Corporate College Collaboration - RPLOG

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Soaking wet, a coyote trots up towards the group, at first on all fours but standing up as he gets closer to the others. "I'm not late, am I"?

With a riot shield above his head, shielding himself from the rain in a makeshift attempt for an umbrella, a silver leonine fellow strolls down the road in a light jog. "A poor day for mane wielding individuals," the feline jests in a joking tone as he approaches the growing group of agents. "My name is Dio. It would seem some of us are already familiar with each other. It shall be an honor," he claims in a bold tone before dipping into a small bow.

Two of the agents, the Zephyr ones, judging by the words emblazoned on their vests, offer a wave while the RSX agent is content to hang back, looking rather bored with the whole situation.

"Hello!" One of them calls out, a lizard fellow with dark green scales showing where he's not covered in gear. "Nice of you to make it out here on such short notice. We aren't expecting this to take too long, but we didn't want to go in there with just the three of us. Well, two of us. Killjoy here behind us is just here to watch. Here's the run down," He says before slapping a hand against his companion. A human, from the looks of things. "Oh. You want me to do that? Fine, I see how it is," he says with a joking tone. "There's a lab in there that we're looking for. We've got this handy dandy breaching tool here and all, but we need someone to cover us while we look for it."


Rihko's ear flicks, not that it helps with the water, then nods her head. "Alright. That sounds pretty straight forward. Any specifics on what we are looking for? Do you know which room we're heading for?" she asks. She moves up closer to the building, taking cover there from the rain, and looks over all of the collected agents.

Gavin takes a short glance over everyone else who gathers, giving a simple nod of greeting to any who meet his gaze. Then, his blue-eyed attention shifts back to the Zephyr agents, a cursory glance back to the RSX before he's back on the two giving the rundown. "Simple enough," he comments, quietly, his hand shifting to make sure his blade is loose in the scabbard upon his shoulder. He steps up after Rihko, a hand tugging his leather hood down, squinting those gently glowing eyes as he peers in through a window. "And do we know what sort of resistance there might be, if any? Ferals? Anything like that?"

Thelergramor nods at the agents. "Right, lab. You want the lab itself or does it have shit you need? Doesn't really matter either way. I'm here and don't feel like leaving right now..." Glances at the people... Meets Gavin's gaze, meaning he got a nod! Woo! Has met all of them. Cool. And there's Redd. Squints. Shrugs, kind of. About as well as a quadruped dragon thing can shrug... Does not mind the rain at all! Nope. Wet and all that. Sniffs. For personal reasons.

Loveblade listens and widens her stance slightly, tails balancing as she unfurls a wing over the group, keeping the cold and wet off of them with a nod toward the speakers, "Okay, that sounds like it should be easy enough. I would like to know what, if anything, is expected inside and more importantly, how fragile is what we're looking for going to be? What precautions will be needed?"

Love reaches into her pocket and takes out a small tin of soup and a small coil, using her claw she opens up the top and slides the coil inside. Soon the aroma of Mako Shark comes to the group as the container starts to quickly steam, the filament a sharp red when she takes it out and shakes it to cool, sipping her broth. "It shouldn't be hard, but I want to make sure you're safe as possible, and our mission a success."

Loveblade soothingly hisses, "Anyone want something to eat before we go?"

"So we watch your back while you go inside, how come we're left out in the rain?" The coyote's question is mostly in jest, as it was probably safer out here wet than being ambushed in a corridor. "Do we get to know what's in this lab? Or another one of those find it, but say nothing runs?"

Dio listens to the rather short briefing, along with the relaxing pitter patter of rain colliding with metal above his mane dense skull. "I see," the lion comments, moving closer to the building and finally lowering the large shield to his tuxedo clad torso. "That seems standard enough. A simple raid and defense against the inevitable ferals that roam the campus." A large claw taps against the shield before him, releasing a soft metallic clanking noise for emphasis. "I shall form the best wall I can. Let us begin before the night grows too dark."

The lizard hefts the metal battering ram he'd brought and snorts at Thelergramor. "Tell ya' what. If you can figure out how to take a whole room, that'll be great. But right now, we just want what is in it. Now then," she says, moving onto Gavin and Loveblade's question while nodding at Dio. "What he said. Mostly just going to be ferals. Well, predictably. But you never know, these days. It shouldn't be too bad, really. But we need to keep the contents of the lab intact. Getting there? We're not so worried about that. We can handle ourselves. Now, getting back out? That's another story. We need to avoid a fight while we're carrying potentially fragile things, you know? If it gets damaged, that defeats the point of coming here tonight."

The other Zephyr agent checks over his rifle for a moment and flicks the safety off. "Right. Let's not waste anymore time. We'll talk as we go," she says, taking point and gesturing Dio ahead to join him, should he be so inclined. "And I don't mind telling you what's in it. But uh. I'll have to see what exactly it is, first. Researchers back at Zephyr need some supplies. Old college science labs might very well have what we need. We know the location of the science rooms, but little else, so we'll be investigating them all til we find things that look promising." He starts through the main room but pauses before entering the center of the campus. "Try to stay quiet, though. Don't want to attract too much attention," he says, lowering his voice.

Rihko follows the agent along, moving quietly as she picks up on his lead; the air around the kitsune shimmers slightly as all of her defenses come online, and she slips a few thin throwing needles into her grip. She sniffs at the air again as the move out of the rain, then blinks and gives the coyote a double take. "... do I know you?"

Gavin gives a small nod to the agents, letting them take point while stepping in after them. While he has plenty of skill in scavenging, he wasn't entirely sure what the crew was looking for. "Is there... something in particular you guys are looking for? Or we just grabbing anything valuable?" He keeps his voice low, gently and slowly pulling his blade, thankful the scabbard muffles that metal upon metal scratch.

Thelergramor nods and such, shrugging and checking the size of the door. Compares it to the size of himself... Tries to determine if he'd fit like this. Probably not good to be large inside the building. Yawns, and proceeds to shift into being a fox. Yup. Just a fox. Given his weapons/armor are nanite equipment, they shift with him. And then, somehow, don't ask me how, downs a couple pills to remove the resulting vagina. Peers at the Rihko. "You know him?" Gestures, with head towards Redd. "I know him." Chuckles, keeps moving...

Loveblade moves stealthily, her wings shaken out as she keeps abreast of the group, and keeps her eyes, profile low. Staying to the shadows while watching her step, she listens and sniffs carefully while eyeing the dirt outside the windows and doors she can see this cold rainy night, searching for signs of recent activity.

"Don't expect me to say much from here on out, likely only if I see something important and it can't wait. Does anyone here have any enhanced senses they could use to keep us away from dens on the way out?" she asks, nodding to the Zephyr and RSX agents "And if it does come to some need for electricity, or dealing with a working terminal, let me know." she thrums with excitement, a deep purr that she lets fall low and fade as she walks in the middle and just a bit to the side of the group, alert and relaxed, her axe in hand with a ready grip. Two of her hands move to her side-pouch, and slide a smoke-bomb onto her belt.

"I've been gone for quite a while... but you smell familiar to me, so we certainly met." The coyote's gaze turns towards the agents. "Why a battering ram, I thought you said to try quiet?" Anybody who's ever met this coyote knows he doesn't believe in 'quiet'.

Dio nods his head and once more bolsters his trusty riot shield. "Very well," he agrees following agent's gesture. "I haven't brought any ranged weapons with me, so I shall do my best to hold a line up in front." Giving the group another short bow, the tuxedo clad feline take a position up front along with the agent at point.

The lizard looks at the battering ram, then at Redd. "Because when we need it, it won't matter," he says, pointing ahead at the large open stretch of land between buildings that they'll have to cross through. "That is what we need the quiet for. We're going to be nice, open targets out there. We don't want to attract unwanted attention." The other Zephyr agent shrugs at Gavin. "I've got a list of specifics, but honestly? We're mostly looking for anything intact and anything valuable. These days? It's not too hard to know it when you see it." He points cross the way, towards the northern building. "Those are the lecture halls. We're going to cross the campus swift and quiet, and once we're in, it's just a matter of getting to the right hall. Stay away from the doors, keep an eye on the corners. Ready? Let's move," he says, falling into step and moving out of the entrance building, making his way across the center of the campus square, skirting the fountain as he goes.

Rihko's head moves a fraction of a degree and she takes another quick sniff at the air, although her posture remains relaxed as she crosses the ground behind the lizard agent. "Mmmm... you're not Angus. Not Smokie, she'd be more energetic. Or would have made something explode already. Or been yelling marp as we began moving," she says quietly. Then she blinks. "Oh. Ooooh. How long have you been back in town?"

Gavin gives a small nod at the agents reply, blade drawn and hanging low and at his side. He hunkers down and lightens his step, doing his best to avoid notice while keeping close to the two Zephyr employees. Because of that restriction, he is limited in just how stealthy he can, but he'll do what he can. He glances back to Rihko, voice low, "Not to be a dick, but perhaps this isn't the time for catching up, yeah?"

Thelergramor plans to let the others move first... Given, sniper rifle. Better to hang back a bit. Peers out with his binoculars. Which are on his head. Deployed via headbob, and reset upon foxhead with reversing headbob. Doesn't see anything important. Turns to Rihko and Redd. "Long enough to try to kidnap me. Heheheh..." Laughs and shakes his head. "No hard feelings though." Forgivenessfox. "But, what Gavin said, yeah." Has met Gavin. 100%.

Loveblade reaches out a hand to Dio's shoulder, tapping it as she strokes one tail down the length of the line to get attention. Given a moment she peers out into the dark, holding up two fingers and with a free hand pointing two fingers at her eyes and then putting them together and lowering her hand below shoulder level in case they saw her back, pointing at the two shadows she'd seen moving. Hoping everyone undertood, her gestures clear and practiced, Love slides the thong from her axe over her wrist and readies her hands, straightening the claws on some while curling others into fists.

One thumb brushing the button on a small bronze colored box, engraved with the letters A.R.K. Slowly, heat seems to suffuse some in the group with energy, an invisibile pulse that invigorates as aches and pains fade with a growing sense of alertness coming from Love, every line on her body rippling for a moment in a delicious little shiver.

"I must only assume you missed our little show then? A pity, I thought we had rather a good showing." The coyote walks alongside Rihko, and while his eyes were on the kitsune, his ears were everywhere but.

Dio's ears twitch slightly, nose sniffing around within the rainy atmosphere as his feline eyes scan the area around him. "Strange," he mumbles under his breath upon seeing two mysterious figures. "I wonder if we're not the only ones attempting to salvage materials upon this evening." Voice carrying in a dull whisper, the lion continues forth into the dreary darkness.

The figures loiter for a moment before ducking around corners and out of line of sight. The court yard returns to feeling rather empty and vacant, though there is the unnerving sensation of being watched. Like the group isn't as alone as it seems. All the same, they reach the entrance to the lecture halls unimpeded.

The agent armed with the rifle takes a brief peek through the windows and into the darkness before easing the door open, propping it open with a foot and sweeping the immediate area with his eyes before gesturing the others in. "Someone keep an eye on the rear, make sure nothing comes up behind us. They probably know these halls better than we do. Remember to avoid passing by open doors. Never know what might reach out and grab you."

"Dick," Rihko mutters, wrinkling her nose, but there's no force in her tone - the man was right after all. She gives the agent a nod, then begins quietly making her way through the lecture building, fingers flipping one of her throwing darts back and forth as she moves the others to her off hand.

"What happens if we come across two open doors on each side of the hall?" Gavin snickers gently, speaking and chuckling below his breath as he slips into the main building at the agent's lead. His eyes squint in the dim light, normal vision hampered by such sorts of things as darkness and not having any other over-developed senses for helping in these situations. The man shakes his head and gets to it, either way, taking a quick glance at the interior while setting his back to a corner-wall, waiting for everyone else to take their positions inside.

Thelergramor just kinda... looks at the building. Having not all that much to add, the Fox remains at the back of the group. For ass ogl- guarding. Guard the asses! "Open doors, got it." Sits. Waits for the others to enter. Then enters. Quietly. Foxily... Having the keen vision helps with darkness. Probably.

Looking ahead, and aware that they were likely under scrutiny, Love watches the rear, keeping eyes for movement and trying to recall what she'd seen from the map, making a guess to how they could come at the group through the halls. Rolling her hips gently with quick movements, her nipples peak at the thought of her upcoming fun and she lets out with a soft murr at the potential of a fight.

A golden blush rises in her cheeks and across the curve of her breast, peeking through the slits on her tank top and camo pants with every move she makes, obsidian scales glistening with damp from the rain while she smiles, a soft glittering sparkle in the night from her razor fangs. Turning to see Thel watching, she winks slowly and scans the shadows with a hand to close the door, looking for a nearby chair or something that would clatter if disturbed from the door where she'd place it.

"You should have seen what we had rigged up on the way into town, old tractor trailer turned into a stage. It was beautiful." Hardly paying attention to the agents in front, the coyote is more than pleased to run into an old friend. Though he does pull a somewhat battered laser rifle out of his bag.

Seeing the rear seems to be covered, Dio continues to hold up the front along with the agent, eyes darting around alertly for any unfortunate foes. "I shall keep my eyes peeled," he responds before pressing upon a small device within his pocket, allowing a small buffering layer of nanites to float around his person.

The agent with the rifle raises his brow at Gavin's remark but shakes his head. "Then we hope we get lucky." Dropping into a ready stance, he starts on the move again, slow and steady. "Should be down this hall, and then to the left," he says, starting down the path with the others. The building remains... Almost eerie levels of quiet. The lizard tightens his grip on the battering ram incase he needs to use it as an improvised weapon, while the RSX agent draws a laser pistol from a side holster. Occasionally switching sides of the hall to avoid an open door.

All at once the silence is interrupted by the click of heels on the tile floor, but it's hard to place just where it's coming from. There's nothing in sight, certainly, and the way it bounces along the hall make it seem as if it's coming from ahead and behind at the same time.

Rihko perks her ears at the noise. The kitsune frowns, then slips her darts back into a ready-to-throw position as she continues forward. Her tails flick and curl back and forth, and she scents the air again, on the hunt for this new prey.

Gavin pauses at the sound of clicking shoes, glancing forward and back while bringing his other hand to wrap upon the long hilt of the broadsword style blade he carries. He lets out a soft hiss, cut a half second long through his teeth in a nearly silent attempt to notify the agents that something was amiss. The human figures that the agents had noticed, but one can never be too sure.

Thelergramor stops short, drops low, peers around... Keeps rifle/other mounted firearms swivelling about. Looks over the group, turns around, watches the back for approaching... things.

Loveblade flattens one palm and keeps it close to her hips, facing any direction she does with what seem to be squirming tendrils just below the surface of the scales, the occasional flash of green pressing up along her palm and pushing the surface apart. Love quietly murrs and steps to a guard position flanking the agents with Dio, scuffing the floor to be sure there wasn't a hollow service door along the way, and trying to see if there were any rungs set into tiles. Ready, waiting and careful, she looks over to the agents and nods "We should keep moving, find someplace they have to come at us one by one, know of anywhere like that?"

"That's a sound I haven't heard in years... Hell, I haven't seen a pair of heels in nearly as long." The sound has Redd stop in place, before dropping to all fours again. Less weight on each foot means quieter movement, right?

Hearing a heel-like click, Dio stops for a moment and peers around the area. "Perhaps a math teacher," the lion remarks in a low whisper. "Their infection tends to heels I believe. It's been awhile since I've been here." Without too much concern for stealth, the tuxedo clad feline continues forward, gesturing lightly at the agent to his side in an attempt to approach the team's apex for what could soon be an ambush.

It seems the other agents heard it, as well. They come to a brief stop, the one with the rifle bringing it up to his shoulder to sweep down one end of the hall through the sights. "Unfortunately, no," he says quietly in reply to Loveblade. "We're in a school building. The halls all make one big circuit. The only areas that would provide a single chokepoint are the rooms. The turn is just ahead. I say we press on, but keep your wits about you. Something definitely isn't quite... Usualy here. Ferals tend to be more brazen. And it is very unlikely they haven't noticed us by now."

He moves forward a little more, before pressing his back to the wall and peeking around a corner. "Coast is clear in this hall. It's smaller. While Raj and I try to see into these rooms, form up and cover our flanks?" He suggests before gesturing the lizard forward, both of them rounding the corner. "Just don't let them manage to sneak up on us from either side."

The click stops for a moment, before a distant, high-pitched giggle sounds out from somewhere behind the group.

Rihko nods her head, sticking close to the agents until they decide to peel off, keeping a sharp eye on the side she's chosen to watch and moving with a slight crouch. The kitsune smiles at the noises, and decides she'll engage in a little trickery of her own; one step, it is only Rihko, and then as she takes the next step she becomes two kitsunes, stepping slightly apart as they take up the flank guard.

Gavin gives a small frown, but nods, "I'm sticking with you two. I'm fairly certain I'll know the good stuff to grab and I think the rest of the team is more than capable of handling the threat. Plus, I can back the two of you up and keep whatever we nab safe on a slightly more personal level than blanket cover." The human keeps his longblade out for now, in the instance that he'll need the extra oomph, shifting his off-hand to pull a matte black kabar knife.

Having already been looking in the direction of 'behind the group,' Thelergramor squints. "That wasn't just me who heard that, right?" Shifty eyes around, with his keen vision... Trying to see things. Peers back at Rihko... Approves of two Rihko's. Double the Thelfriend! Then moves off to one side of the hallway... Tries to look small and unthreatening. "Haven't seen a math teacher in years, since, y'know, school... Uh, I'll shut up now." And shutup he does...

Loveblade nods to the Agent when she's adressed and moves toward the direction indicated, making a hand gesture to move forward and listening carefully for anything that seems out of place, trying to identify all the regular little noises under the sounds of running water, drips on the window-panes and the gushing from the gutters outside in a steady drain from the roof. Looking to the way ahead, Love nods and mouths the words "Let's get to it and go." aloud saying only "Hunted."

Sniffing at the damp air and nodding to herself, Love stays in a ready position as she passes opposite an open class door, seeing the curl of mist flowing through an open window. Tapping Redd's shoulder and pointing outside, she pauses to listen for a second, closing her eyes "Mist."

Loveblade soothingly hisses, "We might be...herded, later. Be careful where you run. "

The coyote follows the kitsune(s) down the hallway, though as close to silent as one can be on tiled floors. He sniffs the air, hoping to catch a scent of something in here.

"We might need to make haste," Dio comments openly. "The evening grows darker and darker and our presence is surely noticed. If our possible foe hasn't attacked us by now, perhaps they have an idea of what we seek and are waiting for us there. Who knows if we're even dealing with a prime?"

The two Zephyr agents move from room to room, peeking into dark windows before pausing in front of one in particular. The human agent reaches out to test the handle, before nodding. "Locked. I don't think this one has been touched, yet, and I believe it has supply access." He steps back and Raj steps forward with the battering ram. "Alright. You folks ready? If they didn't know we were here yet, they certainly will in a moment. You can choose to stay out in the hall, or fall in with us. Up to you on that one! Just keep us covered while we search. On three." Two, one, crack.

The door gives way and swings open, the lock of the reinforced wooden door giving way to the mutant's battering ram. Without missing a beat, the two steps in, reaching for flash lights to provide help in scoping the room out more thoroughly.

It's not immediately certain if the noise attracted attention, but it doesn't take long for that to be cleared up. The heels click on tile again, sounding a little more urgent and close, this time. A door shuts in one of the side halls around the corner from Rihko, while the giggle echoes from the opposite end, from the direction that the group came.

One of the Rihkos glances back at Loveblade, then shakes her head; she takes up a spot beside the door, and the other one takes the other side of the door, both of them wary and on guard. "Who said anything about running?" they ask, voices in unison. Their ears perk and they both turn to look towards the sound of the heels, then grin. "Come out, come out, whever you are~" the two of them say, quietly.

Gavin slips his longblade back into it's sheath before reaching for a flashlight, slipping into the room almost directly behind the two agents. His other hand keeps the kabar low and to the ground, grip relaxed in his palm and ready in case something else happens to be in the room. However, if he finds no threat, the human will immediately start scanning for valuables in the scientific sense.

Thelergramor foxnods and such. Remains quiet, and awaits attack. Since... that's his job here. Actually... Screw that remain quiet bit. "You, giggling person. I'm gonna need you to come out here. I'm tired and don't have all night! And... Uh, no, that's about it." Remains right up near the wall, weapons levelled down the hallway.

Loveblade perks her ears up and lowers her head, eyes brightening with battle lust and focus, her heart pumping through her chest in ready need and the vines under her palm now pressing hard along the curve, the scales sliding up and out of the way as the lengths curl around them, thorned and dripping with oils her body secretes to coat them. Licking along the edge of her axe with a sensual gesture, she puts one foot foward in a blocking stance, her axe going above her head in puppet, in line with the curve of her neck and held ready to strike at an angle and twist for a spin behind. A slow smile curves the gentle swell of her lips as her eyes light, stepping back enough to turn and watch the direction with the most entrances, and just wishing she'd played it safe and brought a milk power or two. Would be good to have some oil sprayed at the enemy about now.

Hearing that giggling again, the coyote pauses his walk, and pulls a smoke bomb from his bag. He starts a dash towards the sound, before throwingthe grenade as far as possible down that hallway, and taking off sprinting the other direction. Maybe the mutants will be driven out by the smoke, or just start chasing him. Either way, it'll make easy targets.

Dio watches as most of his companions ready for battle and take the front. "Be careful now. Who knows how many might be waiting for us." Stepping back a few feet, the lion inserts himself within the doorway and thrusts his shield down while kneeling and bracing his body, forming a leonine barrier for the scavengers. "I shall hold the doorway should any attack fall upon our other flank or one gets through."

The room is clear of any ferals, thankfully, as Gavin and the other two agents set to work. Much of the lab equipment has eroded away over time due to nanites, but the glassware is all intact, and, in some cases, the contents of them. "Not bad," the one with the rifle says, slinging a small, solid crate from over his shoulder to set down on a table. "Help me get these loaded up. It sounds like things are starting to pick up out there, and we don't want to linger any longer than we have to. They outnumber us here."

Redd's smokebomb yields a coughing fit for a brief moment before he's suddenly being chased by a gaggle of giggling anime mutants dressed up in school uniforms. Well, most of them, anyway. Three of the seven split off at the sight of the others in the hall and turn to start advancing down that way, while at the other end two of the math teachers round the hall, brandishing their meter sticks. "Tsk, tsk. Caught out in the halls after hours. We're going to have to teach you a lesson, I think."

Between Dio and the Rihkos, the door is well guarded, but Thel and Loveblade are now becoming the sole target of the two groups at each end of the hallway, while the other four continue to chase after Redd.

Both of the kitsunes at the door growl in unison, although their tones are just far enough apart in pitch to create a displeasing harmonic. Their hackles rise and she bares her sharp, sharp teeth as she turns most of her attention towards the teacher-mutants; she gets her darts ready to throw. "Do not take one step closer. We are working here."