The Enigma Complex Pt 2 - The Termites - RPLOG

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(Syntax) The request for help from those helping at the bunker was simple: Syntax is going to speak to one of the Termite leaders and wanted some back-up. This venture was likely going to be quite diplomatic and might have some medical implications as well. She's waiting at the entrance to the massive termite hill holding a rolled piece of paper secured with spider silk. As always, she's looking generally a little anxious.
(Junes) Junes heard the message and soon enough you could see the chimeric hissah trotting to syntax in the small sweater and tights combo while their backpack hopped with the motions "hey! good to see you again" they came close enough and hugged the arachne
(Ysadora) Ysadora arrives on the road from the forest on foot. Or on feet which float a few centimeters above the ground. She's in her most common form, that being mostly a ghost with a bit of chill mist in the air around her and wild black hair over her face. Rather than the usual white shroud, however, she's wearing an elaborate getup that looks like something one would see at the Convention Center. It's got puffy sleeves, a bright pink jewel as a centerpiece, and an armored skirt with a star pattern across it. Overall, it looks quite out of place both in the environment and on Ysadora herself. "Hey Syntax," she waves as she approaches. "I heard this was going to be a diplomatic venture, so I wore my best outfit! Hey Junes! Good choice with the sweater, too."
(Arthur) Arthur has several contacts and, thanks to that, not only was aware of what was going on, but also managed to secure a spot in helping out! Not that he understands the situation entirely, that kind of info didn't reach him. The large manly incubus is hopeful that he'll make good use of the opportunity to widen his own network of contacts. Well dressed and bathed, he arrives at the entrance of the termite hill, professionaly greeting and presenting himself to everyone else already there, taking a moment to gaze at the size of the mound. Hell, that's almost a hill. "So, what are we expected to offer and to ask?"
(Pteryx) Pteryx fumbles towards the mound dizzied. Can't figure out that whole mushroom situation without any help, and without Zephyr this was the next best thing... but the forest! Crawling with spiders! One spider already there, who knows how many more!? Is that another spider!? Oh wait that spider's familiar. They fumble towards the group forming around the spider. "This... this here the right mound... how'd we miss this thang?"
(Narwen) A large skunk beast lumbers towards the group on all fours, tail up. Is it a threat? A menace? The start of a raid? Also, why is it wearing brightly coloured shorts? Wait, false alarm, it's just Narwen. He is not presenting himself professionally, he is not well dressed -- except on the skunk beast scale, in that he is wearing any clothes at all -- though at least he is probably technically bathed.

"Hello. Hello?" he calls. "Someone put out a call for backup? For a very urgent crisis of, um, diplomacy?" he continues, glancing down at the heavy comm unit attached to a leather cuff on one foreleg. "And I was sort of near, so I thought I'd, uh." He gradually trails off and lifts his head, staring up at the brown stone structure. "I may not have brought enough diplomacy."
(Umeko) Umeko made her way to the meeting spot as well, wearing her usual camo jacket and pants with a bit of extra lightweight armor underneath, just in case. She waved to the others, though paused as she noticed Ysadora's outfit. "Oh? That's pretty different, looks nice though!" she said with a smile. She looked over to Arthur, "Honestly, I'm not sure of all the details or if there was more recent information... Basically we're here to see if the termites know anything about getting rid of some nasty mold or fungus called 'cumrot', as well trying to get some proper contact with them in general if we can..." She was also a bit surprised as the skunk beast came over, but quickly relaxed as she heard him speak, giving another wave, "We could use all the help we can get, hopefully the termites can communicate normally, otherwise this will be a real challenge."
(Syntax) Syn smiles to all assembled and also returns that hug from Junes. "Bloody wonderful to see ye lot. Even got some new faces. Well, bit of an introduction is in order, I suppose. I'm Syntax, or just Syn fer short. I wouldn' worry too much about looking too formal..." She trails off as she looks to Ysadora with a light giggle. "Though, I suppose it does help. Ah, glad ye asked, though!" She nods to Arthur and crosses her lower arms as she gestures to the skyscraper sized termite mound with one of her upper arms. "Apparently there's more to the termites than most people know. Not just the mindless drones folk see skulkin' about. What's more, I heard rumors that they know how to deal with somethin' called cumrot." She pauses, realizing the newcomers might not even know what that is. "Basically, it's a mind altering fungus that kind of zombifies ye into a sex obsessed fungal spore factory. Not a good time and it's a bit of a problem for some local projects've ours. On the part've the Enigma Complex-which is a little outpost I'm representing here-we're looking to establish some stable relations considering how close we are to one another. The ultimate goal, however, is to learn what they know of the Cumrot."

She waggles the rolled up, silk secured paper with a smile saying, "And this will get us past th' front door at least."
(Junes) Junes waved and greeted the people coming as well and nodded looking to ysadora's outfit but seeing the skunk beast they looked curiously but then the comm unit sparked a memory and pulling out an odd looking leaf they waved with the other arm before realizing the use of it rather than the memento itself and put it away "narwen! its been so long i hope you've been doing well these days" before shaking their head "oh right, the cumrot" before looking curiously at the paper "hey syntax would they trust us more if one of us were a termite? because i could help out there"
(Ysadora) Ysadora beams at Umeko's compliment. "Thanks! It's my Sunday Best." She turns her attention back to Syntax. "I'm all for figuring out anything we can about the cumrot! The sooner we get rid of that, the sooner we can move on to the real cool stuff, like that supposed haunting on the lower floor. So...we're going to try to charm some termites?" She takes one of her many hands, now wrapped in a dainty white glove, and taps her chin. "I really got some bad intel from RSX and a certain Anole, if it's possible to work with ferals like that. But I'm coming here with an open mind! So...what's the paper say?"
(Arthur) Arthur pays plenty of attention to everyone around. Whether because of nanite infused instincts, his own arrogant character or both, he feels entirely superior in preparation and diplomatic skills compared to the others. Of course, as a so-called professional, he wasn't going to express or expose that in any way, no need to make enemies! He knows that everyone has their use, he just needed to figure those out for each agent.

Keeping his regal pose, he rubs his bearded chin with one hand after Umeko's short explanation, then from Syntax's more complete one, "Cumrot mold... That sounds like bad times just around the corner..." Whenever both hands were idle, he kept them behind, giving his chest a slight puff forward and helping him keep his chin just a bit upwards. Coupled with his large height of 8ft, he looked very imposing with little effort.

After some thought, he remarks, "I see. So, this is more in behalf of your complex. I suppose the very least we could try to offer in exchange for their knowledge is some sort of safety. We offer to get rid of this cumrot outside their colony, they won't have to worry about a future where that thing grows too dangerous even for them. We should definitely think more about other things we could offer. And, more importantly, a limit to what we're willing to give. What would you suggest?" Although he directed his inquiry at Syntax, he fully expected the others to suggest something as well.
(Pteryx) Pteryx defensively hisses "Well huey, this here be the right spot then? Don't get much out of them sample without Zephyr stuff... Ya sure them termites got the right stuff on them there mush? "
(Narwen) Narwen gives a distinct wince at the mention of 'cumrot', and then another wince at its description. He looks around in mild alarm, presumably for large mushrooms, and then squints at a couple of the group, presumably for smaller mushrooms. "But, uh, they've got it dealt with, right? So, logically, where the termites are is the safest place, right? And you've got an invitation?" His gaze follows the paper as Syntax waggles it.

The skunk sneezes abruptly, twitches his nose, and looks down towards the small kobold. "Junes? Ah, good to see you again! Yeah, been a long while. Ack, where're my manners? Hello everyone, I'm Narwen," he continues, jangling the ID badge on his lanyard with a claw. "Narwen, everyone, everyone, Narwen. See? Diplomacy. As to what we offer?" He shrugs one shoulder. "Hafta see what they need, what they want. Zephyr's got technology out the wazoo, but if all they need is food, water, space, and freedom from predators, well, that's what they need."
(Umeko) Umeko looked over to Junes and rubbed her chin, "I'm honestly not sure what they'll think of it. If they're anything like real termites, I think familiar pheromones might be useful for at least dealing with the workers or soldiers, but if they're more intelligent, it might be awkward to explain why we're imitating them if it came down to that... I haven't really interacted with the termites much while I've been out in these parts, mostly kept my distance... Still, if you think you can play it off if they ask questions, might be worthwhile." She then looked back to Arthur, "Well, the termites *seem* to have managing the fungus down through some unknown technique, otherwise it would have theoretically taken over their hive by now. The arachne we spoke to also seemed to confirm this, and that the cumrot is a problem throughout the forest, seemingly being carried by the creek water if I recall correctly, so probably in the groundwater and leaking into the bunker somewhere..." She then looked to Narwen and nodded, "If the information's right, the termite mound should be free of it. Even if you do breathe it in, it's treatable although it appears to cause rapid and severe lust in whoever inhales the spores it seems... Also I'm Umeko, pleasure to meet the new people here!"
(Syntax) Syntax winces at the mention of Zephyr and exhales. "So, as for what we have to offer...that's where things get complicated. We're looking to avoid using any of the big three out here where we can help it. Mostly because any one of them would use a direct request for help as a way of getting their bloody foots in the door to make some sort've outpost out here. That means that what we have to offer is kind of dependent on what they need and what we might be able to get access to in the lower levels of the bunker. Also considering we're not feral and the like, we'd also have an easier time getting them resources they might be scarce on that would require trade with places like Eureka. Basically what I'm saying is that we're going to have to wing it. As for what we can do going in...I got reason to believe that *looking* like a termite might not help much, but *smelling* like one could. Pheromones and all that. If anyone here could give us the scent of...'safe'? That'd go a long way."
(Junes) Junes thought for a moment and soon enough their scent was that of the royal termite but to those who wouldn't know it was similar to almost a milky or creamy wood, not quite smoky though "hopefully this helps out but I've also got plenty of fish and other supplies if we need to sweeten the deal right away! although we should also have a plan in case they maybe something goes horribly wrong, like a phrase of emergency? how about guttentaggen!" as they look around and think "although if they have a resistance to the rot would they be fine with small amounts in the air?"
(Ysadora) Ysadora nods a few times. "Right, no Big Three. That's why I'm here not as RSX Agent Ysadora or Mystic Squares patrol op Ysadora, but just as me." She pauses, then turns to the assembled others, face lighting up with a smile under her messy hair. Her gaze lingers for a slightly longer moment on Arthur before she speaks. "Oh! I haven't met all of you yet, have I? I'm probably gathered that already. I'll skip listing my allegiances too. My hobbies are ghost hunting, necromancy, and teasing Booker. I've been sort of involved in this whole bunker thing, so I'm happy to see so many new hands or paws being put in." With a click of her shiny black shoes, she turns back to Syntax. "I've been told I smell like rain," Ysadora says confidently, oblivious or uncaring to how unhelpful this is.
(Arthur) The large incubus snorted at the plan and repeated it to himself, "We're going to wing it. Got it." With the clear (for lack of a better word) plan laid out, Arthur was ready. Getting a "safe" sort of scent before diving into the mound was a solid idea, but he lacked any means to achieve anything like that. He immediately looked over the others, wondering if any of them could and making sure to stick close to them. "I fully forgot that these types communicate a lot through scent. Let's hope they don't mind having to talk to us."

He wasn't exactly happy that his clean smell would serve no purpose there, or that there was the chance that his sherwani might end up with a weird smell for some time. Still, better not risk offending the termites from smell alone. Plus, he was already getting a good idea of who could be useful for what. Umeko definitely seemed to be great at getting and sharing information, while Ysadora might work for spooking or scaring others. He still didn't have a clear idea for the others, although he couldn't see the skunk beast as anything other than a diversion or distraction if things get heated.
(Pteryx) Pteryx nabs about with their backpack. "Still a hard no on Zephyr ey? Well still this ain't gonna be to bad innit?" They take out a sample of the cumrot from a massive first aid kit. "Just in case them folks up... or down? in them hills got a different name for em, got this sample right here ta show em. And if things get hairy there's some stuff for that to... all Zephyr stuff but they don't track their kits now don't they? Some bandages, do them mites got acid spray.... ain't sure if I got stuff for that..." They continue to drone on around dangers and possible solutions in case of injury.
(Narwen) "Holy bejeesus, put that away," Narwen shouts at Pteryx, louder than he intended, and with a touch of growl. "I mean, please. Please put that away. Um. Y'know, safely and carefully." He grins a sickly grin. "Yeah, of course, no Zephyr, sorry, forget I mentioned it! No help needed here. Did anyone bring any sterilised water? Never mind, I'm sure it'll be fine." He nods to the ghostly woman, acknowledging her greeting with a raised paw, then raises his head and sniffs curiously.

"Huh, that's interesting. That's the termite scent, is it?" he asks, getting his nose all up against Junes's face and snuffling. "Hang on, hang on, I might be able to do something with this. You're sure? No, of course you're sure. Okay, okay, right. I have the best terrible idea." His tail flips straight up and he... flexes somehow, and a velcro flap pops open around the back of his shorts. "I think -- I think -- I can replicate that. I mean, how hard can it be? It's just chemicals. And I've got a built-in dispersal mechanism! How handy is that? So if you stand behind me, I am fairly sure I can make you smell safe. Or like a termite. Not like a skunk. Except this skunk, who'll smell like a termite. Until this stuff wears off. So no baths!"
(Umeko) Umeko looked over at Pteryx with concern, "Yeah, please don't be waving the sample around... Even if they have means against it, I doubt they'll enjoy us bringing spores into their hive, nor would it be good if you let them loose..." She then focused her own nanites and shifted her own scent around, having encountered the termite nanites before. She gave a look of mild disgust as she did, "Termite smell... Going to have to wash these clothes extra well later... I can handle it on my own though, but others might need it. Pheromones will probably go a long way so don't be shy about it, even if it might not be the most pleasant thing to smell like."
(Syntax) Syntax winces as she's sprayed, then sniffs herself curiously. "Never thought I'd be so happy to get sprayed by a bloody skunk. Agh...alright. Everyone ready to go in?"
(Junes) Junes nods, bringing out a cooler and smelling at the air to double check their own scent "good thinking!" they said to narwen and stood nearby waiting for everyone to be ready
(Ysadora) Ysadora spreads her arms and thrusts her face to the sky dramatically. "There's no other way! Very well, spray me! I am prepared!" When the dousing is over, Ysadora is drenched, or maybe she always looks like that. "Okay, not nearly as bad as I thought. I'm ready!"
(Arthur) Arthur froze for a moment once Pteryx showed off the sample. It didn't matter that it was sealed, the danger of that thing falling, breaking and possibly infecting him and the others was enough to get him worried. Thankfully, the skunk beast had the decency to shout at the tarragon. The way Narwen kept talking to himself was annoying to the incubus, but he managed to keep his cool, at least until the manner of getting sprayed with termite scent was presented. "You can't be fucking serious." After a long grunt and several curses muttered under his breath while seemingly flailing his hands around, Arthur did the sensible thing, removed the jacket of his sherwani and put it in the line of skunk fire. No way in hell he would risk himself there! If all went well, he'd have the jacket smelling ok for the termites. If things went wrong, he'd have to buy new clothes, which is better than smelling terrible for weeks on end.
(Pteryx) Pteryx flinches back. "Whoa there, I ain't waving this around too wrecklessly!" They cover the whole sample up in webbing, sealing the whole thing tight and place it back into their kit. "There, snug as a bug in a rug." The termites could be aggressive... dangerous even, Pteryx sure didn't know and would take any precaution... even voluntarily get sprayed... "Ain't that an odd thing to get... gotta be better then nothin, hit me!"
(Narwen) Narwen braces himself, carefully faces downwind, sprays, and then looks immensely relieved that this has not, in fact, caused people to pull out torches and pitchforks for once. "Science! It works, occasionally," he remarks, as the remnants of the mist wash back over him. He shifts his pack, slaps the velcro straps under his belly that hold it in place, then nods to himself. "All rightie, all set. Congratulations on losing your skunk spray virginity. Someone, er, mind closing me back up back there?"
(Umeko) Umeko chuckled a bit as she watched the others get sprayed, though went over to help Narwen get his shorts and other gear all set again while giving him a bit of friendly petting as well. "Good job there. Also better to smell like a termite than to be the only odd one out and carried off somewhere or something. I think we're all good to go now though, right?"