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The following is a list of updates made to the game since it entered open beta in 2011.
For planned future updates, see Nuku's six month plan at http://checkvist.com/checklists/97925-six-month-plan.
=Full archive of updates can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=
Need up-to-the-minute updates? They're over [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?webupdate here]!
* Lustful Pheromones upgraded to be a real power.
* Fixed a couple interactions with Zephyr Coffee Lounge NPCs. WIP
* Rod Trained feral mode mutants now reduce the upkeep of their overall equipment by 1 per level!
** If you're level 20, and have 30 upkeep worth of stuff, it becomes 10 upkeep worth of stuff.
* Extra Filling and Well Filled perks are now available
* When using the fuck command, a confirmation asking if you want to proceed is now always given.
* Warning! Many mutant powers will now cover you in goop/fill you, as per their descriptions!
* Were Arachnid added.
* @viewparse updated to account for extra parsing, both new and old.
* High freecred social actions given two soft caps in terms of freecred reward.
* Social action freecred cap is now influenced by the energy required.
** An action that takes 5 patrol points softcaps 5 times higher than an action that only requires 1.
* Misplaced upgrade for energydamage on Costume Slip removed.
* Bug in party mentoring code fixed.
* When the judge who turns off OOC chat in a room leaves, the chat is automagically enabled again.
* Coyote who are not currently coyote will now show <Coyote> when TFing people.
* Typing +mako will now list your mako to two decimal places.
* Hero points should no longer refresh randomly.
* XP rewards while fighting should no longer be a bajillion digits precise.
* Recipes available in the premium store now shown if known or not when viewed via web.
* A lot of fresh answers posted to the ask page, http://ask.flexiblesurvival.com.
* Help supporter updated.
* Fixed a progression error in the Ember Matriarch questline. Playtesting encouraged!
* Help Botting updated to show exactly what is meant by 'play the game when you're not there.'
* Sci is now usable as a command for the science channel.
* Auc now works for Auction channel.
* All future combat engergizers purchased are non-tradeable.
* Pets can now accept the new fuck commands.
* When leaving a party as the leader, reassigning the leader of a party, kicking yourself from a party as leader OR when the leader drops offline, combat should no longer go haywire in that room.
* Demon Lunar Touched added.
* Badger avatar created and applied, if you can think of related species that would benefit from using that avatar, pop up a request.
* Oral, anal and breast sex request messages now a little more ambiguous, in case a female is asking a male for such.
* The next winner of +lotto gets a dedication.
** The dedication will be publicly available, but you get to design it!
** So run, do not walk, to +lotto and grab up some tickets!
* People with a Color Chooser can now set their colors with editplayer.
* Lotto 'splosion fixed.
* Fixed bug in global research that could cause expensive projects to read as unfunded incorrectly.
* New options added to fuck command. fuck <target> mouth fuck <target> ass and fuck <target> breasts.
** NOTE: if the fucker has a darwin's pass, they CAN impregnate the target with this.
** Using the new fuck options does not remove Virgin status.
* +prove mouth|ass|breasts will now show your filled status for these areas.
* Breast descriptions now include filled/Breasts values.
* When a new player is created using the Child Liberation Device, their virginity is pre-set.
* New stringparsing (only for infections since it needs to write data): [fill the <whatever> of [target] by <number>]
** For obvious reasons, only cunt, ass, breasts or mouth will work in 'whatever'.
* +prove will now work with the filled/<body part> options.
* Unfinished NPCs moved out of the Zephyr Coffee Lounge. Until they are complete, that is.
* Functional Miura Mercedes NPC added to the Zephyr Coffee Lounge. Expansion of dialogue to come.
* Functional Louis Ledoyen NPC added to the Zephyr Coffee Lounge. Expansion of dialogue to come. Playtesting encouraged!
* afk command added as alias for goidl.
* Commend no longer works on new, not even placed, forms.
* No more overflows in +census.
* +roll now factors in group purchased skills.
* Fixed crash in AI code when using Renew.
* Many very very old requests(6+ months) closed out to clear the air.
* Not to be outdone, Rod has joined forces with the Prometheans to cook up a new feral training scheme.
** 'How to be cool', is what he calls it, and it's available to all feral mode agents, allowing them to keep their cool and not forget how to use doorknobs.
** This training is available at the mall.
* Area in and around Chandler Hospital updated.
** Obvious exits now marked in white, spacing issues fixed, and spellcheck has been employed vigorously.
* Non-staff cannot change the status of a request that is set Completed, Denied or In Progress.
* New nanomagic, rpinfo biomonitoring nanomagic.
* Finder prop no longer set on finding vials.
* Nanomagic with requirements show this requirement in their rpinfo.
* Setting your birthday made more intuitive, hopefully.
* New avatar accessory, made by our very own Glitch, a pair of fairy wings.
* To make a matching set, he also made bat wings, cause why not?
* Fixed stacked item exploit with craftmod upgrades.
* Fixed a crash with a recent fix to web crafting.
* You can no longer use builder nanites from your backpack.
* Chimera Serum will no longer crash if you have no mastered infections.
* Chimera Serum will no longer infect a body part if the infection it rolls has no parts of that slot.
* New, premium, avatar color, Psychedelic!
* New recipe and modifier created (Piercing design and targeting device) due to stretch goals.
** Both are available for +rewards.
* Staff viewing of alts on other games via +account now MUCH faster.
* When you master a form it will now suggest you commend it if you like it.
* Spring Parsing templates and examples on the Monster Maker wiki page have been updated for form-authors' convenience.
** Also, comments about the 'commend' command added at the beginning of the page.
** Remember to read this page to help you through form creation!
* Social actions that cost resources to do (cash, xp, etc) will no longer cost MORE if you critically succeed.
* Fixed critical error in web patrol missions.
* The update link on the page now shows how many days ago each update post was made.
* Result posted for rocket facility.
* New research available: Construct Rocket.
* Update to the Monster Maker wiki page to provide support for Taur and Serpentine form creation.
** Also, Color Chooser support templates added to the string parsing section of the page.
* Arm and Tail Divider tempalte added to the string parsing section of Monster Maker wiki page.
* New Staff Made Monster added to the Jutting Peaks as per Stretch Goals: Minkitsune!
* New Area Built in Woodfield: Wax Museum - Apocalypse Exhibit with New Staff Monster within! Death (Skullbot)
* Child/roo pet training upgraded!
** You can now buy extra levels of training for your pets (100 tokens or 5 mako per extra level increasing by those amounts per level purchased.
*** 100/5 for the first, 200/10 for the second, 300/15 the third, etc).
** These levels can, on a child, be used to buy any further upgrades (masteries, roles or power upgrades).
** On a roo pet, power upgrades and extra roles (beyond the first free 3) can be purchased.
** Additional xp will be required for each level.
* Some fixes made to pet level indicators for first and second level.
* Roo pets now gain xp like children.
* You can now buy additional power upgrades in the same power, but only once per upgrade.
* Level expanded pets will become no-trade once the first level is purchased (it warns you).
* New stringparsing options for [if and [case blocks. 'is feminine' 'is not feminine' 'is masculine' 'is not masculine' 'is hermy' 'is not hermy' 'is neutral' 'is not neutral'.
** Each will take into account not only the gender but will also obey the perks.
** To be considered either masculine or feminine, the target must either be pure of one gender OR have the perks to force it.
** To be neutral you must either have NO gender or have the Uncertain Gender perk.
** To be hermy, you must be a natural herm and have none of the perks to specify a gender-view.
* New Mako-purchaseable form: [[Demonic Fox]], now available in the mako shop!
* Added few more level 0 actions.
** Artisan (design) added to Clairmont Marketplace and Eureka Landing Spot.
** Diplomat (socializing) added to Clairmont and Eureka Embassies.
** Banker (academics) added to Clairmont and Eureka banks.
* Vast majority of references to Rsx, as opposed to RSX, cleared."
* Top misspellings in the English language cleared from all room descriptions. Big thanks to the Oxford English Corpus' list.
* Exploit with craftmod selective keys fixed.
* Enhanced Training group benefit now affects XP gained via RP.
* For personal desc use, the public/<whatever> local stat will work in your base propdir.
* <del>Major change for string parsing.
** Text is parsed in order of reliance and from left to right.
** So a piece of string parsing like [if [if 1]1[else]0[end if]][local stat skunks of [player]][else]boo[end if] will parse the [if 1] block first, then the outer if, and finally do the local stat section last.</del>
* Rolled back the String Parsing changes. After review the code is infeasible.
* Level 0 Nanomagic Researcher (arcane) added to Paranormal Classes in Clairmont and Eureka.
* Bartender (socializing) added to New Ireland Pub in Clairmont and to the Internet Coffee in Eureka.
* Inventor (research) added to Clairmont's Garage and to Eureka's Military Workshop.
* Storyteller (legends) added to New Ireland Pub in Clairmont and to the Internet Coffee in Eureka.
* Added level 1 action for Shopkeeper.
* 6644 long-term idle players purged.
* Made renaming of characters be a little more forgiving with new names.
* Aquatic avatar added and assigned to many aquatic forms.
** If you run into a form without it, submit a request to get it added.
* tport command now obeys rooms that are set 'no summon'.
* If the party leader of a party you are joining is mentored, you will mentor down to that level (if your level is higher) automagically.
* Item-based toggles will now not keep getting turned off by the AI system.
* Minor updates in and around the Zephyr Inc building.
** The Psych Department no longer goes full derp is you try to make a +room.
** Huntermun no longer uses past-tense.
** Traveling around the building no longer results in weird [end if] and [at random] bits of text.
* New recipe modifier added to token shop due to stretch goals, [[Bouncing]].
* New, free, avatar accessory, a white cowboy hat!
* New, premium, accessory, a gold crown!
* New, free, avatar accessory, a fiery background!
* New level 1 actions added.
** Supernatural Researcher (arcane) added to Eureka and Clairmont schools.
** Technician (computer) added to RSX center in Clairmont and to the internet coffee in Eureka.
** Security Officer (security) added to Eureka's Military Compound and Clairmont's Police Station, Soldier job moved to Military Cantina.
** Bureaucrat (red tape) added to Eureka and Clairmont's Town Halls.
* Significantly improved accuracy and detection rate of the <nowiki>[redacted]</nowiki> software.
* The [[Ember Sanctum]] zone and [[Ember Matriarch]] questline have been fully rewritten.
** You will not have to redo the quest if you have already finished it. Playtesting is encouraged!
* Local stat can now work with directories.
* [[Komodo Dragon]] added to the Reptile lunar touched forms.
* Commission Tax should be calculated more accurately.
* +census request now shows stats on incomplete requests.
* Fixed a bug introduced with my last fix for web crafting!
* New, player purchased, avatar accessory, shackles.
* Two new red collars available.
* Updated the theme & policy room to encourage people to type terms.
* New option for +monster command, +monster clear all will remove all +monster created enemies in the room.
* New Area added past [[Deeper in the East Forest]] called [[Jutting Peaks]].
** New monsters lie in this area, including a Staff created Monster: [[Chi Lung]].
** Other monsters include: [[Gryphoenix]], [[Sandfire Dragon]], and [[Storm Dragon]].
* Direct Connect is now functioning again.
* New, free, avatar color, Goldenrod
* Avatar caching system has been enhanced.
** This has necessitated erasing the existing cache, so avatars might be slow to load for a little while.
* Spoilers: The Coatl High Priest should no longer require you to lose twice to progress. 'Twas a bug, but playtesting is encouraged.
* [[Quetzalcoatl]] Quest updated for grammatical errors on mobs as well as  fixing bugs in the quest process. All should run smoothly, now!
** It will now require you to be fully Coatl when accessing the idol.
*Fixed critical error in web missions.
*Roboticist (computer) job comes with actions up to level 3.
** Also, multiple choices available for the level 3 action.
* The Long Way web mission is now locked to level 60+
* New Staff Monster: [[Okami Boi]] now available in the Petshop of Cuteness!
* Fixed bug in how web combat objects representing players are processed.
* Scientist job available.
** It comes with actions up to level 3, included multiple options based on the skills.
** The job is available (for now) in Eureka School and Clairmont College.
* Minor update to the Church of Promethea.
** Players now warned that it is a dangerous place, grammar fixes, and certain directions no longer teleport you.
* New command added, convert.
** Will convert salvage rarities in game.
** Note: can move multiple steps, so "convert 1 rare chemical to common" will give you a butt-load of common chem salvage!
** Can convert both up and down. Converting down still incurs the usual taxes.
* New string parsing added for [if] and [case] blocks, <string1> ~= <string2> will do a regex on string1 using string2 as a pattern.
* River now properly connected to the highway outside Fairhaven. References to a nonexistent bridge removed.
* Alex the Zebra has received an update.
** Hir sex scene should now be a bit sexier (less typos, proper spacing, etc.), and it will dynamically respond to whether you've... frisked, with hir before.
* Clairmont, Living Museum, and New Ireland updated.
** They have been given more legible spacing.
** Obvious exits in the description are now marked in white.
** All jobs in Clairmont now only show up if you possess the right skills.
** Most minor bugs in these areas have been ironed out.
* Public sector of the Department Store updated.
** As with Clairmont and New Ireland, obvious exits are now marked in white, commands in green, and viewable items in yellow.
** Work on standardizing the older zones this way will continue throughout the month and all new areas will be color-coded accordingly. Polish, polish, polish!
*** Exceptions for some special locations.
* If you are already logged in, say via telnet, you will not be given the direct connect on viewing the main page.
* +register now shows, approximately, how much cash you have gained on the muck (game specific) for that day.
* When visiting the main page of the web page, you are now given the direct connect screen
** This is instead of the Facebook news. Hopefully it will encouraging new players to get further into the game.
* New accessory available, red collar.
* Code changes in an attempt to make the game more gracefully handle multiple text connections to the same character.
* Newly created characters on the web can now agree to the ToS correctly.
* Subscription 'days remaining' counter now working correctly.
* Dusk Dragon questline improved.
** Fixed typos, axed glitches, and fixed a tiny exploit.
* Spacing and format issues in several areas fixed.
** Behind-the-scenes code cleaned up.
=Previous months can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=

Latest revision as of 04:06, 15 September 2024

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Typo in Weapon Master Diya fixed so that Quests should be completed in the questlog on defeat."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Mass of Tentacles should now acknowledge Graceful in Defeat and Sterile merits/flaws and prevent some scene interactions that may be questionable from visibly ocurring or breaking the sterility."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive