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From the garage, a business dress wearing and silver furred lion makes hir way out of the common house, looking down upon the poor pair that managed to get a mouthful of snow. A cute little Santa hat dangles upon hir head while she balances a tray of steaming mugs in hir grasp. Dio, along with the other kitties, look incredulously as a tank mutant makes its way into the village, but a lot of them are too 'busy' to really care. After watching various individuals make their way into the town, the lion smiles and gets near Cookies. "Greetings," shi says with a minor bow. "Thank you for visiting our lovely town. As you can see, we're getting into the holiday spirit." The lion holds out hir tray so anyone can take a mug. "Hot cocoa should you desire it! Please, be my guest. Enjoy the town, stay awhile, even sleep here if you wish! And if you have the spare time, I'm sure we would appreciate a bit of help decorating. Especially getting that star on the tree..."  
From the garage, a business dress wearing and silver furred lion makes hir way out of the common house, looking down upon the poor pair that managed to get a mouthful of snow. A cute little Santa hat dangles upon hir head while she balances a tray of steaming mugs in hir grasp. Dio, along with the other kitties, look incredulously as a tank mutant makes its way into the village, but a lot of them are too 'busy' to really care. After watching various individuals make their way into the town, the lion smiles and gets near Cookies. "Greetings," shi says with a minor bow. "Thank you for visiting our lovely town. As you can see, we're getting into the holiday spirit." The lion holds out hir tray so anyone can take a mug. "Hot cocoa should you desire it! Please, be my guest. Enjoy the town, stay awhile, even sleep here if you wish! And if you have the spare time, I'm sure we would appreciate a bit of help decorating. Especially getting that star on the tree..."  
In the background, some other felines not too worried about decorating make cute little snow formations, some crafting the classic snowman (with appropriate snow nipples), while others dig around and make walls. Just simple walls.<br> <br>Cookies waves to Kaede a little bit defeatedly as she glances around, unable to properly decorate the tree before others arrived! She doesn't quite recognize her, but being able to read comm units for ID is a big boon. Thank you NICE unit. "Hello, Kaede," she purrrs out, momentarily relaxing her demeanor. "No no. We're just in a rush. Gotta get a few things done so the real party can start." She rubs her hands together and gives Zalthar a big catgirl smile. "This is the doing of the peoples of Cat Town at large! Though, we, uhh..." She gives the felines who briefly tangled with the tinsel a sideways glance. "... We could use some help, admittedly. I'm one of the only ones around here who doesn't have to use doors with no knobs, dig?" She gives Dio a wide smile as shi approaches, giving off an appreciative, rumbling purr. "We need more stuff to put on the tree... We got a lotta ornaments, but we also got a lotta clumsy cats. And, well, a little more variety beyond tinsel, wreathes and slightly-chewed ribbons would be nice!" She gestures towards the slightly-less-bare tree. "Since you're all here, do you peoples have any ideas, maybe want to lend a hand? We keep finding new ornaments buried under the junk laying around from the tiny projects we never finished- lights would be nice... and a way to power them, for that matter..." She smiles at the rest of the gathering group hopefully. High hopes, but anything can happen, right?<br> <br>McPirate's already narrow eyes narrowed even further at this request. Christmas was in trouble! "Mayor, we will help you in any way possible, because this must be fixed." He said, gesturing towards the tree and the surrounding village. Turning to look at the group, he stood straight and tall, and looking over them bellowed out a speech. "Ladies, gentlemen, ladlemen, this is our darkest hour. Literally, there are no lights. This town is in full Christmas swing, and they need out help. It is our duty, as ex-human beings, to help them in their time of need. Every single one of you will be needed in this task, and for what nobler of a cause can there be than this. People, what I'm asking you," he pauses, raising his hands in the air for emphasis "is will you help me save Christmas?".<br> <br>"I would be happy to help," Kaede says as she takes a mug from Dio. "And I thank you for your hospitality." She sips it as she ues her tentacles to rummage through her purse, eventually producing two jars filled with some sort of liquid, one red and one green. "I am not sure about lights, but I do have chemiluminescent liquid," Kaede says as she shakes the jars, causing them to glow. She takes another sip of cocoa before commenting, "This is quite good."
In the background, some other felines not too worried about decorating make cute little snow formations, some crafting the classic snowman (with appropriate snow nipples), while others dig around and make walls. Just simple walls.<br> <br>Cookies waves to Kaede a little bit defeatedly as she glances around, unable to properly decorate the tree before others arrived! She doesn't quite recognize her, but being able to read comm units for ID is a big boon. Thank you NICE unit. "Hello, Kaede," she purrrs out, momentarily relaxing her demeanor. "No no. We're just in a rush. Gotta get a few things done so the real party can start." She rubs her hands together and gives Zalthar a big catgirl smile. "This is the doing of the peoples of Cat Town at large! Though, we, uhh..." She gives the felines who briefly tangled with the tinsel a sideways glance. "... We could use some help, admittedly. I'm one of the only ones around here who doesn't have to use doors with no knobs, dig?" She gives Dio a wide smile as shi approaches, giving off an appreciative, rumbling purr. "We need more stuff to put on the tree... We got a lotta ornaments, but we also got a lotta clumsy cats. And, well, a little more variety beyond tinsel, wreathes and slightly-chewed ribbons would be nice!" She gestures towards the slightly-less-bare tree. "Since you're all here, do you peoples have any ideas, maybe want to lend a hand? We keep finding new ornaments buried under the junk laying around from the tiny projects we never finished- lights would be nice... and a way to power them, for that matter..." She smiles at the rest of the gathering group hopefully. High hopes, but anything can happen, right?<br> <br>McPirate's already narrow eyes narrowed even further at this request. Christmas was in trouble! "Mayor, we will help you in any way possible, because this must be fixed." He said, gesturing towards the tree and the surrounding village. Turning to look at the group, he stood straight and tall, and looking over them bellowed out a speech. "Ladies, gentlemen, ladlemen, this is our darkest hour. Literally, there are no lights. This town is in full Christmas swing, and they need out help. It is our duty, as ex-human beings, to help them in their time of need. Every single one of you will be needed in this task, and for what nobler of a cause can there be than this. People, what I'm asking you," he pauses, raising his hands in the air for emphasis "is will you help me save Christmas?".<br> <br>"I would be happy to help," Kaede says as she takes a mug from Dio. "And I thank you for your hospitality." She sips it as she ues her tentacles to rummage through her purse, eventually producing two jars filled with some sort of liquid, one red and one green. "I am not sure about lights, but I do have chemiluminescent liquid," Kaede says as she shakes the jars, causing them to glow. She takes another sip of cocoa before commenting, "This is quite good."<br> <br>Zalthar takes a mug too, smiling "Thank you! And as the loud guy said, I'd be happy to help! If we can find lights and a battery, I can charge them!" she beams, crackling a few sparks arond her fingers. "I can also help with basiclaly anything else you need done desperately. I'm very verstile."<br> <br>Some of the cats stop their current activities and look at the tank rousing his glorious speech, while others simply ignore it and continue on. After a few moments of staring, a few of them meow and get a little closer to McPirate. With a small toss, a cat girl gently throws a Christmas wreath upon McPirate's hull-like exterior and then giggles.
"That's... quite a speech," Dio says, happily giving out the hot cocoa for all those who desire it. Walking away for a moment, she puts the tray upon an idle table and returns, listening to the others. "Thank you for the assistance! I'm quite happy to hear it. And that's quite an interesting jar you have there, ma'am. They would make wonderful decorations." From the garage, felines walk out with giant cardboard boxes in their grasp, heading straight for the group where they then settle them down upon the snow. "Indeed, we've found quite a few decorations. Some are destroyed by regular wear and tear. Nanites tend to ignore glass for the most part, so some are actually in fine condition should you ignore the dirt and grime. Also!" From the town hall, a lion beast walks towards the group with a shiny glass star with a pawprint in the middle, its sparkles catching the attention of many a feline! "And there's our star. If one of you tall individuals would be so kind to top our tree, we'd be mighty happy. And feel free to toss on a decoration or two upon its branches or a local building."
The snow playing felines continue their work, some even making small trenches within the snow, walls now quite solid and erect, some being simple rectangles and others rather strange domes of snow. "Perhaps we could rummage up some lights, but nanites tend to decay their copper wiring they typically use. While it's disappointing to be without lights, such is the case in our wasteland. What do you think, ma'am," Dio says, looking towards Cookies.<br> <br>Cookies nods towards the group, though she does give McPirate an odd look. Being that it's at least well in the spirit, she offers a smile and a giggle. She smiles up at Dio. "Zalthar can provide the electricity, and I can provide the quick fix! It'll take a little extra effort... But I might be able to make it work with a little nanomagic." She seems fairly confident in herself. "We could, by all means, just send a cat up to put the star up, but... We don't want one of these silly oafs dropping it, or more importantly themselves. Could perhaps the big robot try? It'd just take a bit of reaching from your height." She turns towards the garage and whistles sharply. "Hey! Cart some of the junk heap out here so we can get it on the tree faster, come on guys! We got helpers!" Her tone is a bit lessy bossy this time and more excited, eager to get things done. She sure looks perky, anyway!<br> <br>"Hey, there's more to decorate than just this tree. We can split up. I'll decorate the tree since I'm tallest. Zally, you can help these cats get the tinsel up around the town. Kaede, you can use that glowy stuff as lights to hang all around the place." The giant tank man says to his companions, a giddy look upon his robot face. This Christmas was going to be great. "Don't worry, I'll be careful." He reassures them, adjusting his wreath.<br> <br>Kaede considers for a minute before pulling some rather small jars out of her purse. "I suppose," she says, growing six more arms. Distributing the glowing liquid through the extra jars, she takes some paper and scissors out of her purse and begins cutting the paper into snowflakes to fit the jars into. Showing her dexterity, she prepares several snowflakes at once with her extra arms. Finished with her glowing decorations, she walks around the town, hanging the snowflakes in places that seem appropriate.<br> <br>Zalthar cricks her neck and ponders "Hey, anything that needs to be hung up in corners?" she asks, touching her collar's gem briefly. From her back, six long, dexterous spider legs erupt before curling up neatly agaisnt her body "I can help decorate the rooftops!" From the tips of her 'legs' small dots of webbing can be seen, ready to stick things to other things.<br> <br>The star holding lion beast settles the star upon a nearby table not too far away from McPirate, its sparkling figure demanding attention to be put upon the tree's top! "Thank you for the assistance," Dio bows. "Excuse me while I retrieve more materials." With a wave, the lion waves and walks towards the garage where shi then disappears for a few moments.
As the town's citizens hear the words of their mayor and the sight of altruistic agents, a surge of morale and holiday spirit courses over them! Work efficiency increases dramatically, various decorations hung in quickened and less clumsy pace. Three felines stack upon themselves for a makeshift tower to allow the top most cat to secure a lovely wreath on the town hall's front wall.
The felines working on making mysterious snow formations cease their efforts, choosing to relax and wait for something or other. Regardless, Dio returns alongside a few felines, dropping more boxes upon the floor filled with junk and decorations. "Sure! Why not help with the town hall over there? It could use some love I feel."<br> <br>Cookies claps her paws together and bounces a little bit as the boxes are brought out, giggling and smiling brightly. "Yay! Okay, I'm gonna start goin' through this stuff. If anybody wants to help, they're welcome to, nya!" Stopping only to give a thumbs up to the felines putting up the wreath, she gets right to work, tearing through the junk and looking it over for ornaments, lights or at the very least things that could substitute. "Town hall needs lots of love! Give it lots of love! It is my hall of justice!" Her tail flicks about behind her as she tosses a few things here, sculpts a few things there, mumbling as she roots through the boxes. "Wish we had some candycanes to put up on the tree, too."<br> <br>McPirate chuckles to himself as he leans down and ever so gingerly takes the star. Ever so carefully, he stands back up and places the star gently on top of the tree. He takes a step back to admire his work when suddenly, he freezes up completely. A loud bong rings out, and if one were to look at his visor, they would see it had turned completely blue. He had crashed. If he were awake, he would cry out that it had never happened before, he would swear it. As it was however, he was now completely unconcious as his system rebooted. This was going to take all night at the very least.<br> <br>Finished decking the square in glowing snowflakes, Kaede heeds Cookies' request and produces a jar of sugar. In a flurry of nanite action, the sugar reshapes into a line of candy canes hanging off her tentacle. Walking over to the the tree, she begins hanging the candy canes off of it, growing several longer tentacles to help her reach the upper branches. As she works, she begins softly humming the tune to Jingle Bells.<br> <br>Zalthar giggles and takes some streams of tinsel on her appandages and scurrys up across the Town Hall, strategically scattering them about it's ledges and roof "Anyone find any lights at all? I'm sure that with Cookie's and my skills, we can get them working. Even normal flourescent lights would do!" she calls down, waving a hand.

Revision as of 06:11, 18 December 2013





A wonderful winter evening in the oh so very real town of Cat Town. If holiday spirit could be measured by any device, it would practically be off the charts, busting the seams. The gate is decorated with golden tinsel and a giant holiday wreath, adorned with a lovely red bow, inviting people within its snowy grounds.

Inside, cats of various forms and sizes frolic within the snow, some snuggling together to keep warm while others are a bit more constructive. A few felines attempt to hang up tinsel and decorations here and there, but a good amount of them simply fall into the trap of playing with it instead, getting it tangled within their claws.

A large amount of decorations and even more tinsel rest at the bottom of the giant tree residing in the town's center, naked and practically begging for attention. From the look of the cats surrounding the tree, perhaps they could use a little help.

The mayor herself, Cookies, is already here, mewling out instructions to the other felines as needed- more tinsel here, have it hang a little more loosely so we can bat at it! That sort of thing. Before long her attentions settle on the bare tree, catgirl stroking her chin contemplatively. "Come on, people! We gotta get more stuff on this tree," she nyas out desperately. "Any minute now people are gonna notice we're deckin' the place out and what're they gonna think when they see we have a bare tree? Tinsel, at least! Get some tinsel on this poor tree!" Little does she know, people are already arriving! Oh what a busy day.

Crashing his way out of the forest, McPirate grumbles to himself as he looked around. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something that stunned him. What he saw was easily the biggest Christmas tree he had ever seen! And the town it was in, oh the town it was in! Wreaths, tinsel, lights, tinsel, cats, and tinsel, all of the most wonderful Christmasy stuff was there. He observed all of this as he walked into town, unaware of the other new arrivals to the wonderland.

Walking into town, Kaede cannot help herself from giggling as she sees the cats playing with the decorations. As she moves further into town, she notices that one cat girl was obviously more upset than the others, and walks over to see if she needs any assistance. Vaguley recognizing her as cookies, she softly waves a tentacle before saying "Good evening. I do hope that my arrival is not a problem."

Zalthar strolls in, having been following some of the other's at a distance. As she sees the shiny tinsel and the lights, her eyes go wide, purring softly "Wow, I haven't seen this much decoration for...years...." she smiles, noticing one cat in partictular who seems to be in charge, making her way with soft footsteps to Cookies "It all looks incredible. Is this your doing?"

A shadow passes over one side of the town square. A moment later a sphinx lands, having surveyed a spot where she'd bother the fewest number of people. Zir wings spread wide and beat at the air savagely, decelerating the herm to a nice, soft landing. Of course, anyone standing near where she landed is likely as not to get a faceful of high-speed snow or grit from the wing wash. Zie straightens up from the landing crouch and tugs lightly on the lapels of zir lab coat. Zie takes a moment to look around.

A few 'hard-working' felines snap to attention after hearing some mayoral orders. After a meow and a salute, a pair of kitties try and move about, their actions ceased when they realized they've gotten themselves quite tangled up in a gloriously gold tensile mess. They meow and hiss, fumbling about, but with some luck and brute force, the pair finally free themselves and make their way for the tree.

A few more kitties surround the common house. With the power of teamwork, a male alley cat lifts a female within the air upon his shoulders as they nail tinsel to the roofs. Everything seems to be going well, until a few wobbles followed by tumble send them face first into the snow.

From the garage, a business dress wearing and silver furred lion makes hir way out of the common house, looking down upon the poor pair that managed to get a mouthful of snow. A cute little Santa hat dangles upon hir head while she balances a tray of steaming mugs in hir grasp. Dio, along with the other kitties, look incredulously as a tank mutant makes its way into the village, but a lot of them are too 'busy' to really care. After watching various individuals make their way into the town, the lion smiles and gets near Cookies. "Greetings," shi says with a minor bow. "Thank you for visiting our lovely town. As you can see, we're getting into the holiday spirit." The lion holds out hir tray so anyone can take a mug. "Hot cocoa should you desire it! Please, be my guest. Enjoy the town, stay awhile, even sleep here if you wish! And if you have the spare time, I'm sure we would appreciate a bit of help decorating. Especially getting that star on the tree..."

In the background, some other felines not too worried about decorating make cute little snow formations, some crafting the classic snowman (with appropriate snow nipples), while others dig around and make walls. Just simple walls.

Cookies waves to Kaede a little bit defeatedly as she glances around, unable to properly decorate the tree before others arrived! She doesn't quite recognize her, but being able to read comm units for ID is a big boon. Thank you NICE unit. "Hello, Kaede," she purrrs out, momentarily relaxing her demeanor. "No no. We're just in a rush. Gotta get a few things done so the real party can start." She rubs her hands together and gives Zalthar a big catgirl smile. "This is the doing of the peoples of Cat Town at large! Though, we, uhh..." She gives the felines who briefly tangled with the tinsel a sideways glance. "... We could use some help, admittedly. I'm one of the only ones around here who doesn't have to use doors with no knobs, dig?" She gives Dio a wide smile as shi approaches, giving off an appreciative, rumbling purr. "We need more stuff to put on the tree... We got a lotta ornaments, but we also got a lotta clumsy cats. And, well, a little more variety beyond tinsel, wreathes and slightly-chewed ribbons would be nice!" She gestures towards the slightly-less-bare tree. "Since you're all here, do you peoples have any ideas, maybe want to lend a hand? We keep finding new ornaments buried under the junk laying around from the tiny projects we never finished- lights would be nice... and a way to power them, for that matter..." She smiles at the rest of the gathering group hopefully. High hopes, but anything can happen, right?

McPirate's already narrow eyes narrowed even further at this request. Christmas was in trouble! "Mayor, we will help you in any way possible, because this must be fixed." He said, gesturing towards the tree and the surrounding village. Turning to look at the group, he stood straight and tall, and looking over them bellowed out a speech. "Ladies, gentlemen, ladlemen, this is our darkest hour. Literally, there are no lights. This town is in full Christmas swing, and they need out help. It is our duty, as ex-human beings, to help them in their time of need. Every single one of you will be needed in this task, and for what nobler of a cause can there be than this. People, what I'm asking you," he pauses, raising his hands in the air for emphasis "is will you help me save Christmas?".

"I would be happy to help," Kaede says as she takes a mug from Dio. "And I thank you for your hospitality." She sips it as she ues her tentacles to rummage through her purse, eventually producing two jars filled with some sort of liquid, one red and one green. "I am not sure about lights, but I do have chemiluminescent liquid," Kaede says as she shakes the jars, causing them to glow. She takes another sip of cocoa before commenting, "This is quite good."

Zalthar takes a mug too, smiling "Thank you! And as the loud guy said, I'd be happy to help! If we can find lights and a battery, I can charge them!" she beams, crackling a few sparks arond her fingers. "I can also help with basiclaly anything else you need done desperately. I'm very verstile."

Some of the cats stop their current activities and look at the tank rousing his glorious speech, while others simply ignore it and continue on. After a few moments of staring, a few of them meow and get a little closer to McPirate. With a small toss, a cat girl gently throws a Christmas wreath upon McPirate's hull-like exterior and then giggles.

"That's... quite a speech," Dio says, happily giving out the hot cocoa for all those who desire it. Walking away for a moment, she puts the tray upon an idle table and returns, listening to the others. "Thank you for the assistance! I'm quite happy to hear it. And that's quite an interesting jar you have there, ma'am. They would make wonderful decorations." From the garage, felines walk out with giant cardboard boxes in their grasp, heading straight for the group where they then settle them down upon the snow. "Indeed, we've found quite a few decorations. Some are destroyed by regular wear and tear. Nanites tend to ignore glass for the most part, so some are actually in fine condition should you ignore the dirt and grime. Also!" From the town hall, a lion beast walks towards the group with a shiny glass star with a pawprint in the middle, its sparkles catching the attention of many a feline! "And there's our star. If one of you tall individuals would be so kind to top our tree, we'd be mighty happy. And feel free to toss on a decoration or two upon its branches or a local building."

The snow playing felines continue their work, some even making small trenches within the snow, walls now quite solid and erect, some being simple rectangles and others rather strange domes of snow. "Perhaps we could rummage up some lights, but nanites tend to decay their copper wiring they typically use. While it's disappointing to be without lights, such is the case in our wasteland. What do you think, ma'am," Dio says, looking towards Cookies.

Cookies nods towards the group, though she does give McPirate an odd look. Being that it's at least well in the spirit, she offers a smile and a giggle. She smiles up at Dio. "Zalthar can provide the electricity, and I can provide the quick fix! It'll take a little extra effort... But I might be able to make it work with a little nanomagic." She seems fairly confident in herself. "We could, by all means, just send a cat up to put the star up, but... We don't want one of these silly oafs dropping it, or more importantly themselves. Could perhaps the big robot try? It'd just take a bit of reaching from your height." She turns towards the garage and whistles sharply. "Hey! Cart some of the junk heap out here so we can get it on the tree faster, come on guys! We got helpers!" Her tone is a bit lessy bossy this time and more excited, eager to get things done. She sure looks perky, anyway!

"Hey, there's more to decorate than just this tree. We can split up. I'll decorate the tree since I'm tallest. Zally, you can help these cats get the tinsel up around the town. Kaede, you can use that glowy stuff as lights to hang all around the place." The giant tank man says to his companions, a giddy look upon his robot face. This Christmas was going to be great. "Don't worry, I'll be careful." He reassures them, adjusting his wreath.

Kaede considers for a minute before pulling some rather small jars out of her purse. "I suppose," she says, growing six more arms. Distributing the glowing liquid through the extra jars, she takes some paper and scissors out of her purse and begins cutting the paper into snowflakes to fit the jars into. Showing her dexterity, she prepares several snowflakes at once with her extra arms. Finished with her glowing decorations, she walks around the town, hanging the snowflakes in places that seem appropriate.

Zalthar cricks her neck and ponders "Hey, anything that needs to be hung up in corners?" she asks, touching her collar's gem briefly. From her back, six long, dexterous spider legs erupt before curling up neatly agaisnt her body "I can help decorate the rooftops!" From the tips of her 'legs' small dots of webbing can be seen, ready to stick things to other things.

The star holding lion beast settles the star upon a nearby table not too far away from McPirate, its sparkling figure demanding attention to be put upon the tree's top! "Thank you for the assistance," Dio bows. "Excuse me while I retrieve more materials." With a wave, the lion waves and walks towards the garage where shi then disappears for a few moments.

As the town's citizens hear the words of their mayor and the sight of altruistic agents, a surge of morale and holiday spirit courses over them! Work efficiency increases dramatically, various decorations hung in quickened and less clumsy pace. Three felines stack upon themselves for a makeshift tower to allow the top most cat to secure a lovely wreath on the town hall's front wall.

The felines working on making mysterious snow formations cease their efforts, choosing to relax and wait for something or other. Regardless, Dio returns alongside a few felines, dropping more boxes upon the floor filled with junk and decorations. "Sure! Why not help with the town hall over there? It could use some love I feel."

Cookies claps her paws together and bounces a little bit as the boxes are brought out, giggling and smiling brightly. "Yay! Okay, I'm gonna start goin' through this stuff. If anybody wants to help, they're welcome to, nya!" Stopping only to give a thumbs up to the felines putting up the wreath, she gets right to work, tearing through the junk and looking it over for ornaments, lights or at the very least things that could substitute. "Town hall needs lots of love! Give it lots of love! It is my hall of justice!" Her tail flicks about behind her as she tosses a few things here, sculpts a few things there, mumbling as she roots through the boxes. "Wish we had some candycanes to put up on the tree, too."

McPirate chuckles to himself as he leans down and ever so gingerly takes the star. Ever so carefully, he stands back up and places the star gently on top of the tree. He takes a step back to admire his work when suddenly, he freezes up completely. A loud bong rings out, and if one were to look at his visor, they would see it had turned completely blue. He had crashed. If he were awake, he would cry out that it had never happened before, he would swear it. As it was however, he was now completely unconcious as his system rebooted. This was going to take all night at the very least.

Finished decking the square in glowing snowflakes, Kaede heeds Cookies' request and produces a jar of sugar. In a flurry of nanite action, the sugar reshapes into a line of candy canes hanging off her tentacle. Walking over to the the tree, she begins hanging the candy canes off of it, growing several longer tentacles to help her reach the upper branches. As she works, she begins softly humming the tune to Jingle Bells.

Zalthar giggles and takes some streams of tinsel on her appandages and scurrys up across the Town Hall, strategically scattering them about it's ledges and roof "Anyone find any lights at all? I'm sure that with Cookie's and my skills, we can get them working. Even normal flourescent lights would do!" she calls down, waving a hand.