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The following is a list of updates made to the game since it entered open beta in 2011.
Need up-to-the-minute updates? They're over [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?webupdate here]!
=Full archive of updates can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=
* Fixed assorted typos in the [[Goat]] form.
* Statusboost altered.
** Hardcap lowered, softcaps tightened.
*** The hardcap is + or - 35% status mag, and it takes 135 points to reach it.
**** Soft caps are at +/-15(becomes 4:1) and +/-25(becomes 8:1).
* [[Wedding Bands]] and [[Clothing]] given sharp damage and status penalties.
* For fun modifiers (example, Drooling and Slutty) have had their passive portion increased.
** This will permit them to stay at their previous values if applied on Clothing and Wedding Bands.
* Typos in Male and Female [[Otter]] powers fixed.
** Female Otters should no longer attempt to use [[Protein Shield]] and Male Otters should no longer attempt to use [[Cleansing Milk]].
* Each of the faction starters given a dialog change if you start with [[Feral Mode]].
* Implemented a more elegant solution for determining when groin descriptions are called via the look command or via [cock of [target]]/[cunt of [target]]/[clit of [target]].
* Showonlywhen prop functionality changed to be more flexible.
* All existing uses of showonlywhen changed to the new format.
* Updated the [[Scene Bounties]] wiki page with a primer on Victory, oVictory and Defeat messages, as well as additional resources to look at.
* [[Vixen Nurse]] given the approprate flags, whoops.
* [[Hot Dog Vendor]] added to the Fairhaven Streets.
* [[Modest Appearance]] updated with how it effects balls.
* The base delay value (1000 ATB) added into the description of the [[Speed]] Combat Skill.
* [[Module]]s limited to equip one, and the penalties upon them removed.
* [[Ovipositioner]] perk now properly grants the Ovipositor flag.
* InterMUCK comm daemon should no longer crash when the database has > 500 entries.
* Minor improvements in lib-mysql to allow mysql_value() to return result arrays larger than 1000 items.
* Fixed a bug introduced to lib-mysql by the last update that could cause "0" to be passed as a corrupted value.
* The influence list command will no longer show entries with very tiny (<0.01) values.
* You will no longer be allowed to go home to someone's womb if that person is also in a womb.
* A new program has been installed that will actively search for and destroy all attempted wombceptions.
* Fixed a bug that caused request staff notifications to show multiple times when you have more than one active connection to the game.
* Form flag cleanup.
** Forms which previously had the Inorganic and Latex flags now only have Latex.
*** [[Goo Girl]] Inorganic flag moved from Torso to Skin.
* [[Lion Beast]] lstat behavior expanded to children and roopets.
** Check lstats lion beast for details.
* [[Nanite Magnetic]] now increases 'salvagemag' if the base item has that status to buff.
* When contributing randomly to pools during December, each point has a 20% chance of becoming two points, giving the effective +20% points for December.
* [[Uber Fox]] lstat behavior expanded to children.
* [[Dense]] is now a vanity perk, for reals
* Fixed an extremely obscure corner case in playerdescs.
* The Ovipositioner perk now correctly assigns the Ovipositor flag to your cock.
** The ovi command now works with the Ovipositioner perk.
* Added missing flags to the [[Busty Labrador]] form.
* Victory and oVictory messages added to the Goo Girl, content courtesy of Lochlan.
* Fixed several [[String Parsing]] and grammatical errors in the Busty Labrador form.
* Default [[Doberman]] ears changed to uncropped, added a 'Doberman/croppedears' local stat for those who desire that look.
* [[Hypnosis]] altered.
* New Status, DelayDebuff.
** It increases the 1000 atb minimum time between actions by 200 per point.
*** Having the status in 'Delay' does nothing but help resist DelayDebuff(3 delay + 1 delaydebuff = no debuff, 1 delay + 3 delaydebuff = 2 delaydebuff).
**** This will have a much stronger effect on fast charging powers and should have an effect even at 1 mag against them(delaying you 20% of a round on any power that isn't already 1200 charge)
* The combat skill, Speed, now acts as 0.5 Delay per point, making you resistant to DelayDebuff.
** Delay is now +25 atb instead of +200 per point, to allow for finer control.
* Webbackbone switched to a new system that allows for bi-directional, persistant connections via websockets with suitable fallbacks (basically lets us do nifty things in the future).
** More information, notes and future plans available from http://flexiblesurvival.com/ .
*** Please +request any problems under Code with 'Web' at the start of the subject so they can be easily identified.
* New function MYSQL_UUID added to lib-mysql.
** Requests and returns a new UUID from the SQL server in the fastest way possible.
* Fixed a crash in stringparsing that would happen when strings got too damn long.
* The wiki gender updater is now aware of the existence of clits.
* [[Looks Human]] no longer hides collars.
* The who/findall program has been updated to show web logins using the new system.
* Updated the TOTAL_ONLINE_ARRAY built-in to include player dbrefs from the new web system.
** This affects the player count shown on the login splash screen and other locations.
*** Correction: TOTAL_ONLINE_ARRAY is a global define.
* Page/ooc/rp histories older than 30 days have been purged.
* Automated the [[Medicine]] bonus that [[BioMonitoring Nanomagic]] gives.
* Fixed bugs preventing interaction with [[Doctor Hellen]] the skunk.
* Fixed an oversight in the [[Lizard Girl]] form and added the local stat 'Lizard Girl/noname' to hide the name enscribed randomly on your thigh during TF.
** NoName lstat on Lizard Girl removed.
* Added the furry flag to [[Chocolate Cow]] and made it more obvious that is not literally composed of chocolate.
* New Token Modifier added: [[Delaying]].
*** It costs 100 tokens to get it.
* Fixed a bug that caused listing and buying perks to not properly check Vanity Points remaining.
* Replaced the wrong character in the NPC-hiding code with the right character.
* You can no longer join a closed party due to trust levels.
** Unless invited, of course.
* New lore added into The City Streets!
** Careful though, this one may take a little exploration and time to find.
* Tweaked server-side responses to the persistant web connections to deal with a couple of timing crashes (stuff trying to set after a player has disconnected and there's nothing left to set it on), added monitoring of stale connections (turns out some proxies are really lazy about dropping them) and adjusted the handshake to a 'Find reasons NOT to send a welcome' rather than 'Find reasons to send a welcome'.
* [[Sparrow]]'s skin-desc fixed.
* [[Margay]]s and [[Margay Taur]]s should no longer beable to womb themselves!
* We have successfully moved to a new server.
** All primary and ancillary services are now back online.
* SSLv3 support has been disabled to resolve a known existing exploit.
* Multiple configuration changes have been made to both harden and optimize our SSL configuration.
* Support for browsers running under Windows XP (including all support for Internet Explorer 6) is now completely deprecated.
* Fixed a server configuration issue that could cause the webserver to "run away", eventually running out of resources and refusing new connections.
* Possibly fixed an issue that was causing the webserver to prematurely terminate websocket connections.
* Finally caught the tail of a very elusive bug.
** Added additional debugging code to the server to hopefully track it down for good.
* You can no longer 'buy' willpower.
* Background DB saves have been re-enabled.
** Background DB saves have been de-re-enabled.
*** There is still an existing implementation flaw that will need to be addressed.
* [[Abomination]] and [[Cosm]] given Kemonomimi descriptions.
* Fixed serious bugs in penetration and resistances in general.
* Whenever you perform a 'startactions', your resources will bump up to twice your level if not already at that.
** 100 max
* Fixed a horrible crashing bug created by the last bugfix. PROGRESS!
* [loser] will produce smaller results.
* [[Never Drop a Ball]] is now available.
* [[Initiate of Dionysus]] now gets 3 rolls when attempting to knock something up, making it much more likely.
* Fixed a few issues with the sturdy-fied [they] logic.
** It should now function according to specs again
* Fixed a whole bunch of common word repetitions, typos, and 'should/could/would/must of' instances throughout the world.
* [loser] and [victor] are now better about using the name of a critter without its numbers or any modifiers.
* Small whoops in [[Basic Construction Nanomagic]] fixed up.
* Margay now supports the color chooser.
* Infection vials no longer require an infection prop, meaning less headaches for all involved.
* Holiday forms are now available in the elite store for 5 mako a pop!
** They are boss vials, so one is enough for mastery.
*** [[Snowman]] and [[Christmas Elf]] also make a return!
* Color Chooser and Arm Divider support added to Snowman.
** Also fixed miscellaneous typos in the form.
* Fixed string parsing error in the Margay Taur torso.
** Added improved color chooser support and a better clit descriptor.
* Initiate of Dionysus now get +25 effective ball density, making their jewels all that much denser and juice producing.
** This already supports the soon-to-be-made Wine Jug
* The bonus for increased knocking-up-chances for Initiate of Dionysus is now coded to function with the [[Wine Jug]].
** The Wine Jug is now available, letting you grab the benefits of Initiate of Dionysus when not actively dedicated.
*** You do need to own it though.
* Fixed bugs and typos in [[Monkey]], [[Lily Pad]], [[Leather Mistress]], [[Latex Succufox]] and [[White Siberian Tiger]].
* Fixed a typo in [[Honey Bee]]; the form now has [[Furry Hide]] in addition to [[Plated Hide]], as intended.
* When placing a source, the taxable amount on the room will be increased, rather than set to the new value, meaning that you will get proper tax from multiple sources of the same type being stacked up high.
* New premium avatar color: Reverse Greyscale.
* New, free, avatar accessory in time for the holidays: a fluffy red stocking!
* Recipe modifiers can now properly replace strings.
** You could make a recipe modifier that changed the element of an item, or one that changes the target, for examples.
* [[Complete Spread]] modified to work with this change, and now works properly.
* Repeats can no longer trigger procs.
* New Combat Role: [[Bomb Squad]].
* [[Terrifying Presence]] on [[Demonic Fox]] changed to the proper, [[Terrifying Visage]].
* Cooldowns for non-crafted equipment should no longer display incorrect numbers.
* Toggles should remove their statuses immediately on deactivation now.
* Fixed an issue where some of the single player registration code would be unreliable when cookie madness happened.
* [[Combo Starter]], base power for [[Snap Kick]], buffed.
* New Research created, but it requires Supernatural Understanding first.
* [[Burning]] recipe modifier significantly buffed.
* [[Roman Satyr]] form added to the Initiate of Dionysus.
* New lore added into the Highway!
* Update to power use code to allow for multiple stats to be used to calculate a single power stat.
* Here specifically, this update includes a few small bugfixes that affect only FS because they involve part sizes.
* Roman Satyr set up with stock powers.
* Update to pinvite command, you can now invite multiple people to the party in one line, like 'pinvite name1 name2 name3' etc.
* Trying to leave page #mail for a staffer will now properly remind you that +request is the best way to contact them.
* Research now requires builder nanites to thriiive, but can also progress faster when fully stocked up.
* Any amount over 50% full of builders is bonus to research speed.
* Nanite% now visible when typing research.
* It is possible to set things to require more or less nanites than their level suggests.
** Stock the Pond, for instance, is now a level 1 for sake of builder nanite requirements.
* +jnote now properly replaces any %r's in perk descriptions with spaces.
* The [[Muscovy Ducks]], they have discovered something aweful.
** They have taken a normal Overpenetrate and just made it that much worse, using their 'Explosive' attributes to make the Penetration that much more unsettling.
*** +rpinfo [[Explosive penetration]]
* Nanite % changed so that it can only prevent a research from completing, rather than completely overwhelming all the other item requirements.
** Now every 10 grams(10000 mg) is considered 1 missing item, until you hit 50% nanite saturation.
*** Before it was every mg was a missing item.
* Adding missing Inorganic flag to [[Sexy Exosuit]].
* Powers that heal wounds will no longer be able to produce negative wounds."
* The pregnancy tower now benefits from nanites donated to it, making it better at speeding pregnancy for people with the PBRD.
* Fixed missed bits in [[Lion Beast]] color chooser support.
* Fixed some funky logic in joinpool code that coul make the amount contributed per player and actual amount contributed to a mako pool become disjunct when using the random option in december.
* Old Inflation wi flag is now superceded by the new Inflation wi flag.
** Please adjust your WI if you had this flag. (the shorthand changed from ifn to inf)
* Another fix to the random-mako-pool december bonus!
** Doubled mako donated will now properly give 0.1 more point of supporter-points.
* Found a serious bug in rented room code by accident.
** Someone setting a fancy lock on a room will no longer overwrite the lock-owner prop on all the other locks in the hub.
* Male [[Shadow Dragon]] form removed.
* Reward #gifts can now be given up to once per 12 hours instead of 24.
* UIR prevents [[coyote]] tampering.
* Another tweak to party system code, when you're unable to invite somebody to a party, it'll now (also) inform the person sending the invitation, instead of just the person who would be trying to join the party.
* Message about how long until a reward could be given was wrong.
** As an apology, the time is now reduced to 6 hours.
* A few updates on [[Youth Liberation Device]], primarily a slight increase before timeouts, and proper checks to reject invalid names and/or passwords.
* New token moddifer added: [[Rubbery]]
** But, what is this item it takes? Look for future updates.
* When a repeat attack runs out of time, it will only, at most, tick 4 more times to 'make up' for missing repeats.
* Repeats now make an attempt to front-load more when the remaining magnitude is over double the duration, firing up to 5 more times per round until the ratio drops under 200% mag vs duration.
* [[Earth Nanomagic]] adjusted to hit harder but repeat less
* [[Painted Incubus]] given Kemonomimi descriptions.
* Repeats that were repeating more than they aught to should be closer to norm, still investigating the bug.
* Adjusted router settings in a way that should result in fewer dropped/timed out connections for mobile users.
* Added 'web' command to replace 'search web', 'search move' and 'search new mission'.
* [[Gift Wrapping]] no longer swallows items into the abyss.
* Corrected a networking problem that was causing the server to negotiate a 10mbit link instead of 1000mbit.
* Altered the system scheduler profile to give the RAID controller more authority over the order in which I/O requests are made to the disks.
** This partially resolves an issue of high resource contention when the filesystem is under load.
* Minor change to 'terminal' to make it run about 5x faster on large listings.
* [[Shock Collar]] added to mako store.
** Those who got a collar and the 'Shock Remote' when the pool was originally filled, please file a request so we can replace your shock remotes with the regular variety.
* 5 makolunardollars handed out to everyone's who's been online in the last week for FS reaching an amazing goal for the month of December despite a lackluster start of the month. Thanks guys!
* [[Ixchel Jaguar Essence]] can now be turned on and off.
* The 'hand' option is now available to the fuck command! Simply fuck <target> hand.
* Minor fix to auction code, mostly behind the scenes.
* Some soft caps added to 'density' statuses.
** 50% at 50, 100, 150 for specifics
* Inserted code so that the very first click on a puzzle shouldn't ever hit a bomb.
** If there is one, it gets moved elsewhere so as not to effect the overall scoring.
* Nanite Immune removed from [[Homing Missile]], [[Bullet Spray]], and [[Electric Surge]].
** Cooldown increase given to Careful Aim, Sharpshooter, and Wild Swing.
* Enduring Malice now replaces the previous refreshed statuses, rather than allowing them to continue rerefreshing and stacking until cleared.
* Disabled a debugging option that was causing a 30-50% slow down in the memory allocator.
* Improved some fringe cases with url shortening on the chat page and added the option to disable it altogether.
** Note that there's presently no way to toggle this option but a +request can be put in for having it done.
* Fixed borked defeat message logic in Wolfbane Meister.
** It should now work correctly for every sex.
* A brand new New Years form has been added to the Mako Store, [[Champagne Bottle]]!
* ProtoMUCK 2.1a0.4.0: Fixed a number of small stack corruption issues.
** Minor performance tweaks and improvements.
*** Switched to tcmalloc as the primary memory allocator.
**** Added dump_forking tuneable option to set if database dumps should use system fork() or not.
***** Forked db dumps are currently known to cause stack corruption when MySQL threading is enabled)
* ProtoMUCK 2.1a0.4.2: Fixed a bug that could cause the game to crash if ANSI color codes were sent to a previously-deleted (TYPE_GARBAGE) object.
* ProtoMUCK 2.1a0.4.3: Fixed a bug where the FMTSTRING and ARRAY_FMTSTRINGS prims could cause a buffer overflow when an object's name was over 255 bytes long.
* ProtoMUCK 2.1a0.4.4: Disabled TELOPT negotiations for HTTP type connections.
** This was causing a bug where web(socket) connections would lose data randomly and subsequently caused memory corruption.
* ProtoMUCK 2.1a0.4.4: Array comparisons now work properly on nested arrays (this affects ARRAY_NUNION/ARRAY_NINTERSECT/ARRAY_NDIFF and friends)
* ProtoMUCK 2.1a0.4.4: Fixed an obscure bug that was causing ARRAY_DELRANGE (and by extension all prims that delete items from an array) to access invalid memory locations under very specific conditions.
* ProtoMUCK 2.1a0.4.4: Fixed an obscure delete/delete[] mismatch that may have been causing memory corruption.
=Previous months can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=

Latest revision as of 04:06, 15 September 2024

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Typo in Weapon Master Diya fixed so that Quests should be completed in the questlog on defeat."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Mass of Tentacles should now acknowledge Graceful in Defeat and Sterile merits/flaws and prevent some scene interactions that may be questionable from visibly ocurring or breaking the sterility."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive