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(July is /finally/ posted. Gah.)
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The following is a list of updates made to the game since it entered open beta in 2011.
Need up-to-the-minute updates? They're over [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?webupdate here]!
=Full archive of updates can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=
* Due to the work of some enterprising adventurers, [[Ixchel]] as given forth the knowledge of some ages old, but still powerful, weaponry.
** The [[Macuahuitl]] can be accessed by those dedicated to her by studying its creation within her temple.
* Error found in the talkscript for the discovered journal and masturbating fox and fixed.
* Fex's lock tweaked.
* [[Liberty Leopard]] once more added into the Mako Store.
** [[Busty Labrador]] and [[Siphospes]] availability in the mako store was extended by about two days early in the month before they were pulled until next Mother's Day.
* If your mass is more than twice your height, it is reduced to twice your height for sake of hitpoints gained due to mass.
** To make things fair, your mass for hitpoints also can't be ''below'' half your height.
* With the mechanical aspects of being a [[Nova Faerie]] reduced, the weight and height modifers have been restored.
** Future modifications still possible.
* Added a clause so web combat automatically disables should load > 100.
** This is mostly so it re-enables when the processing time is available again.
* Added a clause to allow webUI and connectionFramework to be disabled for diagnostic/load balancing.
** WebUI serves web pages.
** connectionFramework handles connections which run things like the side bar and live functionality.
* Allowed the minutely mini-pulse to abort if it detects the previous one hasn't actually finished yet.
* Hopefully fixed the issue of not turning up to your own web combat.
** Specifically, the "Combat failed to load correctly" error.
** At the least fixed one reason for it.
* Killing a monster while you have more than 5000 of each common salvage will no longer cause a bug where the monster doesn't die properly and combat locks up.
* Fixed certain local stats notes still referring to @set instead of the newer, cleaner lset.
* [[Social Butterfly]] no longer suggests you can fly without the [[Flight]] perk.
* [[Rabid Beaver]] given Victory, oVictory and Defeat messages as well as [[Arm Divider]], [[Leg Splitter]] and [[Color Chooser]] support.
** Content by Armel.
* Steamy [[Illusion Nanomagic]] sex scene added to [[Obsidian]] the [[Shadow Dragon]], content courtesy of Foxheart.
* [[Rubber Balls]] has received a complete rewrite, content courtesy of Jade as part of a Writing Bounty.
** Power adjustment and further fine tuning pending.
* Load made to lower faster, in theory, during times of low load.
** Load balancer tweaked.
** If 60+ seconds go by without anything pinging the load detector, the load slams back to 0.
* Wound recovery now runs every 10 minutes instead of every minute.
** 10 times as many wound points will be recovered.
* There is now a short (10 second) timer on mining.
* Mining now properly removes builder vials.
* All requests without a staffer assigned and over 60 days old closed.
** If the issues involved are still a concern, please open a new ticket.
* Culinary data program added: Food Dyes.
* [[Rage Inducing]] now gives far less accuracy debuff on allies.
* Changing the status of your own request should no longer mark you as the staffer handling it.
* Lots of minor performance fixes added in regards to searching player inventories for items.
* The quest command is now all inclusive of all the other quest outputs.
* The phase of the moon is now included in +time messages.
** Dawn and Dusk messages now include the moon phase.
* [[Shotgun]] available as a token recipe.
* [moon phase] and [moon phase capitalized] added to [[String Parsing|string parsing]] (and their help files).
* When you page someone in combat, you're told if they're in combat so that you know your message may be lost.
* Powers will no longer trigger secondary effects while repeating.
* [[Duplicating]] added as a token recipe.
* You can now abort out of the influence prompt for global research.
* Further tweaked how +request lists tickets to speed it up.
* Old shifting message updated to work with the [[Normal Physics]] flaw.
* You will be told during battle clear if cred's going towards training taxes.
* [[Grenade]]s buffed in almost every way, you even get one more of them per batch.
* Another old growth message changed to work with the Normal Physics flaw.
* Gradual shifting messages for Breasts added to the [[Organ sizes#Breast Sizes|Organ Sizes]] page.
** You see the messages only if you change your sizes slowly through combat or vial consumption.
* Cunt shifting messages are now on the [[Organ sizes#Cunt Length|organ sizes]] page of the Wiki.
* Hasboxitem function now forwards all non-gear related requests to findboxitem.
* Those foxy nurses seem to be getting a bit more crafty.
** Through some [[Intensive Study]] [[Vixen Nurse]]s can try to better adapt to their friends' needs, and their foes' actions.
** New 100% form power added.
* [[Ixchel Jaguar Essence]], [[Pregnancy Hider]], and [[Litter Inducer]] given the disableable flag.
** Default is on.
* Added Leg Splitter support to [[Fennec]], because fennec taurs are too adorable to not have.
* Changed all checks that determined whether Arm Divider/Leg Splitter/Tail Divider were NOT active to use directly reverse logic of == 1; that is, != 1, rather than == 0, which would not display if the player for some reason changed that stat to anything other than 0 to disable it.
* Already fairly defensive in their own rights, the [[Scorpion]]s have learned how to sacrifice speed to hold their foes at bay even better a Defense made of their Chitinous hide.
** New 100% form power added.
* [[Call of Odin]] give a note about its use.
* Due to the diligent efforts at Zephyr Labs and Technologies as well as the efforts of our agents in recovery of schematics and tech once lost in other laboratories, [[Vanishing Nanomagic]] is now possible!
* Additional note added to [[Dimensionally Touched]] to remove some confusion.
* BallsFilled status and stat now properly checks if you have balls, so the <Breeding> messages will now appear.
** Also, [[Brood Keeper]] power updated to have the BallsFilled status instead of the MouthFilled status.
* Changes to Vanishing Nanomagic's description to remove ambiguity.
* Nanomagic pages on the Wiki given improved navigation.
* Influence will properly fall off when it becomes too weak in an area, instead of potentially giving infinite salvage.
* If you are in active RP, your chance of rut abruptly hitting 0 is now 0.
* [[Udderizer]] can now be modified.
** The base function of the item is unchanged, and it has limitations to make combat usage very ineffective.
** However, this does now allow for fun modifications, such as a [[Dripping]] Udderizer.
** If you already own one, it has been converted to be compatible.
** If, somehow, yours was missed in this update, please make a +request.
** Also, this change allows the Udderizer to be looked at with RPinfo.
* Having a negative rut (from statuses) will no longer trigger the rut-scent when being smelled.
* Fixed a small bug that caused the last line in list forms to crash on smaller than usual screen widths.
* The RPinfo of [[Mastermind]] changed to reflect that pets no longer get both the Mastermind buff and the original buff.
* Made it so that web pages aren't served if load > 100.
** They're unreliable and flaky under high load as it is.
* [[Nanite Tattoo]] option belly bug has been fixed.
* After forgetting to put them on display, Lisa did some searching around and found some [[Shrinking Pills]] for Clits stacked under some...questionable materials, and they are now for sale.
* Staff can now access any lore file without having to peer at the database.
* [[Blue Gryphon]], [[Latex Fox]], and [[Skunk Girl]] have received Leg Splitter support.
** They will now also print custom text for people losing taur-itude when shifting into them.
* Rather than rely on the old, decrepit MUDconnector page when directing players toward desktop clients, we now use an internal wiki page.
** The new page can be found at [[MU* Clients]] and links to several reliable, tested clients as well as official download pages.
* [[Lactaid]] and [[Deep Healing]] altered to no longer give the free turn after use.
** Charge Upgrade there to give you your next turn faster if used.
** Both powers are now 0 charge powers, as base.
* Supernatural Understanding research boosted by stretch goal.
* Rut mechanic improved to turn off when not in RP better.
* Farhugs and similar verbs are now splashed with colors.
** Farhugs and similar now offer color both coming and going.
* [[Kitsune]] given Leg Splitter support.
* M4 Carbine now is more difficult to mod, but comes semi-automatic out of the box, and fires more frequently.
* [[Bladed Gloves]] upped from damage 3 to 8.
* [[Flutter]] given a mild buff.
* [[Jelly Whip]] given mild buff.
* People wearing an active blindfold can no longer tell when someone is looking at them.
* [[Salamander Femme]] and Lizard Girl given Leg Splitter support.
* While the Kitsune form is still missing several TF messages, made the ones in place account for Kemonomimi.
* [[Weight gain milk]] should not go to infinity.
* [[Expansive Rut]] made a bit more modest in power.
* Rut mechanic fixed to properly engage/disengage at the right times.
* Added Color Chooser support to Donkey Boy and Ogre.
* You can now marp into public chat channels with marp (channel names separated by spaces).
* Mastermind will no longer propagate AoEMod to pets.
* Growth and Shrinking Pills effecting sexual sizes no longer work if you have [[Sexually Stable]].
** Growth and Shrinking Pills effecting size and weight no longer work if you have [[Ultimate Infection Resistance]].
* Added a small provision to display static messages at the top of web pages.
** Mostly intended for 'warnings' whilst restructuring parts.
* The wiki's front page has been given a face lift.
* The [[Ask Page Questions| Ask page]] has been copied to the wiki as a WIP page.
* Door locks that lock based on the size of a character can now be made to take into account weight or gender-sizes.
* Color Chooser support added to [[Octopus Guy]].
* Did some tweaking to make the web interface friendlier to mobiles.
* New theme page made on the wiki: [[Native and Body Morphogenic Psychology]].
* [[Repeating]] given mild debuff.
* Mastermind's list of exclusions made much more complete.
* All transformation (growing) and transformation (shrinking) messages on the wiki cleaned up.
** The messages for cocks have been added.
** Get a bit more of a verbose description of just how average, big, huge, or impossibly large you really are!
** Page is [[Organ sizes#Cock Length|Cock Length]].
* Due to Mako Pool, perk point allowance has been enhanced by 5.
* A background change to craft items made via mystery boxes, so their names are correctly set.
** Players will not notice any difference.
* [[Down Bitch]] now inflicts haste debuff instead of knock down.
* Mystery Items can no longer be things with quantities.
** They will tend more strongly towards maximum mod count.
** They can no longer be made of things that have no stats.
* A help guide and list of suggestions for the still in development 20dice rolling system has been made.
** "Help rolling/20dice" to read it! Please note, this is still in development, and that these are suggestions.
* Bug in [[medkit]] preventing it from showing in list items found and squished.
* '[[Assimilation Solution]]' no longer works on not-players, and requests trust from players.
* Somebody at Zephyr appears to have spent too much time with the skunks, so much time, in fact that they developed something to leave behind your scent on a lover.
** The [[MUSK]] or 'Mating Utility for Scent marKing' is now in mako store for 20 mako.
** Now with Disableablity!
* Roller handles multiple proficiencies more elegantly by averaging them.
** So Prof1+Prof2 will use the average of the two proficiencies, rather than actually adding them together.
* All Social Actions updated to be more friendly with the new rolling system.
* Cow Girl social actions readjusted.
* Steamy sex scene under a waterfall added to [[Chenoa]] the [[Aassahke Female]].
** Content courtesy of Jade.
* Kitsune now has TF messages for the ass, groin and torso, which were formerly missing.
** Content courtesy of Jade.
* All SA targets down 1, data collection continuing.
** Current 'normal' set up is 2/4/6/8.
* Proficiencies now cap out at 40 points for training.
** It can still be raised by other means, such as group bonuses.
** Ultimate cap remains at 60.
* Old help rolling replaced with the new system.
* Furry flag on the skin of forms changed to Furred, as to match with the other skin type description flags.
* When performing job actions, you now gain +1 per job level as a small bonus to doing things you specialize in.
* Social actions that require two skills now have -1 target compared to similar actions (Example, a T3 action with one skill's target is 6.
** If it has two skills, its target is 5.
* Social actions now automatically give a bit more oomph if they cost more patrol points than 1.
* When shifting into a dedication with a vowel as the first letter, it will correctly change "a" to "an" for the shift message.
* Fixed straggling uses of 'furry' in place of 'furred' in string parsing flag checks.
** Players who used string parsing in their descriptions, morphs, tattoos, etc. must change 'furry' to 'furred' manually.
* [[Infectious Cum]] should not affect enemies...again.
* As is probably already noticed, Bachelors is now handed out at 20 in a skill, Masters at 30, and Doctor of at 40.
* For those judges interested in expanding upon [[Glenstock]], a general guide to the RP event in the area has been made on the plaque in the Glenstock Courthouse.
** Please make sure you have pj #on to read it.
=Previous months can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=

Latest revision as of 04:06, 15 September 2024

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Typo in Weapon Master Diya fixed so that Quests should be completed in the questlog on defeat."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Mass of Tentacles should now acknowledge Graceful in Defeat and Sterile merits/flaws and prevent some scene interactions that may be questionable from visibly ocurring or breaking the sterility."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive