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The following is a list of updates made to the game since it entered open beta in 2011.
For planned future updates, see Nuku's six month plan at http://checkvist.com/checklists/97925-six-month-plan.
=Full archive of updates can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=
Need up-to-the-minute updates? They're over [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?webupdate here]!
* Social Actions now report correct amount of influence gain.
* Glaring bug in string parsing fixed. = will now perform a string-comparison again, as it should.
* In related news, [[Pack Leader]] has been fixed. Again.
* Craft Bounties now have 0, 1, or 2 mods instead of 1-3.
* Information in the help file for groups has been greatly updated.
** Check it out with: help group.
* Many restrictions to web training on feral modes now changed to look for negative technical, meaning that rod trained mutants are more free in their training.
* Fixed a bug in the ally-listing part of friend and enemy locks.
* Upkeep calculations now also check for negative technical, meaning [[Rod]] trained mutants are liberated in their equipment use.
* Cash Energy tweaked in a major way.
** You now get cash far faster at the start of the day.
** When you are depleted of energy, it goes back to how it's been.
* Code updated so webpage shows new energy level.
* Cash now shows your current cred energy, from in the game!
* When giving salvage, you can now use 'all' as a number, to give all of that type.
* Assisting with a daily mission now nets you a reward token in addition to the xp and chance at salvage.
* Daily missions can now run in areas up to 2 levels -under- you.
** This gives more options to your dailies.
* New requests are now marked as 'new' instead of 'unread'.
* New merit: [[Internal Genitals]].
** Fixed bug in Internal Genitals.
* It is now possible to lock rooms and/or areas against size/mass.
* RSX Scientists are amazed as a crate of unknown size appeared in the middle of their lab.
** It seems agents across the west coast are finding these crates.
** They are never witnessed to actally appear, they just are there when one turns to face them.
** As far as can be determined, they are harmless.
** With some tinkering, keys have been fabricated, but doing so is very energy expensive and computer intensive, demanding a premium price.
*** The boxes have a chance to appear as you do things, any thing, roleplay, social actions, combat, we don't care, do stuff!
*** There is now a chance of finding a key. And you thought we would leave our free players out of the fun.
*** Every time you -could- find a chest or key, you are given one, hidden, point of planar potential.
*** Each point makes the chance of finding them more likely.
*** If you are subscription level 2 or higher (the medium level), these points accumulate twice as fast.
*** These points reset when you find a planar item.
** Chance of random dimensional chest of mystery, increased!
* After consulting with Hinoserm and applying extreme mathematics, we have adjusted the odds of both chests and keys.
** The adjustment was in a positive direction.
* Judges may now +pj #planar to hand out awesome planar juice that will make your next chest or key much more likely to happen soon.
** This charge is modified by sub level, but is quite significant even at totally no sub.
** Fixed bug in +pj #planar
* Fixed bug that prevented regenerating hp from showing.
* New wiki info page: [[Conditions of Ferals]]
* To use the [[Cock Milker|cock milking]] room, use the command cmilk.
* Cock Milker no longer usable without the proper anatomy.
* Cock Milker updated for better grammar.
* [size of ] should now function correctly.
* Flexible Survival Novel now available for a mere 5 mako in the elite store.
** Catch up with theme for about 75% off the retail price.
* Gaining a token from a bounty also results in a great increase in the speed for your next chest/key discovery.
* Fixed a bug that prevented infection drops.
* "help monster writing" now has a short blurb of info on tail-dividers and color-choosers.
* String parsing will no longer try to match exit-names or program-names.
* Fixed a bug in the [[Uber Fox]] Victory scene that would prevent single-peckered characters from viewing the full Victory.
* Added new [[Tanuki]] Cock TF text to account for females/herms shifting to that dedication form.
* Added missing Clawed flag to Tanuki.
* Removed 'Clawed' flag from Leg Descriptions on all in-game forms.
** This results in a 85% reduction of total Legs flag entries.
** 'Clawed' only applies to a form's Arms-desc and should now result in fewer errors when checking for with String Parsing.
* [[Glutton]] infection Defeat message and Skin Description fixed.
** They should now display in full. Various other String Parsing tweaks to the form.
* From the icy lands in the north of Europe, the All Father, Great [[Odin]] has blessed a temple here in Fairhaven for his followers.
** Unfortunately it seemes another, much more underhanded being from the same region is hot on his heels.
* [[Raised Pharaoh]] and [[Anubis Servant]] updated with improved grammar and quicker String Parsing.
** Added a missing cunt-desc and Clawed flag to the Anubis Servant dedication.
* [[How Crafting Works]] page updated with new information.
* Fixed an error in string parsing. It will no longer throw hissie-fits when certain conditions are met.
* Fixed another crash in string parsing.
* [[Cock Milker]] coded and available in the elite store to be installed at your facility!
* Fixed the skill upgrade for groups so you can raise any proficiency!
* Missing Barbed flag added to [[Cerberus Herm]].
* Missing Clawed flag added to [[Bastet Disciple]].
* Fixed many aspects of the Cerberus Herm form for neuters.
* Greatly improved logic in Bastet Disciple TF messages and bodypart descriptions.
** Flat-chested or single-clefted players will no longer receive cut-off text.
* [[Cat Girl]] avatar recolored to fit the theme of the other avatars.
* Found a terrible bit of code that made cred per RP tick extremely unreliable from person to person. It is no longer so.
** HOWEVER, it could be too high, or too low, so keep us posted.
* For daily cash energy, players who have never reached at least 60% of max level will not be counted in the running tally (used to be level 20).
* Daily energy now set at the 60% mark instead of 50%.
* Having comprehension as a group perk skill now properly adjusts prices on proficiencies!
* +prove for proficiencies when improved by group skill fixed.
* When you are at max xp for your level, you will gain 20% more cash from all sources that are energy taxed.
* Your xp will be trimmed down to max xp for your level whenever the code notices your folly.
** Oops, it was trimming you to exactly how much xp you needed to level. Fixed.
* [[Arm Divider]] support added to the Venus Mantrap.
* Fixed the (very) broken [[Water Hydra]] Victory message.
** Recoded Water Hydra Victory text to fire sexier scenes under less strict conditions.
* Server time has been corrected.
* Daily refresh rejiggered to make sure it counts everyone, and to make sure everyone gets their energy restored.
* After thorough debugging, we've isolated some things that may have been causing people to not be counted towards economic activity.
** This bug has been squashed.
* [[Ember Breeder]] now reads second-person tense for Victory and Defeat, third-person tense for Ovictory messages.
* All base talents that make use of 'StatusResist' should now properly be using 'DebuffResist' instead.
* Fixed [[Sleepy Sheepgirl]]-infected minion skin descriptions.
* Cart will now get smaller on your screen if there just isn't so much to display.
* You can now cart (number) to define how far you want the cartographer to map.
** This does stack with the other parameter support, so you can cart 2 east, and see all rooms within 2 rooms of the room to the east.
* Cart now looks for ne/se/sw/se links and will add rooms to the map appropriately.
* Cart now displays uneven exits in red to make them more obvious.
* It is now possible for staff to denote an exit as 'longer' for purpose of the cartographer.
* The legend at the bottom of cart is now in order.
* Cart now shows all exits a room has.
** Even if it detects no rooms in that direction (possible with locked doors, for instance, or being the edge of the map)
* Fixed bug when trying to buy single slot dyes for your avatar.
* New Item Modifier added to the Racer Store: Energized.
* [[Quicksilver Serpent]] updated with fixed grammar and String Parsing.
** The Victory and Defeat scenes should now show in full.
* Cart no longer considers dark/hidden exits.
* Fixed broken [[Tail Divider]] functionality in the [[Talakai]] dedication.
** Fixed several grammatical issues with the Talakai dedication form.
*** Cleaned up its Tail Divider support in the process.
* @viewparse and related commands will no longer trip out when confronted with { or } characters within the string you are testing.
* Fixed and improved broken String Parsing in the [[Skink Skank]] and [[Quilled Tousky]] infections.
* Quilled Tousky ass-flags work now.
* [[Road Runner]] torso flag fixed.
** By fixed they mean removed.
* Tweaked [[Latex Skunk]] String Parsing and grammar.
** Its local stats should be more robust now.
* Missing clause added for non-male Latex Wolf OVictory messages.
** Many spelling and code improvements made to the form.
* Big Change for new characters: all 6 profession picks are now completely free.
* [[Ignited]] monster template nerfed.
* A new pet(form) has arrived at the Pet Shop of Horrors.
** This one comes with a nice, broad smile!
*** Rev it up with the [[Chrome Shark Beast]].
* Cartogropher no longer accepts exits that don't link to actual rooms.
* Cartogropher can now be told to NOT map a particular area by staff.
* [[Clothing Nanomagic]] given actual effects!
* Zephyr Inc's Cafeteria made a bit more readable.
* New Wiki Info Pages: [[How Crafting Works]] and [[Differences between Bubbles]].
* To celebrate the holidays, during December, all contributions to the public projects (mako pools) will be matched.
** Every 5 you put in, we'll throw in one of our own!
* New Area made: [[Great Red Forest]].
** More to be made both for this area and for the city it is attached to.
* Fixed lots of broken String Parsing in the [[Pack Leader]] dedication.
** Also made its code slightly faster.
* Glenstock-based areas can now be rtraced.
* Local stats will no longer be forced to lower case.
* PBRD should work harder, for YOU.
* NPCs show up in +glance as NPCs.
* Pack leaders may now set the race of their minions!
** @set me=Minion Race/(power):awesome race
** Pack Leader code updated and refactored once more.
** Anyone currently in that form must shift away and shift back to regain any previously set subform.
** Pack Leader now functioning as intended again.
** New Pack Leader commands added to wiki.
* Sexually stable no longer clashes with the everything.
* +groin display-bug fixed.
* Repeated infection with a form will no longer remove transformation-set flags.
* Rpinfo of [[Clothing Nanomagic]] updated to note it is not a craft recipe.
* String Parsing Optimization article updated with case-statements and randomization functions: [[Optimizing String Parsing]]
* Updated the Wiki entry on Flags to the latest and greatest specifications.
* XP no longer becomes cash, either manually or automagically.
* Bug found in trinkets!
** They never adjusted for the rank of the thing you were beating up.
** Low rank and low difficulty scale monsters will give less, high difficulty and high rank monsters will give more valuable trinkets.
** Infinite trinkets fixed.
* Code now supports scavenger above 3 for cred gain per monster.
* [[Economics]] now impacts per-monster cash gain more strongly.
** This is entirely a buff.
** For the curious, this change makes points of Economy 25% stronger than they were before.
*** The code should also be better about making each point of economy count, rather than each 10.
* [[Sandra]] should now let you finish the "Getting the Carrots" quest.
* Bugs in the pools fixed.
* Various enhancements have been made to the automatic firewall system.
* Two new helpfiles made for our wonderful players and judges, +help Godmodding and +help Judge/Responsibilities and Rights
* New command, type cart to see a map up to five rooms in all directions, dynamically produced (Does not do up or down).
** Cart command now accepts a parameter, you can cart (direction) and see the cart from that direction.
** Cart command no longer maps past rooms you have never been to before.
* Updated the unofficial wiki guide on [[String Parsing]] for extra clarity.
* Updated the 'string parsing/flags' helpfile with the new abbreviated alias, [if <flag> present in [target]].
** [if <flag> is present in [target]] still works, but is not preferred.
* New research: Pregnancy Tower Refinement (?).
* Article on optimizing string parsing added to the wiki: [[Optimizing String Parsing]]
** Expansion pending!
* When fishing, if you catch multiples, you get badge credit all the faster!
* Staff can now type 'reset' to renew hp, energy, and clear all statuses/toggles and wounds on themselves.
* New nanomagic: [[Shared Dream Nanomagic]]!
* Outdated reference to 'retirejp' removed from +retire.
* Insects have an avatar!
* Partying AI condition should now work as intended.
* Insect Avatar added to many of the monster avatars where seen appropriate.
** Most insect/arachnid forms and sexy exosuit just because it's the closest thing we have at present.
** If I've missed any that you think deserve it, let me know.
* [[Cat Girl|Cat Girls]] have an avatar!
** http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?shipedit&view=235
** Insect is no longer being shown off.
* Cat Girl avatar updated/fixed.
* "Help Skills" and "Help Proficiencies" updated.
* New Monster added to the NEIN Dome area: [[Emerald Dragonfly]].
Happy Holidays! [[Feral Mode|Ferals]] are no longer limited to 50 ready builder nanites at a time.
* [[Medical Hypo]] now uses first aid proficiency.
* [[Medicinal]] now uses first aid proficiency.
* You can now +roll (stuff) #private and only active judges, or yourself, will see the roll.
* What has science done?!
** New Monster added to the [[General Hospital]]: [[Abomination]].
*** And you thought the [[Crazy Guys]] were big'n bad?
* New, free, avatar color: Peach.
* Due to lack of interest, the Field Surgery mpool and Emotion Suppressor mpools were removed.
* New monster added to the Nightclub!
** Now you can see the Rave-tastic deights of the [[Mechanical Mephit]] dancing with a [[Slut Rat]]!
** Removed unnecessary debug from string parsing.
* Cleanup to the 'string parsing/if' helpfile.
** Changed uses of (person name) to [target].
** Specified AM and PM on all time values.
** Mentioned that seasons work with logical NOT.
** Specified that numbers should be checked with ==, versus =.
* The "Great Red Forest" clearly does not exist at this time.
** From now on, web and the terminal reflect this.
* All String Parsing help files have been tweaked for accuracy and clarity.
** Case Statement help file has been reworded and expanded.
* [stat and [local stat should now return lower case results.
**[[Vehicular Mode on]] the form [[Pack Leader]] removed.
* Train your body social action renamed to Work your body.
* Mechanical Mephit now properly commendable.
* [if X equipped by Y = N] and [if X possessed by Y = N] will now check the base-item on a recipe, rather than the name.
* "x is searching for trouble" message now only displayed to the searcher.
* A line added after the desc/autodesc and mutation listing.
* [[Talakai]] essence should work properly for stuffing big things into small places.
* [[Bewitched]] now calcs after warded, debuffresist, and other related status reducers.
* Claws and other static features now render correctly on avatars.
* The avatar caches have been erased.
** Avatars may be slow to load until they've been fully regenerated.
* Giving items no longer alerts the room.
* Trading salvage no longer alerts the room.
* Votes should refill at a more reliable rate.
* RP XP is now kinder to folks who are posing slower and/or are in larger scenes.
** It now gets kinder in tolerance the more people are in a scene to account for slower pose rounds.
* Damage over Time effects now ignore much of a target's debuffresist/warded/bewitched for magnitude reduction.
** This includes the power for monsters to inherently resist statuses.
* [[Mall Rat|Mall Rats]] continue to innovate!
** The price of manufacturing their superconductor reduced as they realize you don't -have- to use titanium for the frame, aluminum works about as well.
* Target being UIR now displays an error, but continues, rather than aborting when attempting to apply adept/coyote shifting to them.
* A new area in Woodfield: [[Fredericks of Woodfield]]
** has a new staff monster: [[Living Lingerie]].
* <s>Transform command unlocked!</s>
** Transform command disabled until errors are fixed.
* Incorrect mastery bug fixed.
* When something succumbs to DoT, you will now be told how much damage was done.
* ACCOUNTPASSWORD command now correctly respects case-sensitive passwords.
* [[Latex Skunk]] skin desc fixed.
* Several forms are now correctly commendable.
* When transformed by adept powers, any spreading infection (including one triggered just then by singular merit) is cleared.
* The "Hot Pink" has received a re-coloration.
* The "Pinky Pink" Dye has received an update.
* Stats can now be checked for existence via [if local stat/city stat/stat does/does not exists].
** Example: [if local stat pancake of [player] does exist]pancakes[end if].
* Changes made to [[Nanite Degradation]] page on the Wiki.
* Backend update: Fixed a bug that could cause memory corruption when using certain internal functions.
* Backend update: Fixed a bug that could cause stack corruption when recompiling a currently running MUF program
* Backend update: Fixed a bug that could cause stack corruption if a user did not have color turned on.
* Backend update: Fixed a bug that could cause memory corruption if a NULL header field was submitted to the HTTP server.
* Backend update: The @uncompile command may no longer restart AUTOSTART programs.
** This will be fixed in a future update.
* New Holiday Form now available in the Elite Shop: [[Malevolent Menorah]]
* Through more extensive testing and balancing, the temporary fix to [[Automated Weapon]] has been revoked, in favor of a longer-term correction.
* Cost to produce heavy melee changed.
* Powers, items, and abilities now have a greater chance to fire any status they have if their charge is above 0(The more above 0, the more chance to fire any given status).
** This happens in reverse if the charge time is below 0, meaning that extremely fast powers have a small chance to NOT fire a status.
*** This also affects procs, such as laser emitting.
* The status mag of powers, abilities, and items that have a positive charge will be enhanced(higher charge, more status mag boosting). No effect on powers with 0 or less charge.
* Charge time on vibrator adjusted.
* Fast powers are no longer nerfed in status chance, slow powers will remain buffed.
* New Husky based quest line added!
** Husky Quest has been bug fixed.
* Well-Trained Nanites added to RSX's offerings.
* Bug in well-trained nanites fixed
* [[Reactive Triage]] now available in the token store as a new recipe modifier, thanks to your financial support of the game!
* Tail feathers accessory added, free, unlocked when you defeat the prime wild turkey!
** A second turkey feather accessory is available for 2 mako, created by Glitch!
* Greatly optimized string parsing and fixed edge-case errors in the [[Uber Fox]]. Playtesting encouraged!
* [[Forgetful Nibble]] typos fixed.
* Updated chargen to use the now-standard green highlighting for commands in room descs.
* Web server successfully upgraded to Apache 2.4.6.
* New dedication: [[Sacred Warrior]]
** Available in [[Clairmont]]'s Police Station or from web.
* You can now connect to the website using a secure connection (just use https instead)!
** Please report any issues via +request.
* Billing system now correctly handles secure connections coming from the new web proxy.
* Fixed a failure in targeting lstats on players. 'lstats me' now works correctly.
* Due to continued problems with the Automated Weapon item, a temporary patch as been thrown at it until a more permanent solution is found.
* A level 2 action added to Bodyguard job.
* The system clocks have been re-synced to the correct time.
** This may cause some slight temporary issues that will clear up in a few seconds.
* Incorrect double spacing fixed in auto desc.
* Staff alts can no longer master forms via infection.
* Autodesc altered mildly.
* @roomfind should no longer crash in certain situations.
* Message when buying a profession made better.
* [[Bronze Imp]] now supports the [[Arm Divider]] and the [[Tail Divider]].
** In addition, various grammatical cleanup has been done.
* [[Clockwork Fox Guy]] and [[Clockwork Fox Girl]] Defeat scenes have changed to first-person.
* Monster Writing help file tweaked for more clarity.
* Checking +xp will cause patrol point regaining.
* [[Cow Maiden|Cow Maidens]] may now become [[Mootaur|Mootaurs]].
* Fixed broken string parsing in the [[Water Dragon]] and [[Priapan Orca]] Victory and Defeat scenes.
* Less precision displayed in social actions when using builder nanites.
* String parsing update: You can now [set the stat1 and stat2 and stat3 <thing> of Joe to <value>]
* RPinfo now reveals combat proficiencies for what they are!
* [[Shadow Vixen]] no longer has the non-existent 'Suggestive Smile' power.
* A Cost Modifier can now be set on proficiencies
** It will modify the costs when trying to upgrade them.
* Woolly Mammoth added to the Living Museum exterior.
** They've been added without any powers by accident. This has been fixed.
* New Wiki page: [[Nanite_Degradation|Nanite Degradation]]
* Base [[Kaiju]] mass increased to be more in line with other giant forms.
* Monster amounts should get larger faster when adjusting that aspect of the difficulty.
* Massively improved the string parsing of the [[Xanadu Bird]] infection.
** All Defeat scenes variants (and there are plenty) should now show up properly.
* [[Parade Dragon]] TFs fixed.
* Trying to train a level without having enough roles will now point you at help skills and proficiencies instead of the non-existant help roles.
* Knowledge skills removed from sheet.
* When talking to ooc chat with the ; emote, it now highlights your name in yellow to avoid any confusion with other player names.
* Several forms have had their color-chooser support fixed and should now work properly.
* A large batch of forms have been made lstats-compliant.
** Most remaining forms are private ones.
* You can no longer use the recall command to return to places that don't allow teleporting.
* Typo in [[Vespikitty]] mutant power fixed.
** Keen Eyes -> Keen Vision
* Danger and Pheromone technicians can now set your level to 4.
* General [[Cat Town]] grammar fixes and string parsing improvements.
** Broken exits cleared as well.
* Time now shows accurate weather information.
* Sunrise and sunset now vary over the year and game area properly.
* Option 28 added to editplayer to set the default unit type (mainly for weather so far) on your character.
* [[Lawyer]] and [[Diplomat]] professions changed to have more difference!
* [[Flat Chested]] should auto correct itself if you end up with breasts somehow.
* SQL server optimization resulted in an estimated 32% reduction in disk IO at a small cost to speed (4%) for complex or malformed queries.
** This will increase the lifespan of our solid state disks and increase the overall performance of the server.
* [[Otter|Otters]] should now display their Defeat messages again.
** Small grammar and string parsing tweaks to the form.
* [[Donkey Boy]] victory and defeat messages rephrased and spell checked.
** Minor fixes to the rest of the form.
* [[Mall Rat]] grammar & string parsing fixes.
** The dedication is now 20% cooler.
* [[Shadow Vixen]] now has the correct sayverb.
* The Great Knockdown Revision, part 1: Being knocked down will give you a stacking resistance against further knock downs for 20 rounds.
* The Great Knockdown Revision, part 2: You can only be stunned for so long.
** Excess knockdown becomes instantcooldowndebuff status instead.
** Terrible in its own, different, way.
* [[Tail Divider]] support added to the [[Margay]] and [[Margay Taur]].
* Updated Margay and Margay Taur defeat, victory, TF messages, and bodypart descriptions with better string parsing and grammar.
* Energy usage of the [[Nanite Cannon]] and [[Unshielded Prototype]] normalized.
* Monsters now spawn with only one template at most when doing a random encounter.
* [[Bull Shark]] infection updated with new descriptions, TF messages, and polished victory/defeat scenes.
** Fixed several gender pronoun bugs.
* [[Ember Warrior]] Defeat scene is now first-person and can impregnate the player again.
* Local notes added to all body parts in the monster editor.
* New difficulty settings available.
** Push it to the next level with insane difficulty and hoards quantity setting!
* Difficulty now increases the difficulty of mobs by altering their 'rank score' in a more granular way than mid boss to boss.
** Its rank is converted to a number, which is then increased by 10% per difficulty(or lowered by 10% on easy). This will affect rewards from the mobs, daily progress, and other related things.
* lstats command is now a thing. Currently only supports [[Lion Beast]], [[Wolger]] and [[Latex Skunk]].
** Other infections will be made lstats-compliant where needed.
** This ties in to the tweaks to the monster-maker.
** Whatever notes on local variables you enter there will be displayed when typing lstats.
** Remember, if you use locals, adding these notes is '''MANDATORY'''.
* Lustful template now only appears if you are at difficulty 1 or less.
* Multi Armed template ceases to appear at difficulty 3+
* Unclean will no longer appear at difficulty 2+
* Debugging: When spawning monsters, you will be told their specific rank ''number''"
* HP and con value(color) of enemies fixed.
* Debugging: While doing a daily mission, you will be told its rank multiplier for sake of the daily mission.
** Do tell us if this ratio looks off.
* Enemies encountered at high difficulty levels will be moderately more durable, especially at the new insane level.
** For the number lovers, +1 health combat skill at difficulty 2 and 3, +2 at the new level 5.
* Many Nanomagics have been updated for the new system.
* Minor glitch with new knockdown code fixed.
* If you have a massive number of builder vials of one type, you can no longer cause an integer overflow.
* Web interface nanite display now can work with BIG numbers.
* Fixed nonsensical Victory scenes for neuter Wolfen Predators and OVictory scenes for non-males.
* Chargen no longer mentions 'buy perk' or 'buy flaw'. It simply mentions the correct 'buy' now.
** Oops. Buy perk and buy flaw were correct.
* [[Sacrificial Fury]] now works nicer with repeat attacks.
** Self damage during the repeated portion of an attack is now only 33% strength.
* "Help Skills", "Help Professions" and "Help Roles" are no longer things.
** "Help Skills and "Help Proficiencies" is a thing, on the other hand.
* "Help Local Stats" added.
* [[Shadow Vixen]] now empowered with the ability to get pregnant from combat!
* Shadow Vixen defeat, victory, TF messages, and bodypart descriptions have been revamped thoroughly for better grammar and much faster parsing.
** Defeat messages should now show up properly for males, females, and hermaphrodites.
* A [[Witch Hat]] is now for sale in the elite store.
** It provides some protection, and helps restore your energy for extended hexes!
=Previous months can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=

Latest revision as of 04:06, 15 September 2024

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Typo in Weapon Master Diya fixed so that Quests should be completed in the questlog on defeat."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Mass of Tentacles should now acknowledge Graceful in Defeat and Sterile merits/flaws and prevent some scene interactions that may be questionable from visibly ocurring or breaking the sterility."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive