Zephyr Survey III - RPLOG

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Aaron can be found waiting outside Zephyr's doors, calmly leaning against the wall and waiting for people to show up. Six o'clock, the time people were supposed to make their appearances. She's hoping that enough people show up to make a show of force; diplomacy is all well and good, but there's no substitute for being able to back it up with force if you have to. Sure, she could go it alone, but the last mission proved that it's good to have backup and plenty of it.

Nisha comes in for a gentle landing in front of the building, meeting up at the same place she's familiar with meeting Aaron before the bunny's various missions. The panther taur settles her wings on her back and shakes herself out, then steps up near to Aaron and offers a short wave of greeting. She finds a spot for herself to stand while they wait for the rest of whoever is showing up and takes some time to check over her gear, making sure she's ready for what's coming up, whatever it entails.

Zophah stands in the crowd, her usual lab coat waving in the slight breeze along with her vixen tail. Her fennec ears turn to Aaron to listen well on his explanation, checking her gear once more to see she hasn't forgotten to bring her phoenix-decorated beam laser.

Astara strolls out the front door, sipping on coffee from a disposable paper cup - a departure from her her trusy (breakable) porcelain mug. She has her saddle on with saddlebags and various straps, along with some armored leather padding on her lower half; above the waist is only clothed in her typical corset over her lower set of breasts, the rest of her completely bare, including her arms. Though, those don't need any covering, as the scales running up from her demonic mitts help protect a good portion of her arms. Finishing the last of the coffee with a big gulp, she then crushes and tosses the now-empty cup into a trashcan nearby as she makes her way over to those assembled, happily surprised she's familiar with everyone here so far. "Hey."

Phosphorus exits directly out from the Zephyr building, having arrived from Woodfield via helicopter, all of the panda's weapons fully sheathed and some even left at HQ, for the sake of looking more friendly. She was a big believer in the strategy of attempting peace, but being ready to attack with impunity if everything goes FUBAR. Phosphorus takes the time to walk over to Aaron, offer a slight, polite bow, then offer a hand to shake. "I heard you needed backup? Operative Phosphorus. It's very nice to meet you, Miss...?"

Yaprap reluctantly comes out of hiding from the shadows once she sees noone else is coming. She skulks on over at first but realizing that could give a bad impression straightens up with resolve. She introduces herself to the group upon her approach, "Hello, name is Yaprap. I hope we can get things more settled around here. Pleasure to meet like minded folk." Resting her laser rifle on her shoulder she admits, "It is best to be prepared though."

Aaron draws in a deep breath, looking out at those gathered. "Okay. At this point, I'm saying that we have a good group gathered here, and we need to run with it. Those of you who joined us on our first mission may recall that - while scouting - we were attacked by a group of latex foxes. Before Loveblade dropped grenades on pretty much everything-" here she facepalms at the memory and sighs "-there was a group of Wolf Beast ferals who came to our aid, a pack I know and work with." Her ears droop a bit as she explains, "Last night, while I was on patrol, I was going to do my rounds and greet them when I overheard their second-in-command discussing a battle plan. A plan to "take back what's theirs". To "teach those fools their place". I'm pretty sure all of you can see where this is going." As she begins to pace, she continues, "Our job is to convince them not to attack the project. Hopefully, with words. If necessary, by force. Any questions?" As an afterthought, she notes to Phosphorus, "Aaron. You were here during the first of my missions, remember?"

Nisha looks up as the rest of the people showing up for the mission file in. Her ears perk a bit as she spots Phosphorus out of the corner of her eye and she offers a quick, informal greeting, somewhere between a wave and a salute. The panther taur then looks back to Aaron and listens to the explanation of the day's objectives. She winces at the recollection of the first mission, then clicks her tongue at the problems they're faced with today. "I'm more than a little surprised they actually have that much faith in their ability to take anything from us... But hopefully we can just talk them down before anything happens."

Zophah waves to Astara and turns back to listen. She definitely looks focused, and pulls out a notebook from her pack to begin writing. She may not have been in the thick of it last time, but now is her chance to prove her intellect.

Astara is more than a little downcast as she listens to the first mission being discussed, thoughts also heading to the second one... she shakes herself out of it, though, waving in return to Zophah and then focusing on Aaron with a fiery determination in her eyes - literally, considering her eyes glow a demonic blue. "I... hmm. Where are we going to engage with them?"

"Sounds like we'll have to try talking them down, first." Phosphorus notes, taking a step back and shooting a slight, polite bow to the panther taur, too. "I don't like wasting ammunition when we could reach a proper resolution. I'd recommend Aaron herself heading the spear in terms of negotiations, because she's familiar with them. Myself, I can take up a position far away and provide sniper support if things go afoul. And provide reconnaissance. Birds eye view, and all that. Our communicators should be handy enough to keep in contact." The panda stops talking. Strategy is good, but no use talking people to death.

Yaprap nods as she hears the briefing and the other's remarks, mumbling, "Peacefully would be best, I'd rather not hurt em. If we can help it that is." She fidgets nervously, not used to working in a team with so many people, and sticks to the edge of the group keeping her eyes open for surprises. Hearing Astara's question, she nods in her direction. "That's a good question." Then tries to blend back into the group.