Womb for Rent

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Womb for Rent
In-Game Desc This unlocks your most wild dream, the ability to stuff people inside you! +womb <target> to suck someone in, you will see anything they say or emote. +desc <description> to set the room description to what you wish. wsay <text> to spoof to the players 'inside you'.
Cost 25


  • +womb by itself will show a few commands in-game.
  • +womb <name> to take someone inside. Requires TRUSTED permission.
  • +womb <variable>=<string> lets you change the text for some thing, valid options are Name, Desc, Mother (the prefix you see), and Child (the prefix occupants see when you wsay). Note that the item's 8/30/15 in-game description gives an incorrect command.
  • wsay <text> will spoof the text inside, preceded by the Child string.
  • wlook and wpot work exactly like their non-womb counterparts, except you cannot wlook at an individual in the room.
  • +womb/mark <name> scent-marks the person.
  • +womb/vacate [name] ejects the person from your womb. If no name is given, everyone is ejected.

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