Automated Multiplayer Updates/2020 February

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 00:00, 10 February 2020 by FlexBot (talk | contribs)
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[Update] REAPER OF CODE Inutt chastely churrs, "Boss Bounty has been reset, Humboldt park ahould no longer be selected in future."

[Update] Chinthliss says, "Further separation of parts of channel code. Mostly under the hood stuff being noted in case it breaks things. Though one side-benefit is flags appended to messages (e.g. someone's level in lfg) will appear after their message instead of at the end of it."

[Update] Nuku says, "New recipe, Medicinal Wrappings, available in the token store!"

[Update] Nuku says, "Balls of Steel made a mutant power as it aught be."

[Update] REAPER OF CODE Inutt chastely churrs, "Due to an oversight, many Undifferentiated Skill mako items (those named 'Skill: Strength' or similar) still had a description that indicated they provided a flat boost to the relevant skill. This is an old mechanic and was replaced long ago with a second roll ability. Descriptions have now been updated."

[Update] REAPER OF CODE Inutt chastely churrs, "Another oversight fixed - Nanite Focus Device descriptions have been updated to clarify their purpose, since they have not actually enabled shifting individual body parts for some time despite what their description said. Shifting individual body parts requires a Nanite Fine Tuner - the Focus Device just allows use of adept abilities (including other toys) while not actively dedicated."