not worth her time when there are more important issues at hand.<br> <br>Cerl checks that her vanishing nanomagic is still active and then slips silently out to see what is going on.  She had been relaxing unseen in a dark corner, lightly napping while the group dealth with the humans.  With a grimace of distaste at Nekura&#39;s antics, Cerl turns away and walks over by Otto.  &quot;So, that&#39;s one of the ferals we&#39;re dealing with?  Looks a lot smaller than the one I saw in the building over there...kind of a runt compared to what I saw.  If that is one of the hyenas, probably got driven out of the pack for being weak.&quot;  Shrugging, she flips a dismissive paw at the lust crazed group, deciding they&#39;re not worth her time when there are more important issues at hand.<br> <br>With the noise coming from the ground floor the trio of humans Ben, Jack, and James, make their way down the staircase in formation and look out one of the busted windows to the building their camp is in to see the giant Fenrir Wolf standing over a Hyena and his Nightmare ally. Not sure of how this will unfold they keep their rifles ready. As Otto Cerl and Fire aproach the building they see all the windows on the first floor busted, alternating between in and out at random, and several of the doors to the rooms being busted in with hyenas fucking in those rooms while other hyenas roam the halls.<br> <br>&quot;Yeah, it is. It might have gotten booted out, or it might have just wandered in. Who knows, who cares.&quot; the otter shrugs and opens his briefcase. The mechanisms within click and clank as he unfolds it fully, revealing the reason it is so heavy and metallic. Fully opened up, the two halves of it form into a reliable bulletproof shield that covers most of the otter&#39;s body should he crouch down behind it. &quot;Alright Fire, we&#39;re doing this the easy way. No fancy schemes, no half-boiled plots, no wasting several hours sitting there brainstorming the next course of action. You, me and Cerl are just gonna smack these ferals around until they take a hint and buzz off.&quot; he says with a grin, shield in one hand, uzi in the other. His glance wanders back to Cerl &quot;It&#39;s nothing we haven&#39;t handled before, love. So...&quot; *thump* the otter&#39;s heavy boot strikes the ground, shattering the silence and drawing attention to them. He aims at the nearest target and pulls the trigger, unleashing a volley of bullets its way.<br> <br>Nekura isn&#39;t entirely amused at being !peen so it&#39;s not surprising she ends up trying to shove Sestian off the hyena that was attempting to plow her. The Nightmare didn&#39;t even manage to slip the other mutant into position successfully so she&#39;s especially annoyed for all that effort put to waste. On the other hand her pushing someone outside the bubble probably won&#39;t go very well even though the pony is normally pretty stronk. &quot;Mine!&quot; she growls at the wolf. Ironic given she used to have one for a boss at the Red Court.<br> <br>Firecracker looks down at Otto as he gives the plan, then looks up to the building full of hyenas with a wild grin plastered on her face.  &quot;Now that&#39;s my kinda planning!&quot; she cheers while engulfing herself in flames with her Fiery Hide, pulling out a pair of red, triangular shades and a cape to put on.  &quot;You go low and I&#39;ll go high!  Meet in the middle!&quot; she says, leaping up off Otto&#39;s head to dash up into the third floor through a window.  The tiny pony literally sparks with energy as she enters the building, looking around to whoever or whatever is inside.  &quot;Alright!  Everyone out!  Ya wanna do this the easy way or the hard way?&quot; she shouts out, waiting for a response from anyone nearby.<br> <br>Setrian picks up the nightmare, all but tossing her on top of the hyena so they are face to face, then he plunges into any holes he can fit in, getting his rocks off on both of them before he leaves them there, picking up his axe and then going to join the assault on the building, his instincts saying that there are plenty of others he can likewise enjoy, and fight as well.<br> <br>Cerl stays out of the way of the gunfire, slipping around the building to look for any other ways in, or for any other places that will need to be cleared out.<br> <br>As the party begins their assault on the CompSci building they begin to hear loud barking and howling from deeper in the building. The trio of fucking hyenas in one of the rooms collapsed out of sight with pained yips and squiels in response to Ottos gunfire. The hyena wondering the hall sprints around a corner only to return two seconds later with four friends who spread out leaping out of the building and running down the hall on theit aproach to the party.<br> <br>&quot;Come on, then!&quot; Otto grins and puts away his uzi. *sssshink* goes his blade as it leaves its sheathe, shield upon his other arm as he readies himself for a glorious charge! His blade strikes the hard metal surface of the shield and he lets off a bellowing roar as he charges right in! With the metallic barrier raised before himself, he rams right into the first of the canines in his way, knocking it out of the way with all his strength and likely shattering several bones in his wake. The long blade in his hand swings to catch two others in the wide arc of his attack, slicing one across the chest and another across the arm, leaving deep wounds and pushing them back. Still surrounded by several more, the otter steels himself and readies for another attack!<br> <br>Nekura seems to go out of her way to be the largest dicktease ever since the moment she&#39;s flopped on the hyena she rolls over to cockblock Setrian from using her either to get off or onto in any way. Then again she came here to help disrupt the sentry(ies) not get ridden by another agent. She can do that any ol&#39; time at the lobby after all. Of course the moment he goes away the female tries to wrap her legs around the herm and let them resume what they were doing. By now it shouldn&#39;t be too hard for them to hit the mark with the Nightmare on bottom and all.
James looks over when Setrian calls to them. He walks over to the big fox and shakes his head, &quot;We have a few more people but none of them should be on this side of the building... they can&#39;t be that clever, can they?&quot; he says looking down the staircase with his rifle prepared.<br> <br>&quot;Ah, that we will.&quot; he nods and sighs quietly. &quot;Well, I think I&#39;ll just round the group up and we&#39;ll see how we can best approach this. Hell, it might be easier than we thought.&quot; The otter goes quiet for a moment, listening to what was happening around himself. He looks over towards Setrian and James, interest piqued once the human had raised his weapon. &quot;Everything alright?&quot; he asks, one hand gently sliding towards the hilt of his chainsword. What danger could there be around here? They were in a secure camp! ...then again, this was the age in which the unexpected is always expected.<br> <br>Nekura doesn&#39;t appear to notice whatever is happening between James and Setrian at the moment. Then again she might as well have a set of headphones on and be listening to music for all the more she&#39;s paying the hoomans mind.<br> <br>Firecracker looks over to the others as they start to gear up, tilting her head a bit in curiosity while she continues to chew.  She lets the carrot drop back down and takes to the air, headed over towards the entrance to get a better view of what&#39;s going on behind them.<br> <br>Setrian follws cautiously after firecracker, being careful to note any potential threats as he makes his way over to where the movement was he had seen. glad to have the support of the pony, as he had seen her in combat before.<br> <br>Prof. Shultz takes a few steps past the stove to the door as Benjamin and Jack rush over to James. The three of them line up, ready to shoot in a formation resembling a formation that would be used in warfair around the time of Napolean. Jack looks over to Setrian and Otto, &quot;We&#39;ve got to make sure they don&#39;t get to the acutal camp. If you want to help you can head down and check if it is wildlife or cr- ferals.&quot; he says.<br> <br>Realizing that something was indeed afoot, the otter cracks his knuckles and draws his blade with an audible *ssshink*. &quot;Alright, let&#39;s see what it is, then.&quot; Brushing past the others, the otter heads out the door and down the stairs, all senses on alert for what it was that&#39;d drawn their attention like that. &quot;Ain&#39;t got time for no smelly feral to be sneaking around...&quot; he grumbles quietly and heads towards the source of the noise.<br> <br>Oh boy action! As if on cue Nekura snaps out of her ~_~ face and goes to follow after the others as if nothing had been going on. Hopefully the fact she&#39;s in-heat won&#39;t go pulling a bunch of horny feral hyenas on the party!<br> <br>Firecracker stays right on top of the otter as he bolts down the stairs and out of the building, literally.  She lands right on top of his head and rides him as he moves, still chewing her dinner while her sensitive little eyes and ears nose stay on alert.<br> <br>Setrian steps outside, moving over to where he imagines the source of the shadow he had seen to be, constantly scanning the surroundings, checking the ground for tracks as he goes.<br> <br>The trio of Humans stay in their position, ready to fire on anything that tries to asend the stairs. Benjamin nods as Otto and Firecracker head down. When he is quickly followed by the Nightmare James lowers his rifle for just a moment and looks over to his compatriots then returns to looking down the sights as Setrian moves down, leaving only humans on the second floor. As the party exits the building they see a single hermaphradidic hyena with jet black fur. The hyena, noticing them, barks, yaps, and snarls at them. This hyena having been caught in whatever it is that it was going by the woodland the party had come from on the far side of the humans building from the CompSci builing backs away, defencively as it sees it&#39;s outnumbered.<br> <br>Seeing the feral back away, Otto sighs quietly and covers his face with one paw. &quot;So I guess this is what we&#39;re dealing with.&quot; he notes, then steps forward towards the creature. *ssshink* he puts his blade away, moves away from the camp exit as best he can and and waves one arm at it &quot;Shooo! Off with you!&quot; he exclaims, not feeling the need to have to butcher a single feral right then and there. They had no purpose for that one straggler, so what&#39;s the point? Might as well send her back to her den of ferals, that is if she&#39;d actually shoo off.<br> <br>Figuring it wouldn&#39;t go well to have one of the hyenas get mauled by the traps if they&#39;re going to be investigating the ferals Nekura goes to beckon the herm closer the way she almost always does; by putting on an Erotic Dance to draw them closer. Of course one they&#39;re near the smell of her heat /should/ help keep the other mutant locked on her though at this point she might well pounce them first. How does she keep getting in these long periods of not getting laid anyways?<br> <br>&quot;No wait!  Don&#39;t shoo!  There&#39;s a buncha traps and stuff in the shooing place!&quot; Firecracker say to the feral and Otto at the same time.  &quot;But after you don&#39;t shoo, ya gotta tell everyone else to shoo to somewhere else, cause ya keep scaring the people living over here!&quot;  She waves a hoof behind her, gesturing towards the building they just left and the people inside.<br> <br>Setrian is about to go to chase the feral, but is suddenly caught off guard by the dancing nightmare. Her heat wafts towards him and ignites the fires of his loins. He is stunned for a while as he simply observes, just on the edge of pouncing nekura himself!<br> <br>The hyena seeing a heavily armed Otter trying to shoo it off on one side and a sexy Nightmare danceing erotically on the other the choice is pretty clear. The Hyena aproaches Nekura, clearly growing excited by her scent and display. The hyena comes close looking like it&#39;s about to tackle the Nightmare and begin humping.<br> <br>Otto&#39;s glance wanders between himself and the mutant. He finds himself locking his gaze onto Nekura, only to rip it away momentarily. Cursed be these animal instincts. Normally he&#39;d be all over her in an instant, but they had a job to do! Reaching into his pockets, the otter pulls out a small pill bottle filled with white colored tablets. He lifts the bottle up against his muzzle and downs one of them. A few moments pass, and he feels that accursed male need pass away, crushed by the drug&#39;s potent effect. It was a lot easier to watch Nekura now, and there was no denying that she was quite the seductress. &quot;While you lot are doing that, I&#39;ll scout ahead and see what we&#39;re dealing with.&quot; he announces, then takes towards the building.<br> <br>&quot;Agh!&quot; squeals Nekura though it&#39;s not so much a sound of surprise so much as.. wait no it was surprise. It was the GOOD kind thouh not the sort she often makes when being run over by things like giant metal balls and shot with guns. The Nightmare doesn&#39;t offer any struggle as the herm tackles her to the ground and just kind of acceptingly wraps her arms around them, moaning out as she tries to angle their tip into her pussy.<br> <br>&quot;Oooo, I didn&#39;t know you brought candy!&quot; Firecracker says as she watches Otto take a pill, then goes back to watching Nekura and the hyena get down to business.  Without leaving Otto&#39;s head, she simply rotates a bit on top of it to continue watching as he leaves, bringing her with him.  &quot;Have fun peoples!  We gotta go do that thing we&#39;re s&#39;posedta do!  Then I wanna play too!&quot; she calls out to them, waving a foreleg goodbye before turning back around and scoping out her new surroundings.<br> <br>Setrian growls with feral rage as he hefts the puny hyena up before slamming it down on its back. He glares at the pitiful creature and looks back towards nekura. The fenrir is torn between the options of savagely taking the herm in front of him, or claiming the nightmare behind.. He squeezes the throat of the hyena with his strong grip as he struggles to decide, looking between the two to see which would be able to actually physically accept his large rods as he pulls them out.<br> <br>Cerl wakes up in the corner where she had been keeping watch on the humans, and stretches.  The cover she was hiding behind seems to have done the trick, because noone found her while she was napping.  Hearing the commotion outside, she tries to reactivate her vanishing nanomagic and then slips silently out to see what is going on.  With a grimace of distaste at Nekura&#39;s antics, Cerl turns away and walks over by Otto.  &quot;Good morning.&quot; she says quietly.  &quot;Sorry I couldn&#39;t stay awake all night keeping an eye on our...hosts.  Morning Firecracker.  So, that&#39;s one of the ferals we&#39;re dealing with?  Looks a lot smaller than the one I saw last night...kind of a runt compared to what I saw.  If that is one of the hyenas, probably got driven out of the pack for being weak.&quot;  Shrugging, she flips a dismissive paw at the lust crazed group, deciding they&#39;re not worth her time when there are more important issues at hand.<br> <br>Cerl checks that her vanishing nanomagic is still active and then slips silently out to see what is going on.  She had been relaxing unseen in a dark corner, lightly napping while the group dealth with the humans.  With a grimace of distaste at Nekura&#39;s antics, Cerl turns away and walks over by Otto.  &quot;So, that&#39;s one of the ferals we&#39;re dealing with?  Looks a lot smaller than the one I saw in the building over there...kind of a runt compared to what I saw.  If that is one of the hyenas, probably got driven out of the pack for being weak.&quot;  Shrugging, she flips a dismissive paw at the lust crazed group, deciding they&#39;re not worth her time when there are more important issues at hand.<br> <br>With the noise coming from the ground floor the trio of humans Ben, Jack, and James, make their way down the staircase in formation and look out one of the busted windows to the building their camp is in to see the giant Fenrir Wolf standing over a Hyena and his Nightmare ally. Not sure of how this will unfold they keep their rifles ready. As Otto Cerl and Fire aproach the building they see all the windows on the first floor busted, alternating between in and out at random, and several of the doors to the rooms being busted in with hyenas fucking in those rooms while other hyenas roam the halls.<br> <br>&quot;Yeah, it is. It might have gotten booted out, or it might have just wandered in. Who knows, who cares.&quot; the otter shrugs and opens his briefcase. The mechanisms within click and clank as he unfolds it fully, revealing the reason it is so heavy and metallic. Fully opened up, the two halves of it form into a reliable bulletproof shield that covers most of the otter&#39;s body should he crouch down behind it. &quot;Alright Fire, we&#39;re doing this the easy way. No fancy schemes, no half-boiled plots, no wasting several hours sitting there brainstorming the next course of action. You, me and Cerl are just gonna smack these ferals around until they take a hint and buzz off.&quot; he says with a grin, shield in one hand, uzi in the other. His glance wanders back to Cerl &quot;It&#39;s nothing we haven&#39;t handled before, love. So...&quot; *thump* the otter&#39;s heavy boot strikes the ground, shattering the silence and drawing attention to them. He aims at the nearest target and pulls the trigger, unleashing a volley of bullets its way.<br> <br>Nekura isn&#39;t entirely amused at being !peen so it&#39;s not surprising she ends up trying to shove Sestian off the hyena that was attempting to plow her. The Nightmare didn&#39;t even manage to slip the other mutant into position successfully so she&#39;s especially annoyed for all that effort put to waste. On the other hand her pushing someone outside the bubble probably won&#39;t go very well even though the pony is normally pretty stronk. &quot;Mine!&quot; she growls at the wolf. Ironic given she used to have one for a boss at the Red Court.<br> <br>Firecracker looks down at Otto as he gives the plan, then looks up to the building full of hyenas with a wild grin plastered on her face.  &quot;Now that&#39;s my kinda planning!&quot; she cheers while engulfing herself in flames with her Fiery Hide, pulling out a pair of red, triangular shades and a cape to put on.  &quot;You go low and I&#39;ll go high!  Meet in the middle!&quot; she says, leaping up off Otto&#39;s head to dash up into the third floor through a window.  The tiny pony literally sparks with energy as she enters the building, looking around to whoever or whatever is inside.  &quot;Alright!  Everyone out!  Ya wanna do this the easy way or the hard way?&quot; she shouts out, waiting for a response from anyone nearby.<br> <br>Setrian picks up the nightmare, all but tossing her on top of the hyena so they are face to face, then he plunges into any holes he can fit in, getting his rocks off on both of them before he leaves them there, picking up his axe and then going to join the assault on the building, his instincts saying that there are plenty of others he can likewise enjoy, and fight as well.<br> <br>Cerl stays out of the way of the gunfire, slipping around the building to look for any other ways in, or for any other places that will need to be cleared out.<br> <br>As the party begins their assault on the CompSci building they begin to hear loud barking and howling from deeper in the building. The trio of fucking hyenas in one of the rooms collapsed out of sight with pained yips and squiels in response to Ottos gunfire. The hyena wondering the hall sprints around a corner only to return two seconds later with four friends who spread out leaping out of the building and running down the hall on theit aproach to the party.<br> <br>&quot;Come on, then!&quot; Otto grins and puts away his uzi. *sssshink* goes his blade as it leaves its sheathe, shield upon his other arm as he readies himself for a glorious charge! His blade strikes the hard metal surface of the shield and he lets off a bellowing roar as he charges right in! With the metallic barrier raised before himself, he rams right into the first of the canines in his way, knocking it out of the way with all his strength and likely shattering several bones in his wake. The long blade in his hand swings to catch two others in the wide arc of his attack, slicing one across the chest and another across the arm, leaving deep wounds and pushing them back. Still surrounded by several more, the otter steels himself and readies for another attack!<br> <br>Nekura seems to go out of her way to be the largest dicktease ever since the moment she&#39;s flopped on the hyena she rolls over to cockblock Setrian from using her either to get off or onto in any way. Then again she came here to help disrupt the sentry(ies) not get ridden by another agent. She can do that any ol&#39; time at the lobby after all. Of course the moment he goes away the female tries to wrap her legs around the herm and let them resume what they were doing. By now it shouldn&#39;t be too hard for them to hit the mark with the Nightmare on bottom and all.<br> <br>Firecracker spots only a single hyena on the third floor, who turns and dashes away the instant it sees her!  &quot;Well, that was easy...&quot; she says to herself with a shrug as combat starts outside.  &quot;Dang, sounds like he&#39;s getting all the fun!&quot; she continues to nobody in particular as she gives chase, keeping her ears perked for any others as she follows behind him.<br> <br>Setrian charges in, letting out a battlecry that is mostly a howl as he spots the nearest feral, whacking it with the blunt side of his axe to stun it before aiming for the killing blow, as he fights, clarity returns to his mind, and he recalls his lessons when learning how to fight. He proceeds into the battle more calmly, with a surprisingly fluid grace for his size.<br> <br>Cerl finds a trail leading from the building where the fighting is going on, and follows it while employing every stealth technique she knows.  Coming to another building full of hyenas, she glances back towards where her companions are fighting, and knows that more reinforcements added to that fight could make for a very bad day.  Pulling out a pair of grenades, she pitches them into the middle of the hyenas and then takes cover while pulling out her crossbow, ready to shoot anything that survives the blasts.<br> <br>The two hyenas attacked by Otto yip and wail in pain the first dropping to the ground and the second begining to flail its claws at him in a rage. The third Hyena bowled over by the heavy but non-lethal blow from the giant wolf growls up at its opponent lunging at the wolfs ankles as it tries to get in a few bites.
Meanwhile the curious hyena who had decided to see if there was anything happening in the attic is now fleeing for his life from a sentient ball of fire chacing him down the second floor hallway. He after rounding a corner runs into two of his compatriots before the fireball catches up to it.
Having perceptively found the hyena reinforcements and sneak attacked them the first gernade chucked by the stealthy Shadow Vixen bounces off the second nearest Hyenas head just before going off downing the unlucky Hyena and the closest hyena. Then the next gernade which had been cleverly pitched just a bit further goes off throwing shrapnel into the legs of two of the other hyenas and downing the fifth leaving only an incredibly luck sixth hyena huding behind a sofa.<br> <br>The otter meets his attacker&#39;s claws head-on! The hyena ends up flailing against his heavy armor, its nails scratching the metal in vain, leaving no injuries save for a small scratch on his arm. Flinching from the injury, Otto swings right around, the fist gripping the pommel of his sword coming around to slam the poor feral&#39;s head with full force, knocking it down and out cold. That was all from that group, but fired up as he was, Otto makes straight for the building entrance. His foot impacts the door to bust it wide open and his shield comes before himself as he readies for another attack~<br> <br>Firecracker follows right behind the fleeing hyena, letting him bring her right to his buddies.  Once in range, she gives an extra hard flap of her wings, smashing herself into his back in an effort to send him spawling forward into his companions.  After the hit, she returns to a hover as she looks down on the group with a rather cocky grin on her face and one foreleg proudly jutted forth towards her opponents.  &quot;Alright!  I&#39;ve got a bucha one-way tickets to Hurtsville!  Anyone who doesn&#39;t want a free trip better clear out!&quot;<br> <br>Sensing the hyena coming around and still horny from not getting peened yet Nekura goes to roll over so that she&#39;s on top of them once again leaving her free to slot the herm&#39;s spear into her pussy. With only her doing the movement she doubts it&#39;ll be nearly as hard to get it inside herself though knowing her luck the other mutant will wake up and instinctively try to ram her down onto the hilt.<br> <br>Setrian tries to bodyslam his weakened foe, but alas he misjudged how quick they were, and his aim was off the mark, causing him to simply hit the ground.. With a couple tons of weight.<br> <br>Cerl stays hidden, watching for any movement from the building she tossed the grenades into.  If anything does show it&#39;s face, she&#39;ll be ready to put a bolt between it&#39;s eyes.<br> <br>As Otto renders his second Hyena opponent unconcious whith the first still writhing on the ground too pained to do anything of use in combat he is free to kick in the door with little trouble. With the, not locked, door kicked in they make a loud clattering noise as two Hyenas who are late to the party notice him and charge into the fray to tackle Otto. The knocked down Hyena managed to deftly dodge a multi-ton body slap that surely would have been its end then spring onto his attacker clawing at his back and neck.
Firecracker slams into the much larger Hyaenidae while it sprints to its friends she manages to tip its ballance while it wasn&#39;t caring about being at asteady pace. It flops forward onto its face in a rather emarassing display in fron of its friends who find this whole situation rather funny and treat Fire to the mocking Hyena laugh.
A short distance from the CompSci building in the house the Hyenas den was origionally in five of them lay injured and unable to battle and the sixth cowering behind the only cover it has terrified at the spontanious explosions of his friends.<br> <br>The otter spots the two immediately and readies himself. He lowers his shield and runs right into them, ramming into one with his shoulder, letting the other try its best to claw at his metal armor! He could feel claws scratching the surface, one claw digging into his leg on the way down, bypassing the plating and digging into the flesh before releasing. The spikes upon him impale the hyena he&#39;d tackled, forcing whines and cries out of the poor mutant as the otter runs and rams it right into a wall! Turning right around, Otto swings his shield to strike his other attacker, slamming the heavy metal surface into the mutant&#39;s front, his mighty swing sending it flying back from the impact! &quot;Bah...&quot; he huffs and looks down at the streams of crimson dripping down the plating of his leg armor. T&#39;was but a scratch, but a deep one nonetheless.<br> <br>Knowing the hyena was likely not too focused on sex right now Nekura decides to fix that by doing something simple yet quite lewd by thrusting down onto its cock with her pussy. The Nightmare does her best to take a lot of the other mutant on that first movement, too, wanting to snap the herm back to paying attention to her. Of course with how big the thing was she was having a little trouble doing so with as much speed as she wanted. Then again it&#39;s not too hard for the feral to just reach up and grab hold of her rump to pull her down even harder either. Meanwhile she grabs hold of their head and mooshes it into her boobies, trying to keep the scout nice and distracted while the others are raided.<br> <br>Firecracker responds with a shrug.  &quot;Hurtsville it is then,&quot; she says with a laugh of her own, &quot;Glad ya wanted me to have some fun!&quot;  She flares out her wings, increases the flames around her, and dashes right into one of the hyena&#39;s faces, impacting with a massive explosion of fire for everyone nearby as she connects hoof to snout.<br> <br>Setrian rolls onto his front and tries to kick the hyena away, but misses. Even so, he uses the space created to roll farther away until he has room to stand.

Revision as of 03:16, 22 June 2017





When we last saw the party they had natigated to the campus. Having exited the bubble with no trouble at all, disarmed or avoided the traps in the woodland between them and their destination and arrived on campus to encounter a small group of armed, unmuted, humans. The humans, whom the party decided to both try sneaking around and talking to, said to those who talk to them that their names were James, Benjamin, and Jack.

Now the trio of humans leads the party through the building they entered and up a staircase to the second floor. James explains, "We keep everything off the first floor so it's harder for the crazies... what you called ferals to raid." as he ascends the stairs. They lead the party down another hallway to a large room.

Looking around this room it is apparent this was once a classroom. The room is large and still has desks and a few intact chairs in it though they're not positioned as would be for a lecture. Instead they're used to create sub-rooms within the classroom, at least two of them obviously bedrooms. In the center of the room is something that almost appears to be a jurry-rigged stove made largely of bunson burners.

An older man looks up from making some adjustment to the stove and seeing the trio of humans leading a group of mutants to him he raises an eyebrow, "Why have you three brought a group of mutants into our home?" he asks, he sounds moderately annoyed but moreso curious to hear their answer.

Otto is the first to speak up. He steps forward confidently and begins to explain, "I assure you, we are simply passing through, sir. We are interested in retaking the CompSci building, our benefactors back in Fairhaven are very interested in its contents, so they've sent us to see if it is quite possible to dispose of the erm... undesirables." the otter's paws move as his words flow out. "I understand that my group may appear a bit... well... inhuman, much like myself, but rest assured we will be out of your hair in no time. However, in light of the circumstances, perhaps we could be of assistance to one another in doing what needs doing to dispose of the 'crazies' as you call them?"

Nekura had conveniently shrunken her male parts! Conviently because Nekura would probably be trying to lewd Firecracker right now due to having been in the middle of Rut when she removed it. Besides, if all else fails and she needs to lewd the hyenas into submission it's not like the Nightmare can't return it with the same device. As the human talks she just ~_~ faces, waiting for Otto (and the others) to finish.

Firecracker rides around on Otto's head throughout the little tour, still keeping her Distributed Nanomagic active as the group travels. Once they arrive at their final destination, she hops right off Otto's head to zip on over to the man who addressed them, stoppping in a hover only a foot from his face. "Hiya! I'm Firecracker! And those're my friends! We're in here for some dinner!" she says excitedly before quickly adding, "Aaand to see how we're gunna go to that other building or something! But dinner for sure! Do ya have any chimichangas?"

Setrian just follws the rest of the group, taking position by the staircase just in case, being both guard and lookout. one of his ears swivel to listen in on the conversation, but for the most part he is keeping watch. Perhaps he was being overly cautious, but these lands were far from friendly to them after all.

The older man smiles when Otto steps forward and speaks. He is momentarily distracted by Firecracker when she flutters over to him he examines her with the practiced eyes of a biologist. He humms lightly as he examines the tiny creature in front of him then once it appears he's done examining her he turns his attention back to Otto. He smiles and says, "It is good to hear that you want to help. I am Professor Shultz. I've been helping keep the survivors here safe." He gestures for the group to aproach and says, "We have some vegitables and anything you'd want to contribute." he sits in front of this makeshift stove and adds, "If you're going to be retaking the building we should probably talk about how best to do so. You've gotten a glimpse of it, yes? The three story building just down the path."

"Well..." the otter rubs the nape of his neck, a smirk still tugging his lips after seeing Firecracker's antics. He turns to his team for a moment, unsure if they'd all seen the structure, then looks back towards the esteemed professor. Placing his metallic suitcase atop the nearest usable surface, Otto opens it up. The locking mechanisms clack and release the lid, internal workings click click clicking as he opens it up, revealing several small compartments within, and one larger one where he'd stashed the file. *clank* the case is shut, and the file is once more within Otto's hands. He opens it up and rubs his chin for a moment,

"We have a lot on it here, our scouts were diligent, though nothing about the interior. I saw plenty of damage on the first floor, lots of openings we could get in through, but we can't be sure where we'll encounter the undesirables." he sighs quietly and offers Shultz the file. "My guess is we'll have to just run them out of the area. We're well armed and ready for such a thing, though we're not doing anything that might endanger a life until we know just how many we are dealing with. Maybe you folks can clue us in on that? You must have been dealing with them for a while now. A rough estimate would help too."

Meanwhile Nekura is dreaming of possible lewdness to come. Then again she's pretty sure she's never done anything with a hyena, either, so this should be most interesting if it comoes to that kind of result. The ~_~ remains as Otto and the human talk.

Firecracker quickly looks around for the mentioned veggies, darting over to land next to them and grab up a carrot! She then plops down on her rump and starts munching away, not really caring about boring things like coming up with a plan! "Yuh! It'sh that big one wid all da wuhndahs obah dat way!" she affirms through a mouthful of food, waving a foreleg in the general direction of the computer science building even as she continues to munch and crunch little bites out of the carrot longer than her whole body.

Setrian continues his watch, but calls over to the humans "Do you have more men posted outside? I saw some movement." He states, it being the first time he spoke around them. His axe is drawn while he speaks, again with his overly cautious nature.

Prof. Shultz takes the document provided to him by Otto and begins to look it over, "These are desturbingly acurrate." he comments. "We hadn't known about your scouts... give the one our traps injured our apologies." he says as he examines the document. Prof. Shultz looks through the document quietly for a few moments longer.

James looks over when Setrian calls to them. He walks over to the big fox and shakes his head, "We have a few more people but none of them should be on this side of the building... they can't be that clever, can they?" he says looking down the staircase with his rifle prepared.

"Ah, that we will." he nods and sighs quietly. "Well, I think I'll just round the group up and we'll see how we can best approach this. Hell, it might be easier than we thought." The otter goes quiet for a moment, listening to what was happening around himself. He looks over towards Setrian and James, interest piqued once the human had raised his weapon. "Everything alright?" he asks, one hand gently sliding towards the hilt of his chainsword. What danger could there be around here? They were in a secure camp! ...then again, this was the age in which the unexpected is always expected.

Nekura doesn't appear to notice whatever is happening between James and Setrian at the moment. Then again she might as well have a set of headphones on and be listening to music for all the more she's paying the hoomans mind.

Firecracker looks over to the others as they start to gear up, tilting her head a bit in curiosity while she continues to chew. She lets the carrot drop back down and takes to the air, headed over towards the entrance to get a better view of what's going on behind them.

Setrian follws cautiously after firecracker, being careful to note any potential threats as he makes his way over to where the movement was he had seen. glad to have the support of the pony, as he had seen her in combat before.

Prof. Shultz takes a few steps past the stove to the door as Benjamin and Jack rush over to James. The three of them line up, ready to shoot in a formation resembling a formation that would be used in warfair around the time of Napolean. Jack looks over to Setrian and Otto, "We've got to make sure they don't get to the acutal camp. If you want to help you can head down and check if it is wildlife or cr- ferals." he says.

Realizing that something was indeed afoot, the otter cracks his knuckles and draws his blade with an audible *ssshink*. "Alright, let's see what it is, then." Brushing past the others, the otter heads out the door and down the stairs, all senses on alert for what it was that'd drawn their attention like that. "Ain't got time for no smelly feral to be sneaking around..." he grumbles quietly and heads towards the source of the noise.

Oh boy action! As if on cue Nekura snaps out of her ~_~ face and goes to follow after the others as if nothing had been going on. Hopefully the fact she's in-heat won't go pulling a bunch of horny feral hyenas on the party!

Firecracker stays right on top of the otter as he bolts down the stairs and out of the building, literally. She lands right on top of his head and rides him as he moves, still chewing her dinner while her sensitive little eyes and ears nose stay on alert.

Setrian steps outside, moving over to where he imagines the source of the shadow he had seen to be, constantly scanning the surroundings, checking the ground for tracks as he goes.

The trio of Humans stay in their position, ready to fire on anything that tries to asend the stairs. Benjamin nods as Otto and Firecracker head down. When he is quickly followed by the Nightmare James lowers his rifle for just a moment and looks over to his compatriots then returns to looking down the sights as Setrian moves down, leaving only humans on the second floor. As the party exits the building they see a single hermaphradidic hyena with jet black fur. The hyena, noticing them, barks, yaps, and snarls at them. This hyena having been caught in whatever it is that it was going by the woodland the party had come from on the far side of the humans building from the CompSci builing backs away, defencively as it sees it's outnumbered.

Seeing the feral back away, Otto sighs quietly and covers his face with one paw. "So I guess this is what we're dealing with." he notes, then steps forward towards the creature. *ssshink* he puts his blade away, moves away from the camp exit as best he can and and waves one arm at it "Shooo! Off with you!" he exclaims, not feeling the need to have to butcher a single feral right then and there. They had no purpose for that one straggler, so what's the point? Might as well send her back to her den of ferals, that is if she'd actually shoo off.

Figuring it wouldn't go well to have one of the hyenas get mauled by the traps if they're going to be investigating the ferals Nekura goes to beckon the herm closer the way she almost always does; by putting on an Erotic Dance to draw them closer. Of course one they're near the smell of her heat /should/ help keep the other mutant locked on her though at this point she might well pounce them first. How does she keep getting in these long periods of not getting laid anyways?

"No wait! Don't shoo! There's a buncha traps and stuff in the shooing place!" Firecracker say to the feral and Otto at the same time. "But after you don't shoo, ya gotta tell everyone else to shoo to somewhere else, cause ya keep scaring the people living over here!" She waves a hoof behind her, gesturing towards the building they just left and the people inside.

Setrian is about to go to chase the feral, but is suddenly caught off guard by the dancing nightmare. Her heat wafts towards him and ignites the fires of his loins. He is stunned for a while as he simply observes, just on the edge of pouncing nekura himself!

The hyena seeing a heavily armed Otter trying to shoo it off on one side and a sexy Nightmare danceing erotically on the other the choice is pretty clear. The Hyena aproaches Nekura, clearly growing excited by her scent and display. The hyena comes close looking like it's about to tackle the Nightmare and begin humping.

Otto's glance wanders between himself and the mutant. He finds himself locking his gaze onto Nekura, only to rip it away momentarily. Cursed be these animal instincts. Normally he'd be all over her in an instant, but they had a job to do! Reaching into his pockets, the otter pulls out a small pill bottle filled with white colored tablets. He lifts the bottle up against his muzzle and downs one of them. A few moments pass, and he feels that accursed male need pass away, crushed by the drug's potent effect. It was a lot easier to watch Nekura now, and there was no denying that she was quite the seductress. "While you lot are doing that, I'll scout ahead and see what we're dealing with." he announces, then takes towards the building.

"Agh!" squeals Nekura though it's not so much a sound of surprise so much as.. wait no it was surprise. It was the GOOD kind thouh not the sort she often makes when being run over by things like giant metal balls and shot with guns. The Nightmare doesn't offer any struggle as the herm tackles her to the ground and just kind of acceptingly wraps her arms around them, moaning out as she tries to angle their tip into her pussy.

"Oooo, I didn't know you brought candy!" Firecracker says as she watches Otto take a pill, then goes back to watching Nekura and the hyena get down to business. Without leaving Otto's head, she simply rotates a bit on top of it to continue watching as he leaves, bringing her with him. "Have fun peoples! We gotta go do that thing we're s'posedta do! Then I wanna play too!" she calls out to them, waving a foreleg goodbye before turning back around and scoping out her new surroundings.

Setrian growls with feral rage as he hefts the puny hyena up before slamming it down on its back. He glares at the pitiful creature and looks back towards nekura. The fenrir is torn between the options of savagely taking the herm in front of him, or claiming the nightmare behind.. He squeezes the throat of the hyena with his strong grip as he struggles to decide, looking between the two to see which would be able to actually physically accept his large rods as he pulls them out.

Cerl wakes up in the corner where she had been keeping watch on the humans, and stretches. The cover she was hiding behind seems to have done the trick, because noone found her while she was napping. Hearing the commotion outside, she tries to reactivate her vanishing nanomagic and then slips silently out to see what is going on. With a grimace of distaste at Nekura's antics, Cerl turns away and walks over by Otto. "Good morning." she says quietly. "Sorry I couldn't stay awake all night keeping an eye on our...hosts. Morning Firecracker. So, that's one of the ferals we're dealing with? Looks a lot smaller than the one I saw last night...kind of a runt compared to what I saw. If that is one of the hyenas, probably got driven out of the pack for being weak." Shrugging, she flips a dismissive paw at the lust crazed group, deciding they're not worth her time when there are more important issues at hand.

Cerl checks that her vanishing nanomagic is still active and then slips silently out to see what is going on. She had been relaxing unseen in a dark corner, lightly napping while the group dealth with the humans. With a grimace of distaste at Nekura's antics, Cerl turns away and walks over by Otto. "So, that's one of the ferals we're dealing with? Looks a lot smaller than the one I saw in the building over there...kind of a runt compared to what I saw. If that is one of the hyenas, probably got driven out of the pack for being weak." Shrugging, she flips a dismissive paw at the lust crazed group, deciding they're not worth her time when there are more important issues at hand.

With the noise coming from the ground floor the trio of humans Ben, Jack, and James, make their way down the staircase in formation and look out one of the busted windows to the building their camp is in to see the giant Fenrir Wolf standing over a Hyena and his Nightmare ally. Not sure of how this will unfold they keep their rifles ready. As Otto Cerl and Fire aproach the building they see all the windows on the first floor busted, alternating between in and out at random, and several of the doors to the rooms being busted in with hyenas fucking in those rooms while other hyenas roam the halls.

"Yeah, it is. It might have gotten booted out, or it might have just wandered in. Who knows, who cares." the otter shrugs and opens his briefcase. The mechanisms within click and clank as he unfolds it fully, revealing the reason it is so heavy and metallic. Fully opened up, the two halves of it form into a reliable bulletproof shield that covers most of the otter's body should he crouch down behind it. "Alright Fire, we're doing this the easy way. No fancy schemes, no half-boiled plots, no wasting several hours sitting there brainstorming the next course of action. You, me and Cerl are just gonna smack these ferals around until they take a hint and buzz off." he says with a grin, shield in one hand, uzi in the other. His glance wanders back to Cerl "It's nothing we haven't handled before, love. So..." *thump* the otter's heavy boot strikes the ground, shattering the silence and drawing attention to them. He aims at the nearest target and pulls the trigger, unleashing a volley of bullets its way.

Nekura isn't entirely amused at being !peen so it's not surprising she ends up trying to shove Sestian off the hyena that was attempting to plow her. The Nightmare didn't even manage to slip the other mutant into position successfully so she's especially annoyed for all that effort put to waste. On the other hand her pushing someone outside the bubble probably won't go very well even though the pony is normally pretty stronk. "Mine!" she growls at the wolf. Ironic given she used to have one for a boss at the Red Court.

Firecracker looks down at Otto as he gives the plan, then looks up to the building full of hyenas with a wild grin plastered on her face. "Now that's my kinda planning!" she cheers while engulfing herself in flames with her Fiery Hide, pulling out a pair of red, triangular shades and a cape to put on. "You go low and I'll go high! Meet in the middle!" she says, leaping up off Otto's head to dash up into the third floor through a window. The tiny pony literally sparks with energy as she enters the building, looking around to whoever or whatever is inside. "Alright! Everyone out! Ya wanna do this the easy way or the hard way?" she shouts out, waiting for a response from anyone nearby.

Setrian picks up the nightmare, all but tossing her on top of the hyena so they are face to face, then he plunges into any holes he can fit in, getting his rocks off on both of them before he leaves them there, picking up his axe and then going to join the assault on the building, his instincts saying that there are plenty of others he can likewise enjoy, and fight as well.

Cerl stays out of the way of the gunfire, slipping around the building to look for any other ways in, or for any other places that will need to be cleared out.

As the party begins their assault on the CompSci building they begin to hear loud barking and howling from deeper in the building. The trio of fucking hyenas in one of the rooms collapsed out of sight with pained yips and squiels in response to Ottos gunfire. The hyena wondering the hall sprints around a corner only to return two seconds later with four friends who spread out leaping out of the building and running down the hall on theit aproach to the party.

"Come on, then!" Otto grins and puts away his uzi. *sssshink* goes his blade as it leaves its sheathe, shield upon his other arm as he readies himself for a glorious charge! His blade strikes the hard metal surface of the shield and he lets off a bellowing roar as he charges right in! With the metallic barrier raised before himself, he rams right into the first of the canines in his way, knocking it out of the way with all his strength and likely shattering several bones in his wake. The long blade in his hand swings to catch two others in the wide arc of his attack, slicing one across the chest and another across the arm, leaving deep wounds and pushing them back. Still surrounded by several more, the otter steels himself and readies for another attack!

Nekura seems to go out of her way to be the largest dicktease ever since the moment she's flopped on the hyena she rolls over to cockblock Setrian from using her either to get off or onto in any way. Then again she came here to help disrupt the sentry(ies) not get ridden by another agent. She can do that any ol' time at the lobby after all. Of course the moment he goes away the female tries to wrap her legs around the herm and let them resume what they were doing. By now it shouldn't be too hard for them to hit the mark with the Nightmare on bottom and all.

Firecracker spots only a single hyena on the third floor, who turns and dashes away the instant it sees her! "Well, that was easy..." she says to herself with a shrug as combat starts outside. "Dang, sounds like he's getting all the fun!" she continues to nobody in particular as she gives chase, keeping her ears perked for any others as she follows behind him.

Setrian charges in, letting out a battlecry that is mostly a howl as he spots the nearest feral, whacking it with the blunt side of his axe to stun it before aiming for the killing blow, as he fights, clarity returns to his mind, and he recalls his lessons when learning how to fight. He proceeds into the battle more calmly, with a surprisingly fluid grace for his size.

Cerl finds a trail leading from the building where the fighting is going on, and follows it while employing every stealth technique she knows. Coming to another building full of hyenas, she glances back towards where her companions are fighting, and knows that more reinforcements added to that fight could make for a very bad day. Pulling out a pair of grenades, she pitches them into the middle of the hyenas and then takes cover while pulling out her crossbow, ready to shoot anything that survives the blasts.

The two hyenas attacked by Otto yip and wail in pain the first dropping to the ground and the second begining to flail its claws at him in a rage. The third Hyena bowled over by the heavy but non-lethal blow from the giant wolf growls up at its opponent lunging at the wolfs ankles as it tries to get in a few bites.

Meanwhile the curious hyena who had decided to see if there was anything happening in the attic is now fleeing for his life from a sentient ball of fire chacing him down the second floor hallway. He after rounding a corner runs into two of his compatriots before the fireball catches up to it.

Having perceptively found the hyena reinforcements and sneak attacked them the first gernade chucked by the stealthy Shadow Vixen bounces off the second nearest Hyenas head just before going off downing the unlucky Hyena and the closest hyena. Then the next gernade which had been cleverly pitched just a bit further goes off throwing shrapnel into the legs of two of the other hyenas and downing the fifth leaving only an incredibly luck sixth hyena huding behind a sofa.

The otter meets his attacker's claws head-on! The hyena ends up flailing against his heavy armor, its nails scratching the metal in vain, leaving no injuries save for a small scratch on his arm. Flinching from the injury, Otto swings right around, the fist gripping the pommel of his sword coming around to slam the poor feral's head with full force, knocking it down and out cold. That was all from that group, but fired up as he was, Otto makes straight for the building entrance. His foot impacts the door to bust it wide open and his shield comes before himself as he readies for another attack~

Firecracker follows right behind the fleeing hyena, letting him bring her right to his buddies. Once in range, she gives an extra hard flap of her wings, smashing herself into his back in an effort to send him spawling forward into his companions. After the hit, she returns to a hover as she looks down on the group with a rather cocky grin on her face and one foreleg proudly jutted forth towards her opponents. "Alright! I've got a bucha one-way tickets to Hurtsville! Anyone who doesn't want a free trip better clear out!"

Sensing the hyena coming around and still horny from not getting peened yet Nekura goes to roll over so that she's on top of them once again leaving her free to slot the herm's spear into her pussy. With only her doing the movement she doubts it'll be nearly as hard to get it inside herself though knowing her luck the other mutant will wake up and instinctively try to ram her down onto the hilt.

Setrian tries to bodyslam his weakened foe, but alas he misjudged how quick they were, and his aim was off the mark, causing him to simply hit the ground.. With a couple tons of weight.

Cerl stays hidden, watching for any movement from the building she tossed the grenades into. If anything does show it's face, she'll be ready to put a bolt between it's eyes.

As Otto renders his second Hyena opponent unconcious whith the first still writhing on the ground too pained to do anything of use in combat he is free to kick in the door with little trouble. With the, not locked, door kicked in they make a loud clattering noise as two Hyenas who are late to the party notice him and charge into the fray to tackle Otto. The knocked down Hyena managed to deftly dodge a multi-ton body slap that surely would have been its end then spring onto his attacker clawing at his back and neck.

Firecracker slams into the much larger Hyaenidae while it sprints to its friends she manages to tip its ballance while it wasn't caring about being at asteady pace. It flops forward onto its face in a rather emarassing display in fron of its friends who find this whole situation rather funny and treat Fire to the mocking Hyena laugh.

A short distance from the CompSci building in the house the Hyenas den was origionally in five of them lay injured and unable to battle and the sixth cowering behind the only cover it has terrified at the spontanious explosions of his friends.

The otter spots the two immediately and readies himself. He lowers his shield and runs right into them, ramming into one with his shoulder, letting the other try its best to claw at his metal armor! He could feel claws scratching the surface, one claw digging into his leg on the way down, bypassing the plating and digging into the flesh before releasing. The spikes upon him impale the hyena he'd tackled, forcing whines and cries out of the poor mutant as the otter runs and rams it right into a wall! Turning right around, Otto swings his shield to strike his other attacker, slamming the heavy metal surface into the mutant's front, his mighty swing sending it flying back from the impact! "Bah..." he huffs and looks down at the streams of crimson dripping down the plating of his leg armor. T'was but a scratch, but a deep one nonetheless.

Knowing the hyena was likely not too focused on sex right now Nekura decides to fix that by doing something simple yet quite lewd by thrusting down onto its cock with her pussy. The Nightmare does her best to take a lot of the other mutant on that first movement, too, wanting to snap the herm back to paying attention to her. Of course with how big the thing was she was having a little trouble doing so with as much speed as she wanted. Then again it's not too hard for the feral to just reach up and grab hold of her rump to pull her down even harder either. Meanwhile she grabs hold of their head and mooshes it into her boobies, trying to keep the scout nice and distracted while the others are raided.

Firecracker responds with a shrug. "Hurtsville it is then," she says with a laugh of her own, "Glad ya wanted me to have some fun!" She flares out her wings, increases the flames around her, and dashes right into one of the hyena's faces, impacting with a massive explosion of fire for everyone nearby as she connects hoof to snout.

Setrian rolls onto his front and tries to kick the hyena away, but misses. Even so, he uses the space created to roll farther away until he has room to stand.