
From Flexible Survival
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Risk is a studious shifter with a fondness for exploration and new experiences, regardless of if it ends well or not. Able to recall some parts of their life from before P-Day, they're keen to learn about the world and how best to use their skills to be of assistance.

Although they enjoy meeting new people and are typically outgoing, when nervous or embarrassed they have a tendency to shy away from contact and become more quiet and reserved.

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  • Zephyr Inc: Seen as a necessary evil for now, Risk occasionally does work for them and has trained with them to learn how to more finely control their own nanites.
  • RSX: Risk is uneasy towards them, seeing them as an aggressive group that refuses to change with the times.
  • Prometheans: Risk is eternally thankful towards the group that saved them, and wants nothing more than to help them create the world that they envision.
  • Survivors: Happy to either assist them or leave them to their own devices, Risk respects the choices of those who don't wish to join a major faction, even if they don't always agree with it.

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Having only recently started to explore in earnest, Risk has yet to forge any meaningful connections.

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RP Hooks
  • Risk feels more comfortable using their natural weapons if they can help it, and tend to shy away from firearms and melee weapons.
  • Given a brief period of time, Risk can shift in private without fuss. Shifting with others watching is more taxing for them and has a higher chance of mistakes.
  • Shifting for Risk is difficult, and is something they're still trying to improve at. This sometimes leads to them getting stuck in a single form for a short while, typically a few days at most.
  • Happy to go with or without clothes, Risk usually decides on the day how they want to present.
  • Affected by longevity nanites that make them constantly appear to be in their mid-twenties, Risk still feels roughly the same as when they were first infected, despite the amount of time that's passed.


  • Risk is friendly and outgoing usually, but can easily slip into a quiet and submissive mindset depending on the situation.
  • It takes a little to embarass them, but when already in that mindset they can tend to be a blushy mess.
  • The vast majority of the time Risk is fully in control, but rarely they can slip a little and start acting a bit more typical of their form.
  • Risk is very fond of cuddles and other forms of physical affection, and can easily be bribed with them.
  • Working them up or making them pliant is easily achievable if you're aware of how to do it.


  • Risk loved being a student, and still enjoys learning to this day. They're always in search of something new, be it a new ways of doing things or even places they didn't know about!
  • A former medical student, Risk is familiar with both drugs and treatments, even if they haven't technically practiced it.
  • A keen enjoyer of books, Risk spends a decent chunk of time helping out at the library, maintaining and sorting the stock.
  • The current political climate is complicated, and Risk wants to help maintain order in this new world.
  • Risk is always willing to lend a hand to someone, and if they aren't able to assist immediately will try to find a way to help later on.


  • I'm happy to discuss any form of RP, and personally treat my wi and kinks pages as more of a general guideline than anything else. Don't be afraid to ask!
  • I'm always happy to 'lose' a scene, whatever makes for the best story.
  • I'll gladly play the role of either a main or side character as needed. If a seat needs to be filled to liven something up just give me a call.

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  • Nanite Adept

Form: Inconsistent.

Gender Identity: Non-binary.

Apparent Age: 24.

Date of Birth: 19th March, 1985.

Birthplace: Oregon.

Faction: Prometheans.

Group: Unaffiliated.

Current Residence: A small apartment in New Dawn.

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No logs found.


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