Ixchel Jaguars Introduction - RPLOG

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It is a bit chilly, and even more so up on the mountain side. The wind blows through, making all but the thickest of furs nearly useless against it. Upon the horizian though is something quite different. A temple, a pyamid! Was not there yesterday, but is there today. It stands at least nine stories tall, stairs leading on the outside directly to the top. All about it is only chilled moss and a few cracks and chips in the stones making up the outside.

Fenris was lounging around at the Teanuki Cafe when the lightning struck. The round tanuki decided to investgate, just fir fun and comes trotting happily down the trail toward the strange new pyramid. He does not even alow at the oddity of its presence, having gotten a little innured to the strangeness of the supernatural after some of his more recent exploits. "Adventure ho!" He cheers happily.

Lila stared at the curiously placed pyramid, something about its presence making her skin tingle. She felt strangely drawn to it, the melodic voice in her head telling her she should be making her way with all due haste to the base instead of continuing to the planetarium, but she was reluctant. Mysteries such as these tended to spell danger in the post world, and both pregnant and nearly naked it was sure to spell p-day, and yet the voice wouldn't stop. "Alright, alright Hath, I'll go, just stop yelling," she said to herself, rubbing at her right ear.

Rev makes the approach to the new temple one of his more adventurous personalites having taken control of his body, and gone to check out the splitting in the sky. That he had spotted from near the zephyr building. The big wolf glances over thd pyramid, and tilts his head in a curiouse fashion. As he looks about at the others as they arrive. Before padding closer to the structure in search of the entrance. "Well well well this should be fun."

Another flash of lightning strikes upon the pyramid, the sun setting quickly in the background. The wind continues to pick up. There feels to be a strange presences within the structure, or something else perhaps. It is hard to tell from a distance.

Fenris trots up with a smile on his round, mask-marked face. "Hello, wolf!" he says to Rev, "Hello, cow!" The big tanuki seems to feel that this is sufficient introduction and that now they are all the best of friends! With that out if the way, he jogs happily through the temple doors. No point in putting it off!

Rev nods to fhe others in turn, and heads up the stairs to the entrance at a brisk but steady pace. Though being as he is rather large he does take more than one step at a time compared to thise that are arrived to check the pyramid out. That arr smaller than the large wolf.

A soft, concerned voice echoes from the entrance. "Umm, h-hello?" Meek calls before stepping in. She looks about curiously at the interior, her avian eyes flitting from one detail to the next.

Walking inside, it is musty, dusty, cold, and full of more moss. It is dark, completely dark inside. For a moment anyway, until torches all along the sides light themselves! There is a small opening, doors leading in and downward, three of them. There are some carvings along the sides of the walls. Rev and Fenris, a bit winded from the walk up all those stairs. Meek, doing quite fine having flew up instead, and with Lila still climbing to get inside.

Fenris huffs and puffs a bit in the magically lit antechamber. The tanuki ambles over to examine the symbols on the wall, humming softly to himself. "Well!" He says, "That was bracing, wasn't it!"

Lila huffs and pants as she climbs up the stairs, her short legs and the weight of her two pregnant looking bellies making the travel all the more difficult. "I'm moving as fast as I can Hath, please, cut me some slack," she said to no one but herself. She rolled her eyes and groaned. "Fine, /Hathor/. You mind telling me what this damned thing is anyway? ... well there's no reason to get all condescending. I asked a simple ques... fine, fine, I'll shut up."

Rev takes a seat, and pants as he attempts to catch his breath. As he looks over the symbols on the wall while nodding in agreement. "I am not in as good of shape as I used to me." He mutters as he Moves on from looking over the symbols on the walls, and moves on deeper into the pyramid. Looking for anything more of his expertise to examine.

Meek flies past the others on the stairs, "Oh, hi!" she chirps while waving happily. She talons reach for the ground at the top, her wings flit twice before snapping tightly against her back. With no small amount of levity she darts immediately to the carvings. "Oh, my..." the phoenix chirps, bending over to study them further. "I remember these from a book I read on Mayans" she calls to the others. She offers Rev her canteen distractedly as she looks around. "What a beautiful place"

A large solar dragon flies on hir way back to hir home in an old planetarium, hir packs stuffed with edibles scavenged from within the east forest t. Having flown over the Mountain pass hundreds of times already spies a odd slight, what appears to be a large temple close somewhat close to hir paton's dedication point. A graceful flutter of hi gleaming wings sets hir self-down upon the temple's upper steps and survey s the scene, hir gaze turning to the foot prints in the dust, seems other have been this way, Seguro presses inside wary of what shi may find within.

A wind picks up, blowing in from seemingly nowhere. There is little more to note in this room itself, other than the three doors leading downward. The torches flicker in the light, held in place by a single metel band, easily removed.

Fenris runs a hand over some of the carvings. "Fertility symbols," he says, "Of course." The tanuki ambles around, looking at the three openings. "I tend to like the middle one," he says with a smile, "There may be traps, but it seems to me that the supernaturals WANT to meet people! Right?" The hefty coon dog plucks a torch from the wall and starts into the central stair without waiting to see if the others will follow.

Meek leaves the canteen for Rev as she makes her way over to Lila. "Are you alright?" she asks, looking them over with concern.

"Fertility?" Lila asked at Fenris's words and shook her head. "So that's why you were in such a rush. She stopped to takr a breath as Meek came over. "Oh, sorry about the ramblings. I've got a goddess whispering in my head. She's all excited about this pyramid and it's making a bit hard to think. Don't worry about me though, I'm a little feral, but the only person I'm a danger to is myself."

Caulford is not a hiking person. Caulford is not even really an outdoorsy person. He fixes things and makes sure that the AC doesn't go out and leave the entirety of the Zephyr building in a horrible hot sex-smelling pit. "I have to get out more, I have to get out more." He mutters to himself, almost seeming unstable as he starts heading for the temple, more because other folks were going there than for his own benefit. He saw some familiar faces. Others, not so much.

Rev as he glances about frowns and after a moment takes on the smaller form of a dark wolf. Then accepts the canteen from meek, and takes a sip before handing it back. to meek as he passes her, and heads straight for the center passage. Just behind Fenris upon noticing that there seems to be a lot of things pointing it for a reason he is unsure of. But not before grabbing a torch with one of his new forms tentacles."let's try to stick together." He calls out to the others.

Fenris hums to himself as he descends the stairs, taking in the carvings and etchings on the walls, trying to remember stories about mesoamerican gods.

Meek tilts her head, her eyes softening with concern. "If you're a danger to yourself than I shall have to watch you the most closely." she says while placing a hand on Lila's shoulder. A warmth permeates from the phoenix as she smiles gently. She blinks, looking for the source of the voice. "We should certainly stick together. Could we make a plan?" she asks as if knowing she's herding cats.

A tell tail clicking of talon on stone echoes down the hall as dragon fallows the foot prints further down the hall, Seguro's tail sways behind hir has the light begins to grow dim the further shi moves from the entrance, the light cast from hir scales barely enough to see by. Seguro begins to rummage in hir pack for an item shi rally uses a pair of Thermal Imaging Binoculars to guide hir way.

Lila nods her head and walks up to the more carnivorous looking mutants. "Worse comes to worse I'm not great at fighting, but I'm a talented little thing with first aid, so long as you don't mind drinking a little milk. I've been told it's quite good though, so it shouldn't be all that bad." She looks to Meek and smiles. "If you feel you must I won't object," she says in her thick southern drawl and grabbed one of Meek's hands

Caulford looks around at the Mesoamerican temple. The short stack of mutants with him as the only human. Fun. "Uh. Like, the movies are all like that these places are super trapped. Are we sure this place is safe?" He realized that was a stupid question the moment that it escaped his lips. He facepalms. "Nevermind. Stupid answer." The human in the air force jumpsuit coughs to mask the awkward that he's feeling at the moment.

Meek beams as her hand is grasped, squeezing back lightly. "What do you say we try the middle one first?". "Oh, and I'm Meek by the way!" she adds happily, already pulling Lila towards the center tunnel.

A stage down the steps, well lit from the torches previously grabbed, things are much much bigger. That wind continues, somehow, and in the center are three small statues. One looks like a warrior, holding a shield and a spear. Another looks some kind of shaman, holding a staff, sprinkling something. The last perhaps a farmer? A hoe in hand, looking ready to continue their work. There aren't any doors to be seen, only the way back up, including the one used, and two others.

Lila smiles at Meek's reaction. "Nice to meet you Meek, I'm Lila," she says pleasantly and loudly, trying to introduce herself to the others as well. Her ears perk up at the sound of talons clicking on the ground, and steps closer to Meek, but looks to the stage and the statues on them. "Huh, pretty lookin' things, ain't they? The farmer vaguely reminds me of someone but... I can't quite remember who." She frowns, the image fuzzy, just out of her reach, but shrugs her shoulders. "I wonder what we're supposed to be doing here."

Statues! Of course! There should always be statues in these temples! Fenris saunters up to the shaman statue and leans in close. "I think the medicine one is probably a good choice!" He says fishing around his coat for a minute before producing a little bag. He scoops some dust and dirt from the floor and hefts it in his hand thoughtfully. He poises himself befoe the statue, then quickly swaps the bag for the statue. "Just like the movies!" He cheers.

Caulford adds to meek's introduction. "Aaron Caulford Dodson." He seems to say nearly automatically. "Just call me Caulford. Or A.C. I fix A.C.'s. It's, ah. Awesome to meet you Meek bird lady." He adjusts his plate carriers some and looksdown at the statues. "Huh. They plant the seeds, they harvest it, and it goes to feed the warriors? Or do the warriors get the land, then they plant the seeds on it..." He trails off, lost in thought.

Rev pads up to the statues, and frowns. The tall wolf circles around the statues. Careful of his surroundings as to avoid setting off any traps. "Well now this is not exactly what I was expecting. He says while leaning in close to examine the warrior. The wolf raises an eywbrow as fenris removes one if the statues.

Meek looks the statues over, "I can't make any sense of it" she says, cupping a hand under her beak. "But it's the farmers that nourish, the shaman that heals," she says pointing to each, "and the soldier that defends. These would be important roles to the Mayans. Maybe the other rooms will give us some more clues?" she asks, looking over each statue in detail.

Lila furrows her brow and purses her lips. "Are you sure that's wise... um mister raccoon person?" she asks loudly, looking at the walls around them that suddenly felt too close. Her face grows still and she turns her head. "Hath? Hathor? Why... why did you get quiet? This isn't funny Hathor. Been talking to me non-stop for weeks and now you decide to stifle yourself? Say something, please?" She squeezes tighter on Meek's hand and a worried moo escapes her mouth.

Fenris smiles affably around. "It seems like as good an idea as any!" he says, holding up the statue and looking it over. "Look!" he says, "The statues is happy!" Honestly, it is hard to tell with the mayan statue, but Fenris tends to project.

Rev frowns as he catches sight of a brief movment. Before fenris replaces the statue. Then out of curiosity. He raches out, and picks up the bag. Then waits to see ehst happens while the others carry on with what they are doing.

With a statue moved, there is the sounds of something moving! But, once the bag is placed down the moving once again stops. The wind had also picked up a bit, stopping once more with the bag placed there... however, the other statues start to sink down! Until Rev picks up the bag once more, movement heard once again.

Caulford checks the surface where the statues were and tries to figure out the mechanism. "Dude, how th' hell..." He looks back at Rev with an accusatory glance. "Dude, I was gonna take a look at that!"

Seguro moves further down the corridor always what seems a step behind, the dragon sniffs the air fresh scents of those who passed this way, some of them know to hir lila, Rev, and that nut dog from hir previous operations. With a quickened pace the dragon moves down the hall fallowing the dusty trail, the taping of claws on stone growing louder.as shi breaks into a run to catch up.