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<p>The truck in question was a heavily modified offroad van, fitted with wider tires and a monster of an engine, fueled up with what a fraction of what little petrol-based reserves existed. Someone had paid a pretty penny to get this thing up and running! The large vehicle looked like it was suited to transport no more than ten about average-sized people, its paint job relatively well maintained, a typical sandy brown that most offroaders preferred such that the grime is less notable. Some heavy duty and slightly battered guard bars shielded its front, the metal barrier seemingly welded together by various bits of scrap.</p>
<p>The truck in question was a heavily modified offroad van, fitted with wider tires and a monster of an engine, fueled up with what a fraction of what little petrol-based reserves existed. Someone had paid a pretty penny to get this thing up and running! The large vehicle looked like it was suited to transport no more than ten about average-sized people, its paint job relatively well maintained, a typical sandy brown that most offroaders preferred such that the grime is less notable. Some heavy duty and slightly battered guard bars shielded its front, the metal barrier seemingly welded together by various bits of scrap.</p>
<p> The vehicle roars in from the distance, stopping before the gathered party as its back doors swing open. From the driver&#39;s seat, Magnus of all people looks back at the group and yells. &quot;You read the message, folks! No time to dawdle, get in here now!&quot; he&#39;d yell out, then honk the horn twice for emphasis. Looks like whoever doesn&#39;t get on now is getting left behind. &quot;This ain&#39;t a meet the locals an&#39; see the sights, we&#39;re looking to face some big, angry fucking beasts in a half hour or so. Get yourselves ready, there are lives on the line! As much as I wanna join you lot, I&#39;ll be the getaway driver.&quot; he&#39;d instruct while those that were coming got onto the transport.</p></div><div title="Uvi"><p>The lamia rushes towards the vehicle, shielding her face from the rain with her arm. &quot;I get the front seat!&quot;, she says, as she stuffs herself into the vehicle. The redhead girl adds, before slamming the door, &quot;I&#39;ll kill everyone who steps on my tail. This vehicle is big enough. No excuses. Also, hello everybody.&quot; She greets the team with a wide smile.</p></div><div title="Euoia"><p>Euoia mutters to hirself, &quot;Ride of the Valkyries it is then...&quot; Sie gets into the transport and queues up the song on hir MP3 Player. A little sigh escapes hir lips. &quot;I&#39;m just here to repair stuff and heal people... Focus, Euoia, focus. No magical girl stuff today. This is search and rescue,&quot; sie said softly to hirself. Sie felt scared. Euoia isn&#39;t normally one for combat, but these are people that need a rescue. Helping people is what a shrine maiden, let alone a warrior of peace, love and friendship, would do. Euoia bunkered down in the transport about as close as sie could get to a toolbox and strapped in. Sie just weakly smiled, double checked hir kit, and braced for a bumpy ride.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>Fenris is unphased by the threat of dangerous beasts and only grins wider. &quot;Shotgun!&quot; he calls gleefully, then laughs when Uvi beats him to it. He looks at the cramped inside and shakes his head. &quot;Guess I&#39;ll ride up top!&quot; The burly tanuki heaves himself up on top of the van and a pair of goggles materialize from somewhere for him to pull over his eyes.</p></div><div title="Sheela"><p>With a big jump Sheela manages to jump from her sitting position into the truck. Targeted she lands on the back bank and try as quiet as possible to take their place. Due to her its size, it hardly takes up space. She looks excited and listens to the conversations and words that are exchanged in the group to learn as much as possible. A soft and not very distinct growl comes out of her mouth, &quot;Hello everybody.&quot; After that, she is silent and looks closely at her team.</p></div>
<p> The vehicle roars in from the distance, stopping before the gathered party as its back doors swing open. From the driver&#39;s seat, Magnus of all people looks back at the group and yells. &quot;You read the message, folks! No time to dawdle, get in here now!&quot; he&#39;d yell out, then honk the horn twice for emphasis. Looks like whoever doesn&#39;t get on now is getting left behind. &quot;This ain&#39;t a meet the locals an&#39; see the sights, we&#39;re looking to face some big, angry fucking beasts in a half hour or so. Get yourselves ready, there are lives on the line! As much as I wanna join you lot, I&#39;ll be the getaway driver.&quot; he&#39;d instruct while those that were coming got onto the transport.</p></div><div title="Uvi"><p>The lamia rushes towards the vehicle, shielding her face from the rain with her arm. &quot;I get the front seat!&quot;, she says, as she stuffs herself into the vehicle. The redhead girl adds, before slamming the door, &quot;I&#39;ll kill everyone who steps on my tail. This vehicle is big enough. No excuses. Also, hello everybody.&quot; She greets the team with a wide smile.</p></div><div title="Euoia"><p>Euoia mutters to hirself, &quot;Ride of the Valkyries it is then...&quot; Sie gets into the transport and queues up the song on hir MP3 Player. A little sigh escapes hir lips. &quot;I&#39;m just here to repair stuff and heal people... Focus, Euoia, focus. No magical girl stuff today. This is search and rescue,&quot; sie said softly to hirself. Sie felt scared. Euoia isn&#39;t normally one for combat, but these are people that need a rescue. Helping people is what a shrine maiden, let alone a warrior of peace, love and friendship, would do. Euoia bunkered down in the transport about as close as sie could get to a toolbox and strapped in. Sie just weakly smiled, double checked hir kit, and braced for a bumpy ride.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>Fenris is unphased by the threat of dangerous beasts and only grins wider. &quot;Shotgun!&quot; he calls gleefully, then laughs when Uvi beats him to it. He looks at the cramped inside and shakes his head. &quot;Guess I&#39;ll ride up top!&quot; The burly tanuki heaves himself up on top of the van and a pair of goggles materialize from somewhere for him to pull over his eyes.</p></div><div title="Sheela"><p>With a big jump Sheela manages to jump from her sitting position into the truck. Targeted she lands on the back bank and try as quiet as possible to take their place. Due to her its size, it hardly takes up space. She looks excited and listens to the conversations and words that are exchanged in the group to learn as much as possible. A soft and not very distinct growl comes out of her mouth, &quot;Hello everybody.&quot; After that, she is silent and looks closely at her team.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>&quot;Why are -you- always the driver, Magnus? Are you even tall enough to see over the wheel?&quot; Teases Nena. Big words coming from the woman who was typically only 166cm herself. Stepping into the van, she unceremoniously plops down compactly with all the second nature ease of someone used to riding public transport. &quot;Anyway, hello and all. Say, Magnus, do you have any idea what it is we&#39;re going to go pick a fight with?&quot;</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>The engine roars nearly instantly once everyone was on board, the back doors slamming shut as the truck rushes through the wasteland. Inside, Magnus shakes his head and turns on the AC to get some heat going inside. &quot;No idea, we got only a few words about it. Augmented beasts my fluffy ass.&quot; he&#39;d grunt, a quick look revealing that the fennec&#39;s eyes were bloodshot. He was not in a very good mood. The bags beneath his eyes were a good hint that someone had woken him up for this. &quot;Aye, I can see over the wheel just fine. Been the driver for the folks I work with so much now that they yanked me out of bed to do this. I coulda told them to fuck off, but I didn&#39;t... because reasons.&quot; He&#39;d grumble and shift gears into fifth, the engine truly showing off its power at this point. &quot;Whatever it is we go up against, keep a sharp eye out. The camp, fro, what I can tell, is fairly small. Just a farmhouse they reworked into a research outpost. Be great if we save those muckers. They&#39;re medical doctors, I&#39;m told. Be good to have more proffessionals that use actual fucking medicine and not bodily juice erruptions to heal, hmph.&quot; Magnus growls quietly. &quot;ETA 20 minutes. Get your gear ready.&quot;</p></div><div title="Uvi"><p>Uvi the jellosnek pouts her mouth and says, &quot;You know, the last time I answered a distress call it turned out to be sent by someone who couldn&#39;t open a jar. I hope it&#39;s not going to be a waste of time, especially in this weather.&quot; When the car starts moving, she looks at the team and tries to assess the squad. A crazy alcoholic tanuki on top of the car. A magic girl. A.. talking dog? A smoker. And Magnus as a driver. Great. </p>
<p>The lamia wonders how to approach the situation and what could await them, until she suddenly asks, &quot;You know, what if the doctors augmented beasts&#39; dicks to be super thick?&quot;</p></div><div title="Euoia"><p>Euoia notices the little voice near hir. &quot;Hello, I&#39;m Euoia. How are you?&quot; Sie smiles at the dextrious one. Magnus&#39; tone was the kind of rough that really shows how urgent this is. Sie pulls out two more bottles of root beer and offers one to the little feral. &quot;Would you like one?&quot; Sie asked. Hir mood was in hiding right now as the people up front trickled details about what is going on, what it means, and other stuff. Sie was making contact with someone new. Once the conversation turned lewd, sie decided it was better to focus on the dog-person for now.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>Fenris has all his gear ready, and of course heard nothing happening inside of the vehicle. The big tanuki is just holding tight to the cargo rails up top and whooping and hollering as water and sand blow atound him and his leather duster whips about in the wind and rain! &quot;Adventuuuuuure!&quot; he howls into the storm.</p></div><div title="Sheela"><p>When the stressed aura emanating from Magnus, the little wolf is a little uncertain what quickly becomes noticeable as the feral art briefly gains the upper hand. The chaps pull up and a threatening growl escapes her before she can catch herself again. She quickly barks in an apologetic tone, &quot;I&#39;m sorry, I did not want that.&quot; She was recently inducted into the Z and still needs to learn to control her feelings and instincts. In addition, sometimes she can not speak or find the right words. She then smells of the root beer and nods in agreement and growls softly, &quot;I&#39;m very excited, it&#39;s my first time with so many in one place.&quot; then she licks the beer and her face is slightly distorted.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>&quot;... Yeah, I hear that. I don&#39;t really like the healing people do these days,&quot; Nena agrees, brushing her hair back under her hood. &quot;And while I hope that&#39;s not what they did to the beasts, well... It&#39;d make them easier to wrestle I guess, opposed to super strength.&quot; She casts an uncertain glance upwards. That Tanuki was nutters, she was sure of it. &quot;Peculiar group we&#39;ve got going into this.&quot;</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>&quot;I&#39;ve had weirder.&quot; Magnus notes with a touch of whimsy as they now seem to be leaving the worst of the storm. The cascade reduced to a drizzle, he&#39;d thankfully need to use the windshield wipers much less. &quot;Ten minutes ETA. We should be within range of their emergency radio transmitter. Someone grab your comm units and try to see if you can catch something. I&#39;m driving, I can&#39;t do it myself.&quot; he&#39;d note, before pointing towards a building in the far distance. It looked like a modest family home, albeit surrounded by several towers of some sort. </p>
<p>&quot;That&#39;s our target. If anyone wants to try and see if they can see something from here, be my guest.&quot; The fennec notes as the engine starts to rev down. They would be making their stop soon. &quot;I&#39;ll open the back door and let you guys off on my mark, gonna slow down so you can hop off, then I am outta here to cirlce aro-OH SHIT! The fox shrieks as something leaps out at them right in the truck&#39;s way. *THUD* it impacts the front armor and the vehicle&#39;s tires screech against the terrain. In an instant, everything goes upside down... quite literally in fact as the heavy truck starts to roll and tumble, once, twice, thrice before coming to a stop on its left side. Magnus, thankfully, had a seatbelt... </p>
<p>Once the chaos settles, the fennec is left coughing and with a bloodied nose, a stream of crimson ichor leaking out one ear. &quot;Fuck...&quot; he&#39;d growl and repeat the curse to himself several times. &quot;Who&#39;s not dead, sound off...&quot; he&#39;d ask, peering back at a thankfully intact team. Sheela and Euoia had taken a few hits, but bruises were easy to deal with. No broken bones, and they would still be standing upright with ease. Nena had faired better, a tough cookie as she was barely scraped, as for Uvi? She&#39;d somehow avoided being slammed against the walls at all! Impressive. Fenris meanwhile was... somewhere else... still! The tanuki would too be uninjured! Much to everyone&#39;s horror, the windshield was splattered with blood. Whatever they&#39;d hit, it was very dead...</p></div><div title="Uvi"><p>Uvi nods to Nena, agreeing with both of her statements. She spends the rest of the trip in silence, only occasionally looking at Magnus to make sure he doesn&#39;t fall asleep while driving, as well as glancing back at other team members. She honestly thinks that the little feral is cute and wants to pet it, but in the end, she decides against it. </p>
<p>&quot;AAAAAIEEEEE!!!&quot;, suddenly shrieks the lamia girl, the moment the vehicle starts tumbling. Lenghts of jello tail flail around the interior, but when it all ends, she opens her eyes and realizes she&#39;s fine! &quot;I&#39;m fine!&quot;, Uvi confirms, quickly checks if everyone else is alive and says, &quot;What the fuck was that?&quot; She quickly unfastens the seatbelt, readies her PPD-VA and hoisting herself up, she carefully peeks her head out of the window.</p></div>

Revision as of 23:14, 7 December 2019



Saturday December 7, 2019=Log=

What a terrible time to be outside, the weather was truly dreadful. However with the call having been sent out, this was not something worth considering. The only time to act was now, so those willing to brave the wilds and save a few lives would have to deal with getting a little bit wet and cold out in a much unwanted storm, as it sweeps of the terrain and makes everything that much harder. The group would have geographic coordinates to follow, ones set right at the edge of the bubble, where they were to wait for their transport to arrive. It wouldn't be a long wait, and they'd find themselves right at the edge of the road, where the cracked surface ended and the dunes of sand met, stretching out into the limitless horizon.

With a short *bzzt* sound of a cloaking device deactivating, a pink jello-tailed lamia simply appears. She's wearing her usual outfit, as well a harness with many pockets, weapon holsters and electronic gizmos attached. On her back, she has a simple, black scabbard holding a short, straight blade. Not having anything much to do other wait for the transport, she stares in the distance and mutters something to herself.

Euoia checks hir watch. Sie taps it to see if it needs repaired again. Sie was listening to some hits by WHAM! and Duran Duran. Euoia pondered if sie needed to queue up 'Fortunate Son' or 'Ride of the Valkyries' once the transport arrives. Sie grabs a root beer from hir dimensional pocket and drinks it.

Euoia notices Uvi and waves to her. There were a bunch of other people here sie didn't know, but it was nice to see a friendly face. Sie adjusts hir laser pistol holster so it wouldn't hit the medkit sie had. Waiting for something when danger is ahead of you is never easy.

Fenris jogs up to the rendezvous point, water streaming off his long, leather duster and the conspicuously large leaf he is wearing as a hat. "Here to help!" he says, spinning his short spear once and strapping it to his back. He looks around for the transport, rather hoping it was a roomier kind of vehicle.

Sheela has been lying outside for some time and sees how a few people are starting to show up. Her species is feral and she sits quietly, not many contacts in the area, she has decided to pitch here and support the relief team. While waiting for the transporter, she tries to learn a few words and looks silently into the distance.

Nena doesn't mind the rain, overly much. Tigers are good water cats, and with her hood tugged up she wasn't too bothered. Even if it wasn't ideal. "I wonder what an augmented beast is. Pretty vague." With her hands in her coat pockets, the woman lapses into a brief grumble about how she doesn't even want to try and light a cigarette up in this weather. "So, any bushy-tailed leader types want to take charge?" For someone showing up to a distress call, she looked remarkably unprepared. No uniform, no heavy weapons- Or weapons at all on first glance, no armour. Though occasionally her coat shifts in a way to hint that she's packing something or other under it.

To call the weather harsh would be an understatement, it seemed as though the skies themselves had opened wide, rain barreling down upon the terrain below, thunder cracking above them, rumbling thunder and frequent flashes of lightning shattering the otherwise desolate peace of the vast, lifeless expanses before them. The terrain was anything but smooth, sandy dunes now soft and dangerous to traverse, it'd take a well specialized vehicle to cross this... and thankfully there was one waiting just there at the edge of the bubble, where the ruined roads connected to the empty expanses beyond. As the group arrives at the geographic coordinates that were pointed out on the distress signal, so would their transport still be on its way.

The truck in question was a heavily modified offroad van, fitted with wider tires and a monster of an engine, fueled up with what a fraction of what little petrol-based reserves existed. Someone had paid a pretty penny to get this thing up and running! The large vehicle looked like it was suited to transport no more than ten about average-sized people, its paint job relatively well maintained, a typical sandy brown that most offroaders preferred such that the grime is less notable. Some heavy duty and slightly battered guard bars shielded its front, the metal barrier seemingly welded together by various bits of scrap.

The vehicle roars in from the distance, stopping before the gathered party as its back doors swing open. From the driver's seat, Magnus of all people looks back at the group and yells. "You read the message, folks! No time to dawdle, get in here now!" he'd yell out, then honk the horn twice for emphasis. Looks like whoever doesn't get on now is getting left behind. "This ain't a meet the locals an' see the sights, we're looking to face some big, angry fucking beasts in a half hour or so. Get yourselves ready, there are lives on the line! As much as I wanna join you lot, I'll be the getaway driver." he'd instruct while those that were coming got onto the transport.

The lamia rushes towards the vehicle, shielding her face from the rain with her arm. "I get the front seat!", she says, as she stuffs herself into the vehicle. The redhead girl adds, before slamming the door, "I'll kill everyone who steps on my tail. This vehicle is big enough. No excuses. Also, hello everybody." She greets the team with a wide smile.

Euoia mutters to hirself, "Ride of the Valkyries it is then..." Sie gets into the transport and queues up the song on hir MP3 Player. A little sigh escapes hir lips. "I'm just here to repair stuff and heal people... Focus, Euoia, focus. No magical girl stuff today. This is search and rescue," sie said softly to hirself. Sie felt scared. Euoia isn't normally one for combat, but these are people that need a rescue. Helping people is what a shrine maiden, let alone a warrior of peace, love and friendship, would do. Euoia bunkered down in the transport about as close as sie could get to a toolbox and strapped in. Sie just weakly smiled, double checked hir kit, and braced for a bumpy ride.

Fenris is unphased by the threat of dangerous beasts and only grins wider. "Shotgun!" he calls gleefully, then laughs when Uvi beats him to it. He looks at the cramped inside and shakes his head. "Guess I'll ride up top!" The burly tanuki heaves himself up on top of the van and a pair of goggles materialize from somewhere for him to pull over his eyes.

With a big jump Sheela manages to jump from her sitting position into the truck. Targeted she lands on the back bank and try as quiet as possible to take their place. Due to her its size, it hardly takes up space. She looks excited and listens to the conversations and words that are exchanged in the group to learn as much as possible. A soft and not very distinct growl comes out of her mouth, "Hello everybody." After that, she is silent and looks closely at her team.

"Why are -you- always the driver, Magnus? Are you even tall enough to see over the wheel?" Teases Nena. Big words coming from the woman who was typically only 166cm herself. Stepping into the van, she unceremoniously plops down compactly with all the second nature ease of someone used to riding public transport. "Anyway, hello and all. Say, Magnus, do you have any idea what it is we're going to go pick a fight with?"

The engine roars nearly instantly once everyone was on board, the back doors slamming shut as the truck rushes through the wasteland. Inside, Magnus shakes his head and turns on the AC to get some heat going inside. "No idea, we got only a few words about it. Augmented beasts my fluffy ass." he'd grunt, a quick look revealing that the fennec's eyes were bloodshot. He was not in a very good mood. The bags beneath his eyes were a good hint that someone had woken him up for this. "Aye, I can see over the wheel just fine. Been the driver for the folks I work with so much now that they yanked me out of bed to do this. I coulda told them to fuck off, but I didn't... because reasons." He'd grumble and shift gears into fifth, the engine truly showing off its power at this point. "Whatever it is we go up against, keep a sharp eye out. The camp, fro, what I can tell, is fairly small. Just a farmhouse they reworked into a research outpost. Be great if we save those muckers. They're medical doctors, I'm told. Be good to have more proffessionals that use actual fucking medicine and not bodily juice erruptions to heal, hmph." Magnus growls quietly. "ETA 20 minutes. Get your gear ready."

Uvi the jellosnek pouts her mouth and says, "You know, the last time I answered a distress call it turned out to be sent by someone who couldn't open a jar. I hope it's not going to be a waste of time, especially in this weather." When the car starts moving, she looks at the team and tries to assess the squad. A crazy alcoholic tanuki on top of the car. A magic girl. A.. talking dog? A smoker. And Magnus as a driver. Great.

The lamia wonders how to approach the situation and what could await them, until she suddenly asks, "You know, what if the doctors augmented beasts' dicks to be super thick?"

Euoia notices the little voice near hir. "Hello, I'm Euoia. How are you?" Sie smiles at the dextrious one. Magnus' tone was the kind of rough that really shows how urgent this is. Sie pulls out two more bottles of root beer and offers one to the little feral. "Would you like one?" Sie asked. Hir mood was in hiding right now as the people up front trickled details about what is going on, what it means, and other stuff. Sie was making contact with someone new. Once the conversation turned lewd, sie decided it was better to focus on the dog-person for now.

Fenris has all his gear ready, and of course heard nothing happening inside of the vehicle. The big tanuki is just holding tight to the cargo rails up top and whooping and hollering as water and sand blow atound him and his leather duster whips about in the wind and rain! "Adventuuuuuure!" he howls into the storm.

When the stressed aura emanating from Magnus, the little wolf is a little uncertain what quickly becomes noticeable as the feral art briefly gains the upper hand. The chaps pull up and a threatening growl escapes her before she can catch herself again. She quickly barks in an apologetic tone, "I'm sorry, I did not want that." She was recently inducted into the Z and still needs to learn to control her feelings and instincts. In addition, sometimes she can not speak or find the right words. She then smells of the root beer and nods in agreement and growls softly, "I'm very excited, it's my first time with so many in one place." then she licks the beer and her face is slightly distorted.

"... Yeah, I hear that. I don't really like the healing people do these days," Nena agrees, brushing her hair back under her hood. "And while I hope that's not what they did to the beasts, well... It'd make them easier to wrestle I guess, opposed to super strength." She casts an uncertain glance upwards. That Tanuki was nutters, she was sure of it. "Peculiar group we've got going into this."

"I've had weirder." Magnus notes with a touch of whimsy as they now seem to be leaving the worst of the storm. The cascade reduced to a drizzle, he'd thankfully need to use the windshield wipers much less. "Ten minutes ETA. We should be within range of their emergency radio transmitter. Someone grab your comm units and try to see if you can catch something. I'm driving, I can't do it myself." he'd note, before pointing towards a building in the far distance. It looked like a modest family home, albeit surrounded by several towers of some sort.

"That's our target. If anyone wants to try and see if they can see something from here, be my guest." The fennec notes as the engine starts to rev down. They would be making their stop soon. "I'll open the back door and let you guys off on my mark, gonna slow down so you can hop off, then I am outta here to cirlce aro-OH SHIT! The fox shrieks as something leaps out at them right in the truck's way. *THUD* it impacts the front armor and the vehicle's tires screech against the terrain. In an instant, everything goes upside down... quite literally in fact as the heavy truck starts to roll and tumble, once, twice, thrice before coming to a stop on its left side. Magnus, thankfully, had a seatbelt...

Once the chaos settles, the fennec is left coughing and with a bloodied nose, a stream of crimson ichor leaking out one ear. "Fuck..." he'd growl and repeat the curse to himself several times. "Who's not dead, sound off..." he'd ask, peering back at a thankfully intact team. Sheela and Euoia had taken a few hits, but bruises were easy to deal with. No broken bones, and they would still be standing upright with ease. Nena had faired better, a tough cookie as she was barely scraped, as for Uvi? She'd somehow avoided being slammed against the walls at all! Impressive. Fenris meanwhile was... somewhere else... still! The tanuki would too be uninjured! Much to everyone's horror, the windshield was splattered with blood. Whatever they'd hit, it was very dead...

Uvi nods to Nena, agreeing with both of her statements. She spends the rest of the trip in silence, only occasionally looking at Magnus to make sure he doesn't fall asleep while driving, as well as glancing back at other team members. She honestly thinks that the little feral is cute and wants to pet it, but in the end, she decides against it.

"AAAAAIEEEEE!!!", suddenly shrieks the lamia girl, the moment the vehicle starts tumbling. Lenghts of jello tail flail around the interior, but when it all ends, she opens her eyes and realizes she's fine! "I'm fine!", Uvi confirms, quickly checks if everyone else is alive and says, "What the fuck was that?" She quickly unfastens the seatbelt, readies her PPD-VA and hoisting herself up, she carefully peeks her head out of the window.