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The following is a list of updates made to the game since it entered open beta in 2011.
For planned future updates, see Nuku's six month plan at http://checkvist.com/checklists/97925-six-month-plan.
=Full archive of updates can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=
Need up-to-the-minute updates? They're over [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?webupdate here]!
*New global research: [http://flexiblesurvival.com/research?Petition%20for%20Truth Petition for Truth]! Please do not think about it too hard. Please.
*When using <code>research #focus</code>, you will now prompted for how much mako to spend, in case you want to research the <i>fuck</i> out of this silliness.
*A new NPC, the Tactics Soldier, has been added. Speaking to him enables 'classic mode' fighting.
**The net effect is never encountering templated monsters, everything will always be +0/+0, but you will only have a <b><i><u>25% chance</u></i></b> of actually getting non-money/xp rewards. That is, things like vials, recipes, salvage, or craftmods.
*XP and cred costs for level 51-60 are in the system. No, you can't go level up yet.
**<code>score</code> and <code>+xp</code> have been updated to know these new values.
*There's now an extra digit of space on salvage values.
*Lots of fun new secret code entered.
*The <code>help</code> function can now handle partial matching.
*You can no longer attach a craftmod to a whole stack of items at once.
*The dodge bonus applied to confused attacks now caps at 50%, not 75%.
*[[Noxious Aura]] slightly rebalanced, lowering ConfusedMag.
*[[Shrooms]] is now NoAoE.
*You can no longer attempt to craft when your inventory is full.
*<code>scale</code> command added. Tells you what a 1-magnitude effect would be, scaled to your level.
*You can now disable the <code>wf</code> output on login, through the magic of <code>editplayer</code>!
*The [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?missionedit mission], [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?talkedit talk], and [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?sceneedit scene] editors on the web interface should stop garbling code that contains & or %.
*Twilight Caverns added onto the edge of the Scrublands. The area itself is level 44-49, and contains remixes of several other mutations.
**The real stuff is deeper down, in the Shadow Pit. Level 52-57, and contains [[Ash Drakenoid]], [[Mosquito Girl]], [[Pesky Gnat|Pesky Fly]], and the squicktacular [[Excremental]].
*Backup monsters in a [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/prime%20specimens prime] fight no longer give rewards, nor do they count towards mission progress in an area.
*Craftmods dropped by enemies no longer adjust their level based upon the crafting skill of the finder.
*[http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/craftmod help craftmod] has been updated.
*The information shown when you log in regarding who you are watching for is now the same code as <code>wf list</code>.
*The dedication blurbs for [[Nanite Adept]] have stopped talking about Total badges. Whatever those are.
*[[Visible Womb]] added to the mako store. Invisible wombs are now a collector's item.
*There is now more room for HP in the <code>score</code> sheets.
*[http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/Echo help echo] is now a thing.
*[[Fast Recovery]] coded.
*Once a battle starts, all of your passives and toggles should 'tick' before the actual fighty-parts begin.
*People in IDL or OOC statuses will stop covering everything they see.
*You will now always be warned about cost when adding craftmods to things.
*Upmentored players will no longer have an impact on the drop chances for craftmods.
*<code>+request</code>s made on the web will stop putting URL gibberish into their content.
*Passive statuses on crafted items are now a little longer-lasting, to help ensure that they never wear off (again).
*<code>+fprompt</code> can now be used to replace your standard HP/Energy bars in combat (the option is in <code>editplayer</code>).
**It's also had a reversed-energy bug fixed.
*[[Unpredictable]] is now balanced, and shares a slot with [[Improved]]/[[Overcharged]].
*Recipes that yield passive abilities should now actually remain on all the time, even with [[Light]] on them.
*Each status from an item now has its magnitudes calculated separately, rather than all at once.
*Viewing an item now shows the skills of the person who made it.
**Yes, this means that if someone makes an item or craftmod, then ups their skill, the item retroactively gets credit for the new value.
**There were like three updates about bugs regarding this being fixed. I think it works now.
*DebuffClear effects should stop accidentally increasing the magnitudes of debuffs. Heh.
*Characters with the [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/supporter destined flag] now get slightly better odds on finding craft mods.
*[[Prize Finder]] merit created, which more or less does the above.
*Staff list pruned for inactivity. :<
*[[Wedding Band]] now in the elite shop. 5 mako, finished item.
**By the way, recipes can now be made public by putting the finished item, instead of selling the recipe.
**[[Lucky Charm]] works that way now, too.
*Did I say 20 mako yesterday? I meant 50. The various declassified recipes are 50 mako.
*Craft bounties will stop asking for things that get made in multiples, like [[Energy Snack]].
*<code>quest</code>s now properly account for higher difficulties when reporting progress.
*[[Overcharged]] added to the [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?consign&mako=1 elite store] for 20 mako. (Yes, actually 20 mako.)
**Please note that this mod cannot be used alongside [[Improved]]. Modifiers can have slots, too!
*[[Laser Scope]] got a little more laser-y.
*The salvage market is now zippier, and no longer has a delay before adjusting prices.
*You can now only turn in a specific crafting bounty once.
*Consumable item overhauls!
**[[Health Snack]], [[Energy Snack]], and [[Jelly Bean]] are now all NoAoE.
***[[Tough Food]] can still have AoE effects.
**[[Medical Hypo]] is now more healing-centric.
**[[Shock Treatment]] buffed, now focusing on removing negative statuses from a single ally.
**[[Purifying Tablet]] buffed and set to self-only.
*New [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?crafttest Crafting Tester] added to the web interface, in the 'Game' menu. Allows you to do a 'what if' using any combination of items and mods.
*New help file for [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/EULA/limitation%20of%20exclusivity what you can and cannot keep to yourself]. Yeah, go buy your stupid [[Rabbit Pill]] and [[Slutty]] mods from the elite store now.
**Oh yeah, both of those are now in the elite store for 20 mako apiece.
**So is [[Lucky Charm]], which was buffed to make it less of a joke item.
**Please note that this only applies to actual mechanical things. Private forms can stay private, so long as they do not keep any unique powers away from the playerbase at large.
*If you have a skill at level 3, and your group has the skill, you will no longer imply that you have 4 points when you +prove the skill.
*A bug that was keeping higher-end daily rewards from showing up has been squashed.
*The display on <code>g who</code> has more room to show contributions now.
*Ferals will no longer have random dedications on them.
*Craft bounties will stop asking for annoyingly hard-to-produce modifiers, like [[Sucking]].
*Craftmod objects will stop giving incorrect values when dropped, and now are just 0-1 freecred.
*[[Jelly Bean]] rebalanced to be more of a self-buffing item, as itended.
**[[Health Snack]] currently being rebalanced to be relevant again.
*[[Binoculars]] now do something, seeing as how instances are long gone.
*Posing or saying somethign while OOC or IDL will now mark you as IC automatically.
*The XP reward from <code>+reward</code> has been buffed for those of levels 30-.
**No, I don't know if that was a typo.
*Crafting things in-game now remembers that it's supposed to use salvage. Whoops!
*Cred energy should stop suffering from crippling overflow errors. Also whoops!
*Infinite salvage bug fixed.
*<code>fprompt</code> created. Works like <code>mprompt</code>, but shows the HP/energy of all targets in the room.
**If you lack Xeno skill, then these stats are shown as percentages, as per normal.
*<code>@room</code> now supports container locks. They work just like normal locks, only they work on containers in the room.
*Monsters can now drop crafting mods.
**These mods will always be at least (maximum level) + 20 skill, so they'll be neat enough to craft an extra mod onto what things can normally be created with.
**They're pretty hard to find.
**They will not drop if anyone in the party is mentored, or if you're fighting enemies at less than 90% of the level cap.
**Primes may drop them, too!
*New monster template: Front and Center. Only appears when Pheromones are set up to 3 or higher. They keep their buddies safe!
*Diseased template now actually works, only appearing on monsters level 41+, and only if Danger is set to 0 or higher.
*Token rewards are now slower to gather, but the token cap is now 20, instead of 12, for a single daily mission.
**<code>quest</code> tracking has been updated to compensate.
*<code>test</code> now gives the proper readout.
*The negative stats on items is no longer boosted by [[All Natural]].
*Perk exclusions updated, please open a <code>+request</code> if any spots were missed.
*Billing code had another bug fixed; if your subscription lapsed in error please open a <code>+request</code>.
*[[Fenrir]] is now more accepting of people with too many arms.
*Rolling code altered to behave differently when rolling just a number(which tends to be when rolling an NPC). NPCs are now assumed to have 1/2 their dice or their dice - 20, whichever is higher, in actual skill.
*Help file written on [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/clients MUD clients], for people tired of the web interface.
*Looking at a modifier in your inventory now tells you important information, such as what it is, what level it is, what skills were used to create it, and if it was dropped from a monster.
*People should no longer be set IDL, though the change requires you to go through one fight, first.
*Monsters with the 'Rugged' template should now properly award +60% more xp and cash.
*Fixed an infinite mako bug.
*Nuku softly churrls, "Influence in research now degrades over time(a major hit was noticed as all degradation owed was smacked into). Rate is 1% of the invested pool per 12 RL hours."
**If anyone knows what this means, please feel free to write your local wiki updater.
*Web crafting should now show accurate numbers. No, really. Stop laughing, you guys.
*The Puzzler is back on his meds, and should stop constantly giving out an order of magnitude too much loot for the tiny little puzzles.
**<del>Up next, the 'Puzzler's Meds' avatar item, for when you steal those from him, too. You horrible person.</del>
*The succubus option for [[Pack Leader]] is now properly implemented.
*Oh, crap. More crafting changes!
**You can no longer stack identical modifiers on crafted gear; you do not need a light light light light mechanical drone.
***You can also no longer make level 0 modifiers.
**You can no longer go over your energy cap through the use of crafted items.
**When applying a modifier to an item, the cost in adding the modifier is the cost between making the item and making the item with the modifier you're trying to add.
**Applying craftmods will now remember to use group crafting perks.
*Effects that alter your energy use now impact passives properly.
*[[Intense Training]] now functions as stated on the <code>+rpinfo</code>.
*The odds of getting two puzzles in a row are now drastically reduced.
*The Promethean Studies Labs (the guys who want gryphon ass all the time) will stop asking for things marked noreward.
*[[Charismatic]] merit coded.
*Oh crap, item overhauls in process.
**You can now remove unwanted modifiers from items by talking to an old soldier (he will be standing about somewhere) CAUTION: This process is unreversible.
**New command: <code>craftmod</code>. Will let people craft 'modifiers' that can then be useed and applied to existing items (the skill for 'crafting' this will take the mean of the skills of the items crafter, or the modifiers crafter, or just use the player doing the work, if theirs is higher.)
**Items with distills on them cannot be modified.
**More stuff is coming!
*The Prroud Girl Gang Street opened up, near Fairhaven Park.
**Contains [[Plump Tigress]], [[Corporate Cougar]], and [[Stalking Tigress]].
*[[Udder Enhancement]]s can now be toggled on and off by using them from your inventory.
*Oh hey, remember the [[Arm Divider]]? Well, it actually works on more than one creature right now!
**Specificially, it's been added to [[Mouthless Stranger]], [[Mad Doctor]], [[Valkyrie]], [[Female Commando]], [[Genetically Superior Human]], [[Moth Girl]], [[Gladiator]], [[Goo Girl]], [[Slurry Girl]], [[Blue Sphinx]], [[Masked Angel]], [[Squid Girl]], [[Busty Succubus]], and [[M1A1H]].
*Breast Removers are now for sale in RSX's basement. For people who hate themselves and their lovely boobs.
*Item trashing has been standardized to use the same code on both the web and the MUD.
*Puzzler rewards no longer care if you're mentored or not.
*Help file for [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/rp/RP-etiquette RP etiquette] added.
*When confused, a heal now only has a (magnitude)/100% chance to turn into damage against your party.
*New commands, <code>sa train</code> and <code>sa train list</code> added FOR SEKRIT NEW STUFF!
**<code>sa</code> is no longer an alias for <code>say</code>.
*Help file for [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/rp/roleplay-commands roleplay-related commands] added.
*You can now pour as much mako into research as you want.
**Please keep in mind that you cannot proceed the research past either the money or materials percentage.
*Looks like we finally figured out what that [http://flexiblesurvival.com/research?Decipher%20Alaska%20Message Alaskan transmission] was all about. Commies! Enemies everywhere!
*[[Illusion Nanomagic]] has been revised, making it a little harder to mimic detailed illusions.
*<code>wpot</code> command added. Acts like the <code>pot</code> command, only involves wombs. If you use it from the outside of one, and have a [[Womb for Rent]], it shows what's been going on inside. If you are inside of one, it lets you know what's been going on in the world outside.
*Horny agents will no longer rub phantom dicks.
*Tomatoes are no longer counted when you <code>+finger</code> a staffer. You can still thrown them if you really want, but it's now even more meaningless than it was. :D
*Help file updates for [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/combat%20status combat status] and [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/cookies cookies] (removing the references to tomatoes), while a new help file for [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/combat%20status chat-titles] has been written.
*[[Metamorphosis]] has been set to NoAoE. It probably should have been set like that the whole time.
*When contributing to a mako pool started on your own behalf, you will now receive fewer supporter points. This is to discourage people from opening pools just to fill them for free supporter points.
*Okay, NOW you will no longer be shunted to the idle room.
**You will, however, be set IDL if you fail to do anything for 60 minutes.
*You can no longer go to JDG (Judge) status when not actually a judge.
*Helpfiles added for [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/Character-Status in-character status] and [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/buffclear buffclearing].
*Incidentally, you can only use <code>buffclear</code> on things that are listed as a buff in their <code>+rpinfo</code>.
*[[Clydesdale Stud]] added to Were Equine patterns.
*You can now, when using a boss vial, elect to have it compressed into a generic vial. This will strip it of its proper name and infection, round its level to the nearest 5, and allow you to stack it with others of its kind.
**Upside: Many more boss vials in far less space. Rounding may work in your favor for leveling purposes.
**Downside: With no actual infection, it cannot be used for upgrading a power to epic.
*You can now <code>daily restart (area)</code> to restart your daily to match up with your teammates.
*<del>You are no longer shunted to the idle room when idle. Take that, grues!</del> Not sure the update was misinterpreted. More later.
*The skill requirement for the Pregnancy Broadcaster global research has been stealthily lowered from 3/3 Computers/Medicine to 2/2.
=Previous months can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=

Latest revision as of 04:06, 15 September 2024

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Typo in Weapon Master Diya fixed so that Quests should be completed in the questlog on defeat."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Mass of Tentacles should now acknowledge Graceful in Defeat and Sterile merits/flaws and prevent some scene interactions that may be questionable from visibly ocurring or breaking the sterility."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive