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The following is a list of updates made to the game since it entered open beta in 2011.
Need up-to-the-minute updates? They're over [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?webupdate here]!
=Full archive of updates can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=
* [[Never Drop A Ball]] perk fixed.
* New perk: [[Hugely Expansive Rut]].
** For those whose bodies actually like it big.
* Fixed crash-bug when getting mutated with Never Drop a Ball.
* Nexthostile and nextfriendly powers no longer disable on repeated powers doing their repeats.
* Nexthostile/friendly powers should not trigger off of any passively flung power at all.
* Roller now recognizes group bonuses again.
* [[Liberty Leopard]] has been removed form the mako store until next July.
** You may still be able to find vials of the infection on occasion through the markets.
* The ever beautiful and singing Birds of Paradise seem to have learned a new song.
** Calling down into primal urges, their Lustful Lullaby has quite the effect on those around...anyone who's around.
* Puzzles are now easier to disarm the bombs of if you hit one, from base 5 to base 2.
* You can now renew at full hp.
* Bug in code over [[Ixchel Aura]] found and destroyed.
** Having Ixchel Aura turned on can now cause Lust effects.
* Fixed bug that meant egg-layer's fertility was not being checked.
* Updated Haley the bedicked anthro mare with an enormous exhibitionism sex scene (two random variants).
* Writing Bounty page updated with new offers for aspiring writers. Please check the [[Scene Bounties]] page.
* Fixed the [if flag naturally present in <person>] [[String Parsing|string parsing]] to account for template-mutations.
* [[Naturally Winged]] has been coded.
** Note that there are no compatible forms just yet.
*** If you intend to make a compatible form, use [if winged present in arms of [player]] and [if winged present in torso of [player]] respectively within descriptions and TFs.
* Junk Art action requires Scraps correctly now.
* [[Brood Keeper]]'s mouthfilled upgrade removed, and replaced with ballsfilled.
** If you have this power mastered, you will need to remaster it.
*** If you have it epic'd, please make a request to have this changed for you.
* Discovered a bug where some web missions had their script length incorrectly set which caused reward code to terminate early.
** Put in code in look for this to prevent it in future and going to write something to reward missing recipes.
* Finished giving missing recipes from web missions.
* [[Coyote]] now has heat.
* Adjusted [[Fox Boy]] torso, [[Dark Elf Female]] head, [[Amazonian]] legs, and [[Killer Whale]] ass descriptions for better legibility.
* Negative InHeat statuses should behave correctly now, rather than mimicking the positive versions at times.
* [[Minotaur]] given [[Leg Splitter]] and [[Tail Divider]] support.
* Domori the Chocolate Lab can now be found in the Seelie Sweets Kennels for fun and games.
** Content courtesy of player Adren as part of the writing bounty initiative.
* Standardized Leg Splitter checks to use [if stat misc/Leg Splitter of [player] == 1], rather than [if taur present in [player]]--while shorter, the latter is more computationally expensive and ambiguous.
* [[SLUT]] pregnancy messages for all three trimesters have been added in.
* The Flexible Survival website SSL certificate has been updated.
* [[Latex Skunk]] now properly puts Pet Collared template infection on players it beats.
* You should no longer be able to infect monsters with your infectious cum.
* Being sterile or having a sterility patch will no longer abort special eggs placed in you by monsters.
* [[Scent Blocker]] added to list of disableable items.
* Fixed Latex skunk not applying Pet Collared to head.
* [[Recursion]] description cleared up.
* SLUT added to the disableable items list.
* Awesome Skunk God has been revamped into [[Awesome Skunk Tree]].
* Wording on [[Emotional Aura Nanomagic]] tweaked slightly.
* Womb room helpfile updated with more items and commands.
* Game load will no longer have any effect on status tick-down or power checking while out of combat.
* [[Weight Pill]]s, [[Weight-Loss Pill]]s, [[Growing Pill]]s and [[Reduction Pill]]s will no longer become wasted if you use more than 5 (it will error and tell you why).
* Fixed slight slowdown in background processing (mini-pulse).
* Minimum length of poses extended for sake of being 'in RP'.
* Web puzzler fixed for new roller.
* Players not IC will no longer get power-processing or status-modifying ticks.
* Bloodletter type enemies DoT effect scaled down 4 mag and 1 duration.
* Bonus reward scaled down on Bloodletter type enemies 20%.
* Setting your AI to keep two "slotted toggles" running at once will no longer lock up combat as you try and switch between them over and over.
* [[Fire Dance]] RepeatAttackMag down to 3. RepeatAttackMagUpgrade down to 1.
* Non-script based AI will no longer attempt to turn a toggle on if another Toggle Slotted power is active.
* Fixed the capitalization of the scientist sa job in 'sa train'.
* Supporter tiers shuffled.
* Lib/safe_fork added.
* [[Sudden Fatherhood]] no longer crashes 10% of the time in background task.
* Background pregnancy code now MUCH faster.
* [[Sterility Patch]] will now properly terminate eggs.
** But only those that are not protected by special means.
* Fixed a bug I had created in preg tick while doing last updates.
* Added faregg, farmount.
* Cleaned up the logic the family command uses when using parent/child or pet/owner arguments.
** You request the ''other'' person to become what you type (ie, +family add parent=12345 would mark the player with family ID 12345 as your parent).\
** The messages now properly reflect this.
* Fixed a bug where negative inheat could modify your scent.
* You can now psay (thing) to talk to everyone in your party, even if they are not in your room.
* [[Unrelenting Suckle]] buffed mildly.
* New token recipe: [[Pentrative Training]].
** Exclusive for use in making or craftmodding crafted pets.
*** Gives them +1 Penetration skill, and the ability 'Shield Break'.
* [[Selective Reality]] given a more descriptive description.
* Extra notes added to [[Ferals#Degrees of Ferality|Degrees of Ferality]] for suggested upper and lower bounds on a feral character.
* [[Chastity Belt]] is now disableable.
* Untraining SA jobs now correctly removes a mako/lunar instead of giving one.
* Nipplefilled messages will no longer show up if you have no nipples, and the breastsfilled message (basically cum over your chest) has had a bit of string parsing added for persons who are flat-chested.
* Fixed miscellaneous instances of text corruption and odd spacing in web missions.
* Proving their capacity to learn, ferals have started taking a cue from the agents who try to quell their fun.
** Betas have begun to be coordinated, though they only are sent out with larger (X/+2 or higher) scavenging and raiding parties.
* [[Jack of All Trades]] RPinfo updated to explain its function in the new system.
** Jack of All Trades is also no longer a vanity merit.
* [[Giant Robot]] given a Kemonomimi version.
* New helpfile created, 'Toggles'.
* [[Lion Within]] given a small damage buff.
* The web mission "The Martian Habitat" should now be completable again.
* [[Intensive Study]] given bonuses based on various skills.
* Challenge: Make a monster without any but the most basic of string parsing (to check for male or female in defeats/victories, basically).
** Make it compelling with the content, not mind-bending code.
*** 1st place gets 15 mako on top of the approval amount, 2nd gets 10, and all entries get a unique badge.
* A few new wi tags have been added.
** Mastermind, Mind Games, Mind Control, Hypnosis, Sadism, and Masochism.
* [[Bunny Girl]] now has Leg Splitter support.
* Made [if <flag> naturally present in <target>] and [if <flag> not naturally present in <target>] parse correctly when they should return a true value.
* Fixed another two bugs in 'naturally present in <part> of <player>'.
* In accordance with Unfillable being fixed, its RPinfo and Exclusions have also been fixed.
* Unfillable's intended functionality split into two perks.
** RPinfo unfulfilling, the 'old' behavior of unfillable has been restored as well.
*** You don't get filled, but can fill others.
* View (number) made slightly neater.
* Tf messages broadcast to the room now have subject verb agreement.
** Example '<Mutation> Blah's legs becomes infected with Fennec!' is now '<Mutation> Blah's legs become infected with Fennec!'
* Statuses are properly stripped when you remove equipment.
* Fixed a bug in Hero Spending that prevented Hero Recover from using the level modded HPBuffer value.
* Help: Hero Points given a facelift!
* <s>Child Donation in New Dawn and Glenstock updated to always give tokens and a chance at salvage instead of always salvage</s>.
** <s>Rate is 45 children to 1 token</s>.
*** After much deliberation, Donate and Release converted back to their old functions.
* [[Tanuki Leaf|Tanuki leaves]] no longer claim to be able to use part descriptions to adjust sizes.
* More review of Fire Dance done, given +2 repeats base, over 1 more round.
* The 'give' command now tells you which item it's sending and ask you if you're sure.
* New WI Flag, Vanilla.
* Mining no longer coyly implies it will take one patrol point.
* [[Overkill]] combat skill coded and works for all direct sources of damage(anything that can result in a death message).
** Overkill status fully implemented!
*** Overkill roles added.
* Bug in overkill moving over repeats fixed, much more reliable now.
* Added "overkill" status. It has soft caps at 20/40/60.
** It can work to reduce your overkill damage (if negative or a debuff).
*** It can only boost the overkill carry-over to a maximum of 90%.
**** The (undocumented) feature that limits your damage on the new target to only dropping them to 1hp can be removed at Rank 3.
* [[Anthro Dolphin]] overhauled to check for flags on TF and account for females/neuters on genital transformation.
* Discovered how to use a file watcher to auto-minify js files, so the core web libs are reduced from 74K to 40K.
** Mostly noting in case it breaks something.
* Fixed infinite loop condition when Overkill 3 was used on the last mob in a fight.
* Slight change to overkill rank 3, it will not outright kill the extra targets, but keep distributing the original damage until it runs out.
* Fixed bug in Overkill that wasn't copying repeat attacks properly.
* Overkills will now also copy any dot/repeat that is owned by a player with overkill combat skill.
* Slight change to [[Heavy Melee]].
** Damage down 1 point, cooldown up 500.
* Fixed a bug that can cause attacks to have incredibly high accuracies for no reason.
* Fucklist prettified a bit, also a few more stats shown.
* Endurance now give 3.33% discount per point to the energy cost of all powers, abilities, and items.
* [[Lifegiving armor]] tweaked in a huge way.
* [[Skunk Blast]] given some love: Charge 2300 --> 1300. Energy Cost 30 --> 25.
* [[Hyena Herm]] got Arm Divider support, thanks to the kindness of a player.
* Fixed a typo in Oregonian ability 'Feed' preventing it from resetting Hunger.
* [[Naga Swamp]] is now an Heat+1 area, due the oppressive heat of that area.
* Updated and fixes a couple of social action names.
** Effects of Nanomamagic > Effects of Nanomagic and Theoric uses of Magic > Theoretical uses of Magic.
* [[Sultry Vampire]]'s powers moved a bit between slots.
** [[Sedative Saliva]] is now on the head, Drain Vitae moved on arms and Mirage on torso.
*** Reminder: You can't put too many powers in a single slot.
* [[German Shepherd]]s have been given a little lovin'.
** Arm divider and tail divider have both been added.
* Added a fancy comma in lore command, and some to wi too.
* New flaw: [[Dangerously Curious]].
* When asking you to cull cats at the zoo, the [[Kangaroo God]] now acknowledges all cat species and not just [[Panther Taur]].
** May no pussy-pounding be in vain.
* Commas in wi a little smarter(but still kinda dumb).
* Undead Research now available as global research.
* A new token recipe made and added: [[Berserkers Fillet]].
* [[Open Wide]] rpinfo tweaked.
* Boss, Hard Boss and Final Boss ranked monsters will no longer have a chance to strip buffs off you each time you hit them.
* There is now a cost to wnative.
=Previous months can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=

Latest revision as of 04:06, 15 September 2024

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Typo in Weapon Master Diya fixed so that Quests should be completed in the questlog on defeat."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Mass of Tentacles should now acknowledge Graceful in Defeat and Sterile merits/flaws and prevent some scene interactions that may be questionable from visibly ocurring or breaking the sterility."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive