
From Flexible Survival
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For anyone who wishes to use TinTin++ here are a few handy Flexible Survival scripts and accompanying python scripts which you can use (or cut and paste out of) that I've written and refined over the past few years.

The commands that follow should be copied into their own files in a folder of your choosing. My scripts are in a folder called tt in my home directory. I then use tmux to split my window into four sections: Top left is input and everything coming from the mud. Top right is all players, pets, enemies and enemy pet health (updated by parsing fprompt). Bottom left is all chat-related stuff. Bottom right is powers used (with damage), XP collected, tokens and salvage gathered, daily mission completion status and other misc battle-related stuff.

Here's what it looks like when it's running:

I have a bash script (anwen_mud.sh) that starts tmux and configures the four sections:

cd ~/tt

tmux -2 new-session -d -s 'mud'

tmux new-window -t 'mud':1 -n 'mud'
tmux split-window -h -p 26
tmux select-pane -t 0
tmux send-keys "tt++ anwen_start" C-m
tmux select-pane -t 1
tmux send-keys "tail -f anwen_hp 2>/dev/null" C-m
tmux select-pane -t 0
tmux split-window -v
tmux send-keys "tail -f anwen_chatlog" C-m
tmux select-pane -t 2
tmux split-window -v
tmux send-keys "tail -f anwen_stats" C-m
tmux select-pane -t 0
tmux -2 attach-session -t 'mud'

Generic connection script, note that this is linux based so the log file location needs to be changed if you're using WinTin in linux I save it with the name 'charname_start':

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {Python stuff}
#nop {==================================================================}
#run py python
#py import fs_python as fs

#py fs.config.player = "CHARNAME"
#py print(fs.config.player)
#py fs.read_vars()
#py import time

#action {tintin (%1) %2} {#%1 %2}

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {End of python stuff}
#nop {==================================================================}

#alias {start_fs} {#session fs flexiblesurvival.com 2000}


#act {Welcome to Flexible Survival:}
    #unticker {reconnect};
    #send connect CHARNAME YOUR PASSWORD;
    #var connected 1;
    #read anwen_scripts

Next are those functions and values unique to my characters that override those in the scripts_all file that follows this one.

#var playername Anwen
#highlight {Anwen} {light magenta}
#highlight {anwen} {light magenta}

#var hp_log anwen_hp
#var stats_log anwen_stats
#var chat_log anwen_chatlog

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {Here we setup default variable values}
#nop {==================================================================}
#var messages 1
#var boton 0
#var bat 0
#var continue 0
#var ambushed 0
#var party_invite_status 1
#var party_invite_status_text Trusted
#var hptop 90
#var entop 90
#var submit 15
#var beeps 0
#var daily_status 0
#var current_location None
#var fallen 0
#var targeting 0
#var target_mode 0
#var enemy_list None
#var player_list None
#var down None
#var once_command nop
#var bound 0
#var load 0
#var completion
#var reward_lvl
#var alu_ic 0

#alias {^dailys %5} {
    #send ooc Anwen !daily %5;
    #send ooc Hope !daily %5;
    #send ooc Aluthal !mission %5;
    #send ooc Skade !daily %5

#alias {^pets} {use bump;use grind;use Totemic deer}
#alias {^buff} {#send ooc Aluthal !buff}

#nop Read in scripts_all first then overwrite standard functions with those that follow.
#read scripts_all

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {Redirects to chat_log}
#nop {==================================================================}
#act {^[{The Red Court|the red court}] %5$} {
    #line log {$chat_log}
} {2}

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {sexytimes triggers}
#nop {==================================================================}

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {misc game and partying triggers}
#nop {==================================================================}

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {battle and ooc game triggers}
#nop {==================================================================}

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {fighty time triggers}
#nop {==================================================================}

#act {^Aluthal goes [IC] In-Character.} {#var alu_ic 1}

#act {^<Random Encounter> $playername is ambushed!} {
    #showme AMBUSHED;
    #var ambushed 1;
    #showme BATTLE STARTED;
    #var bat 1;
    #var alu_ic 0;
    #delay {ambushed} {#var ambushed 0} {60};
    #py fs.battle_timer("started")

#act {^<%6/%7 hp %10 /%11 m 0 /0 mv} {
    #var hpnow %6; #var hpmax %7;
    #var ennow %10; #var enmax %11;
    #math {hpper} {($hpnow/$hpmax) * 100.00};
    #math {enper} {($ennow/$enmax) * 100.00};
    #if {$boton == 1} {
        #if {$bat == 0} {
            #nop {#showme {NOT IN BATTLE}};
            #if {$hpper >= $hptop && $enper >= $entop && $ambushed == 0 && $alu_ic == 1} {
                #undelay {search_time};
                #delay {search_time} {#send search} {10}
            #else {
                #undelay {waiting};
                #delay {waiting} {#send mprompt} {10}
        #else {
            #if {$hpper <= $submit} {
                #var alu_ic 1;
                #send submit $targeting
    #format hitpoints {%cHP %d/%d%c} {light green} {$hpnow} {$hpmax} {white};
    #format energypoints {%cEN %d/%d%c} {light blue} {$ennow} {$enmax} {white};
    #if {$hpper < 100 || $enper < 100} {
        #showme STATUS: $hitpoints $energypoints $hpper $enper

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {Dump battle damage to stats_log.}
#nop {==================================================================}

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {grab player stats from fprompt for logging.}
#nop {==================================================================}

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {Auto targeting}
#nop {==================================================================}

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {Status stuff}
#nop {==================================================================}

Last is a series of aliases, actions and other functions that are common to all of my characters:

#config {packet patch} {0.5};    #nop {Fixes rendering issues}
#message variable off

#gag nop
#TICKER {keepalive} {#send nop; time; #send mprompt} {60}

#send {pose #prepend <ic>}
#send {spoof #show}
#send {tick on}
#send {botmode off}
#format {bot_status} {%cBOT%c} {light green} {white}

#alias {^fp} {#send look}
#alias {^moff} {#var messages 0}
#alias {^mon} {#var messages 1}
#alias {^once %5} {#var once_command %5}
#alias {^gt %1} {#showme gothere %1}
#alias {^back} {#var bound 1; #py fs.edit_descrip("home")}
#alias {^tied} {#var bound 1; #py fs.edit_descrip("tied")}
#alias {^away} {#var bound 0; #py fs.edit_descrip("away")}
#alias {^fucked} {#py fs.secret($playername, "all")}
#alias {^add %5} {#py fs.party_list("add", "%5")}
#alias {^del %5} {#py fs.party_list("del", "%5")}
#alias {^party_check} {#py fs.party_list("check", "None")}
#alias {^daily?} {#py fs.daily_timer(); #var completion {}; #var reward_lvl {}}
#alias {^stat on} {#ticker {stats} {#send mprompt} {10}}
#alias {^stat off} {#unticker {stats}}
#alias {^pyes} {#var party_invite_status 2; #var party_invite_status_text Open}
#alias {^pno} {#var party_invite_status 0; #var party_invite_status_text Closed}
#alias {^ptrust} {#var party_invite_status 1; ; #var party_invite_status_text Trusted}
#alias {^beeps} {#var beeps 1}
#alias {^quiet} {#var beeps 0}
#alias {^pmentor %5} {partymentor %5}
#alias {^diff %5} {#send web #difficultyLevel %5}
#alias {^pher %5} {#send web #difficultyQuantity %5}
#alias {^danger} {ooc $playername !danger}
#alias {^up} {#var fallen 0;#var down None}
#alias {^boton} {#send ooc $playername !bot on}
#alias {^botoff} {
    #if {$bat == 1} {
        #send once ooc $playername !bot off
    #else {
        once ooc $playername !bot off
#alias {^botoff} {
    #if {$bat == 1} {
        once ooc $playername !bot off
    #else {
        #send ooc $playername !bot off
#alias {time}
    #format clock {%c%t} {light green} {%T};
    #showme {$clock}

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {Redirects to chat_log}
#nop {==================================================================}
#act {^[{Auction|Bile|Bitch|Lfg|Links|Naughty|Newbie|Pickup|Public|Rp|Science|Tg|Update}] %5$} {
    #line log {$chat_log}
} {2}
#act {^<Give> %4 gives %5 to you.} {
    #format {give} {%c%t %c<%cGIFT%c> %c%s gave %s.} {white} {%T} {yellow} {cyan} {yellow} {white} {%4} {%5};
    #line log {$chat_log} {$give}
} {6}
#nop {#act {^[%2$} {#line log {$chat_log}} {2} }

#act {^<ic> %2$} {#format {ic} {%c%t %c<%cIC%c> %c%s} {white} {%T} {yellow} {cyan} {yellow} {white} {%2}; #line log {$chat_log} {$ic}}
#act {^<OOC> %2$} {#format {ooc} {%c%t %c<%cOOC%c> %c%s} {light green} {%T} {yellow} {cyan} {yellow} {white} {%2}; #line log {$chat_log} {$ooc}}
#act {^[%5(#%6)]: %2$} {#format {spoof} {%c%t %c<%cSP%c> %c%s} {white} {%T} {yellow} {cyan} {yellow} {white} {%2}; #line log {$chat_log} {$spoof}}

#act {^You %, %2$} {#format {say} {%c%t %c<%cYS%c> %c%s} {light green} {%T} {yellow} {cyan} {yellow} {white} {%2}; #line log {$chat_log} {$say}} {6}
#act {^You page, %2$} {#format {yp} {%c%t %c<<%cYP%c>> %c%s} {light green} {%T} {yellow} {cyan} {yellow} {white} {%2}; #line log {$chat_log} {$yp}} {5}
#act {^In a page-pose to $playername, %2$} {#format {pp} {%c%t %cIn a page-pose to you,%c %c%s} {light green} {%T} {yellow} {cyan} {white} {%2}; #line log {$chat_log} {$pp}}
#act {^%4 gives %5 to $playername.} {
    #format {give} {%c%t %c<%cGIFT%c> %c%s %s} {light green} {%T} {yellow} {cyan} {yellow} {white} {%4} {%5};
    #line log {$chat_log} {$give}
#act {^In a page-pose to you, %5 %6} {
    #format {ppose} {%c%t %cP-P %c%s} {light green} {%T} {cyan} {white} {%0};
    #nop {#format {ppose} {%c%t %cP-P %c%s %c%s} {light green} {%T} {cyan} {yellow} {%5} {white} {%6} };
    #showme {\a\};
    #line log {$chat_log} {$ppose}
#act {^In a page-pose to you and %5, %6 %7} {
    #format {ppose} {%c%t %cP-P %c%s} {light green} {%T} {cyan} {white} {%0};
    #nop {#format {ppose} {%c%t %cP-P %c(%s) - %c%s %c%s} {light green} {%T} {cyan} {yellow} {%5} {light blue} {%6} {white} {%7} };
    #showme {\a\};
    #line log {$chat_log} {$ppose}
#act {^In a page-pose to %5 and you, %6 %7} {
    #format {ppose} {%c%t %cP-P %c%s} {light green} {%T} {cyan} {white} {%0};
    #showme {\a\};
    #line log {$chat_log} {$ppose}
#act {^%5 pages, %2 to you.} {
    #nop {#py fs.battle_trigger("%5", %2);};
    #format {page} {%c%t %c%5 %cpages,%c %c%s} {white} {%T} {yellow} {cyan} {yellow} {white} {%2};
    #showme {\a\};
    #line log {$chat_log} {$page}
#act {%5 pages, "%6" to you and %7.} {
    #format {page} {%c%t %c%s %cpages, %c"%s" to you and %s} {white} {%T} {yellow} {%5} {cyan} {white} {%6} {%7};
    #showme {\a\};
    #line log {$chat_log} {$page}

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {sexytimes triggers}
#nop {==================================================================}
#act {^<Fuck> %5 wants to fuck you. Type fuck %5 to agree.} {
    #var sexy %5;
    #py fs.taken("$sexy", "pussy")
#act {<Fuck> %5 wants oral sex with you. Type fuck %5 mouth to agree.} {
    #var sexy %5;
    #py fs.taken("$sexy", "mouth")
#act {<Fuck> %5 wants an ass fuck with you. Type fuck %5 ass to agree.} {
    #var sexy %5;
    #py fs.taken("$sexy", "ass")
#act {^<OOC> %5 says, "!check"} {#py fs.secret("%5", "%5")}

#act {^<Submit> $playername submits to %5} {
    #py fs.fucked()

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {misc game and partying triggers}
#nop {==================================================================}
#act {Type +reward now!} {+reward}
#act {(You sense a new message at OOC - %1 by Avatar: +REWARD)} {+reward}
#act {You receive a new mission. Clear out opposition at %5!} {#send ooc My daily is: %5; #var daily_status 1}
#act {^gothere %30} {#var place %30; #py fs.gothere("$place")}
#act {You have been invited to join %5's party. Type pjoin %5 to accept and meet them.} {#send pjoin %5}
#act {%5 (Level %6) wishes to join your party. Type pinvite %5 to accept.} {#py fs.party_invite("%5", int("$party_invite_status"))}

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {battle and ooc game triggers}
#nop {==================================================================}
#act {<OOC> %5 says, "!target %4"} {#send ooc Targeting %4; #send target %4}
#act {<OOC> %5 says, "$playername !%.aily %5"}{#send daily %5}
#act {<OOC> %5 says, "$playername !pinvite %6"} {#send pinvite %6}
#act {<OOC> %5 says, "$playername !go %4"} {#var loc %4; #py fs.gothere("$loc")}
#act {<OOC> %5 says, "$playername !auto"} {#send ooc Auto on.; #send auto on}
#act {<OOC> %5 says, "$playername !search"} {#send search}
#act {<OOC> %5 says, "$playername !bot on"} {#send botmode on}
#act {<OOC> %5 says, "$playername !bot off"} {
    #var boton 0; 
    #if {$bat == 1} {
        once botmode off;
        #send AUTO: Understood. Botmode will be switched off when the current battle is completed.
    #else {
        botmode off
#act {<OOC> %5 says, "$playername !danger"} {#send +haz; #send ooc Danger: $danger Pheromone: $pheromone}
#act {<OOC> %5 says, "$playername !leave"} {#send pleave}
#act {<OOC> %5 says, "$playername !home"} {#send home}
#act {<OOC> %5 says, "$playername !help"} {
    #send @paste %5;
    #send For an automatic pinvite use ooc $playername !pinvite;
    #send To get me to leave the party use ooc $playername !leave;
    #send To get me to go home use ooc $playername !home;
    #send To get me to target an enemy use ooc !target X;
    #send To get me to switch auto combat on use ooc $playername !auto;
    #send To get me to search use ooc $playername !search;
    #send To get me to go somewhere use ooc $playername !go DIR where DIR is one of: [n,e,s,w,ne,nw,se,sw,u,d];
    #send Switch on botmode with ooc $playername !bot on;
    #send Switch off botmode with ooc $playername !bot off;
    #send You can verify my currently set danger levels with ooc $playername !danger;
    #send Refresh my daily with ooc !daily [daily location] at the correct location;
    #send .

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {fighty time triggers}
#nop {==================================================================}
#act {DN%5 PH%6 %7} {#var danger %5; #var pheromone %6}
#act {^You have been defeated!} {
    #if {boton == 1} {
        #if {bat == 1} {
            once #send ooc $playername !bot off
        #else {
            #send ooc $playername !bot off
    #var boton 0;
    #var bat 0;
    #showme {\a\}
#act {^<Botmode> Your bot mode is now enabled} {
    #format {bot_status} {%cBOT%c} {light red} {white};
    #var boton 1;
    #var bat 0;
    #send search
#act {^<Botmode> Your bot mode is now disabled} {
    #format {bot_status} {%cBOT%c} {light green} {white};
    #var boton 0;
    #var bat 0;
    #unticker searching
#act {^<Botmode> Botmode is currently on, type botmode off to disable it.} {
    #format {bot_status} {%cBOT%c} {light red} {white};
    #send +haz
    #showme {Safe Area, botmode being switched off};
    #if {$boton == 1} {
        #format {bot_status} {%cBOT%c} {light green} {white};
        #send {ooc $playername !bot off} 
#act {^<Search> $playername searches for trouble.} {#delay {search_notification} {#line log {$stats_log} {Time to search again!}} {60}}
#act {^<Random Encounter> $playername is ambushed!} {
    #showme AMBUSHED;
    #var ambushed 1;
    #showme BATTLE STARTED;
    #var bat 1;
    #delay {ambushed} {#var ambushed 0} {60};
    #py fs.battle_timer("started")
#act {^== ROUND %5 ==} {
    #var bat 1;
    #format {round} {%c== ROUND %5 ==} {white};
    #line log {$stats_log} {$round};
    #send look
#act {^</////// Battle %5! ///////>} {
    #var bat 0;
    #var ambushed 0;
    #py fs.config.feral_list = {};
    #send goic;
    #send $once_command; #var once_command nop;
    #py fs.config.feral_list = {};
    #if {$daily_status == 1} {#send {quest}};
    #line log {$stats_log} {Battle %5!};
    #py fs.battle_timer("finished");
    #send fprompt;
    #send mprompt
#act {^<%6/%7 hp %10 /%11 m 0 /0 mv} {
    #var hpnow %6; #var hpmax %7;
    #var ennow %10; #var enmax %11;
    #math {hpper} {($hpnow/$hpmax) * 100.00};
    #math {enper} {($ennow/$enmax) * 100.00};
    #if {$boton == 1} {
        #if {$bat == 0} {
            #nop {#showme {NOT IN BATTLE}};
            #if {$hpper >= $hptop && $enper >= $entop && $ambushed == 0} {
                #undelay {search_time};
                #delay {search_time} {#send search} {10}
            #else {
                #undelay {waiting};
                #delay {waiting} {#send mprompt} {10}
        #else {
            #if {$hpper <= $submit} {
                #send submit $targeting
    #format hitpoints {%cHP %d/%d%c} {light green} {$hpnow} {$hpmax} {white};
    #format energypoints {%cEN %d/%d%c} {light blue} {$ennow} {$enmax} {white};
    #if {$hpper < $MAX || $enper < $MAX} {
        #showme STATUS: $hitpoints $energypoints $hpper $enper
#act {^Health: %5 -> %6/%7} {
    #var hpnow %5; #var hpmax %6;
    #format hitpoints {%cHP %d/%d%c} {light green} {$hpnow} {$hpmax} {white};
    #send mprompt;
    #showme HEALTH
#act {^Energy: %5 -> %6/%7 --} {
    #var ennow %5; #var enmax %6;
    #format energypoints {%cEN %d/%d%c} {light blue} {$ennow} {$enmax} {white};
    #send mprompt;
    #showme ENERGY
#act {Players: %6} {
    #var player_list %6;
    #py fs.create_player_list("$player_list");
    #send fprompt;
    #send mprompt
#act {^Things: %6} {
    #var ferals %6;
    #py fs.create_feral_list("$ferals");
    #py fs.target_feral(int($target_mode))
#act {^<Summon> Pet: %5 appears at %6. %7 side.} {
    #var targeting %6;
    #send Target $targeting;
    #py fs.config.current_target = int($targeting);
    #py fs.target_feral(int($target_mode))
#act {<Daily Mission> You make progress towards the daily mission(%5).} {
    #var completion %5;
    #if {$messages == 1} {
        #send ooc Mission completion: $completion;
        #send quest
    #if {$beeps == 1} {
        #showme {\a\}
#act {^Your daily mission is in %5: [    %6   ]} {
    #var reward_lvl %6;
    #line log {$stats_log} {Reward lvl: $reward_lvl};
    #if {$daily_reward == "400%"} {
        #send ooc AUTO: 400% reached! Activate speeeeeedmode!;
        #var daily_status 0
#act {<Daily Mission> You have earned a difficulty ratio of %5, this earns you %6 reward tokens!} {
    #line log {$stats_log} {Got %6 tokens from daily mission!};
    #var completion;
    #var reward_lvl
#act {<Daily Mission> You have completed the mission!} {
    #delay {daily_refresh} {#send ooc AUTO: Time to get a new daily!} {64800};
    #var daily_status 0;
    #var daily_complete $clock;
    #py fs.daily_done()
#act {XP Gained: %5  --  Freecred Gained: %6} {
    #format {win} {%cXP: %5 FC: %6} {yellow};
    #line log {$stats_log} {$win}
#act {^Somewhere on the muck, %5 has disconnected.} {#nop} {5}
#act {^%5 has disconnected.} {
    #var boton 0;
    #format {disconnected} {%c%t %c%5 disconnected!%c} {light green} {$clock} {light red} {white};
    #line log {$chat_log} {$disconnected};
    #if {$bat == 1 && $boton == 1} {
        once botmode off; 
        #send {ooc AUTO: %5 has dropped, botmode will be automatically switched off at the end of the battle.}
} {6}
#act {^<Salvage> $playername manages to salvage %5 %6 salvage!} {
    #format {sal} {%cSalvage: %5 %6} {red};
    #line log {$stats_log} {$sal}
#act {^What a find! $playername's keen grasp of the scholarly leads them to find a %5! It's worth %6 Freecreds!} {#line log {$stats_log} {Item: %6FC}}

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {Dump battle damage to stats log.}
#nop {==================================================================}

#act {^<[%5%]$playername><%6> %7 is cured of %8!} {#format {effect} {%c%6 %c%8%c} {magenta} {green} {white}; #line log {$stats_log} {$effect}}
#act {^<[%5%]$playername><%6> %7 affects $playername!} {#format {effect} {%c%6%c} {magenta} {green} {white}; #line log {$stats_log} {$effect}}
#act {^<[%5%]$playername><%6> %7. %8 takes %9 damage!} {#format {effect} {%c%6 %c%9%c} {magenta} {red} {white}; #line log {$stats_log} {$effect}}
#act {^<[%5%]$playername><%6> %7. %8 takes %9 damage! (%10)} {#format {effect} {%c%6 %c%9%c} {magenta} {red} {white}; #line log {$stats_log} {$effect}}
#act {^<[%5%]$playername><%6> %8 takes %9 damage! (%10)} {#format {effect} {%c%6 %c%9%c} {magenta} {red} {white}; #line log {$stats_log} {$effect}}
#act {^<[%5%]$playername><%6> Pet: %7 %8(%9) takes %10 damage!} {#format {effect} {%c%6 %c%10%c} {magenta} {red} {white}; #line log {$stats_log} {$effect}}
#act {^<[%4]%5($playername)><%6> %7. %8 takes %9 damage!} {#format {effect} {%c%5 %c%6 %c%9%c} {magenta} {green} {red} {white}; #line log {$stats_log} {$effect}}
#act {^<%5($playername)><%6> %7 is healed for %8 damage!} {#format {effect} {%c%5 %c%6 %8%c} {magenta} {green} {white}; #line log {$stats_log} {$effect}}
#act {^<$playername><%5> %6 is healed for %7 damage!} {#format {effect} {%c%5 %c%7 %c} {magenta} {light green} {white}; #line log {$stats_log} {$effect}}
#act {^<[%5%]$playername><%6> $playername is led astray by %8. %9 and loses momentum.} {#nop}
#act {^<Vampiric> $playername draws %5 points of regeneration.} #format {effect} {%cVampiric %c%5 %c} {magenta} {light green} {white}; #line log {$stats_log} {$effect}

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {grab player stats from fprompt for logging.}
#nop {==================================================================}

#function {stats_formatting} {
    #nop {input vars: name;hp_now;hp_max;en_now;en_max;name_colour;list_name};
    #math {hp_per} {(%2/%3) * 100.00};
    #math {en_per} {(%4/%5) * 100.00};
    #var hp_col @colourise{$hp_per};
    #var en_col @colourise{$en_per};
    #format stats {%s%.22s %s%s/%s %s%s/%s} {%6} {%1} {$hp_col} {%2} {%3} {$en_col} {%4} {%5};
    #list {%7} {add} {$stats}

#function {colourise} {
    #if {%0 >= 100} {
        #nop {bold cyan};
        #return <168>
    #elseif {%0 > 70} {
        #nop {bold blue};
        #return <148>
    #elseif {%0 > 50} {
        #nop {bold green};
        #return <128>
    #elseif {%0 > 30} {
        #nop {bright yellow};
        #return <138>
    #elseif {%0 > 20} {
        #nop {bold white};
        #return <178>
    #elseif {%0 > 10} {
        #nop {bright red};
        #return <118>
    #else {
        #nop {blink red};
        #return <018>

#nop {Feral pets}
#act {^Pet: %6%s<%7/%8 hp - %9/%10 en>} {
    #format feral_pet_name {Pet: %s} {%6};
    #var stats @stats_formatting{$feral_pet_name;%7;%8;%9;%10;<218>;fpet}
} {5}
#nop {Numbered Ferals}
#act {%5. %6%s<%7/%8 hp - %9/%10 en>} {
    #format feral_name {%s. %s} {%5} {%6};
    #var stats @stats_formatting{$feral_name;%7;%8;%9;%10;<118>;fer}
#nop {Player pets}
#act {%5(%6)%s<%7/%8 hp - %9/%10 en>} {
    #format pet_name {%s(%s)} {%5} {%6};
    #var stats @stats_formatting{$pet_name;%7;%8;%9;%10;<138>;pet}
} {6}
#nop {Primes - they don't have a number so add one.}
#act {Prime %6%s<%7/%8 hp - %9/%10 en>} {
    #var stats @stats_formatting{%6;%7;%8;%9;%10;<118>;fer}
} {5}
#nop {Players}
#act {%6%s<%7/%8 hp - %9/%10 en>} {
    #var stats @stats_formatting{%6;%7;%8;%9;%10;<128>;ply}
} {6}
#act {^<ENDLIST>} {
    #foreach {$fpet[%*]} {temp} {#list {stats_list} {add} {$temp}};
    #foreach {$fer[%*]} {temp} {#list {stats_list} {add} {$temp}};
    #foreach {$pet[%*]} {temp} {#list {stats_list} {add} {$temp}};
    #foreach {$ply[%*]} {temp} {#list {stats_list} {add} {$temp}};

    #list {fpet} {size} {fpet_list_size};
    #list {fer} {size} {fer_list_size};
    #list {pet} {size} {pet_list_size};
    #list {ply} {size} {ply_list_size};
    #format summary {<878>[P:%d p:%d F:%d f:%d] <168>0<148>98<128>76<138>54<178>3<118>2<018>1} {$ply_list_size} {$pet_list_size} {$fer_list_size} {$fpet_list_size};
    #list {stats_list} {add} {$summary};
    #math {line_buffer_size} {30 - $stats_list_size};
    #loop 1 $line_buffer_size blah {#list {stats_list} {insert} {1} { }};
    #foreach {$stats_list[%*]} {temp} {#line log {$hp_log} {$temp}};
    #list {fpet} {clear};
    #list {fer} {clear};
    #list {pet} {clear};
    #list {ply} {clear};
    #list {stats_list} {clear};
    #sys echo " " > '$hp_log'

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {Auto targeting}
#nop {==================================================================}
#act {^<Power> %3. %4 is defeated by %5!} {
    #nop {FERAL};
    #var tgt_no %3; #var tgt_name %4;
    #format {pwr} {%c%3 %c(%5)%c} {red} {cyan} {white};
    #line log {$stats_log} {$pwr};
    #send look;
    #py fs.target_feral(int($target_mode))
} {5}
#act {^<Power> %4(%5) is defeated by %6!} {
    #nop {PET};
    #var tgt_name %4;
    #format {pwr} {%c%4 Pet down!} {cyan};
    #line log {$stats_log} {$pwr}
} {6}
#act {^<Power> Prime %4 is defeated by %5!} {
    #var tgt_name %4;
    #format {pwr} {%c%4 has fallen! (%5)} {light red};
    #line log {$stats_log} {$pwr};
    #py fs.player_down_check("$tgt_name")
#act {^<Power> %4 is defeated by %5!} {
    #nop {PLAYER};
    #var tgt_name %4;
    #format {pwr} {%c%4 has fallen!} {light red};
    #line log {$stats_log} {$pwr};
    #py fs.player_down_check("$tgt_name")
} {8}

#nop {==================================================================}
#nop {Status stuff}
#nop {==================================================================}
#act {--Contents of %6--} {
    #format current_location {%c%s} {white} {%6}
} {1}

#gag {^[Tick] %5}
#act {^[Tick] Avatar  **Global Tick - %5 load**} {
    #format load {%cLD %s%c} {red} {%5} {white}

#function {bar_formatting} {
    #math {hp_per} {(%2/%3) * 100.00};
    #math {en_per} {(%4/%5) * 100.00};
    #var hp_col @colourise{$hp_per};
    #var en_col @colourise{$en_per};
    #format bar_stats {%c%s %s%s/%s %s%s/%s} {%6} {%1} {$hp_col} {%2} {%3} {$en_col} {%4} {%5};
    #return $bar_stats

#prompt {^<%6/%7 hp %10 /%11 m 0 /0 mv} {<100>@bar_formatting{$playername:;%6;%7;%10;%11;light magenta}<178> - $current_location - $load - $party_invite_status_text - $bot_status - $clock $completion $reward_lvl}
#send mprompt
#send +haz

Main python script:

#! /usr/bin/env python

# Remember to double braces - they're used in string comprehension!
import datetime
import cPickle as pickle
import random
import re
import time

import config

ses = "fs"
config.time_check = time.clock()

def read_vars():
    filename = "/home/anwen/tt/fs_vars_{plyr}".format(plyr=config.player.lower())
    f = open(filename, "rb")
    config.party_list, config.next_daily = pickle.load(f)

# write variables to a pickle
def write_vars():
    filename = "/home/anwen/tt/fs_vars_{0}".format(config.player.lower())
        f = open(filename, "wb")
        pickle.dump([config.party_list, config.next_daily], f)
        #print("Data successfully written.")
        #print("Some data not found.")
        f = open(filename, "wb")
        config.party_list = []
        config.last_daily = 0
        pickle.dump([config.party_list, config.next_daily], f)

# =============================================================================
# Battle related functions
# =============================================================================
def create_feral_list(ferals):
    '''Compile a dict of ferals based on the contents of the "Things" list.
    Format is {feral_number: feral_name}
    config.feral_list = {}
    temp_list = ferals.split(",")
    for item in temp_list:
        item = item.strip()
        if "Pet:" in item:
            # Ignore player pets, NPCs or enemy pets.
            if config.debug: print("pet: {0}".format(item))
        elif "(!)" in item:
            # Game NPC's and items
            if config.debug: print("player pet: {0}".format(item))
        elif ". " in item:
            # It's a feral, add it to the dict.
            if config.debug: print("Feral! {0}".format(item))
            ind, name = item.split(". ")  # format is 1. name
            config.feral_list[int(ind)] = name
        elif "Prime" in item:
            #special cases for prime fights.
            name = item[6:]
            config.feral_list["Prime"] = name
        elif "backup" in item:
            name, ind = item.split(" backup ")
            config.feral_list[int(ind)] = name
            print("not sure about this one")

def target_feral(target_mode):
    '''Select a target from the Things list. target_mode 0 broadcasts to all 
    players who react to ooc targeting messages. Target mode 1 is player only.
    # Check that there's something in the list:
    if len(config.feral_list) == 0:
        #print("Nothing in feral_list")
        return None
    # Check if the target feral is still there:
    if config.current_target in config.feral_list.keys():
        #print("Still targeting feral: {0} {1}".format(config.current_target, config.feral_list[config.current_target]))
        return None
    # Determine if the feral is a priority target based on its name:
    for ii in config.feral_list.keys():
        for item in config.feral_priority:
            if item in config.feral_list[ii]:
                config.current_target = ii
                #print("targeting {0} {1}".format(ii, config.feral_list[ii]))
                if target_mode == 1:
                    command = ["#send ooc !target {blarg}.".format(blarg=ii)]
                    command = ["#send target {blarg}. ".format(blarg=ii)]
                output(ses, command)
    # Otherwise just target the lowest numbered feral:
    feral = config.feral_list.keys()[0]
    if feral != config.current_target:
        config.current_target = feral
        if target_mode == 1:
            command = ["#send ooc !target {blarg}.".format(blarg=feral)]
            command = ["#send target {blarg}. ".format(blarg=feral)]
        output(ses, command)

def create_player_list(players):
    temp_list = players.split(",")
    config.player_list = []
    for item in temp_list:
        item = item.split("] ")[1]
        item = item.strip()
        if "[" in item:
            item = item.split("[")[0]
        # Ignore "me" and add other players to list
        if not re.match(config.player, item):

def battle_timer(status):
    if status == "started":
        config.battle_started = datetime.datetime.now()
        a = datetime.datetime.now()
            diff = a - config.battle_started
        except NameError:
            #print("Doesn't look like the battle started!")
        command = ["#showme Battle Duration: {{{0}}}".format(diff)]
        #print("TEST #line log {{stats_{0}}} {1}".format(config.player.lower(), diff))
        output(ses, command)

# =============================================================================
# misc stuff
# =============================================================================
def daily_done():
    '''saves time of completion of last daily'''
    config.next_daily = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(hours=18)
def daily_timer():
    if config.next_daily == 0:
        command = ["#showme No daily data saved!"]
        output(ses, command)
    time_diff = config.next_daily - datetime.datetime.now()
    hours, rem = divmod(time_diff.total_seconds(), 3600)
    mins, secs = divmod(rem, 60)
    #print("Time check: {0}:{1}:{2}".format(hours, mins, secs))
    if time_diff.total_seconds() <= 0:
        command = ["#var next_daily Ready to get next daily mission.", "#showme Go get your daily!"]
        a = "{0}h {1}m {2}s left until daily available.".format(hours, mins, secs)
        command = ["#var next_daily {0}".format(a), "#showme {0}".format(a)]
    output(ses, command)

def edit_descrip(location):
    msgs = config.descriptions[config.player.lower()]

    #delete current description and write new descrip:
    if "home" in location:
        command = msgs["home"]
    elif "away" in location:
        command = msgs["away"]
    output(ses, command)

def gothere(location):
    if location.lower() in ["n","e","s","w","ne","nw","se","sw","u","d"]:
        command = ["#send {loc}".format(loc=location)]
    elif location in config.places:
        command = config.places[location]
        command = ["#showme I don't know how to get there!"]
    output(ses, command)

def party_invite(person, status):
    if status == 2:  # open to invites
        command = ["#send pinvite {per}".format(per=person)]
    elif status == 0:  # closed to invites
        command = ["#send page {per}=AUTOMSG: Sorry, not inviting at present".format(per=person)]
    elif status == 1:  # invite if trusted
        if person in config.party_list:
            command = ["#send pinvite {per}".format(per=person)]
            command = ["#send page {per}=AUTOMSG: Sorry, you are not in my autoinvite list, please wait a few moments.".format(per=person)]
    output(ses, command)

def party_list(task, person):
    a = str(config.party_list)
    if task == "add":
        if person not in config.party_list:
            command = ["#showme {per} added to party list!".format(per=person)]
            command = ["#showme {per} already in the party list! {check}".format(per=person, check=a)]
    elif task == "del" and person in config.party_list:
            command = ["#showme {per} removed from party list!".format(per=person),
                       "#showme {check}".format(check=str(config.party_list))
            command = ["#showme Couldn't find this person. {check}".format(check=a)]
    elif task == "check":
        command = ["#showme {check}".format(check=a)]
        command = ["#showme What? {task}".format(task=task)]
    output(ses, command)

# =============================================================================
# Output to tintin
# =============================================================================

# Take the input commands and pass them to tt++
def output(ses, command):
    for item in command:
        #print("#py tintin ({ses}) #showme Sending: {cmd}".format(ses=ses, cmd=item))
        print("#py tintin ({ses}) {cmd}".format(ses=ses, cmd=item))

config script:

#! /usr/bin/env python
global __DBNAME__

debug = False
hp = 90
en = 90
submit = 10
next_daily = 0
feral_list = {}
current_target = 0
player_list = []
player_stats = []
pets_stats = []
feral_stats = []
feral_pets_stats = []
feral_priority = ['Prime', 'Goo Girl', 'Perplexing', 'Front and Center', 'Regenerator']

places = {"Ice_Caves" : ["#20 e", "#2 s", "#2 e", "#1 s", "#3 e", "#1 n",
                         "#5 e", "n", "e", "n", "e", "n", "e", "n", "e",
                         "n", "e", "n", "e", "n", "1", "e", "e", "#3 n",
                         "e", "b", "n", "d"],

          "Scrublands" : ["#20 e", "s", "#2 e", "s", "#3 e", "n",
                          "#5 e", "n", "e", "n", "e", "n", "e", "n", "e",
                          "n", "e", "n", "e", "n", "1", "s", "sw", "e", "s",
                          "s", "s", "w", "w", "s"],

          "Peaks" : ["w","n","n","n","e","n","n","w"]

anwen_msg = {"home" : ["#send editplayer", "2",
                   ".del 1", ".del 1", ".del 1", ".del 1",
                   ".del 1", ".del 1", ".del 1", ".del 1",
                   "A small ornate bell hangs from a ribbon attached above Anwen's tailbone. It emits an etherial light.",
                   "On close inspection it has the word 'Yes' scribed in it in flowing letters.",
                   "[if [player] is [looker]][line break][player]'s current mutation-strains are:[line break]head: [stat Mutation/head of [player]][line break]torso: [stat Mutation/torso of [player]][line break]arms: [stat Mutation/arms of [player]][line break]legs: [stat Mutation/legs of [player]][line break]skin: [stat Mutation/skin of [player]][line break]ass: [stat Mutation/ass of [player]][line break]groin: [stat Mutation/cock of [player]][end if]",
                   ",end", "q"
            "away" : ["#send editplayer", "2",
                   ".del 1", ".del 1", ".del 1", ".del 1",
                   ".del 1", ".del 1", ".del 1", ".del 1",
                   "Anwen wears a small, black, tight-fitting shirt adorned with The Red Court logo. A pair of tight shorts serve to cover Anwen's modesty.",
                   "A small ornate bell hangs from a ribbon attached above Anwen's tailbone. It emits an etherial light. On close inspection it has the word 'yes' scribed in it in flowing letters.",
                   "Whatever might that mean?",
                   "[if [player] is [looker]][line break][player]'s current mutation-strains are:[line break]head: [stat Mutation/head of [player]][line break]torso: [stat Mutation/torso of [player]][line break]arms: [stat Mutation/arms of [player]][line break]legs: [stat Mutation/legs of [player]][line break]skin: [stat Mutation/skin of [player]][line break]ass: [stat Mutation/ass of [player]][line break]groin: [stat Mutation/cock of [player]][end if]",
                   ",end", "q"]

I hope this is useful and wish you all the best. Your friend, Anwen :3