
From Flexible Survival
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wf #on Turns on login/logoff watching.
wf #off Turns off login/logoff watching.
wf #help Gives this help screen.
wf #list Lists all players being watched for.
wf Lists all watched players currently online.
wf <player> Adds the given player to your watch list.
wf !<player> Removes the given player from your watch list.
wf Lists the players temporarily being watched for.
wf #temp <plyr> Adds the given player to the temporary watch list.
wf #temp !<plyr> Removes the given player from the temp. watch list.
wf #hidefrom <plyr> Prevents <plyr> from being told of your logins.
wf #hidefrom !<plyr> Lets <plyr> be told of your logins again.
wf #hidefrom #all Lets no one be informed of your logins/logouts.
wf #hidefrom !#all Lets people see your logins/logouts again.
wf #hidefrom Lists who you are hiding from.
wf #nohide <plyr> Make an exception for <plyr> (useful when hiding from #all).
wf #nohide !<plyr> Remove the exception for <plyr>.