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A large, powerfully built hermaphrodite that growls softly and holds her eggs tightly beneath her. The creature's torso is stacked with ten hefty breasts and is supported by a wide, tauric set of legs built for quick lopes and leaps. Despite her threatening exterior, her demeanor is warm and welcoming, a stark contrast to the frigid professionalism of her royal guard.
The Ember Matriarch can be found in the Ember Sanctum.
A large, powerfully built hermaphrodite that growls softly and holds hir eggs tightly beneath hir. The creature's torso is filled with ten full breasts and is mounted atop a wide, tauric set of legs that threaten to catapult hir forward in an instant. The longer you stay, the more friendly sie seems to become, despite hir threatening exterior and the coldness of hir royal guard.
[[Category:NPC: Herm_(MP)]]
[[Category:NPC: Herm_(MP)]]

Latest revision as of 19:25, 15 August 2017

Ember Matriarch (MP)

Species: Ember Matriarch
Gender: Herm
Location: Ember Sanctum
Sex?: Yes (after quest)
Infectious: Yes


A large, powerfully built hermaphrodite that growls softly and holds her eggs tightly beneath her. The creature's torso is stacked with ten hefty breasts and is supported by a wide, tauric set of legs built for quick lopes and leaps. Despite her threatening exterior, her demeanor is warm and welcoming, a stark contrast to the frigid professionalism of her royal guard.


The Ember Matriarch can be found in the Ember Sanctum.