Klamath Falls Packmind - RPLOG

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A call from RSX, potential packmind encounters. They've been working hard on those damn things, and here goes another one. Besides the multiple disasterous missions before, they have another one! But this time, they're not going in blind!

The volunteers are brought in by helicopter to the Crater Lake outpost, from there, they're directed to wait in the parking lot until the team leader will meet them. They don't have to wait long, as a very official-looking Husky Girl in a military dress jacket and matching slacks strides up, her claws tapping on the cracked asphalt. She looks over the team as it assembles in the warm air in the parking lot, at the very brink of night.

Again. He is here again. Weird feeling. Fear in him grows bigger, but at the same time he feels relieved. Sithra hasn't been in Oregon for a long time, though after some events it's called him every day. Every day he heard it, seen it, smelled it, feared it... But now he is back. The coyote is wearing nothing, but a light armor and a holster with a Desert Eagle in it. Sithra steps down onto the asphalt and takes a few steps away from helicopter, gazing across these lands, shuddering a little. His gaze meets the military-looking husky girl and gives her a short nod, though he doesn't walk over to her, continuing to stand nearby of the helicopter as if waiting for someone else.

Just following the first coyote was a second one, garbed in simple clothing with some Zephyr armor on her chest, a laser pistol on one hip, a medkit on the other, and a standard combat helmet atop her head. Rorne steps just behind Sithra, staying just off to the side as well, her gaze constantly looking about the area, taking in whatever she can. She places one of her hands on Sithra's shoulder as he shudders, giving him a couple, gentle taps to calm him. She then looks to the husky girl as well, noting her outfit and posture in general. Rorne gives the husky a respectful nod in greeting.

Following a small distance behind comes a husky girl, wearing little else besides an impromptu backpack, morten. She looks around, taking in the area before moving slightly closer to the other pair, she notices the Military husky girl and offers a quick wave before quickly retracting her paw, clearly a little nervous.

Once more unto the breach. This wasn't a flyby like the last few meetings she'd had with RSX. This time, it was a full on field operation. The large humanoid dragoness stepped off the helicopter, when it landed, and was checking over her gear. It would be the first field test of her new armor, and of her XM8 with it's new ammo. She'd had the tablet on the inside of her right forearm key the armor to have a MARPAT pixelation pattern with a multi-cam color scheme. Her hope was that this would be a very simple smash and grab mission. Get in, get something, get out. Glein didn't want to see if either her more powerful inoculation she'd procured from Zephyr Inc worked against the Pack mind infection, or if her, current, infection gave her additional protection against it.

Once more unto the breach. This wasn't a flyby like the last few meetings she'd had with RSX. This time, it was a full on field operation. The large humanoid dragoness stepped off the helicopter, when it landed, and was checking over her gear. It would be the first field test of her new armor, and of her XM8 with it's new ammo. She'd had the tablet on the inside of her right forearm key the armor to have a MARPAT pixelation pattern with a multi-cam color scheme. Her hope was that this would be a very simple smash and grab mission. Get in, get something, get out. Glein didn't want to see if either her more powerful inoculation she'd procured from Zephyr Inc worked against the Pack mind infection, or if her, current, infection gave her additional protection against it. Still, they were getting paid for this, and personally, Glein wanted payback. She wanted to give these damned Packminds something to remember her by. So she waited in the parking lot, her regulation issued helmet hanging off a strap on her armor. A real piece of work, something she and Edel had worked on for nearly 3 days, using it as her self-training on improving her mechanical skills, it was fairly well designed for her body shape in mind, with quite a few extras. The ammo pouches normally found hooked onto tactical vests and harnesses, were internal components keyed to the tablet. The battery pack hanging on the back of her belt powering the internal slots and the tablet alike. Her pack from when she wore a regular harness was hooked onto the back plate, and settled neatly between her wings. Her laser pistol was holstered in the right leg plate, the grip readily reachable though the rest of the weapon was in the armor. Her XM8 was hooked to a pair of buckles on the front, giving her ready access to it. As the Husky female walked up, her uniform screaming RSX security guard put into the field, Glein almost felt sorry. Then again, RSX and Zephyr had been the only real bastions of humanity and civilization until the Promethean's had started up as a major faction, so who was she to gauge. Still, at least Glein's military experience might prove handy in this situation.

Yet another husky seems to be present, today, this one considerably smaller. Edel hops out of the helicopter and pulls her goggles down over her eyes, a frown on her muzzle as she glances around before shuffling up next to Glein. "Hopefully this one goes better than last time, hm?"

With her team assembled, she looks over them... Two coyotes, both looking somewhat distraught. Another husky from Fairhaven, naked, unrespectable. A big dragon in fancy armor, and... An very short husky! It was like some kind of husky convention, but the military one seems the most austere of all. She strides up to her team, looking them over again, evaluating their equipment...

"My name is Agent Jean, and I'm in charge of this operation. Don't any of you get any ideas about me because of my appearance. Last person who tried to mount me went home in a plastic baggy... As you heard, our mission is to survey the city of Klamath Falls, south of here. The helicopter is refueling and will nest here, should we need extraction... Besides that, we don't know what's out there, but, from the looks of some of you, you know what might be..." The husky turns to the side, walking a ways, her hands folded behind her back. "But we're not going in naked like last time, figuratively speaking. You might have heard that there's been some research going on... So this mission will serve two purposes: Recon, and field testing..."

Sithra gives another nod to the husky, listening to her briefing as he feels how a paw gently pats his shoulder. He turns around to see another coyote standing behind him. He looks hir in the eye and places his own paw on hers, completely forgetting about the others. It's hard to forget about Oregon, when it's all around him, waking up all his insticts. He shakes his head and leans in to whisper something in Rorne's ear before taking a deep breath and finally walking over to Jean and offering his paw to her as she finishes her briefing. "Probably not the best way and time, but... Name is Sithra." He says calmly, without a smile or another friendly sign. He isn't even looking at her; his gaze is still drawn by the Oregon's lands.