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The following is a list of updates made to the game since it entered open beta in 2011.
For planned future updates, see Nuku's six month plan at http://checkvist.com/checklists/97925-six-month-plan.
=Full archive of updates can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=
Need up-to-the-minute updates? They're over [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?webupdate here]!
* Fixed crash in AI code when using Renew.
* Many very very old requests(6+ months) closed out to clear the air.
* Not to be outdone, Rod has joined forces with the Prometheans to cook up a new feral training scheme.
** 'How to be cool', is what he calls it, and it's available to all feral mode agents, allowing them to keep their cool and not forget how to use doorknobs.
** This training is available at the mall.
* Non-staff cannot change the status of a request that is set Completed, Denied or In Progress.
* New nanomagic, rpinfo biomonitoring nanomagic.
* Finder prop no longer set on finding vials.
* Nanomagic with requirements show this requirement in their rpinfo.
* Setting your birthday made more intuitive, hopefully.
* New avatar accessory, made by our very own Glitch, a pair of fairy wings.
* To make a matching set, he also made bat wings, cause why not?
* Fixed stacked item exploit with craftmod upgrades.
* Fixed a crash with a recent fix to web crafting.
* You can no longer use builder nanites from your backpack.
* Chimera Serum will no longer crash if you have no mastered infections.
* Chimera Serum will no longer infect a body part if the infection it rolls has no parts of that slot.
* New, premium, avatar color, Psychedelic!
* New recipe and modifier created (Piercing design and targeting device) due to stretch goals.
** Both are available for +rewards.
* Staff viewing of alts on other games via +account now MUCH faster.
* When you master a form it will now suggest you commend it if you like it.
* Spring Parsing templates and examples on the Monster Maker wiki page have been updated for form-authors' convenience.
** Also, comments about the 'commend' command added at the beginning of the page.
** Remember to read this page to help you through form creation!
* Social actions that cost resources to do (cash, xp, etc) will no longer cost MORE if you critically succeed.
* Fixed critical error in web patrol missions.
* The update link on the page now shows how many days ago each update post was made.
* Result posted for rocket facility.
* New research available: Construct Rocket.
* Update to the Monster Maker wiki page to provide support for Taur and Serpentine form creation.
** Also, Color Chooser support templates added to the string parsing section of the page.
* Arm and Tail Divider tempalte added to the string parsing section of Monster Maker wiki page.
* New Staff Made Monster added to the Jutting Peaks as per Stretch Goals: Minkitsune!
* New Area Built in Woodfield: Wax Museum - Apocalypse Exhibit with New Staff Monster within! Death (Skullbot)
* Child/roo pet training upgraded!
** You can now buy extra levels of training for your pets (100 tokens or 5 mako per extra level increasing by those amounts per level purchased.
*** 100/5 for the first, 200/10 for the second, 300/15 the third, etc).
** These levels can, on a child, be used to buy any further upgrades (masteries, roles or power upgrades).
** On a roo pet, power upgrades and extra roles (beyond the first free 3) can be purchased.
** Additional xp will be required for each level.
* Some fixes made to pet level indicators for first and second level.
* Roo pets now gain xp like children.
* You can now buy additional power upgrades in the same power, but only once per upgrade.
* Level expanded pets will become no-trade once the first level is purchased (it warns you).
* New stringparsing options for [if and [case blocks. 'is feminine' 'is not feminine' 'is masculine' 'is not masculine' 'is hermy' 'is not hermy' 'is neutral' 'is not neutral'.
** Each will take into account not only the gender but will also obey the perks.
** To be considered either masculine or feminine, the target must either be pure of one gender OR have the perks to force it.
** To be neutral you must either have NO gender or have the Uncertain Gender perk.
** To be hermy, you must be a natural herm and have none of the perks to specify a gender-view.
* New Mako-purchaseable form: [[Demonic Fox]], now available in the mako shop!
* Added few more level 0 actions.
** Artisan (design) added to Clairmont Marketplace and Eureka Landing Spot.
** Diplomat (socializing) added to Clairmont and Eureka Embassies.
** Banker (academics) added to Clairmont and Eureka banks.
* Vast majority of references to Rsx, as opposed to RSX, cleared."
* Top misspellings in the English language cleared from all room descriptions. Big thanks to the Oxford English Corpus' list.
* Exploit with craftmod selective keys fixed.
* Enhanced Training group benefit now affects XP gained via RP.
* For personal desc use, the public/<whatever> local stat will work in your base propdir.
* <del>Major change for string parsing.
** Text is parsed in order of reliance and from left to right.
** So a piece of string parsing like [if [if 1]1[else]0[end if]][local stat skunks of [player]][else]boo[end if] will parse the [if 1] block first, then the outer if, and finally do the local stat section last.</del>
* Rolled back the String Parsing changes. After review the code is infeasible.
* Level 0 Nanomagic Researcher (arcane) added to Paranormal Classes in Clairmont and Eureka.
* Bartender (socializing) added to New Ireland Pub in Clairmont and to the Internet Coffee in Eureka.
* Inventor (research) added to Clairmont's Garage and to Eureka's Military Workshop.
* Storyteller (legends) added to New Ireland Pub in Clairmont and to the Internet Coffee in Eureka.
* Added level 1 action for Shopkeeper.
* 6644 long-term idle players purged.
* Made renaming of characters be a little more forgiving with new names.
* Aquatic avatar added and assigned to many aquatic forms.
** If you run into a form without it, submit a request to get it added.
* tport command now obeys rooms that are set 'no summon'.
* If the party leader of a party you are joining is mentored, you will mentor down to that level (if your level is higher) automagically.
* Item-based toggles will now not keep getting turned off by the AI system.
* Minor updates in and around the Zephyr Inc building.
** The Psych Department no longer goes full derp is you try to make a +room.
** Huntermun no longer uses past-tense.
** Traveling around the building no longer results in weird [end if] and [at random] bits of text.
* New recipe modifier added to token shop due to stretch goals, [[Bouncing]].
* New, free, avatar accessory, a white cowboy hat!
* New, premium, accessory, a gold crown!
* New, free, avatar accessory, a fiery background!
* New level 1 actions added.
** Supernatural Researcher (arcane) added to Eureka and Clairmont schools.
** Technician (computer) added to RSX center in Clairmont and to the internet coffee in Eureka.
** Security Officer (security) added to Eureka's Military Compound and Clairmont's Police Station, Soldier job moved to Military Cantina.
** Bureaucrat (red tape) added to Eureka and Clairmont's Town Halls.
* Significantly improved accuracy and detection rate of the <nowiki>[redacted]</nowiki> software.
* The [[Ember Sanctum]] zone and [[Ember Matriarch]] questline have been fully rewritten.
** You will not have to redo the quest if you have already finished it. Playtesting is encouraged!
* Local stat can now work with directories.
* [[Komodo Dragon]] added to the Reptile lunar touched forms.
* Commission Tax should be calculated more accurately.
* +census request now shows stats on incomplete requests.
* Fixed a bug introduced with my last fix for web crafting!
* New, player purchased, avatar accessory, shackles.
* Two new red collars available.
* Updated the theme & policy room to encourage people to type terms.
* New option for +monster command, +monster clear all will remove all +monster created enemies in the room.
* New Area added past [[Deeper in the East Forest]] called [[Jutting Peaks]].
** New monsters lie in this area, including a Staff created Monster: [[Chi Lung]].
** Other monsters include: [[Gryphoenix]], [[Sandfire Dragon]], and [[Storm Dragon]].
* Direct Connect is now functioning again.
* New, free, avatar color, Goldenrod
* Avatar caching system has been enhanced.
** This has necessitated erasing the existing cache, so avatars might be slow to load for a little while.
* Spoilers: The Coatl High Priest should no longer require you to lose twice to progress. 'Twas a bug, but playtesting is encouraged.
* [[Quetzalcoatl]] Quest updated for grammatical errors on mobs as well as  fixing bugs in the quest process. All should run smoothly, now!
** It will now require you to be fully Coatl when accessing the idol.
*Fixed critical error in web missions.
*Roboticist (computer) job comes with actions up to level 3.
** Also, multiple choices available for the level 3 action.
* The Long Way web mission is now locked to level 60+
* New Staff Monster: [[Okami Boi]] now available in the Petshop of Cuteness!
* Fixed bug in how web combat objects representing players are processed.
* Scientist job available.
** It comes with actions up to level 3, included multiple options based on the skills.
** The job is available (for now) in Eureka School and Clairmont College.
* Minor update to the Church of Promethea.
** Players now warned that it is a dangerous place, grammar fixes, and certain directions no longer teleport you.
* New command added, convert.
** Will convert salvage rarities in game.
** Note: can move multiple steps, so "convert 1 rare chemical to common" will give you a butt-load of common chem salvage!
** Can convert both up and down. Converting down still incurs the usual taxes.
* New string parsing added for [if] and [case] blocks, <string1> ~= <string2> will do a regex on string1 using string2 as a pattern.
* River now properly connected to the highway outside Fairhaven. References to a nonexistent bridge removed.
* Alex the Zebra has received an update.
** Hir sex scene should now be a bit sexier (less typos, proper spacing, etc.), and it will dynamically respond to whether you've... frisked, with hir before.
* Clairmont, Living Museum, and New Ireland updated.
** They have been given more legible spacing.
** Obvious exits in the description are now marked in white.
** All jobs in Clairmont now only show up if you possess the right skills.
** Most minor bugs in these areas have been ironed out.
* Public sector of the Department Store updated.
** As with Clairmont and New Ireland, obvious exits are now marked in white, commands in green, and viewable items in yellow.
** Work on standardizing the older zones this way will continue throughout the month and all new areas will be color-coded accordingly. Polish, polish, polish!
*** Exceptions for some special locations.
* If you are already logged in, say via telnet, you will not be given the direct connect on viewing the main page.
* +register now shows, approximately, how much cash you have gained on the muck (game specific) for that day.
* When visiting the main page of the web page, you are now given the direct connect screen
** This is instead of the Facebook news. Hopefully it will encouraging new players to get further into the game.
* New accessory available, red collar.
* Code changes in an attempt to make the game more gracefully handle multiple text connections to the same character.
* Newly created characters on the web can now agree to the ToS correctly.
* Subscription 'days remaining' counter now working correctly.
* Dusk Dragon questline improved.
** Fixed typos, axed glitches, and fixed a tiny exploit.
* Spacing and format issues in several areas fixed.
** Behind-the-scenes code cleaned up.
* When using "shift <something>=<something else>", extra spaces in the commands are automatically removed.
* Several updates to the RSX Solutions building in Woodfield.
** NPCs with broken questlines have been fixed, commands are marked in vibrant green, and the tutorial section for new players has been made easier to comprehend.
** Additionally, references to obsolete mechanics have been cut, and the Pheromone and Danger technicians now properly set levels.
* Danger and Pheromone Technicians now work properly in both Woodfield AND Fairhaven.
* Many cases of Rsx changed to RSX - for accuracy.
* Vast majority of RSX Solution cases changed to RSX Solutions. Because one solution is not enough.
* You will no longer be told of expiration dates that don't exist when commission crafting.
* Tiny update. Public room titles in New Dawn changed to Capitalize Each Word.
** A couple of awkward exits changed to cardinal/ordinal directions.
* New avatar accessory background, Gazing Out.
* New, Free, avatar background, Forested Outlook.
* Avatar editor updated to make item names easier to read and much less cluttered.
* The Corn Maze has received some polish. A couple of typos have been fixed, and the reward for navigating the maze has been increased.
* Weapon Master area updated with improved parsing and grammar. All objects that can be viewed should now function correctly.
** This area has been overhauled further. Descriptions now have eye-appealing spacing, line breaks, etc.
* Diya partially tweaked. Error messages now throw out properly if something goes horribly, horribly wrong.
** This will help debugging and future changes to the NPC.
* The & character will no longer cause the RP Log uploader to have a bad day.
* Doctor Flyn at the library has been updated, and can now figure out the gender of most children.
** She still doesn't know what to do with neuters, though.
* Energy level high or low, you will always get at least 1 per item trashed.
* Stores should provide more space to fit prices.
* Descent should work on yourself.
* Level 2 action for Street Lord job added.
* [[Crippling Bite]] now does light damage, and can be upgraded for damage.
** Duration of damagebuffdebuff on Crippling Bite extended by 33%
* New web mission option. Charge. It will cost the player the listed amounts of stats to continue past one of these points.
* Minor grammar fix in wf.
* New recipe modifier, wild, available in the token store due to stretch goals!
* Poke-Bots can now play nicely with children
** they count as NOT being children/charmed pets and you can have up to 4 out.
* RP channels between FS and Rusted Promises now linked.
* New item [[Muzzle]], added to elite store. With this in your backpack you... can't speak.
** say and emotes with " in them are disabled. NOTE: if you 'use' the item, it will disable it.
* The muzzle now for sale at the scratching post in the mall, for cred.
* Fixed a substantial amount of broken string parsing in Zephyr.
** Many words that are highlighted in yellow now have functional, detailed descriptions if you look at them.
** Please report any and all issues you find with the recent fixes via +request.
* Zephyr has received further polish.
** OOC comments in room descriptions should now be marked in blaring purple, whereas commands are marked in green.
** Objects that one can look out have had most of their kinks ironed out.
* Floor 4 of Zephyr now actually connects to the other floors via stairs. It is no longer only accessible with the elevator.
* The Workshop Technician's dialogue in Zephyr is no longer utterly broken. Huzzah!
* Nanite Sorter no longer set to debug mode.
** Characters shouldn't see a six-page spew of code whenever they sort their vials.
* Floor 4 of Zephyr updated slightly. No more 'You may or may not find something interesting' messages.
* Several public properties are now clearly referenced at their entrance.
** This should direct more new traffic to these places, and makes locating an area without an Overworld view less tedious.
* [[Extravagant Implement]] reduced in power in accordance to a recent poll on the matter.
* [[All Natural]] doesn't mention 'distill' anymore.
* Secondary target of [[Polearm]] is now NoAoE.
* [[Inspiring Drills]] recipe added to the token store due to stretch goals.
* Charge upgrade added to foot stomp, to make it more instant.
* [[Unrelenting Suckle]] has had its cooldown increased.
** Its Damage over Time status has been ''dramatically'' increased in both magnitude and duration.
** Also given a mild vampiric ability.
* [[Pollen Haze]] given some love.
** It now endures, at a lower mag, for 20 rounds, while raging -fiercely- for the first five rounds with a massive -40- mag accuracy debuff.
* In theory, spam produced from wound healing, should work.
* Batch of miscellaneous fixes.
** Parking Garage Two now properly rolls stat-checks.
** Several public locations are more clearly marked by their adjacent rooms.
** The Private Garden no longer traps players inside if they log out, then log back in after their visiting time expires.
* New merit: [[Social Networker]]
* The Zoo is now connected via the grid. Traveling to the Overworld is no longer a prerequisite for accessing it.
* Pokebot has become cheaper to keep around(5/rd->1/rd)
* You will always get at least 1 freecred for trashing something, even if low on cred energy.
** In theory, you should get 1 freecred minimum -per- item, even in stacks. However, if cred energy is low, you may end up getting less for stacks (though at least 1 per stack).
* The Highway has been swept. Eliminated exactly 143 typos and a number of run-on sentences.
* Anubis should now get more, in theory, from dropping things, especially things of higher value, when in good cred energy. Awaiting player feedback.
* Bug stopping some battles from showing up (web and in game) fixed.
* Avatar/Fur One and related can now be read by string parsing.
* "sa untrain" and "job untrain" commands added, to let players lower a job by one level at the cost of one mako.
** The cost will be waived for two days.
* +monster command now less likely to cause monsters to disappear immediately on combat start.
* Level 2 and 3 for Teacher job added.
* New Item in the mako store, Gift of the Trickster. Allows those dedicated to coyote(but not currently) to shift others. Still requires the nanite control extender.
* As part of the ongoing effort to polish, standardize and eliminate old code, public rooms in Zephyr, around Zephyr, and throughout the city have received a touch-up.
** Most objects that one can 'look' at are now marked in yellow, whereas compass directions in room descriptions are marked in white.
* Poke-Bot now spawning correctly.
* Poke-Bot now counts as a non-child-like pet, so you can have a max of 4 out.
* Architect job added to Clairmont Town Hall.
* The Economic Block has received a touch-up. Grievous spelling and syntax errors have been resolved.
* The grammar and sentence structure in 'Haven' has been thoroughly polished.
* Amount of XP gained from +votes from players adjusted. It should be a more satisfying amount, especially at higher levels.
* You now gain money from +votes!
* Roleplaying now gives more XP per tick, equal to 1% of whatever your 'xp to level' is.
** So if you are at 55/100 xp to level, you'd get one more (1% of 100).
* Two new stringparse options added.
** [desc <body part> of <infection>] and [transform <body part> of <infection>]
*** These can be used to grab the infection details about particular parts/tranforms.
**** They cannot be used in player descriptions.
** "Help string parsing" updated to reflect this.
* Enhanced fault-detection in combat, fights should REALLY try and continue even if something is really broken.
* New feral training, Alpha, added to feral training area of New Dawn.
* Sidekick will get more upgrades over time, pending.
* Feral Sidekick now gets an upgrading(by level) slam power.
* Support added for custom pet stats stored directly on a power.
* New stretch goal set at 2100(new public modifier).
* [case] statement support added to string parsing.
* Staff chat is now linked between the two games.
* Also, normal chat engine slightly sped up.
* "Help string parsing/case" statements is now a thing.
* Token exchange removed from navigation.
** Its no longer required with PC trading being allowed.
* To encourage activity on Rusted Promises, +pjvotes are double strength.
* @viewparse and @formparse now support proper processing for case-statements.
* @viewparse and @formparse upgraded with improved error-checking.
** [case ], [if ] and [when ] indents are now checked separately.
*** Note that if there is an error in any of these, it will persist throughout the rest of the parsed view, so you can (hopefully) see where the error started.
* Using +dice to roll a negative number of dice will no longer crash.
* DNS is back to normal.
* [[Chastity Belts]] will no longer stop a parthenogenesis enabler from working!
* With web notices, clicking 'delete all' will actually clear the screen without needing refresh.
* Major News: Soldier interrogation research complete and results available for public review.
* Project pools finished on the web now create a request in game for staff to see.
* [[Poke-Bot]] added to token store.
** They are a mercenary. Their cost is 5 freecred per round to operate but will improve your Bot skill over time.
*** This will allow you to use better Bots in future, as we make them.
* Web notice viewer now shows any amount of notices (even excessively large amounts).
* Using @<name> or `<name> in chat, when the target person is offline or doesn't have permission to view that chat, will no longer try and parse it into [To: <name>].
* Poke-Bots are now equipable.
* Fixed desc on Mysterious Cloaked Figure
* Added patch to help prevent 'stuck' combats.
* [[Priming]] recipe modifier added to the mall to fulfill stretch goal(type goals to see them)
* New, free, accessory available, a brown skirt.
* New, premium, avatar accessory, the "broken future" background, available for only 1 mako.
* "Help salvage" does not, nor has it ever, referenced anything in the way of a supposed, but quite clearly nonexistant 'convert' command.
* Birthing code fixed.
** Any mothers out there that had bad pregnancies will now give birth asap with the correct children.
* Fixed a bug in help that would cause crashes when searching for items.
* New tool for form-writers: @formparse
** Allows authors to take a peek at the parsing in any mob they've written, both the current version and the version you have in the editor.
*** The output is akin to @viewparse, BUT...This does some basic error-checking for you.
* Enhanced combat recovery from something going bad.
* New, premium, accessory available, a black fedora, yours for only 1 mako.
* Freecred/status exploit found and fixed in global research code. Also, when displaying Mon% for particularly large-cost research a negative will no longer be shown.
* For missions and special rewards from combat, salvage other than edible is now possible."
* [[Maternal Bond]] item added. When someone has it active in their inventory, anyone in their +womb can wnative to them to effectively become their child."
* Mother fertility now is ignored with [[Parthenogenesis enabler]].
* pnobot Will allow party leaders to set their whole party out of botmode.
* Thanks for some help from Stenson, the notice system is working much better now.
* pauto and pnobot now give feedback to the party that they were run.
* It is no longer possible to steal npcs through the use of 'tak'. Silly thieves.
* Doctor Richards' quest fixed so that Ember Warrior and Ember Breeder are both correctly in the system to show on the board and the like.
* A port over from the Single Player game is available in the Night Club: [[Slut Rat]].
* The price of avatars increased due to the artist's living expenses increasing.
* If you lock in a supernatural dedication, and visit the dedication page, you will automatically receive all badges you should have on that alt if they don't already have the badges.
* You can now purchase the dedication sealer with mako(50) in addition to the direct purchase option. Lock in a dedication for all alts forever.
* New premium color available for avatar pleasure, midnight purple.
* Mint Cream color made just a tiny splash more greenish.
* Salvage from standard fights should be more random.
* Salvage gain from dailies should be more random.
* New Area in Fairhaven, in the spot where Fengrove had once been. You'll find Fox Taur and Yama Inu from there in the area as well as a couple newer forms.
* Fixed bug in list forms.
* Paypal subs persist a bit longer to prevent sub status from lapsing due to delays in processing.
* Usage of the website is now subject to the ToS.
* ToS Manager will now send notices to users to review the ToS when the ToS is changed/updated.
** This is updated from a previous change that would force players to read and agree to the ToS ''at login''.
* Kitsune has been updated to allow players to choose to be bipedal or quadrupedal in form.
** @set me=Kitsune/Quad:1 to make your kitsune form quadrupedal and @set me=Kitsune/Quad: to reset and make yourself bipedal again.
* Quest added for the new Wax Museum - Sinful Exhibits area.
** Talk to Hugo after completing the first quest.
** Tomas also updated for the newer items acquired in questing.
* New Staff Monster also added to the Wax Museum Sinful exhibits area.
* [[Liquid Panthress]]' body description now reads: "Their body is covered in a thick, black, flowing gel that leaves behind an oily residue."
* The Terms of Service agreement may now be viewed via the "terms" command.
** Players will now be alerted at login (and hourly) if the agreement changes or if you have not read it.
** The Terms of Service agreement can now also be viewed at http://flexiblesurvival.com/terms
* Terms of Service updated (twice).
* Terms of Service manager will no longer notify people who are idle, otherwise it will notify you hourly if you have failed to read the latest changes to the Terms of Service.
* New Staff Area made with New Staff Monster: [[Wax Museum - Sinful Exhibits]] with several new-to-grid monsters, and the staff-made [[Lustful Visage]]!
* Changes to account system in an effort to comply with future privacy requirements.
* +cookie command is now available again.
* New, free, avatar accessory, pink ribbon.
* New avatar accessory available for a whole one Mako, Aviator Goggles.
* Desc of color chooser updated: This curious device allows you to interfere with the nanites color choosing mechanisms. With certain infections, you will appear with your favorite color!
** To activate, &color me=(color here). To disable, &color me=  -- You can also set a secondary color the same way, with color2(&color2 me=(color here))
* Skunk Girl updated for new functionality.
** Here it is for use in your own monster writing: @set rpsys=infection/skunk girl/skin/desc:[if color2 is present in [player]][local stat color2 of [player]][otherwise]black[end if] and [if color is present in [player]][local stat color of [player]][otherwise]white[end if], furred
* Salvaging recipe modifier added to token store.
* Newly conceived children will now note their mother as they do their father.
* Using Craftmod Keys will now check if your inventory is full before attempting to use them.
* Repairing items now works once again.
* +rewards will now check if your inventory is full AFTER the check to see if you actually have a reward pending.
* Craftmod Upgrade can now reach max level + 50.
* Terminal colors adjusted.
* Research Result for Decayed Mechanics project is posted.
* New web mission available.
* Warded's extra effect disabled.
** This is not a nerf, it will be back. They just need to recode it.
** Warded should now operate better, triggering debuff clears when you get hit, alongside abilities like outnumbered and rage.
* Debuffclear, the status, has been re-implemented in a new way.
** Let the staff know if it's working properly.
** It will, after this, be much easier to make random things debuffclear when we want to.
* If you have -any- amount of rested xp, you do not take the restriction for being top level."
* A nerf was removed.
** No documentation available.
* Thief job's level 2 action added.
* Fixed influence gain from Thief's level 1 action.
* Overworld now fully, properly has Fengrove Hills location in Woodfield, and Fairhaven one removed.
* If you are at max level, you no longer accrue xp from battle.
** If you're in a group, this is done AFTER group tax, so you continue to contribute to your group, even at max level.
* Last update reversed, mildly.
* Stretch goals modified slightly.
* Warded upgraded!
* New Dawn has recieved a facelift! Discription updates and some room repurposing.
* Warded no longer gets triggered on self, ally or passive powers.
* +health now displays wounds.
* If you are wounded past 90% of your hitpoints, the excess will slough off of you.
** There's only so much injury a man can have and still be alive, after all.
* New +pj reward, "+pj #nc", nc=non canon, use it for personal scenes and flights of fancy.
** No player minimum or maximum, no thematic requirement, since it is, by definition, non canon.
* College available in Clairmont. Teacher and Librarian jobs are available, plus the training room for the city.
* Your wounds will no longer be limited(in stat, not effect) if you are currently mentoring up or down.
* +register now shows subscription time remaining.
* New Staff Monster: [[Hunched Dwarf]] added to the relocated Woodfield area of Fengrove Hills!
* Overworld now fully, properly has Fengrove Hills location in Woodfield, and Fairhaven one removed.
* Sky Blue added as free avatar color choice.
* Judges no longer lose levels for inactivity by popular demand.
* Being a judge no longer affects ability to +room. Sub level is the sole determiner.
* New item added to elite store, 25 mako, privacy screen, allows use of +room, despite any sub level or lack thereof.
* Fengrove Hills have been relocated to Woodfield area due to monsters being thematically appropriate for there.
** Fairhaven-styled mobs have been removed to create consistency.
** It can now be found in the southwest corner of Woodfield City.
* The main portion of Fairhaven is now a very minor source of mechanical salvage.
* When training Jobs, group skill improvements are now taken into account when calculating the max you can train.
* New, free, avatar accessory, Fox Plushie.
* [[Home Womb]] item added to elite store.
** Allows players to bind ("home" command) to your +womb room.
** [[Womb for Rent]] item required.
** Trust level ''Transform'' needed both to bind AND to recall there.
*** Don't have enough trust? You will be sent to your previous, non-womb, bind.
* [[Laser Emitting]] buffed up a bit.
* Level 2 actions for Trader job added.
* Multi line transformations should look better.
* Contributing to pools via the web now logs properly.
* New merit: [[Expert Repair]].
* Modifiers that negatively affect an item (skill amount needed, costs, etc) can no longer be removed from a crafted item.
* Repairing items will no longer ever cost xp.
* Repairing items will always show you the list of salvage needed for the item.
* Removed all Distill code from power processing.
* [[Once Cursed]] removed from database.
* Prime Fights made more resilient to strange spawns.
* Prime reinforcements were made more tenacious but were adjusted to be a tad less so due to feedback.
* +pj #boot now works even if the target is currently rendered immobile.
* [[Laser Emitting]] is now cheaper.
* If you have managed to collect a staggering amount of wounds, they will heal faster.
* Prime bosses now only call for help once per 10 ''rounds'' max, with no regard for OOC time, only combat time.
* Social actions now reference 'patrol points' instead of 'energy'.
* The Cow Stable in Clairmont now correctly offers the Cow Girl job. Enjoy.
* Fixed critical bug in task command when you have a choice in a web mission.
* Fixed code that charges battery when shifting when it should not.
* [[Small Breasted]] and [[Heavy Breasted]] have been updated to stop referencing Cup Sizes.
* Wiki edited to reflect Merits
* The Saytiri critter and form is being removed due to blatantly obvious Copyright violations.
* Party movement should now respect rooms that don't allow summons or rides.
* Wounds now cap at 90% of your maximum hitpoints.
* Fixed bug in new destroyer training(oops). You do not need to do anything. If you have it, it will fix itself automagically.
* Destroyer feral mode lost feral regeneration for sake of balance (so many combat skill points!)
* Destroyer feral mode tuned down in survivability a touch.
* Feral Mode upgrades should be more stubborn about finding an upgrade for your powers.
* Several help-files and -categories have been moved to new categories. Over the coming days, we intend to re-organize the help files.
** If you have any suggestions for new categories, or helpfiles that should be moved or merged, please file a request.
*** Notably, Player Judged Scene and Director were moved to RP/Player Judged Scene and RP/director respectively, Advanced Combat Tips to Combat/Advanced Combat Tips, Flags to String Parsing/Flags.
* [[Demented Priest]] will now summon help at particular HP percentages, NOT at particular HP amounts.
=Previous months can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=

Latest revision as of 04:06, 15 September 2024

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Typo in Weapon Master Diya fixed so that Quests should be completed in the questlog on defeat."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Mass of Tentacles should now acknowledge Graceful in Defeat and Sterile merits/flaws and prevent some scene interactions that may be questionable from visibly ocurring or breaking the sterility."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive