Meeting of Tricksters - RPLOG

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Standing side by side are two very familiar faces. Both wear fine and immaculate kimonos. Rivals at times, they seem to have put that aside for at least the moment. Kitsune and Tanuki stand at attention. They are flanked by attendants, fanning them and offering treats, but those are ignored for the time being. Perched on the shrine nearby, Nekomata herself watches the proceeding with an expression that is hard to grasp. The air is tense. Oh boy how long has it been since Nekura did something involving her kitsune self? She definitely had a pretty long streak being a fuzzfox after acquiring it from the temple but she'd definitely put a lot more hours into her Adept self after realizing she could get most forms using it anyways. The Nightmare wanders along towards the gathering, not trying to be sneaky in the slightest. Emacs enters the shrine first intrigued, then terrified as she sees the assembly in front of her. She did not expect this kind of ceremony.

    Maya shifts a bit as she makes her way to the shrine. She's taken a bit to get herself well-groomed, but she's not been able to get herself a set of formal clothes. Not that most events she's been to required such. She has taken the time to put her short hair in a needle-held bun. She paces in, curious what the pomp and circumstance is for.

Though actively dedicated to phoenix, the call from both Tanuki and Kitsune strikes Aranor's curiosity. She wonders in and looks around, feeling the tense air but but stays quiet and respectful. As respectful as someone with her rather lewd attributes can muster. Thinking on her toes, she forms herself a kimono in similar style to those worn by the hosts to cover her more sexual appearance. "Hello, I am Aranor. You... called?" Ebreus glides along well above the streets of Fairhaven, enjoying watching the movement of Agents and Ferals through the city. It doesn't take him long to notice some of his aquantances about he begins to fly in a circle checking on them as they aproach. Once it becomes apparent where they're going he decides he'll meet them there. The supernaturals have been doing a lot of interesting things of late and so peaks his curiosity. He glides to a landing, the last to arrive, and says, "Hello Aranor. I am Ebreus. Might I ask why people are gathering here?" Tanuki coughs into a paw before stepping forward. "Hello." A brief smile passes over his face, a hint of his usual jovial nature, but it goes away quickly. "We have heard... troubling tales. The land where our kind and yours was closest has... had an unfortunate time."

Nekomata rolls her slit eyes. "Don't play coy, coondog. Something happened, tell us what it was. We want all the juicy details." She runs a rough tongue over the ends of her paws, grooming herself. "Leave nothing out."

Emacs remains silent, uncertain as to what is going on. Nekura doesn't really know what the balls is happening so she just kind of decides to watch and wait to see if anybody else does. So many 'deities' running around the world makes it awful hard to know what they're all doing any more.

    Yep. That's Oka-sama. Maya thinks to herself. She approaches her Patron and sits comfortably beside her. She's not trying to be sneaky, but not trying to be super present either. "What happened? I mean, I know it's your style to open with the ominous words, but, dragging it out is tortuous." The white-furred nekomata shrugs, looking around. Interesting crowd here. She'll have to get to know the others later.

Ebreus hums an inquisitive tone upon hearing the words of Tanuki, then quirks an eyebrow as he wonders if that is in fact Lord Tanuki and not just a dedicant. "You're reffering to the, potentially nuclear, attack against Japan, right" he says. He stretches idlly then aproaches the Supernatural beings a few paces.. staying in the group of likely-dedicated agents. Nekomata reaches for her dedicant without asking, drawing them close to groom over their ears as if they owned them, and perhaps they do in part. "Now we're getting somewhere... Nuclear, mmm... I remember this. It has touched the land of the Rising Sun at least once before."

Kitsune's face deepened into a scowl. "I was given to understand the people of that land and this land were allies. Who would attack them, and what have you done for them?"

Tanuki thrusts a hand out in front of Kitsune. "Be at ease, my brother. They are as lost as we are, but... I have an idea, something beyond _our_ ability... but not theres." His expression brightens, that clever grin returning. "It would be so dangerous. Only the bravest would dare!"

    If it was possible to be more white, Maya would blanche at the talk of nuclear destruction. But she's taken in by her patron and groomed like a kitten. She purrs softly, allowing the cleaning as she watches the others. "Wait, something WE can do? Why do I get the feeling I'm being swindled?"

Meanwhile Nekura was just having a difficult time not trying to walk over, prostrate in front of Kitsune and try to get some knots for the road. Then again it didn't help she'd been in heat for two weeks and it was really difficultnot to slut it up in front of someone who has her favorite kind of pokey-stabby part. For now though she squints over at Tanuki instead, waiting to hear what he has to say about this plan. Aranor frowns to Kitsune. "I'm not even certain it was a nuclear weapon, it is all conjecture at the moment. All we know is that an explosion happened and most of Japan is gone. I think there were reports of radiation by people near the site. Whether or not it was an accident or intentional detonation or perhaps something else is unknown. I am also unaware of any effort to investigate, but word of mouth reaches me slowly." Then she looks to Tanuki. "What would you suggest happened?" She happens to gloss over the implication in Tanuki's last statement, instead focusing on what Tanuki may know of it. Emacs shakes her head, as if to regain her focus, this is not about what she was involved in. "What can we do for you that you cannot?" Ebreus nods in response to Nekomatas words taking note they are aware of what happened while they weren't, obviously, present. He takes a deep breath to calm himself when the Kitsune speaks and wonders if they are Inari or if his understanding of Shinto is wrong. He looks to Aranor, "We also know there's a lot of radiation. Big blast and radiation are both indicators of nukes, but you're right it isn't only nukes that could do it." he says. He turns his attention back to the supernaturals, "What are you proposing?" Nekomata laughs gently into Maya's captured ears as she nips and licks caringly. "That is because you are a clever girl, which is good. I would be bored if you weren't." Her tails twine gently with Maya's, capturing her as securely as the rest of her.

Kitsune advances past Tanuki. "You will not steal this from me, trickster."

Tanuki laughs at the supposed insult. "This is a conference of our ilk. Let us revel in our deviant thoughts."

"My 'brother' is not as clever as he would think he is. I know exactly what he intends. While we can only enter your world here, as you know, you, residents of this world, can move great distances through the same dedication that binds you to us."

Nekomata shrugged softly. "It'd be up to clever mortals to not start glowing green. Green is what happens, is it not? I avoid those places. Too foul even for me."

    Maya enjoys the praise, wincing a bit as her patron's teeth catch a bit against her earrings. She purrs softly, nodding. "So, you want us to get equipped for entering a nuclear exclusion zone, and you want us to go here by means of our ability to bounce off the planar barrier? There's a way to go places other than where we've been and home?"

Emacs yells "Fuck! Again? Really?" Ebreus can't help but smirk to see supposed gods bickering. He takes a breath and says, "Oh, Kitsune I have been working on something with witch to provide aid to Japan but it has been slow going. I've been trying to aquire a ship from the city south of this one, San Diego... though it sounds like you've a faster means of getting us acrost the sea." He does his best not to chuckle hearing Nekomata not know that few things glow when exposed to radiatoon. Meanwhile Nekura decides to turn into something that will hopefully stick out a little less like a sore thumb over in Japan though when she finishes the kitsune stumbles around a little due to how long it'd been since she last has paws instead of hooves on her feetses. Not that anybody will surely make fun of this. Aranor looks at Ebreus and tilts her head. "A ship? What's that?" She wonders aloud. "I think I'd like to be one. I'd rather fly though, but I can't." She shrugs, then looks to Tanuki and Kitsune. "Is Ebreus right though? Can you really get someone over faster?" Then, with a stray thought, she looks to Nekura. "I'm sure they wouldn't send someone somewhere without some way of resisting radiation." She then glances to Tanuki and says in a worried tone, "...Right?" Kitsune clasps his furry hands together and bows towards Ebreus. "I am glad you were not neglectful, but you will face enough danger there, there is little reason to compound it with a long and difficult journey."

Tanuki laughed the wild laugh of the coondog he is. "Besides, if it works properly, think of all the other places you could visit! I know you want to, so do this for us, for the other people. Check if they're already, rescue if needed. Do good for good sake, and maybe for the rewards after. Either way, it should be fun."

Nekomata wraps her arms around Maya, hands rubbing over her dedicant's belly. "Normally, no, but those two love playing tricks with their magic. Make a rule, they will find a way around it. It's in their natures..."

    Maya nods a bit, blushing at the bellyrubs. "I know we can get radiation suits, though they aren't cheap. Is there anything else you KNOW about what you're asking us to sign up for? No tricks. I just want answers."  She's not too concerned with the reward, just the personal risk.

"Unless you happen to have radiation suits I don't see how us going there is going to end well," Nekura points out. Ebreus nods in response to Kitsunes words then turns his attention to Aranor, "A ship is a large vessle that floats upon water." he briefly explains. He nods in response to Tanukis words and once there is a break in their explainations he says, "I own one such suit that would protect me from radiation. Though the key-phrase is 'if this works' which leads me to the question of what happens if it doesn't work?" Emacs emerges clad in her nanite power armor, ready for space, or radiation. Tanuki draws a leaf far too large to fit in any pocket he might have. "We have faith in you. If you aren't clever enough to get past this, you were perhaps poor choices. Don't make us look bad. Besides, I might feel bad if you died, so don't do that?"

Kitsune takes a slow and measured breath. "We know precious little, save for this theory. There are other lands that find us holy. We could, in theory, send you to one of them. The connection is too weak for us to use directly, but for you, it is different. It is enough to redirect you, to send you sailing in a new direction, and that is all we need. You will appear in one of their shrines, and can move from there. You can return home as you always do. Distance never mattered, did it? That will not change."

"To be honest," Nekomata nestled in tight with Maya. "I'm only here to keep an eye on those two. You leave them be and they will get out of hand all too quickly. Listen to them... They are adorable, and dangerous. To think people fear _me_? It's to laugh." She notices Emacs and raises a furry brow. "Look at that one. They look ready for this fool's journey." Nekura on the other hand was hoping her rewards included a knot or five but then again that's what happens when you're in heat for two weeks straight and your kids are female which makes it awful hard to get rid of the problem. Either way she squints at Ebreus when he mentions having a suit, then suddenly Molestia faces instead. Uh oh, what did the kitsune just think of? Aranor listens to Ebreus and nods slowly, milk starts to show on her kemono unawares as darker splotches on her otherwise green outfit. "Oooohh... Sounds neat!" She thinks. "A radiation suit? It's hard for me to wear normal cloths because I tend to mess them up somehow... if I can even fit in them anyway. They're always too small." She sighs. "Where can I find a suit like that? Would it conform to my shape? I do tend to change shapes every once in a while." Looking at Tanuki, she replies. "If there is radiation around, you'll need someone with a mind for peoples health. I happened to know a thing or two about medicine. If there are enough nanites around, I can even perform some surgery." Emacs dons nekura, then her armor, "Well okay then." Ebreus blinks in surprize when he notices Emacs all-of-the-sudden be in a suit of power armor and then procedes to don his own suit, much of which he was already wearing, before turning his attention to the supernaturals. "Just a moment, not all of us even have these suits yet." he says. He watches, slightly disturbed as Nekura finds a way around the problem, then turns his attention to Aranor, "RSX sells in from their HQ in Woodfield they conform to all shapes and sizes." He double-checks his suit that it is in fact sealed up tight and no radiation can get it then turns his attention to the Supernaturals again, "Generally a means of returning to Fairhaven is desired when being asked to leave for any task. Part of the standard contract. Now beyond transport there, and hopefully back, and our reward if there anything you can or are willing to provide to improve our odds of sucess?" Tanuki slaps an open palm on his belly with the deep note of a drum. "Is the adventure not enough? No? Well, fine, I suppose not... I know something! The people there know tricks with their magic you do not. Take it while you rescue them. Do good for them, good for yourself. Everyone wins!" He puts a hand on kitsune's shoulder. "I think we've said all that needs to be said?"

Kitsune nods softly. "We'll create the way there, here, so you and yours can venture through when are ready. We both look forward to hearing of your successes. Walk well."

The two vanish from sight, leaving their entourage behind. The collection of kitsune and tanukis look confused a moment before a portal opens up between them and they start rushing to get back to their home plane.

Nekomata remains, giving a sigh. "And that's that. My lovely, do me a favor and keep me up to date with this. This doesn't seem something I can ignore."

    Maya nuzzles the Nekomata, purring a bit. "Will do, Oka-sama. Just need to make a few preparations of my own. I'll see what I can find. I mean, I am interested in figuring out what is going on."

Ebreus very lightly shakes his head, "Adventure is a great reward but when on adventures of such importance once must ensure that they do not neglect resources to further their liklihood of sucess." he says... then notices they've disappeared. He makes mental note that Nekomata will be watching the goings on... even if only through Dedicants and then enjoys the sight of Tanuki and Kitsunes scrambling through the portal.