Sandra and Jenny explain Parenting - RPLOG

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Tempararilly cleared of children for the time being, a Skunk Girl and what could only be discribed as a bunny girl, still mostly human. They have a projector set up, along with quite a few other visual aids. Posters line the walls, and a great deal of time has been spent in setting up school desks for people to sit at, so far only a handful of people have shown up.

Collium waited patiently for the elevator to stop, the taur taking it instead of the stairs as they can sometimes be a challenge if your not paying attention. As soon as the doors open shi walks right out and looks around, moving over towards the skunk girl and bunny when shi notices everything set up. "Hello, is this were the class or whatever it is to be held?" Shi asks a little nervously as shi looks around at the desks...hope they didn't expect hir to sit in one!

One of the desks is occupied by a collie in white, whos head turns to look at the nervous taur, giving hir a wave. "Hello there. If you mean the class about raising children, you're in the right place." shi says with a smile, though hir attention turns back to the presentation set up for them. Shi had heard Mira saying how she didn't raise her kids correctly the first time around, so when shi heard abut this clss, shi certainly told the taur. Wondering where Mira might be, shi fidgets in hir desk. For now however shi remains seated until everyone arrives.

Dearbhail ; enters from medical bay and moans in pain, collapsing in the available chair before inspecting hir wounds. That blast and tail attack by the Behemoth left hir with deep gashes and a very sore arm. Hir eyes lose focus regularly, most likely a concussion. Shi decides to just suffer through the pain and turns back to the class to catch up.

After the elevator goes up, it starts coming back down again, inside is a very oddly colored Fox Taur, looking around and seeing Collium and Selyra shi waves to both of them, "Mistress... Son... you both know I .. I don't like this place.." shi says walking carefully over to sit down on the floor next to Selyra for now.

The Skunk and Bunny get things underway, "Hello, and good afternoon everyone, today we will be discussing information that has been long out of people's hands" Says the bunny, "Paws. Claws?" corrects the skunk, getting a glare, "Anyway, how to train and teach your rapidly growing children. First, as you likely already know, children grow much much faster these days, though the time various slightly, some take only minutes, others a few hours. The longest recorded time was a staggering one and a half days." The skunk nods and continues where she left off, "Now, with how fast they grow, children will be ready for just about anything an adult can do within moments, but still have the mind of a child, this can cause problems, problems we hope to fix here today."

The door to the triage opens up quickly, a Donkey Boy coming in looking for Dearbhail, "You forgot your meds! Take these, they should have you fixed up in no time, don't be doing that too often though, else you will just have to wait in the ER like everyone else, we don't have many of those." Shi says before returning to her job.

Collium nods to Selyra, that nervous feeling starting to well up a little as another person walks in. Shi hoped that it wouldn't get to crowded, then hir ears perked up. Hearing Miranai's voice helped make that feeling slip away as shi walks over to sit by hir. "Hello Dad, how are you?" Shi asks, hir tail wagging before shi starts to focus on the Skunk and Bunny when they speak. Curious to see what they were to learn in this class.

The sight of the injured agent slumping into a desk gives Selyra an appalled look, feeling the desire to get up out of hir seat. "Why aren't you in the Triage...?" shi asks, dumbfounded. Shi's about to call the nurses, but one makes hir way to the classroom to solve the issue. Hearing the elevator once more, Selyra turns to see Miranai arriving on the scene, hir smile widening. "There you are, Mira, I..." shi trails off, looking once more to Collium. "Son? I didn't know you were one of Mira's. It's nice to meet you." shi says sheerfully, hir tail wagging. About to say something to the taur parent in an attempt to help hir feel more comfortable, the commencement of the class compells the collie simply rests a paw on Mira's back and stroke gently. "It's okay, just try to relax..." shi whispers, nodding in response to the instructor's points.

Dearbhail basks in the relief flowing through hir as the pain starts to eb. Shi turns her attention to look at the new arrivals, but a growing rumble resonates around the room. Dearbhail's cheeks flush, even through the silvery skin and feathers, before her eyes begin to scan the room for something to fill the pit. Seeing a table with some snacks on it, shi nearly teleports to the table and already has her beak and hands stuffed with food. Only after a few seconds shi realizes what shi was doing and looks up at the rest of the crowd. Silence fills the void, before Dearbhail swollows part of the food in her mouth, enough to speak clearly. "It's okay that I can have some, right?" Her eye's take on one of the most dreaded attacks known to man: the puppy dog.

Miranai murrs gently in Selyra's embrase and nods to hir, "Yes, Though... sweetie, which do you feel you are more? Male? Or female? Both?" Shi asks nuzzling softly to Collium after shi sits down, then paying close attention to the presentation.

"To continue.." then some strange looks to Dearbhail as they run off into the cafateria returning with a mouth full and handfulls of simple snack foods, the Skunk and Bunny duo shake thier collective heads, "Please have a set and we can continue, if not you'll have a time out." Teachers the both of them through and through, "To continue, the problem is not that children grow too quickly, but rather that often they are not exposed to the things they need to grow as quickly mentally as they have physically. Often they are not treated properly, not given the experiance that they need. Either out of frustration or lack of caring, parents give up teaching their children or they try to teach them using the old methods." The bunny stops to let the skunk continue, "Yes, thanks to the nanites, children can learn remarkably fast, and with little more then the oppratunity. Take the case of Amy for example, Amelia Erhardt, who was rescued and taken to New York along with her mate. When her mate discovered her, Amelia Erhardt was born to a feral, not learning anything. The intreped hero saved her and braught her to a library. Now, this hero didn't want to take someone sexually who was mentally a newborn, so shi locked her away in a library, where Amy taught herself to read... then, went on to read almost every book in there, learning and learning away. Today she is a teacher in New York and... while very sexually open even for a husky, she is very well adjusted!" They pause here for people to take this in and make comments.

Collium nods and actually starts to smile at Selyra when shi realizes that Shi might actually know the Collie, from what hir father had told hir. "Yes, Mira is my father. It's nice to meet you as well." A flash of movment catches hir eye and shi tracks Dearbhail as they slip into the Cafeteria and then return, then Mira asks her question and shi blinks. "w-what? Well um....I've always felt more...Male, but I don't mind being both really." Shi murmurs before turning back to the Teachers with a frown. Not treated properly, that's not true? ....At least not for hir, hir ears perking up as shi listens to them speak.

Selyra continues to stroke along Mira's taur back, smiling at hir and Collium as they talk. However, Dearbhail leaving and returning with food causes hir to sigh softly, shaking hir head along with the teachers. "This is a class, please try to be respectful." shi says softly over to the avian, focusing forward once more. The comment about some children not being treated right makes hir brows furrow, but shi knows shi's treated hirs as well as they deserve. Shi'd heard about the child in question, and shi wished shi had done that with hir own children, but it's too late for that. Hir eyes look downcast a moment, but it doesn't last.

Dearbhail concentrates on the two teachers as shi lightly nibbles on hir food, having been properly chastised. Shi tilts hir head to the side as shi considers the two teachers arguments. After a few seconds of thought, shi nods her head lightly in agreement before taking another bite and waiting to see where the discussion goes.

Miranai murrs a bit more and nods to Collium, "Ok, son then." Shi says a slight pulse running down hir spine wishing shi was as certain with hir own gender identity, but for now just leans into Collium some more, as Selyra strokes and pets hir. Shi raises a hand though, "Excuse me, are you advocating that we should lock our children away with nothing but books?" Shi asks

After things have calmed back down again the two teachers continue, first by answering questions, "No, we don't think that is the best way to do things, children need play and social interactions as well, the problem most parents have these days is that they try to teach their children too slowly. To teach a child everything they will need to know, to give them a full high school education we have noticed," The skunk currently speaking and noding to the bunny before continuing, "Is one year, average time. This used to take twelve years on average!" The bunny nods back and continues where the skunk dropped off. "So exposure to the right topics and in a timely manor is key! Your new adult children are going to have empty minds that they are going to want to rapidly fill up, and in a lack of anything else, or in a place where their infection can be paid attention to in abundance, that is what is going to fill that space. That is, if they are exposed to their infections natural tendancies too quickly and are not given other things to fill their child-like minds with, they will fall into the same trap ferals do." Another pause for more questions and comments.

Collium nods as shi hugs Miranai, hir tail wagging as shi listens to the intructors. There really wasn't much shi could add to the conversation, as in all honesty they were talking about children like hir. Turning to Selyra a little shi becomes curious. "...You're Selyra, correct?" Shi asks.

Selyra nods as Dearbhail seems to be settling down finally, though Collium's question draws hir attention from the lesson. "Hmm? Oh, yes dear." shi tells the taur herm, giving a tiny nod. "The instructors are talking though, let's pay attention." shi whispers, listening to the answer to Mira's question as shi thinks to hirself. If only shi had taught hir kids correctly when they were born, but shi just didn't know.

Dearbhail nods in understanding. "So you're saying that, even though their biological body ages at a rapid pace compared to normal human children, their brains are still firing more synapsis than most adults do. You said it only occurs out to one year, correct? Does that mean after one year the synapsis speed dies down significantly and falls more in line with most adults?"

Miranai continues to nuzzle into Collium, but notices the look on Selyra's face, whispering, "Is everything ok Mistress?" before contintuing to pay attention to the class.

With a slight shake of her head, the bunny answers the latest question, "That is partly correct, however, due to the rapid aging, the most critical time period is the first week or so. This is when the basics will be determained. Things like their interests, personality, likes and dislikes. Most of this is based off of mother and father, the nanites using them to basicly copy just about everything over to the child, however, if you think of it like a computer." And she bows out to the skunk, "If you think of it like a computer, your new born child has zip files of everything that was both parents as well as all their infection's information. How you treat and interact with your child determains which zip files get openned, and which ones get deleted, again, the most critical time is the first week or so, but that doesn't mean all is lost if you miss this time, things will just be more diffacult as now you have to overcome what was put in there during this time as well as open up new things."

Collium murrs and gives Miranai a squeeze, nodding to Selyra as shi keeps quiet for now and just listens. Dearbhails question is an intresting one for the taur and shi looks over to the Birdie as shi listens to the intructors. "It's....Hard to open new files, when others are already in the way." Shi adds, starting to frown a little bit as shi leans against Miranai. Trying to not think of hir mother, who left rather early without teaching hir anything....

Selyra shrugs hir shoulders a bit after Mira's question, thinking a moment before shi answers. "I just feel like I did wrong by my kids in this regard..." shi whispers to the taur, listening to the teachers explain the answer to Dearbhail's question. The lesson is proving to be quite enlightening for hir, though shi knows she's too late to make much of a difference for hir own kids.

Dearbhail looks upwards thoughtfully for a few seconds after listening to Collium and Selyra's points of view before turning her attention to the two teachers. "So its much like infants learning new languages. If you teach them properly, they can learn to speak rather well and fluently, especially later in life, with little trouble. If you fail to converse with the child, it doesn't prevent them from learning the language but is significantly hindered because much of the first synapsises were not made, thus slowing down the growth of learning. Going with the computer analogy, it would be like taking the history of computer language as it builds up. Because the hardware limitations during the earlier days of computing, programming was limited in the growth due to the speed required. But if the hardware progression was suddenly sped up at a rapid pace compared to normal, what you are capable of doing with the software grows much faster. If you try to teach the programming history at the rate of hardware progression as it occurred normally, they haven't learned enough to be capable with their current hardware capabilities and are thus hindered. It doesn't prevent them from learning more, but the rate of acceleration in which it can be learned is significantly lowered. An imperfect analogy, but it can work if you rig the thought process some." Dearbhail turns to Selyra and addresses hir, "Don't worry so much about your kids, you have to go by what you know and do the best you can with it. If you had known this before you raised them, you would have done it differently. That means you care and love them." Dearbhail leans over to give hir a comforting hug.

Miranai gives a slight whimper to Selyra and a nod to Collium, "It is ok Mistress.. I think we all have made mistakes, we.. just didn't know." Shi says and nuzzles Collium, "We.. we all tried our best." Shi says.

The teachers continue on, "So, basicly, don't let your child have what their infection wants too early, in the Amy example, our hero did not touch our husky in any way beyond to pet her and carry her to the library for about five days, so she didn't have that kind of contact, till, eventually while reading... well.. romance novels and jilling herself to them." As the bunny speaks, the skunk blushes. "Anyway, in the end she was able to become a very productive member of the society after she was rescued. Do we have any questions?" They ask, seeming to be done with the main part of the class with a nod to Dearbhail's explination, "Essentually correct, good work."

Collium blinks and looks from Miranai to Selyra before shi gives Mira another squeeze and shakes hir head. "You both did you're best, and I frankly don't think any mistakes were made. I came out fine didn't I?" Shi asks, becoming a little bolder as shi puts hir hands on hir hips and looks at them both. Turning to the teachers shi raises hir hand, waving it around. "Wouldn't it be better to teach them self-control early on instead? That way they know not to just let their urges take over.....That's how I was raised at least I mean." Shi mutters as shi takes hir seat again next to Mira.

Selyra listens to Dearbhail explain their point in five different ways, nodding to that and the instructors' points. The sudden show of affection from a stranger makes hir lean away a bit, frowning. "Um... thanks, I think. That's true enough." shi replies awkwardly, looking to Collium and smiling from the taur's innocence. "I suppose we did do the best we could, even if it's not this method exactly."

Dearbhail Dearbhail sits back down and hears the teachers continue before frowning at the story of Amy, something not settling well with hir. Hearing Collium's question resonates with hir thoughts. Shi takes a few seconds to put it in the best words possible. "You run into the isolationist trouble with Amy, would you not? Like children before that would have difficulty interacting by touch or social interactions, much of it would be missing from her upbringing. This could cause reclusiveness. Some children could overcome it, much like a learning disability, but it would still be safer to make sure that information is introduced would it not?"

Miranai:agrees with what Dearbhail was saying, "Yes, we all tried our best." shi says again, listening for the answer from the teachers.

"Well, that is part of the problem yes, fortunately Amy did not develope this, which is why we are not advocating that you lock your children away with tons and tons of books. Instead, bring the books to them. Something Amy loved to do after her hero came back was to read to hir, after sex of course." More blushing. "And as for learning self control, that should be in the lesson plan for after this critical week if you can. If you can't wait that long because, well, your children are playing with each other in unusual ways.." even more blushing, "Then you should step it up, yes."

Collium blinks as shi realizes that Selyra must think shi is weird now, and shi nods a little as shi looks her way. "....I've...heard a lot about you....from Miranai...sorry." Shi mutters as hir tauric half lays down on the ground, hir forepaws splayed out in front of hir as shi continues to listen. Turning to Dearbhail shi smiles a little, silently thanking the bird for helping hir explain hirself.

Selyra smiles a little from the new information shi's given, knowing shi got the social part right. "I... I guess it's a good sign that my children didn't get going at each other then... at least not to my knowledge." shi states softly, then looks to Collium, tilting hir head. "No need to say sorry dear, it flatters me to know I'm renowned." shi teases, but keeps hir ears and consideration on the instructors.

Dearbhail nods, glad that the teachers were aware of the problem and not advocating to hide the children from the world for a year. Shi concentrates on some of the points made, knowing shi must get clarity on them to make sure shi and the others can make the best plans for the future. "You said that the first week is crucial for personality formation. How exactly is it formed? You said it is dependant on the mother and father, is it genetic? We know that people are a product of their genetics and their environment, some effected more by one or the other. With the new changes to children, are they more heavily effected by genetics then their environment?" Dearbhail takes a breath before continuing, "A week is a very short amount of time to form a core personality based on environment unless those items introduced are much larger blocks in their life then normal human children. How quickly do the children grow, both from the first week and beyond, in terms of relative age of a child?"

Miranai continues to nuzzle back on Selyra and Collium, trying to be reassuring, listening to the conversation had mostly by Dearbhail to the teachers and back again.

"Well, that is very interesting and even harder now to nail down then ever before. It seems to be related to how quickly the child matured physically. To try and guage exactly at what stages of development the child is in, using charts such as Piaget's staged of development, we have found that children no longer really go through the first few cognitive stages at all, at least if they do, they do so so rapidly it can't be messured. As for timeliness, yes, you can usually teach a child to read by showing them the ABCs once, then handing them a child's book, then a short novel as an example of the speed in which we are talking. As for environment, that is the key. The nanites and genetics will give the child a great many possible outcomes based on their parents, but which one comes out on top and is the core personality of the child depends on what is reinforced and what is not in the first few days." They explain, trading off as they go.

Collium nods once again in response to Selyra as shi leans on Mira and listens to the conversation, hir tail wags as shi listens. Shi cocks hir head as shi looks up at the teachers, curious as to the path that the conversation was going down as shi looks between them and Dearbhail.

Selyra takes mental notes of the environment vs. genetics topic, glad shi's learning this, even if shi's reached hir limit of children shi's willing to birth for hirself to raise. "It's a short period, but... these nanites are something else..." shi mumbles, folding hir paws over one another on the desk in front of hir.

Shadina walks in on a parenting class, which is a subject she's recently interested in, rubbing her belly. She settles into the back and listens.

Dearbhail listens closely to the two teachers, "So the children almost skip the 'baby' stage completely and move into cognitive recognition. So giving the basics to them, you can advance them quickly. So giving driving the children with much more difficult subject matters or puzzles early on increases the likelyhood of the children grasping the information that is necessary. Things like simple puzzles, abcs, then into more difficult puzzles and use of the dictionary or encyclopedias. While doing this, reinforce the primary traits you would like to make sure your child has for development." Dearbhail thinks over some of the other material discussed before glancing down at hir stomache. Shi gives a relieved sigh as she rubs it and looks back up at the teachers.

Miranai gives a slight sigh, and a yawn, rubbing her own belly a bit, and then Collium's, "Well, it all makes sense really, with how fast they go..." shi says.

The teachers nod to each other, "We will be putting all this out in a report for everyone to read when they are ready if you missed anything." The skunk says as the bunny starts to pack things up, "If you have any more questions, make sure to ask them, remember though, your children are going to learn very very quickly, and moving quickly with them is the key to making sure they come out well adjusted." The bunny chimes in though with a final bit herself, "As for that self control, most children who are properly educated will have it naturally, for the most part, but still be very open to what their infections tell them to do. In the example of Amy, she loves sex, and has many... many partners, but her mind is never consumed by it. Reserach is showing that this is because children now are born with such a high libido naturally that the are already adjusted to it, while people who have been around.. well.. before P-Day have had their baselines on sexuality shattered, their minds not naturally able to cope with the increased needs and desires their body is giving them." With that last bit, the pair finish packing up, and children start to flood into the area once more for their classes to resume!

Collium blushes as hir belly is rubbed and shi gives Mira a kiss on the cheek. "Go get some rest, I'll come by to see you later on okay Dad?" Shi comments as the teachers start packing up and leave, thinking it was time for hir to depart as well. "It was nice meeting you Miss Selyra, hopefully we will see eah other later." Shi smiles to the Collie, before turning to give Dearbhail and the latecomer a wave as well.

Shadina nods as she thinks what she's hearing fives with what she knows about xenopsychology.

Dearbhail gets up out hir chair and stretches, working the kinks out. Shi does a quick inspection of hir body and finds most of hir wounds had already healed completely. "Well, it was nice meeting all of you." Dearbhail blushes slightly, "hopefully I will be in better condition next time."

Selyra smiles as all the children start to pile into the room, greeting a few of them sweetly as shi gets up. Giving hir desk to someone else, shi moves closer to Mira and strokes at hir back, patting a few times. "Alright Mira, let's get up and go home." shi says casualy, waving to the teachers. "Thank you for doing this, it's very respectable." shi attempts to tell them, nodding to Collium. "Likewise. We're bound to run into each other again." shi says with a nod leading Mira out the exit to the classroom, waving to Dearbhail.