Heavy Beam

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 07:45, 31 August 2011 by Salyn (talk | contribs) (Stats brought up-to-date)
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| Item [Heavy Beam                    ]  Type [                   Recipe]|
|______________________[        Description       ]______________________|
| An energy weapon that exploits nanites to generate intense amounts of  |
| energy. The technology is far from perfected, and the accuracy leaves  |
| to be desired, but what a kick!                                        |
|______________________[        Recipe Info       ]______________________|
| Cred Cost           [6000                                         ]    |
| Ingredients         [Nanite Power Brick/1                         ]    |
| Salvage Amount                                                         |
| *\-Common Electronic   [3                                         ]    |
| *\-Common Energy       [1                                         ]    |
| *\-Common Mechanical   [1                                         ]    |
| Salvage Level       [5                                            ]    |
| Skills                                                                 |
| *\-Electronic          [15                                        ]    |
| *\-Energy              [15                                        ]    |
| XP Cost             [150                                          ]    |
|______________________[         Item Info        ]______________________|
| Accuracy            [70.00%                                       ]    |
| Charge              [1500                                         ]    |
| Cooldown            [5000                                         ]    |
| Damage              [20                                           ]    |
| Damage Type         [Energy                                       ]    |
| Energy              [20                                           ]    |
| Loadout             [30                                           ]    |
| Status Mag          [+25%                                         ]    |
| Target              [Single Enemy                                 ]    |
| Type                [Single Target                                ]    |
| Upgrade Cost        [50                                           ]    |
| Upkeep              [10                                           ]    |