Reconnecting from Trauma - RPLOG

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Sasha couldn't believe what she'd heard from Zach last time he showed up with parts for the Maison. Down right couldn't believe it. She had the fortune, or misfortune, to have been talking to Thelergramor when the fox taur showed up with the news. She knew Miranai was out of commission, that something happened and shi was shunning the adult world for one of hir fantisies, but after hearing what had happened to Blanche, to Ava, and to Alkain, that was a bit too much.

It wouldn't have been hard for the currently hyena to follow the winged jackle as she sloshingly made her way through the network of choppers to get to Glenstock and into the SB's HQ. It was there, she stopped and barged in. Still sloshing, she looks around, "Ok, where is Blanche and my mother?" She asks, not even checking if she were followed.

In the room amongst the beds is one in particular that seems to have a large lump in it. Under it would be found Blanche, her facial fur matted where he tears have flowed as she lays there motionless. She hasn't taken care of herself at all, she stays hungry thirsty and unkempt from her encounter with Mira.

Thelergramor did of course follow after Sasha, for multiple poorly thought out reasons amounting to Vulpine Curiosity, having nothing better to do, boredom and some amount of concern. Of course getting this far unnoticed would have been -really- difficult, what with the choppers and such, but 'requisitioning' some pilot's helmets helped him blend well enough... The hyena follows Sasha from a small distance, back, quietly observing as she forces a door open... Starts approaching after that, rifle in hand.

Looking back a moment, she notices Thelergramor following her in, rolls her eyes and shakes her head, "Put that thing down, this is my mother and grandmother's home." She says, looking around. She looks around for a bit, questioning various others. It seems they are mostly her brothers, sisters, and other relations, until one of them tells her Blanche's hiding place.

Sasha wastes no time heading up there and seeking the Husky out. "Hey, Blanche! I know you are in here, come on out." She shouts out, looking to see if Thelergramor was still following her.

Blanche doesn't stir from where shes at. She stays hidden underneath the covers. Shes Awake but pays no mind to her surroundings. The voice of Sasha, however jostles her stupor slightly, her ear flicking as she wonders if she should make herself known. In the meantime, she lays in bed lays in bed lethargic.

Thelergramor continues to follow her, smirking a bit. He slings his rifle over his back, continues on inside, hands in his pockets as he follows Sasha about. "Huh... Nice place." He may or may not be sarcastic, hard to tell with his tone. He stays mostly quiet as the siblings are questioned, just following after her as she does her thing.

Sasha growls a bit, looking over to Thelergramor, "Come on, going to have to do this the hard way it seems." She says. There were of course many beds full, but only one that had someone actually hiding under the covers. The jackel walks over to it and pulls, unknowing if Blanche would stop holding them over her or not, "Come on out Blanche, it is talky time. And maybe if you are good, it will be walky time after." She jokes.

Blanche whences as light enters her eyes for longer than she cares to remember. She doesn't resist or try keeping herself hidden and answers in a morose tone to Sashas intrusion as she lifts her head slowly to look at her. "Hey..." She says simply, unsure of what else she could say or even if she actually cared to elaborate. Sasha's presence does however encourage her, even if it isn't obvious from the start.

Thelergramor is still a bit lost, but, has clear orders! Those being: Come on. All he needs as he steps up bext to Sasha, still as cold as ever. If not in personality, in physical temperature: Icy hyena. "Hello." Thel adds to Blanche as she's awakened.

Sasha looks Blanche over a moment, rolls her eyes, then takes a seat, "You look like the trolls got a hold of you for a while. Care to talk about it a moment?" She asks. Then looks to Thelergramor, "Hey, could you do me a big favor, two doors down on the right should be a closet with some towels and a brush, could you bring them here?" She asks as she looks Blanche over a bit longer.

Blanche frowns to Sasha as she replies. "Whats there to talk about... Zack said theres something wrong with Mira. I wanted to make sure shes ok. I could't stop myself from getting fucked. Turns out, I'm a slut." She lays her head down, she looks about to cry but tears don't come. She sighs pitifully as she tries to lock away the memory, but as far as she guesses, Sasha is going to want details.

Thelergramor nods, says "Yup." Then follows the simple instructions given, heading two doors down and into the closet. He opens the door, looks over the contents, ear flicking as he peers at the things... Grabs the towels and brush. "What're these for?" He calls back picking them up and shutting the closet and walking back with an amused smile. Likes to be useful! But, feels his rut starting, tries to ignore it for now... Not too bad, just tenting his pants a bit.

Sasha looks over Blanche a moment, before she can't help laughing a moment, "You, a slut around mom. I'd give you a million cred if you could name me ten people who, when mom's in the right mood, aren't sluts around her. Or absolute horn dogs." She looks to Thelergramor as he brings back the brush and towel, noticing the smell, "Now, keep that in your pants." She says, "Or I'll help you by cutting it off." With that she turns back to Blanche, "Now, let's dry you off." She says, gently dabbing and rubbing over Blanche for a moment, starting to work the brush through her, "And you tell Thele and I what happened." She says, "When did you last eat?"

Blanche her expression doesn't change much. "I just wanted to help..... I tried saying no, but I couldn't. I didn't want sex. But I couldn't stop..." As Sasha wipes her down and brushes her fur she sighs again. "I don't know... I stopped caring." Despite herself, she was liking the grooming she was getting, but it wasn't doing much to her overall mood.

Thelergramor winces in mock pain at the thought, snickering and shaking his head after. "Yeah... I'll keep it in my pants." Shifts his pants over, trying to hide his arousal, then pockets his hands in failure. "Might be a good idea to eat something..." Starts checking through his pockets for food... "...Ate my last potato on the way here, damn."

Sasha shakes her head, "Didn't want sex, but shi just smelled too good. Soon your pussies were drooling, head swimming, yeah, I get it." She says, "Mom can do that, and usually doesn't do that unless those around her are ok with it, but shi's... in a bad space right now. Seems Fate, one of hir sisters needed help with her rut. Mom's help was, of course, getting Fate to impregnant hir, as many times as it took. To try and help coax things along, shi of course used that Ixchel thing." She shudders a bit, "However, Fate was pissed, taking it as mom forcing her. Yelled out hir pretty good and harsh. All over a misunderstanding. Mom doesn't do well with that kind of stress." She explains, looking to Thelergramor, "She might not even be hungry, but if you are, you need to eat something." She says to Blanche, never stopping in brushing out her fur, or drying her off, even her twin spades if they needed it.

Blanche listens to Sasha, with the new information she thinks it over a bit. Looking at Sasha she asks, "Well.... I'm probably hungry. Whats the point though...? I'm just good for being fucked, right? This world doesn't need more of that..." After a moment, she finally asks, "Who is Fate?"

Thelergramor shakes his head as his rut gets worse, Sasha's comments on pussies not helping. "...Yeah... I could see how that could happen..." Sniffs a bit, rubs his nose and puts a hand on his gun, strokes it's barrel to take his mind off of stroking other things. Just quietly fondles his gun, maybe lets his gaze linger a bit on Blanche and Sasha before forcing himself to look away, taking a single deep breath to calm himself. "...Fucking rut." He mutters to himself. Takes a few steps away from the other two. He grumbles something, seeming to disagree with Blanche's opinion of herself, despite not actually knowing her...

Sahsa growls a bit and slaps at Blanche, though connecting or not, doesn't matter. Blushing deeply she works her business coat and undershirt up, the bulge at her belly actually a very swollen udder, "Come on, you've drank before, and you know I'm almost always too full anyway, but anymore talk of just being good for fucking and I'll drop you in the streets of Fairhaven myself. Where did grandma find you? Wasn't it after taking care of yourself for a while out and about? If so you are worth a lot more than just getting fucked. Not bad to talk to too. Now, mom's in a very bad space right now, so don't go judging yourself based on hir actions right now." She ssays, watching Thelergramor, "Got anything to add?" She asks, waiting for Blanche to take a teat.

Blanche holds the part of her face that Sasha slapped. She stares at her, hurt. It looks like shes about to cry again but she stops herself with a sigh. Without anything to say, she leans in close and starts to suck from Sashas teat. She is gentle at first but as she tastes Sashas milk she picks up her pace. Looks at The hyena for the first time before returning her gaze to Sasha as she looks up at her while she feeds.

"Add? I'm not one for inspiration..." Thel eyes the teats, licks his lips as his rut grows worse. He stifles a groan, rubs his muzzle. "But... Get a job, don't lie around and get bred all day. Doesn't contribute to society. Or what's left of it, pointless as it may seem." Thel just told a husky to get a job, his day is going well. Turns away from the feeding, though he does look back over his shoulder several times. Continues to fondle his rifle, biting his lip a bit...

Sasha bites her lip, surpressing her own pleasure from being suckled on, "Hey Thele... down stairs is the dinning room, could you... get something from there? Should be a ... sandwich or two..." She says, petting on Blanche, "Now... don't usually do this... but... you need it. You... are for much more than breeding, you have your mind intact. Use it. Enjoy ... the sex if you want, but you are more... mom.. is more too.." She says, waiting for Telergramor to go and return. "I'll try talking to... mother.. you should too.. I'll help." She says.

Blanche is stricken with a sudden fear at the mention of seeing Mira again. She doesn't say it as she suckles but it's clear from the timing of her expression that she does not want to see her. The fear urges her to suckle more urgently from Sasha as if suddenly this is the only think keeping her from going back to her. Staring as she nurses, she shakes her gently not wanting to detach but wanting to make it clear that she has no intention see her again.

Thelergramor lets out a breath, seemingly relieved to get awway from this for a moment. "Yeah, I'll see if I can find it." He walks off towards downstairs and the dining room, stopping once he's out of sight to rearrange his manhood, pulling his hand back from it and fighting the urge to relieve the pressure. Groans as he sets about looking for the dining room and the sandwiches he's after.

Sasha groans and moans slightly from the increased pressure, but gently pats on Blanche, "Thanks Thele," she says before turning her attention to the husky again, "now... you can hunt, right? You can go out there and take down small pray... you know... mother usually goes hunting too... saw her bring down a deer... and... not even cooking it eat quite a b.. bit of it." She says, gently urging Blanche to stop now. "C.. come on, that is plenty for a bit." She was needing to calm back down herself.

Blanche detaches from Sasha and whines to her. "I don't want to see her. I don't want to lose control again. I don't want to have sex! Please, don't make me... Please..." She pleads to Sasha, her voice twinged with fear. If her ears weren't already folded down they would be now, her tail already curled up around her waist.

Thelergramor starts whistling to himself, trying to take his mind off the pair upstairs and how good it'd feel to... '...Should've brought Enzo with me." Pulls his rifle into his hands, strokes it tenderly as he searches the dining room, looking through it, finding the sandwiches he was after and snatching them up with the hand he didn't touch himself with. He slings the rifle back over his shoulder and makes his way back upstairs, goraning audibly as his rut deepens.

Shaking her head, Sasha tries to shush Blanche a bit, "Now, you don't have to have sex if you don't want to. At the same time though, don't you enjoy it? I mean, I fucking swore off sex, for life. Isn't going to touch me, but I know a lot do like it." She says, panting softly as she settles back down. Getting up she adjusts her clothes to cover herself back up, "Now, I'm going to go get mom, and you two are going to talk, or at least you talk to her." She says, walking off to get Miranai...

Blanche her fear growing at Sashas insistence. "But! I didn't want sex then and it happened anyway! How can I hope to stop myself! I can't!" She looks around in a panic for somewhere to escape that already isn't where Sasha was going, but shes trapped. At Sasha's insistence she realizes she can't talk her out of it. Screaming lightly as her heart races she back away to the other end of the room, opposite of the door. "Noo.... What do I do...?" Backing herself to the wall already she has nowhere to go. All she can do is wait.