The methlab that lacked combat - RPLOG

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A cool evening, as a fox and human stand on the corner of 2nd and falcon. Not far away is the museum, within sight distance. It's a fairly generic looking street. Ya got yer buildings on the left, more buildings on the right, paved roads... Nothing of any current significance. They stand, waiting for the volunteers they called for. Seem to be having a bit of a conversation. The human, commanding looking dude, smoking a cigar and kitted out like a swat team member speaks: "...and that's why STD's don't exist anymore. Still, it'd make me laugh if they came back." The fox, wearing a tac vest with firearms mounted on it, shakes his head, keeps an eye out for the help that was requested/horny ferals.

Edel drops from the sky a safe distance away, a voluminous black robe draped over the black armoured bodysuit she tended to wear on assignment. "That was a pretty vague call you put out. What is it you need help with?" She asks, slipping forward.

Rihko slips down the street from the center of town. The silver and white furred kitsune isn't trying to be stealthy, but she does seem to be on the prowl - natrually keeping close to cover, ears alert for noises and sniffing at the air as she approaches. When she reaches the agents she pauses and then gives them both a small nod. "Hey. And hi there, Edel."

Cerris simply woke up as the comm device attached to his combat harness thrummed silently in a subdermal chiming. A call for help eh? Well this is what field kings did for the weak, right?

Opening his eyes he glanced about merely by rolling them in his socket, noting the many ferals collapsed in various poses of dread around him. How many had been drawn to his health and power? How many had lingered too long, hesitating as the life-sapping field warned their instincts of doom whilst other instincts demands they attack? He counted dozens...pity for them, but the only mercy he had for them was stretching his many limbs before loping off toward the away point that appeared in the world before his vision as text scrolled before his eyes showing him pertinent info, hazard reading and sugested routes and what buildings could be passed through as of his last walk through mapping foray.

As he drew near he announced himself with a low growl, casualy striding out to meet those already gathered with his head held high, combat harness and pouches still displaying name, rank and affiliations that he couldn't recall himself fully.

[Your troubles are at an end, brief us and watch me in motion.]

Angus had heard the call, and of course always the curious one, he had to show up! With his tesla rifle in hand he makes the long treck over to the meeting point, while he was the top of his lungs...again, not a care in the world about the ferals near by. "Something takes a part of meeeee, you and I are meant to beeeee. A cheap fuck for me to layyyyy!" The coyote howls out, singing a part of an old song as he looks over those present, before blinking at Cerris. "Oh hey, perfect song right?"

The fox, whom some of you recognize as Thelergramor speaks. "Edel, Rihko, Angus... other guy. Dick here'll brief you. And, yeah, perfect song for some of those kinky bastards back at Zephyr. Plenty of 'freaks on leashes' walking around." The human takes a drag off his cigar; starts the briefing. "I left it vague on purpose. Will try to make this quick; ferals. And non ferals. They're hold up in a commercial building about a block and a half down. It's a drug lab of some kind, according to Thel here. Chemicals and shit. Useful stuff. Now, it isn't hurting anyone, so you're probably thinking 'why do you care'. Because we want the salvage. Chemicals, lab supplies. Could be useful to someone higher up."

Edel holds up a hand, brow furrowing. "Wait, wait. This isn't stuff they're -making- is it? Because otherwise that's just petty theft and I want none of it." She glances around at the others, ears flicking before nodding at Rihko. "Hello there! Good to see you, and you, too, Angus, Cerris."

"Or a mugging," Rihko replies. "Usually when Z sends out agents on a salvage mission, they're beating up ferals to take their shinies. Except that usually the ferals don't know what they have and would probably break it anyway." The kitsune gives Edel a little nod. "If they're just survivors that aren't hurting anyone, then yea, it'd be a pretty shitty thing to go knock 'em over."

Cerris rumbles softly at the song that tickles his knowledge of the past, or what bits and pieces would hold still long enough to be identified. Mental flashes of a bullet flying toward the face of a sweet little girl makes his blood boil as a lack of context jerks along the wrong nerves and makes him glower at Angus with baleful golden slits set in a stygian pitt.

Turning back to the briefing, he casually sniffed at Edel before turning his head in the direction Dick indicated, already accessing maps and waypointing for the sake of tactical planning. When Edel addresses him he replies with a verbal growl of


Before stolling closer to but gis head against her chest, his telepathic voice betraying his greeting by being all business.

[What sort of drugs in the lab, if chemicals are dangerous, it would be best to temporarily relocate the subjects there until they are removed, then return custody of the lair...mercifully. Barter may be a kindness to be explored.]

Angus flashes Cerris a big grin, wow it has been a long ass time since he's seen that glare, and it brought back so many memories of the harassment he gave Cerris. "How ya been beasty?" He asks before turning back to Dick, wondering if hairy was waiting around the corner. "We talking dime store cough drops, or what?" he asks as he puts a hand on his hip and wonders if Dick will even answer, or live up to his name.

The fox shakes his head and sighs. "You forgot the part about making a deal, Dick." The human looks almost dumbfoudned. "I did? Ah, well, yeah. We go in, make a deal, come out with some chemicals. Didn't say we were going to take it from them... Anyway, we're both shitty negotiators." Speak for yourself." "...Which is why we called for backup." And Thel adds: "I didn't exactly look at what kinds of chemicals. Didn't want to go in and potentially end up being raped for the next week. But, ferals and survivors. From what I saw. Looked like a meth lab, Angus, if that means anything."

Edel peers at Cerris for a moment before shrugging and looking back to the two that requested the help. "Yeah? Well, if we're going to be bartering for it, then that's fine, I suppose!" She says, nodding a little and settling her hands on her hips. "Lead the way, then."

Rihko thinks for a moment, then nods her head, her ear flicking once as she puts the picture together again in her head a little differently this time. "Cool. So who's going to be the negotiator? I'm fine with that or being an escort, as long as Z still pays up at the end." She looks down the street, then nods, indicating that she was ready to go as well. "What are we barganing with, Thel? Dick? What are we allowed to offer, and what do you want to offer?"

Cerris cirlces Edel with a rumbling growl of curiosity and muted agression. So much he wanted to know, to chew out of her. But there was a job to be done thus he began to break away from her, his many tails drifting across her side before he started to lope away in the direction given, eager to close in on the place in location, his stygian form easily lost to view the further he got, though a tracker blip came up on those present's comm system reading either an arrow, a blip or coordinates for his position.

[I go, I will begin investigating now.]

Angus whistlesssss a little when he mentions it's a meth lab. "huh, guess they must be some drug addicts in need....Thinkkkkkk I might have some way to get this done without a scrap." He states as he lets his rifle hang on its sling, as he reaches into his breast pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes, pull one out, and light it.

Dick once again looks like he was not ready for that question. "What to offer... My first idea would be a job with Z. But, you know how the unaffiliated are. They don't want to work with us. But... What can we offer... Hmm..." Thel once again shakes his head. "Knew you wouldn't plan ahead. Asked one of the higher ups about that. Gave us free reign to trade scraps of metal, food or electrical components for the chemicals. But, what'cha got Angus? Tell me on the way. Don't want to stand out in the open too long." And with that, the agents lead the way, as Edel requested. Dick, after another drag of his cigar, speaks: "We'll let you handle the talking. Me and Thel are just the muscle here."

Cerris/voss are able to remain unnoticed as the group approaches the building. A single guard out front, a nude arctic fox who Angus would recognize as Tim. Upon seeing Angus: "Oh, shit. Not you again... Move along, nothing to see here." The building isn't particularly large for this neighborhood. Boarded up windows and shit, a single door. Used to be a small store of some kind.

Edel slinks along, tail wagging behind her as she tilts her head. "You know them, Angus?" She asks in regard to the one that spoke out. "I can talk if we'd like, though perhaps whoever has something to offer should be doing it!"

The silvery kitsune gives her jacket collar a tug before slipping her hands into her pockets, tails slowly waving back and forth as she follows Angus and Edel towards the building. As Rihko gets close she sniffs at the air again, her ears perked, and then she gives Tim a toothy grin. Since the coyote seems to have an in with the group she remains quiet, pleasantly lurking just behind Angus.

Cerris loses himself investigating the perimeter of the building, giving a running telepathic update of all he sees as he seeks alternate points of entery and egress. He relies on memories of security training and his nose to guide him on the safest of all methods to try and use to enter, eventually settling on placing a paw on each hinge and locking point and letting his quills exude a chemical fire that goes to work on the metal or wood holding it all together as quietly as possible whilst fanning his wreathe of tails.

[Breaching perimeter shortly.]

Angus just blinks as he recognizes the fox, before his face breaks into the biggest shit eating grin ever! "Now Tim, that's not how you greet a friend. Espeically after you watched me dispose of those lion beasts so quickly." He states in a calm, even tone as his hackles start to raise slowly, hoping Tim remembered exactly how those lions were taken care of. "Why don't you be nice and lead us to your boss, I think he would love to chat about his product and what I can give them instead of the shit crystals they make." With that done, he turns to Dick and chuckles a bit as he reaches into his pack and pulls out a small baggy of a fine white powder. "I'm a packrat, and keep everything people give me." He states crypticaly before he turns back to Tim.

Tim's ears flatten and his tail darts between his legs. Remembers all too well the devastation Angus wrought. Although Angus didn't have boobies that time. "I... Uh... Sure. I can bring you inside. Anything for the 'yote and his pretty friends... Come on, then." Tim turns aruond to open the door, which isn't locked or anything. Just opens right up. The Dick and Thel scoff simultaneously. "That was easy..." Thele says, looking over the group again.

With his fiery hide, Cerris is easily able to burn throw the lock on the back door; it opens up into the store. A straight shot to the front door, empty store racks. On one side for the room <left of Cerris, right of everyone else> is a door. Tim blinks as he sees Cerris breaking in. "Is he with you, or should I start running now?"

Edel scratches the underside of her chin and nods. "Whatever works," she says, lifting her shoulders in a shrug. "I'll just be here for backup incase they do something unwise."

Rihko snickers as Tim delivers the perfect set up and she gives her head a quick shake, a few strands of her dark hair threatening to falls across her face before she brushes them back. "Tim, Tim. You should have ran the moment you saw Angus. He's with us, though." Her tails flick, and then she nods at Angus. "What'd you do to the poor guy last time, anyway?"

Cerris rumbles like an approaching storm, feral mirth pulsing and thrumming through his torso as he takes the effort out to snarl out a verbal reply to Tim, his voice like murder and gravel being grinded in a bowl.

"If we desired your blood, your liver would already missing from your body"

It is all too clear he does not speak often, his words slurred and marred by feral vocalizations overlapping syllables but he is /just/ understandable if one is actually paying attention. Though it likely requires little in the way of perception to spot the other door, he still dips his head to sniff around as he approaches it, clearly treating the place like hostile territory.

Angus snickers, turning to smile at Rihko. "He decided to lead me, Thele, and two others into an ambush. I tore out a few of their throats and killed seven in all with teeth and gunfire." He answers as he takes a drag from his cigarette and blows out the smoke, tapping the ash on the ground as he walks behind Tim, his tail flicking a bit. "Now. Lets hope we don't have a repeat of what happened last time I followed you, or I'm going to find out what Fox tastes like."

Thele adds, grinning: "And then I put a bullet through his head." Dick speaks to Edel: "We've met before, yeah... Still just as pretty now as you were then." Thel shakes his head again. "Not a good time, Dick." Tim looks almost terrified at this point, ears completely flat, slightly hunched over and tail still all up between his legs, to the point of blocking his double cock. Yes, he has two. "R-right this way then..." The cold fox walks across the looted store, quickly. Doesn't want to be near Angus. Or Rihko, or even that feral Cerris. But, he opens the door, which was again not locked. No security in the world anymore. "Downstairs, ignore the chained up ferals. Oh, and watch the tripwire at the top of the stairs. Not my fault if you set it off... Don't blame me for whatever happens down there..."

Downstairs, it's pretty damn dark. Some light visible from the top of the stairs. From below comes a womans voice. "Tim! Told you not to let anyone in! Don't have enough product today!"

Edel gives a slow shake of her head. "It certainly would be very unwise to ambush us, yes! And- " When Dick speaks, she raises a brow. "I was talking about Angus and this 'Tim' fellow. I'm not interested in what you're selling, sorry." There's a little tilt of her head. "Chained up ferals?"

Rokarion says, "ooc "chemicals" do they use."

A sparse handful of sparks and embers of fire ignite in Rihko's fur, then begin drifting -up-. They coalesce into a flickering forest wisp that happily begins bobbing down the stairs, providing light as the kitsune pauses to make a mental note of the tripwire at the top. She nods her head, then, and starts heading down the steps as well. "What about buying futures? Is that an option?"

Cerris rumbles once more, this time clicking his jaws together rhythmicly in feral responce to the sheer nerves activated by estrus hormones. SO many fertile bodies nearby made his hackles rise, the already large and difficult to define feral beast king appearing to swell larger and take on a more threatening shape and posture as he also detects males in rut.

"Timmmm is busy...we have come for the chemicals you hold here...we can offer you many things in with the corporation of credit counters, safety, meals...the lives of your friends that are busy thrusting their lives good and peaceful, I do not enjoy bathing in blood, but I /AM/ well versed in it."

This he calls down the stairs as he slips down the stairs, all eight legs carefully stepping to avoid trouble and evenly disperse his weight already prepared to shield others from weapons fire or energy blasts let alone brute attacks.

[I smell many in heat and rut...distraction and control should be simple...I shall encourage more to join the mating dance.]

The warning given comes right before A smell is vented from Cerris that is like masculine musk laced with chocolate and lime candy scents, enough to make one think he'd rolled in a british candy store before it dissipates leaving nanites and hormones to push every female capable of it into going into heat making them each easier for him to locate with his sensitive nose.

Why? because that way he could target the one speaking more easily and hit her with his emotional aura with a blast of sheer awe he hoped would be strong enough to both have her wetting whatever remnants of panties she had whilst taking a knee before him.

Angus blinks as Cerris walks by him, shaking his head a bit as he leans over to inspect the tripwire. "You guys go ahead, I'll disarm this." He states as he draws the dagger from his belt and leans forward to cut the wire, and hopefully not blow up! He blinks, hearing a click at the last moment as a shotgun goes off right above his head, stumbling back as a second tears through the space he had just been occupying. "HA! You crafty little fuckers, a shotgun trap REALLY?" He shouts, cackling a little as he brushes himself off and walks down the stairs.

At the base of the stairs is a room. A basement room. Lining one of the walls are a few cages, ferals boning each other within. They only pick up the pace when they smell Cerris's musk. They're dogs, collies, huskies, dobermans... About nine of them having an orgy in a cage. On the other sideof the room is a single shadow dragon. Female. Nude. Chained to the wall.

The same voice rings out, from a clothed crimson wyrm. A red dragon, for those of you uninitiated. Affected by the pheromones Cerris let out. "What'd you mean selli-... Oh, my... What's that..." She sniffs. Looks over Cerris, lustfully then tries to shake it off. "Trying to manipulate me, sexy? Erm... Don't make me let them out. They're getting tired of fucking each other." She gestures to the ferals in the cages.

Behind her, are several tables with chemistry shit on 'em. A few other workers keep... working. Though two start fucking in the corner from them pheromones.

Edel shuffles down the steps, taking care to avoid the trip wire. She's thankful to have her device on! She rather hated those kinds of... Activities brought on by such things, and largely disregards them as she focuses her attention on the wyvern. "Yes, we're here to trade! And for peace."

Rihko growls, low and deep in her throat. The rumble is loud a kitsune, and Rihko braces herself for a moment against the wall at the bottom of the stairs with her lips curled back, teeth bared, and her ears flat. Her wisp flares brighter for a few seconds, and then she pulls everything together again and shakes her head, forcing her ears back up and her hackles down through sheer willpower. She glances over at Edel, and then to Angus, letting them speak for her for now.

Cerris once again begins that terrible grinding rumble of a laugh, deep enough to sound like surf crashing into a cliff nearby and harsh enough to remind one of someone shifting gears badly in an attempt to burn out their clutch.

"Do...what you will. I come with strength enough alone to consume all present. But, my goal is to close your shop permanently by retasking you. You will work for Zephyr and your pets can go along as lab rats for all they will care, but they desire your...poison and it's building blocks. Is that not merciful, is that not...generous? You do not get raped, you do not bleed from every available hole and you do not raise the unruly children of the one that crushed you against that wall right there. Better still you don't have to show your pets what it is like for you to squeal like a sow before they have a turn. Instead we all go to peaceful places and make what the flesh tones behind the desks like to call....Profit."

His form looms ever closer, quite possibly blotting out lights from time to time when his bulk occludes the source and leaves only the twinlkling motes in his fur and those smouldering golden slits of his to burn into the wyrm.