Water Hydra

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Water Hydra

Powers FSMonsterStub.png Organ Sizes
Arms: Triple Threat Height: 6 100% :Mass
Tail: - Breasts: 0 0 :Breast Size
Groin: - Clits: 1 4 :Clit Length
Head: Bleeding Bite Cocks: 1 14 :Cock Length
Legs: Crushing Coils, Water Adaptation Balls: 2 8 :Ball Size
Skin: Scaled Hide Cunts: 1 14 :Cunt Length
Torso: Juggernaut Gender: Herm SayVerb: choruses
Flags: Mythical, Reptile, Serpentine Supports: Supports Arm Divider
Description: A scaly, multi-headed predator.

The Water Hydra's body is covered in thin, green-scaled hide. His head is not one but two full snakelike heads, each with their own long neck and pair of lidless eyes. His body is long and flexible, almost capable of giving hugs all on its own. His arms are snakelike and end in two heads whose eyes look around independently. These heads provide no pragmatic hurdles, easily capable of grasping things with their nimble sets of lips. His rump is just a smooth, green-scaled curve that conceals the presence of any and all hips. His heavy tail trails off twice as long as Water Hydra Beta is tall, coiling into a snakeish pile whenever he holds still. A slit conceals his shaft until it is needed, balls merely a bulge beneath that.