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It is a cloudy day in New Dawn as Alissa, the Husky girl who briefs agents on their contracts, waits in one of the huts with her materials.<br> <br>
Cerl strolls down the New Dawn road, greeting old friends from the days when she lived there.  Stepping into the hut where Alissa waits, she nods at the husky then steps over into the shadows near the door.<br> <br>
What a wonderful time to be alive! Especially for one coyote turned otter after losing a wager with a friend. Turns out, he quite liked his new form. His life had been quite bubbly and nice, devoid of trouble and conflict ever since the change, but that only meant that Otto was now LOOKING to get in trouble. What was a life... devoid of strife? No? Today, he would be  a wonderful day to venture outside the bubble and assist in advancing some research. Inside, outside, it mattered not to Otto. He performed just as well in either area, and by now he'd spent so much time out there that it made next to no difference for him. So why not use that to benefit others?<br> <br>
On this day, Otto would find himself wandering down the road in New Dawn, heading towards the hut where the lovely husky named Alissa was waiting for them to gather. He'd worked with her before, and had gathered with others to investigate an attack on Zephyr in the very same tent. Once he enters, he chirrups a happy hello her way, shoots her a wink, then moves over to sit his rump down on the ground, crosslegged and leaned forward with his paws pressing against his knees. As more folks pooled in, Otto greeted each and every one of them individually. Clearly he was in a good mood.<br> <br>
Firecracker flits into the tent to meet up with the other agents as they arrive!  The pint-sized pink pegasus perches upon Otto's head as others are arriving in order to rest her wings, folding them to her sides.  "Hiya peoples!" she chirps out happily with a little wave, "This is the place for the thing and the stuff, right?" she asks, giving her little rump an even littler wiggle as she sits on the otter.<br> <br>
Having heard a rumor about the possibility of a laboratory, the silvery white furred fenrir is elated to join in on the mission. Setrian had never been outside the bubble, but for the sake of progress he was certainly willing to take the risk. His trusty axe at the ready, along with his generic armor fitted snugly over his form, he makes his way over to the group. He offers a wave to those he has not met, and a nod to firecracker who he was.. Familiar with. "Who's in charge of this expedition? I was hoping to lend a hand, and an axe if need be."<br> <br>
Having managed to peel herself away from the huskies Nekura is currently wandering her way towards the hutts as well though she appears to have gotten rid of her male parts again. Of course given what happened last time she was pretty sure she wouldn't need them anyways. Plus it's not like she can't just 'reattach' them if she does. Upon getting to the building the Nightmare takes a seat like always.<br> <br>
As the agents enter Alissa does a quick headcount and checks her notes. She smiles and greets Otto as 'agent 1206' as he had introduced himself as last they met. Once everyone has entered the hut she says, "Hello Agents. I am Alissa, I'll be briefing you on this contract." She fusses with her papers a moment then resumes smiling and continues, "We have found records of a pre P-Day collage campus that isn't in any known bubbles. As it is a fair distance from all bubbles we've contracted you to investigate it and if there is in fact a workable lab in one of the buildings secure it."
Alissa clears her throught and continues, "As computer tech is very sensitive we would highly recommend avoiding the use of explosive or incendiary weapons or abilities when you suspect to be in the vicinity of the laboratory." She rifles through her papers for two more moments and sets something aside, "Now do you have any questions about the contract?" she asks.<br> <br>
Stepping forward from the shadows, Cerl speaks up.  "Any known threats in the area?  What can we expect when we arrive?"<br> <br>
The otter yawns widely and blinks a few times once Firecracker perches atop his head. He wiggles his nose and holds back a sneeze, then giggles quietly and lets her be, "Hello Firecracker." he greets with a cheery tone, then averts his attention to the others entering the room. His eyes were drawn to the gigantic wolfen that enters the room. "My, you're a fat one, ain't ya?" Otto snerks "Nice axe, though. I can see you crammed a lot of effort into that thing." his ears tilt once the husky speaks up and his attention is drawn to her on the spot. Otto opens his maw to ask his question, but then his mate pops out of the shadows like she so loved doing all the time. Rolling his eyes, the otter moves right in and leans against her as she speaks. "Last time we worked together, you presented me with a folder filled with details about the structure based on scout reports. It was of immense help then, so I am wondering if you have one now? If not, that's alright. I WOULD like to know what my sneaky mate here asked as well... what can we expect in terms of resistance?"<br> <br>
Firecracker blinks at Otto's words stopping just as she was about to introduce herself!  "Hey!  How'd you know who I am?  Are you psycho or somethin'?" she asks the otter, looking down over his head with her scrutinizing gaze.  "And what's your name anyway?" she asks before sitting up once again and looking around to everyone that's shown up, "Actually, what's everybody's names?  And what do we need a folder for?!  That ruins the surprise!  Adventure!  Fun!"  By the time she finishes, she's hopping in place with excitement on Otto's head!<br> <br>
Oh boy computers. Nekura has no clue how to work them so she mostly just pays attention to details on what they're going to possibly be facing. It helps to have a clue what you're going to encounter after all. Plus it might give her an idea if she needs to change into something more 'appreciable' to the ferals.<br> <br>
Setrian raises an eyebrow at the comment from otto as he tries to listen in and gather as much information as he can. "I do have one question miss Alissa. If the lab is safely secured, do you know what it will be primarily used for?" He asks, having a vested interest, being a researcher himself.<br> <br>
As Alissa recalls the question asked of her by Setrian and replies, "I am briefing you but you are free to decide who amongst you will be leading your group." When she is asked of what resistance they may face she pats the thin folder she'd set aside a moment ago and continues, "Our scouts kept their distance from the campus to avoid detection so our intel is limited. There is evidence of Hyena strains and Human survivors in the area and our scouts encountered several traps on the approach. There are more details in their report." she says and takes the report from the podium and hands it to Otto.<br> <br>
When Setrian ask her of what the lab will be used for she blinks twice rapidly then begins to flip through her notes. After about ten seconds of looking she looks up from her notes and says, "I'm sorry I don't have the specifics of what the lab will be used for with me. I know it has something to do with researching nanites though." After a moment or so of no questions she says, "If that is all of your questions I have some supplies and a map for you. Good luck agents."<br> <br>
Cerl checks that her crossbow is in good shape, and that she has her bolt cases with her ammo with her.  Pulling a string of grenades out of the saddlebag she has slung over one shoulder, she shrugs.  They might come in handy regardless.  "How then are we getting there, do you have transportation lined up for us?"<br> <br>
Otto snickers quietly and bobs his head to help the pony bounce higher. "It's Ott... It's Toey, Fire." he snerks and giggles quietly, clearly enjoying himself and the bouncing pony on his head. He was already looking forward to digging into the upcoming assignment. Otto was as much a computer nerd as he was a fighter, so to get his paws on some old world tech? Oh, one could only dream...<br> <br>
Accepting the file, Otto opens it up and skims the information. There wasn't much to go on, but it was useful nonetheless. He nods as though to himself as his eyes scan over the papers, before closing it and giving an idle shrug. "Doesn't look that bad, alright then!" he swings one paw and offers the file around to anyone who might want to take a look.<br> <br>
"OKAY!" the otter exclaims once everyone has finished looking over the file, then checks his equipment as well. Firearms primed and ready, packed with extended magazines and spare ammunition located on the bandoleer crossing his armor-plated chest, chainsword nice and sharp upon his back, gladius swinging off his right hip, his reinforced spiked knuckles also primed for quick action... oh boy, talk about overkill. "That's all I really need to know. We have a location and a goal. We know what to expect, time to roll out! We'll be back before you can say cyka blyat." Otto states confidently.<br> <br>
Placing the files within a compartment of his briefcase, the otter steps towards the entrance of the hut and leans against the doorway, draws his blade and starts to entertain himself by trying to balance it upright on one finger.<br> <br>
Firecracker reads the information in the folder quickly as Otto looks through it, just waiting for the time when their group sets off for their epic quest.  "Cyka blyat!" she announces shortly after Otto makes his statement, then looks around with some surprise on her face.  "Woah!  You're right!  We're back already!  Fastest adventure ever!  And I don't even remember doing it!"<br> <br>
Upon hearing about hyenas Nekura twitches at the lewd thoughts of knottings that might be in her future though she decides to avoid turning into one quite so soon. After all with how twitchy trigger fingers can be they might mistake her for a real one.<br> <br>
Setrian takes a quick look through the folder, wanting to know for sure what to expect. It seems for now all they have to worry about is ferals, but you can never be too sure. He gives the folder back to otto and watches the otter stow it away "Guess we are all set to go. After you Toey." He says, trusting that the well prepared otter has experience in these matters, at the very least more than himself.<br> <br>
Alissa moves a large pack into view of the agents after Cerls question, "You will be hiking but we have provided rations for the group." she says. Cursory examination of the pack reveals it to obviously contain fruits of several types and water bottles.<br> <br>
When the party skim through the report the see the documented evidence of Hyenas and Humans in addition to sketches and written descriptions of the kinds of traps the scouts encountered. Punji Pits, noise-maker traps, and several spring-loaded traps. The report also details the injuries cause to one scout who triggered a spring-trap. Multiple piercing wounds to the torso.<br> <br>
Alissa watches the agents step out, making sure one of them at least takes the map to their destination and maintaining her pleasant smile as they prepare and head out.<br> <br>
Cerl shrugs, looking at the large pack of rations.  Slapping at her armband, she quickly shifts to her normal tauric self and sets about strapping the saddlebags she's carrying into place.  Taking the large pack of rations, she straps that on as well before stepping out to where Otto is waiting.  "Sounds like my skills should come in very handy then, wouldn't you say my love?" she snerks.  "Mind pulling that map back out, Otto?"<br> <br>
<br> <br>&quot;Not literally, you silly horse.&quot; Otto boops Fire&#39;s nose and giggles under his breath. Once the team sets out, he takes his own pack of rations and lets someone else handle the map. &quot;Eh? Oh... uhhh...&quot; he reaches into his briefcase and hands Cerl the map. &quot;Yeah, you&#39;re good at this navigating thing.&quot; he hands Cerl the map, clearly glad to be rid of it. Last time Otto tried to to navigate, he&#39;d lead his team in the wrong direction and ended up wasting hours of their time. He was simply no good at it, and that&#39;s one of the ways his lovely mate completed him. She was just so adept at things he was rubbish at, and vice versa.<br> <br>
&quot;There ya go. If anyone else wants to look at it, I guess Cerl has it.&quot; the otter shrugs, then tries again to balance the sword on his fingertip. He sticks out his tongue and bites lightly down on it as he focuses on *clank* it falls to the ground. &quot;Shoot...&quot; he swings one paw, picks it up and *shhhink* re-sheathes it. &quot;D&#39;oh!&quot; the otter suddenly exclaims, then flashes a smile at Setrian and Nekura &quot;Where are my manners?! I&#39;m Otto, and you can call me Toey if that so pleases you.&quot; he directs that comment at Setrian &quot;I don&#39;t really care. Nice to meet you both. Now let&#39;s head out before someone gets too rational and stalls us here.&quot; he snerks and waves them over so that they could head out now.<br> <br>&quot;Oh, we&#39;re going again?  Yay!&quot; Firecracker cheers, clopping her tiny forehooves together to produce hollow, equally tiny, sounds.  &quot;Don&#39;t tell me what&#39;s gunna happen though, I want it to be a surprise!&quot;  She scrunches her little muzzle at the nose booping and responds, &quot;I&#39;m not a horse, Silly!  I&#39;mma pegasusus!&quot;  Once the party is all set and ready to go, the pony hops into Cerl&#39;s saddlebag, poking her head and the ends of her forelegs out of it as she rests upon its edge.  &quot;I dunno if we&#39;re too rational, but we got a lot of em in here!&quot; she notes, patting the outside of the bag.<br> <br>Oh brother the pegasus is along. Nekura rolls her eyes remembering last time Firecracker stole some of her thunder though she doesn&#39;t say anything and instead follows after them.<br> <br>Setrian simply gives a nod, picking up his own ration pack and preparing to head out. &quot;Nice to meetq you otto. I&#39;m Setrian. I&#39;m guessing toey was a nickname that firecracker gave you? Anyway, looks like the only thing keeping us here is the lack of direction, so where to?&quot; he asks of Cerl who has the map.<br> <br>Allisa helps Cerl secure the rations pack and double checks all the pouches are closed. Doing her best to help the Agents acheive their objective and come home safely even though she is only tasked with briefing them. &quot;Good by and good luck.&quot; she says as they exit the hut.<br> <br>
The wind was blowing lightly to the north-east which would be a benefit to them if it were warm as they travel east of the Fairhaven bubble. They aren&#39;t bothered by ferals as the hike, being lead away from their normal territories one their way out of the bubble and arrive at the edge of the bubble. At this particular section of the edge there are few trees or buildings to obscure visibility and the weather is favorable to not being ambushed.<br> <br>Cerl trots quickly along the path indicated by the map, keeping an eye out for potential threats as they travel.  As they approach the target area, she stops well short of the goal remembering that the scouts found many traps.  Pulling Firecracker back out of the saddlebag, she whispers to her, &quot;Hey Fire, got a game for you.  The goal is to make sure all of us stay safe.  The more traps you can find and tell us about without letting anyone else know you&#39;re in the area, the bigger the prize is for winning!&quot;<br> <br>Otto perks up his ears and smiles lightly as he overhears what his mate was whispering into the pony&#39;s ear. He giggles quietly but doesn&#39;t say anything about it, certain that Firecracker would do an excellent job as their spotter. She had quite the eye, after all. As for the otter, well he was happy just walking on the path after Cerl and with the others. There wasn&#39;t much to say or do, so he hummed a tune that sounded a lot like the Irish shanty &quot;Drunken Sailor&quot;. He also seems to notice how nice it was out here, the pleasing sighs of the natural landscapes proving quite easy on the eyes. &quot;So! How about those ferals? We gonna clear them out or... find some dastardly way to avoid harassing them...&quot; he then mutters something under his breath that sounds a lot like &quot;just like we always end up doing...&quot;.<br> <br>The moment Firecracker feels the bubble failing around her, she puts up her own bubble!  With her Distributed Nanomagic drawing from three other NICE units nearby, assisted with her nano magician talents and nanofilaments, it can reach out an impressive 140 feet in all directions.  After hearing Cerl&#39;s game idea, the pegasus smiles brightly and snaps a quick little salute.  &quot;Okie dokie lokie!  Find the traps and don&#39;t get found!&quot; she confirms before starting to whistle along to Otto&#39;s song, bobbing her head to the tune.<br> <br>Oh boy a bubble. Too bad Nekura still has no nano magic since her player is lazy about acquiring them. The Nightmare continues following after the others as they head towards the college though she&#39;s keeping an eye out for any signs of snoops watching them on the way.<br> <br>Setrian takes the rear position of the formation, looking behind them often to ensure that they are not being followed, or even worse, ambushed! His perception is not the best, but he tries to make up for it by frequency in checking their six.<br> <br>The party manages to cross the edge of the bubble without even slowing down, even bringing their own bubble with them. As they exit the bubble and begin to look around they astutely notice that there are not yet traps and that no-one it following them.<br> <br>
After some time hiking they reach a wooded area the map tells them in almost on top of the destination. Being already alert for traps and trails they are surely ready for what awaits them as they procede through the shaded woods.<br> <br>Cerl glances around at the group once Firecracker starts her little game of Find-The-Traps.  &quot;Take it slow, remember the scouts reported lots of pits, wires, etc.  I&#39;ll try to let you know if I find any but don&#39;t follow too close.&quot;  Since she&#39;s in range of Firecracker&#39;s bubble, Cerl decides she might as well put it to good use as long as she can.  While she is quite stealthy without any extra help, being invisible just makes it that much more likely she won&#39;t get caught.  With that thought, she quickly activates her vanishing nanomagic and begins to move forward slowly toward the goal.  She probes the ground ahead of her wherever it seems a bit more ground cover has built up, while at the same time keeping a sharp eye peeled for trip wires or any sign of anyone...or anything...approaching the group.<br> <br>Otto kept an eye out for traps, though looking at how paranoid his group was, he figured there was hardly a point to straining his eyes. The otter sighs lightly and shakes his head. &quot;You folks are gonna get a heart attack the way you&#39;re going.&quot; he giggles, then clasps his paws, his metal armor producing a loud *CLANK* once he does. &quot;Watch your steps. There are two of em over there.&quot; he points towards the first to his left &quot;And there.&quot; he points at the second to his right. &quot;We try to walk between em might set em both off so...&quot; he shrugs &quot;If someone has the fingers and nerve to disarm them, go right ahead! I am staying... R-R-R-RIGHT here.&quot; the otter stops and awaits for someone more competent to deal with the traps. He was a technician, not a trapper.<br> <br>Once the party gets closer to their destination, Firecracker hops out into the air to search the area from above, seeking out any traps, patrols, ferals, ice cream sundae bars, or anything else of interest as she flies ahead of the group.  &quot;I&#39;ll be back in like six minutes and forty two seconds!&quot; she calls back to them as she leaves, bringing her bubble with her.<br> <br>
A short while later, the pegasus returns, landing on Otto&#39;s head in order to give her report.  &quot;There&#39;s sixteen traps all over everywhere and you guys can&#39;t get through or around em without going over at LEAST two of em!  Ya gotta go over onea these and then over to the right a little bit then turn left and go straight for a while then turn right again, but not tooooooo much, then turn left and over another one and then straight until we&#39;re done!&quot;  As she speaks, she gestures with her forelegs, pointing in the directions she lists off.  &quot;What do I win?!&quot; she asks, wiggling her rump against the taur&#39;s back as she waits for her prize.<br> <br>Well it&#39;s not hard to guess what Nekura is doing in this situation though in any event she ends up waiting for the others to deal with the traps. Not that she&#39;s good at spotting things or beings but she&#39;s definitely going to just hurt herself or perhaps the entire team by trying to mess with the traps that were found. Besides, maybe she&#39;ll get lucky and take one for the team in the form of a horny hyena feral!<br> <br>Setrian sticks to his role of guarding the rear, giving just a cursory look around for traps, but not spotting any, so he keeps his eyes peeled on the trees and path behind them, making sure that threats other than traps hopefully don&#39;t get the jump on them. Hearing firecracker&#39;s report, he nods, but just decies to follow the others, figuring it would be better for them if he didn&#39;t meddle in areas that were not his expertise. &quot;I hope one of us can handle the traps then.&quot;<br> <br>The effect of traps is interesting. The party walked all the way here without needing to so much as stop to relive themselves and yet now they stop short of their destination to carefully deal with the dangers ahead of them. Each party member dealing with the potential for traps their own way be that to scout them all out, wait for the path to be cleared, or disarm them.<br> <br>Spotting a pair of traps, Cerl moves to the edge of the pit she spotted and clears enough of the cover off it so the rest of the group will be able to see it is there.  She softly growls at everyone, &quot;Get back, or do you want to get caught in a trap if I screw up while trying to disarm it?  If you can feel Fire&#39;s bubble, you&#39;re probably too close!&quot;  She then turns her attention to the tripwire, examining it carefully before safely disabling it.  That task complete, she moves forward again, still watching for enemies or other traps while trying to make sense of the directions that Fire gave and then opting to just take the shortest route.  Stopping again when she spots several more traps, she decides that deciphering the pony&#39;s confusing directions might be safer for everyone after all and cautiously moves off in the way she had rambled on about.  Letting her cloak fall away, she waits to stop anyone from heading down the shortest path pointing out the plethora of traps found that way.<br> <br>&quot;That&#39;s my mate.&quot; Otto exclaims proudly as Cerl worked to keep everyone safe from falling into whatever devilish contraptions someone had set up to hinder them. He almost wished that they&#39;d fallen into one or two of them, just to shake things up. Still, the otter knew better than to hurl himself in harm&#39;s way. He kept a reasonable distance and entertained himself by humming his tune and watching Cerl work. She sure had some nimble fingers on her, handling the delicate trap mechanisms like that. It was hard to believe she had such vicious claws under there just looking at her like that. A wide yawn escapes the otter as he continues along the path with the others. He picks up a few rocks along the way and starts to juggle them.  It proved a little harder than it looked, but he managed to keep them from &quot;OW!&quot; Otto yelps once one of them clonks his noggen. He rubs his scalp, then tries again, this time taking care not to fuck up again.<br> <br>Using the knowledge of the area as seen from above, Firecracker guides the little group down her extremely-easy-to-follow route plotted out for them.  &quot;Yeah, now right a little teensy bit more... aaaaaaaand STOP!  Okay now left and straight and then here&#39;s the next one we gotta get through and then we&#39;re past &#39;em all!&quot;  As she sits atop Otto&#39;s head, pressing her groin into it and wiggling her hips side-to-side, she watches as the otter juggles, letting the little rock bon him in the noggin right in front of her before he rubs the pain away.  &quot;Oh wait, you weren&#39;t trying to do that?  Sorry!  I&#39;ll stop it next time!&quot; she giggles.<br> <br>Nekura continues to wander around the &#39;outskirts&#39; of the team meanwhile keeping watch for any ferals, mutants or others that might be in the area. Not that she&#39;s too likely to see them before they see her but it&#39;s more interesting than just standing waiting for the traps to be disarmed. Not that wandering around the woods while in-heat is a bad idea or anything.<br> <br>Setrian continues to play his part at the tail end of the team, occasionally looking at nekura who seems.. Just a bit too excited to get to their destination. He had no idea if she was a kindred spirit to his love of science or was motivated by something else, but her cheerful demeanor lifted his spirits a bit and let him feel less &#39;lost in the woods&#39; as far as the mission went. &quot;How much further to the school once we&#39;re out of the woods?&quot; He asks to those in front of him who currently had a monopoly on location information.<br> <br>With the first traps disabled and the party is able to begin to follow the trail of least traps as planned by Firecracker. The winding path taking a few minutes to travel but leaving them all less likely to be impaled or detected by whomever set all these traps.<br> <br>Cerl moves quickly forward, disarming the spring trap by the simple expedient of standing to the side and snapping the wire.  Someone else could disassemble and scavenge what they wanted from it.  Moving on to the pit trap, she uncovers the edge of it enough for everyone to see it, and then past it around the edge reactivating her invisibility as she does so.  Moving forward again, she starts watching for more traps or enemies while trying to determine how close to the college they are now.<br> <br>Otto quickly gets bored of juggling and lets the rocks fall within his paws. He spots the punji pit first and rolls his eyes. &quot;Oh come on...&quot; Dropping the rocks, he picks up a stick and draws several arrows pointing the edges of the trap, with the words &quot;Do not stand here, you silly person.&quot; underneath the arrows, then draws another one winding past the trap, with the words &quot;Go around here instead.&quot; He drops the stick in a huff and proceeds to follow his own advice. &quot;I wonder what was in there. Probably something cliche like spikes.&quot; he shrugs and continues along the way. His keen otter nose twitches once he picks up on a few scents ahead of them. &quot;Heads up, everyone. We&#39;re about to have some company.&quot; he notes &quot;Smells like... humies.&quot; Otto notes, his ears perking up once he detects some voices as well. &quot;Oh boy...&quot; *shhhink* goes his blade as it meets his paw.<br> <br>Firecracker hops up off Otto&#39;s head and into the air above the trees once again.  This time, she turns her sight forward to see what&#39;s making the noise ahead.  She then dives back down to land upon the otter&#39;s head again, cheerfully reporting her findings.  &quot;There&#39;s three people with guns talking about tacos and chimichangas a little bit farther.  I woulda went to say &#39;hiya&#39; and that chimichangas are waaaaay better, but then I woulda gotten a smaller prize!&quot;<br> <br>Nekura meanwhile spots nothing of use to no one&#39;s surprise. As Firecracker comes back talking about the humans though the Nightmare huffs at the reinder of last time she dealt with guns. Stupid giant metal balls!<br> <br>As the party disables the last of the traps and continues on their way. It doesn&#39;t take them much walking before they can spot the buildings on the campus. The humans are there, standing by a statue that hadn&#39;t been destroyed since P-Day, talking about whatever it is out of bubble humans talk about. As the some of them can hear these strange creatures talking they can notably pick up that they&#39;re talking about why they have to be guarding. One of them mentions, &#39;those damned hyenas&#39;<br> <br>Cerl stays to the shadows in case she moves beyond range of Fire&#39;s bubble, taking note of the humans but not engaging them.  The way they were busier talking to each other than watching for threats made her sure the rest of the group would know they were there and be able to deal with them easily enough.  Looking the buildings over, she moves past the first set of buildings to a couple further along that seem better cared for, Cerl tries to peer in any windows to see what there is to see.<br> <br>Otto sighs as he spots the humans. &quot;I&#39;m just gonna... go distract them, I guess.&quot; he puts his sword away back in its sheathe and just steps right off towards the human guards. He knew well enough that they were civilians, so what possible reason could they have to shoot some passers-by? Whatever... Otto wasn&#39;t scared by a group of punks with guns anyway. He&#39;d taken on squadrons of mega beasties by himself and emerged victorious. This was child&#39;s play compared to all that. &quot;Excuse me, lads!&quot; he calls out to them, weapons put away and with a smile on his face. &quot;No need for alarm, I am not here to hurt anyone. Me and my team were just passing through.&quot; he explains, arms raised to show that he was not about to turn around and shoot them in the back. &quot;So if we could just scoot by you here, that&#39;d be great. That uh, won&#39;t be a problem, ay? we might even dispose of some of the ferals in the area, if there are any. But we got no beef with civilized folks. Alright?&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Hyenas?  I thought you said &#39;chimichangas&#39;!  Which are way better than tacos, y&#39;know!&quot; Firecracker adds to the conversation as she sits atop Otto&#39;s head.  &quot;Oh wait, I already told you guys about the traps, so I can let other people know I&#39;m here now without getting a smaller prize!  Yay!&quot; she finishes, clopping her forehooves together happily.  &quot;Oh right!  I&#39;m Firecracker and this is Toey!  What&#39;re your names?&quot; she asks the trio, patting the otter on the head.<br> <br>Nekura ends up sneaking along with the bushes to avoid the humans crowded around the statue. She has little interest in them either lewd-wise or a desire to be shot at after all. Though the Nightmare doesn&#39;t wander off just yet since she wants to see what happens when Otto wanders out to try to be nicey-nice with them.<br> <br>Setrian remains in the trees until some sort of signal is given, knowing that there was no chance of him doing anything remotely sneaky. He draws his axe just to be on the safe side and watches in waiting for any developments. Prepared to charge the humans if needed.<br> <br>The humans talk about why they&#39;re guarding for a few moments longer until the armed and amored Otter walks out of the bushes toward them. The first one to speak, a burly white guy with wait down to his shoulders and a short beard smiles and says, &quot;Pay up, knew we&#39;d see something today.&quot; to the two others. The second a thinner man who has somehow managed to be clean shaven watches Otto closely as he approaches, not aiming his rifle at him but preparing to do so. He groans a bit in response to the larger man. The third human, a scruffy man of comparable height to the second who is wearing thick glasses, goes to more effort to point his rifle at Otto but still not quite aiming down the sights at him. The third says, &quot;Hello strangers. Haven&#39;t heard mutants sound so civilized before.&quot; he appears to be a bit nervous. He takes a breath and continues, &quot;You say you want to go fight the crazies? Fine by us if you can get the CompSci building back.&quot;<br> <br>Cerl dismisses the buildings at not worth her time when the glances through the windows show them to be barren of anything useful.  Moving further along, staying to cover and shadows, she approaches some rattier looking buildings.  Sniffing, the scent of some sort of creature can be detected ahead.  Moving more carefully and silently now, she approaches these buildings and tries to find a window or crack that she can look through to see the interiors.<br> <br>&quot;Rest assured, we can be perfectly civil. Well, some of us anyway.&quot; Otto shrugs, not at all bothered by the rifle aiming at him. &quot;Some of my companions may be a little less... erm, approachable than I and my friend here.&quot; he reaches to pick up Firecracker by her tail and dangle her over his nose. &quot;But at the very least we are not ferals like the &#39;crazies&#39; you described.&quot; the otter explains. &quot;Thank you for cooperating.&quot; he breathes a sigh of relief, then turns towards where the rest of his team was and whistles loudly for them to come out, or approach. &quot;It&#39;s alright. We can go through!&quot; Otto calls out, then turns back towards the humans and tucks his paws into his pockets. &quot;These crazies, I am guessing they&#39;re feral hyena muties? Our scouts reported a large concentration of them around the CompSci building. We&#39;ll take a good look, see what can be done, if anything. We have a very diverse skillset so, who knows...&quot; he shrugs and re-places Firecracker atop his head. &quot;Anyway, off I go. Have a good one, and what not.&quot; the civil otter bids them adieu and proceeds past them towards his next destination, trusting that the rest of his team would follow.<br> <br>Firecracker doesn&#39;t really need to say much with Otto doing all the negotiation... which mostly amounts to agreeing to beating up some crazies.  But even though she doesn&#39;t NEED to say much, she does anyway!  &quot;Chimichangas are for sure better than tacos, and then burritos and enchiladas are somewhere in between,&quot; she says as she starts to dangle in front of the coyote, wiggling around in his grasp as her heat is made rather apparent in her new position.  She twists and squirms as her tail is pulled, squealing with pleasure with a little &quot;Ahh~!&quot; before being plopped back down on the otters head.  With a blush she continues, &quot;W-Wow, that&#39;s better than burritos and enchiladas!&quot;<br> <br>Nekura decides to keep watching the happenings in the statue area though when it appears that they&#39;re leaving to find something else she goes to sneakily sneak after Firecracker and Otto. Now if only she&#39;d managed this sort of invisibility when trying to steal that one teen away for a nice tryst.<br> <br>Setrian slips his axe back into his holster on his side and makes his way over to otto and the humans. It is unlikely his large form goes unnoticed and he tries to play it up, just grunting at them and giving a nod to ottoto lead the way.<br> <br>The glasses wearing human and the clean shaven human both pass something to the burly human and he stoes the things in his pockets. Then the burly human says, &quot;Nice to see not everyone losses their minds.&quot; as he watches Otto and Fire, smiling. The clean shaven human says, &quot;If you&#39;re going to help us get the CompSci building back then we might as well be hospitable.&quot; he clears his throught and says, &quot;Welcome to the university surviors camp.&quot; he starts to walk to the closest building and says, &quot;Come in, we&#39;ll have something to eat and see if we can help you decide on how best to aproach the building.&quot; The glasses wearing human says, &quot;Where are our manners? I am James, the big man is Benjamin, and our friend offering you a meal is Jack.&quot;<br> <br>Cerl turns to head back to the group after spotting a black hyena in one of the buildings, confirming what the scouts had said, but other than that nothing but litter, old blood, and destroyed equipment.  Getting back just in time to see them being led inside one of the buildings she had dismissed, she follows them inside still invisible, not trusting these humans though the rest of the group seems to take them at face value.  She will remain silent and invisible, sending a quick telepathic message to Otto informing him that she is in there with the rest of them, but otherwise not letting her presence be known.<br> <br>The otter looked a bit surprised at the sudden display of hospitality. &quot;Oh? Damn, well...&quot; he approaches and shakes hands with... well, whoever among them would take a mutant&#39;s hand. &quot;I feel welcome already. Just a moment, though... I need to go fetch one of my team. Seems she snuck off, she&#39;s always doing that.&quot; he squints a little and laughs nervously &quot;Uhhh, she&#39;s also a taur. So, don&#39;t get too freaked out, alright? Anyway be back in a whi...&quot; he presses his index finger against his ear and catches that message. &quot;Nevermind, she&#39;ll be around.&quot; he sighs and subtly rolls his eyes, then follows the rest of the humans in.<br> <br>&quot;Oooh, food!  I like food!&quot;  Firecracker cheers, bouncing in place on Otto&#39;s head with joy.  &quot;What&#39;cha got?  Is it good?  Do ya have nachos?  How about cake?  Pie?  Cream?  Cream pie?  Oh wait no, burritos?  Chimichangas?!  Do ya have any of those?&quot;  As Otto follows them into the building, she just continues to blabber on about the different types of food they may or may not have while she looks around, inspecting her new surroundings.<br> <br>Well that was a weird turn of events. Nekura goes to follow after the others when they&#39;re invited into the building though she continues to keep a leery eye on the humans. She doesn&#39;t trust the furless race!<br> <br>Setrian follows them, still keeping a wary eye out and his hand just inches from his axe in case things happen to go south with the humans, or if they come under surprise feral assault. Better safe than sorry he reasons, not putting much faith in the safety of the immediate area.<br> <br>As the party gathers around the humans enter the building leaving Benjamin, the burly human, to hold the door for their guests as they enter. He nots quietly counting all, visible, members of the party. When Setrian aproaches he door he looks up to the big wolf, &quot;Huh, what they feed you guys that you can get to big?&quot; he asks, still holding the door for him.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 04:12, 16 June 2017





It is a cloudy day in New Dawn as Alissa, the Husky girl who briefs agents on their contracts, waits in one of the huts with her materials.

Cerl strolls down the New Dawn road, greeting old friends from the days when she lived there. Stepping into the hut where Alissa waits, she nods at the husky then steps over into the shadows near the door.

What a wonderful time to be alive! Especially for one coyote turned otter after losing a wager with a friend. Turns out, he quite liked his new form. His life had been quite bubbly and nice, devoid of trouble and conflict ever since the change, but that only meant that Otto was now LOOKING to get in trouble. What was a life... devoid of strife? No? Today, he would be a wonderful day to venture outside the bubble and assist in advancing some research. Inside, outside, it mattered not to Otto. He performed just as well in either area, and by now he'd spent so much time out there that it made next to no difference for him. So why not use that to benefit others?

On this day, Otto would find himself wandering down the road in New Dawn, heading towards the hut where the lovely husky named Alissa was waiting for them to gather. He'd worked with her before, and had gathered with others to investigate an attack on Zephyr in the very same tent. Once he enters, he chirrups a happy hello her way, shoots her a wink, then moves over to sit his rump down on the ground, crosslegged and leaned forward with his paws pressing against his knees. As more folks pooled in, Otto greeted each and every one of them individually. Clearly he was in a good mood.

Firecracker flits into the tent to meet up with the other agents as they arrive! The pint-sized pink pegasus perches upon Otto's head as others are arriving in order to rest her wings, folding them to her sides. "Hiya peoples!" she chirps out happily with a little wave, "This is the place for the thing and the stuff, right?" she asks, giving her little rump an even littler wiggle as she sits on the otter.

Having heard a rumor about the possibility of a laboratory, the silvery white furred fenrir is elated to join in on the mission. Setrian had never been outside the bubble, but for the sake of progress he was certainly willing to take the risk. His trusty axe at the ready, along with his generic armor fitted snugly over his form, he makes his way over to the group. He offers a wave to those he has not met, and a nod to firecracker who he was.. Familiar with. "Who's in charge of this expedition? I was hoping to lend a hand, and an axe if need be."

Having managed to peel herself away from the huskies Nekura is currently wandering her way towards the hutts as well though she appears to have gotten rid of her male parts again. Of course given what happened last time she was pretty sure she wouldn't need them anyways. Plus it's not like she can't just 'reattach' them if she does. Upon getting to the building the Nightmare takes a seat like always.

As the agents enter Alissa does a quick headcount and checks her notes. She smiles and greets Otto as 'agent 1206' as he had introduced himself as last they met. Once everyone has entered the hut she says, "Hello Agents. I am Alissa, I'll be briefing you on this contract." She fusses with her papers a moment then resumes smiling and continues, "We have found records of a pre P-Day collage campus that isn't in any known bubbles. As it is a fair distance from all bubbles we've contracted you to investigate it and if there is in fact a workable lab in one of the buildings secure it." Alissa clears her throught and continues, "As computer tech is very sensitive we would highly recommend avoiding the use of explosive or incendiary weapons or abilities when you suspect to be in the vicinity of the laboratory." She rifles through her papers for two more moments and sets something aside, "Now do you have any questions about the contract?" she asks.

Stepping forward from the shadows, Cerl speaks up. "Any known threats in the area? What can we expect when we arrive?"

The otter yawns widely and blinks a few times once Firecracker perches atop his head. He wiggles his nose and holds back a sneeze, then giggles quietly and lets her be, "Hello Firecracker." he greets with a cheery tone, then averts his attention to the others entering the room. His eyes were drawn to the gigantic wolfen that enters the room. "My, you're a fat one, ain't ya?" Otto snerks "Nice axe, though. I can see you crammed a lot of effort into that thing." his ears tilt once the husky speaks up and his attention is drawn to her on the spot. Otto opens his maw to ask his question, but then his mate pops out of the shadows like she so loved doing all the time. Rolling his eyes, the otter moves right in and leans against her as she speaks. "Last time we worked together, you presented me with a folder filled with details about the structure based on scout reports. It was of immense help then, so I am wondering if you have one now? If not, that's alright. I WOULD like to know what my sneaky mate here asked as well... what can we expect in terms of resistance?"

Firecracker blinks at Otto's words stopping just as she was about to introduce herself! "Hey! How'd you know who I am? Are you psycho or somethin'?" she asks the otter, looking down over his head with her scrutinizing gaze. "And what's your name anyway?" she asks before sitting up once again and looking around to everyone that's shown up, "Actually, what's everybody's names? And what do we need a folder for?! That ruins the surprise! Adventure! Fun!" By the time she finishes, she's hopping in place with excitement on Otto's head!

Oh boy computers. Nekura has no clue how to work them so she mostly just pays attention to details on what they're going to possibly be facing. It helps to have a clue what you're going to encounter after all. Plus it might give her an idea if she needs to change into something more 'appreciable' to the ferals.

Setrian raises an eyebrow at the comment from otto as he tries to listen in and gather as much information as he can. "I do have one question miss Alissa. If the lab is safely secured, do you know what it will be primarily used for?" He asks, having a vested interest, being a researcher himself.

As Alissa recalls the question asked of her by Setrian and replies, "I am briefing you but you are free to decide who amongst you will be leading your group." When she is asked of what resistance they may face she pats the thin folder she'd set aside a moment ago and continues, "Our scouts kept their distance from the campus to avoid detection so our intel is limited. There is evidence of Hyena strains and Human survivors in the area and our scouts encountered several traps on the approach. There are more details in their report." she says and takes the report from the podium and hands it to Otto.

When Setrian ask her of what the lab will be used for she blinks twice rapidly then begins to flip through her notes. After about ten seconds of looking she looks up from her notes and says, "I'm sorry I don't have the specifics of what the lab will be used for with me. I know it has something to do with researching nanites though." After a moment or so of no questions she says, "If that is all of your questions I have some supplies and a map for you. Good luck agents."

Cerl checks that her crossbow is in good shape, and that she has her bolt cases with her ammo with her. Pulling a string of grenades out of the saddlebag she has slung over one shoulder, she shrugs. They might come in handy regardless. "How then are we getting there, do you have transportation lined up for us?"

Otto snickers quietly and bobs his head to help the pony bounce higher. "It's Ott... It's Toey, Fire." he snerks and giggles quietly, clearly enjoying himself and the bouncing pony on his head. He was already looking forward to digging into the upcoming assignment. Otto was as much a computer nerd as he was a fighter, so to get his paws on some old world tech? Oh, one could only dream...

Accepting the file, Otto opens it up and skims the information. There wasn't much to go on, but it was useful nonetheless. He nods as though to himself as his eyes scan over the papers, before closing it and giving an idle shrug. "Doesn't look that bad, alright then!" he swings one paw and offers the file around to anyone who might want to take a look.

"OKAY!" the otter exclaims once everyone has finished looking over the file, then checks his equipment as well. Firearms primed and ready, packed with extended magazines and spare ammunition located on the bandoleer crossing his armor-plated chest, chainsword nice and sharp upon his back, gladius swinging off his right hip, his reinforced spiked knuckles also primed for quick action... oh boy, talk about overkill. "That's all I really need to know. We have a location and a goal. We know what to expect, time to roll out! We'll be back before you can say cyka blyat." Otto states confidently.

Placing the files within a compartment of his briefcase, the otter steps towards the entrance of the hut and leans against the doorway, draws his blade and starts to entertain himself by trying to balance it upright on one finger.

Firecracker reads the information in the folder quickly as Otto looks through it, just waiting for the time when their group sets off for their epic quest. "Cyka blyat!" she announces shortly after Otto makes his statement, then looks around with some surprise on her face. "Woah! You're right! We're back already! Fastest adventure ever! And I don't even remember doing it!"

Upon hearing about hyenas Nekura twitches at the lewd thoughts of knottings that might be in her future though she decides to avoid turning into one quite so soon. After all with how twitchy trigger fingers can be they might mistake her for a real one.

Setrian takes a quick look through the folder, wanting to know for sure what to expect. It seems for now all they have to worry about is ferals, but you can never be too sure. He gives the folder back to otto and watches the otter stow it away "Guess we are all set to go. After you Toey." He says, trusting that the well prepared otter has experience in these matters, at the very least more than himself.

Alissa moves a large pack into view of the agents after Cerls question, "You will be hiking but we have provided rations for the group." she says. Cursory examination of the pack reveals it to obviously contain fruits of several types and water bottles.

When the party skim through the report the see the documented evidence of Hyenas and Humans in addition to sketches and written descriptions of the kinds of traps the scouts encountered. Punji Pits, noise-maker traps, and several spring-loaded traps. The report also details the injuries cause to one scout who triggered a spring-trap. Multiple piercing wounds to the torso.

Alissa watches the agents step out, making sure one of them at least takes the map to their destination and maintaining her pleasant smile as they prepare and head out.

Cerl shrugs, looking at the large pack of rations. Slapping at her armband, she quickly shifts to her normal tauric self and sets about strapping the saddlebags she's carrying into place. Taking the large pack of rations, she straps that on as well before stepping out to where Otto is waiting. "Sounds like my skills should come in very handy then, wouldn't you say my love?" she snerks. "Mind pulling that map back out, Otto?"

"Not literally, you silly horse." Otto boops Fire's nose and giggles under his breath. Once the team sets out, he takes his own pack of rations and lets someone else handle the map. "Eh? Oh... uhhh..." he reaches into his briefcase and hands Cerl the map. "Yeah, you're good at this navigating thing." he hands Cerl the map, clearly glad to be rid of it. Last time Otto tried to to navigate, he'd lead his team in the wrong direction and ended up wasting hours of their time. He was simply no good at it, and that's one of the ways his lovely mate completed him. She was just so adept at things he was rubbish at, and vice versa.

"There ya go. If anyone else wants to look at it, I guess Cerl has it." the otter shrugs, then tries again to balance the sword on his fingertip. He sticks out his tongue and bites lightly down on it as he focuses on *clank* it falls to the ground. "Shoot..." he swings one paw, picks it up and *shhhink* re-sheathes it. "D'oh!" the otter suddenly exclaims, then flashes a smile at Setrian and Nekura "Where are my manners?! I'm Otto, and you can call me Toey if that so pleases you." he directs that comment at Setrian "I don't really care. Nice to meet you both. Now let's head out before someone gets too rational and stalls us here." he snerks and waves them over so that they could head out now.

"Oh, we're going again? Yay!" Firecracker cheers, clopping her tiny forehooves together to produce hollow, equally tiny, sounds. "Don't tell me what's gunna happen though, I want it to be a surprise!" She scrunches her little muzzle at the nose booping and responds, "I'm not a horse, Silly! I'mma pegasusus!" Once the party is all set and ready to go, the pony hops into Cerl's saddlebag, poking her head and the ends of her forelegs out of it as she rests upon its edge. "I dunno if we're too rational, but we got a lot of em in here!" she notes, patting the outside of the bag.

Oh brother the pegasus is along. Nekura rolls her eyes remembering last time Firecracker stole some of her thunder though she doesn't say anything and instead follows after them.

Setrian simply gives a nod, picking up his own ration pack and preparing to head out. "Nice to meetq you otto. I'm Setrian. I'm guessing toey was a nickname that firecracker gave you? Anyway, looks like the only thing keeping us here is the lack of direction, so where to?" he asks of Cerl who has the map.

Allisa helps Cerl secure the rations pack and double checks all the pouches are closed. Doing her best to help the Agents acheive their objective and come home safely even though she is only tasked with briefing them. "Good by and good luck." she says as they exit the hut.

The wind was blowing lightly to the north-east which would be a benefit to them if it were warm as they travel east of the Fairhaven bubble. They aren't bothered by ferals as the hike, being lead away from their normal territories one their way out of the bubble and arrive at the edge of the bubble. At this particular section of the edge there are few trees or buildings to obscure visibility and the weather is favorable to not being ambushed.

Cerl trots quickly along the path indicated by the map, keeping an eye out for potential threats as they travel. As they approach the target area, she stops well short of the goal remembering that the scouts found many traps. Pulling Firecracker back out of the saddlebag, she whispers to her, "Hey Fire, got a game for you. The goal is to make sure all of us stay safe. The more traps you can find and tell us about without letting anyone else know you're in the area, the bigger the prize is for winning!"

Otto perks up his ears and smiles lightly as he overhears what his mate was whispering into the pony's ear. He giggles quietly but doesn't say anything about it, certain that Firecracker would do an excellent job as their spotter. She had quite the eye, after all. As for the otter, well he was happy just walking on the path after Cerl and with the others. There wasn't much to say or do, so he hummed a tune that sounded a lot like the Irish shanty "Drunken Sailor". He also seems to notice how nice it was out here, the pleasing sighs of the natural landscapes proving quite easy on the eyes. "So! How about those ferals? We gonna clear them out or... find some dastardly way to avoid harassing them..." he then mutters something under his breath that sounds a lot like "just like we always end up doing...".

The moment Firecracker feels the bubble failing around her, she puts up her own bubble! With her Distributed Nanomagic drawing from three other NICE units nearby, assisted with her nano magician talents and nanofilaments, it can reach out an impressive 140 feet in all directions. After hearing Cerl's game idea, the pegasus smiles brightly and snaps a quick little salute. "Okie dokie lokie! Find the traps and don't get found!" she confirms before starting to whistle along to Otto's song, bobbing her head to the tune.

Oh boy a bubble. Too bad Nekura still has no nano magic since her player is lazy about acquiring them. The Nightmare continues following after the others as they head towards the college though she's keeping an eye out for any signs of snoops watching them on the way.

Setrian takes the rear position of the formation, looking behind them often to ensure that they are not being followed, or even worse, ambushed! His perception is not the best, but he tries to make up for it by frequency in checking their six.

The party manages to cross the edge of the bubble without even slowing down, even bringing their own bubble with them. As they exit the bubble and begin to look around they astutely notice that there are not yet traps and that no-one it following them.

After some time hiking they reach a wooded area the map tells them in almost on top of the destination. Being already alert for traps and trails they are surely ready for what awaits them as they procede through the shaded woods.

Cerl glances around at the group once Firecracker starts her little game of Find-The-Traps. "Take it slow, remember the scouts reported lots of pits, wires, etc. I'll try to let you know if I find any but don't follow too close." Since she's in range of Firecracker's bubble, Cerl decides she might as well put it to good use as long as she can. While she is quite stealthy without any extra help, being invisible just makes it that much more likely she won't get caught. With that thought, she quickly activates her vanishing nanomagic and begins to move forward slowly toward the goal. She probes the ground ahead of her wherever it seems a bit more ground cover has built up, while at the same time keeping a sharp eye peeled for trip wires or any sign of anyone...or anything...approaching the group.

Otto kept an eye out for traps, though looking at how paranoid his group was, he figured there was hardly a point to straining his eyes. The otter sighs lightly and shakes his head. "You folks are gonna get a heart attack the way you're going." he giggles, then clasps his paws, his metal armor producing a loud *CLANK* once he does. "Watch your steps. There are two of em over there." he points towards the first to his left "And there." he points at the second to his right. "We try to walk between em might set em both off so..." he shrugs "If someone has the fingers and nerve to disarm them, go right ahead! I am staying... R-R-R-RIGHT here." the otter stops and awaits for someone more competent to deal with the traps. He was a technician, not a trapper.

Once the party gets closer to their destination, Firecracker hops out into the air to search the area from above, seeking out any traps, patrols, ferals, ice cream sundae bars, or anything else of interest as she flies ahead of the group. "I'll be back in like six minutes and forty two seconds!" she calls back to them as she leaves, bringing her bubble with her.

A short while later, the pegasus returns, landing on Otto's head in order to give her report. "There's sixteen traps all over everywhere and you guys can't get through or around em without going over at LEAST two of em! Ya gotta go over onea these and then over to the right a little bit then turn left and go straight for a while then turn right again, but not tooooooo much, then turn left and over another one and then straight until we're done!" As she speaks, she gestures with her forelegs, pointing in the directions she lists off. "What do I win?!" she asks, wiggling her rump against the taur's back as she waits for her prize.

Well it's not hard to guess what Nekura is doing in this situation though in any event she ends up waiting for the others to deal with the traps. Not that she's good at spotting things or beings but she's definitely going to just hurt herself or perhaps the entire team by trying to mess with the traps that were found. Besides, maybe she'll get lucky and take one for the team in the form of a horny hyena feral!

Setrian sticks to his role of guarding the rear, giving just a cursory look around for traps, but not spotting any, so he keeps his eyes peeled on the trees and path behind them, making sure that threats other than traps hopefully don't get the jump on them. Hearing firecracker's report, he nods, but just decies to follow the others, figuring it would be better for them if he didn't meddle in areas that were not his expertise. "I hope one of us can handle the traps then."

The effect of traps is interesting. The party walked all the way here without needing to so much as stop to relive themselves and yet now they stop short of their destination to carefully deal with the dangers ahead of them. Each party member dealing with the potential for traps their own way be that to scout them all out, wait for the path to be cleared, or disarm them.

Spotting a pair of traps, Cerl moves to the edge of the pit she spotted and clears enough of the cover off it so the rest of the group will be able to see it is there. She softly growls at everyone, "Get back, or do you want to get caught in a trap if I screw up while trying to disarm it? If you can feel Fire's bubble, you're probably too close!" She then turns her attention to the tripwire, examining it carefully before safely disabling it. That task complete, she moves forward again, still watching for enemies or other traps while trying to make sense of the directions that Fire gave and then opting to just take the shortest route. Stopping again when she spots several more traps, she decides that deciphering the pony's confusing directions might be safer for everyone after all and cautiously moves off in the way she had rambled on about. Letting her cloak fall away, she waits to stop anyone from heading down the shortest path pointing out the plethora of traps found that way.

"That's my mate." Otto exclaims proudly as Cerl worked to keep everyone safe from falling into whatever devilish contraptions someone had set up to hinder them. He almost wished that they'd fallen into one or two of them, just to shake things up. Still, the otter knew better than to hurl himself in harm's way. He kept a reasonable distance and entertained himself by humming his tune and watching Cerl work. She sure had some nimble fingers on her, handling the delicate trap mechanisms like that. It was hard to believe she had such vicious claws under there just looking at her like that. A wide yawn escapes the otter as he continues along the path with the others. He picks up a few rocks along the way and starts to juggle them. It proved a little harder than it looked, but he managed to keep them from "OW!" Otto yelps once one of them clonks his noggen. He rubs his scalp, then tries again, this time taking care not to fuck up again.

Using the knowledge of the area as seen from above, Firecracker guides the little group down her extremely-easy-to-follow route plotted out for them. "Yeah, now right a little teensy bit more... aaaaaaaand STOP! Okay now left and straight and then here's the next one we gotta get through and then we're past 'em all!" As she sits atop Otto's head, pressing her groin into it and wiggling her hips side-to-side, she watches as the otter juggles, letting the little rock bon him in the noggin right in front of her before he rubs the pain away. "Oh wait, you weren't trying to do that? Sorry! I'll stop it next time!" she giggles.

Nekura continues to wander around the 'outskirts' of the team meanwhile keeping watch for any ferals, mutants or others that might be in the area. Not that she's too likely to see them before they see her but it's more interesting than just standing waiting for the traps to be disarmed. Not that wandering around the woods while in-heat is a bad idea or anything.

Setrian continues to play his part at the tail end of the team, occasionally looking at nekura who seems.. Just a bit too excited to get to their destination. He had no idea if she was a kindred spirit to his love of science or was motivated by something else, but her cheerful demeanor lifted his spirits a bit and let him feel less 'lost in the woods' as far as the mission went. "How much further to the school once we're out of the woods?" He asks to those in front of him who currently had a monopoly on location information.

With the first traps disabled and the party is able to begin to follow the trail of least traps as planned by Firecracker. The winding path taking a few minutes to travel but leaving them all less likely to be impaled or detected by whomever set all these traps.

Cerl moves quickly forward, disarming the spring trap by the simple expedient of standing to the side and snapping the wire. Someone else could disassemble and scavenge what they wanted from it. Moving on to the pit trap, she uncovers the edge of it enough for everyone to see it, and then past it around the edge reactivating her invisibility as she does so. Moving forward again, she starts watching for more traps or enemies while trying to determine how close to the college they are now.

Otto quickly gets bored of juggling and lets the rocks fall within his paws. He spots the punji pit first and rolls his eyes. "Oh come on..." Dropping the rocks, he picks up a stick and draws several arrows pointing the edges of the trap, with the words "Do not stand here, you silly person." underneath the arrows, then draws another one winding past the trap, with the words "Go around here instead." He drops the stick in a huff and proceeds to follow his own advice. "I wonder what was in there. Probably something cliche like spikes." he shrugs and continues along the way. His keen otter nose twitches once he picks up on a few scents ahead of them. "Heads up, everyone. We're about to have some company." he notes "Smells like... humies." Otto notes, his ears perking up once he detects some voices as well. "Oh boy..." *shhhink* goes his blade as it meets his paw.

Firecracker hops up off Otto's head and into the air above the trees once again. This time, she turns her sight forward to see what's making the noise ahead. She then dives back down to land upon the otter's head again, cheerfully reporting her findings. "There's three people with guns talking about tacos and chimichangas a little bit farther. I woulda went to say 'hiya' and that chimichangas are waaaaay better, but then I woulda gotten a smaller prize!"

Nekura meanwhile spots nothing of use to no one's surprise. As Firecracker comes back talking about the humans though the Nightmare huffs at the reinder of last time she dealt with guns. Stupid giant metal balls!

As the party disables the last of the traps and continues on their way. It doesn't take them much walking before they can spot the buildings on the campus. The humans are there, standing by a statue that hadn't been destroyed since P-Day, talking about whatever it is out of bubble humans talk about. As the some of them can hear these strange creatures talking they can notably pick up that they're talking about why they have to be guarding. One of them mentions, 'those damned hyenas'

Cerl stays to the shadows in case she moves beyond range of Fire's bubble, taking note of the humans but not engaging them. The way they were busier talking to each other than watching for threats made her sure the rest of the group would know they were there and be able to deal with them easily enough. Looking the buildings over, she moves past the first set of buildings to a couple further along that seem better cared for, Cerl tries to peer in any windows to see what there is to see.

Otto sighs as he spots the humans. "I'm just gonna... go distract them, I guess." he puts his sword away back in its sheathe and just steps right off towards the human guards. He knew well enough that they were civilians, so what possible reason could they have to shoot some passers-by? Whatever... Otto wasn't scared by a group of punks with guns anyway. He'd taken on squadrons of mega beasties by himself and emerged victorious. This was child's play compared to all that. "Excuse me, lads!" he calls out to them, weapons put away and with a smile on his face. "No need for alarm, I am not here to hurt anyone. Me and my team were just passing through." he explains, arms raised to show that he was not about to turn around and shoot them in the back. "So if we could just scoot by you here, that'd be great. That uh, won't be a problem, ay? we might even dispose of some of the ferals in the area, if there are any. But we got no beef with civilized folks. Alright?"

"Hyenas? I thought you said 'chimichangas'! Which are way better than tacos, y'know!" Firecracker adds to the conversation as she sits atop Otto's head. "Oh wait, I already told you guys about the traps, so I can let other people know I'm here now without getting a smaller prize! Yay!" she finishes, clopping her forehooves together happily. "Oh right! I'm Firecracker and this is Toey! What're your names?" she asks the trio, patting the otter on the head.

Nekura ends up sneaking along with the bushes to avoid the humans crowded around the statue. She has little interest in them either lewd-wise or a desire to be shot at after all. Though the Nightmare doesn't wander off just yet since she wants to see what happens when Otto wanders out to try to be nicey-nice with them.

Setrian remains in the trees until some sort of signal is given, knowing that there was no chance of him doing anything remotely sneaky. He draws his axe just to be on the safe side and watches in waiting for any developments. Prepared to charge the humans if needed.

The humans talk about why they're guarding for a few moments longer until the armed and amored Otter walks out of the bushes toward them. The first one to speak, a burly white guy with wait down to his shoulders and a short beard smiles and says, "Pay up, knew we'd see something today." to the two others. The second a thinner man who has somehow managed to be clean shaven watches Otto closely as he approaches, not aiming his rifle at him but preparing to do so. He groans a bit in response to the larger man. The third human, a scruffy man of comparable height to the second who is wearing thick glasses, goes to more effort to point his rifle at Otto but still not quite aiming down the sights at him. The third says, "Hello strangers. Haven't heard mutants sound so civilized before." he appears to be a bit nervous. He takes a breath and continues, "You say you want to go fight the crazies? Fine by us if you can get the CompSci building back."

Cerl dismisses the buildings at not worth her time when the glances through the windows show them to be barren of anything useful. Moving further along, staying to cover and shadows, she approaches some rattier looking buildings. Sniffing, the scent of some sort of creature can be detected ahead. Moving more carefully and silently now, she approaches these buildings and tries to find a window or crack that she can look through to see the interiors.

"Rest assured, we can be perfectly civil. Well, some of us anyway." Otto shrugs, not at all bothered by the rifle aiming at him. "Some of my companions may be a little less... erm, approachable than I and my friend here." he reaches to pick up Firecracker by her tail and dangle her over his nose. "But at the very least we are not ferals like the 'crazies' you described." the otter explains. "Thank you for cooperating." he breathes a sigh of relief, then turns towards where the rest of his team was and whistles loudly for them to come out, or approach. "It's alright. We can go through!" Otto calls out, then turns back towards the humans and tucks his paws into his pockets. "These crazies, I am guessing they're feral hyena muties? Our scouts reported a large concentration of them around the CompSci building. We'll take a good look, see what can be done, if anything. We have a very diverse skillset so, who knows..." he shrugs and re-places Firecracker atop his head. "Anyway, off I go. Have a good one, and what not." the civil otter bids them adieu and proceeds past them towards his next destination, trusting that the rest of his team would follow.

Firecracker doesn't really need to say much with Otto doing all the negotiation... which mostly amounts to agreeing to beating up some crazies. But even though she doesn't NEED to say much, she does anyway! "Chimichangas are for sure better than tacos, and then burritos and enchiladas are somewhere in between," she says as she starts to dangle in front of the coyote, wiggling around in his grasp as her heat is made rather apparent in her new position. She twists and squirms as her tail is pulled, squealing with pleasure with a little "Ahh~!" before being plopped back down on the otters head. With a blush she continues, "W-Wow, that's better than burritos and enchiladas!"

Nekura decides to keep watching the happenings in the statue area though when it appears that they're leaving to find something else she goes to sneakily sneak after Firecracker and Otto. Now if only she'd managed this sort of invisibility when trying to steal that one teen away for a nice tryst.

Setrian slips his axe back into his holster on his side and makes his way over to otto and the humans. It is unlikely his large form goes unnoticed and he tries to play it up, just grunting at them and giving a nod to ottoto lead the way.

The glasses wearing human and the clean shaven human both pass something to the burly human and he stoes the things in his pockets. Then the burly human says, "Nice to see not everyone losses their minds." as he watches Otto and Fire, smiling. The clean shaven human says, "If you're going to help us get the CompSci building back then we might as well be hospitable." he clears his throught and says, "Welcome to the university surviors camp." he starts to walk to the closest building and says, "Come in, we'll have something to eat and see if we can help you decide on how best to aproach the building." The glasses wearing human says, "Where are our manners? I am James, the big man is Benjamin, and our friend offering you a meal is Jack."

Cerl turns to head back to the group after spotting a black hyena in one of the buildings, confirming what the scouts had said, but other than that nothing but litter, old blood, and destroyed equipment. Getting back just in time to see them being led inside one of the buildings she had dismissed, she follows them inside still invisible, not trusting these humans though the rest of the group seems to take them at face value. She will remain silent and invisible, sending a quick telepathic message to Otto informing him that she is in there with the rest of them, but otherwise not letting her presence be known.

The otter looked a bit surprised at the sudden display of hospitality. "Oh? Damn, well..." he approaches and shakes hands with... well, whoever among them would take a mutant's hand. "I feel welcome already. Just a moment, though... I need to go fetch one of my team. Seems she snuck off, she's always doing that." he squints a little and laughs nervously "Uhhh, she's also a taur. So, don't get too freaked out, alright? Anyway be back in a whi..." he presses his index finger against his ear and catches that message. "Nevermind, she'll be around." he sighs and subtly rolls his eyes, then follows the rest of the humans in.

"Oooh, food! I like food!" Firecracker cheers, bouncing in place on Otto's head with joy. "What'cha got? Is it good? Do ya have nachos? How about cake? Pie? Cream? Cream pie? Oh wait no, burritos? Chimichangas?! Do ya have any of those?" As Otto follows them into the building, she just continues to blabber on about the different types of food they may or may not have while she looks around, inspecting her new surroundings.

Well that was a weird turn of events. Nekura goes to follow after the others when they're invited into the building though she continues to keep a leery eye on the humans. She doesn't trust the furless race!

Setrian follows them, still keeping a wary eye out and his hand just inches from his axe in case things happen to go south with the humans, or if they come under surprise feral assault. Better safe than sorry he reasons, not putting much faith in the safety of the immediate area.

As the party gathers around the humans enter the building leaving Benjamin, the burly human, to hold the door for their guests as they enter. He nots quietly counting all, visible, members of the party. When Setrian aproaches he door he looks up to the big wolf, "Huh, what they feed you guys that you can get to big?" he asks, still holding the door for him.