Rescue from the Jurassic Period, 1st attempt - RPLOG

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The mission brief was... brief to say the last. Nicole put up a map of the area as well as gave what information the fox taur could give. "This area is primiarly populated by lizard ferals, and they are quite strong compared to the Fairhaven types. We at New Dawn would greatly value negotiation before violance whenever possible. I'll be uploading to your comms the IDs of those whom volunteered for this rotation into Bozeman. Their last known location was inside the crumbling library, but we have heard no word from them since. Either their comms are broken, taken from them, or otherwise they can't get to them. Identifying them without comm ID may be hard, this group decided to head in while in the form of some of the locals, however, if you need to, you can use this passphrase and answer, 'It looks like rain.' and 'Latex foxes squeek more when wet.' Are there any questions?"

In the room, listening to the briefing, a smaller uber fox looking person does her best to listen and look over the information provided. Her rather gravid state hinders her movements a bit but she manages. "So.... the first thing we do is find out what happened to the agents? If anything bad happened to them, how should we deal with it? I would hope that they are in a condition to talk, at least. I'd hate to put in the same situation they'd be in." Looking over the information one more time she looks to the others. "Thoughts?"

Loveblade rasps a whetstone across the edge of her axe, tails curled into a nest below her as sits tailor fashion while listening, curling her palm up to her open armor, she teases the nipple for a moment before squeezing a long stream of oil into a rag and resuming her work. Without glancing up, she smiles "I would like to know if there are any identifying marks on them, things like mannerisms that would survive going feral or transforming. Are any of them nativized or innoculated, and what forms do they prefer, normally?" she thrumms, her velvet voice heard despite the talk going on around her. Finished, she pulls the blade along the stone again in a long rasping turn before testing the edge on a square of silk. Satisfied, she stows it and glances up "I would hate having to sort through things after a mistake was made."

At the moment Nekura and Obsidian are listening to the discussion as it goes on though the filly is sitting in her mother's lap using her for a warm seat over the cold metal ones that are set up. "Nope, not really," says the slightly taller Nightmare when Nichole asks for questions. The shorter pony just watches curiously, paying attention on her first mission! With them situated as they are the two are kind of hard to tell apart.

"The little foxy asked my question, so I'm good." the husky shrugs, reclined as best she can in one of the metallic chairs. Rather than her usual southern getup, she now wears a strange tan full-body suit, reinforced with cream-colored metal plates covering her shoulders and upper chest. It looks like something out of a sci-fi film, but it hardly looks like it's for show. In fact, the material of the suit appears to be thick and leather-like. She also carries a large slate-blue rifle held by a strap, and a knife in a holster at her belt. "I'm pretty good with passphrases though." she adds with a grin, glancing towards the others. "Hey, these are the Prometheans, it's not like they'll throw us to the wolves. That's Zephyr." she says playfully, but makes sure to listen up.

A phoenix wearing a bright blue cocktail dress leans against the wall near the door. Her 'femme fetale' look she's trying to do falls short of the fact that she is massively pregnant. It also doesn't help that she is carrying a lot of gadgets, a reinforced medics vest, a case for a fiddle, and what looks like a mini laser cannon with a phoenix painted on it. "My questions were asked as well." she says, smelling the air. "Oh, and I'm Zophah. Who is everyone here? I know I smell Loveblade..." she then trails off, breathing in the scents.

Nicole shakes hir head, "No, they don't really have any prefered forms, though I think Edric was nativized to Bastet." Shi sniffs about the room, giving a smile, "Oh, and do try to keep those, urges, under control out there. As for identifying marks, none other than comm ids. Though their names are Edric, Nick, Jennifer, Elissa, and Howard." Shi continues, "Now, please hurry along, time is important. You'll be taking the flight down to Zephyr, and then to..." Shi looks over Zophah and Erika, "A.. ahem, then out to the park. From there, transport to the mission site." Shi finishes.

"No promises," Nekura remarks when Nicole tells them to try keeping their urges under check. Truth be told the only reason she hadn't already tried to get laid by one of the others is the fact Obsi is in her lap and she really enjoys the warmth of her filly. Speaking of the younger pony she blinks in confusion at the mention of 'urges' and looks up to her mom as if asking what the other mutant means. "Don't worry, I think you're still a few months out from worrying about /those/," purrs the taller Nightmare.

Zophah shakes her head to snap out of it. "I guess I do need this." She presses a button on a triangular device attached to her bag, and a wave of calm emminates from it. "There. That should help. Though I was looking forward to having a bit of fun on this trip."

Loveblade nods at the last, rising to her feet while tails swirl around her ankles, stroking and teasing with three back and arrayed behind for balance. "That'll do. It will have to." she pauses, flicking her wrist out as a small bag with a fiber-cord draw magically appears, Love slipping one obsidian claw up and slicing through the catch before pouring a good third onto an open palm and licking it up, making a face and shaking her six majestic horns with a gasp "So bitter, but worth it if anyone would like a gift?" murring with a nod to their host as she heads towards the exit, hips swaying seductively with every step.

Erika raises an eyebrow when Nicole answers the others' questions, a little surprised. "Wait a second... There's what... 5 mutants out there and not one of them has a preferred form or identifyable marks?" she asks mostly to bug Nicole, a grin on her face. When Nicole gives her a look, she perks up a bit, looking about out of confusion. However, when she smells herself, she digs into her pack for a birth control pill, swallowing it quickly. "Crap, sorry about that. Hey, I'm a husky, don't look at me like that."

Nicole blinks a bit as the agents start up with their own assorted oddities, "Ahem, do what you need to out there, but no, only one really has a form that he sticks to, the rest do what they need to for the work they have." Shi says. "Are there any other questions?"

"REmind me to stay a few yards away from that one," Nekura tells Obsidian when Zopha tries to voodoo away her heat. The shorter Nightmare looks confused but then squeaks as she's brought to stand, wobbling forward a bit bow-leggedly from sleepy limbs! Luckily the older pony is able to keep her daughter from tipping over and soon the two of them head after Loveblade for the exit as well. Totally not so she can voyeur that swaying butt or anything.

Aranor sighs in relief as her urges as suddenly calmed. "I was worried about someone would pick me up and use me for a moment there." Despite Zopha's intervention however, she still tries to cover up her backside with her tails. Looking to the group around her she announces, "In case anyone forgot, I'm Aranor. I hope you don't mind my size though. I would appreciated it if someone opens doors for me. I can't do much with these paws." She smiles as she waves a fore-paw around. "And... well... my other parts." After a short pause she continues. "I'm ok with being picked up though, if that makes things easier." She then mumbles under her breath, "...I can change my shape anyway to make things easier... but..." Turning to Nicole "I should be fine, thanks." With that she picks Zopha to follow around, being at least familiar with her already. "Hello Zopha! Nice to see you again!"

Erika rolls her eyes a bit, then shakes her head. "Nope, I'm good. Find the muties, save their lives." she says, standing up and looking at the others. "We gonna sit on our asses or get going? I know we don't know these people, but I'd like to think their lives matter." she says in her ever-playful tone, making her way back towards Zephyr where she's meant to take the transport into Bozeman Park. "Meet ya there, partners." she calls behind her as she goes, holding her rifle idle.

"I'm good." Zophah quips, stretching out her arms and wings. She then double checks her gear and heads out behind Nekura, scooping Aranor up like a puppy on her way out. "Hi Aranor. Have you seen my husband around lately? I haven't seen him for over a week."

The transit to Bozeman is as usual and eventful as ever! That is to say, not at all. Mike, an expert pilot, with Tiashat giving directions. "You know, this place hasn't changed too much over the years. Just be careful out there." The large dragon says as she directs Mike on landing in the base camp. From there, Desmos gives direction to the campus. It is quite a trip all in all, taking many an hour to finally get to the front entrance of the campus. The most striking thing for those new here, is the huge pedestal, with nothing standing upon it.

Nekura and OBsidian were pretty much keeping one another entertained the entire time though when they end up in front of the university they both pause to look at the pedestal. "Isn't.. there supposed to be something on it?" asks the shorter pony. "Apparently someone wanted a really impressive topic starter. Either that or it had some importance," murmurs the bigger Nightmare.

Erika's ears and eyes remain perked as they land at Bozeman, never having been there before. She spends a good moment after they land observing the massive pedistal, until she hears the equines speak, looking over at them. "Yeah, no kidding... Odd, but cool. Never been here myself. Four years in this life, and never once set foot in this park." she says, edmiring the scenery only briefly before shaking her head. "We've got shit to do though, I can come back whenever. Maybe a vacation or something, bring my mate..." she muses aloud, though a thought occurs to her. Heading over to the pedistal, she attempts to use the vegetation to scale to the top of it.

On the trip in Zophah looks fondly at Nekura and Obsidian's relationship, rubbing her own belly. Once the group got to the university her demeanor changed to a look of curiosity. "Maybe I can finally find that book on Theriogenology I've been looking for." She then takes to the skies to see the overlay of the area.

While walking with Zopha to get to bozeman Aranor replies, "Vaust? No, I haven't seen him, but I also haven't been around much. I found new friends and I was hanging around them for a while."

On arrival at the university she takes her time to look around her new surroundings as Zopha flies off. She watches at Erika climb onto the slab and says to her, "Hows it looking up there?" She picks a place near the slab and waits for someone to walk by her so she can follow them instead, not wanting to be by herself in a potentially dangerous situation, especially at her current stature.

Dal flies through the air as she searches for where the group searching for the remaining recruiters. Going to Bozeman University was pretty dangerous, and the dragoness was in the area before. She promptly sighs, "I wish I made it in time to ride with Deimos. Thankfully, it was easy to track them for the most part." As soon as she notices the large group, she flies closer to the phoenix in the air, "Want me to help out?"

Loveblade steps off the chopper with a nod to Mike as her claws hit the sod. Folding her wings in about her shoulders as she swats away a biting insect, Love takes a few moments to do up her armor with the first few steps as her scattershot humms to life. Connecting with her equipment, the full body suits' collar starts flashing a rotating set of deep blue lights that ignite into a brilliant halo before going dark. "I think we're set, for now." she murrs, near invisible strands spreading out from her sides and connecting to each member of the group in her circle, Love reading them quickly and then disconnecting as she focuses on the moment. "I'll activate my ARK, for starters. While we're here, keep an eye out for any unique or rare equipment. This was a university, some of the areas would have been reinforced and less prone to damage. Supplies too." she pauses and turns, looking behind the party and then glancing at her colors. "I'm going to go take a dust-bath," she muses, seeing a parade of colors before her as readouts falsh before her eyes "We stick out like sore thumbs in the open like this. We need to get away from the lz, fast." Shouldering her pack and slotting it into place before twisting the lock closed, she growls "We might have to earn respect the hard way, but let's wait and see what's going on. Velvet gloves and iron fists, all that."

With the sun setting rapidly, and light quickly fading, the lack of a moon quickly beings to limit vision. Though with the lack of light polution, the stars are easy to see above. Gusty winds though mask many sounds, the wind through the leaves making a constant noise.

With everybody crowding the statue area Nekura decides to take Obsidian on a little perimeter searching though in all honesty it's more to stay away from Zophah's lust-killing bag. If she wanted to be clear headed she'd have stayed a mutant, darnit! Besides, maybe she'll get lucky and actually spot something of interest. "Should we really be out here when it's pitchblack?" asks the shorter pony. "Well dear it's not like we'd really try to fight with whatever mutants come along anyways," snickers the taller Nightmare.

Dal slowly begins to frown as the evening fades into night. "Okay, I'll just search for anything out of the ordinary and then we can head back to the group." The entire time the dragoness' wings keep flapping and she continues, "By the way, the name is Dal and I'm here to help find the recruiters."

Erika looks all around the LZ after getting to the top of the pedistal, then shakes her head. "Shit..." she sighs, looking down towards Aranor. "Can't see jack shit, it's all just foliage." she says, climbing down from the structure and rejoining the group. Hearing Loveblade however, she furrows her brows. "'Unique or rare equipment'? This isn't a salvage mission, sister. This is a rescue. I dunno about you, but I'm going to be looking out for our pals. Come back later if you want to score some damn goods." she says standoffishly, shaking her head. "It's already getting dark, we wasted too much time. Miss Pony over there's got the right idea, we should actually be looking. But stick together." she says, feeling as though she should take charge. With that, she begins to check the ground for any signs of where their friends might have gone, but staying within limited sight of the group.

Zophah lets out an embarassing squawk as Dal flies up to her, surprised because she was looking at the ground. She then hovers while she speaks to Dal. "Oh, um... if you want to help, talk with Loveblade. Judging from her actions I'd say she's the leader." Looking back at the group on the ground, she tags Nekura, Obsidian, and Aranor with her Biomonitoring Sight before landing with the rest of them.

Dal flies back down to the rest of the group as well. Upon landing, she dusts herself off and makes her way over to Loveblade. "Did you notice that light inside one of the buildings? I think it might be a light, but the vines kept getting in the way." She looks over at the rest of the group and sighs, "Well, did you guys see anything else of importance?"

Once Erika gets don she takes her place near her and comments. "I'd like to know if theres anything around... but we should stay mostly together,just in case. Anyways, I noticed a dim light in one of the windows to the north. Should we get going?" Should Erika chose to walk, she stays behind her, keeping an eye out on her surroundings as they walk. "It's dark though... I think we should keep in sight of each other. I hope this caution isn't necessary though." With the number of people around her she relaxes her tails as they stay still behind her.

"I don't see anything," Nekura huffs. "Me either..," Obsidian pouts. "At this point I'm probably doing a better job getting whatever is downwind from us riled-up than finding things," snickers the taller Nightmare. The shorter pony looks up at her mother in confusion again. "Sigh, I'll explain things when we get home," promises the older Nightmare. "Okay!" Obsi seems pretty happy with this, totally unaware her own dame is probably luring ferals to their spot thanks to the strong wind.

Time passing as the wind continues to blow, carrying the scents and words of the various creatures around. The heavy smells of lizards, sex, and something burning.

Erika returns to the group empty-handed, shaking her head. "Nah, no pawprints in the dirt, no shoe prints, couldn't really find anything I can track them with. But hey, that light sounds like a good start, we need to follow up on that lead." she says to Dal and Aranor, smiling. "Name's Erika by the way, good work both of you. We'll follow Dal into the building, but be careful." she tells them, glad there's at least something to check out.

Loveblade contents herself for the moment by moving forward, checking the side of the building for an unused entrance and then scanning the roof-top for an elevator access or meteorological research emplacement. At the sound of a voice, Love turns and smiles wryly, extending a tail in welcome that quickly curls about wrist and hand, stroking with a feeling of soft pleasure "Hey, no I didn't. It might have been the angle you took, but it's not visible from the ground I don't think. Can you point it out?" she pauses, examining everything again and then looking to the party. "If we want to be safe for the night, we might have the best luck starting from the roof. The lower levels would be the most worn by flood and weather, but up high..." she grimaces and turns, scanning the woods behind herself for signs of foreign eyes, wary...watchful. "I don't like this, we do need to move!"

Dal answers politely, but quickly, "Erika said it would be to the north of here and the fact that I noticed it too probably confirms it. Unless you can find me a way there through the air that's safe, than we'll have to take the long way, Loveblade." The dragoness instantly heads over to the front of the party and continues bluntly, "As big as I may be, I am more than capable of moving quickly through an area. Is everyone ready?"

Erika nods in agreement with Loveblade, staying close to Dal however. "I can get up there pretty easy, but anyone who needs a boost only needs to say so. Loveblade is right, we should get in from the top and carefully check the place out." she says in a somewhat hushed tone, glancing around to see if anyone needs a boost. Probaby just the little fox though. Either way, she begins to scale the foliage in order to try and get to the roof od the building.

Zophah makes her way to the doorway, whispering to everyone else "Couldn't we just use the front door?" She then checks to see if the door is locked.

The door is indeed unlocked, and laying upon the floor of the moss and vine covered inside of the building. However, the great many claw marks in the floor, walls, and vines themselves speaks that this area hasn't gone entirely unused. Erika only makes it a few feet up, when the vines she was holding onto give way, snapping and sending the Husky down toward the ground once more!

Loveblade glances back at the forest and walks a perimeter, whispering to each member as she passes "*We're being watched from the woods. I don't think there's any danger yet, but after dark we'll be tested.*" purring softly to herself as she comes up behind Erika "I'm ready, shall we start ferrying people up?" she says, spreading her massive wings out, suddenly looking like something out of a dark fantasy. A demon dragon shadowed by the last rays of a dying sun.

Loveblade soothingly hisses, "If someone could grab some dry vines from the statue, we'll need them. "

Dal nods in agreement. "Of course." At that point, the dragoness shifts her view to Erika. "Hey, get on my back, Erika. I can carry you up to the window myself. It won't be very hard." Then, she turns to Zophah and politely asks, "Can you get the dry vines? It would be very helpful." Then she turns back to the young husky and squats down as much as she can to allow said husky onto her back.

Erika seems to have her footing well enough at first, but a vine easily snaps as she grabs it, and as quickly as she started, she's landing on her back with an oof. "Shit!" she grunts out, rolling over and getting up. "What the hell happened? I never fuck up like that." she says in an angered tone, but gets ahold of herself quickly. However, when Zophah finds a door very nearby, she facepalms. "You've got to be kidding me... There's a fucking door?" she shakes her head, sighing. "Whatever, let's just hope it works. Beats falling on my ass again." she mumbles, though her eyes widen upon seeing the marks. "Hey, shhh... Hush up, and watch each others' backs..." she almost whispers, rather troubled by the marks, though Loveblade's whisper makes her stop in her tracks, looking out at the forest. "Seriously? Shit... Well, no need to ferry up, there's a door. We shouldn't split up anyway." she whispers back to Loveblade, glancing backwards as she makes her way into the building.

Nekura and Obsidian aren't in too huge a hurry to catch up with the one(s) at the door though that's more because she doesn't want to get near that silly aura again. Which might prove to be a bad thing if there are indeed things watching from the nearby woods since her fertility is being blown about by the strong wind.

Zophah walks in in front of Erika before she enters. "I'll check first." She then activates her vanishing nanomagic before taking a look inside.

Loveblade sighs and shakes her head "If we go in the front door of the mouse-trap, I'm not sure if that's a good idea either. This place is likely still in use by the locals, why make it easy by going onto their home turf and standing in the front hall?" pausing, Love hisses in annoyance. "Does anyone prefer the front door over the roof?"

Dal calmy walks into the room and keeps her eye out for anything that might approach her or anyone else. "Hmm, I'm expecting some form of reptile." She promptly walks along with Loveblade as well and sighs, "Well, they want to stay together and so we don't have much of a choice since we can't leave them alone." She sets her sights on to everything as she walks in, prepared to punch out anything that should foolishly attack the group.

Aranor yipes as the person she was following falls towards her. Jumping back as best she can she stares at Erika wide-eyed. "Are you ok?" She gives her a concerned look a moment before continueing on with her suggestion. Following Erika in she looks around the entryway and checks for anything out of the ordinary, though keeping behind her when Zopha enters before the two of them. Giving Erika's leg a bump from her muzzle she says, slightly annoyed. "Be more careful, please..." As Aranor waits for Zopha to look around she starts sniffing the ground around her and Erika, though not straying more then 5 feet away from her.

Loveblade goes completely blank, shifting her weight and balance to move as quietly as possible and aided by her experience and footwear. Her wings are back in at her side, the top edges armored and the rest covered in tough micro scaled skin so fine it looks like silk. Her face goes blank, no hint of emotion showing while she focuses on the moment and examines the area so she can move both quickly and quietly, her steps sure and measured. A final whisper to Dal as she goes, a tail caressing her side "Let's hope the kids are all-right."

With part of the party deciding to enter into the building, some tauric lizards rush for those coming in! Dal and Aranor notice the incoming assult, side stepping easily, though Erika doesn't make such a fate. The lizard also scoops her up after a moment, carrying her off with hir afterward! The remaining four creatures look back over those whom were missed, before attempting to scatter!

Erika struggles as hard as she can, but she doesn't seem to be able to break free. "Fuck!" she cries out, and then the lizzard that captures her begins to take her away. "Shit, just fucking go! Save the damn Preometheans!" she calls out to her partners, attempting to shrug off her rifle so that it falls to the floor, then tries her best to see anything around her and the lizzard.

Nekura and Obsidian are probably not even to the doors yet when things start happening. "For some reason I can't help thinking the ones the dragon was saying about watching us are only there to make sure we don't try to leave," sighs the Nightmare. "Do ferals really think that much strategically..?" the younger pony asks, sounding rather unsure.

Zophah dashes off to chase Erika, foregoing silence for speed. Pushing further with her wings she surges forward, trying to grab hold of either Erika or the kidnapper.

Loveblade smiles with an evil glint, shadows dripping from her teeth as she ROARS! Pouncing forward, she rushes after the ferals for just a moment while slamming on her comms, watching them, trying to see how organized they were in retreat. Was there a rear-guard? Would chasing after them lead into a trap?

Connecting with Erika using her comm, Love asks her to keep in touch, tell them how many turns they took and in what direction. Warn them of impending danger or ambush. "We're coming for you, stay strong!"

Dal sighs and waits in the back. "Loveblade! I'll stay behind for this. The others still haven't made it through the doorway and I can't just leave them behind!" The dragoness promptly sighs and waits for the other two to make it into inside. "Come on, guys!"

Aranor she evades the reptiles just in time. Her eyes go wide as she notices Erika get caught off. Watching Zopha and loveblade dash off after Erica she drats off as well. As she runs after the two, she picks up the laser rifle in her muzzle and keeps going onward, hoping to catch up to the others on her four legs as fast as she can.

Loveblade glances at the taurs and smiles, holding her palm forward and concentrating more, vines behind the skin peek out in a writhing mass that is soon coated in thick, viscous oils. With careful aim born from years of practice, Love fires forward, a torrent of vines spreading out through the hallway and rushing for tauric legs, the hooked and barbed surface carrying a payload to make the rest of the hall slick and footing unsure.

With a few giving close chase, the tauric lizard weaves around the vines and through a busted out window! Out in the open, it continues to sprint off with its captured pray while the rest of its ambush group, no one giving chase to them, make a clean get away.

Meanwhile, outside, Nekura perhaps gets the attention shi was after. The tauric thing runs by, just as a few other lizards, all average size and sporting fairly large cocks hanging out of their inner slits walk up to the nightmare. Their low, lustful growls making their intentions obvious despite the racket being made about them.

Zophah takes a good look at Erika, exchanging her biomonitionring sight 'tag' from Aranor to Erika, continuing her mad dash through the halls to catch the fleeing reptile. She makes use of every corner, wall and hole she can fly by to shorten the distance, making sure not to make any mistakes that could trip her up. After the lizard makes it out the window, she adds a few feet to her altitude and keeps an eye on them.