Circus of Fear 2015 - RPLOG

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The wind howls through the trees, the light rain hissing as it fights to exstinquish the torches placed along the path leading the way. Over night a Circus seems to have sprung up in the middle of no where, ramshackle tents fluttering in the wind as music plays. Shadows creep between the tents, people and creatures moving in preperation for the big night of fun and fear.

Fenris trots happily through the streets, his furm, round tummy leading the way. The burly tanuki heard there was some kind of party tonight and he was not about to miss it! His sword and spear bounce lightly behind him and he has swapped out his nirmal t-shirt for a shirt made to look like a jack-o-lantern on his belly in honor of the holiday. Otherwise, he wears nithing but an amiable smile.

Fengl scratches his head, tails waving lazily behind him. He is, for now, wearing his normal clothing, although that would change soon enough. His head pivots around, ears twitching as he listens to the sounds of the carnival.

Ah, Halloween, perhaps the best night of the year for mischief; the title of best day being, of course, held by April Fool's Day. A not-too unfamiliar coyote strides up behind Fenris, prodding the tanuki on the shoulder. "Good to see some familiar faces out here." Redd's dressed almost like he ought to be in the circus himself, looking very much the part of a stage magician.

Razz Pads along and Blinks "So.. all the way out here Eh? Well lets see what halloween Has in store shall we?" the wolf chuckles and walks along grinning. "similar or diffrent to The motel I wonder..." he muses, tail wagging as he walks along.

Jackle Having quietly explored the area, he came in dressed with a pair of casual jeans inplace of his normal attire, being rather skittish despite heading toward the carnival, feeling rather cold despite his fur, his tail constrained by his recentally gained pants. Traveling toward a party from someone he didnt know. Hastily shoving his hands into his pants to hide his overt shaking. Somewhat following along with the group at large.

Dressed up in her typical, traditional black and gold silk robe, Edel wanders along towards the circus, tail flicking behind her. "What an unusual thing this is." She trails off. "Distinctly reminds me of that funhouse I tried to plan a couple of years ago. How very... Suspicious. And not at all sketchy," she murmurs before grinning and adjusting her glasses, approaching the entrance.

The Circus was in motion, people moving to and fro as the party approached. There were games, there was fun, there was food! Attractions of all kinds where scattered around the place, a funhouse here, the hall of mirrors there, games of skill games of chance, so many choices! But that would have to wait as the welcome party approachs, a Gator in a dress eyeing up the group before dropping a soap box at her feet. "Welcome to the Circus of fear, the ring master should be out here shortly to greet you all."

Fenris raises a hand in greeting to Redd and to Edel. "I don't think I've ever been to a circus before!" the tanuki says, "And the nanite built one doesn't count." The big coon dog sniffs wistfully at the air. "All that food smells so good!" he moans, "It's like deep fried happiness!" He looks a little disappointed that he can't start raiding the food stalls yet, but it might be fun to meet the ringmaster.

Fengl waves happily at the group. Then, he claps his hand together as he sees the others in costume. "Ah, this won't do. Not tonight." He twirls around theatrically, his clothes changing, at least to those that can't see through the illusions. His clothes shift and change, turning into a somewhat ill-fitting witches costume. "Ah, that's better."

Razz Pads along And Eyes Fengl, just as his outfit changes. "Hey-Fengl, come to enjoy it too, eh?" He chuckles and Grins before blinking at the gator. "oh.. Oh my. haha." He smiles. "this will be fun been a while since i've had fun and jsut relaxed, what about you?"

Jackle slowly brings his hands out of his pockets, starting to relax with all the people being around him, taking a moment to sniff the air and enjoy the sights. Enjoying a relaxing moment in the Circus of Fear. Clearing his throat to speak-up. "Did the ring master the one that asked us to be here?" directing the question to the Croc in a dress.

"I actually haven't even been to a fair since I was a little kid, much less a circus." Redd nods in agreement with Fenris. "The food does smell good... I bet ya they've got an eating contest somewhere."

"I've been to a few," Edel says, nodding before offering a smile to Fenris. "So you are still alive! I was wondering what ever happened to my Tanuki champion," she says with a little wink. "And hello to you, too!" She says towards the croc, bowing."I do smell some pretty fantastic food, for sure!"

There's a flash of light, a puff of smoke upon the Soap box to reveal the ringmaster! Dressed up in the ring masters outfit tailored for one so small the Fennec straightens his bowtie, hooking his cane in the crook of his elbow as he eyes the group in front of him. "Welcome, to your greatest fears!" He speaks, his voice booming despite his small stature. "Here you will face your greatest fears, and your darkest desires but for now be mary. Partake of the food, enjoy the games for they may be the last bit of fun you will have in ages." His grin is sharp as he looks upon the group, a strange glint finds it way into his gaze before he slips off the soap box and starts walking towards the Center ring, leaving the party to do as they please. The gator giving him an odd look before speaking to the party once more. "We have something set up in the center ring for you all later tonight, but for now have fun."

Fenris smiles and applauds. The smoke thing was a good trick! And it was a good spiel! "I wonder what my greatest fears are?" the tanuki wonders aloud as he wanders toward the source of those heavenly, deep fried smells. "Gee! I hope I have something to trade!"

Fengl shrugs, witches costume moving in a manner that isn't entirely natural. "Oooh, free food. Can't say no to that." He doesn't seem to pay much attention to the show, only sniffing at the air. He shifts from side to side, illuminated tails waving happily as he looks at everyone in turn.

"He's adorable." Redd snickers quietly, commenting on the miniature ringmaster. He reaches for the ringmaster's ears but stops himself short. "No, best not get thrown out of the circus before I eat, maybe after." He mumbles to himself quietly, as if arguing over the best course of action.

Razz Nods "Sounds.. Fun! And food! better be good! Like that small cafe up in teh east forest..Damn that place is nice." he grins before looking to Fengl. "Heeyyyo-You thhhere or has the Idea of nice food captured you too?" he asks, grinning.

Jackle quickly brings up a hand to cover his mouth to stiffle a giggle, before clearing his throat speaking toward the gator "So, what sort of attractions are set up for us if you dont mind me asking?"