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<div></div><br> <br>As you arrive at the Clairmont Library, each of you is invited inside by a kindly old owl.  She is sitting desk near the entrace, going through returns with a rubber stamp, while a younger bunny scurries about the ailes shelving books of all sizes and topics.  The shelves are sparce, but clean and well-kept.  The library itself is nice and home-y.  There is an easy-going feeling, like everything will be alright if you just curl up here with a book and relax.  The windows pour in daylight and natural warmth into the wooden, carpetted building.<br> <br>Xon bubbles with excitement as she enters, the olive-skinned medusa looking around the quaint library with delight, although her glazed over, topaz eyes don't reflect it. She smiles happily as she flits around the area, leaning over the precious parchment with glee on her face, her hair-like vipers swaying as the each observe the various books. Her white lab coat gives a stark contrast to her oily, black scaled tail and hair.<br> <br>Aqua nods to the owl as she approaches. a common sight from the university, turning in two books on Oriental myths and heading inside to look for some more tomes. finding one about greek myth and pulling it from the shelf and going to a chair to study it.<br> <br>Katalynia walks into the library. Shi looks around hir ears flicking back and forth as shi enjoys the scent of the books. Shi wears only a simple floral print dress to cover hirself to keep in line with the town's guidelines. Hir tail wags behind hir slowly as shi walks. Shi smiles and nods to the owl as. Shi looks over the shelves of books as shi waits.<br> <br>Lotus wanders in closely behind, the Katalynia, the distinct smell of the books bringing back memories of long nights studying. Curious to find out what this deployment will bring she can't help but walk with a spring in her step.<br> <br>Saphinara the large Talakai would trudge down the hallway, tails flittering about behind her as she grumbled, having pulled the noisy earpeice out of her ear moments before having both recieved and answered the request from this area. She'd move up to the door, seeing a couple of others having entered moments before hand and assuming it was safe to just move inside without knocking, opening and ducking her head under the doorframe as she moved inside, glancing at the collected knowledge before her and the others present. <br> <br>Dressed in her long coat and shemagh, Savi could almost pass for a short human, that is, until you notice there is no feet blelow the coat, only the mass of slithering black vines. Boredom having overcome her, Savi randomly chose one person she calls friend and decided to see what they were up to, the concept of using her com not having occured to her, the plant girl simply asked around until she was told about a lead or a sighting. Recieving the call second hand, having missed it initially, the plant is almost to the library when she finds out why Lotus is here. Having found out she hesitates before moving forward, unsure if she needs go on anymore. Deciding there may be someone to help Savi grins under her face covering and moves into the library, arriving last she slides quietly up to Lotus and touches her shoulder lightly. "Tag." the self-proclaimed flower half whispers before making a slight awkward wave to the others there already.<br> <br>The owl looks up as several folks, some not locals, start to gather inside.  Turning her head to the side a bit, she asks in a quiet voice, "Pardon me... be would you kind young people happen to be the investigators we requested?"  She stamps a book, sliding it off to the side and adjusting her glasses, "I'm afraid we didn't get any pictures... or names, for that matter.  This was our first time making a request, and honestly, I didn't expect to see so many!"  Smiling a bit across her beak, waiting to see who pipes up.<br> <br>Xon surges forward with a bright grin, her vipers turning to regard the owl mostly as she crosses the distance rather rapidly thanks to her size. She extends her hand outward happily, "Pleasure to meet you, why yes, I suspect myself and these fine folk are indeed here to assist in some way with the invesitgation you've mentioned. We aren't simply here at random and have accidently stumbled across a paying job, that would be silly." The medusa says excitedly, her voice bubbly and half-mad. As she speaks, several of her vipers seem to turn from the pack and begin to investigate the others, several hissing welcomes to Saphinara, Aqua and Lotus.<br> <br>Aqua joins the group. "Ah?" Just nodding lightly "Well I guess that is the case then. What's happened that the Libary needed to call in help?" Looking at the gathering group, the short human feeling vulnerable around the larger people.<br> <br>Lotus giggles, "Glad you could join us, Savi!" She wraps an arm around Saviante's waist while holding one of Katalynia's hands. <br> <br>Katalynia smiles and leans gently against Miss Lotus as shi regards the owl. "Ohh, yes, Miss, here to help investigate. I do love to lend a helping paw when I can. Any details on exactly what and where we'll be poking about, Miss?" Shi giggles a bit at Xon's comments.  <br> <br>Looking to the Owl, Savi nods. "It is not why I came, but it is why I have stayed." Her constant soft tone likely lost in the sound of the others in the room. With a glace to everyone gathered her plant mind wondered if the poor owl knew how volitile such gatherings could become. Hoping for the best, but always expecting the worst, Saviante takes a second to pat herself down discretely, just to make sure her weapons were all in proper order. WIth a final glance to Lotus she smiles only visable in her eyes. "Savi lives to serve." she says softly before turnng her attention to the owl again with a soft pat of her friends hand.<br> <br>Saphinara would find a comfortable spot to stand in then rest, leaning against a nearby wall or shelf, she'd glance briefly at the medusa's hair before giving the room another once other then focusing on the ow, folding a pair of arms in the meantime. "So what's this about," she stated in a clear deep tone.<br> <br>Smiles, stepping up out of her chair and walking along behind the desk.  Looking up to the bunny, she calls out with only a bit more volume than before.  "Gabriel...  Gabriel, would you mind the desk, please?  We have visitors."  The bunny bobs her head a bit, listening to something on a pair of hearphones as she practically skates through the ailes, not seeming to notice the elderly owl.  Adjusting her glasses, she peers out, "Gabriel...?  The desk, girl.  Would you mind the desk, please?  Could you take out those earphones, please?"  Waving a wing, the bunny finally catches a look at the librarian out of the corner of a blue eye.  Gabby squints her eyes, holding up a hand to block the daylight a bit.  Shaking her head, the bunny points to her earphones--as though this should sufficiently answer the question.  The owl frowns, holding up her wings and gesturing to the sides of her head, making little "pulling" motions...<br> <br>Savi wonders briefly, not understanding the hand signs, if the owl is about to pull the Bunnys ears off.<br> <br>Makena<br> <br>Xon<br> <br>Makena #help<br> <br>Xon smiles and bounces happily, coiling her tail upward as she wraps it around Aqua's wasit with flee. "Oh~ Aqua!! I'm happy you're here. I hadn't see you in for so long. " She smiles happily, which seems a little mad due to her note turning to face Aqua, her rearmost viper looking at the girl instead. Still facing the elderly owl, Xon inquires "So, this adventure, what does it entail? Does it entail SCIENCE?!" She asks with a gleeful cackle<br> <br>Aqua smiles and hugs back xon "Oh Hey xon." Nodding gently, blushing softly as shes small enough to sit on this xon's shoulder. "It has been a while." nodding lightly. Looking at the group as she indeed takes a place on Xon's shoulder.<br> <br>Katalynia squeezes Miss Lotus' hand gently and takes a discrete step away from Xon. "Mmm, yes, science is good..." Shi watches the interaction between the owl and the young bunny bemusedly.<br> <br>The owl sighs, as Gabriel gingerly vanishes down the ailes.  Looking to the agents, "That girl...  Would one of you young folks be kind enough to get her attention for me?  I can't quite keep up with her energy...  She does wonders around here, but she's a bit... well...  "  She sighs, shaking her head, "It's those ruffian friends of her's, I think."<br> <br>Deciding the request isnt a true order the tiny plant sprinds forwards, her vanies carrying her lithely down the Isles with a soft whispering sound. Upon finding the rabbit Savi slids in front of her, trying to block her patch without contact. Eyes steady Savi locks sight with the Rabbit intent on waiting her out on the ear-bud removal.<br> <br>Saphinara would not move from her place deciding she was not really needed, nor was she a servant, someone else could get the lapine. More than likely she would scare her off at a glance, she bided her time leaning back and relaxing from the long trek here, an arm rumaging around inside her coat searching for a second object as she waited for the request to actually be made known. <br> <br>Lotus quietly cuddles against Katalynia as Saviante dashes of in pursuit of the bunny. She scrunches her toes in the carpet and idly flicks around her long tail.<br> <br>Gabby blinks! as she looks down at Saviante, then up.  Blink blink!  "Ack!"  As she drops her handful of books, her ears springing up, taking a single hop back!<br> <br>Katalynia watches the whole scene between the bunny and Sav curiously. Shi leans hir head against Miss Lotus' shoulder. "Do You think we should do something, Miss Lotus?"<br> <br>Saviante points one finger sternly at the attracive wheeled creature, then shifts her finger to point in the direction of the Owl. Impatient to be on with the mission and back to her friends, she then slides around Gabby and heads back toward the desk, making the "follow" gesture with her hand as she passes.<br> <br>Xon smiles at Aqua as she rides on her shoulder, a soft blush crossing her face as she turns herself towards Saphinara with a gentle smile "Hello there Saphinara, I didn't know you were called to this site." She grins widely, her tail swaying beneath her.<br> <br>Aqua watches from xon shoulder. The plant person has it in hand, and right now shes curious what this request for help could be. its the first she heard of it while she has been in Claremont, popping her back abit and watching.<br> <br>Gabby blinkblinks as she takes out her headphones, smiling and perking up, "Hi!  Can I help you?"  her left ear drooping back over her shoulder again.  She looks down, "Oh... oh gosh!!"  As she bends down and starts collecting the books.  "Ohhh... they were all in order!"  Frowning as she starts trying to figure out what goes where.<br> <br>Lotus softly replies to Katalynia, "Looks like Savi has it under control, Sweety." She gives her tail a little flick, sending it against the back of Katalynia's thighs producing a quiet slap.<br> <br>Katalynia nods and wags hir tail excitedly. "Mmm, okay, Miss Lotus." Shi murrs softly at tail slap. "Mmm...ohhh...Miss Lotus..." Shi blushes lightly.<br> <br>Stopping slightly Saviante sighs. "You. Are. Needed. Gabby." The plant says over her shoulder, her soft voice reaching it's loudest level, a full whisper. Taking the time to enunciate every word cleary the plant girl adds "The treasures can wait, people need assistance." With a slight scolding tone, Savi rejoins the group and moves back to her place next to Lotus. "If she is not on her way, Savi suggests you fire her today." she says to the owl before growing quiet and still.<br> <br>Saphinara the Talakai waves a hand, paw whatever you wish to refer to it as towards Xon as she approached, another 2 flipping the pages of a small leather bound book which was also stuffed with scraps of paper on various pages. Trying her best to ignore the not so subtle teasing going on around the room, she awaited the time when they would actually move on with this. "I was nearby and apparently qualified according to Zephyr records, never liked that word," she states grudgingly glancing up at Xon from the book for a few moments. She seemed in a rather off mood, all of her tails were rather curled around her legs and her whole body posture was stiff.<br> <br>Gabby frowns, carrying the unsorted books along with her and placing them back in the unsorted bin--trying to keep them set apart from the others.  She approaches the owl, who taps her talons on the floor a bit, "Gabriel, would you please watch the desk while I take these young folks to the office?"  Gabby nods, "Sure!  Can do!  "  she smiles, hopping into the seat and getting back into her earbuds, watching for her chance to start spinning the chair.  She owl shakes her head, nodding to Saviante as she returns.  "Thank you...  Would you all come this way, please?"  The owl leads the group back into a small room in the back, where some books and papers are spread out on a table.  There's seating room enough for 10, though it's a human-sized doorway.  (Anyone bigger than 7 or 8?  XD )<br> <br>Xon gives Saphinara a gentle nuzzle with her serpents. "I look forward to working with you." Xon then grins widely at the plant-girl suggestion "Why I'd say having an active assistant is of benefit...on another note," The Medusa, slides forward to examine Saviante with a mad cap grip, several of her vipers slithering forward to taste the girl's scent with their tongues. "You're a very interesting varient straing aren't you? It's very interesting to see a plant-type this mobile at all in my experience."<br> <br>Lotus gives Katalynia's hand a squeeze and wraps around Savi's waist again and begins following the owl.<br> <br>Katalynia smiles at Miss Lotus and rubs up softly at her side. Shi happily follows along with Miss Lotus, hir hips swaying with each step.<br> <br>Being led with ease, Savi follows along with Lotus and Kat. Halfway to the door paranoia kicks in and her mind begins to sprial though the possabilities that this is a trap. By the time she is sure it isn't, she's already standing in the room with the others waiting for the 'breifing to start.'<br> <br>The owl makes her way around the table, opening up an old book carefully, "I do appreciate your coming.  As I say, I was rather surprised they sent so many.  Is this rather important to your employeers?"  She slides a wing along the page in the book, "A fox came through town about a month ago, and dropped off this book.  Just like he were returning any normal book...  But when I went to check it in, I saw that it was no book of ours.  Nothing we had checked out."  She adjusts her glasses, "I put it into the sorting room, with some other donations we've received, and didn't think much of it.  But this week, it came into the queue.  As I started looking through the contents, I found some interesting information..."  She indicates the date, "The publication date on the book is hand-written, scribbled over the previous information.  And the date they give is just months after p-day..."<br> <br>Xon eyes seem to uncloud for a second, her vipers turning to focus on the owl and her book intently "Could these dates be varified with the equipment you have here?" She inquires with a soft hiss, her tail now nicely wrapped around itself into a tight coil.<br> <br>Aqua blinks "Thats interesting, a book written shortly after P-Day could have some interesting things to teach." Nodding with interest as xon focuses.<br> <br>Lotus quietly looks on, surprised by how interested in the books she is despite being surrounded by unfortunately clothed pretty-folk.<br> <br>Saphinara would add, "If it's genuine" in a rather flat tone. Glancing towards the owl and her book with moderate interest.<br> <br>Katalynia murrs as shi listens to the owl's tale. "What are the contents of the book, if you don't mind my asking, Miss. Ohhh...well, Miss Lotus was interested so I accomponied her." Hir tail sways slowly showing hir curiosity.<br> <br>The owl shakes her head, "I don't see a way to verify the accuracy like that, exactly.  But there's actually more than just the date.  You see... "  she starts moving through the book, which contains map after map, much of it scribbled over with detailed linework.  "The book itself, it seems, is a rather large volume of maps for the United States.  Not just state maps, but even detailed city maps for all major cities and some not-so-major ones.  We don't have a copy of the original, though RSX claims to have one.  "  nodding a bit, "That was actually why I contacted them, at first, just to verify the authenticity of the original text."  Continuing to turn through he pages, she indicates, "As you can see, here is the map of the region where Zephyr has taken root today..." going over the linework, which now looks a bit rougher around the edges.  "And the new lines, and borders--the *geography* that this hand-drawn overlay indicates is a *very* accurate match to what we see, today, after p-day."<br> <br>Aqua looks impressed by the information "I can see why this book could be a valuable find for any of the groups. Maps that detailed could be incredably useful for any agents." Gently putting a hand on xon's neck as she leans folward to look closer.<br> <br>Savi looks up, suddenly interested. "A scribe?This is way too much work for one person, unless it is an opus, either way.. are we looking for the artist, or the art?" she whispers across the room, her eyes locked on the valuable work being discussed.<br> <br>Xon smiles and leans forward, her coils unfolding as she looms a little closer to provider herself and Aqua a decent view. "Those are very impressive articles. These might actually explian the locations of various outposts, the reason certain speicies remains in their locations, it might even reveal the location of forgotten alcoves of information." Her vipers seem to squirm as she unload possible ideas. "Or...it's a forgery...doubtful but possible. I hope it isn't though"<br> <br>The owl frowns, "Unfortunately, whomever began the scribbling did not complete the efforts.  "  She continues to turn through the pages.  The lines become more of a random scribbling, then begin to rip through the pages themselves.  Then some pages which appear to have been gnawed upon.  The remaining pages appear to be totally intact originals--if quite a bit worn like the rest of the text.  "They also failed to record a name, or a location, for themselves.  I cannot verify that the work is legitimate."  Looking to the agents, "That is, in fact, why I requested your assistance.  There is a map here, one of the good ones...  It overlays what used to be a large university campus.  Currently, that land mass is rubble and heaps of topsoil, with some mountains nearby.  But if this is accurate...  "  she points to the map, "There may be a way to get to the campus, which would now be underground.  If it's intact... you may be able to find some rare texts we have otherwise been unable to recover.  New, rare books.  "  She nods, "And, if this does lead to something accurate, yes.  This book of maps, incomplete as it is, may lead to some other startling discoveries as well."<br> <br>Saphinara would scratch her chin folding her other arms against her chest, "Likely each faction wants thier hands on them for their own reasons and wants to verify they are the real deal." She'd grimace for a second, "I can already imagine why Zephyr and RSX would want them" She states. She'd then ponder for a few moments, tails moving across the floor as she thought, "I'm not sure as to why we were called yet though unless there's more to this, perhaps you've found something hidden already?" stating her conclusion and being almost certain about it then being beaten to the punch by the owl anyway.<br> <br>Savi says what most in the room are likely thinking. "This is real..." knowing exactly what the teethmarks mean the plant goes on. "The scribe went Feral before they were done." Shaking her head sadly. "Savi does not anyone would be so cruel as to fake that type of book." Looking around she knows this mission is important.<br> <br>Xon sighs softly, looking at the remaining pages wearily. "Ah, that would be a decent amount of evidence towards how close it was to P-day. Those who changed quickly, ironically were better suited in the long run, able to recover from any maddness that the changes might have inflicted. Those who attempted to carry on, like this one must have, to fight back...well many are still feral." She sighs softly, her body coiling back on itself. "Still treasures are treasures, possibly some old nanites strains are there, unadapted, to observe. Maybe even a Librarian strain, cousin of the Math Teacher i'd imagine." She said with a grin<br> <br>Katalynia nods and nuzzles against Miss Lotus. "What do You think, Miss Lotus. It seems like it would be worth checking out. I've checked out sketchier on less...." Shi can't help but let out a soft growl as shi thinks of any one group monopolizing this valuable find. <br> <br>Aqua nods lightly. "I cant deny my interest in this tome, but still, what are we needed to do? Transport the book to a faction or help find something else?" tilting her head curiously.<br> <br>Lotus nods enthusiastically, "Oh, we should -definitely- go see whats there! There could be all sorts of books or.. nanite forms." She bites her lip as she gets a few good ideas from 'university campus' and squeezes Saviante against while leaning against Katalynia.<br> <br>Saphinara would rise, moving towards the door, "I'm mostly interested in the powers that be, areas where there seems to be more than just nanites circulating around, we've all come across them now and again, now don't get me wrong I'm grateful for the oppertunity and there might be books on those in there however I'm not cut out for treasure hunting really." She'd shrug, "I'll find accomodation nearby though incase you find yourself beset by ferals and in need of aid though." she states walking out the door. <br> <br>The owl shrugs a bit with her wings, "I don't know what sorts of dangers might exist there, nanites or what have you.  I don't even know for certain that the map will be accurate enough to get you there...  But if it is, then you may be able to find some new books, *and* some new strains.  It's hard to say exactly how dangerous it might be, if it's truly an unspoiled location..."  She thinks a bit, looking to the agents, "This will take some time to investigate, I assume.  But do you believe you are capable of it?  The first step would be to find the entrace itself, if it exists.  As I understand it, your employeers wished for you to accomplish this first, then report back with your findings."<br> <br>Noticing the person she doesn't know leave Savi frowns, she understands, but knows just by looking that she would have been a valuable asset. Taking it all in Savi looks around. "If t has not already, this tome needs to be copied, hand copied line for line if need be and sent to every town, every group. The odds it are fake are so slim as to be nonexistant." Thinking over the owl<br> <br>Xon sighs softly, her vipers hissing to her softly. "Alas, I will return soon, to help legitimize the book itself, with some equipment from my lab, if that would please you, miss Librarian." She grins softly before reaching up to allow Aqua off her shoulder and onto the table. She quickly speeds off to grab her equipment to date the papers at least. (Sorry all, thought I'd be able to rough it out <3)<br> <br>Noticing the person she doesn't know leave Savi frowns, she understands, but knows just by looking that she would have been a valuable asset. Taking it all in Savi looks around. "If t has not already, this tome needs to be copied, hand copied line for line if need be and sent to every town, every group. The odds it are fake are so slim as to be nonexistant." Thinking over the owl's words Savi nods as one more moves out. "This is important, Savi is sure we could make the initial stage of the trip with a group of this size."<br> <br>Katalynia murrs softly as shi mulls over the posibilities. "I'm glad you think so, Miss Lotus. I'm all tingly at the possibilities of what might be found if the map is accurate."<br> <br>With the depature of the others Lotus moves closer, bringing her two lovlies with her, "Miss- I'm Sorry, we weren't introduced." Looking between both Aqua and the owl, "I'm Lotus, this here is Katalynia, and this is Saviante. We'd be more than happy to investiate the map!"<br> <br>Aqua waves after xon as she departs. "Honistly? I dont really think im suited for this kind of treasure hunt. im a healer not a fighter im afraid. but I am thankful to be part of this." Nodding gently to the Librarian, Lotus, Katalynia and Saviante. "oh..." realizing her fluxpa... "Im sorry. My name is Aqua." looking embaroussed.<br> <br>The owl smiles, adjusting her glasses, "Ah, where are my manors, thank you young lady.  My name is Ezra."  She nods her head, saying, "And that is wonderful to hear.  Thank you *so* much for your help.  Of course, as a token of our gratitude, your organizations are all free to digitize any of the books you find in the library, before you bring them back to us here.  You can also do as you like with any nanite strains you may come across.  We simply ask to be given the physical editions of the texts, themselves, once you've made the copies.  And, of course, please prioritize their safe aquisition--second only to your safe return."  Smiling.  "If there are books, books we otherwise might not recover, we must ensure they are protected and safely delivered."  Nodding a bit.  "Is this all acceptable?"<br> <br>Katalynia follows with Miss Lotus quite obediently. Shi blushes a bit at having forgotten to ask Miss Owl's name. "Ohh, my, mmm, so sorry! It's nice to meet You, Miss Ezra." Shi snuggles up to Miss Lotus. "Ohh, yes, we'd be happy to investigate this for You!"<br> <br>Aqua shakes her head "Im sorry but, I dont think il be going on the treasure hunt, it sounds interesting, but I need to continue studys here." She looks, sad, to opt out, but she seems adimant about her decision. "Im sorry. I will remain here"<br> <br>Savi just nods obediently, then looks to Aqua with a soft caring look in her eyes. ""Savi will keep you safe." she says softly, meaning the words honestly and not understanding that such things can sound demeaning from such a small creature. Staying close to Lotus, Savi knows she will do what she has to do.<br> <br>Lotus frowns a little, "Well, if you inist, Aqua, dear, I guess it's just us then, ladies!" She gives her friends a squeeze before letting go to lean in closer to the map. "So, whereabouts are we starting?"<br> <br>Katalynia murrs and shivers pleasantly as Miss Lotus squeezes hir. Shi eyes the map carefully, staying behind Miss Lotus so hir larger size doesn't get in the way.  "Mmm, it would seem so, Miss Lotus. Ahh, well, maybe a small recon force might be more advantageous in the long run.  I think I could fly You and Sav where we need to go if I study it for awhile..."<br> <br>Ezra nods, as she pulls out some papers, "I've already copied down 3 copies of the map, here, along with directions from Clairmont.  You should be able to follow this to the region.  I have not, however, visually inspected the area myself.  This is all going off of the information from the most current records and the records from the book, here.  If you are ready to depart, you can take these with you.  Just be careful not to lose them!  I would say, mum's the word about your activities.  If others found out there's a "treasure hunt" on, there might be a gold rush of sorts.  We don't want the books to get destroyed with hundreds or thousands of folks tromping about on top of the ruins...  Your agencies were clear with me that it was in everyone's best interest to keep things hush-hush until they give the all clear."  Nodding, "Once you've found an entrace, or verified that it just isn't there afterall, you should report back to your agencies and to me.  Let us know what you've found.  We'll organize a recovery effort after your ground survey is complete."  Smiling, "Oh, and of course, let us know if you run into any danger."<br> <br>Lotus nods and hands out the copied maps, handing on to Aqua too. "Well I guess we should get underway!"<br> <br>Aqua takes the map offered and nods "Do be careful you three... dont get in over your heads. keep the comm's on and such." Nodding to Ezra "I wont say anything to anyone." Nodding lightly and carefully putting the map in a small pouch at her side.<br> <br>Savi knows Kat's idea is a good one, leaving at night and flying in the air in a small group, they will likely arrive unobserved by most. With a gentle wave of her hand toward Aqua. "Be careful here as well." she says as she follows Lotus and Kat out.<br> <br>Travel by air makes things rather simple for the bulk of the journey, though the group eventually needs to come in for a landing in order to follow the details of the map.  Katalynia makes a landing within about a mile of the actual destination, according to the map--which isn't terrible, considering the scale of it all.  Still, you'll need to do a bit of leg-work at this point in order to find the location.  The map narrows it down to a long valley, which Kat brings everyone down within.<br> <br>Katalynia pants a bit as shi lands as smoothly as shi can carrying Miss Lotus and Savi in hir arms. "Whew, I think this is as close as we're going to get in the air, Miss Lotus. I don't want to miss any vital clues to location from the air."<br> <br>Lotus gives Katalynia a big hug, "Oh, I think this should be close enough, Katalynia, let's have a look at the map again, we might be able to find a different path."<br> <br>Savi moves a short distance away the moment the group lands. Knowing the map wont do her any good, Savi begins to watch the surrounding area as her body slides into it's passive state, becoming a plant in appearance, not quite camo, her vines and arms, along with the tassles on her shemagh and clothing all lend to the illusion. Curving and swaying in the air in tune with the breeze tries to just stop being something anyone notices. Body posed without being posed, Saviante begins her usual job of guard duty.<br> <br>Katalynia nods and hands Miss Lotus the map. "Here, Miss Lotus. Can You make heads or tails of it, Miss Lotus." Shi surveys the surrounding terrain trying to make sure nothing sneaks up on them,<br> <br>Lotus studies the map for a few moments, "Well, it looks like the entrance is here, on the south side. We should focus there. Down.. that way.. " She points to the south edge of the valley.<br> <br>Seeing the gesture from Lotus, Savi moves southwardly. Trying to move slow and watch her step the plant feels out her pace with her vines, allowing for an eerie gliding motion. Making sure he starting location, and departure is seen by the others, Savi slides into the overgrowth with a soft whisper of sound that slips away in the wind.<br> <br>Katalynia nods as shi listens to Miss Lotus. "Lead the way, Miss Lotus." I place my paw in Miss Lotus' hand. "I'll make sure to keep You safe, Miss Lotus, no matter what..."<br> <br>Lotus giggles a little, "Oh I'm sure it's not going to be anything much at all.
<div></div><br> <br>As you arrive at the Clairmont Library, each of you is invited inside by a kindly old owl.  She is sitting desk near the entrace, going through returns with a rubber stamp, while a younger bunny scurries about the ailes shelving books of all sizes and topics.  The shelves are sparce, but clean and well-kept.  The library itself is nice and home-y.  There is an easy-going feeling, like everything will be alright if you just curl up here with a book and relax.  The windows pour in daylight and natural warmth into the wooden, carpetted building.<br> <br>Xon bubbles with excitement as she enters, the olive-skinned medusa looking around the quaint library with delight, although her glazed over, topaz eyes don't reflect it. She smiles happily as she flits around the area, leaning over the precious parchment with glee on her face, her hair-like vipers swaying as the each observe the various books. Her white lab coat gives a stark contrast to her oily, black scaled tail and hair.<br> <br>Aqua nods to the owl as she approaches. a common sight from the university, turning in two books on Oriental myths and heading inside to look for some more tomes. finding one about greek myth and pulling it from the shelf and going to a chair to study it.<br> <br>Katalynia walks into the library. Shi looks around hir ears flicking back and forth as shi enjoys the scent of the books. Shi wears only a simple floral print dress to cover hirself to keep in line with the town's guidelines. Hir tail wags behind hir slowly as shi walks. Shi smiles and nods to the owl as. Shi looks over the shelves of books as shi waits.<br> <br>Lotus wanders in closely behind, the Katalynia, the distinct smell of the books bringing back memories of long nights studying. Curious to find out what this deployment will bring she can't help but walk with a spring in her step.<br> <br>Saphinara the large Talakai would trudge down the hallway, tails flittering about behind her as she grumbled, having pulled the noisy earpeice out of her ear moments before having both recieved and answered the request from this area. She'd move up to the door, seeing a couple of others having entered moments before hand and assuming it was safe to just move inside without knocking, opening and ducking her head under the doorframe as she moved inside, glancing at the collected knowledge before her and the others present. <br> <br>Dressed in her long coat and shemagh, Savi could almost pass for a short human, that is, until you notice there is no feet blelow the coat, only the mass of slithering black vines. Boredom having overcome her, Savi randomly chose one person she calls friend and decided to see what they were up to, the concept of using her com not having occured to her, the plant girl simply asked around until she was told about a lead or a sighting. Recieving the call second hand, having missed it initially, the plant is almost to the library when she finds out why Lotus is here. Having found out she hesitates before moving forward, unsure if she needs go on anymore. Deciding there may be someone to help Savi grins under her face covering and moves into the library, arriving last she slides quietly up to Lotus and touches her shoulder lightly. "Tag." the self-proclaimed flower half whispers before making a slight awkward wave to the others there already.<br> <br>The owl looks up as several folks, some not locals, start to gather inside.  Turning her head to the side a bit, she asks in a quiet voice, "Pardon me... be would you kind young people happen to be the investigators we requested?"  She stamps a book, sliding it off to the side and adjusting her glasses, "I'm afraid we didn't get any pictures... or names, for that matter.  This was our first time making a request, and honestly, I didn't expect to see so many!"  Smiling a bit across her beak, waiting to see who pipes up.<br> <br>Xon surges forward with a bright grin, her vipers turning to regard the owl mostly as she crosses the distance rather rapidly thanks to her size. She extends her hand outward happily, "Pleasure to meet you, why yes, I suspect myself and these fine folk are indeed here to assist in some way with the invesitgation you've mentioned. We aren't simply here at random and have accidently stumbled across a paying job, that would be silly." The medusa says excitedly, her voice bubbly and half-mad. As she speaks, several of her vipers seem to turn from the pack and begin to investigate the others, several hissing welcomes to Saphinara, Aqua and Lotus.<br> <br>Aqua joins the group. "Ah?" Just nodding lightly "Well I guess that is the case then. What's happened that the Libary needed to call in help?" Looking at the gathering group, the short human feeling vulnerable around the larger people.<br> <br>Lotus giggles, "Glad you could join us, Savi!" She wraps an arm around Saviante's waist while holding one of Katalynia's hands. <br> <br>Katalynia smiles and leans gently against Miss Lotus as shi regards the owl. "Ohh, yes, Miss, here to help investigate. I do love to lend a helping paw when I can. Any details on exactly what and where we'll be poking about, Miss?" Shi giggles a bit at Xon's comments.  <br> <br>Looking to the Owl, Savi nods. "It is not why I came, but it is why I have stayed." Her constant soft tone likely lost in the sound of the others in the room. With a glace to everyone gathered her plant mind wondered if the poor owl knew how volitile such gatherings could become. Hoping for the best, but always expecting the worst, Saviante takes a second to pat herself down discretely, just to make sure her weapons were all in proper order. WIth a final glance to Lotus she smiles only visable in her eyes. "Savi lives to serve." she says softly before turnng her attention to the owl again with a soft pat of her friends hand.<br> <br>Saphinara would find a comfortable spot to stand in then rest, leaning against a nearby wall or shelf, she'd glance briefly at the medusa's hair before giving the room another once other then focusing on the ow, folding a pair of arms in the meantime. "So what's this about," she stated in a clear deep tone.<br> <br>Smiles, stepping up out of her chair and walking along behind the desk.  Looking up to the bunny, she calls out with only a bit more volume than before.  "Gabriel...  Gabriel, would you mind the desk, please?  We have visitors."  The bunny bobs her head a bit, listening to something on a pair of hearphones as she practically skates through the ailes, not seeming to notice the elderly owl.  Adjusting her glasses, she peers out, "Gabriel...?  The desk, girl.  Would you mind the desk, please?  Could you take out those earphones, please?"  Waving a wing, the bunny finally catches a look at the librarian out of the corner of a blue eye.  Gabby squints her eyes, holding up a hand to block the daylight a bit.  Shaking her head, the bunny points to her earphones--as though this should sufficiently answer the question.  The owl frowns, holding up her wings and gesturing to the sides of her head, making little "pulling" motions...<br> <br>Savi wonders briefly, not understanding the hand signs, if the owl is about to pull the Bunnys ears off.<br> <br>Makena<br> <br>Xon<br> <br>Makena #help<br> <br>Xon smiles and bounces happily, coiling her tail upward as she wraps it around Aqua's wasit with flee. "Oh~ Aqua!! I'm happy you're here. I hadn't see you in for so long. " She smiles happily, which seems a little mad due to her note turning to face Aqua, her rearmost viper looking at the girl instead. Still facing the elderly owl, Xon inquires "So, this adventure, what does it entail? Does it entail SCIENCE?!" She asks with a gleeful cackle<br> <br>Aqua smiles and hugs back xon "Oh Hey xon." Nodding gently, blushing softly as shes small enough to sit on this xon's shoulder. "It has been a while." nodding lightly. Looking at the group as she indeed takes a place on Xon's shoulder.<br> <br>Katalynia squeezes Miss Lotus' hand gently and takes a discrete step away from Xon. "Mmm, yes, science is good..." Shi watches the interaction between the owl and the young bunny bemusedly.<br> <br>The owl sighs, as Gabriel gingerly vanishes down the ailes.  Looking to the agents, "That girl...  Would one of you young folks be kind enough to get her attention for me?  I can't quite keep up with her energy...  She does wonders around here, but she's a bit... well...  "  She sighs, shaking her head, "It's those ruffian friends of her's, I think."<br> <br>Deciding the request isnt a true order the tiny plant sprinds forwards, her vanies carrying her lithely down the Isles with a soft whispering sound. Upon finding the rabbit Savi slids in front of her, trying to block her patch without contact. Eyes steady Savi locks sight with the Rabbit intent on waiting her out on the ear-bud removal.<br> <br>Saphinara would not move from her place deciding she was not really needed, nor was she a servant, someone else could get the lapine. More than likely she would scare her off at a glance, she bided her time leaning back and relaxing from the long trek here, an arm rumaging around inside her coat searching for a second object as she waited for the request to actually be made known. <br> <br>Lotus quietly cuddles against Katalynia as Saviante dashes of in pursuit of the bunny. She scrunches her toes in the carpet and idly flicks around her long tail.<br> <br>Gabby blinks! as she looks down at Saviante, then up.  Blink blink!  "Ack!"  As she drops her handful of books, her ears springing up, taking a single hop back!<br> <br>Katalynia watches the whole scene between the bunny and Sav curiously. Shi leans hir head against Miss Lotus' shoulder. "Do You think we should do something, Miss Lotus?"<br> <br>Saviante points one finger sternly at the attracive wheeled creature, then shifts her finger to point in the direction of the Owl. Impatient to be on with the mission and back to her friends, she then slides around Gabby and heads back toward the desk, making the "follow" gesture with her hand as she passes.<br> <br>Xon smiles at Aqua as she rides on her shoulder, a soft blush crossing her face as she turns herself towards Saphinara with a gentle smile "Hello there Saphinara, I didn't know you were called to this site." She grins widely, her tail swaying beneath her.<br> <br>Aqua watches from xon shoulder. The plant person has it in hand, and right now shes curious what this request for help could be. its the first she heard of it while she has been in Claremont, popping her back abit and watching.<br> <br>Gabby blinkblinks as she takes out her headphones, smiling and perking up, "Hi!  Can I help you?"  her left ear drooping back over her shoulder again.  She looks down, "Oh... oh gosh!!"  As she bends down and starts collecting the books.  "Ohhh... they were all in order!"  Frowning as she starts trying to figure out what goes where.<br> <br>Lotus softly replies to Katalynia, "Looks like Savi has it under control, Sweety." She gives her tail a little flick, sending it against the back of Katalynia's thighs producing a quiet slap.<br> <br>Katalynia nods and wags hir tail excitedly. "Mmm, okay, Miss Lotus." Shi murrs softly at tail slap. "Mmm...ohhh...Miss Lotus..." Shi blushes lightly.<br> <br>Stopping slightly Saviante sighs. "You. Are. Needed. Gabby." The plant says over her shoulder, her soft voice reaching it's loudest level, a full whisper. Taking the time to enunciate every word cleary the plant girl adds "The treasures can wait, people need assistance." With a slight scolding tone, Savi rejoins the group and moves back to her place next to Lotus. "If she is not on her way, Savi suggests you fire her today." she says to the owl before growing quiet and still.<br> <br>Saphinara the Talakai waves a hand, paw whatever you wish to refer to it as towards Xon as she approached, another 2 flipping the pages of a small leather bound book which was also stuffed with scraps of paper on various pages. Trying her best to ignore the not so subtle teasing going on around the room, she awaited the time when they would actually move on with this. "I was nearby and apparently qualified according to Zephyr records, never liked that word," she states grudgingly glancing up at Xon from the book for a few moments. She seemed in a rather off mood, all of her tails were rather curled around her legs and her whole body posture was stiff.<br> <br>Gabby frowns, carrying the unsorted books along with her and placing them back in the unsorted bin--trying to keep them set apart from the others.  She approaches the owl, who taps her talons on the floor a bit, "Gabriel, would you please watch the desk while I take these young folks to the office?"  Gabby nods, "Sure!  Can do!  "  she smiles, hopping into the seat and getting back into her earbuds, watching for her chance to start spinning the chair.  She owl shakes her head, nodding to Saviante as she returns.  "Thank you...  Would you all come this way, please?"  The owl leads the group back into a small room in the back, where some books and papers are spread out on a table.  There's seating room enough for 10, though it's a human-sized doorway.  (Anyone bigger than 7 or 8?  XD )<br> <br>Xon gives Saphinara a gentle nuzzle with her serpents. "I look forward to working with you." Xon then grins widely at the plant-girl suggestion "Why I'd say having an active assistant is of benefit...on another note," The Medusa, slides forward to examine Saviante with a mad cap grip, several of her vipers slithering forward to taste the girl's scent with their tongues. "You're a very interesting varient straing aren't you? It's very interesting to see a plant-type this mobile at all in my experience."<br> <br>Lotus gives Katalynia's hand a squeeze and wraps around Savi's waist again and begins following the owl.<br> <br>Katalynia smiles at Miss Lotus and rubs up softly at her side. Shi happily follows along with Miss Lotus, hir hips swaying with each step.<br> <br>Being led with ease, Savi follows along with Lotus and Kat. Halfway to the door paranoia kicks in and her mind begins to sprial though the possabilities that this is a trap. By the time she is sure it isn't, she's already standing in the room with the others waiting for the 'breifing to start.'<br> <br>The owl makes her way around the table, opening up an old book carefully, "I do appreciate your coming.  As I say, I was rather surprised they sent so many.  Is this rather important to your employeers?"  She slides a wing along the page in the book, "A fox came through town about a month ago, and dropped off this book.  Just like he were returning any normal book...  But when I went to check it in, I saw that it was no book of ours.  Nothing we had checked out."  She adjusts her glasses, "I put it into the sorting room, with some other donations we've received, and didn't think much of it.  But this week, it came into the queue.  As I started looking through the contents, I found some interesting information..."  She indicates the date, "The publication date on the book is hand-written, scribbled over the previous information.  And the date they give is just months after p-day..."<br> <br>Xon eyes seem to uncloud for a second, her vipers turning to focus on the owl and her book intently "Could these dates be varified with the equipment you have here?" She inquires with a soft hiss, her tail now nicely wrapped around itself into a tight coil.<br> <br>Aqua blinks "Thats interesting, a book written shortly after P-Day could have some interesting things to teach." Nodding with interest as xon focuses.<br> <br>Lotus quietly looks on, surprised by how interested in the books she is despite being surrounded by unfortunately clothed pretty-folk.<br> <br>Saphinara would add, "If it's genuine" in a rather flat tone. Glancing towards the owl and her book with moderate interest.<br> <br>Katalynia murrs as shi listens to the owl's tale. "What are the contents of the book, if you don't mind my asking, Miss. Ohhh...well, Miss Lotus was interested so I accomponied her." Hir tail sways slowly showing hir curiosity.<br> <br>The owl shakes her head, "I don't see a way to verify the accuracy like that, exactly.  But there's actually more than just the date.  You see... "  she starts moving through the book, which contains map after map, much of it scribbled over with detailed linework.  "The book itself, it seems, is a rather large volume of maps for the United States.  Not just state maps, but even detailed city maps for all major cities and some not-so-major ones.  We don't have a copy of the original, though RSX claims to have one.  "  nodding a bit, "That was actually why I contacted them, at first, just to verify the authenticity of the original text."  Continuing to turn through he pages, she indicates, "As you can see, here is the map of the region where Zephyr has taken root today..." going over the linework, which now looks a bit rougher around the edges.  "And the new lines, and borders--the *geography* that this hand-drawn overlay indicates is a *very* accurate match to what we see, today, after p-day."<br> <br>Aqua looks impressed by the information "I can see why this book could be a valuable find for any of the groups. Maps that detailed could be incredably useful for any agents." Gently putting a hand on xon's neck as she leans folward to look closer.<br> <br>Savi looks up, suddenly interested. "A scribe?This is way too much work for one person, unless it is an opus, either way.. are we looking for the artist, or the art?" she whispers across the room, her eyes locked on the valuable work being discussed.<br> <br>Xon smiles and leans forward, her coils unfolding as she looms a little closer to provider herself and Aqua a decent view. "Those are very impressive articles. These might actually explian the locations of various outposts, the reason certain speicies remains in their locations, it might even reveal the location of forgotten alcoves of information." Her vipers seem to squirm as she unload possible ideas. "Or...it's a forgery...doubtful but possible. I hope it isn't though"<br> <br>The owl frowns, "Unfortunately, whomever began the scribbling did not complete the efforts.  "  She continues to turn through the pages.  The lines become more of a random scribbling, then begin to rip through the pages themselves.  Then some pages which appear to have been gnawed upon.  The remaining pages appear to be totally intact originals--if quite a bit worn like the rest of the text.  "They also failed to record a name, or a location, for themselves.  I cannot verify that the work is legitimate."  Looking to the agents, "That is, in fact, why I requested your assistance.  There is a map here, one of the good ones...  It overlays what used to be a large university campus.  Currently, that land mass is rubble and heaps of topsoil, with some mountains nearby.  But if this is accurate...  "  she points to the map, "There may be a way to get to the campus, which would now be underground.  If it's intact... you may be able to find some rare texts we have otherwise been unable to recover.  New, rare books.  "  She nods, "And, if this does lead to something accurate, yes.  This book of maps, incomplete as it is, may lead to some other startling discoveries as well."<br> <br>Saphinara would scratch her chin folding her other arms against her chest, "Likely each faction wants thier hands on them for their own reasons and wants to verify they are the real deal." She'd grimace for a second, "I can already imagine why Zephyr and RSX would want them" She states. She'd then ponder for a few moments, tails moving across the floor as she thought, "I'm not sure as to why we were called yet though unless there's more to this, perhaps you've found something hidden already?" stating her conclusion and being almost certain about it then being beaten to the punch by the owl anyway.<br> <br>Savi says what most in the room are likely thinking. "This is real..." knowing exactly what the teethmarks mean the plant goes on. "The scribe went Feral before they were done." Shaking her head sadly. "Savi does not anyone would be so cruel as to fake that type of book." Looking around she knows this mission is important.<br> <br>Xon sighs softly, looking at the remaining pages wearily. "Ah, that would be a decent amount of evidence towards how close it was to P-day. Those who changed quickly, ironically were better suited in the long run, able to recover from any maddness that the changes might have inflicted. Those who attempted to carry on, like this one must have, to fight back...well many are still feral." She sighs softly, her body coiling back on itself. "Still treasures are treasures, possibly some old nanites strains are there, unadapted, to observe. Maybe even a Librarian strain, cousin of the Math Teacher i'd imagine." She said with a grin<br> <br>Katalynia nods and nuzzles against Miss Lotus. "What do You think, Miss Lotus. It seems like it would be worth checking out. I've checked out sketchier on less...." Shi can't help but let out a soft growl as shi thinks of any one group monopolizing this valuable find. <br> <br>Aqua nods lightly. "I cant deny my interest in this tome, but still, what are we needed to do? Transport the book to a faction or help find something else?" tilting her head curiously.<br> <br>Lotus nods enthusiastically, "Oh, we should -definitely- go see whats there! There could be all sorts of books or.. nanite forms." She bites her lip as she gets a few good ideas from 'university campus' and squeezes Saviante against while leaning against Katalynia.<br> <br>Saphinara would rise, moving towards the door, "I'm mostly interested in the powers that be, areas where there seems to be more than just nanites circulating around, we've all come across them now and again, now don't get me wrong I'm grateful for the oppertunity and there might be books on those in there however I'm not cut out for treasure hunting really." She'd shrug, "I'll find accomodation nearby though incase you find yourself beset by ferals and in need of aid though." she states walking out the door. <br> <br>The owl shrugs a bit with her wings, "I don't know what sorts of dangers might exist there, nanites or what have you.  I don't even know for certain that the map will be accurate enough to get you there...  But if it is, then you may be able to find some new books, *and* some new strains.  It's hard to say exactly how dangerous it might be, if it's truly an unspoiled location..."  She thinks a bit, looking to the agents, "This will take some time to investigate, I assume.  But do you believe you are capable of it?  The first step would be to find the entrace itself, if it exists.  As I understand it, your employeers wished for you to accomplish this first, then report back with your findings."<br> <br>Noticing the person she doesn't know leave Savi frowns, she understands, but knows just by looking that she would have been a valuable asset. Taking it all in Savi looks around. "If t has not already, this tome needs to be copied, hand copied line for line if need be and sent to every town, every group. The odds it are fake are so slim as to be nonexistant." Thinking over the owl<br> <br>Xon sighs softly, her vipers hissing to her softly. "Alas, I will return soon, to help legitimize the book itself, with some equipment from my lab, if that would please you, miss Librarian." She grins softly before reaching up to allow Aqua off her shoulder and onto the table. She quickly speeds off to grab her equipment to date the papers at least. (Sorry all, thought I'd be able to rough it out <3)<br> <br>Noticing the person she doesn't know leave Savi frowns, she understands, but knows just by looking that she would have been a valuable asset. Taking it all in Savi looks around. "If t has not already, this tome needs to be copied, hand copied line for line if need be and sent to every town, every group. The odds it are fake are so slim as to be nonexistant." Thinking over the owl's words Savi nods as one more moves out. "This is important, Savi is sure we could make the initial stage of the trip with a group of this size."<br> <br>Katalynia murrs softly as shi mulls over the posibilities. "I'm glad you think so, Miss Lotus. I'm all tingly at the possibilities of what might be found if the map is accurate."<br> <br>With the depature of the others Lotus moves closer, bringing her two lovlies with her, "Miss- I'm Sorry, we weren't introduced." Looking between both Aqua and the owl, "I'm Lotus, this here is Katalynia, and this is Saviante. We'd be more than happy to investiate the map!"<br> <br>Aqua waves after xon as she departs. "Honistly? I dont really think im suited for this kind of treasure hunt. im a healer not a fighter im afraid. but I am thankful to be part of this." Nodding gently to the Librarian, Lotus, Katalynia and Saviante. "oh..." realizing her fluxpa... "Im sorry. My name is Aqua." looking embaroussed.<br> <br>The owl smiles, adjusting her glasses, "Ah, where are my manors, thank you young lady.  My name is Ezra."  She nods her head, saying, "And that is wonderful to hear.  Thank you *so* much for your help.  Of course, as a token of our gratitude, your organizations are all free to digitize any of the books you find in the library, before you bring them back to us here.  You can also do as you like with any nanite strains you may come across.  We simply ask to be given the physical editions of the texts, themselves, once you've made the copies.  And, of course, please prioritize their safe aquisition--second only to your safe return."  Smiling.  "If there are books, books we otherwise might not recover, we must ensure they are protected and safely delivered."  Nodding a bit.  "Is this all acceptable?"<br> <br>Katalynia follows with Miss Lotus quite obediently. Shi blushes a bit at having forgotten to ask Miss Owl's name. "Ohh, my, mmm, so sorry! It's nice to meet You, Miss Ezra." Shi snuggles up to Miss Lotus. "Ohh, yes, we'd be happy to investigate this for You!"<br> <br>Aqua shakes her head "Im sorry but, I dont think il be going on the treasure hunt, it sounds interesting, but I need to continue studys here." She looks, sad, to opt out, but she seems adimant about her decision. "Im sorry. I will remain here"<br> <br>Savi just nods obediently, then looks to Aqua with a soft caring look in her eyes. ""Savi will keep you safe." she says softly, meaning the words honestly and not understanding that such things can sound demeaning from such a small creature. Staying close to Lotus, Savi knows she will do what she has to do.<br> <br>Lotus frowns a little, "Well, if you inist, Aqua, dear, I guess it's just us then, ladies!" She gives her friends a squeeze before letting go to lean in closer to the map. "So, whereabouts are we starting?"<br> <br>Katalynia murrs and shivers pleasantly as Miss Lotus squeezes hir. Shi eyes the map carefully, staying behind Miss Lotus so hir larger size doesn't get in the way.  "Mmm, it would seem so, Miss Lotus. Ahh, well, maybe a small recon force might be more advantageous in the long run.  I think I could fly You and Sav where we need to go if I study it for awhile..."<br> <br>Ezra nods, as she pulls out some papers, "I've already copied down 3 copies of the map, here, along with directions from Clairmont.  You should be able to follow this to the region.  I have not, however, visually inspected the area myself.  This is all going off of the information from the most current records and the records from the book, here.  If you are ready to depart, you can take these with you.  Just be careful not to lose them!  I would say, mum's the word about your activities.  If others found out there's a "treasure hunt" on, there might be a gold rush of sorts.  We don't want the books to get destroyed with hundreds or thousands of folks tromping about on top of the ruins...  Your agencies were clear with me that it was in everyone's best interest to keep things hush-hush until they give the all clear."  Nodding, "Once you've found an entrace, or verified that it just isn't there afterall, you should report back to your agencies and to me.  Let us know what you've found.  We'll organize a recovery effort after your ground survey is complete."  Smiling, "Oh, and of course, let us know if you run into any danger."<br> <br>Lotus nods and hands out the copied maps, handing on to Aqua too. "Well I guess we should get underway!"<br> <br>Aqua takes the map offered and nods "Do be careful you three... dont get in over your heads. keep the comm's on and such." Nodding to Ezra "I wont say anything to anyone." Nodding lightly and carefully putting the map in a small pouch at her side.<br> <br>Savi knows Kat's idea is a good one, leaving at night and flying in the air in a small group, they will likely arrive unobserved by most. With a gentle wave of her hand toward Aqua. "Be careful here as well." she says as she follows Lotus and Kat out.<br> <br>Travel by air makes things rather simple for the bulk of the journey, though the group eventually needs to come in for a landing in order to follow the details of the map.  Katalynia makes a landing within about a mile of the actual destination, according to the map--which isn't terrible, considering the scale of it all.  Still, you'll need to do a bit of leg-work at this point in order to find the location.  The map narrows it down to a long valley, which Kat brings everyone down within.<br> <br>Katalynia pants a bit as shi lands as smoothly as shi can carrying Miss Lotus and Savi in hir arms. "Whew, I think this is as close as we're going to get in the air, Miss Lotus. I don't want to miss any vital clues to location from the air."<br> <br>Lotus gives Katalynia a big hug, "Oh, I think this should be close enough, Katalynia, let's have a look at the map again, we might be able to find a different path."<br> <br>Savi moves a short distance away the moment the group lands. Knowing the map wont do her any good, Savi begins to watch the surrounding area as her body slides into it's passive state, becoming a plant in appearance, not quite camo, her vines and arms, along with the tassles on her shemagh and clothing all lend to the illusion. Curving and swaying in the air in tune with the breeze tries to just stop being something anyone notices. Body posed without being posed, Saviante begins her usual job of guard duty.<br> <br>Katalynia nods and hands Miss Lotus the map. "Here, Miss Lotus. Can You make heads or tails of it, Miss Lotus." Shi surveys the surrounding terrain trying to make sure nothing sneaks up on them,<br> <br>Lotus studies the map for a few moments, "Well, it looks like the entrance is here, on the south side. We should focus there. Down.. that way.. " She points to the south edge of the valley.<br> <br>Seeing the gesture from Lotus, Savi moves southwardly. Trying to move slow and watch her step the plant feels out her pace with her vines, allowing for an eerie gliding motion. Making sure he starting location, and departure is seen by the others, Savi slides into the overgrowth with a soft whisper of sound that slips away in the wind.<br> <br>Katalynia nods as shi listens to Miss Lotus. "Lead the way, Miss Lotus." I place my paw in Miss Lotus' hand. "I'll make sure to keep You safe, Miss Lotus, no matter what..."<br> <br>Lotus giggles a little, "Oh I'm sure it's not going to be anything much at all.<br> <br>The travel isn't terribly bad for the first leg of the journey.  It's a long walk-that's all there is to it.  With most of the group not specially trained in survival skills, and savi traveling stealthily, the pace is relatively slow and steady.  About 200 yards ahead, you become aware of a deep gash in the earth.  It wont surprise anyone--no one stumbles in and falls.  Katalynia's flight would be enough to give everyone passage, but that would mean being rather visible.  You could try to find an alternate way across, or hope that you are unseen flying over.<br> <br>Looking at the gash and the sky in Turn Savi turns to the group. "When shown two paths and one goal, there is only one choice." Waving her hand to the gap The plant goes on. "To ensure the saftey of the group we must stick together, but to ensure the safety of the order we must take both paths. Split up. Two one way, a lone runner the other." SHaking her head at the others Savi sighs. "It is a hard choice. If we go over, we WILL be seen. Something like this did not stay unguarded."<br> <br>Katalynia says sensually, "I'll take the lone runner part. I have a better chance of avoiding trouble on my own if I run into anything unsavory. Miss Lotus, I'll keep an eye over You, as best as I can from the sky."<br> <br>Lotus frowns, "Ezra asked us to make sure it's not discovered, shouldn't we all stay hidden?"<br> <br>Savi nods. "We can't be seen, if we havn't been alreadt, also another path will take time, and possibly run us through other, worse obsticles." Savi edges over the scar in the earth and glances down. "We should climb, shorter distance, but more work."<br> <br>Katalynia murrs quietly. "I will defer to Your choice, Miss Lotus. Climbing would be okay with me."<br> <br>Lotus fidgets for a moment, "I think we should climb. We should do our best to preserve anything we find."<br> <br>Still looking down the edge Savi nods again. "If either think you cannot make the climb, Savi can carry you both." The bold words from the tiny plant seem amusing at first, but the serious in her tone implies she is in no way joking. "Whatever we can do to keep you safe." she says, implying 'you' to mean both the others.<br> <br>Katalynia nods and snuggles against Miss Lotus. "Then climb it is. I should go first or last, since I could probably glide to safety should I fall...though being carried....if it wouldn't overburden you, Saviante." Shi flicks hir ears flat against hir skull not really looking forward to the climb down.<br> <br>Lotus wraps an arm firmly around Saviante's waist, and with a calm encouraging tone, "I'm ready, let's get moving"<br> <br>Katalynia climbs onto the plant wrapping hirself in the vines. Shi shivers pleasantly as the vines caress hir soft fur, shi always did have a thing for tentacles....<br> <br>Holding the others as close as she can Savi begins making her way down the cleft, Using the appendages she mostly uses to kill as supports, hands and safety harnesses. Showing a surprising amount of strength, pressed with fear and the rush of such close contact Sav doesn't fully remember the entire climb. When the haze in her head, a slight venture into the primal feral she could be, passes, she finds the group sitting on the far edge.. she almost has to wonder why she is panting and tired.<br> <br>With time to spare, if anyone's keeping a clock of the progress, the team makes their way along the valley.  It's a few football fields of winding, but the procession is undisturbed by any potential wandering ferals.  Down this way, coming into a deep dip, Lotus takes notice of some looser earth near the edge of the path.<br> <br>What she finds is rather surprising--or not, if the team was optimistic of their chances.  Burried a few feet into looser earth, Lotus hits upon a thick, wooden plank.  Burrowing deeper, she slowly uncovers the upper-right corner of a broken sign.  Most of the text it gone, having been broken off from this loose chuck.  What she can see spells out the odd term:  "versity"<br> <br>The surrounding area appears largely unspoiled, save for what wind and rain might have worn away over the years.<br> <br>After brushing the dirt off the sign Lotus bounces giving everything a good jiggle, "Looks like this is the place! Lets see what we can find!"<br> <br>Savi hears the order from Lotus and begins to spread out to look over the area. Letting her walking vines feel the ground she uses her combat tendrils to feel out any brush, plant, or random obstruction, not knowing what to look for, and just looking for anything that doesn't seem "Right" in a field.<br> <br>Katalynia smiles and hugs Miss Lotus. "Looks like we're on the right track, Miss Lotus. Hmmm...univeristy I would guess." Shi says as shi looks over the dusted off sign. "Hmm, which one, I wonder....Cali always had so many...."<br> <br>Holding the damaged sign Lotus muses, "It looks like we've got what we came for, let's have a quick look around and take this back to Ezra."<br> <br>As the group digs deeper into the loose earth, they make occassion (if somewhat minor) discoveries.  A bit of faded paper here and there.  Deeper still, half of an ink pen that's long since dried out.  Finally, Lotus makes a rather startling discovery:  A backpack.  The pack itself is rather worn, but the contents appear to have survived.  Shrink-wrapped inside is a thick, unused textbook titled "The 1950's".<br> <br>While that appears to be the one "gold nugget" here on the surface, it seems rather clear that somewhere in the vicinity could be a treasure trove of knowledge, danger, or both.

Revision as of 04:51, 14 September 2013





As you arrive at the Clairmont Library, each of you is invited inside by a kindly old owl. She is sitting desk near the entrace, going through returns with a rubber stamp, while a younger bunny scurries about the ailes shelving books of all sizes and topics. The shelves are sparce, but clean and well-kept. The library itself is nice and home-y. There is an easy-going feeling, like everything will be alright if you just curl up here with a book and relax. The windows pour in daylight and natural warmth into the wooden, carpetted building.

Xon bubbles with excitement as she enters, the olive-skinned medusa looking around the quaint library with delight, although her glazed over, topaz eyes don't reflect it. She smiles happily as she flits around the area, leaning over the precious parchment with glee on her face, her hair-like vipers swaying as the each observe the various books. Her white lab coat gives a stark contrast to her oily, black scaled tail and hair.

Aqua nods to the owl as she approaches. a common sight from the university, turning in two books on Oriental myths and heading inside to look for some more tomes. finding one about greek myth and pulling it from the shelf and going to a chair to study it.

Katalynia walks into the library. Shi looks around hir ears flicking back and forth as shi enjoys the scent of the books. Shi wears only a simple floral print dress to cover hirself to keep in line with the town's guidelines. Hir tail wags behind hir slowly as shi walks. Shi smiles and nods to the owl as. Shi looks over the shelves of books as shi waits.

Lotus wanders in closely behind, the Katalynia, the distinct smell of the books bringing back memories of long nights studying. Curious to find out what this deployment will bring she can't help but walk with a spring in her step.

Saphinara the large Talakai would trudge down the hallway, tails flittering about behind her as she grumbled, having pulled the noisy earpeice out of her ear moments before having both recieved and answered the request from this area. She'd move up to the door, seeing a couple of others having entered moments before hand and assuming it was safe to just move inside without knocking, opening and ducking her head under the doorframe as she moved inside, glancing at the collected knowledge before her and the others present.

Dressed in her long coat and shemagh, Savi could almost pass for a short human, that is, until you notice there is no feet blelow the coat, only the mass of slithering black vines. Boredom having overcome her, Savi randomly chose one person she calls friend and decided to see what they were up to, the concept of using her com not having occured to her, the plant girl simply asked around until she was told about a lead or a sighting. Recieving the call second hand, having missed it initially, the plant is almost to the library when she finds out why Lotus is here. Having found out she hesitates before moving forward, unsure if she needs go on anymore. Deciding there may be someone to help Savi grins under her face covering and moves into the library, arriving last she slides quietly up to Lotus and touches her shoulder lightly. "Tag." the self-proclaimed flower half whispers before making a slight awkward wave to the others there already.

The owl looks up as several folks, some not locals, start to gather inside. Turning her head to the side a bit, she asks in a quiet voice, "Pardon me... be would you kind young people happen to be the investigators we requested?" She stamps a book, sliding it off to the side and adjusting her glasses, "I'm afraid we didn't get any pictures... or names, for that matter. This was our first time making a request, and honestly, I didn't expect to see so many!" Smiling a bit across her beak, waiting to see who pipes up.

Xon surges forward with a bright grin, her vipers turning to regard the owl mostly as she crosses the distance rather rapidly thanks to her size. She extends her hand outward happily, "Pleasure to meet you, why yes, I suspect myself and these fine folk are indeed here to assist in some way with the invesitgation you've mentioned. We aren't simply here at random and have accidently stumbled across a paying job, that would be silly." The medusa says excitedly, her voice bubbly and half-mad. As she speaks, several of her vipers seem to turn from the pack and begin to investigate the others, several hissing welcomes to Saphinara, Aqua and Lotus.

Aqua joins the group. "Ah?" Just nodding lightly "Well I guess that is the case then. What's happened that the Libary needed to call in help?" Looking at the gathering group, the short human feeling vulnerable around the larger people.

Lotus giggles, "Glad you could join us, Savi!" She wraps an arm around Saviante's waist while holding one of Katalynia's hands.

Katalynia smiles and leans gently against Miss Lotus as shi regards the owl. "Ohh, yes, Miss, here to help investigate. I do love to lend a helping paw when I can. Any details on exactly what and where we'll be poking about, Miss?" Shi giggles a bit at Xon's comments.

Looking to the Owl, Savi nods. "It is not why I came, but it is why I have stayed." Her constant soft tone likely lost in the sound of the others in the room. With a glace to everyone gathered her plant mind wondered if the poor owl knew how volitile such gatherings could become. Hoping for the best, but always expecting the worst, Saviante takes a second to pat herself down discretely, just to make sure her weapons were all in proper order. WIth a final glance to Lotus she smiles only visable in her eyes. "Savi lives to serve." she says softly before turnng her attention to the owl again with a soft pat of her friends hand.

Saphinara would find a comfortable spot to stand in then rest, leaning against a nearby wall or shelf, she'd glance briefly at the medusa's hair before giving the room another once other then focusing on the ow, folding a pair of arms in the meantime. "So what's this about," she stated in a clear deep tone.

Smiles, stepping up out of her chair and walking along behind the desk. Looking up to the bunny, she calls out with only a bit more volume than before. "Gabriel... Gabriel, would you mind the desk, please? We have visitors." The bunny bobs her head a bit, listening to something on a pair of hearphones as she practically skates through the ailes, not seeming to notice the elderly owl. Adjusting her glasses, she peers out, "Gabriel...? The desk, girl. Would you mind the desk, please? Could you take out those earphones, please?" Waving a wing, the bunny finally catches a look at the librarian out of the corner of a blue eye. Gabby squints her eyes, holding up a hand to block the daylight a bit. Shaking her head, the bunny points to her earphones--as though this should sufficiently answer the question. The owl frowns, holding up her wings and gesturing to the sides of her head, making little "pulling" motions...

Savi wonders briefly, not understanding the hand signs, if the owl is about to pull the Bunnys ears off.



Makena #help

Xon smiles and bounces happily, coiling her tail upward as she wraps it around Aqua's wasit with flee. "Oh~ Aqua!! I'm happy you're here. I hadn't see you in for so long. " She smiles happily, which seems a little mad due to her note turning to face Aqua, her rearmost viper looking at the girl instead. Still facing the elderly owl, Xon inquires "So, this adventure, what does it entail? Does it entail SCIENCE?!" She asks with a gleeful cackle

Aqua smiles and hugs back xon "Oh Hey xon." Nodding gently, blushing softly as shes small enough to sit on this xon's shoulder. "It has been a while." nodding lightly. Looking at the group as she indeed takes a place on Xon's shoulder.

Katalynia squeezes Miss Lotus' hand gently and takes a discrete step away from Xon. "Mmm, yes, science is good..." Shi watches the interaction between the owl and the young bunny bemusedly.

The owl sighs, as Gabriel gingerly vanishes down the ailes. Looking to the agents, "That girl... Would one of you young folks be kind enough to get her attention for me? I can't quite keep up with her energy... She does wonders around here, but she's a bit... well... " She sighs, shaking her head, "It's those ruffian friends of her's, I think."

Deciding the request isnt a true order the tiny plant sprinds forwards, her vanies carrying her lithely down the Isles with a soft whispering sound. Upon finding the rabbit Savi slids in front of her, trying to block her patch without contact. Eyes steady Savi locks sight with the Rabbit intent on waiting her out on the ear-bud removal.

Saphinara would not move from her place deciding she was not really needed, nor was she a servant, someone else could get the lapine. More than likely she would scare her off at a glance, she bided her time leaning back and relaxing from the long trek here, an arm rumaging around inside her coat searching for a second object as she waited for the request to actually be made known.

Lotus quietly cuddles against Katalynia as Saviante dashes of in pursuit of the bunny. She scrunches her toes in the carpet and idly flicks around her long tail.

Gabby blinks! as she looks down at Saviante, then up. Blink blink! "Ack!" As she drops her handful of books, her ears springing up, taking a single hop back!

Katalynia watches the whole scene between the bunny and Sav curiously. Shi leans hir head against Miss Lotus' shoulder. "Do You think we should do something, Miss Lotus?"

Saviante points one finger sternly at the attracive wheeled creature, then shifts her finger to point in the direction of the Owl. Impatient to be on with the mission and back to her friends, she then slides around Gabby and heads back toward the desk, making the "follow" gesture with her hand as she passes.

Xon smiles at Aqua as she rides on her shoulder, a soft blush crossing her face as she turns herself towards Saphinara with a gentle smile "Hello there Saphinara, I didn't know you were called to this site." She grins widely, her tail swaying beneath her.

Aqua watches from xon shoulder. The plant person has it in hand, and right now shes curious what this request for help could be. its the first she heard of it while she has been in Claremont, popping her back abit and watching.

Gabby blinkblinks as she takes out her headphones, smiling and perking up, "Hi! Can I help you?" her left ear drooping back over her shoulder again. She looks down, "Oh... oh gosh!!" As she bends down and starts collecting the books. "Ohhh... they were all in order!" Frowning as she starts trying to figure out what goes where.

Lotus softly replies to Katalynia, "Looks like Savi has it under control, Sweety." She gives her tail a little flick, sending it against the back of Katalynia's thighs producing a quiet slap.

Katalynia nods and wags hir tail excitedly. "Mmm, okay, Miss Lotus." Shi murrs softly at tail slap. "Mmm...ohhh...Miss Lotus..." Shi blushes lightly.

Stopping slightly Saviante sighs. "You. Are. Needed. Gabby." The plant says over her shoulder, her soft voice reaching it's loudest level, a full whisper. Taking the time to enunciate every word cleary the plant girl adds "The treasures can wait, people need assistance." With a slight scolding tone, Savi rejoins the group and moves back to her place next to Lotus. "If she is not on her way, Savi suggests you fire her today." she says to the owl before growing quiet and still.

Saphinara the Talakai waves a hand, paw whatever you wish to refer to it as towards Xon as she approached, another 2 flipping the pages of a small leather bound book which was also stuffed with scraps of paper on various pages. Trying her best to ignore the not so subtle teasing going on around the room, she awaited the time when they would actually move on with this. "I was nearby and apparently qualified according to Zephyr records, never liked that word," she states grudgingly glancing up at Xon from the book for a few moments. She seemed in a rather off mood, all of her tails were rather curled around her legs and her whole body posture was stiff.

Gabby frowns, carrying the unsorted books along with her and placing them back in the unsorted bin--trying to keep them set apart from the others. She approaches the owl, who taps her talons on the floor a bit, "Gabriel, would you please watch the desk while I take these young folks to the office?" Gabby nods, "Sure! Can do! " she smiles, hopping into the seat and getting back into her earbuds, watching for her chance to start spinning the chair. She owl shakes her head, nodding to Saviante as she returns. "Thank you... Would you all come this way, please?" The owl leads the group back into a small room in the back, where some books and papers are spread out on a table. There's seating room enough for 10, though it's a human-sized doorway. (Anyone bigger than 7 or 8? XD )

Xon gives Saphinara a gentle nuzzle with her serpents. "I look forward to working with you." Xon then grins widely at the plant-girl suggestion "Why I'd say having an active assistant is of benefit...on another note," The Medusa, slides forward to examine Saviante with a mad cap grip, several of her vipers slithering forward to taste the girl's scent with their tongues. "You're a very interesting varient straing aren't you? It's very interesting to see a plant-type this mobile at all in my experience."

Lotus gives Katalynia's hand a squeeze and wraps around Savi's waist again and begins following the owl.

Katalynia smiles at Miss Lotus and rubs up softly at her side. Shi happily follows along with Miss Lotus, hir hips swaying with each step.

Being led with ease, Savi follows along with Lotus and Kat. Halfway to the door paranoia kicks in and her mind begins to sprial though the possabilities that this is a trap. By the time she is sure it isn't, she's already standing in the room with the others waiting for the 'breifing to start.'

The owl makes her way around the table, opening up an old book carefully, "I do appreciate your coming. As I say, I was rather surprised they sent so many. Is this rather important to your employeers?" She slides a wing along the page in the book, "A fox came through town about a month ago, and dropped off this book. Just like he were returning any normal book... But when I went to check it in, I saw that it was no book of ours. Nothing we had checked out." She adjusts her glasses, "I put it into the sorting room, with some other donations we've received, and didn't think much of it. But this week, it came into the queue. As I started looking through the contents, I found some interesting information..." She indicates the date, "The publication date on the book is hand-written, scribbled over the previous information. And the date they give is just months after p-day..."

Xon eyes seem to uncloud for a second, her vipers turning to focus on the owl and her book intently "Could these dates be varified with the equipment you have here?" She inquires with a soft hiss, her tail now nicely wrapped around itself into a tight coil.

Aqua blinks "Thats interesting, a book written shortly after P-Day could have some interesting things to teach." Nodding with interest as xon focuses.

Lotus quietly looks on, surprised by how interested in the books she is despite being surrounded by unfortunately clothed pretty-folk.

Saphinara would add, "If it's genuine" in a rather flat tone. Glancing towards the owl and her book with moderate interest.

Katalynia murrs as shi listens to the owl's tale. "What are the contents of the book, if you don't mind my asking, Miss. Ohhh...well, Miss Lotus was interested so I accomponied her." Hir tail sways slowly showing hir curiosity.

The owl shakes her head, "I don't see a way to verify the accuracy like that, exactly. But there's actually more than just the date. You see... " she starts moving through the book, which contains map after map, much of it scribbled over with detailed linework. "The book itself, it seems, is a rather large volume of maps for the United States. Not just state maps, but even detailed city maps for all major cities and some not-so-major ones. We don't have a copy of the original, though RSX claims to have one. " nodding a bit, "That was actually why I contacted them, at first, just to verify the authenticity of the original text." Continuing to turn through he pages, she indicates, "As you can see, here is the map of the region where Zephyr has taken root today..." going over the linework, which now looks a bit rougher around the edges. "And the new lines, and borders--the *geography* that this hand-drawn overlay indicates is a *very* accurate match to what we see, today, after p-day."

Aqua looks impressed by the information "I can see why this book could be a valuable find for any of the groups. Maps that detailed could be incredably useful for any agents." Gently putting a hand on xon's neck as she leans folward to look closer.

Savi looks up, suddenly interested. "A scribe?This is way too much work for one person, unless it is an opus, either way.. are we looking for the artist, or the art?" she whispers across the room, her eyes locked on the valuable work being discussed.

Xon smiles and leans forward, her coils unfolding as she looms a little closer to provider herself and Aqua a decent view. "Those are very impressive articles. These might actually explian the locations of various outposts, the reason certain speicies remains in their locations, it might even reveal the location of forgotten alcoves of information." Her vipers seem to squirm as she unload possible ideas. "Or...it's a forgery...doubtful but possible. I hope it isn't though"

The owl frowns, "Unfortunately, whomever began the scribbling did not complete the efforts. " She continues to turn through the pages. The lines become more of a random scribbling, then begin to rip through the pages themselves. Then some pages which appear to have been gnawed upon. The remaining pages appear to be totally intact originals--if quite a bit worn like the rest of the text. "They also failed to record a name, or a location, for themselves. I cannot verify that the work is legitimate." Looking to the agents, "That is, in fact, why I requested your assistance. There is a map here, one of the good ones... It overlays what used to be a large university campus. Currently, that land mass is rubble and heaps of topsoil, with some mountains nearby. But if this is accurate... " she points to the map, "There may be a way to get to the campus, which would now be underground. If it's intact... you may be able to find some rare texts we have otherwise been unable to recover. New, rare books. " She nods, "And, if this does lead to something accurate, yes. This book of maps, incomplete as it is, may lead to some other startling discoveries as well."

Saphinara would scratch her chin folding her other arms against her chest, "Likely each faction wants thier hands on them for their own reasons and wants to verify they are the real deal." She'd grimace for a second, "I can already imagine why Zephyr and RSX would want them" She states. She'd then ponder for a few moments, tails moving across the floor as she thought, "I'm not sure as to why we were called yet though unless there's more to this, perhaps you've found something hidden already?" stating her conclusion and being almost certain about it then being beaten to the punch by the owl anyway.

Savi says what most in the room are likely thinking. "This is real..." knowing exactly what the teethmarks mean the plant goes on. "The scribe went Feral before they were done." Shaking her head sadly. "Savi does not anyone would be so cruel as to fake that type of book." Looking around she knows this mission is important.

Xon sighs softly, looking at the remaining pages wearily. "Ah, that would be a decent amount of evidence towards how close it was to P-day. Those who changed quickly, ironically were better suited in the long run, able to recover from any maddness that the changes might have inflicted. Those who attempted to carry on, like this one must have, to fight back...well many are still feral." She sighs softly, her body coiling back on itself. "Still treasures are treasures, possibly some old nanites strains are there, unadapted, to observe. Maybe even a Librarian strain, cousin of the Math Teacher i'd imagine." She said with a grin

Katalynia nods and nuzzles against Miss Lotus. "What do You think, Miss Lotus. It seems like it would be worth checking out. I've checked out sketchier on less...." Shi can't help but let out a soft growl as shi thinks of any one group monopolizing this valuable find.

Aqua nods lightly. "I cant deny my interest in this tome, but still, what are we needed to do? Transport the book to a faction or help find something else?" tilting her head curiously.

Lotus nods enthusiastically, "Oh, we should -definitely- go see whats there! There could be all sorts of books or.. nanite forms." She bites her lip as she gets a few good ideas from 'university campus' and squeezes Saviante against while leaning against Katalynia.

Saphinara would rise, moving towards the door, "I'm mostly interested in the powers that be, areas where there seems to be more than just nanites circulating around, we've all come across them now and again, now don't get me wrong I'm grateful for the oppertunity and there might be books on those in there however I'm not cut out for treasure hunting really." She'd shrug, "I'll find accomodation nearby though incase you find yourself beset by ferals and in need of aid though." she states walking out the door.

The owl shrugs a bit with her wings, "I don't know what sorts of dangers might exist there, nanites or what have you. I don't even know for certain that the map will be accurate enough to get you there... But if it is, then you may be able to find some new books, *and* some new strains. It's hard to say exactly how dangerous it might be, if it's truly an unspoiled location..." She thinks a bit, looking to the agents, "This will take some time to investigate, I assume. But do you believe you are capable of it? The first step would be to find the entrace itself, if it exists. As I understand it, your employeers wished for you to accomplish this first, then report back with your findings."

Noticing the person she doesn't know leave Savi frowns, she understands, but knows just by looking that she would have been a valuable asset. Taking it all in Savi looks around. "If t has not already, this tome needs to be copied, hand copied line for line if need be and sent to every town, every group. The odds it are fake are so slim as to be nonexistant." Thinking over the owl

Xon sighs softly, her vipers hissing to her softly. "Alas, I will return soon, to help legitimize the book itself, with some equipment from my lab, if that would please you, miss Librarian." She grins softly before reaching up to allow Aqua off her shoulder and onto the table. She quickly speeds off to grab her equipment to date the papers at least. (Sorry all, thought I'd be able to rough it out <3)

Noticing the person she doesn't know leave Savi frowns, she understands, but knows just by looking that she would have been a valuable asset. Taking it all in Savi looks around. "If t has not already, this tome needs to be copied, hand copied line for line if need be and sent to every town, every group. The odds it are fake are so slim as to be nonexistant." Thinking over the owl's words Savi nods as one more moves out. "This is important, Savi is sure we could make the initial stage of the trip with a group of this size."

Katalynia murrs softly as shi mulls over the posibilities. "I'm glad you think so, Miss Lotus. I'm all tingly at the possibilities of what might be found if the map is accurate."

With the depature of the others Lotus moves closer, bringing her two lovlies with her, "Miss- I'm Sorry, we weren't introduced." Looking between both Aqua and the owl, "I'm Lotus, this here is Katalynia, and this is Saviante. We'd be more than happy to investiate the map!"

Aqua waves after xon as she departs. "Honistly? I dont really think im suited for this kind of treasure hunt. im a healer not a fighter im afraid. but I am thankful to be part of this." Nodding gently to the Librarian, Lotus, Katalynia and Saviante. "oh..." realizing her fluxpa... "Im sorry. My name is Aqua." looking embaroussed.

The owl smiles, adjusting her glasses, "Ah, where are my manors, thank you young lady. My name is Ezra." She nods her head, saying, "And that is wonderful to hear. Thank you *so* much for your help. Of course, as a token of our gratitude, your organizations are all free to digitize any of the books you find in the library, before you bring them back to us here. You can also do as you like with any nanite strains you may come across. We simply ask to be given the physical editions of the texts, themselves, once you've made the copies. And, of course, please prioritize their safe aquisition--second only to your safe return." Smiling. "If there are books, books we otherwise might not recover, we must ensure they are protected and safely delivered." Nodding a bit. "Is this all acceptable?"

Katalynia follows with Miss Lotus quite obediently. Shi blushes a bit at having forgotten to ask Miss Owl's name. "Ohh, my, mmm, so sorry! It's nice to meet You, Miss Ezra." Shi snuggles up to Miss Lotus. "Ohh, yes, we'd be happy to investigate this for You!"

Aqua shakes her head "Im sorry but, I dont think il be going on the treasure hunt, it sounds interesting, but I need to continue studys here." She looks, sad, to opt out, but she seems adimant about her decision. "Im sorry. I will remain here"

Savi just nods obediently, then looks to Aqua with a soft caring look in her eyes. ""Savi will keep you safe." she says softly, meaning the words honestly and not understanding that such things can sound demeaning from such a small creature. Staying close to Lotus, Savi knows she will do what she has to do.

Lotus frowns a little, "Well, if you inist, Aqua, dear, I guess it's just us then, ladies!" She gives her friends a squeeze before letting go to lean in closer to the map. "So, whereabouts are we starting?"

Katalynia murrs and shivers pleasantly as Miss Lotus squeezes hir. Shi eyes the map carefully, staying behind Miss Lotus so hir larger size doesn't get in the way. "Mmm, it would seem so, Miss Lotus. Ahh, well, maybe a small recon force might be more advantageous in the long run. I think I could fly You and Sav where we need to go if I study it for awhile..."

Ezra nods, as she pulls out some papers, "I've already copied down 3 copies of the map, here, along with directions from Clairmont. You should be able to follow this to the region. I have not, however, visually inspected the area myself. This is all going off of the information from the most current records and the records from the book, here. If you are ready to depart, you can take these with you. Just be careful not to lose them! I would say, mum's the word about your activities. If others found out there's a "treasure hunt" on, there might be a gold rush of sorts. We don't want the books to get destroyed with hundreds or thousands of folks tromping about on top of the ruins... Your agencies were clear with me that it was in everyone's best interest to keep things hush-hush until they give the all clear." Nodding, "Once you've found an entrace, or verified that it just isn't there afterall, you should report back to your agencies and to me. Let us know what you've found. We'll organize a recovery effort after your ground survey is complete." Smiling, "Oh, and of course, let us know if you run into any danger."

Lotus nods and hands out the copied maps, handing on to Aqua too. "Well I guess we should get underway!"

Aqua takes the map offered and nods "Do be careful you three... dont get in over your heads. keep the comm's on and such." Nodding to Ezra "I wont say anything to anyone." Nodding lightly and carefully putting the map in a small pouch at her side.

Savi knows Kat's idea is a good one, leaving at night and flying in the air in a small group, they will likely arrive unobserved by most. With a gentle wave of her hand toward Aqua. "Be careful here as well." she says as she follows Lotus and Kat out.

Travel by air makes things rather simple for the bulk of the journey, though the group eventually needs to come in for a landing in order to follow the details of the map. Katalynia makes a landing within about a mile of the actual destination, according to the map--which isn't terrible, considering the scale of it all. Still, you'll need to do a bit of leg-work at this point in order to find the location. The map narrows it down to a long valley, which Kat brings everyone down within.

Katalynia pants a bit as shi lands as smoothly as shi can carrying Miss Lotus and Savi in hir arms. "Whew, I think this is as close as we're going to get in the air, Miss Lotus. I don't want to miss any vital clues to location from the air."

Lotus gives Katalynia a big hug, "Oh, I think this should be close enough, Katalynia, let's have a look at the map again, we might be able to find a different path."

Savi moves a short distance away the moment the group lands. Knowing the map wont do her any good, Savi begins to watch the surrounding area as her body slides into it's passive state, becoming a plant in appearance, not quite camo, her vines and arms, along with the tassles on her shemagh and clothing all lend to the illusion. Curving and swaying in the air in tune with the breeze tries to just stop being something anyone notices. Body posed without being posed, Saviante begins her usual job of guard duty.

Katalynia nods and hands Miss Lotus the map. "Here, Miss Lotus. Can You make heads or tails of it, Miss Lotus." Shi surveys the surrounding terrain trying to make sure nothing sneaks up on them,

Lotus studies the map for a few moments, "Well, it looks like the entrance is here, on the south side. We should focus there. Down.. that way.. " She points to the south edge of the valley.

Seeing the gesture from Lotus, Savi moves southwardly. Trying to move slow and watch her step the plant feels out her pace with her vines, allowing for an eerie gliding motion. Making sure he starting location, and departure is seen by the others, Savi slides into the overgrowth with a soft whisper of sound that slips away in the wind.

Katalynia nods as shi listens to Miss Lotus. "Lead the way, Miss Lotus." I place my paw in Miss Lotus' hand. "I'll make sure to keep You safe, Miss Lotus, no matter what..."

Lotus giggles a little, "Oh I'm sure it's not going to be anything much at all.

The travel isn't terribly bad for the first leg of the journey. It's a long walk-that's all there is to it. With most of the group not specially trained in survival skills, and savi traveling stealthily, the pace is relatively slow and steady. About 200 yards ahead, you become aware of a deep gash in the earth. It wont surprise anyone--no one stumbles in and falls. Katalynia's flight would be enough to give everyone passage, but that would mean being rather visible. You could try to find an alternate way across, or hope that you are unseen flying over.

Looking at the gash and the sky in Turn Savi turns to the group. "When shown two paths and one goal, there is only one choice." Waving her hand to the gap The plant goes on. "To ensure the saftey of the group we must stick together, but to ensure the safety of the order we must take both paths. Split up. Two one way, a lone runner the other." SHaking her head at the others Savi sighs. "It is a hard choice. If we go over, we WILL be seen. Something like this did not stay unguarded."

Katalynia says sensually, "I'll take the lone runner part. I have a better chance of avoiding trouble on my own if I run into anything unsavory. Miss Lotus, I'll keep an eye over You, as best as I can from the sky."

Lotus frowns, "Ezra asked us to make sure it's not discovered, shouldn't we all stay hidden?"

Savi nods. "We can't be seen, if we havn't been alreadt, also another path will take time, and possibly run us through other, worse obsticles." Savi edges over the scar in the earth and glances down. "We should climb, shorter distance, but more work."

Katalynia murrs quietly. "I will defer to Your choice, Miss Lotus. Climbing would be okay with me."

Lotus fidgets for a moment, "I think we should climb. We should do our best to preserve anything we find."

Still looking down the edge Savi nods again. "If either think you cannot make the climb, Savi can carry you both." The bold words from the tiny plant seem amusing at first, but the serious in her tone implies she is in no way joking. "Whatever we can do to keep you safe." she says, implying 'you' to mean both the others.

Katalynia nods and snuggles against Miss Lotus. "Then climb it is. I should go first or last, since I could probably glide to safety should I fall...though being carried....if it wouldn't overburden you, Saviante." Shi flicks hir ears flat against hir skull not really looking forward to the climb down.

Lotus wraps an arm firmly around Saviante's waist, and with a calm encouraging tone, "I'm ready, let's get moving"

Katalynia climbs onto the plant wrapping hirself in the vines. Shi shivers pleasantly as the vines caress hir soft fur, shi always did have a thing for tentacles....

Holding the others as close as she can Savi begins making her way down the cleft, Using the appendages she mostly uses to kill as supports, hands and safety harnesses. Showing a surprising amount of strength, pressed with fear and the rush of such close contact Sav doesn't fully remember the entire climb. When the haze in her head, a slight venture into the primal feral she could be, passes, she finds the group sitting on the far edge.. she almost has to wonder why she is panting and tired.

With time to spare, if anyone's keeping a clock of the progress, the team makes their way along the valley. It's a few football fields of winding, but the procession is undisturbed by any potential wandering ferals. Down this way, coming into a deep dip, Lotus takes notice of some looser earth near the edge of the path.

What she finds is rather surprising--or not, if the team was optimistic of their chances. Burried a few feet into looser earth, Lotus hits upon a thick, wooden plank. Burrowing deeper, she slowly uncovers the upper-right corner of a broken sign. Most of the text it gone, having been broken off from this loose chuck. What she can see spells out the odd term: "versity"

The surrounding area appears largely unspoiled, save for what wind and rain might have worn away over the years.

After brushing the dirt off the sign Lotus bounces giving everything a good jiggle, "Looks like this is the place! Lets see what we can find!"

Savi hears the order from Lotus and begins to spread out to look over the area. Letting her walking vines feel the ground she uses her combat tendrils to feel out any brush, plant, or random obstruction, not knowing what to look for, and just looking for anything that doesn't seem "Right" in a field.

Katalynia smiles and hugs Miss Lotus. "Looks like we're on the right track, Miss Lotus. Hmmm...univeristy I would guess." Shi says as shi looks over the dusted off sign. "Hmm, which one, I wonder....Cali always had so many...."

Holding the damaged sign Lotus muses, "It looks like we've got what we came for, let's have a quick look around and take this back to Ezra."

As the group digs deeper into the loose earth, they make occassion (if somewhat minor) discoveries. A bit of faded paper here and there. Deeper still, half of an ink pen that's long since dried out. Finally, Lotus makes a rather startling discovery: A backpack. The pack itself is rather worn, but the contents appear to have survived. Shrink-wrapped inside is a thick, unused textbook titled "The 1950's".

While that appears to be the one "gold nugget" here on the surface, it seems rather clear that somewhere in the vicinity could be a treasure trove of knowledge, danger, or both.