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The following is a list of updates made to the game since it entered open beta in 2011.
For planned future updates, see Nuku's six month plan at http://checkvist.com/checklists/97925-six-month-plan.
=Full archive of updates can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=
Need up-to-the-minute updates? They're over [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?webupdate here]!
*Friend and Enemy door locks now support 'ally' lists. Players in these lists can control access just like the owner (but cannot update the ally list or remove the lock).
*The [[Penetration]] combat skill now pierces HP Buffers. +rpinfo updated with values.
*DebuffResist now has soft caps at 20% and 40%, plus a hard cap at 60%.
*The freecred component to training levels has been adjusted. New values listed at the [[Level Costs]] page.
*The Puzzler is now a bit more obvious about announcing himself when you are notified in-MUD.
*The Nanite Magnetic Brew, being useless, has been removed from the Mall. Sorry about that.
*When you specifically challenge the Puzzler, the odds of better rewards are now higher.
*There's a new, massive helpfile for [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/shifting shifting]!
*[[Jelly Bean]] recipe added to the Seelie Sweets store.
*InstantCooldown now actually works, instead of just taking all your powers off cooldown instantly forever. Whoops.
*[[Emergency Medical Care]] coded and added to the [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?consign&mako=1 elite store] for 1 mako. Acts as a single-use immediate health recovery.
*Now that the in-game clock has caught up with whatever the hell 'meatspace' is, so the timescale is now 1:1. Fairhaven is now running on CST (GMT -4). Don't think about it too hard.
**This also means that months now have the proper number of days.
*<code>+mako/preg</code> now advances your pregnancy by <del>2%</del>5% of the maximum pregnancy timer. This is a minor boost now, but will continue to be increasingly important as pregnancies continue to slow.
*Patrol puzzles should now mention that fox jerk. Also, they should start giving the better rewards from the last couple of days.
*Using the web interface to sell XP for creds should no longer cause the game to explode.
*[[Giant Size]] is now appropriately NoAoE. Being huge is not especially contagious.
*NeoGAMES Lab added to Woodfield. Currently only contains [[Anklyosaurian]], but that may change in the near future.
*Documentation on [[Damage]], [[Accuracy]], and [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/freecred freecred] updated.
*When you win patrol points from a patrol puzzle, you now receive back the cost of the puzzle (2 if encountered randomly, 15 if you challenged it intentionally) as well.
*Obtaining the Destined flag from having 260+ [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/supporter supporter points] is now automatic.
**It now properly boosts salvage and cred income.
*Winning the patrol puzzle and being rewarded with salvage now uses the market price of salvage; you should start getting a bit more now.
*Lots of fun tweaks to make the AI a little more intelligent and a little less artificial.
**AI: Post Combat should fire now.
**You can now set pets to 'always summon' in their individual AI settings. This means you'll keep trying to re-cast them if they're off cooldown, even if they're not quite dead yet.
*The effects of the [[Infectious Womb]] now respect infections set to not be funnellable.
**It also now informs you when your womb infects its passengers.
*[[Opportunistic]] merit coded.
*StatusBoost no longer improves the InstantCooldown status.
*The time until your next hero point regenerates is now visible in the web interface.
*Some jerkass fox (but I repeat myself! Zing!) has stepped forward, claiming credit for all those patrol puzzles.
**He claims to be known as... The Puzzler.
**He cannot be punched at this time. He can, however, be challenged at any time by clicking the new "Puzzle" button on the web interface. Costs 15 patrol points, mind.
*[[Lunar Touched]] mako cost reduced from 45 to 30.
**Were Dino added.
**Were Dragon added.
**Were Goo added.
**Were Insect added.
**Were Latex added.
**Were Reptile added.
**Were Undead added.
**Were Ursine added.
*[[Insulating]]'s passive effect reduced in power by 25%. Turns out it was just a mite too powerful since moving to long-refresh passives.
*Fox avatar updated on the [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?Who Who's Online] page.
*The [[Talakai]] have obtained their own web avatar! So <i>that's</i> what they're supposed to be.
*Damage and Accuracy now allow a % of your damage to pierce a HPBuffer. 5 10 and 20 % per 1 2 and 3 points, respectively (the two are added together, so a max of 40% piercing).
*Medical Implanter added to the nanite workshop. This allows people to start or stop being [[Modified]].
*Being in botmode now prevents dying from turning off auto.
*<code>farbop</code> command added.
*Anyone who was procrastinating on one of the old instanced daily missions may notice that it just cancelled itself.
*Help files for [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/mission missions] and [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/Children children] updated.
*Silver Plated Supply Crate added to token store. 50 tokens, gives 1 uncommon salvage.
*Gold Framed Supply Crate added to token store. 1000 tokens, gives 1 rare salvage.
*<b>HPBuffer mechanics change II</b>: Buffers now absorb DoTs. However, DoTs will target your *smallest* buffer each time they tick. Prepare accordingly.
*No, seriously, the discrepancy between web crafting previews and reality fixed this time.
*More background fixes. Open up a <code>+request</code> if you see anything weird in combat, please.
*Clicking on the mako icon in the web interface now takes you straight to the [http://flexiblesurvival.com/buymako buy mako] page.
*Were Equines added to [[Lunar Touched]].
*As a reminder, please do not buy 200 mako simultaneously and break the entire mako market. Pretty please. :<
*'Bloodletter' monster templates weakened slightly. Modern medicine, ho!
*New command: <code>setemail (address)</code> (also <code>+setemail</code> or <code>@setemail (address)</code>) -- changes the email attached to your account.
*lots and lots of changes to the new background systems that handle accounts, but you figured that already.
*Gigantic ferals have shrunk a little bit, due to an improper wash cycle.
*Background overhaul to player accounts. Beyond a bunch of boring back-end optimizations, the main thing you'll notice is that your mako/lunars/whatever are now shared between both games. And any future games!
*Gigantic and Tiny should stop appearing on the same mutants.
*The Eagle Eyes perk has been destroyed, and perk points refunded for anyone that had it.
*Help file for [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/womb-rooms wombs] added.
*<b>HPBuffer mechanics change</b>: When an attack hits your HP Buffers, it can only hit one individual buffer at a time. If a single hit is stronger than your single strongest standing buffer, the extra damage goes right through to you. This is to lower the impact of stacked buffers.
*[[Lunar Touched (dedication)|Lunar Touched]] coded and placed in the convention center.
*Are you ready for a huge pile of daily mission updates? Good!
**Players at their XP cap will now be able to progress through daily missions. Whoops.
**A salvage roll, akin to what you did at the end of instances, will now trigger at the end of a mission.
***Helping someone with at least 51% of their own mission will also give you a salvage roll. Familiar!
**Monsters with templates, and especially monsters with multiple templates, will count for more when tallying up your daily mission.
***That means more loots.
**You will now get a readout about how far along you are in your daily mission after each combat.
*+help/search now requires you put in at least four characters, to prevent gigantic floods of useless results.
*<code>[relief [target]]</code> updated. You can now use <code>[relief female of [target]]</code> or <code>[relief male of [target]]</code> to specify which set of urges were just sated. <code>[relief [target]]</code> still does both.
*That mako pool for more perk points went through.
**Everyone got five more perk points to play with! This is baseline; it will apply to everyone, past, present, and future.
**Another pool, this one costing 1,600 mako, has been opened. Yes, it would mean another five.
*Exciting breakthroughs in the world of wombcraft!
**<code>+womb/vacate (target)</code> added; allows you to force a person out of yourself. When used with no argument, it empties the pool. Everyone out.
**[[Infectious Womb]] coded and placed in the [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?consign&mako=1 elite store] for 40 mako. When possessed and activated, everyone in your womb will be hit with your groin mutation as if you funneled them.
*Templated fun:
**Gigantic and Tiny monster templates added. Adjusts monster size; big ones get a little AoEmod, too.
***Both only show up with +2 danger level settings or higher.
**Cock Hungry and Pussy Loving templates added. Only spawns on female/male ferals when the player is the opposite sex and has the relevant horniness of 60.
**Bloodletter template added. Only shows up with +3 danger.
**Templates on monsters now also boost their trinket drop values, as well as the normal XP/cred gain.
*<code>[relief [target]]</code> added to string parsing. Reduces horniness, as if you had just managed to have sex without actually causing an impregnation.
*The holiday badges and accessory pack have been removed from the elite store until next year.
*<b>We have finally run out of malls.</b> Daily missions are now missions to proceed to X area and beat up huge piles of ferals. Just like the web interface, in other words.
**Report to the same NPCs as before, but now you type <code>daily</code> to get your mission. <code>daily restart</code> will let you draw a new mission from the hat.
**Rewards are now handed out based upon how much ass you kicked during the mission.
*String parsing if blocks now support the use of parenthesis. <code>[if (a and b) or (c and d)]</code> will now parse properly.
**Yes, you can nest them. Go nuts!
=Previous months can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=

Latest revision as of 04:06, 15 September 2024

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Typo in Weapon Master Diya fixed so that Quests should be completed in the questlog on defeat."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Mass of Tentacles should now acknowledge Graceful in Defeat and Sterile merits/flaws and prevent some scene interactions that may be questionable from visibly ocurring or breaking the sterility."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive