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The following is a list of updates made to the game since it entered open beta in 2011.
For planned future updates, see Nuku's six month plan at http://checkvist.com/checklists/97925-six-month-plan.
=Full archive of updates can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=
Need up-to-the-minute updates? They're over [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?webupdate here]!
* Sky Blue added as free avatar color choice.
* Judges no longer lose levels for inactivity by popular demand.
* Being a judge no longer affects ability to +room. Sub level is the sole determiner.
* New item added to elite store, 25 mako, privacy screen, allows use of +room, despite any sub level or lack thereof.
* Fengrove Hills have been relocated to Woodfield area due to monsters being thematically appropriate for there.
** Fairhaven-styled mobs have been removed to create consistency.
** It can now be found in the southwest corner of Woodfield City.
* The main portion of Fairhaven is now a very minor source of mechanical salvage.
* When training Jobs, group skill improvements are now taken into account when calculating the max you can train.
* New, free, avatar accessory, Fox Plushie.
* [[Home Womb]] item added to elite store.
** Allows players to bind ("home" command) to your +womb room.
** [[Womb for Rent]] item required.
** Trust level ''Transform'' needed both to bind AND to recall there.
*** Don't have enough trust? You will be sent to your previous, non-womb, bind.
* [[Laser Emitting]] buffed up a bit.
* Level 2 actions for Trader job added.
* Multi line transformations should look better.
* Contributing to pools via the web now logs properly.
* New merit: [[Expert Repair]].
* Modifiers that negatively affect an item (skill amount needed, costs, etc) can no longer be removed from a crafted item.
* Repairing items will no longer ever cost xp.
* Repairing items will always show you the list of salvage needed for the item.
* Removed all Distill code from power processing.
* [[Once Cursed]] removed from database.
* Prime Fights made more resilient to strange spawns.
* Prime reinforcements were made more tenacious but were adjusted to be a tad less so due to feedback.
* +pj #boot now works even if the target is currently rendered immobile.
* [[Laser Emitting]] is now cheaper.
* If you have managed to collect a staggering amount of wounds, they will heal faster.
* Prime bosses now only call for help once per 10 ''rounds'' max, with no regard for OOC time, only combat time.
* Social actions now reference 'patrol points' instead of 'energy'.
* The Cow Stable in Clairmont now correctly offers the Cow Girl job. Enjoy.
* Fixed critical bug in task command when you have a choice in a web mission.
* Fixed code that charges battery when shifting when it should not.
* [[Small Breasted]] and [[Heavy Breasted]] have been updated to stop referencing Cup Sizes.
* Wiki edited to reflect Merits
* The Saytiri critter and form is being removed due to blatantly obvious Copyright violations.
* Party movement should now respect rooms that don't allow summons or rides.
* Wounds now cap at 90% of your maximum hitpoints.
* Fixed bug in new destroyer training(oops). You do not need to do anything. If you have it, it will fix itself automagically.
* Destroyer feral mode lost feral regeneration for sake of balance (so many combat skill points!)
* Destroyer feral mode tuned down in survivability a touch.
* Feral Mode upgrades should be more stubborn about finding an upgrade for your powers.
* Several help-files and -categories have been moved to new categories. Over the coming days, we intend to re-organize the help files.
** If you have any suggestions for new categories, or helpfiles that should be moved or merged, please file a request.
*** Notably, Player Judged Scene and Director were moved to RP/Player Judged Scene and RP/director respectively, Advanced Combat Tips to Combat/Advanced Combat Tips, Flags to String Parsing/Flags.
* [[Demented Priest]] will now summon help at particular HP percentages, NOT at particular HP amounts.
* New Mako Item: [[New Feral Mode Training]].
** Design your own feral training mode and have it added to the game for all to enjoy.
* Fixed Church of Promethea rooms to NOT carry your whole party through when you go to the boss rooms.
* Bug in puzzler fixed.
* When logging in, if your party leader is not online or is not in the same room as you, you will automagically drop from the party.
* pkick command added. Leader only command to kick a player from your party.
* In theory, you will now be told if an item comes off cooldown mid battle.
* [[Nurturer]] added to our library of feral training modes available.
** You can snag it over in New Dawn.
* You now gain a badge based on your feral mode, if you are feral mode.
* Our first premium feral mode training is available: [[Destroyer]].
** 10 mako in the elite store, created by a player for players.
*** Enjoy this high DPS, savage beast of a training set.
* Fixed bug in new destroyer training(oops). You do not need to do anything. If you have it, it will fix itself automagically.
* You will no longer be given an erroneous message when respawning.
* You will no longer be instantly reduced to judge level 1 when degrading due to inactivity.
* Web Mako exchange more explicit about new round robin mechanic.
* "jobs list" and "sa list" Now show what job(s) might be needed by that social action.
* [[Feral Mode]] players can now change training modes, allowing them to change their focus.
** The first two trainings available are basic(what you have now) and defender(a tank oriented, high aggro build).
***Feedback desired on defender.
*** You can buy the training at New Dawn.
**** Note, training is one use. Using one activates the training. Use another to switch it.
* Feral Mode 'Defender' training now gets Feral Defense, a powerful, and level scaling, self defense buff.
* Feral Defense now charges faster as you level up, becoming easier and easier to snap out quickly.
** Note, this is the charge time to ''activate'', not the cooldown, which is static.
* New Stretch Goal added to the monthly stretch goals.
* Heat/Lust/Horniness spam has returned.
* Infection vials for infections that don't exist now will no longer give mastery over something that isn't there.
* New Quest in the Wax Museum.
** Item collection quest through Hugo.
*** Extra items from the quest can be taken to Tomas in the Wax Museum.
* '''No Updates.'''
* Logging out will now remove you from the party you were in.
* Science and Public @channels are no longer coupled.
* A new city, [[Clairmont]], is added to the grid.
** It is accessoible via [[New Dawn]].
*** There is no unique content in this location yet.
**** There '''''are''''' RP rules of no public sex and of wearing clothes (a shirt is enough).
** Heat and Lust won't be active in the new city, due to variations in the nanite bubble there.
** Regular RP of exploration/survival themes will run there - logs will be viewable on the wiki.
** Social actions and city stats are in use, also global regional bonus or malus will be applied if certain stats are too low or high.
* Level 3 action for Lawyer added.
* North Ireland Pub closed it's gates in Fairhaven.
** A new pub is now available in Clairmont.
* Added some environment effects in Eureka and Clairmont regions.
** They can be a buff or a debuff based on the stats of the city's values.
* "Help convert" is no longer a thing. The info is now in "help salvage".
* [[Gentle Entry Unit]] added to Elite Store.
* New merit: [[Slow Simmer]].
* [[Luck of the Rat]] no longer has nanitesoak.
* [[Horniness: Increaser]] and [[Horniness: Decreaser]] added to token shop.
** They work on 'target' with 'Write' level of trust or better.
*** Using the horniness modifying items now alerts the target!
* +staff/addstatus should now no longer crash.
* Accuracy buffs AND debuffs now have a hard cap, based on a power/items base accuracy.
* Certain talk-script poses that were previously recording to rp logs will no longer be recorded.
* Joining a party at a remote location should no longer trigger a combat to start there.
* Powers should now be less spammy when striking multiple people for status only.
* When a party leader logs off, it no longer leaves a party in a bad state
* +reward Will now fail if you have a full inventory.
* More tweaking to kitsunes.
*** @set me=/child/<child>0/kitsune/fur:<color> sets a child-specific color.
**** That 0 is NOT a typo, it is required. Specific colors override defaults, of course.
* 'renew' AI should now work with targets ALLY and ENEMY.
* +glance now reveals size.
* New Wiki Page: [[Make a Character Page|Make a Character]]. Includes a Template for making a page for your character.
* [[Deep Healing]] is now influence by Ball Size.
* +rewards that result in rest xp now give a more helpful message.
* Staffers can now spawn any monster they want.
* Performing social actions no longer give craftmods, but now have a chance of yielding reward tokens.
* +request/new redesigned.
** Its only a minor change.
* You can now set the fur color on your children that have [[Kitsune]] skin/fur.
** @set me=/child/kitsune/fur:<color>
*** You use this like you already can for yourself.
**** <del>This DOES NOT work on a per-child basis, it affects ALL of your children with Kitsune skin/fur.</del> Now it does, see update above.
***** Supported colors are yellow, red and black.
* Non leader/quartermasters can now donate money to their group.
* With the stretch goals of 1000-1200 being met, a brand new area is available with with two staff monsters.
** The area is Wax Museum - Industrial and is located in Woodfield. The newest monsters are the [[Oil Baron]] and the [[Secretary]]. Also added on-grid is the [[Melodramatic Villain]] and [[Robot Zombie]].
*** Area level is presently: 60-66
* Fixed bug in web combat.
* "Unequip" added as synonym for remove.
* Obscure bug in inventory viewing fixed.
* Consignment sales changed to notices.
* Job levels now show in score/sheet"
* New tool for form-writing and string-parsing, now public! @viewparse
** Gives you an indented, color-coded version of whichever parsing you supply. Critter-writers may celebrate.
* [[Breast Consolidator]] and [[Mammary Magnifier]] are now disableable items.
** Just use them in your inventory to turn them off or on.
* [[Maternal Care]] added to mako store.
* When out of patrol points and not in the area where your mission is, you will now get a notification of the failure to patrol when search web is used and how to rectify it.
* Made some tweaks to messages coming from In-Game web fights.
* Multiple Maternal Care items will now stack.
** It is indicated that the healing bonuses multiply the player's +womb room triage bonus.
* You can now remove all your notices at one again.
* [[Chimera serum]] no longer infects the head twice.
* Listing another person's form now only requires read permission.
* "list forms for <name>" has been fixed.
* New premium color: mint cream.
* In editplayer players can now disable the auto leveling under lvl 30.
** Note, excess xp will burn off into freecred instead.
* Fixed a bug in combat rewards. This should stop "Invalid Turn Goer" messages.
* In editplayer players can now disable the auto leveling under lvl 30.
** Excess XP will burn off into freecred instead.
* Pets should now, for all functions that check their level, refer to their owner's level.
* In string parsing, [owner] will now return the DBREF of the owner of a pet, or #-1 if it isn't a pet.
** Likewise, help string parsing updated.
* Prize Finder Removed, if you had it, you got perk credit back!
* Fishing now references edible salvage.
* If you are mid battle, you can no longer try, and fail, to start a mission battle.
* If you are very small, size modifying merits will at least modify it by 1 in any given direction.
** Minimum is still 1.
* [[Gemini Cyborg]] dedication retired.
* The size adjuster should now function when shrinking yourself.
* New Profession, Patent Clerk.
* Bug in +fish/patrol fixed.
* Group level up messages no longer refer to 'guild'.
* New avatar unleashed. Also a new mako pool.
* New Research available.
* Arm and Tail divider reduced from 50 to 20 mako.
** Both are now sold as pre-manufactured items, rather than recipes.
* Mine command now shows an area's native density, in addition to its current bounty.
* Roleplaying in a place with minable salvage will cause it to regenerate any salvage usage the place has.
** Conservative Mining perk increases the healing done per tick.
* Loadout/upkeep on eggs reduced.
* A very large mako pool has finally completed! As a result, players now have 5 more perk points to use.
** They will appear when you have spent your 'free' perks and buy 5 points past that.
* New merits: [[Tiny]] and [[Giant]].
** <del>They do the exact same thing as [[Small]] and [[Tall]]</del>, but they also ''stack'' with them!
*** They've been tweaked short time later. Tiny is now -50% size, Giant is now +30% size.
* Butchering skill now displays properly in +fish.
* You are now given more clear opportunity to abort a trouble ticket while filling it out.
* The 'dead' AI should be more reliable now.
* pinvite no longer auto accepts on trusted level.
* Some of the player flags have had their descriptions updated.
** Hyper, No Hyper, Macro and RSX flages are examples.
* New command: tport.
** Allows you to teleport to RP hubs.
*** The new feature only works in non-combat rooms.
**** For example, ''tport #public'' then ''tport placename'' to teleport there.
***** Staff are looking for public RP locations that they may have missed. Let them know via +request if you know of a public RP hub that isn't on the list.
* [[Effectiveness Training]] recipe created.
** Prefab version for sale in the Zephyr wellness area.
* When a party leader flees a fight they will now drag their entire party out with them.
* People trying to recycle items that, due to changes have been grandfathered and are no longer craftable, will no longer get a crash.
* In theory, if you throw a buff, or debuff that is weaker than already exists, it will simply not be applied, leaving the stronger one alone.
* Forms for mothers' day removed from elite store.
* New 'target' type for powers, 'master' will force the power to make it target it's summoner (for pets).
* The ability to become [[Modified]] has been removed (chargen and Medical Implanter).
** The reason is that it has become apparent that players with this ability could deal 160k damage per round against 8 targets.
*** This made them 2 to 3 times stronger than the best Role builds in the game.
**** Staff are requesting player feedback on wrestling Modified back into a sane performance range. +Request with your feedback and send it as a Suggestion.
* [[Cow Maiden]] is now available as a boss vial in the elite store.
* You are no longer notice-spammed with influence salvage.
* Influence salvage is now given in one notice.
** But only when you're checking your notices.
* There is now an Infection Update item in the elite store.
* "help partying" brought up to speed with recent code.
* Descriptions entered for most wi flags.
* The token store on the web page now reveals if you know a recipe or not.
* Jobs that require builder nanites now inform you of the fact.
* Arriving and leaving a room, with parties, is much cleaner now.
* New fishing option: "+fish/patrol"
** Spends 1 patrol point to catch multiple fish at once per successful catch.
*** You will ignore the usual limit of 12 of any single fish for that cast, allowing you to hoard larger amounts of fish.
* Fishing stock cap removed.
* New command: "+fish/butcher".
** Slice up those fish!
* If you do a +fish/patrol and net a fish that's too small, the patrol point is quietly refunded.
* Using +fish/patrol bypasses the minute cooldown, and cannot result in random encounters.
* +fish/patrol amplifies your skill for sake of avoiding badly weighted fish, both light and heavy.
* Waiting for a bite while fishing is now much less spammy
* Functionality of Technical adjusted!
* You now cannot join a party with one of your alts
* Technical status can no longer DEBUFF, only buff.
* Party merging (especially into open parties) should now work.
* <del>New research available: Nanite Cannon</del>
** New recipe, [[Nanite Cannon]]. Prebuilt version for sale in the token store.
*** Recipe for nanite cannon also added to mako store for 5 mako.
* When using the crafting tester recipes and modifiers known are now marked with asterisks.
* Cred Energy Rejuvinator removed from token store.
* Go-Go Dancer erotic dancers will no longer cause Confusion.
* [[Hare Town]] set up with few social actions and jobs.
* Description of TEAM modified.
* When buying/selling mako/lunar on the web exchange, it will now evenly pick from each order if multiple match the best value.
* Technical stat no longer -decreases- upkeep in the negatives.
* +monster ready Will now search the room for IC players and set the combat as being owned by them (Judges should be set JDG).
* Roll update, you now get +1 die per 5 points above 20.
* New premium accessory: Labcoat.
** Available for 1 mako and applies to all alts on your acount, past and future.
*** Labcoat edited to look nicer, much thanks to Tova!
* New, entirely free, avatar accessory: a sawed off shotgun!
* New premium accessory, offered by Tova, a dark version of the labcoat.
** Available for 2 mako for all characters forever on your account.
* Stretch command implemented, showing the monthly donation stretch goals and our progress towards the next.
* Stretch command now shows ''all'' potential stretch goals.
* Distillations removed from the system.
** Distillations no longer have any effect on items.
*** In other words, your Distill-enhanced items are now broken and may inflate your loadout usage (even into the negatives if you didn't have much room left).
**** If you are having issues removing items due to loadout inflation, remove the highest loadout item first to bring you out of negatives.
* 'Distill' tab in web inventory removed.
* You can now cancel auctions, with auction #withdraw
* Altfinder restricted to W3+
* New craftmod for direct sale (player purchased): [[Gravid]]
** 5 mako in the elite store.
* Ride commands now disabled.
** Please see pinvite #help for details on usage of the new system.
*** Msummon will continue to function normally.
* Case of mistaken helpfile fixed in the Zephyr instance of the crafting-tutorial.
* 'Help basic commands' updated with new party commands.
* For parties: If a player other than the leader is ambushed in a room, the monsters/combat will be based off the party leader's settings.
* The Color Chooser decreased in price from 50 mako to 20 mako.
* The Gold Framed Supply crate is now 150 reward tokens
* Power Regulator reduced in price from 200 to 50.
* Happy Mother's Day! 50 mako poured into the pregnancy tower, enjoy your kids!
* Power and item cooldowns can never reduce to less than 0.
* Instant powers and items should once more be instant.
* XP costs for crafting items removed.
* Crafting items while in a nanite crafting room reduces cred/nanite costs by 5%.
* +reward now has a chance to give craftmods!
** High octane will make them a non-drop craftmod. There is a small chance of making it T2 or T3!
*** Meaning it is significantly cheaper to apply.
* When using craftmod trades, the description of craftmods will update to the desc of the new modifier.
* In theory, web battles are now entirely patrol point free, unless you're doing a mission.
** If you're doing a mission, it costs a patrol point, and will not work without one.
* Web crafting using a commissioned crafter can no longer put you into negative freecred.
* When spending a hero point for a +roll, you will get +1 to the end result.
* When training up a top tier craft skill on the web, you will no longer see 'maximum level' when going over the level limit.
* Players can now no longer train crafting skills above their level (excepting top tier, where they can go their level + 10)
* You can now train craft skills back up to max level, instead of your max level.
** But the costs for over lvl 50 (doubling) now are based off the skill being trained.
* New item: [[Fishing Hole]]. Costs 25 mako.
** Lets you set a room of yours as a fishing area, even a hunting area room.
* Rpinfo of [[Infertility]] updated for thematic clarity.
* Web now displays decimal value of premium currency.
* Academics reworded to be a bit more clear as to what it does.
* The Raver Punk's anklets now glow with the color of the person's choosing
** The color chooser must be in the user's posession for this.
* When pointing a craftmod trade/selective trade at a stack of craftmods, only one will be traded.
* Crafting no longer requires XP.
* Soul Grasp can now be upgraded for damage.
** Now it counts as a resurrection power.
* Earth Nanomagic's cost and limit updated.
* <del>[[Hair Triggered]] and [[Instant Drawing]] are slotted into Rapidity.</del>
** Unslotted instant drawing and hair triggered again.
* [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?ecommerce|E-Commerce] updated to make the stretch goals more clear.
* [[Painted Incubus]] is now available in the Mako Shop.
* Apart from regular upgrades, no modifiers or modifications will allow a non-instant activatable power/item to become instant.
* [[Deinoraus]] form added to the Shadow Pits area.
** This was our first Stretch Goal monster.
* [[Feral Mode]] now gives +1 mastery slots per 25 levels through ingame training.
** Web Training has been updated to account for this.
* Feral Theme page updated.
** New information is here: [http://wiki.flexiblesurvival.com/w/Ferals|Ferals]
*** More changes possible.
* [[Ink Cloud]] power reworked.
* Bugs that caused erroneous power output for all naturals fixed.
* Monsters above 'Boss' Rank are now more enduring.
* Hard and Final bosses made a bit more worthy of their titles.
* When buying/selling premium currency on the web market, proper account log entries are made.
* You can now use the [[Sexual Stabalizer]] as an inactive [[Nanite Adept|adept]], so long as you own it, without the need for a focus device.
* Hero Regen option buffs.
** Regen lasts twice as long, and now has a powerful +energy component.
* Craftmods no longer drop randomly off defeated enemies.
* The cost of a Craftmod Key reduced to a mere 40 tokens.
* For a mere 10 tokens, you can now procure a T1 craftmod with a 'small craftmod key'.
* Reward Tokens now occur faster with subscription level. Higher the level, more reward tokens for roleplaying.
* "help subscribing" updated with this new feature.
* The tokens for dedication promotion is at an end. We hope you enjoyed earning dedications via tokens.
* You asked for it, you got it! You can now trade reward tokens, give x tokens to bob. I'm sure bob will appreciate it.
* "help dedication" and craftmod brought up to speed with recent updates.
* RP XP increased significantly. Roleplay and be rewarded!
* Money earned from RP increased accordingly.
* Hero refill properly nabs 1 mako and gives you all your hero points back, so you can go on being awesome.
* New color, Tyl purple, a soft shade of purple, freely available to use on your avatar!
* On the buy mako page, the stretch goal meter now says how much to reach the next stretch goal.
* While RPing, rest XP bonus is now displayed.
* Monsters are no longer randomly upgraded on their powers, providing for a more consistent experience(templates aside).
* Viewing items now shows if they are 'high quality' or not.
* Promethean/RSX/Zephyr mobs WILL get some upgrades.
*** But only them.
* New monster templates: Multi-Armed, Ignited, Rubber Toy, Unclean, Go-Go Dancer, Breast Feeding and Feesh
* If you auto level, you are now informed in game about it, in addition to the web notice.
* You are now shown the 'cock' transformation whether you are male or not.
** If you collide with a form that this displays hilariously with, let us know so we can fix it via +request.
* Talakai Essence now makes females 'flexible', allowing them to take monstrously large partners and still breed.
* If you are on the crafting page and look for crafters, crafters on cooldown will not be on the dropdown list as people taking orders, because they can't.
* Bugs that caused erroneous power output for all naturals fixed.
* If you are on cooldown for taking orders, you will be informed on the web craft page.
* [[All Natural]] Buffed
** All Naturals now get 1 point of technical per 10 levels minimal, despite any role selection.
*** So if you're level 30, you're going to have 3 technical, period. If you're level 60, 6 technical.
**** If you have more than 10/level technical, it will leave it alone, so if you take 3 roles with technical, and are level 24, it will not reduce it to 2.
* [[TEAM]] recipe created by player purchase, but a prebuilt version is for sale at the Ancient Relics in the mall.
** Works like having half a point of Technical shared among all allies in your party.
* Mining, via the mine command, now employs builder nanites, not freecred.
* Mining now has a guessing game component. Guess well for much more salvage than normal. Guess poorly and you end up no worse than you started out.
* [[Ruggedized]] buffed. Upkeep discount increased from 5% to 15%.
* [[Miniaturized]], Ruggedized and [[Modular]] are now slotted together. They all got buffed as well, so be sure to remove and re-equip your equipment.
* The Selective Craftmod Trade now gives 10 choices instead of 5!
* Damage over Time buffed, no longer resisted by hpbuffers.
* Everyone has received a free craftmod key as part of the recompensation package with the recent changes. Enjoy!
* Talking to missy to combine and reroll your craftmods will now make sure you don't get the same mod as either of the two you put in.
* Hare Town has been renovated and improved. (Research completed)
* Price of [[Flame Bearer]] dedication reduced from 50 to 30 mako.
* Price of [[Bastet Disciple]] dedication reduced from 50 to 30 mako.
* Price of [[Necromantic Acolyte]] dedication reduced from 50 to 30 mako.
* [[Kitsune]] dedication price reduced from 50 to 30 mako.
* If you purchased a dedication yesterday or today (7th or 8th, server time) that just came down in price, throw up a request to get the difference refunded.
* New item, [[Craftmod Key]], now for sale for 100 reward tokens.
** Open it up for a tier 2 craftmod!
* New item, [[Craftmod Upgrade]], 20 reward tokens.
** Increases the level of a craftmod by 5.
* New item, only 10 reward tokens, [[Craftmod Trade]].
** Takes a craftmod and rerolls its level and what modifier it holds, but retains its tier!
* The Reward Token Purchase now gives 5-15 tokens instead of 5.
** 20% chance of +5, 5% chance of another +5, each rolled separately.
*** Badge given if you get 15.
* New item, [[Craftmod Selective Trade]], 20 reward tokens
** Works like a trade, but instead of being entirely random, you get a choice of 5 modifiers to select from.
* Check your web notices.
** If you created your account before january, you've been given reward tokens in recompense for the final retirement of the distillation system.
* Chance of mastermind reduced.
* New, free, color, brown!
* New Mission button on page no longer so screamingly loud.
* Web combat can now be done even if you are completely depleted of patrol points.
** This does not extend to web missions.
* Worker Job moved to the Power Plant (always in Eureka).
* New item: [[Chimera Serum]]
** Available for freecred the Zephyr Lobby.
*** One sip and you'll have a new perspective on things. That's what they said in the update channel.
* Added a level 2 action for the Street Lord.
* New recipe: [[Power Gator]].
** Its intended to replace the [[Water Flask]].
** There is also a Pre-Fab version without Modifiers where [[Energy Drink]] used to be sold..
* Power Gator added to token shop(20 tokens).
** The recipe, not a completed item.
* Debuffclear added to Power Gator.
* +register fixed
* Upkeep of Power Gator has been reduced.
* Medicinal now has Regen.
* [[Endurance Training]] created.
** It is for sale as a pre-fab item.
*** This will replace [[Training - Aerobics]].
** You can craftmod it, as it comes without modifiers.
* [[Crowbar]] has been renamed to [[Sharp Light Melee]].
** Its Pre-Fab version is renamed to [[Pry Bar]].
* New recipe: [[Breathing Clothes]].
** Replaces [[Earrings]] in the Ancient Relics store.
* Weighted modifier adjusted to return to relevancy.
** Also slotted with Improved.
* Repeating modifier buffed.
** Repeating no longer debuffs damage.
* It is now possible to procure tier 1 craftmods via social actions.
* Recharge now has soft caps at 50, 100 and 150
** This is no different than most other statuses
** It hard caps at 200.
* Matriarch and Sterile now properly exclude eachother, like one'd expect.
* Roll With It and Tar Baby now have a combo effect.
** You gain 0.5 points of reactive skill per lowest of either.
*** So if you have 1 and 3, you'd get +0.5 reactive, 2 and 2, +1.0, 0 and 3, +0.0.
* Modified now has diminishing returns on percentage based things that modify a stat directly(+damage) or to statusmag.
** Every +50%, it costs twice as much to get another 1% of difference.
*** So 1:1 up to +50%, then 2:1 until it hits 100%, then 4:1 to 150% then 8:1 to get to 200% and beyond.
* Price of relocation adjusted from 30 to 10.
* Bug fixed in arm divider.
* +xp now shows the number of tickets you have in the RP mako lotto.
* Fixed bug that caused spam with betraying powers.
* Academics no longer has the functionality that was never documented for it.
* Roopet charming should work again.
* ^^ Now works in ooc messages.
* July 4th added to holiday list.
* It is now possible to get more rested xp than normally possible if with a high octane reward.
* If you are not at 75% of your rest capacity when receiving a reward, it will give you rest xp rather than a +xp/time reward.
* When sending a @paste to a specific person(s), you are told which receive it.
* You will no longer receive a health 'tick' update when you're full of health.
* When someone pastes to the room, as opposed to a particular person(s), a message is sent notifying that it's a room send.
* Maximum HP no longer begins to spiral upwards past level 30.
* When handing objects to a person with a custom name, only the custom name will be displayed in the message.
* New mako item, [[Salvage Surveyors]]
** Allows you to permanently increase the salvage amount of a given area by a given salvage by 5.
* Can be used on public areas.
* Submitting can now be done through "submit to <enemy>" as well.
* Mako gained from answering polls now recorded in account history.
* You will now be told if a group member 'reconnects' as opposed to 'connected'.
* Start of the Month sale is now shorter, the threshold being 500 instead of 2000.
** Alternate reward system being implemented that will benefit the entire game, rather than just the donator.
* Stretch goals implemented.
** As the game reaches its monthly monetary goals (starting at 500), the game receives a benefit for all to enjoy.
*** Including new quests, web missions, monsters, and even dedications.
* You can no longer charm Zephyr, Promethean, or RSX agents.
** Charmed enemy agents should be cleared of their origins, including RSX.
* New items, [[Pregnancy Harness]].
*** Item is permanent and passive.
** While worn and offline, you gain 'pregnancy rest' at a rate of 18 minutes per 15 minutes.
** While online, this time is used to increase your incubation speed by up to twice the normal.
** If RPing, 20-30 minutes of credit turns into 40-60, if online but not RPing, 5 minutes becomes 10 minutes of credit.
* The pregnancy harness now charges, slowly, if online but not RPing.
* Cow maiden quest updated.
* The RP lotto will run less frequently, but tickets continue to accrue, meaning that those who roleplay over longer periods are more likely to be that winner.
* Turning faction chat on and off now gives feedback.
* Betraying powers properly hurt things again.
* Fixed a bug that could prevent web combat from starting.
* Goo Girl now has an avatar
** Several other gooey forms now use the goo girl avatar.
* Missy's created craftmods will now have similar naming to new dropped ones (showing tier and dropped status)
* Fixed bug that may have reduced the efficiency of influence for salvage.
=Previous months can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=

Latest revision as of 04:06, 15 September 2024

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Typo in Weapon Master Diya fixed so that Quests should be completed in the questlog on defeat."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Mass of Tentacles should now acknowledge Graceful in Defeat and Sterile merits/flaws and prevent some scene interactions that may be questionable from visibly ocurring or breaking the sterility."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive