Surveying the Local Scrapyard - RPLOG

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(Willy) responding to the inquiry, you are pointed to an office on the second floor of the building where Shilo's office is. Opening the door, you find a Pangolin sitting at a desk, seeminglt calmly awaiting applicants for the mission.
(Pteryx) Pteryx looks 'round them office, eyup, that's an office. Seein them pangolin, Pteryx would wave ta em and thing... though them notice sounded more like it was fer them adventurer types, maybe a feller like him could serve as backup... in case one of them folks gets a tad too adventerous and hurts themselves bad enough! "Pteryx's the name, adventure... ain't ma game, but if one of them curious fellers get too big fer their britches I gotta have somethin in here..." Draggin out a massive first aid kit he'd start rambling and droning, easy to tune out really.
(Waconet) Waconet , wearing what appears to be a backpack made of duct tape, slithers into the office that he was directed into and looks around, finding a Hyena pulling out a sizable first aid kit as well as Pangolin, "Howdy, the name's Waconet, who might be the Shilo that's looking for some salvagers?"
(Deshwitat) The heavy clomp of boots is heard leading up to the office. A overly gravid form with a wiggling mass is shadowed in the doorway before the figure squeezes hir mass of boobs and belly through the entrance. Deshwitat give a quick once over of the room noting the other beings that answered the request. Shi attempts a curtsy to the Pangolin, sent ight you be Shilo? I'm here to answer the request you put out.sow
(Fenris) Fenris meanders into the office, wearing a stained tanktop, jeans, and an old bomber jacket, a grungy ball cap on his head. He smiles and tips his cap back to consider the others in the room. "Hey kids," he says, "Heard you had a job?"
(Willy) Willy The Pangolin gets up with a smile as people start to come in, chuckles a little to Pteryx. "I like your enthusiasm. While the job shouldn't be that dangerous, we had not scouted out the place, so you never know." he says, before greeting Waconet and smiling "Not soo much Salvagers as a survey team as I will explain in a second." As the others enters the Pangolin looks slightly surprised at first but then comes to ease. "Umm, yes, you have come to the right place" he says before stepping back to his desk. Taking out a file, he lays it out on the desk, showing a map and some small scouting reports. "So some agents reporting spotting a scrapyard off the highway outside of town, seemingly having largely untouched at some level in time. This has piqued interest from the company as it sounded like a good place to test the new Nanite Salvaging techniques that researchers are working on." he says, pointing to the scouting report. "However, they would prefer not to go there blindedly, so I am tasking you all to do a survey of the site, and let us know what is there, both material and functional and report it back to us."
(Pteryx) Pteryx beams at the perceived compliment. The Hawwaian shirted tourist lookin mutant won't have ta do too much if this is as safe a job as them pangolin makes it sound! But better safe than sorry. Lookin at them map, Pteryx would not see anything of note, not really one well versed in all them... scrap work? Scratchin the back of his head, he'd murmur, "New tech, neat." with blatantly feigned interest. Whatever them higher up egg heads were up ta, Pteryx sure ain't one to understant them shenanigans.
(Waconet) Waconet listens to Shilo as the mission is described. He notes that he should probably take notes about the site and starts digging for a notepad and pen for the survey. He asks, "Is Zephyr looking for anything in particular that we should keep an eye out for, perhaps something with a bonus attached or are we going in completely blind and should do our own scouting first before we head into the scrapyard itself?"
(Deshwitat) Deshwitat nods to everyone's comments, sensation I guess the jobs pretty straight forward. I too would like to know if we are looking for something specific? The people that can fly would be a great help then. I guess that would be me and Waconet here. What are everyone's best skills? If people are are willing to tell me. Mine are I apparently have really sensitive eyes and ears. I'm pretty strong since I have to carry all this bulk. I do a lot of research on the tech and science of this era since I'm trying to solve my size problem.square as shi emphasize this by patting hir boobs and belly.
(Fenris) Fenris considers the map and flips through the scouting reports. "Not much info here," he says, "I can see why you would want a scouting team." He lets the reports and maps lie and looks up at the Pangolin. "I assume you are providing transport?" he asks.
(Willy) Willy The Pangolin looks to Waconet "Condition of the materials in the Yard mostly." Shilo says "Though the functionality of whats left on the site, which if you are able to restore if damaged, could come with a bonus as they would make it easier to work the site in later projects." he says before refrencing the scouting report. "From what we can gather, there aren't any more than usual ferals in the area around it, which I would gather shouldn't be an issue for you all, and yes Transportation too and from the site is being provided." he says with a smile before continuing. "On site is unknown though...though if there is someone one it, best to try to remove them if possible to avoid issues with research." he says. "Any other questions?"
(Pteryx) Pteryx flaps his wings just a bit on them human's? mention of fliers. "Ain't lookin ta be shot down like a fly ta an archerfish though so ya battlefolks are better fer all them stuff! Ma skills sure ain't fight related, but if ya get ta a scrap I could patch ya up steady enough ta survive a trip ta a hospital!" Words get talked 'round between them folks with more know how on these kinds o' things and Pteryx wouldn't have much ta add. A bead of sweat would drop on this head at the mention of ferals so he'd probably be better off stickin close ta one of em bigger and stronger fellers... preferably them bigger fellers between him and sumthin dangerous.
(Deshwitat) Deshwitat nods again, service eah this seem like something I would be good at especially if we want to find out if anyone is living in this scrap yard. Since I have Biodetection and and the rest of the bio stuff. I'm not much of a fighter as well. Well I don't have any other questions unless the rest of you do.square as shi looks and gestures to the rest the party.