San Diego Act II.E - Diplomatic Mission - RPLOG

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"You'll want to talk to Major Dunahan, he'll be down at the TOC. Big guy, crazy enough to not wear a helmet all the time." the Lieutenant says, and sighes. "So far, all they've focused on has been wiping the coast lines clear. Sadly, that means that the Navy base is next on the path, and we can't lose that. Navy can't dock, they can't operate, though I'm sure that was covered when you guys were talking to Captain Cranston. Fact is, most of our small arms ammo has been spent trying to keep the rioter's from overtaking our convoy's. I haven't a clue WHY they're attacking us, but they don't exactly let themselves be captured either. Any time we've tried, they shoot themselves when we approach after wounding them." She explained, watching as a small tent city came into view ahead on the road, several large peices of equipment set up, dozens of Marines moving from point to point carrying equipment or ammo, hard to tell with some of the cases. "Welcome to the BOO. We'll drop you off at the motor pool. Oh, and expect the Colonel to be very much against you lot heading to the TOC." She says, sighing as they did just that, with a very upset Marine not wearing body armor and with a garrison cap on his head waiting for them.

Meanwhile, over at the Nassau, the lead albatross looked at Redd's outstretched hand, and eventually took it. "We can go to the briefing room. It can handle the pilots we've aboard." He says, gesturing to the hatch. "CAG'll wanna hear about this..." He mutters, leading the two Agents and two RSX pilots into the ship. McGregor chuckles, and looks over at Redd. "This is gonna be interesting to see. Planning bulk changes?" She whispered over at the coyote and Forkbomb, grinning. She was used to some of the tricks about changing folks could take. "Almost makes me feel giddy inside." She comments, laughing.

Yanker and Jenkins of course, seem quiet as they reach the I5, Jenkins slowly spinning the turret mount of the machine gun, looking like he was trying to spot an attack before it could hit them. Phosphorus would notice pretty soon the smoking crater that the RPG left after the attempt on the last convoy that drove through here. Yanker is grateful for the lack of attack it seems, swerving along the road, avoiding craters and potholes all over as best he could, so as to not jostle the 10 500 pound explosives they had carted behind them overly much. Thankfully, it seems, they manage to make it past the area that was clearly the normal ambush point on vehicles driving down the I5.

"All right. If he has that much of an issue with us being there then I'm sure he'll change his mind if things take a turn for the worse." Shirai replies, letting out a quiet sigh before turning back to Razz and giving a somewhat sharp order; "All right, let's get a move on. Wouldn't want to keep our clients waiting, would we?"

Razz nods slowly "right...I'll do the Crazy stupid things... Though...Illusions.. might Work on them.. hum-we'll see I suppose?" He rolls his shoulders and nods to Shirai. "I'll mostly be doing anything you guys suggest anyway..." he nods again and follows her. "Yeah."

Forkbomb gives McGregor a brief look. And grins. "Sure. Him alone." He sticks his hands in his pockets, gives Redd a different, knowing look, before following the Albatross into the briefing room. "Gotta ask- Is crypto still a thing that happens here? I think I'd get along good with those folks." After all, he too spent too much of his time as a kid obsessed at picking at locks and grew up to be someone who spent too much time picking at interesting pieces of encrypted data.

"Quiet. Huh. Not sure if I should be suspicious or thankful," Phosphorus dryly notes, leaning back in the seat in the humvee. Her rifle rests across her lap, round unchambered, the panda's head slightly tilted to keep the corner of her eye on the bombs. "Smooth riding from here on out, hopefully."

"I brought my own ammo, fortunately," Edel says, patting her quiver. "And in the worst event, I can probably scrounge materials to make more. Might not be as good for putting a lot of shots down range, but a well placed arrow still does a fair job at bringing things down. But yes, hopefully I won't need to use them much. A smooth ride is much better."

The coyote follows inside, shifting his weight to one leg once he finds a place to stand. "I'm ready whenever ya'll are. I have to admit, I thought sailors had stronger stomachs, didn't expect anybody to get sick just watching." Redd grimaces a moment. "On second thought, probably good to have people sitting down when I'm working on it."

OF course, as soon as Shirai, Edel, Angus and Razz step out of their vehicles, the Marine not wearing any body armor growls. "You lot better be the diplomats, cause you sure as hell don't look like any Marine I've seen. Either way, you sure as fuck ain't leaving Ops. I ain't letting no limp-dick civilians, no matter how well armed, go into a military operation!" He barks out, his fur bristling. The Marines that drove the convoy for the group just look a bit sheepish as they get out of hte vehicles themselves. Of course, Phos's vehicle soon rolls up, which gets the colonel (for those who noticed the black bird device on his collar) gets even more livid. "FOR FUCKS SAKE! DO NONE OF YOU UNDERSTAND OPERATIONAL SECURITY!?"

The Albatross scoffs. "Might be because what you two did is normal for you. Watching and hearing someone's body utterly change, is definitely not pleasant." He says, shaking his head. Soon though there's about 20 bird-people in teh room, one of which had a cup of coffee in hand, and looking especially upset. "Victor, you better tell me why the hell you had ALL of us gather in here. Ain't no way we're flying right now." The coffee-holding albatross stated.

Angus steps out of the vehicle, making sure the strap on his duffle bag hadn't broken yet as he tunes out the shouting marine, definitly double checking he still had his smokes before finally looking up at the situation before turning to adress the shouting colonel with a very simple statment. "You know, sometimes it's just to damn easy." Before walking off to see what else there was here to see.

"Christ, calm down. Yes. We're your diplomatic contacts from Fairhaven. Pleased to meet you too." Shirai deadpans. "We're here to help you out with your little Kaiju problem and discuss the munitions shortage. Right now you need help either way. And frankly as crappy as things look out here right now, I suggest you take your little 'joke' there. You have no idea what's been happening over in Fairhaven, for one, and two I suggest you start acting like an adult so we can get this show on the road rather than sit around flapping lips all day. Like it or not we're all here to do a job."

Razz crosses his arms and nods from behind Shirai. "she's right, the sooner we get the done the sooner we help adn the sooner we're gone-right?" he shrugs. "Or, if you really want we can not help and leave you here." he shrugs again. "Look we are the BEST equppied people for this." he glances over at Angus and he bag briefly.

Forkbomb considers the old Albatross, then promptly files it away in the mental drawer of things that might come in handy to know exactly once. He gives a toothy grin at his greetings. Oh he was going to enjoy this. "Well, hello to you too." He claps his hands together. He felt the old weird feeling hit his digits, somewhere between sticking your hands into a whirlpool and like tiny fireworks were detonating on the surface on his skin. "About that. Me and my friend here are private contractors sent here on direction from the Marine Corps." He put on his sales pitch voice. He typically hated the business voice, he found it boring and indirect as all hell, but he was hedging on that them hating it, too. "What if we said we could not only get you back to normal and back in your planes, but make you just about anything you wanted to be? Bigger, faster, stronger, smaller, with or without an all-natural fur coat?" He wasn't terribly great at selling things, but he put on a somewhat passable facsimile.

"Civilians." Phosphorus snorts, stepping out of the vehicle, slinging her rifle back over her shoulder and eyeing the both of them. The panda makes an indifferent noise, seeing. how the others have already made their piece, and instead goes to check up on the explosives that were oh so precariously towed over here, checking the straps and occasionally giving a tug to one of the bindings to make sure it's still secure.

Edel raises her brow at the tirade from the colonel, though she doesn't reply, save to shake her head and give a helpless shrug. She tucks her hands in her pockets, looking amongst all the birds that have flocked into the room, tail flicking behind her before settling into a curl around her paws, so it doesn't get stepped on.

Redd elbows Forkbomb in the ribs, "No, we're not contractors, at least, not to the Marines. I work for RSX, as do these two." He gestures towards the RSX pilots. "He works for Zephyr Inc. Anyways, technically we're diplomats, but as I demonstrated up on deck, we've got a few 'talents' that can get you folks flying again. And not with feathers, if you were wondering. When we met with Captain Cranston on the mainland, we heard that you all couldn't launch. Victor here explained your current forms seem prone to blacking out during the catapulting phase. Long story short; I can change the form of others. If you're willing, it makes it all the easier, even." The coyote crosses his arms. "I mean, what use is an aircraft carrier without any aircraft? A staging area, maybe. Or hospital ship. I remember that happening a few times before this mess. Anyways, if ya'll are willing to give it a try."

Victor nods. "Though, CAG, I will say... It, looked and sounded unpleasant up on the deck. I don't know how they didn't puke from teh experience, except for possibly being used to it." The albatross that'd lead the group on the deck after arriving says, looking a bit queasy from the recollection. The CAG however, scoffs and sips his coffee. Perfectly level. Guy was good. "So, you're saying you can get us into the air, and this isn't an aircraft carrier persay. Amphibious Assault Ship. Entirely different breed o' ship." The CAG explains.

As for those at teh Base of Operations, well... The Colonel didn't QUITE take to Angus's blowing him off like that. "Sergeant! Detain that... PERSON!" He barks, causing one of the Marines who escorted hte group up to sigh and walk over to Angus, grabbing ahold of his arm loosely. "This is a military operation, not a damned tourist stop. You want ot help? You stay the FUCK out of my Marine's way here at Ops. And NO, you CANNOT leave Ops until I decide otherwise!" the Colonel states flately. Turning around and storming off, the Sergeant in question lets go of Angus. "I fucking HATE Colonel Hastings. Guy has a love for NJPs, punishments, and not fucking caring." The sergeant says, shaking his head. "TOC's about a klick down to the beach. We start hoofing it now, we can get halfway there before the Colonel knows we bugged out."

Angus looks down at the hand on his arm, looking up at the colonel for a moment with a questioning gaze before he moves off. "Guy sounds like he's really popular around here, real smiles and such." He answers as he's let go, tapping a few claws on his duffle bag as he waits. "So lets get going then and see how red his face will get."

"And people tell me I'm tightly wound. What a fucking waste of air." She mutters, looking back to the Sergeant. "Glad to see you've got more sense than Mr. Temper tantrum back there; you'd think he's mad we actually came to do our job." Spitting at her feet, she grumbles; "Ingrate."

"All right, you heard the man. Let's get a move on. Unless you want to deal with tall, braindead and angry when he gets back I suggest we take this guy's lead and make our way out. We're not going to be able to do any good if we have some armchair general shouting at us as if we're his ex-wife demanding extra child support to fuel a drug addiction." Shirai makes her eay off with Angus at a light jog, readying her laser rifle. "Let's get this done. I'd say I want to be home in time for dinner, but frankly I just don't like sitting around idle."

Razz sighs "Well If i didnt want to punch him before I did now." he shakes his head. "someone dont want anything done..." he turns to follow After Angus and Shirai checking that his claymore and dagger were still there. "We have things to do and i'm not about to let someone with his head up his ass stop us, or me at the very least."

Forkbomb smiles. "We are shapeshiters that can shapeshift you back into whatever you want, essentially. We were thinking about getting you back to normal so you can fly again. This /will/ hurt and feel exceptionally painful, but you /will/ be ready again. Who wants to be the brave pilot that is first?"

"Probably should take these explosives with us. Or not. They're pretty heavy." Phosphorus says, to nobody in particular. Probably aimed at the two marines that helped her lug them over here, actually. Mulling over the situation... "Are we just going out there to take a look at what we're up against? It'll be hard to set a trap on a wide, open beach, unless we get to digging as soon as we get there. Ideally, we'd want to keep them away from any significant building, but..."

"Yes, the sooner we are home, the better, I think," Edel comments, adjusting her glasses and looking over the others she is with. "Which means the sooner we get going!" Touching a hand to her hat to keep it in place, she sets off with a jog of her own.

"I hate to contradict my companion twice in as many minutes. But no. It can be done with relatively little pain... If done slowly. All at once, and not used to it, yeah, that'll hurt a fair bit. Do it a bit at a time, it's more exhausting for me and takes longer, but less discomfort on your end." Redd glares at Fork a moment, then turns his eyes back towards the albatross with coffee. "I've also had a fair amount of medical training, so even if something were to go wrong, I can treat it." The coyote turns his head to Forkbomb again before speaking. "You can make this part easier by increasing nanite density, if you would. We're near the edge of the bubble, but not outside it. It'll both reduce any pain and make it less energy intensive."

"I will say, between being shot, stabbed and hit with a humvee once or twice. This'll hurt nowhere near any of those. I can promise that much." Redd cracks his knuckles. "So, who's first?"

While everyone was handling things, Angus's group heading towards the TOC, Redd's group helping to talk the pilots into the shift, well, things started to apparently go wrong. Because around San Diego air raid sirens began to give their age old cry of warning. Aboard the Nassau, the klaxxons and alert lights began going off.

"Attention all crew, attetnion all crew, Godzilla 1 is approaching the coast, I say again, Godzilla 1 is about to make landfall! All personnel to your stations!" Came a voice of the intercom, making the albatross's in the briefing room curse and fume over this turn of affairs. They couldn't do anything but wait now. The CAG however, sipped his coffee. "Got a way to do it to a group?" He asked, as though he was talking about hte weather.

The Marines readying to escort Angus's group (clearly against Colonel Hasting's orders) glanced at each other only a moment glance and scrambled to the hummvee's. "GET IN!" the Lieutenant yelled, even as the engines began rumbling. The first HMMWV peeled out with protesting tires as soon as two of the Agents were in, followed by the vehicle towing the bombs, then the third vehicle once it's occupants were aboard. Over the radio in each vehicle, they got a clue why the scramble. "2nd Battery! HE at previously established coordinates Gulf! BRING THE RAIN!" "Roger that FOB Victory, HE out to Gulf. Rounds out, better duck."

Angus throws his bag into the humvee before getting into it. "Well don't keep our guest waiting, onwards jeeves!" He comments, poking his head up into the front of the vehicle as they put the pedal to the metal, no way he was going to miss seeing one of those howitzers fire!

Shirai slings herself into the Humvee, about to offer a hand to any latecomers just before it screeches into action; rifle dropped to the seat for just a moment so both her hands are available for leverage as she sits herself down proper. "Well, well. Looks like we need to get our plans sorted a bit faster. I already made mine clear; Angus's though..." taking a moment to actually look at who her travel buddy was, she chuckles. "Well, lucky day. If you've got a way to signal the rest of us when you set that up, good. if not, try to grab something from the marines, yeah? If we go with the demolition plan we want to know roughly where you are so we don't worry about where the thing falls. Less like killing a few ferals and more like a demolition project. Sounds fair?" She asks, voice raised to shouting as the howitzers would otherwise drown her voice out. "God DAMN those things are loud... Point is, if we're shooting at it from the ground we don't want it recoiling in your direction; can't have it topple a line of buildings if there's anything left standing either. Think you can do that for us?"

Razz Blinks, jsut as he was about to join them Angus and Shirai Get Carted off. "well shit..." his ears flick as everything goes to hell. "What am I-ah!" he Hop in teh next Humvee as it comes around, noding thankfully to the driver "this is where the fun begins!" he says, a grin forming on his face. Loud guns, giant monsters and EXPLOSIONS This was the BEST day.

Forkbomb rubs the back of his neck. For once, he seems sincere. "Look. I'm not great at doing this whole public speaking thing. I think I got one helluva introduction for you to dismiss me as soon as you saw me. I mean," He gestures down his body with a handsweep. "I'm still human. You either need to be pretty stubborn genetically speaking, or have something else working out for you in order for that to be the reality of-" And then things started to go wrong. "... Right, Plan B. I'll prep the field, you do you. Ladies and gents, brace. This is gonna suck." He looks at Redd with intensity, and then bows his head a bit. Seems as if he's praying, but he's just focusing. Breathing hard. Feeling himself diffusing with the air around him. His veins near his temple popped up and made themselves seen. His face went red with strain. And then after a moment, and sent all those helpful little supercharged nanite bastards around.

Edel hastens her pace, clambering into one of the vehicles and setting her bow across her lap. "Don't have to tell me twice," she says, trying to cover her ears to spare her from the thump of fire. "Surprised those things still have ammo after all this time," she murmurs. "So let's get out there and we'll see what we can do to alleviate this problem!"pot

Sighing, Phosphorus steps back into the vehicle. Awfully convenient timing, when it comes to deciding what to do with the bombs. Assuming that Edel is nearby, or in the same Humvee, "Yo, Edel! Mind if I borrow you for your earth nanomagic when we get there? It'll be awful useful in laying this trap."

"Not the same way as I was going to. But this'll work too." Redd pulls a vial from one pocket, and a small orb from another. "A little specialty all my own. Anybody who wants to stay as they are should leave the room now." The vial is slotted into the orb, and it starts blinking as the coyote sets it on the briefing room's table. "You've got a minute till it goes off. Ya'lls choice."

"We generally don't use the Artillery peices miss!" The marine in the front seat of Edel's vehicle says, yelling over hte fire. Very quickly it dulls down as they get away. Over hte radio, all three vehicles hear the next report. "No joy no joy! Vacating FOB Victory! HE on FOB Victory, fire at will!" Very soon the three hummvee's roll up to the single tent overlooking the beach line looking out to Corando, watching as a group of MArines are coming in from the opposite direction just as fast, while explosion rock the location apparently they'd just bugged out from.

Aboard teh Nassau, not a single pilot got up. The CAG just smiled. "Not to sound ungrateful, but you're giving us our proper wings back. Like hell we're letting it pass." Sip.

Angus whistles as he gets an eyefull of Kaiju when they finally roll up to the beach, looking back at Shirai for a moment. "Eh? Oh right, well lets just say this is plan B." He answers, patting the bag just a bit before getting out with it in hand, squinting out towards where he saw it to see what he can see. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of nuclear island I think."

"All right. Let's hope Plan A is good enough." Shirai replies simply, taking her rifle back in hand and disembarking quickly. Quickly looking over what she can see for the Kaiju, she checks for any possible weak spots aside from the obvious eyes or mouth when open. "If it gets to plan B I'll have a little 'present' for Godzilla's bastard kid here. Make sure you give me a heads up for that as well." Shirai gives the rest of the group a moment to disembark. "They're not going to be waiting for us. Let's give them a warm welcome."

Forkbomb goes ahead and sits down. He seems soaked in sweat, panting heavily and melting into his chair. Not literally, thankfully. At least, not yet. No point in fighting this. "So, what's the form, Redd? Just human, or are you going for something more exotic?" He reached into his windbreaker, pulled out a small, corked, tin bottle, and stared at it for a little while.

Right then

Right then. Let's do this. Phosphorus watches the target out the window, eyeing the beachhead as the humvee pulls up. Once the vehicle stops, she immediately hops out of the car and jogs over to the bombs, beckoning for the others to come on over. "So, who's up for being Kaiju bait?"

"Ahhh, I suppose that's a good reason to still have ammo then," Edel says, nodding towards the marine. "I'm afraid my arrows aren't much compared to heavy artillery, but who knows! Maybe I'll manage something surprising for you," she says with a wink. "Maybe get it in the eye. No matter how big you are, getting something in the eye is a pain and a half."

The coyote just grins, "Glad to help. Hope ya'll haven't gotten with all these years out of the air. Hope you enjoy humanity again. I can't promise it'll be permanent though, probably a few days at least, several weeks if you're lucky." Redd just grins and waits.

The Marines that'd helped Phos prime the bombs originally are quick to jump out and help her get them ready. The rest are quick to get things ready. One Marine, vest on proper like, but lacking a helmet walks over. "Who in the bleeding hell are you lot?" He asked, looking over the Agents, while the Lieutenant steps up. "The diplomatic mission from up north Major." She says. The Major looks over, looks back at the Kaiju tearing up the beach, and sighed. "No time to throw you back to Camp Pendleton. You folks best be able to watch yerselfs. I'm Major Dunahan. Sorry I couldn't meet you there, but this kind of pulled most of what we had." HE says, walking back under the tent. "Jones! Tell 2nd Battery to stop lobbing wildly and fucking aim! We're wasting rounds on the sand and rounds aren't cheap!" He says, sighing.

As the grenade went off in the briefing room, there was a lot of groaning and cries of pain as the pilots all got ot experience their bodies rapidly and rather messily, return to human form. Forkbomb was the only one NOT getting to experience hte pain as, well, he was already human. That said, it took around a minute for all those present ot change to human considering the super-charging that Forkbomb had given the local nanite population here on the edge of the bubble.

Angus rolls his eyes, another happy go lucky soldier. "Look bright eyes, we're just here to wave peace signs and talk about how this war sucks. That or we're here to actually help, take your pick." With that he hefts up his bag before starting towards the beach for a closer look. "Shout when the traps set up, pretty sure I can lure it towards it."

"Camp Pendleton's crew sent us down here to meet your Colonel for some actual information. He proceeded to tell us to fuck off. Pleased to meet you too; I can tell we're going to be best friends." Shirai replies, smirking. "And besides, not going to be easy getting any kind of production rigged up while your leader's faffing around with whatever it is he does, so as Angus said we're here to give a hand until he'll be able to find the time NOT to start getting mad the diplomats he asked for have actually shown up. Sound good? Good." She rubs her temples, continuing to make her way forwards. Again, the rifle's pulled to the ready. "So, what work do you have for us?" Apparently, having had enough of the run around, she's not taking no for an answer at this point.

Razz nods at Phos "I.. can get some wings if Needed.. you wnat me to distract, I'll do it, I'm not equiped for Long-range anyway.." he sighs "tell me where to go and when.. and I'll do it to teh ebst of My ability.. just.. try not to Drop a building on me nless you have to...please.." he sighs and rubs his head. "If.. nothing else..I'll.. get some excercise...R-right?..." he chuckles half-heartidly.

Forkbomb gurgles a bit. "You're welcome for the fact that only took about a minute, by the way. Seriously, I feel like I tried to fuck one of those mechanical bulls after getting tazed." He looks down at the prone and writhing mass around him. "... I feel as if I'm talking to a largely unsympathetic audience. Yeah, okay, fair point." He tries to get up and walk up to the deck of the Nassau, before bodily being reintroduced to the ground. Oh, hello, ground. Good to see you again. He looks at the little vial in his hands. His reflection looked back. "Okay. Okay, yeah. Bottoms up, everyone." He popped the cork, drank it, and waited for it to do it's thing.

"It's alright, Razz. Angus said he could do the luring. The plan is, we set up a highly explosive trap for the Kaiju to walk into, and when they do, it detonates. Naturally, they won't be stupid, so the bombs will have to be hidden underground somewhere. There's no building really... tall enough, over here, so burying it in the sand it is." Phosphorus makes a gesture towards Edel. "And that's why I was asking, so earth magic and such."

Edel stretches out, making her way closer towards Phosphorus, tail flicking. "Well, I can't make very good bait, but... Yes, you will have the use of my earth nanomagic. Just tell me what you want done, and give me time to do it," she says, flashing a smile. "Whatever helps bring the situation to a close."

Redd leans back against the wall as he changes to human, shivering against the cool air. Amazing how people totally forget about climate control with fur or feathers. As Forkbomb stands, err, tries to stand, the coyote's returned to his normal self. "You could have waited a few and gotten a hand up, you know." Redd grumbles and goes to offer a hand to the first pilot to finish changing. It'll be a few before anyone's ready to leave the room anyways.