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(Posting April's Updates.)
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The following is a list of updates made to the game since it entered open beta in 2011.
Need up-to-the-minute updates? They're over [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?webupdate here]!
=Full archive of updates can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=
* Also, people with abnormal breeder will lose virgin merit from such activities...
* Quasi-related update, Infectious Cum no longer can infect npcs.
* Slight clarification to the Promethian Wiki Page under Family Structure.
* Fixed String Parsing glitches in the Crystal Avian Torso TF and Jorogumo Legs TF.
* Fixed an bug in give that caused a stack underflow.
* The [[Jackalope]] is no longer gray in the skin TF and baby blue in the skin description. It's just gray.
* Fixed over 20 it's-its usage errors in form descriptions and TF messages.
* An update to Unknown/Neuter pronouns has been made.
** 'it' will no longer be used as a reference, and 'one' takes its place for the subjective to maintain grammar of existing parsing and code.
* (Re)Fixed a bunch of bugs that reappeared in the pregnancy code.
* Should now be possible to run web missions on the muck all the way through with 'web #mission'.
** This is intended to be the groundwork for a redo of the page.
* Ate a bug where matching objects in room-descs would fail.
** The same bug also caused issues when the room-name contained part of the name of the player it was trying to match.
* Actually fixed the bug where peoples pregancies were overwritten for realz this time.
** The culprit has been identified as a combination of having a child already developing (NOT an egg) whilst having an effect on you that would cause you to be knocked up with eggs.
* Growth Pills (the ones for your bits) now have a cap at size 55, the same for Tanuki.
** Attempting to use one when larger will give a message and not use the pill.
* Couple of fixes to the new web mission code's charging.
** It's intended that patrol fights are free (by running a fight in the same area as a patrol) if no points are available.
*** Instead this was incorrectly applying to the special fights and taking all available PP rather than actually being free.
**** Also amended the prompt to search for a special fight to list the cost.
* Improved +lock functionality.
** It will now match exits even if their name is the same as a player in the room.
*** In addition, it can now match global exits.
** Sadly/luckily, it will no longer do partial matching.
* Implemented a simple search in listforms.
** 'listforms #search <text>' will filter the list.
* [[Red Kangaroo]] victory now has a chance to go for anal sex with a female loser with the right wi flags.
** This was implemented before, but was broken, and now works as intended.
* Wiki links on Flexible Survival Singleplayer characters now offer a link to the GitHub file on the master branch.
** They used to link to an old snapshot when the subscription system was in place.
List available here: [[NPCs (Single Player)]]
* Switching dedications via wasteland warrior subscription on web now costs patrol points, to make it in line with swapping between dedications you already own.
* Reworked parts of the web chat to use the muck's global channels rather than a hard coded list.
Means all of a player's global channels should be accessible.
* Totally broke every template-form ever (but for a good cause).
** Templates will now store the infection below them (which can be a template as well), forming a template-queue.
*** Forms will be updated to follow this format.
*** People currently in a template-form will have to shift out of it and back into it for the props to update.
*** The getflags function will now also check flags on the forms in your template-chain.
*** IE: of the bottom-form and all the templates you've applied onto it.
*** All template forms should now conform to the new standard.
*** Before anyone asks, infecting with a template already in the chain will remove it from its original spot and put it at the top.
* Fixed an issue where infections without cunt or cock descs would still infect extra innies or outies.
* Help String Parsing/Template Forms updated.
* Added a new, kinky sex scene to [[Alex the zebra]] for players with the [[Bastet Disciple]] torso and a few other prerequisites.
* Fixed various bugs in the [[Water Hydra]] Defeat scene.
* Added additional string parsing to the [[Vulpine Hulk]]'s Victory scene.
** It should now respect various flags as well as output a 'not interested' message for edge cases.
* You can no longer give Victory blowjobs/cunnilingus as a [[VTOL Lady]] without a mouth.
* [[Vorpal Rat]] Victory/oVictory now respect disliking the watersports wi flag.
* Fixed a massive oversight in the [[Chocolate Lab]] form that potentially made Victory and oVictory messages not trigger.
* Standardized fill values across all forms' Victory/Defeat messages to follow the fill algorithm.
** Overall, this lowers fill amounts significantly.
* Fixed typos in the [[Joey]] form.
* Fixed assorted typos in the [[Polar Bear]] Victory/Defeat.
** Also moved stray impreg code into the proper scene bracket. Whoops!
* Group chats should be accessible from the web chat again.
* Forms starting with letters U-Z have had their Victory and Defeat messages updated to use gender pronoun replacements, rather than they/them/their.
** The updated forms now also use 'the' in front of monster names, so phrases will read more smoothly- for instance, 'You pin down the [[Female Husky]]' vs 'You pin down Female Husky'.
** Fixed an assortment of typos and bugs along the way.
* Fixed typos in [[Tricerataur]] and [[Tribal Succubus]].
** Additionally, rephrased segments of the Tribal Succubus's Victory/Defeat to avoid sentence fragments.
* New recipe modifier added to token store: [[Calming]].
** Finally a way to counteract all the various ways that the world gets you hot and bothered.
* Three more monster lores have been made and retrievable on defeating them: [[Sultry Vampire]], [[Okami Boi]], and [[Slut Rat]].
* Being pregnant with a child, whilst being set up to produce eggs will no longer reset your pregnancy progress upon being fucked.
* [[Secretary]] given [[Kemonomimi]] support.
* Nerfed the [[Abundant Supply]] power to no longer have ChemicalSalvage.
* Changed [[Zalecor]]'s gender.
* Updated [[Horseshoe Crab]] to have Foot Stomp power.
* Added the HealEnergyResist status permanently to [[Painted Wolf Herm]].
* Rebuilt [[Peck]] completely.
* Shiko no longer can speak in pub chat.
* Updated [[Swamp Stalker]] to have [[Overpenetrate]] power.
* Nerfed the [[Active Defense Matrix]] power to no longer have DebuffResist.
* Nerfed the [[Warming Chill]] power to no longer have Aggro.
* Stopped the thing where the ponify function would make the [to: X] line turn the entire line red.
* Rebuilt [[Hypertrophic Venom]] completely.
* Rebuilt [[Orthom Brute]] completely.
* Added the attackDebuff status permanently to [[Muscovy Duck]].
* Updated [[Sand Cat]] to have [[Sharp Bite]] power.
* Buffed the [[Packmind Persistence]] power on [[Fairy]] to have Menace status at 24 mag.
* Fixed bug in web code when completing a trialpay with a mentor set.
* Updated [[Cativa]] to have [[Gigantic Body Slam]] power.
* Buffed the [[Christmas Song]] power on [[Celestial Attendant]] to have Cover status at 25 mag.
* Added the EnergySalvage status permanently to [[Cactus Mephitaur]].
* Updated [[Lion Beast]] to have [[Forced Milking]] power.
* Rebuilt [[Walking Vagina]] completely.
* Behold the drilling mechanical machinations of the [[Mecha Mole]] now found in the Techno Safari.
* Nerfed the [[Slam]] power to no longer have Haste.
* Added the DamageResist status permanently to [[Chocolate Cow]].
* Buffed the [[Active Defense Matrix]] power on [[Aassahke Male]] to have Aggro status at 17 mag.
* Updated [[BroodOx]] to have [[Technical Aptitude]] power.
* Nerfed the [[Flash Freeze]] power to no longer have InstantCooldown.
* Given god-mode to Chihiro.
* Added the critHPBuffer status permanently to [[Bell]].
* Updated [[Blue Sphinx]] to have Spin the Dreidel power.
* Rebuilt [[Blue Racer Ratbat]] completely.
* A new quest has appeared in the Techno Safari.
** Meet up with Mortimitri, a smexy raver rat who needs your help.
** More content pending past the normal quest to be added later.
* Buffed the [[Cum Squirt]] power on [[Palmetto Roach]] to have Menace status at 16 mag.
* Added the Charge status permanently to [[Siphospes]].
* Removed [[Guarding Stance]] power from [[Abomination]].
* Updated [[Salamander Femme]] to have [[Crazy Eye]] power.
* Added the DebuffResist status permanently to Joey.
* Nerfed the [[Delicious Treat]] power to no longer have Resist.
* Rebuilt [[Fire Newt]] completely.
* Updated [[Chocolate Valentine]] to have [[Abrasive Hide]] power.
* Post-Quest-Completion scenes written for Mortimitri.
** Oral scenes are available, at present. Others pending.
* Four new programs have been added to the Food Labs for your consumption: Beans, Hearty Vegetables, Grains, and Root Vegetables.
** Remember that all of these items are inert and simulations that have the flavor and texture but not the added qualities of the foods they represent.
* New impreg code is live.
** It now supports template-infections.
** Note that the template-infections don't support the new impreg-code yet, pending changes to other systems.
* In theory, using hyper hypos on a child should now adjust their template-chains if needed.
* Children with a template-chain set will now properly spawn with that template-chain on the resulting child-object.
** This means children can now exhibit templates.
*** Templates have yet to be made to allow for children.
** In theory, liberating a child with template-infections will now spawn it with the proper chained infections.
** The following three templates have been made child-able: [[Latex Suit]], [[Plushie]], [[Automaton]].
** Latex Skin has not, due to the talkscripted power on the form.
** We may consider tweaking the power later to allow for this.
** If you have a private template-form and want it child-able, please pop up a request.
** This concludes the child-template update.
* Fixed [[Hugely Hung Happy Hyper Herm Horse]] and [[House Mouse]] Defeat messages not accounting for the mouthless head flag.
* Glitch has added the Hooved flags to the arms and legs slots of forms where applicable.
* Hooved flag removed from Centaur Mare and Centaur Stallion ass.
** No more hooves in asses.
* Fixed an instance of text corruption in the ball shrink messages.
* People with [[Pure Breeding]] should no longer crash a vital part of the impreg function.
** Don't worry, it's not possible to wind up in an invalid state as a result of this.
* Added several new writing bounties
* Removed [fill the mouth of [target]] code from monsters who were using it for milk filling, rather than cum.
** The fill messages are only designed with cum in mind, so milk being pearly, sticky, gooey or other cum-specific adjectives doesn't make much sense.
* [[Aassahke Female]] and Aassahke Male updated.
** Rather than use separate stats to affect the Victories of either form, they now use a single formstat for both.
** This allows otherwise identical Victory and oVictory messages to be mirrored across the two forms.
*** In addition, the Aassahke Male Defeat message has had a bunch of incorrect string parsing fixed.
* [[Marshmallow Chicken]] has been added back to the Mako store, Happy Bunny Egg Day.
* Moved legless flag on [[Mecha Mole]] from legs to ass, where it should be.
* [[Raccoon Guy]]'s TF messages and descriptions has been revised and expanded upon, content courtesy of fellow player Wilon.
** Raccoon Guy now actually has nipples.
** Wild Raccoon Guys no longer spawn with size 4 boobs and smaller-than-normal testes.
* Fixed string parsing logic errors in he [[Anaconda]] Victory and oVictory.
** Also, its Defeat message now changes depending on if you are defeated by force or submit.
* [[Latex Goop]] and [[Weight Gain Milk]] updated!
** Weight Gain Milk has had the battery charge cost reduced from 10% to 8%.
** Latex Goop no longer requires Mako to use, and instead costs 50% battery charge.
* Changed the [[Arachne]] Victory UB scene's requirement for cunt length of 60 (!) or bigger to a more sensible victor-larger-than-loser and cunt length of 20 and above.
* Lowered some ludicrous genital size checking string parsing in the [[F15 Girl]] Defeat.
** Alternate dialogue should now be available without having a cock that bridges the Atlantic.
* Revamped the [[Black Panther]] and Blue Sphinx Defeat messages to read more smoothly.
** Also added missing impreg string parsing.
* Fixed bugs in the [[Helmeteer]] Victory message that prevented half the content from triggering.
* Added missing taur flag to the [[Stagtaur]].
* Game services update: we have added an additional 50mbps to our upstream data capabilities.
* [[Bunny Boy]] no longer is missing a Victory and oVictory message.
** Instead, the messages for Bunny Girl has been polished up and mirrored across both forms.
* Infections starting with letters A-B (57 in total) have been updated with pronoun replacements in their Victory/oVictory/Defeat, as well as received minor bug and typo fixes.
* [[Latexification]] is no longer a 'native' power on [[Latex Skin]].
** Instead, it's a 1-mutation 'bonus' power.
*** This has no effect on anything playersided.
** Due to this, Latex Skin is now child-template compatible.
* Due to stretch goals, Nanite Solar Collection research buffed!
* Due to stretch goals, 50 mako dumped into Assimilating Womb
* Cleaned up parsing and phrasing in [[Centaur Mare]] + [[Centaur Stallion]] Victory, oVictory and Defeat.
** Added extra enticing imagery to the Centaur Stallion's defeat if you willingly submit to him.
* Fixed a crash in the impreg code that resulted from having a [[Selective Breeder]] item.
* Thanks to Stretch Goals, [[Rubber Anole]] has been updated with [[Color Chooser]], [[Arm Divider]], and [[Tail Divider]] support.
* The stats of your template-chain (stored in [stat template/<template form>/<part> of [player]] and [stat template/<part> of [player]] are now accessible within player-descs.
** Also within [if ] statements in playerdescs.
* [[Cow Girl|Cowgirls]] and Udder-lovers rejoice: the wiki [[Organ sizes table|Organ sizes]] page now has a list of the descriptions of your milk bag.
* Changed the udder location on the Cow Girl from the ass to the torso.
** This includes the udder flag and power that was previously on the ass.
* Added missing fill code to [[Clownfish]] Defeat.
** It also no longer fucks your mouth if you're mouthless.
* Restricted [[Corota]] defeat scene outcomes for those with the mouthless flag and [[Doesn't Breathe]] merit, respectively.
* [[Singular]] stopped from granting form mastery, again.
* Reworded the Cow Girl oVictory message to no longer assume the loser is also a Cow Girl, and instead any old feral.
* Fixed borked logic in [[Cuddlefish]] Victory message. It should now display correctly.
* Infections starting with the letter C (58 in total) have been updated with pronoun replacements in their Victory/oVictory/Defeat, as well as received minor bug and typo fixes.
* Fixed borked [[Jeweled Mannequin]] Defeat scene logic.
* Began work on a listing of all NPCs on the wiki. You can see the WIP here: [[NPCs (Multiplayer)]]
* Updated all Latex Goop items to reflect the change from 1 Mako cost to 50% Mako battery.
** The descriptions of the items, that is.
* A new NPC has been added to the Husky Den and an older one has been updated.
** Also added a new quest pertaining to these two characters.
* [desc ] and [transform ] can no longer loop in on itself.
* Rewrote the logic behind the automatic timed deletion of web combat encounters to be more lenient toward the longer boss battles that occur on missions.
* Made it so web missions that require collecting X of Y will auto-advance on completion.
* Updated outgoing GitHub wiki links for the Singleplayer monsters to the master tree, rather than old snapshots.
* Missing script for the [[Vixen Nurse]]'s Lore fixed.
* Added a new, more detailed cock descriptions for [[Fennec]]s when looking at players.
* Added new, more detailed cock descriptions for [[Wolf Beast]]s and [[Wolf Boy]]s when looking at players.
* Fixed a hiccup in the combiner for web missions where it wouldn't tie rewards together in a single stage if there was a goto between them but still skip past them on continuation.
* Added 'Active roles' to sheet, just so the combat skills section reflects the proficiencies section.
* Wiki entries that erroneously called form TF and Victory/Defeat scenes first-person now say second-person.
* Tweaked the monster maker to correctly refer to Victory and Defeat as second-person, rather than first-person.
* Web mission code will now clear up patrols that were stuck before the previous fix.
** Also made it so that 'web #mission search' and the 'search' button on the combat page will start combat in the appropriate area automatically on patrols.
* Multiple fixes to lib/mutant.
** Looks native now properly functions for cunt descriptions, peek at doesn't crash without a person you're looking at, and expansive rut affects visible ball size.
* [[Clitoral hood]] merit added, it removes mention of your clit from your autodescription.
* Credit Card Payments disabled temporarily.
** Use paypal if needed.
* You can now remove the zipper in the Animated Latex Skin--lstats latex suit and lset Latex Suit/zipper=none.
* Added Role: Standard Bearer with Controlled Burst, Support and Warded
* By request, [[Sleepy Sheepgirl]] now supports Kemonomimi.
* If you fulfill the requirements (40 xeno on others, 30 on yourself), you can now see your individual mutations in +mut, rather than just the predominant one.
** This is for use on Looks Human/Looks Native people.
* Fixed a bug in racing where every next time you won, it would double the amount of tokesn it thought you won.
** IE: if your first race won 1, and your second race won 1, and your third did, your daily counter would go up 1, 3, 7.
** This should mean that people who need more than one race to hit cap can actually properly hit cap.
*** Each race would still only award 1, in this example.
* The item from the linked nanites mpool is in the mako store now.
** The [[TIE]] (Tool for Infection Entanglement) allows [[Nanite Adept]]s to synchronize their mutations with one or more other people.
*** No, you cannot use it to do a dominoes-style chain reaction, it only affects directly connected nodes.
* Also added it to the list of items that can be disabled.
* Tweaked 'web #assists' to show who has been of assistance as well.
* Further tweaked 'web #assists' to show potential help.
* Added the Multiarms and Winged flags to [[Social Butterfly]] arms and torso respectively.
* New sex scene added to Chris the Alpha Husky: a hot rimming experience, courtesy of Foxheart.
* Things and NPCs that aren't 'present' in a room at a certain time can no longer be smelled when absent.
* Cleaned up the [[Dark Wolf]] form.
** Defeat and Victory messages are now in present tense, missing impreg code has been added, and the Defeat no longer mistakenly targets the [victor] instead of the [loser] to determine the victim's gender.
* Fixed a bug where the Selective Breeder item could crash impreg in two different ways.
* [[Diamond Drake]] victory now permits neuter victors some fun with male/herm losers.
* [lstat and [var are now aliases for [local stat and [variable in string parsing, respectively.
** These changes also hold for their brethren within [if ] statements.
** Please use the shorter version, since we will invalidate the longer version once forms and code have been updated to use the shorthand.
* [desc ] will now function 'correctly' for kemonomimi and satyric people, in principle.
* Added effects information for Heat Resist, Vampiric, and Fertility statuses to the [[statuses]] page.
* Added missing [[Hamster]] skin description.
* Most in-game String Parsing uses of variable and local stat are now var and lstat, respectively.
** Player descriptions have not been touched--we encourage you to update those on your own volition to ensure their continued functioning.
*** Some aspects of code must still be updated before we fully deprecate the longer, more unwieldy aliases.
* [[Ovulation Period]] fixed to now properly work if the father has used a [[Monotreme Activator]].
* [local stat and [variable are no longer valid in string parsing. Use [lstat and [var instead.
** This also goes for their variants within [if ] and [when ] statements.
* Fixed [[Kitsune]] skin TF not showing due to typo'd directory name.
* Automaton, [[Gravid]], [[Pet Collared]], and [[Plushie]] templates now all support Kemonomimi for their torso, head, and limbs.
* Everyone's bits now conform to the size-caps.
** This also includes saved sizes.
** If you find a way to still go over cap (size > 55 for all but breasts, which cap at 26), please report it.
* Removed sleeping schedules from Danielle and Doctor Lissal in the skunk hospital.
** Turns out people were mostly just annoyed by the limited availability of these NPCs as a result.
* Slackened requirements on a special sex scene with Chris the Alpha Husky.
* A new special sex scene has been added to the Husky Den's orgy room that will trigger with a 1 in 5 chance under certain conditions, content courtesy of Jade.
* You can now tattoo your wings (with the nanite tattoo).
* Similarly to New Dawn, Glenstock is looking for unoccupied mutants willing to assist in their community and efforts!
** One of the Fingers of Fox waits patiently for those willing to volunteer for work.
*** Volunteering will involve a great deal of effort and only those whom wish to devote themselves to the community should consider it.
** Though Reward Tokens are offered for those whom choose to help!
** OOC Note: You can donate children and eggs at Glenstock's Courthouse in exchange for Reward Tokens, 1 to 1 exchange, and for use in future plot points.
*** Reward changed to Salvage, at least for now.
*** The command 'Donate' is now used and lets you specify which child to donate.
*** As another note, you will lose the child or egg object, as well as any control over that NPC you may have had.
**** Careful when handling children you intend to keep or use.
***** Please pass them over to an alt or into a storage container before talking to the Desk Fox.
* Talkscript updated with the new 'Print' action, which sends the text to the user only (unlike 'Emit' which sends the text to the entire room).
* On a related note, existing powers that used the 'Emit' talkscript have been updated where necessary to use 'Print' instead.
* Added the ability for sheet to abbreviate things.
** Presently the only abbreviation is 'Nanomagic' becoming 'NM'.
** This can be disabled with 'sheet #abbreviate'.
* Corrected the talkscript for the Hunger power to use proper syntax.
* Billing system back online.
** All existing cards are removed, and all subscriptions purged, so please re-enter them at your earliest convenience.
** Paypal was not affected.
* Child donation code for New Dawn and Glenstock no longer accepts children from the Mass of Tentacles boss.
* Using the renew command also resummons all pets, living or not, so they have max hp!
**Scratch that. Instead of resummoning, they are healed while staying in place.
* [[Mechanical Drone]]s now deal some more damage (they have been given 1 point of the damage combat skill)
* Singular should no longer allow mastery of forms with less than 7 parts.
* An incorrectly entered 'zephyrlobby' entry in the tport command removed.
** The 'Brotherhood' location changed to the correct place.
* Take Cover mechanic and associated boss fights disabled, at least for the time being.
* New minor random event that may occur on the streets of Fairhaven added in.
* There has been an interesting discovery with the strange machine in the Old Warehouse: Inserting different coins can cause it to apply different infections.
** There are currently two that it may apply.
* Powers from the power overhaul removed from the system.
* The [[Prison Staff]] mob in the Woodfield prison area should now spawn correctly.
* Hostile [[Shadow Vixen]]s should now spawn with a full suite of powers.
** Previously, they were missing [[Lactaid]] and [[Vitality]].
* Missing [[Protein Shield]] power added to Bunny Boy mob.
* Missing [[Lunge]] power added to [[Blue Gryphon]] mob.
* Missing [[Erotic Dance]] power added to Zombie Stripper mob (ohgodswhy).
* Fixed [[Wolven Predator]]'s incorrect spawn name (previously Wolfen Predator).
** Added missing [[Quadrupedal Stance]] and [[Howl]] powers, while removing Gigantic Body Slam.
* Removed Solid Frame power from [[Bearded Dragon Recruit]] mobs, as it is not present in the infection's power slots.
** Reinstated Solid Frame to Bearded Dragon Recruit mobs.
* 4 new token modifiers now avilible: [[Weight Losing]], [[Weight Gaining]], [[Height Losing]] and [[Height Gaining]].
* Fixed typo in the [[Hyena]] mob that made it spawn with a nonfunctional Over Penetrate instead of the [[Overpenetrate]] power.
* Added missing [[Feathery Hide]] power to [[Ebony Raven]] mob.
=Previous months can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=

Latest revision as of 04:06, 15 September 2024

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Typo in Weapon Master Diya fixed so that Quests should be completed in the questlog on defeat."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Mass of Tentacles should now acknowledge Graceful in Defeat and Sterile merits/flaws and prevent some scene interactions that may be questionable from visibly ocurring or breaking the sterility."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive