Glenstock gets taught to POWER. - RPLOG

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In a room crowded with chairs and children of Glenstock's residents of various stripes, a large siberian tiger walks in from the hall along the wall and to the stage. Examining the crowd, he sees that some in the group aren't clothed properly and points out some of them. "Hey! Those of you over there! Could you put on some cloths or move to the back?" He gives a soft grunt, never quite one to bother with the idea anyway, but for Anna's sake he tries to keep things clean. Once the mutants shuffle around he lets out a satisfied nod to himself and speaks up. "Alright, attention everyone. My name is Bran, I'm Anna's assistant. Today, she'll be teaching you about how to build and maintain a power grid. I would like everyone to remember, no sex, no nudity. If you are nude, keep it to yourself and try to hide it by staying in the back." With a pause, he lets the crowd organize themselves, eying a few of the members for their proximity to eachother, but carries on. Walking to the back of the stage, theres a pause as he speaks to Anna. Soon though, Anna burst out onto the stage and yells out with an exited tone: "Hello everyone! I'm Anna, and today, I'm going to teach you how not to cook yourselves!" Bran on the other hand walks in behind her and sorts through some paperwork, taking some file folders from a bag and grabbing an armful. He sighs at her comment but keeps an eye on the crowd gathered today.

With a smile, Miranai, with Sakura and Userpay's notes from the Library Skunks, knew most of what shi needed to know about what was being said. Shi stood ready though, to help out. With a platter of sandwiches for hir extremely slowly, but ever growing, belly. Milked... mostly empty, and with Ava and Blanche still within, shi was mostly relaxed and calm, sitting off to the side as shi waits for questions or anything else.

Sakura was resting next to Mira, holding on her large belly and for once seems to have her milky breasts drained and covered. She takes a sandwich from Mira's plate and was looking curious at Anna. "She seems very energetic." she whispers.

An amused chuckle comes from one of the people standing off to the side in the room, a black haired, pale human smiling lightly as he looks up at the stage. "A peppy one..." Anbessa mutters softly under his breath as he leans back against the wall. While he didn't look the part in his generally casual outfit, the human wearing a simple pair of brown cargo pants and a white T-shirt smiles a bit as he leans against the wall during his watch. While he did stand out a bit, it wasn't like he was doing anything yet other than passing his eyes over the crowd to make sure that nothing, or nobody, was being a nuisance.

Anna continues to address the crowd, some of whom are already starting to grow aroused. With their various states oh hyperness, the mouse on stage frowns and speaks up. "Now then! Bran will hand out some papers and while he's doing that I'd reeaally like it if those of you with towers for cocks to move to the back!" She gives a strained smile to seem polite, but when Bran who had came up behind her gives her a playful swat on the head with a folder, she lets out a startled squeek. "Watch it whiskers!" Bran doesn't seem to respond to that much as he hands out some folders to a few participants. He makes his way around the dining room hall and tables, liberally handing out a folder to a groups of children. He eventually approaches Mira and Sakura. Looking at them, he gives a surprised look to her as he sees Miranai's breasts and Sakura's belly. Taking aback he takes a moment to recompose himself. "Uhh.. apologies for staring, ma'am. Here, could you share this with those around you?" The folder looks to be a normal manila folder, but is thick with paper. Inside there are instructions, guides, technical details and diagrams. Theres also a some notation on some of the more technical documents to help keep things coherent as well as a icon key on the inner side of the folder. Alongside the the more blank parts of the folder appear to be some small scribbles. Bran continues to make his way though, handing out folders to those that are more modestly presentable, then returns, passing by Anbessa and looks him over for a moment before returning to the stage. As Bran hands out the papers, Anna speaks out. "Bran is handing out all you need to get started. Theres not enough for everyone so be sure to share what you have those around you! No cuming on them! I worked very hard hand-writing all those!" She shoots a look to an attended that just so happens to have a raging erection already leaking out pre from the tip. He tries to push away his cock, but only manages to stroke the stiff length. Anna sighs and continues. "Now then! the first rule of not cooking yourself is to keep your cloths and limbs to yourself! You'll be working in cramped conditions where a bad touch on these metal monsters will eat you! Fold your wings, tie your tail, wear tight fitting cloths!" When Bran returns to the stage, he sits in a chair nearby, eyeing the flustered mutant.

Miranai didn't have a lot of these but thinks shi could share. Shi gives the folder over to Anbessa for now, and gives a slight pet to Sakura before checking how many shi had. Only one shi could share really, so... shi puts that away, and gives a look to the child in question. Shi bites hir lip a moment, giving a shaking of hir head to him. Not entirely sure how best to help though, waiting to see if things get worse. "A question though, about those whom... clothing causes more of an issue than solves any problems?" Shi asks.

Sakura glances over to Anbessa and gives him a small wave and smile before giggling lightly at Bran. She then glances at the folder and then at Mira. "Ummm.. did you say we needed to do physical thingies? Me don't think me could do those if me needs to.." she asks quietly.

Anbessa smiles to Miranai as he is handed the folder, though he is quick to pass it on to the next person, who ends up being Sakura. He had a bit of something else to focus on, but Sakura does get a smile sent her way by the human in return before he turns his attention towards the child who seems to be about to burst and cover the kids in front of him. Raising an eyebrow, the human glances towards Bran for a moment before he steps quietly towards the side of the crowd nearby the rather aroused child. "Keep calm, m' man." Anbessa says in a soft enough tone to not be too loud, but hopefully enough for the kid to hear. "That can wait till after."