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<div></div><br> <br>Hiding between buildings, exactly where she told the fellow 'yote she would be, Angelily paces back and forth, on all fours, though stays hidden. She wonders where Angus could be. Angel knows that Cerris was often in the Zypher Lobby, and was ready to walk here now, but wanted a bit more information first, and to know that Angus was indeed bringing at least one of Smokie or Redd. It would be pointless to do this without one of them here, and she doubted she could make Cerris stay a roadrunner long enough to track them down afterward.<br> <br>Cerris is for his part not in the Z-building at all, having tracked down a new friend of his, literally having sniffed up under her tail while she was enjoying the sunset and then on a whim a quick bite and he infects her with a new strain of nanites via his venom, pleased to see the form she changes to, thiking perhaps he might mentally enjoy the idea of pretending she is a different coyote as he has his way with her willing form.  "Surprise surprise my little doll."<br> <br>layana is still confused after being bitten by cerris. looking around she is getting used to the idea of fur and even hair after being scaly for so long. she then decides that she will follow cerris<br> <br>Angus was definitly going to be here, and brought Smokie. He whistled lightly as a hand was in his pocket, as his other was making sure his hammer didn't fall of his shoulder. "Hey Smokie you coming?" He asked, turning around to look her way as his tail wagged lightly, and he stood near exactly were Angel was hiding so that she could hear him.<br> <br>The female Coyote, unaware of the plot underway, followed at a safe distance.  She was standing upright, on two legs, though she was shorter and thinner than Angus.  In her baggy clothes, she looked even thinner than normal.  Her long skirt was hemmed just above her paws, her baggy green army jacket hanging past her untucked blouse 'neith it.  One of her paws held the dirty old sling of her rusty service rifle, that looked too big for her.<br> <br>Angelily sniffs the air and smells Angus, she murmers to herself, not really saying anything, but instead waits a moment to see the reactions that will be had before coming out herself. She had a plan, act injured, come out and limp toward Cerris, transform them, and present them to the head 'yote. She only had to wait for the right time. She stays hidden, but keeps and ear.. and nose out for anything that might go on.<br> <br>Cerris's many heads keep up their rotating watch, switching between speaking, listening and nuzzling Layana as his massive eight limbed bulk looms over her like a protective and possessive alpha.  "It's okay, just a little love bite...you'll get used to the change soon enough...things are always changing, but your devotion to me...that...that i will make certain endures...by any means required."<br> <br>Layana nips cerris and say "i guess i will get used to it".  she then gets up and looks at the others not entirly sure whats going on.<br> <br>Angus stiffened, and his ears twitched as a familiar voice reached his ears. He knew about the plan but it didn't make it any easier as he turned to face Cerris, and the curious girl who was with him. "Cerris is that you? I almost didn't recognize you...what with you sounding sane and all." He says, throwing a hook out already and wondering if he will take the bait.<br> <br>The coyote pauses midstep.  Cerris?  ...Cerris!  She blinks away her look of disbelief as she presses against the wall to try and look around Angus.  ...Cerris!  She pads forward quickly, the only noise she makes is the scattering of claws on unkept, cracked and dirty cement.  Cerris!  But she says nothing, only staring over Angus's shoulder.<br> <br>Angelily decides to take a chance. Letting her more feral half take charge, Angel takes a back seat, as Lily walks them out of thier hiding place, first, biting her own paw enough to make it bleed, enough to make as real as possible. Limping out and whimpering, Lily looks first to Angus, then over to Cerris, she isn't quiet sure which one she is ment to be targeting, but, makes a guess, the large creature is the one they seem to be talking to, so she starts limping over to him, whimpering and whining trying to get closer to her target without raising suspisions.<br> <br>Cerris spots Angus as he steps out of the shadows, each head that does so frowning and locking in and refusing to look away, though a few retain their attention upon Layana.  "Oh look...the mouthy one...I thought I granted you a pardon and stay of execution...were you not satisfied?  Perhaps castration is more your flavor?"  Then comes the wounded bird...pup?  Whatever, the scent of blood coming from her invigorates him, his hackles raising and tail lashing with a sort of eagerness that slightly clouds his thoughts, the rest only Lyana would be aware of as abruptly something, several of them at that poke wetly against her rump as the idea of harming Angus and the scent of blood mix in his system. <br> <br>Layana looks up at cerris, a smile on her face. she then licks cerris on one of his noses, still confused about the transformation she contomplates a recursion but looking at all cyotes around she thinks she might as well give them a show.<br> <br>Angus flashes that famous coyote grin as Cerris threatens him. "Nah, my flavor ususally doesn't come with a side of Identity issues. Might favorite flavor is cookie dough." He comments back, placing the head of his hammer on the ground as he leaned onto it. He stared at Cerris's form, eyeing him up and down, and chuckled. "Why is it, that every time I run in to you. You look like a reject from the Frankenstien look-a-like club? I mean honestly man, what is your motive for looking that way?"<br> <br>Smokie lets her arms slip around Angus from behind, as she peaks her muzzle over her shoulder.  She's holding him from behind as he trashtalks the hydra.  Is that really Cerris?  She hadn't seen or smelled him in a long time.  It must be, but she still looks hard through narrowed eyes.  After holding Angus for a moment, she steps out from beside him, smaller and slighter than him.  She unslings her rifle and sets the butt of it on the floor.  Holding the muzzle of the full-length rifle, it comes up to the bottom of her ribcage, where on a normal-sized being it would come up to their waist.  Her stance is strong, paws spread.  She's quiet.  The only thing about her that Cerris might recognize is her missing half-ear.<br> <br>Taking advantage of Cerris' distracted state, Lily moves a bit faster to him, cursing that Angel thought using sympathy was a good way to get near him. 'Yotes don't need sympathy, just a well laid plan and a good bit of bait. With her wounded paw though, she isn't as effective moving over to Cerris, but takes the extra time to say in her head a dedication to The Great Trickster, thanking him for bestowing upon her his might, that she may teach others the errors of their ways, and apologising now that someone who may be an innocent may have to feel Coyote's power to help her along the way. Both eyes near fully red, they glow as she exerts herself to push Coyote's will upon Cerris, the form in mind as she feels the Great One's might flow through her once more, just like back in the cave when she made Angus stay morphic instead of reverting.<br> <br>Cerris gives a chorus of snarls, his quartet of forepaws gripping the asphalt with force and energy enough that pressure is actually begining to heat the contact points.  "Identity crisis?  I, a man...beastial as I may appear.  Have been forced to be the mother and father of a little girl.  I have played both parental roles, victim, pursuer and target in the games you coyotes play.  But if we must mince semantics...then let it be SO.  Let us abandon one role for another, let us be confused, let us be unstable!  We will rip you to shreds...we will make you one with your flavor by pounding you into dough, you will asphyxiate on your own intestines as a violate your distended colon...perhaps as I use it as agagring to make certain you swallow.  But I owe you no more kindnesses, so you WILL live so that I may wake you with the dawn, slathering acid on a hydra cock as lube to thrust into you anew and each sunset I shall put you to sleep choking on a dozen cocks being used to powder your jaw and clog your throat.  Which of these vermin with you do you declare your messenger, for that one shall I leave intact to run and tell your master...the other shall serve to lick cleanse the mess of your body from my shafts after I'm done pistoning your husk.  Now, you have acquired my rage, is it all you hoped it would be?"  Flames lick at the jaws that remain closed, something within the beast raging to be unleashed, but then he pauses, for all his rage, he feels it, the sneak attack coming, that tingling in his flesh as his nanite rebel and rather than lash out at Lily in spite, he rears up with a titanic roar, using the motion to shove Layana behind him and out of the direct path of any potential attack, which he assumes is what the yote with the rifle is for.<br> <br>Layana reals wtih shock. looking over her pertenial mating partner backs off. she then shifts back to her natural form. she then trys to find a space to hide<br> <br>Cerris spits fire and brimstone, promising Angus a faith worse then death. Any sane being would of fleeing the scene by now, or atleast cringing in their boots. Angus was definitly not sane then...as he didn't, even, flinch. "Cute, I almost forgot you were a crossdresser to." He adds, his grin widening as Angelily's plan unfolds. Shouldering his hammer again he walks up to the raging Cerris, his form changing in front of him, and he stands right outside of arms reach.<br> <br>Smokie does flinch.  She steps back, holding the foregrip of her rifle in her offhand.  Not at the ready, but just holding it.  She steps back a little, her blunt claws scraping the almost overgrown asphalt.  She whines as she sees the third coyote come in.  Wait.  Who is that?  SHe's never met that Coyote before.  Who the fuck is that?  Feral...  Nonmorphic.  On all fours.  Hurt paw.  Who is that?  She growls.  Her mind racing.  It might just be someone with the form-- no.  Cerris' fearsome body warps.  It warps into sometime feathery, smally.  She narrows her eyes.  That Coyote isn't just a normal one.  She picks up her rifle, now levelling it at her hips, pointing it at no one.  She looks betwen Angus approaching.  A scattered thought, before she steps forward to the side.  "What's this?"<br> <br>Sighing, Lily alerts Angel that the deed is done, and, taking the ill prepared Cerris in her muzzle, walks him over to Smokie, looking up to Angus as she does. She is very very careful not to hurt Cerris, and knows that the test will not be done till he is 'presented' so that is what she does, carefully lays Cerris down in front of Smokie, the only other 'yote around so this must be them. She sits back and speaks for the first time, "We assume that this is the end of the test that Coyote Angus failed, and we also assume that this poor soul is now free to change into whatever he so wishes and leave without further harm." Looking to Cerris, she then says, "We are forever sorry that we did this to you, we knew no other way to prove ourselves. We are sorry if this has caused you any pain, any suffering at all, and will gladly listen to your grevances later." Shimmer a moment, she stands on her hind paws, hips shifting to a bipedel form, "First Liutenant Angelily Reangis, USArmy." She says introducing herself. For a moment, she sniffs at the air, wondering where Cerris' companion could have gone.<br> <br>Cerris is baffled for a moment, his form unchanged as he looks himself over.  "This game again?  Fools, you do not have his power to hold me, this is a momentary in convenience. ..but savor it aas you will after this, the taste of bile, semen and brine is all you shall know."  Even in this reduced form he is still a monster of deep and pervading infection,  wings not meant for flight spread as he considers lashing out with wind or blood but he pauses,  when what he heard registers in his fury drunk brain.  All those heads, gone now still whispering in his mind make what is external and internal difficult to discern. In an instant his flesh bursts, ruptured by blood instructed to reform him as a man...a form he had almost forgotten,  so long has it been, that it holds many feral traits when he wears it. "This is a gross dereliction of duty first lieutenant Reangis...bargaining with a terrorist is NOT policy. "  Could it be possible he swapped rails just like that?  it seems so.<br> <br>Layana still tolaly unsure on whats happening finds away into a near by building. she then gets to the 5th floor were she looks out over street where she had just been. she then finds an window and gets ready to pounce<br> <br>Angus following Angel back to Smokie he smiles down at the scrawny yote. "Could you hold this for me?" He asked, placing his weapon into her hand before he turned back to Cerris. Walking back up to the him he chuckled, actually wrapping his arm around the big guy. "Let me tell you a little secert Cerris." He commented, his hand going up to play at the latch of his collar as he leans in to whisper.<br> <br>Smokie tried to hold the hammer, but damn!  That was heavy!  The head fell to the ground immediately, and soon did the handle.  She stood, looking between the coyote, and the Marine, and her Coyote.  What was this?  Planned?  All orchestrated?  "What in the mythic dog-fucking, crossdressing Coyote's name is this?" She demands, slinging her rifle.  She steps forward a little, then peers at Cerris.  Her half-ear twitches, as she feels, suddenly, very away of the faded and blooded jacket she's wearing, still with rank and insignia attached that was obviously never her's.  "Terrorist?  Who do you think you're fucking talking to?"  Her voice, rough and deep, but feminine, has a very slight tang of western accent to it.<br> <br>Angelily looks back to Cerris with her one brown, one red eye that is till Angel pushes her way to the forefront of the woman's split mind, "Terrorist? Terrorist!? As far as I can tell, Sir, there is nothing but US citisins standing, who you, to have that uniform on, swore to protect, or did you forget raising your hand, Sir." Both of those sirs drip with sarcasum. "Last I checked, the flag still stood for the land of the free, and solders like us were to protect everyone, regardless, and if they have commited crimes, to bring them before the proper people for sentancing. Right now, I'm guessing that would the the authorties in New Dawn or in Zypher. Not yourself, Sir." She then looks over to Smokie, "What this is is me doing the trials that were put forth on Angus, to prove I'm a proper 'yote, not some pretender, I assume, by presenting the target, in the form required, that I've passed." She finally catches wind of Layana and looks over to her, shouting, "It is Ok! No one will hurt you, or the marine here," then turning to Smokie and Angus, "right?"
<div></div><br> <br>Hiding between buildings, exactly where she told the fellow 'yote she would be, Angelily paces back and forth, on all fours, though stays hidden. She wonders where Angus could be. Angel knows that Cerris was often in the Zypher Lobby, and was ready to walk here now, but wanted a bit more information first, and to know that Angus was indeed bringing at least one of Smokie or Redd. It would be pointless to do this without one of them here, and she doubted she could make Cerris stay a roadrunner long enough to track them down afterward.<br> <br>Cerris is for his part not in the Z-building at all, having tracked down a new friend of his, literally having sniffed up under her tail while she was enjoying the sunset and then on a whim a quick bite and he infects her with a new strain of nanites via his venom, pleased to see the form she changes to, thiking perhaps he might mentally enjoy the idea of pretending she is a different coyote as he has his way with her willing form.  "Surprise surprise my little doll."<br> <br>layana is still confused after being bitten by cerris. looking around she is getting used to the idea of fur and even hair after being scaly for so long. she then decides that she will follow cerris<br> <br>Angus was definitly going to be here, and brought Smokie. He whistled lightly as a hand was in his pocket, as his other was making sure his hammer didn't fall of his shoulder. "Hey Smokie you coming?" He asked, turning around to look her way as his tail wagged lightly, and he stood near exactly were Angel was hiding so that she could hear him.<br> <br>The female Coyote, unaware of the plot underway, followed at a safe distance.  She was standing upright, on two legs, though she was shorter and thinner than Angus.  In her baggy clothes, she looked even thinner than normal.  Her long skirt was hemmed just above her paws, her baggy green army jacket hanging past her untucked blouse 'neith it.  One of her paws held the dirty old sling of her rusty service rifle, that looked too big for her.<br> <br>Angelily sniffs the air and smells Angus, she murmers to herself, not really saying anything, but instead waits a moment to see the reactions that will be had before coming out herself. She had a plan, act injured, come out and limp toward Cerris, transform them, and present them to the head 'yote. She only had to wait for the right time. She stays hidden, but keeps and ear.. and nose out for anything that might go on.<br> <br>Cerris's many heads keep up their rotating watch, switching between speaking, listening and nuzzling Layana as his massive eight limbed bulk looms over her like a protective and possessive alpha.  "It's okay, just a little love bite...you'll get used to the change soon enough...things are always changing, but your devotion to me...that...that i will make certain endures...by any means required."<br> <br>Layana nips cerris and say "i guess i will get used to it".  she then gets up and looks at the others not entirly sure whats going on.<br> <br>Angus stiffened, and his ears twitched as a familiar voice reached his ears. He knew about the plan but it didn't make it any easier as he turned to face Cerris, and the curious girl who was with him. "Cerris is that you? I almost didn't recognize you...what with you sounding sane and all." He says, throwing a hook out already and wondering if he will take the bait.<br> <br>The coyote pauses midstep.  Cerris?  ...Cerris!  She blinks away her look of disbelief as she presses against the wall to try and look around Angus.  ...Cerris!  She pads forward quickly, the only noise she makes is the scattering of claws on unkept, cracked and dirty cement.  Cerris!  But she says nothing, only staring over Angus's shoulder.<br> <br>Angelily decides to take a chance. Letting her more feral half take charge, Angel takes a back seat, as Lily walks them out of thier hiding place, first, biting her own paw enough to make it bleed, enough to make as real as possible. Limping out and whimpering, Lily looks first to Angus, then over to Cerris, she isn't quiet sure which one she is ment to be targeting, but, makes a guess, the large creature is the one they seem to be talking to, so she starts limping over to him, whimpering and whining trying to get closer to her target without raising suspisions.<br> <br>Cerris spots Angus as he steps out of the shadows, each head that does so frowning and locking in and refusing to look away, though a few retain their attention upon Layana.  "Oh look...the mouthy one...I thought I granted you a pardon and stay of execution...were you not satisfied?  Perhaps castration is more your flavor?"  Then comes the wounded bird...pup?  Whatever, the scent of blood coming from her invigorates him, his hackles raising and tail lashing with a sort of eagerness that slightly clouds his thoughts, the rest only Lyana would be aware of as abruptly something, several of them at that poke wetly against her rump as the idea of harming Angus and the scent of blood mix in his system. <br> <br>Layana looks up at cerris, a smile on her face. she then licks cerris on one of his noses, still confused about the transformation she contomplates a recursion but looking at all cyotes around she thinks she might as well give them a show.<br> <br>Angus flashes that famous coyote grin as Cerris threatens him. "Nah, my flavor ususally doesn't come with a side of Identity issues. Might favorite flavor is cookie dough." He comments back, placing the head of his hammer on the ground as he leaned onto it. He stared at Cerris's form, eyeing him up and down, and chuckled. "Why is it, that every time I run in to you. You look like a reject from the Frankenstien look-a-like club? I mean honestly man, what is your motive for looking that way?"<br> <br>Smokie lets her arms slip around Angus from behind, as she peaks her muzzle over her shoulder.  She's holding him from behind as he trashtalks the hydra.  Is that really Cerris?  She hadn't seen or smelled him in a long time.  It must be, but she still looks hard through narrowed eyes.  After holding Angus for a moment, she steps out from beside him, smaller and slighter than him.  She unslings her rifle and sets the butt of it on the floor.  Holding the muzzle of the full-length rifle, it comes up to the bottom of her ribcage, where on a normal-sized being it would come up to their waist.  Her stance is strong, paws spread.  She's quiet.  The only thing about her that Cerris might recognize is her missing half-ear.<br> <br>Taking advantage of Cerris' distracted state, Lily moves a bit faster to him, cursing that Angel thought using sympathy was a good way to get near him. 'Yotes don't need sympathy, just a well laid plan and a good bit of bait. With her wounded paw though, she isn't as effective moving over to Cerris, but takes the extra time to say in her head a dedication to The Great Trickster, thanking him for bestowing upon her his might, that she may teach others the errors of their ways, and apologising now that someone who may be an innocent may have to feel Coyote's power to help her along the way. Both eyes near fully red, they glow as she exerts herself to push Coyote's will upon Cerris, the form in mind as she feels the Great One's might flow through her once more, just like back in the cave when she made Angus stay morphic instead of reverting.<br> <br>Cerris gives a chorus of snarls, his quartet of forepaws gripping the asphalt with force and energy enough that pressure is actually begining to heat the contact points.  "Identity crisis?  I, a man...beastial as I may appear.  Have been forced to be the mother and father of a little girl.  I have played both parental roles, victim, pursuer and target in the games you coyotes play.  But if we must mince semantics...then let it be SO.  Let us abandon one role for another, let us be confused, let us be unstable!  We will rip you to shreds...we will make you one with your flavor by pounding you into dough, you will asphyxiate on your own intestines as a violate your distended colon...perhaps as I use it as agagring to make certain you swallow.  But I owe you no more kindnesses, so you WILL live so that I may wake you with the dawn, slathering acid on a hydra cock as lube to thrust into you anew and each sunset I shall put you to sleep choking on a dozen cocks being used to powder your jaw and clog your throat.  Which of these vermin with you do you declare your messenger, for that one shall I leave intact to run and tell your master...the other shall serve to lick cleanse the mess of your body from my shafts after I'm done pistoning your husk.  Now, you have acquired my rage, is it all you hoped it would be?"  Flames lick at the jaws that remain closed, something within the beast raging to be unleashed, but then he pauses, for all his rage, he feels it, the sneak attack coming, that tingling in his flesh as his nanite rebel and rather than lash out at Lily in spite, he rears up with a titanic roar, using the motion to shove Layana behind him and out of the direct path of any potential attack, which he assumes is what the yote with the rifle is for.<br> <br>Layana reals wtih shock. looking over her pertenial mating partner backs off. she then shifts back to her natural form. she then trys to find a space to hide<br> <br>Cerris spits fire and brimstone, promising Angus a faith worse then death. Any sane being would of fleeing the scene by now, or atleast cringing in their boots. Angus was definitly not sane then...as he didn't, even, flinch. "Cute, I almost forgot you were a crossdresser to." He adds, his grin widening as Angelily's plan unfolds. Shouldering his hammer again he walks up to the raging Cerris, his form changing in front of him, and he stands right outside of arms reach.<br> <br>Smokie does flinch.  She steps back, holding the foregrip of her rifle in her offhand.  Not at the ready, but just holding it.  She steps back a little, her blunt claws scraping the almost overgrown asphalt.  She whines as she sees the third coyote come in.  Wait.  Who is that?  SHe's never met that Coyote before.  Who the fuck is that?  Feral...  Nonmorphic.  On all fours.  Hurt paw.  Who is that?  She growls.  Her mind racing.  It might just be someone with the form-- no.  Cerris' fearsome body warps.  It warps into sometime feathery, smally.  She narrows her eyes.  That Coyote isn't just a normal one.  She picks up her rifle, now levelling it at her hips, pointing it at no one.  She looks betwen Angus approaching.  A scattered thought, before she steps forward to the side.  "What's this?"<br> <br>Sighing, Lily alerts Angel that the deed is done, and, taking the ill prepared Cerris in her muzzle, walks him over to Smokie, looking up to Angus as she does. She is very very careful not to hurt Cerris, and knows that the test will not be done till he is 'presented' so that is what she does, carefully lays Cerris down in front of Smokie, the only other 'yote around so this must be them. She sits back and speaks for the first time, "We assume that this is the end of the test that Coyote Angus failed, and we also assume that this poor soul is now free to change into whatever he so wishes and leave without further harm." Looking to Cerris, she then says, "We are forever sorry that we did this to you, we knew no other way to prove ourselves. We are sorry if this has caused you any pain, any suffering at all, and will gladly listen to your grevances later." Shimmer a moment, she stands on her hind paws, hips shifting to a bipedel form, "First Liutenant Angelily Reangis, USArmy." She says introducing herself. For a moment, she sniffs at the air, wondering where Cerris' companion could have gone.<br> <br>Cerris is baffled for a moment, his form unchanged as he looks himself over.  "This game again?  Fools, you do not have his power to hold me, this is a momentary in convenience. ..but savor it aas you will after this, the taste of bile, semen and brine is all you shall know."  Even in this reduced form he is still a monster of deep and pervading infection,  wings not meant for flight spread as he considers lashing out with wind or blood but he pauses,  when what he heard registers in his fury drunk brain.  All those heads, gone now still whispering in his mind make what is external and internal difficult to discern. In an instant his flesh bursts, ruptured by blood instructed to reform him as a man...a form he had almost forgotten,  so long has it been, that it holds many feral traits when he wears it. "This is a gross dereliction of duty first lieutenant Reangis...bargaining with a terrorist is NOT policy. "  Could it be possible he swapped rails just like that?  it seems so.<br> <br>Layana still tolaly unsure on whats happening finds away into a near by building. she then gets to the 5th floor were she looks out over street where she had just been. she then finds an window and gets ready to pounce<br> <br>Angus following Angel back to Smokie he smiles down at the scrawny yote. "Could you hold this for me?" He asked, placing his weapon into her hand before he turned back to Cerris. Walking back up to the him he chuckled, actually wrapping his arm around the big guy. "Let me tell you a little secert Cerris." He commented, his hand going up to play at the latch of his collar as he leans in to whisper.<br> <br>Smokie tried to hold the hammer, but damn!  That was heavy!  The head fell to the ground immediately, and soon did the handle.  She stood, looking between the coyote, and the Marine, and her Coyote.  What was this?  Planned?  All orchestrated?  "What in the mythic dog-fucking, crossdressing Coyote's name is this?" She demands, slinging her rifle.  She steps forward a little, then peers at Cerris.  Her half-ear twitches, as she feels, suddenly, very away of the faded and blooded jacket she's wearing, still with rank and insignia attached that was obviously never her's.  "Terrorist?  Who do you think you're fucking talking to?"  Her voice, rough and deep, but feminine, has a very slight tang of western accent to it.<br> <br>Angelily looks back to Cerris with her one brown, one red eye that is till Angel pushes her way to the forefront of the woman's split mind, "Terrorist? Terrorist!? As far as I can tell, Sir, there is nothing but US citisins standing, who you, to have that uniform on, swore to protect, or did you forget raising your hand, Sir." Both of those sirs drip with sarcasum. "Last I checked, the flag still stood for the land of the free, and solders like us were to protect everyone, regardless, and if they have commited crimes, to bring them before the proper people for sentancing. Right now, I'm guessing that would the the authorties in New Dawn or in Zypher. Not yourself, Sir." She then looks over to Smokie, "What this is is me doing the trials that were put forth on Angus, to prove I'm a proper 'yote, not some pretender, I assume, by presenting the target, in the form required, that I've passed." She finally catches wind of Layana and looks over to her, shouting, "It is Ok! No one will hurt you, or the marine here," then turning to Smokie and Angus, "right?"<br> <br>Cerris growls, one heavily clawed, espicialy for a humn, hand drops down to palm Angus' head, talons likely biting into his scalp as the beast-soldier listens, his hand eventually coming away to toy with the collar around his own neck.  His only other reaction is to reach his other hand forward to grasp Smokie's jacket by both lapells and clench it closed before hoisting the sllender creature with ease as his grip twists to tighten the garment into a harness.  "what this is is me deciding wether or not you smel like pussy I know  or just pussy I'm planning to stretch the fuck out!"  But then he pauses, a tingle of recognition nagging his skin, his thoughts and his senses...  "Yeah I know you...ugh...cant remember it straight...Where is Layana?  So help you all if you had her snatched...none of you are far enough away to escape me.." The threat is half hearted though, in this form, his beastial fury is greatly muted and the proximity of Smokie was greatly messing with his emotional state.  So he turns on Lily instead, finding easy footing for his mental traction.  " The one you pass tests for is the servant of a creature that has made subversive attacks on the military since the begining of this nano plague.  You have blindly thrown your hand in with those that are pissing on the flag!  I raised my hand twice like any other soldier and I haven't lowered iit since, can you say the same as you stand there 'proving yourself'?"  Righteousness swells within him and with it so does his stature change, growing larger and more robust as if he were fueled by his own patriotic zeal.  "Enough of this...Angus, you will get a single chance to prove your words...the rest of you, you can flee my sight or you can stand and  fight...any other option is very unlikely to fly far."<br> <br>Layana layana jumps out of the window and gildes down next to cerris and the others. "what are you bikkering about?" "who realy cares about the milatry these day no offence cerris.". as somone who got caught up with this on holiday i do not know how the US worked nor do i care that much about how it did.  but i  have no infomation about this and there no taxi drivers around to tell me about what you have in your shed so please explane.<br> <br>"unfortunately Cerris, they are both here with me. So I'll make this plain and simple, touch one hair, leave one scratch, threaten them again and this deal is off and I will sure as hell give you a reason to hate me." Angus growled back softly. "And put Smokie down. Now." Grinning softly at the homicidal, that he just threatened for the second time, he walked back over to Angelily. "You want your proof fine, here is your proof." Reaching back up to his neck he unclips his collar, and throws it at his feet. "Is that proof enough for ya?"<br> <br>Smokie stares in shock as the collar clatters to the ground.  Her eyes wide, they slowly turn to rage, and her claws dig against Cerris' thick skin.  SHe mostly ignored all that patriotic dribble.  There was no US anymore.  As far as she was concerned, she was the only beacon of true self-sovereignty.  The freedom to choose your own life, your own body, your own gods, free of everything but your own inhibitions.  She was Coyote, dog damnit!  And there was Angus, throwing down the collar her lover had put onto him, his symbol of his trials...  And she loved him every bit, as he proved his craftiness, his loyalty, and his individuality, by daring to resist.  That was a true trial from Coyote himself that she couldn't think up on the best of days!  But now, she had more pressing business.  "Cerris, you motherfucker, put me down!  Who the fuck is this coyote?  What're you trying to prove?"  She turns to Angelily, while suspended in the air, and points a clawed paw at her.  "And how do you know about my cult?"<br> <br>Looking at Cerris, Angel first tries the higher road, "You companion is unharmed Sir, and, as you can probably tell from that 'yote's outburst, I'm not exactly in with their lot. Now, please calm yourself, Sir, or if it helps, I can make you something more docile." Her only intention now to help Cerris calm and to prove she was more here to help then anything, "And, Smokie was it? I'm here to prove myself Coyote, one of The People. I was sent by Coyote to spread his will, probably much like you are." She leans up to Cerris' ear, taking a chance to whisper very carefully to him, "Now, I'd like to know more of your pack, your cult, so, if you would please put the marine down, I'd like to talk, and he and his companion can go along their marry way. yes?" She says nodding to Angus and Cerris, hoping the message is recieved.<br> <br>Cerris debates the merit of shifting his form and spilling blood, giving Angus' challenge/threat little more response than a snarl.  But Smokie's name, now that he pays attention too, his feral slitted yellow-gold gaze shifting to the coyote in his grip with an almost grin.  "The bitch of them all...what, no wagging tail and face lick for me now?  Humph...the look, it suits you...except this jacket...no telling the soldier you took it from no longer needs it, yet...it cannot remain as is."  With a jerk he rips the name, then the rank and insignia off the jacket and tucks them away for later.  His attention only returning to Angus when the collar hits the ground.  Wasn't that thing supposed to explode or torture him or something?  Huh.  It is then time to look Smokie over again...it took everything he had to hurt this coyote once before, he doubted he had the rage to do it a second time, so he simply opens his grip on the jacket...saying only "You should meet your god-daughter..."  He turns on Lily then, looming over her as he says a single thing.  "Youv'e grabbed the bull by the nose once, keep gambling and you'll get the horns.  Angus.  You and this ape have earned a chat and cease fire...but all this not killing you has made me hungry and since I cant eat Smokie right now, I'll have to go find something more suitable.  Layana...I'll explain this later...but a blowjob is sounding like a good idea about now...say...do you know how to hum?"<br> <br>Layana says " no not now there to much aggro around here". but i do think some fihgting would be good she smiles baring her fangs, but then what it be worth? she then turns  around  deside what you want to do to the puupy i might join you but anyway. she then walks the shadows watching.<br> <br>Smokie would not be going anywhere after Cerris dropped her, because Angus was there to catch her. Staring down at her he grinned slightly. "It's okay Smokie, she is with me." He commented lightly, making sure she couldn't slip out of his grip he turns to Angelily. "I would like you to meet Angelily, She is the one that removed my collar. At Coyote's asking." His ears twitched as Cerris threatens him again and he turns to smile at his departing form. "Gambling is what I do Cerris, and next time it won't be the nose. It will be the balls."<br> <br>The Coyote, caught, looks up at Angus haughtily, as she struggles a bit to right herself.  She sneers back up at Cerris for a bit, such fierce defiance on her muzzle, defused by the look of longing and adoration in her eyes, that familiar flash of the happy face and wagging, hanging tail from his memory, just in her eyes.  She puts an elbow to Angus's ribs, just to punctuate her point.  She's the damn alpha, she doesn't need to be held.  Smokie looks over to Angel, with a bit of a frown, and looks her over.  "So you're trying to show me up, huh?  Trying to predict what I'll do?"  She sniffed, her eyes, with knitting brows, rolling in their sockets.  "You talk pretty highly, about being Coyote's child, but just making my second squeal about the cult by stroking his cock and squeezing his knot isn't going to impress me."  SHe pauses long.  "Though, this was well-orchestrated, I'll give you that."

Revision as of 06:12, 29 March 2013





Hiding between buildings, exactly where she told the fellow 'yote she would be, Angelily paces back and forth, on all fours, though stays hidden. She wonders where Angus could be. Angel knows that Cerris was often in the Zypher Lobby, and was ready to walk here now, but wanted a bit more information first, and to know that Angus was indeed bringing at least one of Smokie or Redd. It would be pointless to do this without one of them here, and she doubted she could make Cerris stay a roadrunner long enough to track them down afterward.

Cerris is for his part not in the Z-building at all, having tracked down a new friend of his, literally having sniffed up under her tail while she was enjoying the sunset and then on a whim a quick bite and he infects her with a new strain of nanites via his venom, pleased to see the form she changes to, thiking perhaps he might mentally enjoy the idea of pretending she is a different coyote as he has his way with her willing form. "Surprise surprise my little doll."

layana is still confused after being bitten by cerris. looking around she is getting used to the idea of fur and even hair after being scaly for so long. she then decides that she will follow cerris

Angus was definitly going to be here, and brought Smokie. He whistled lightly as a hand was in his pocket, as his other was making sure his hammer didn't fall of his shoulder. "Hey Smokie you coming?" He asked, turning around to look her way as his tail wagged lightly, and he stood near exactly were Angel was hiding so that she could hear him.

The female Coyote, unaware of the plot underway, followed at a safe distance. She was standing upright, on two legs, though she was shorter and thinner than Angus. In her baggy clothes, she looked even thinner than normal. Her long skirt was hemmed just above her paws, her baggy green army jacket hanging past her untucked blouse 'neith it. One of her paws held the dirty old sling of her rusty service rifle, that looked too big for her.

Angelily sniffs the air and smells Angus, she murmers to herself, not really saying anything, but instead waits a moment to see the reactions that will be had before coming out herself. She had a plan, act injured, come out and limp toward Cerris, transform them, and present them to the head 'yote. She only had to wait for the right time. She stays hidden, but keeps and ear.. and nose out for anything that might go on.

Cerris's many heads keep up their rotating watch, switching between speaking, listening and nuzzling Layana as his massive eight limbed bulk looms over her like a protective and possessive alpha. "It's okay, just a little love bite...you'll get used to the change soon enough...things are always changing, but your devotion to me...that...that i will make certain endures...by any means required."

Layana nips cerris and say "i guess i will get used to it". she then gets up and looks at the others not entirly sure whats going on.

Angus stiffened, and his ears twitched as a familiar voice reached his ears. He knew about the plan but it didn't make it any easier as he turned to face Cerris, and the curious girl who was with him. "Cerris is that you? I almost didn't recognize you...what with you sounding sane and all." He says, throwing a hook out already and wondering if he will take the bait.

The coyote pauses midstep. Cerris? ...Cerris! She blinks away her look of disbelief as she presses against the wall to try and look around Angus. ...Cerris! She pads forward quickly, the only noise she makes is the scattering of claws on unkept, cracked and dirty cement. Cerris! But she says nothing, only staring over Angus's shoulder.

Angelily decides to take a chance. Letting her more feral half take charge, Angel takes a back seat, as Lily walks them out of thier hiding place, first, biting her own paw enough to make it bleed, enough to make as real as possible. Limping out and whimpering, Lily looks first to Angus, then over to Cerris, she isn't quiet sure which one she is ment to be targeting, but, makes a guess, the large creature is the one they seem to be talking to, so she starts limping over to him, whimpering and whining trying to get closer to her target without raising suspisions.

Cerris spots Angus as he steps out of the shadows, each head that does so frowning and locking in and refusing to look away, though a few retain their attention upon Layana. "Oh look...the mouthy one...I thought I granted you a pardon and stay of execution...were you not satisfied? Perhaps castration is more your flavor?" Then comes the wounded bird...pup? Whatever, the scent of blood coming from her invigorates him, his hackles raising and tail lashing with a sort of eagerness that slightly clouds his thoughts, the rest only Lyana would be aware of as abruptly something, several of them at that poke wetly against her rump as the idea of harming Angus and the scent of blood mix in his system.

Layana looks up at cerris, a smile on her face. she then licks cerris on one of his noses, still confused about the transformation she contomplates a recursion but looking at all cyotes around she thinks she might as well give them a show.

Angus flashes that famous coyote grin as Cerris threatens him. "Nah, my flavor ususally doesn't come with a side of Identity issues. Might favorite flavor is cookie dough." He comments back, placing the head of his hammer on the ground as he leaned onto it. He stared at Cerris's form, eyeing him up and down, and chuckled. "Why is it, that every time I run in to you. You look like a reject from the Frankenstien look-a-like club? I mean honestly man, what is your motive for looking that way?"

Smokie lets her arms slip around Angus from behind, as she peaks her muzzle over her shoulder. She's holding him from behind as he trashtalks the hydra. Is that really Cerris? She hadn't seen or smelled him in a long time. It must be, but she still looks hard through narrowed eyes. After holding Angus for a moment, she steps out from beside him, smaller and slighter than him. She unslings her rifle and sets the butt of it on the floor. Holding the muzzle of the full-length rifle, it comes up to the bottom of her ribcage, where on a normal-sized being it would come up to their waist. Her stance is strong, paws spread. She's quiet. The only thing about her that Cerris might recognize is her missing half-ear.

Taking advantage of Cerris' distracted state, Lily moves a bit faster to him, cursing that Angel thought using sympathy was a good way to get near him. 'Yotes don't need sympathy, just a well laid plan and a good bit of bait. With her wounded paw though, she isn't as effective moving over to Cerris, but takes the extra time to say in her head a dedication to The Great Trickster, thanking him for bestowing upon her his might, that she may teach others the errors of their ways, and apologising now that someone who may be an innocent may have to feel Coyote's power to help her along the way. Both eyes near fully red, they glow as she exerts herself to push Coyote's will upon Cerris, the form in mind as she feels the Great One's might flow through her once more, just like back in the cave when she made Angus stay morphic instead of reverting.

Cerris gives a chorus of snarls, his quartet of forepaws gripping the asphalt with force and energy enough that pressure is actually begining to heat the contact points. "Identity crisis? I, a man...beastial as I may appear. Have been forced to be the mother and father of a little girl. I have played both parental roles, victim, pursuer and target in the games you coyotes play. But if we must mince semantics...then let it be SO. Let us abandon one role for another, let us be confused, let us be unstable! We will rip you to shreds...we will make you one with your flavor by pounding you into dough, you will asphyxiate on your own intestines as a violate your distended colon...perhaps as I use it as agagring to make certain you swallow. But I owe you no more kindnesses, so you WILL live so that I may wake you with the dawn, slathering acid on a hydra cock as lube to thrust into you anew and each sunset I shall put you to sleep choking on a dozen cocks being used to powder your jaw and clog your throat. Which of these vermin with you do you declare your messenger, for that one shall I leave intact to run and tell your master...the other shall serve to lick cleanse the mess of your body from my shafts after I'm done pistoning your husk. Now, you have acquired my rage, is it all you hoped it would be?" Flames lick at the jaws that remain closed, something within the beast raging to be unleashed, but then he pauses, for all his rage, he feels it, the sneak attack coming, that tingling in his flesh as his nanite rebel and rather than lash out at Lily in spite, he rears up with a titanic roar, using the motion to shove Layana behind him and out of the direct path of any potential attack, which he assumes is what the yote with the rifle is for.

Layana reals wtih shock. looking over her pertenial mating partner backs off. she then shifts back to her natural form. she then trys to find a space to hide

Cerris spits fire and brimstone, promising Angus a faith worse then death. Any sane being would of fleeing the scene by now, or atleast cringing in their boots. Angus was definitly not sane then...as he didn't, even, flinch. "Cute, I almost forgot you were a crossdresser to." He adds, his grin widening as Angelily's plan unfolds. Shouldering his hammer again he walks up to the raging Cerris, his form changing in front of him, and he stands right outside of arms reach.

Smokie does flinch. She steps back, holding the foregrip of her rifle in her offhand. Not at the ready, but just holding it. She steps back a little, her blunt claws scraping the almost overgrown asphalt. She whines as she sees the third coyote come in. Wait. Who is that? SHe's never met that Coyote before. Who the fuck is that? Feral... Nonmorphic. On all fours. Hurt paw. Who is that? She growls. Her mind racing. It might just be someone with the form-- no. Cerris' fearsome body warps. It warps into sometime feathery, smally. She narrows her eyes. That Coyote isn't just a normal one. She picks up her rifle, now levelling it at her hips, pointing it at no one. She looks betwen Angus approaching. A scattered thought, before she steps forward to the side. "What's this?"

Sighing, Lily alerts Angel that the deed is done, and, taking the ill prepared Cerris in her muzzle, walks him over to Smokie, looking up to Angus as she does. She is very very careful not to hurt Cerris, and knows that the test will not be done till he is 'presented' so that is what she does, carefully lays Cerris down in front of Smokie, the only other 'yote around so this must be them. She sits back and speaks for the first time, "We assume that this is the end of the test that Coyote Angus failed, and we also assume that this poor soul is now free to change into whatever he so wishes and leave without further harm." Looking to Cerris, she then says, "We are forever sorry that we did this to you, we knew no other way to prove ourselves. We are sorry if this has caused you any pain, any suffering at all, and will gladly listen to your grevances later." Shimmer a moment, she stands on her hind paws, hips shifting to a bipedel form, "First Liutenant Angelily Reangis, USArmy." She says introducing herself. For a moment, she sniffs at the air, wondering where Cerris' companion could have gone.

Cerris is baffled for a moment, his form unchanged as he looks himself over. "This game again? Fools, you do not have his power to hold me, this is a momentary in convenience. ..but savor it aas you will after this, the taste of bile, semen and brine is all you shall know." Even in this reduced form he is still a monster of deep and pervading infection, wings not meant for flight spread as he considers lashing out with wind or blood but he pauses, when what he heard registers in his fury drunk brain. All those heads, gone now still whispering in his mind make what is external and internal difficult to discern. In an instant his flesh bursts, ruptured by blood instructed to reform him as a man...a form he had almost forgotten, so long has it been, that it holds many feral traits when he wears it. "This is a gross dereliction of duty first lieutenant Reangis...bargaining with a terrorist is NOT policy. " Could it be possible he swapped rails just like that? it seems so.

Layana still tolaly unsure on whats happening finds away into a near by building. she then gets to the 5th floor were she looks out over street where she had just been. she then finds an window and gets ready to pounce

Angus following Angel back to Smokie he smiles down at the scrawny yote. "Could you hold this for me?" He asked, placing his weapon into her hand before he turned back to Cerris. Walking back up to the him he chuckled, actually wrapping his arm around the big guy. "Let me tell you a little secert Cerris." He commented, his hand going up to play at the latch of his collar as he leans in to whisper.

Smokie tried to hold the hammer, but damn! That was heavy! The head fell to the ground immediately, and soon did the handle. She stood, looking between the coyote, and the Marine, and her Coyote. What was this? Planned? All orchestrated? "What in the mythic dog-fucking, crossdressing Coyote's name is this?" She demands, slinging her rifle. She steps forward a little, then peers at Cerris. Her half-ear twitches, as she feels, suddenly, very away of the faded and blooded jacket she's wearing, still with rank and insignia attached that was obviously never her's. "Terrorist? Who do you think you're fucking talking to?" Her voice, rough and deep, but feminine, has a very slight tang of western accent to it.

Angelily looks back to Cerris with her one brown, one red eye that is till Angel pushes her way to the forefront of the woman's split mind, "Terrorist? Terrorist!? As far as I can tell, Sir, there is nothing but US citisins standing, who you, to have that uniform on, swore to protect, or did you forget raising your hand, Sir." Both of those sirs drip with sarcasum. "Last I checked, the flag still stood for the land of the free, and solders like us were to protect everyone, regardless, and if they have commited crimes, to bring them before the proper people for sentancing. Right now, I'm guessing that would the the authorties in New Dawn or in Zypher. Not yourself, Sir." She then looks over to Smokie, "What this is is me doing the trials that were put forth on Angus, to prove I'm a proper 'yote, not some pretender, I assume, by presenting the target, in the form required, that I've passed." She finally catches wind of Layana and looks over to her, shouting, "It is Ok! No one will hurt you, or the marine here," then turning to Smokie and Angus, "right?"

Cerris growls, one heavily clawed, espicialy for a humn, hand drops down to palm Angus' head, talons likely biting into his scalp as the beast-soldier listens, his hand eventually coming away to toy with the collar around his own neck. His only other reaction is to reach his other hand forward to grasp Smokie's jacket by both lapells and clench it closed before hoisting the sllender creature with ease as his grip twists to tighten the garment into a harness. "what this is is me deciding wether or not you smel like pussy I know or just pussy I'm planning to stretch the fuck out!" But then he pauses, a tingle of recognition nagging his skin, his thoughts and his senses... "Yeah I know you...ugh...cant remember it straight...Where is Layana? So help you all if you had her snatched...none of you are far enough away to escape me.." The threat is half hearted though, in this form, his beastial fury is greatly muted and the proximity of Smokie was greatly messing with his emotional state. So he turns on Lily instead, finding easy footing for his mental traction. " The one you pass tests for is the servant of a creature that has made subversive attacks on the military since the begining of this nano plague. You have blindly thrown your hand in with those that are pissing on the flag! I raised my hand twice like any other soldier and I haven't lowered iit since, can you say the same as you stand there 'proving yourself'?" Righteousness swells within him and with it so does his stature change, growing larger and more robust as if he were fueled by his own patriotic zeal. "Enough of this...Angus, you will get a single chance to prove your words...the rest of you, you can flee my sight or you can stand and fight...any other option is very unlikely to fly far."

Layana layana jumps out of the window and gildes down next to cerris and the others. "what are you bikkering about?" "who realy cares about the milatry these day no offence cerris.". as somone who got caught up with this on holiday i do not know how the US worked nor do i care that much about how it did. but i have no infomation about this and there no taxi drivers around to tell me about what you have in your shed so please explane.

"unfortunately Cerris, they are both here with me. So I'll make this plain and simple, touch one hair, leave one scratch, threaten them again and this deal is off and I will sure as hell give you a reason to hate me." Angus growled back softly. "And put Smokie down. Now." Grinning softly at the homicidal, that he just threatened for the second time, he walked back over to Angelily. "You want your proof fine, here is your proof." Reaching back up to his neck he unclips his collar, and throws it at his feet. "Is that proof enough for ya?"

Smokie stares in shock as the collar clatters to the ground. Her eyes wide, they slowly turn to rage, and her claws dig against Cerris' thick skin. SHe mostly ignored all that patriotic dribble. There was no US anymore. As far as she was concerned, she was the only beacon of true self-sovereignty. The freedom to choose your own life, your own body, your own gods, free of everything but your own inhibitions. She was Coyote, dog damnit! And there was Angus, throwing down the collar her lover had put onto him, his symbol of his trials... And she loved him every bit, as he proved his craftiness, his loyalty, and his individuality, by daring to resist. That was a true trial from Coyote himself that she couldn't think up on the best of days! But now, she had more pressing business. "Cerris, you motherfucker, put me down! Who the fuck is this coyote? What're you trying to prove?" She turns to Angelily, while suspended in the air, and points a clawed paw at her. "And how do you know about my cult?"

Looking at Cerris, Angel first tries the higher road, "You companion is unharmed Sir, and, as you can probably tell from that 'yote's outburst, I'm not exactly in with their lot. Now, please calm yourself, Sir, or if it helps, I can make you something more docile." Her only intention now to help Cerris calm and to prove she was more here to help then anything, "And, Smokie was it? I'm here to prove myself Coyote, one of The People. I was sent by Coyote to spread his will, probably much like you are." She leans up to Cerris' ear, taking a chance to whisper very carefully to him, "Now, I'd like to know more of your pack, your cult, so, if you would please put the marine down, I'd like to talk, and he and his companion can go along their marry way. yes?" She says nodding to Angus and Cerris, hoping the message is recieved.

Cerris debates the merit of shifting his form and spilling blood, giving Angus' challenge/threat little more response than a snarl. But Smokie's name, now that he pays attention too, his feral slitted yellow-gold gaze shifting to the coyote in his grip with an almost grin. "The bitch of them all...what, no wagging tail and face lick for me now? Humph...the look, it suits you...except this jacket...no telling the soldier you took it from no longer needs it, yet...it cannot remain as is." With a jerk he rips the name, then the rank and insignia off the jacket and tucks them away for later. His attention only returning to Angus when the collar hits the ground. Wasn't that thing supposed to explode or torture him or something? Huh. It is then time to look Smokie over again...it took everything he had to hurt this coyote once before, he doubted he had the rage to do it a second time, so he simply opens his grip on the jacket...saying only "You should meet your god-daughter..." He turns on Lily then, looming over her as he says a single thing. "Youv'e grabbed the bull by the nose once, keep gambling and you'll get the horns. Angus. You and this ape have earned a chat and cease fire...but all this not killing you has made me hungry and since I cant eat Smokie right now, I'll have to go find something more suitable. Layana...I'll explain this later...but a blowjob is sounding like a good idea about now...say...do you know how to hum?"

Layana says " no not now there to much aggro around here". but i do think some fihgting would be good she smiles baring her fangs, but then what it be worth? she then turns around deside what you want to do to the puupy i might join you but anyway. she then walks the shadows watching.

Smokie would not be going anywhere after Cerris dropped her, because Angus was there to catch her. Staring down at her he grinned slightly. "It's okay Smokie, she is with me." He commented lightly, making sure she couldn't slip out of his grip he turns to Angelily. "I would like you to meet Angelily, She is the one that removed my collar. At Coyote's asking." His ears twitched as Cerris threatens him again and he turns to smile at his departing form. "Gambling is what I do Cerris, and next time it won't be the nose. It will be the balls."

The Coyote, caught, looks up at Angus haughtily, as she struggles a bit to right herself. She sneers back up at Cerris for a bit, such fierce defiance on her muzzle, defused by the look of longing and adoration in her eyes, that familiar flash of the happy face and wagging, hanging tail from his memory, just in her eyes. She puts an elbow to Angus's ribs, just to punctuate her point. She's the damn alpha, she doesn't need to be held. Smokie looks over to Angel, with a bit of a frown, and looks her over. "So you're trying to show me up, huh? Trying to predict what I'll do?" She sniffed, her eyes, with knitting brows, rolling in their sockets. "You talk pretty highly, about being Coyote's child, but just making my second squeal about the cult by stroking his cock and squeezing his knot isn't going to impress me." SHe pauses long. "Though, this was well-orchestrated, I'll give you that."