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(And now we have November!)
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The following is a list of updates made to the game since it entered open beta in 2011.
Need up-to-the-minute updates? They're over [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?webupdate here]!
=Full archive of updates can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=
* Hardened 'nude' local stats for [[Busty Succubus]], [[Christmas Skunk Chick]], [[Santa]] and [[Vixen Nurse]].
** They now require 1 as a value instead of yes.
* Agent Jonathan and Colonel Arnold temporarily moved off-grid while their crafting tutorials are being fixed.
** Agent Jonathan and Colonel Arnold reinstated after bugfixing.
*** Unfortunately, all crafting tutorial stats on players had to be removed.
**** Players should no longer have these quests remain in their quest logs indefinitely after completing them.
* Fixed the [[Math Teacher]] Defeat message; it should no longer reduce your freecred below 0 if you have less than 2000 creds.
* After a long, long absence, Eric the Crafter has been reinstated in New Dawn, offering a crafting tutorial for Promethean characters.
* Corrected the [[Weight Gain Milk]] item to properly increase height and weight in appropriate settings.
** Additionally, added a new message that says if sizes are at or above the intended cap (instead of simply saying they aren't there), which was also increased to 26 for bit sizes.
* Fixed typo in SUCK nanomagic description.
* The Trick of Treat Motel is now closed.
** All players in the area have been teleported back to their home rooms.
* You can no longer use items from your backpack by their name.
** This was a serious problem for AI and caused MUCH lag.
* OOC and Group chat now use a MUCH better ansi code parser (same one regular chat channels use)
* [[Kemonomimi]] support has been added to or updated on the following infections.
** Basic Support: [[Fey Folke]]
** Full Support: The [[Bro]].
** Unique body part TF/Descriptions: [[Giraffe]], [[Margay]], [[Storm Dragon]] and [[Wild Turkey]].
* A new quest has been added to the husky den!
** This time, it's revenge.
* Fixed several bugs in the new husky den quest line, including a nasty one that prevented progress after a certain point and could force you to redo everything you just did in an endless loop.
* [[Chocolate Bunny]] given a more interesting ass description, courtesy of Machi.
* Alex the zebra waitress now offers additional, in-depth birthday gifts.
** Choose your present wisely, though.
* [[Color Chooser]] support added to [[Brown Bear Shemale]], [[Chibi Skunk]] and [[Fox Boy]].
* [[Leg Splitter]] support added to [[Eagle Girl]], [[Cosm]], [[Overdrive Fox]], [[Chocolate Lab]], [[Doberman]], [[Giraffe]] and [[Red Kangaroo]].
* [[Arm Divider]] support added to [[Quicksilver Serpent]], [[Dark Wolf]] and Fey Folke.
* Saul the husky now has a repeatable sex scene.
* Sleepy Sheepgirl's 'sheared' form stat (previously unused) is now a toggleable local stat.
* For those who like to give, Saul the husky can now be bent over and mounted.
* The following forms have been updated to support [[Naturally Winged]]: [[Hummingbird]], [[Icy Phoenix]], [[Muscovy Duck]] and [[Snowy Dove]].
* Knocked down the difficulty of the Puzzling Pillars web-mission's final fight.
** It should now be much more survivable going solo.
* Adjusted a bit the decay of the city stats.
** City Decay had been lowered, reducing the impact on actions that require advanced stats like Goodies or Wealth.
* Cleared out old submitted infections with no or very little content--from over 1400 to under 850. This mainly helps staff, but it also frees up some monster names for aspiring writers to utilize.
* Saul now has an additional sex option: Anal Ride.
* Fixed a serious issue with child-templates. They should work now.
** That is to say, you should actually be able to be impregnated with a template-infection.
*** We cannot fix children affected by this bug.
* Simplified the Lion Beast/demeanor local stat.
** It will now no longer be overridden by having male pronouns.
* Added missing Barbed and Knotted flags to Storm Dragon.
* Adept - Winged Software coded and added to mako store.
** It works like the kemo software, but you use 'shift wings' instead of 'shift kemo' to toggle it on and off.
* Leaving the space before the = sign blank in a shift or transform will no longer allow you to shift, given that it is not intentional behavior. It will be treated as an invalid part.
* Removed [[Lockjaw]] and [[Superior Balance]] from Brown Bear Shemale in favor of [[Endless Flow]] and [[Protein Armor]], which suit the form better.
* Elite store things selling multiples have the correct coloration of text, (Before white from quantity spread to the type as well.)
* Totalchangeimmunity made more robust, as a reminder, pay attention to the 'You've got totalchangeimmunity in effect' warnings.
* You can now use 'all' as an argument for the # in the 'give # x to y' command.
** This is for inventory stuff only, purposefully does not affect cred/crown and mako/lunars.
* Fixed odd bug in descriptions when breasts are covered.
** Missing period has been found and stuffed back into place.
* Deflation/returning to normal after using the personal valve only ticks once per hour at most, now.
** Returning to normal starts no earlier than half an hour after last pose, spoof or other RP action.
* [[Skunk Spray]] given mild buff.
* The bug that keeps turning on auto for players has been found and quashed.
* Pregnancies should resume processing normally, soon.
* [[Magnum]] created and ready in the token store.
=Previous months can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=

Latest revision as of 04:06, 15 September 2024

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Typo in Weapon Master Diya fixed so that Quests should be completed in the questlog on defeat."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Mass of Tentacles should now acknowledge Graceful in Defeat and Sterile merits/flaws and prevent some scene interactions that may be questionable from visibly ocurring or breaking the sterility."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive