Chemistry and latex - RPLOG

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Mike sets his helicopter down right in the middle of the village just when the last rays of the sun vanish behind the horizon.

The houses around the village are in good shape, most with well kept gardens in front of them. From a nearby diner the smell of food wafts over and the lights shine bright through the windows. What doesn't match the image are the few people walking the streets and in the diner: they aren't humans, but various mutants, mainly felines, canines and vulpines.

The flap of golden wings raises a cloud of dust as a golden dragon comes in for a landing, standing nearly twelve feet tall Seguro is clad in a black combat armor emblazed with the zephyr logo, strapped upon agent's back are various medical kits and a grenade launcher. The dragon hisses "Seems I arrived before everyone. " while hir long tapered tail wags slowly behind hir, the herm awaits the rest of hir squad.

The Arctic Fox steps fromt he helicopter, wincing at the sun he prays will just give up already and make way for night. He carries very little along with him, but clearly everything he needs fromo his confident nature. He looks around thhe village quickly sizing up the place, smelling the food on the air...

Fe'ath was standing on the seat as they often did when taking transport, peering out of the window with curiosity to get the first look at where they were being sent. Their demeanour was excited, anticipatory and obviously eager, the way the crestfeathers were roused up. They were right on Dylan's heels in exitting the 'copter, and although the peacock might be on the small side compared to the majority, the laser pistol and armour they wore carefully adjusted to fit them gave indication they could mean business. "Doesn't look that bad," the bird coos, glancing round as if expecting some trouble right from the get-go. "Actually looks rather quiet. Wonder what it is they need help with?" They wave a greeting to the dragon who didn't share the copter ride, then look around some more.

Meanwhile Nekura decided to try come doing an adventure now that shehad time to leave the Red Court. Or more so she thought Ebony could handle things on her own with the customers. Soon the clop of hooves is heard as she trots along towards the town!

As soon as the sun has completely sunk behind the horizon, the people on the streets get even fewer. Most of the ones still outside seem to be in a hurry to get to their destination, not even turning to look at the new arrivals, while Mike takes off again with his heli, making his way back to Fairhaven.

A talon foot taps impatiently upon the soft soil, while golden glowing sun hued eyes watch the towns people's comings and goings. Seguro mummers to hirself "Seem live still goes on after P-day" the herm's voice a subtle hiss. The dragon's sun hued gaze catches sight of the three agents disembarking the chopper. Eyes the rushing town's folk with distained, "Hmm for a small town like this one, new comers ought to draw more attention, or at least some idle chatter, still something does not feel right." Hisses Seguro before jogging off in an attempt to catch one of the town's folk.

Dylanshard watches the dragon jogging towards town "Well I guess we're not going to be stealthy with this one.... I guess that suits me." He turns to the others and gives them a quick nod before running to catch up with the dragon ahead of him.

Fe'ath nods absently in agreement with the dragon, bright emerald-green eyes studying the activities of the townsfolk with the others, and scuttles along to keep up with the others, trailing the long tailfeathers. "Well, it seems there's something they're a little worried or cautious about, the way people are hurrying home.. Something they don't like at night."

It's kind of hard to miss the dragon nearby and Nekura remembers seeiing them at adventures before so naturally she gravitates in their direction. She'll never likely even know their name though it's not exactly like she tends to meet the same mutants that often either.

When she notices Seguro hurrying towards her, a tiger turns around, a slighly concerned look on her face. "You're the agents from Fairhaven?" she asks "Then you better head down towards the school, there's something ... funny in there" while pointing down one of the roads, then continues to hurry away.

Seguro grunts in agreement with the peacock before the herm breaks into a run to catch one of the town's folk. "I hear you there, but I would rather find out what we are dealing with. Oh that's right I have not introduced myself, the name is Seguro by the way, I carry mostly medical gear and medical nano magic, however I can handle a scrap or two." Said the golden dragon hir voice a hiss over the com. The dragon huffs finally catching up to a tiger, the herm does not even have time to catch hir breath, before the cat turns about face and hurries on hir way. "Well then seems we are going to the school, something got these blokes spooked, I say we sneak up and get a feel for whatever is going on up there, I would rather not run into a prime." Hissed the dragon over the com, hir scaled hand going to hir holster upon hir belt, drawing hir laser pistol Seguo sets off carefully in the direction off the old school.

Dylanshard catches up to Seguro quickly when they slow down, silently following along "Call me Dylan, I'm an adept, scouting, infiltration and close quarters. Sounds like you have a good plan right now so I'm happy to follow your lead Seguro." he falls in behind the dragon, assessing all the buildings and surroundings of the town, and looking over thhe contact who spoke to Seguro.

The peacock still hurries to keep up with the others, requiring two steps for at least one of the others. They'd already met Dylan during the 'copter flight, so replies to the dragon after Dylan, "Nice to meet you Seguro. I'm Fe'ath." Although the bird doesn't give details about what they're hood at, they still can't help but quip some conversationally whilst keeping up, "Something 'funny' in the school? Besides the teachers?" It's followed with a more introspective remark, "Huh, actually, all the teachers got made redundant on P-day, didn't they? The ones that survived, I mean.. Wonder if it's some horror of a teacher gone crazy without children to teach?"

The Nightmare moves over to the others, listening as the tigress passes on where to go, then ends up following after Seguro. Unlike the dragon she's not particularly worried about running across a prime after managing to get three of them to leave another section of town alone on her last trip out! Though she can't helpf feeling like a school is a slightly odd place for one to possibly be taking up residence.

Following the citizen's instructions, you soon arrive at the school building, when suddenly there's a bright, slightly blue flash from one of the windows on the second floor, followed by a loud bang and some maniacal laughter of more than one person.

A toothy smile breaks a crossed golden dragon's regal face at the foxes response. "Glad you have on board, though I am hardly a leading, just recklessly fallowing my nose, still this far out there might be something worth salvaging in the old school regardless of why we are here, texts books could be of great value, we should keep the collateral damage to a minimum if it is all possible." Hissed Seguro while the herm's golden glowing scales giving off a faint light, as the dragon makes hir way to the school. Seguro manages to see a blue flash from one of the windows. Seguro's piercing gaze scans the school court yard looking for any signs of life.

Fe'ath slows down, gravitating towards the rear of the group fairly naturally as a result, letting the others take the lead. It means they have a good view of the rear of the party, literally; it also was one of the safest spots to be. The flash of light and conscussive sound just heightens the peacocks curiosity, and they wonder "Some late night experiments? I can see why it might make others nervous. Wish I could fly like this, I might be able to go peek in at the window and see what we might be getting into."

WEll then. Not exactly what Nekura was expecting to hear from the school but stranger things tend to happen. The horsie, not one to front line mutants with guns, goes to non-challantly kind of move so she's using the dragon(ess) for a shield. "I could turn into something more wing-y to do it but would rather the scalie one do it since they're already packing flight."

With nothing to be seen on the school grounds, the only way on leads into the building as the front doors stand wide open, while Dylanshard stays outside keeping an eye on possible latecomers to whaterer is happening on the second floor. Inside the building the lights are all out, but some of the wall decorations can still be seen: pictures drawn by the pupils and even a modeled garden gnome in a show case, maybe from a pottery lesson. There are trails from different mutants leading upstairs, also the sound ov voices can be heard from there.

A clawed hand removes the launcher from its leather holster, with a sigh the herm stows it safely within hir nano pack, "Not the best the best close quarter weapon, the darn thing could light the whole building on fire. If I had to guess that flash of light was an perhaps a perhaps material or at the very least a nanite power." Hissed the dragon in a whisper before pulling a stun baton from hir pack, carrying the baton in hir off hand, Seguro tests the taser's charge briefly before moving quietly as hir large form will allow, falling the mutant's tail into the school.

Fe'ath shrugs, grins momentarily at the equine who also was using the dragon as a potential shield, then follows along in their wake. Although not being quiet specifically, the peacock did speak in a hushed voice, straining to hear what the voices were talking about upstairs. "What do you think they're talking about, you think?"

At this point Nekura is content to follow the others inside though it might be a bit hard to see things going on with the dragoness in the way. Oh well, there are worse things to stare at when in this sort of position! Unlike the others however the Nightmare seems to be forgoing any form of weapon in favor of her natural claws.

As the group gets closer to the room the flash came from, the voices get louder and easier to understand. From the words you hear it sounds like some chemistry class doing experiments in school with the teacher giving instructions in a quite loud, booming voice.

Seguro cocks an golden ear fin in the direction of the voices, slowly and quietly as the large dragon can, a snouted regal head sneaks a peak at the goings on in the room, the laser pistol ready to deal with what ever trouble may be around the bend. A furry of nanite gathers around the agents ready to ablate any harm that may come, Seguro readies a nanite power Lion's within.

Fe'ath creeps up closer behind Seguro and then alongside beneath a wing because the peacock was intensely curious as to what was going on inside. Although stealthy, they didn't have weapons drawn as yet, in case there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for late-night teaching and experiments. As if. Mostly though it was curiosity impelling the bird to find out just what was going on.

With Nekura having chosen to help Dylanshard guard the outside, only two agents are left to see what happens in the classroom. With the door standing open, they can see various foxes, dogs, cats and wolfes standing around six tables in groups of three with a huge lion walking between them. They all are clad in lab coats, but none of the figures has any fur on their bodies, all their skin seems to be made of latex. The lab equipment seems to be the same on each table, a mix of some chemicals, glassware and a bunsen burner.

The dragon pulls hir head back around the corner to whisper to the peacock under the herm's golden wing. "Hmm with our teammates outside we look to be out numbered, maybe with luck they are not hostile? It is often never that easy, but do you have any ideas on how we want to proceed? If we can recover the Lab equipment intact, I reckon that the egg heads would pay top dollar." Said the solar dragon in an quite hiss, the herm looking to the bird for a response.

Fe'ath keeps silent in studying the scene presented, as peculiar as it might seem, but then draws back as well. The bird whispers up at the dragon, "Well, I just want to know precisely what they're up to. If it's something that shouldn't be happening, we'd need a proper strike team to come out here and close it down." The peacock thinks for a time, and murmurs "I could sneak in and maybe find out what's happening perhaps. I don't want a fight if I can help it."

The ear of one cat close to the door twitches slightly, having heard the wispering voices from outside. Instead of raising an alarm though, he turns to the big lion, raising a paw and asks "Sir? May i go to the bathroom please?" when the seemingly teacher acknowledges him. Soon after he leaves the classroom and looks directly at the agents, motioning them to follow him around a corner out of earshot.

Seguro chin scratches as shi considers the birds words, the herm lays with hir back flush to the wall trying to keep hidden as shi cocks an ear, trying to get a better grasp on what is going on in the room. Seguro whisper back to the bird in a low hiss "Well if you wanted to sneak around, I could shrink you down. Being 6 inches tall makes you very hard to spot, although you would a mouse in a room full of possible ferals. Another option is to lead them out into the hall, if we booby trap the hall way here, say trip wire strapped a crossed the door and attached to some grenades might take a few outfootage." The dragon's voice cuts out mid-sentence, the herm almost in shock when the cat waves them down the hall way, quietly the dragon fallows the tiger around the corner waving for the bird to fallow.

Fe'ath rapidly headshook at some of Seguro's previous ideas, clearly not something the bird was favouring. Yet any further discussion was put on hold when the cat comes out and gestures to them; quite obviously the cat was either on their side or else amenable to a bit of bribery. Fe'ath follows of course, but as soon as they're around the corner, the peacock whispers intensely but still in a low voice, "What's going on in there? What's been happening?"

"You're not from the village, that is clear. How much do you know? Have the villagers told you about the accident here at school last month?" the cat asks the two agents, keeping his voice low to not alert the others in the still nearby classroom.

A scaled brow furrow upon the dragon's regal face, something was not right shi figured, perhaps the kids were being held hostage the herm wondered, still perhaps there was another way. Seguro shoots the peak cock a look to let him take the lead, meanwhile the shi keeps watch on door, the herm peaking hir head from around the corner, while the herm's golden scaled hands grip hir pistol nervously.

Fe'ath headshakes vigorously and firmly at the feline; explaining in hushed tones, "We're from Zephyr, sent to investigate a disturbance here after it was reported. Nobody said anything about any accident.. What accident? What IS going on in there?" Occasional glances were given behind them towards the classroom, keeping an eye and ear out in case others might be coming their way but lets Seguro handle that; dragons probably had better noses and hearing for trouble than the exciteable bird.

The cat turns around with twitching ears as if something had startled him, then tells the whole story: "Someone brought some latex goop here once. We tried how it would react to different chemicals and temperatures, when suddenly it went wild. We all got covered in this stuff and Tom, the fox who brought the stuff, went wild, atacking other pupils. The others at school were afraid of all of us afterwards and banned us. Now we come here at night, wanting to somehow reverse this so the villagers will allow us back." He finishes, now sobbing slightly.

Seguro looks back to the cat the herm's voice a whisper to ask "What where you before the goo infected you? I may be able to restore your form if your quiet about it.." with a hiss before hir head darts back to check around the hall once more.

Fe'ath exhales slowly, softly, just managing to avoid the low whistle that would normally come with such an expression on hearing the feline's story. "That really is.. Yeah, something. Reversing it, well, I'm no adept. I can't help there.." They glance back towards Seguro when shi offers, nodding. "Could maybe do that for the rest of them as well?" Turning back to the cat, the bird asks further, "This fox though, this Tom.. Where is he? He might need to be taken to Zephyr for questioning, find out where he got the substance originally."

The cat slowly nods "I was a Black Panther before. The name is Gary by the way. And Tom fled out of the village, after he seemed to completely have gone feral. With the rest, as with the changing back, that's exactly what we want to achieve, though i can imagine it could be easier if you changed me after introducing you." he explains, then adds with a last thought "It could also help, if you changed at least your skin ..."

The dragon shakes hir curved horned head before the herm replies with a hiss. "Maybe after the situation has been dealt with, I not much of a religious type, but what I can tell you is that calling on a patrons power is as taxing as shifting one's self, If we have to fight I would not want to exhaust myself." The dragon looks the cat as if study him, gauging him carefully for any signs of deceit, before shi hisses a reply. "Change our skin to what latex? If changing back is your goal if you go back in restored to your original form, perhaps it would convince them of the truth just as well?" while a long tapering scaled tail shakes with a agitated wag.

Fe'ath nods and winces at hearing that the fox had turned rather more feral, but remains silent at the discussion of how to deal with the situation, adding, "I'm not really about to subject myself to something that changed Tom the way you said it did, either. Changing you back or to something else is something I think a few at Zephyr can help with, anyway. It'd probably save you all some additional grief and late-night experiments, at least?"

Gary nods, thinking for a few seconds, then says "Ok, maybe it's really best, if you change me. But anyway, we shouldn't take too much time, as it will be quite suspicious if i stay away for too long."

Seguro nods hir head in agreement with the small birds word's, the dragon holsters the laser pistol wanting to appear as not threating as possible. Seguro shoots the cat a glance as shi replies "Unless you have access to infection vials I strongly doubt that anything in that lab will be of much use to you and your friends." with an regal hiss. The a long tapering golden scaled tail snakes its way through the air, the blunted tip moves to tap the latex cat upon the forehead. "Just relax and don't resist it." Said the dragon as black fur begins to spread over the panther's body once more.

Fe'ath steps back away from the pair as Seguro begins to work, shuffling back to the corner and glancing back round it towards the classroom to make sure everything was calm and quiet like before, no unexpected surprises. They only barely pay much attention to what was happening between the dragon and cat for the moment.

Gary gasps a bit as he feels the fur returning to his body, then beams with joy. Smiling he makes his way back to the lab, shouting "I think i've found a sollution to our problem on my way to the bathroom!", earning him quite a lot of surprised looks from the otheres "There's two agents from Zephyr out there willing to help!"

Seguro looks to the cat once more, before the golden dragon with mirror smooth scales speaks, hir voice a quiet hiss. "Well you are up, we will keep an eye on you if anything goes wrong." The dragon head shakes with distain as the small panther runs off, keeping hir hands at hir side, the dragon slowly enters into to class room trying to be as non-threatening as possible. "Good evening, I hear you have a problem that needs fixing? Perhaps we could work out a deal that could benefit us both?" Hisses the herm in a calm tone, while hir tail wags slowly behind hir.

Fe'ath wasn't too happy with the loud announcement Gary makes of who and what they were, but it was too late to chide him over it. Making sure the pistol was loose in the holster, Fe'ath follows Gary and Seguro back towards the room; no sense hiding, but best be alert for any possible mischief from those resistant to the idea of changing back, or any possible sabotage. At least there where two other agents outside - and not mentioned by the cat. Stepping into the room, Fe'ath sidles along the wall a bit, getting a clearer field of view of the room.

The lion's head turns around, when he hears Gary's announcement, then goes wide eyed when he sees the agents. The pupils as well turn their heads and not realizing whar their classmate had said just stare at Seguro and Fe'ath for a few moments, before screaming and running off into the farthest corner. But in that chaos one of the burneers gets knocked over, setting one of the tables on fire.

The dragon's golden glowing eyes scan the room, a sun hued gaze falling on each of the mutants in the room. Seguro growls hir distain as the table catches fire, if the lab went up in smoke then the herms hope of salvaging some of the equipment would go down the drain. Doing the only thing the herm could think of the herm undoes a few latches upon hir body armor as shi walks over to the table, the dragon's chest peace hangs louse exposing hir golden scaled breast, using the mutant power expansiveness the herm's mammaries begin to expand growing in size, placing a hand on either side of hir breast shi give a squeeze as shi releases a large spray of chock milk over the table in an attempt to douse the flames.

"Shit.." Fe'ath curses, looking around. Fire was bad news, and it was all the peacock could do to avoid panicking as well. They had no means to counter any fire, but gave some thought on how to turn any gas off ... but couldn't for the life of them think on where that might be, left glancing round left and right and slow to react.

Seguro's milk quite quickly puts out the flames. Though the next problem arises quite quickly, as the gas now escapes the unlit burner, while all the others are still burning.

Seguro looks the burner for a shut off vale, the herm's scaled fingers spins a metal disk on the side of the over turned burner shutting off the supply of gas, a process shi then repeats with each of the burners shutting off the fire. The dragon barks angry while shaking a finger latex mutants, "Yeash burn the whole while you are at it, what are they teaching kids these day in school, in my day we had a proper respect for lab safety." The herm's tone full of snark as shi redoes the clasp on hir armor.

Fe'ath exhales, tenseness released from the bird first with the dousing of the fire, and then the closing of the valve to ensure there was no other dangerous possibilities. It affected the bird's nerves, not trusting themself to speak, and figuratively hovered by the door whilst Seguro makes things safe and harangues the class.

While Seguro was occupied with the fire, the teacher had moved protectively in front of his class. But seeing the dragon only stopping the gas for now and Fe'ath not having drawn any weapons he relaxes a bit, asking "Wait, you're not here to ban us from the village like the other's wanted to?"

Seguro frowns looking back at the teacher as he addresses the agents, before shaking hir regal curved horned head before giving hir reply "We were only called out to investigate the goings on in the school, I guess your late night experiments had the town's folk spooked. But why should we throw you out? If you took a good look at your student you would know we have the means to restore your forms, returning you to the village is a better option in the long run, more people to buy Zephyr band products. Now are you ready to hear us out?" with a calm hiss using a nearby towel to mop up some of the milk.

Fe'ath headshakes a negative response to the big lion, visibly relaxing a bit more with the discussion. "Goodness, no! What others might those be that you talk of though?" Fe'ath asks, aristocratic head cocked inquisitively to one side and piercing eyes gazing intently at the lion. "However .. Do you have any idea where the fox, Tom, got the substance from as well? That might need investigating. Pity about the fox himself though."

The teacher relaxes even more, as the students begin to walk out of the corner back into the room. Nodding heanswers "We sure can talk about some materials you need or maybe even Zephyr staff working here, possibly even able to help should something new happen. And When i look at Gary, i think you managed in 5 minutes what we couldn't do in nearly a month, so i think you've got yourself a deal there."

The dragon's golden scaled arms fold as shi walks around the room, hir golden glowing eyes surveying and taking stock of the lab equipment, the herm's clawed feet clicking upon the tiled floor as shi walks. Slowly Seguro walks up to lion teacher, a golden hand resting upon hir scaled chin, the herm contemplating hir word before shi speaks "Sorry but we could need to take the lab equipment back to HQ, being this far out in the main compound it would be very hard to maintain much of the equipment, some while salvageable is showing strong signs of degradation, you are lucky the burners have not blown up on you yet. And as far as restoring your students form, I am afraid that I had help." The dragon gestures for the latex mutants to line up before hir, before replying in a hiss. "Right then line up, tell me what you were before you became infected and I will do my best to restore your form, this is taxing so I may need some time to rest in between each application."

Fe'ath knew little enough of the requirements needed, so listens with half an ear whilst watching the students. But whilst Seguro works hir 'magic', the bird can just relax and strike up a few conversations with a few students, until it came time to leave. Leaving most of the hard work to a dragon just made sense, of course!

Working hard, the line of students slowly shrinks, as they get their fur returned by Seguro, their teacher being the last to get changed back. Thinking a bit, he finally says with a sigh "Ok, take what you need. The help you gave us is fare more worth and even if we still had the lab here, i doubt the townsfolk would allow us to use it any more." he then turns to his students "So how about we head back into town, give our friends a thank you party and call them a ride home?"