User talk:Anden

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 01:06, 11 July 2013 by Anden (talk | contribs)
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Suggestion for a gay sex recipient item: Item would allow the fuck command to "succeed", i.e., return a confirmation message. Item is intended to allow a male/herm character to provide 'evidence' that they were on the receiving end.

Current message is in the form: <Fuck> X breeds with Y! <Fuck> They don't have any compatible genitals.

It would be nice to see something like this: <Fuck> X breeds with Y! X slides their [horrifically oversized/large, stretching,/slightly small] member into Y's [large/relaxed/tight] ass and floods them with cum.

Also, it would be nice to see something equivalent to the hetero sex message: <Breeding> You catch a peek of Y's thighs and notice thin rivers of pearly white fluids.


Proposed identifier for fprompt:


A. Identifier: Friendly. Friendly pet. Enemy. Enemy pet. (A through D?)

B. Danger level: Equivalent to relative level (use 0 through 9?)

CD. Effect: None, perplexing, front & centre, starving... (00 through 99? Possibly more meaningful codes like NO, PE, FC, ST?)


1. Bouncy Half-Husky <5529/5554 hp - 100/98 en>     C2BO
Anwen                <4343/4343 hp - 103/102 en>    A8NO