Zephyr Survey - RPLOG

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In truth, relatively little has been done to alter the scene outside the Zephyr headquarters. Same sturdy walls, same security cameras, same employees manning the same armaments. The key difference is that a podium and a small stage have been set up, slightly elevated from street level. Facing an open area where people are obviously intended to gather, it's a simple enough affair, easily assembled and easily disassembled.

Aaron makes her way up onto the stage, looking around to see who decides to join the project. There does seem to have been some attention raised by the notices she's been putting up, but attention is different from action, and she remains quite curious as to who will actually make an appearance.

Nisha is standing, leaning against the wall just next to the doors into the Zephyr building, her arms crossed over her chest, waiting for things to kick off. When the panther taur sees Aaron moving up to the podium, she stands up straight and takes a few steps closer, to listen to what the plan is for the day.

Astara stands, waiting for the presentation to actually start, idly plaing with one of the flowers in her hair. Curiousity and anticipation is visible on her face.

Coyotes are known for their curiosity, in addition to their love of mischief and fun. Redd's certainly no exception, watching as he leans against one of the barrier walls. "Could go well, could go poorly, I'm curious how it'll end up."

Thelergramor just happens to be around, scarf pulled up over his face, all armed and guard-y. Despite losing the guard job a while ago... The Fox yawns, checks over his weapons, watches the other people around. The goggled, scarfed Thelfox peers at the podium, stands quietly a bit of distance away from it, just listening to things that're going to be said. Or not said.

Fenris saunters up in front of the stage. The burly tanuki is wearing the upper half of a police man's uniform and a badge marched "SGT CHUBBS" and a heavy gun belt. There is no gun on it. Instead there is an ornate sword hung from his waist and a long spear strapped to his back. He has even acquired a police hat from somewhere. The burly tanuki folds his arms across his chest and tilts his head to one side, willing to hear what's going on. His fat tail wags slowly behind him.

Phosphorus is leaning on her rifle closer to the Zephyr building, the butt of the weapon planted firmly against the ground. The panda's frowning slightly at the stage. Then again, she's always pretty much frowning. They peer at the crowd of gathered mutants, and the ones entering, and peer at the stage, and generally peer at anything worth peering at. Because waiting is terrible, unless you're waiting for a very good reason.

Edel was a curious sort, the tanuki, albeit a tanuki in the form of a feline today, was sure to be present. She's content to watch from the back today, the sleeves of her regal black and gold robe linked and concealing her hands, while a straw hat sits lazily upon her head. The brown furred cat turns away as her muzzle parts in a wide yawn for a moment before turning her attention back towards the stage.

Cameron padded in from the street, her hand settling her bulging pack on her shoulder. She glanced around at the crowd that was gathering at the space provided, wondering if there was any familiar faces about. Her mind ticking of things on her checklist to bring along for taking back some city blocks, hopefully no one would need to get patched up. She then checked the copy of the notice she had taken to make sure she had the right time. Spying Redd nearby she gives the coyote a small wave and another to Thelegramor as well. Seeing the chilly fox all armoured up she wandered over to him. "Hello Thelergramor...." Pondering a moment on whether she said his name correctly or not. She then smiled up at him and settled beside him to watch the crowd.

Razz Walks out of Zpehyr and just blinks "Well.. By Inari.. That's a crowd.." he mumbles, adjusting his claymore on his back as he looks about, confused. "Huh.. so....It a Party and I wasnt invited.. or.. something else?" he asks no-one in particluar. The wolf finally shrugs and Moves to lean against a Wall, ears Flciking about.

Ferus sniffs the a little nervous as the taur pads out of the lobby. A little nervous at such a large crowd of unfamiliar sights and scent, but a few familiar scents calm hir nerves. Picking a few familiar faces out of the crowd, Ferus calms her self. Pulling hir self up straight the amber and black rosettes furred feline takes a seat on her hunches at the back of the crowd. The margay taur angling hir ears forward to see what the fliers were about and to listen unblinking and intently before events call her away.

Forkbomb was enjoying a nice highly caffinated, previously barely legal energy supplement while enjoying a nice issue of the evening paper. And by evening paper, I mean the poster that he just found kinda lying around. He thought that the wording there was a bit vague, and could be easily construed as... Well. Culty. Or like a huge, /huge/ trap. Luckily, Forkbomb is nothing if not a shifty sort, so if he is walking into a trap, he's determined be the last person shot at. So, he sat at the lobby doorway for a bit before ditching his little bottle of human nitro, walks into the crowd, tugs on the hood of his windbreaker to obscure his features, and tries to blend into the scene and not bring too much attention to himself. Except for Naiko, Angus, and Razz. He gives them a quiet little wave. No point in bringing the thunder until the kool-aid or the feral hordes came out.

A thump sounds from an alley followed soon by a shadow in the dark. Coming around the corner with a clipped stride, Love steps up to the crowd. Massive wings curve and shift comfortably around her shoulders, the taloned tips gripping one another to hold in her heat. Swaying her hips as she stops with a nod and smile for so many familiar faces, the sultry Dragonesses ears swivel here and there while she double checks her kit and waits for news. Occasionally a strange sound catches her interest and has her peer into the dusk-lit street, keen eyes on the lookout for opportunity and trouble.

Zophah barely reaches the back of the crowd before Aaron started speaking, glad that she made it in time. She brushes off her fuzzy gray fur and straitens her flame-patterned bikini, catching her breath. She looks around to find only one other fox other than her in the crowd, buttoning up her lab coat. She takes one sniff at the air to see if she identifies anyone before pulling a cam bow from her back, ready to hear about clearing the streets.

From the Zephyr lobby exits Joseff, a latex fox approaching the crowd of other people. He had a flat and serious expression by his face and body language, displaying his discipline. He wears a second-hand jump suit for modesty and carries a standard-issue chainsword for defense. His eyes glance about, searching to find the sight or smell of his missing squadmate. Not finding them, he focuses to the front of the congragation for whatever announcement was being made. There was something about clearing the area of ferals being held.