Oregon Trail Revitalized Part 5 - RPLOG

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(Erika) After a whole month of hard work from every member of the team, many tasks have come to completion. However, some have not, and will need quite a bit more effort. In the time since they arrived at the marina, the local feral has been rehabilitated, the blueprints for an electric boat have been drawn up, the yurts have all been repaired, all the food has been properly stored, and the former-feral's building has been cleaned and maintenanced. Now at this point, Erika calls for the whole gang to return to Oregon, standing in the parking lot waiting for them to all arrive.
(Euoia) Euoia walks slowly out of the lake, looking like an animated swamp thing. After fully emerging from the water, she stops and starts using prestidigitation to clean herself until what remains is a beautiful shrine maiden. She grabs her flask and takes a long draw of the ambrosia within before heading over to Erika iin the parking lot. "Heyo. I'm not late, am i?"
(Arimia) Arimia, having already been at the camp, makes her way toward the parking lot from where the yurts are located. As she slithers over she can be seen wrapping a cord around a device, before it's tucked into a pocket on the belt holding her guns and sword.
(Junes) Junes heard the notice and stretched before heading out of the tent and towards the commotion and saw the laird of the lake appearing but once cleaned junes waved now recognizing euoia and once more looked for a nice spot to lean back and listen
(Anbessa) Anbessa had returned soon after the call by Erika, the large lagomorph streeeetching with his arms above his head from the ride over as he pads right back on into the camp with his big floppy bun ears drooped behind him like a cape. Rolling his shoulders a bit as he returns, he perks up his ears as he spots the others that are quite familiar by this point over the month of coming and going to this camp, waving and smiling in greeting to everyone. "Heya." He says to those in range, ears only lightly lifting now and again. When they first arrived the bun was quite alert at most times with those floppy ears standing at attention. But now, with this place being much more setup in comparison to how it was, the bun could let his ears droop and relax while here! Always good. Anbessa just stands at attention with one hand in his pocket and the other gripping his polearm, leaning on it while he gives people short friendly nods and smiles as they come.
(Chessly) Chessly speeds through his wakeup routine, grooming his fur with his tongue, and stumbling out of the yurt while slipping into those brown coveralls along the way. By the time the cat-boy gets over there he's still trying to shove his fumbly pawbs into the sleeves. "H-hi Yall!" Finally slipping into those arms the cat-boy stands tail held high and chest puffed out ready to listen to Erika.
(Luard) Luard had spent some time bringing supplies over via the safe path they'd charted to the marina, ensuring that in the month of work that the place was well stocked. Having finished up some work earlier, the large, winged husky is already out standing by Erika in the parking lot, securing his weapon as the other husky calls for everyone, nodding in greeting to the mostly familiar faces that arrive.
(Umeko) While Umeko had missed the events at the start of the month, she had come down to help out with things over the last couple weeks with Chessly and Junes. After waking up and spending some time getting ready and preparing her gear she made her way to the parking lot with the others to see what the plan was. The muscular blue oni wore some boots as well as camouflaged pants and a jacket as she stretched a bit before things began.
(Erika) The husky girl smiles as she sees everyone gathering up at the parking lot. Once there's enough people, and she has both Luard and Moresson standing beside her on either side, she steps up onto a box. "I want to make an announcement! As of right now, this outpost is complete!" she calls out to the others, her tail wagging rapidly. After waiting a brief moment for some applause, she motions over towards the building, outside of which is standing an otter woman dressed in a plaid shirt and a bulging pair of denim shorts. "Everyone, meet Shirley, the way she was meant to be. Because we helped her out, and restored the yurts, she's been gracious enough to allow us to rent them and stay here anytime we like. She still needs to make a profit, after all. I'll let her take the floor." she says, stepping off the box. Shirley looks somewhat surprised, but she smiles at everyone. "Well howdy, y'all. It's great to have people visiting again. I'm Shirley, and I used to work here before things happened. Before the day you call 'Promethean Day'. I can't thank you people enough for what you did, so you're all always welcome."
(Euoia) Euoia pops what she can of her animated body before smiling and waving to shirley. A happy radiance seemed to emit from her. The anime babe rubs her wrists and takes another draw from her flask of ambrosia, waiting for shirley to continue.
(Junes) Junes clapping gave a small "woo!" hearing the outpost is done and smiled seeing shirley, waving before quieting down again to let her continue as well
(Anbessa) Anbessa smiles as he lets his polearm lean against him to free up his paw as he joins in the applause, ears lifting atop of his head just a little to join in the celebration as they wiggle and twitch for a moment. While he has been having to leave and come back regularly due to his own place to run, to see how much this place has grown in just a month is an absolute treat. Even better is how Shirley has become rehabilitated, earning another clap from the buck, always one to celebrate the great achievement of people returning to their true selves. Still, he otherwise stays quiet and relaxes there, leaning against his polearm a bit after letting the end jab into the ground a bit while he mellows out.
(Chessly) Chessly's prim and proper demeanor instantly breaks. Seeing all of his month's work come to fruition sends a rush of euphoria that causes him to burst out into a cheer at the announcement. The feline jumps in the air and pumps a fist and shouts "LETS GO OREGONIANS!" Realizing how his prim and proper demeanor broke the cat quickly snaps back at attention. "Miss Shirley! Thank you for the opportunity! It was a pleasure doing business with you! We'll make sure your boats are always in tip top condition!"
(Luard) Luard watches Erika step up onto the box, a slight grin on his muzzle following her speech as he joins the applause, turning to Moresson mid-clap. "I should just get her to sit on my shoulders rather than stand on that. Her voice would probably carry further." He continues the applause until Shirley steps up to talk, glad to see the otter they'd gotten to know throughout the month well and speaking to everyone. The month of work put into the place definitely seems to have paid off in the winged husky's eyes.
(Umeko) Umeko had to do a bit of a double take as she noticed Euoia, rather surprised by the mutations and other equipment, before regaining her composure as she looked back to Shirley and gave a grin. She clapped as well, and with Chessly cheering she decided to offer a few words of her own, "I'm glad to see it getting fixed up, this is quite the lovely place! I've enjoyed my time here so far!" She had indeed had quite a bit of fun between the boat exploration, swimming, and more, almost like a camp back in the old days.
(Erika) The armored husky scoffs in amusement from Luard's comment, not clapping on account of her metallic gauntlets that are part of her power armor. Erika, on the other hand, politely listens to Shirley, knowing what she intends to bring up to the otter next. The otter gives a nod to Chessly and Umeko, smiling at them. "The boats, yes... Back then, I would take people out on boat rides, or fishing, speed boat excursions, you name it. So if any boats get fixed up, I would be happy to take you folks out on the water whenever you like. Most of the time I hung out in that building though. That was a little lounge, plus a game room and cafeteria. I'd love to get that back up and running too, but one step at a time, right?
(Euoia) Euoia notes how far along the sail is coming and how likely getting the boats fixed soon will be. "I have a good feeling one boat will be ready soon. One of the sail-craft is likely to be ready soon." She thinks for a few seconds. "There is an arcade in fairhaven that might still have some working games in it. Prolly could check that out for stuff for the game room." She was about to offer her furnace for the kitchen, but decides against it since it is also an energy weapon.
(Arimia) Arimia shakes her head slightly and comments, "I don't think arcade games would be the best fit. Simply due to power concerns. Until we can source some generators, solar panels, or the like it would probably be best to simply stock the game room with simpler games. Cards, board games, things of that nature."
(Junes) Junes watched the group up top and clapped and with a pause in between other sounds said "sounds like a blast!" and noticing the familiar armor waved again as they raised an ash trailed tail to point to her and waved it wondering if it was noticed and quietly looked back to greet nearby friends with a wave as well
(Anbessa) Anbessa listens to all of this with a delighted chuckle, nodding his head softly as a wider smile crosses his muzzle, showing off those buck teeth of his species' a tad. "This place is going to become a downright cozy place, I am sure of it." He says with eartips twitching once more. Looking between Chessly and Umeko, it was certainly showing that this place was becoming just that. Maybe he could bring some friends from home here too to enjoy a proper boat ride once that is all ready to go? Some of the kids would probably adore it! Those looking at him might notice him bouncing on his feet a bit. Seems excited by the ideas he is hearing. More reasons to step out of Fairhaven and get some fresh, not always sex filled air? Hell yeah. Though as he hears Arimia, Anbessa perks up before he raises a paw. "I do have a spare generator I am not using, I'd be up for donating it if it'd help." He offers up, in a visibly chipper mood.
(Chessly) Chessly smiles brightly flashing his sharp teeth. The idea of doing a fixer upper on the rest of the building, and bringing Lost Lake closer to it's pre p-day glory fills the feline with excitement. "We'll have folks all over Oregon coming here for vacation Shirley!" His snow white tail flicks side to side full of energy and excitement. "Fork would love the arcade...I gotta tell her about it when I see her."
(Luard) Luard chuckles too, before continuing to listen to Shirley, giving the otter an encouraging nod, pleased to hear and see how well everything at the marina is going. Though he has his concerns, that he does his best to share only with Moresson for now. "Not sure if anyone realizes that the better things get out here, the more enticing it becomes to people who'll want to steal or force us out." Despite the security risk, the big husky seems pleased. "It won't be easy, but sourcing some generators from somewhere and carrying them out here isn't impossible if we need more power. Nothing crazy like an entire arcade at first though. I think I know some people I can work on getting some board games or cards from though if we want to stock a games room."
(Umeko) Umeko rubbed her chin in thought, "There's probably some other priorities when it comes to electricity once we get it set up, even with a generator, though I would love to see a proper arcade again one of these days, especially if we can get things to be self sustaining with solar power panels. I'd also love to check out the lake more as well, and would be more than happy to help out wherever you need me!"
(Erika) The otter can't help but giggle as people start talking about games and arcades. "That's all well and good, but I'd rather get the kitchen up and running first..." she says, her cheeks turning a bit rosy. "Besides, I wouldn't feel comfy accepting even more gifts. You guys have already given me my life and livelihood back. What more could I ask for?" she says, letting out a soft chuckle. Erika hesitates briefly, before interjecting. "Well in that case, I think it's time we ask for something then... I know this might sound a little sudden, but we've been sort of banking on this since we got here... Shirley, if you're up for it, then I'd like it if we could also use the lounge building as well, and treat this whole marina as an outpost. I'm not asking for anything for free. We'd still pay for food. But if we could stage meetings and such inside the building, and come and go as we please, then that would be fantastic. This place would still belong to you, but we need a base of operations to start with."
(Euoia) Euoia notes the change in pace and takes a moment to swig some more ambrosia and shut up for a bit to see where this goes. Mostly because she is thinking about putting some plants to help filter the water. Fairy moss comes to mind along with water hyacinth a close second.
(Arimia) Arimia frowns slightly, crossing her arms over her chest. "A kitchen should be fairly simple, depending on what all you need it to do. I mean, at the very least there's wood stoves and brick ovens. Once something is sorted out for power then we can see about electric stoves and ovens."
(Junes) Junes reached down to grab some paper and a marker before drawing a quick hammer on one side to flash to the group up top before bending down to write ( we can do it!) with a doodle of an otter that resembles shirley and raising it for them to see as well
(Anbessa) Anbessa nods gently as everyone brings up good points, though he simply shrugs lightly before resuming his lazy leaning. Hearing Arimia though, the buck perks his ears and glances about at the forest around this place. "Thankfully, there is no shortage of firewood..." But yet again his thoughts drift, not really wanting to interrupt Erika while she is talking to Shirley. Hmn... Honestly just the idea of a cozy place to camp is also just as appealing once this place is all done. Lots of lofty ideas for later on things, but hey, nothing wrong with wanting to think of how far this place can go over time.
(Chessly) Chessly gulps, realizing how important Erika's request is the feline doesn't open his mouth, and even takes an extra precaution by stepping behind Umeko so he won't do anything that'd compromise the goodwill that's been built up between the group and Shirley. His cat ears pivot around, listening close with bated breath for Shirley's response.
(Luard) Luard nods, thinking that having a fully functional and well stocked kitchen could be nice for Shirley and for everyone out here. They had more than enough food to last, not including the easy opportunity for potential fishing, but equipment would be useful, and so he begins to mentally consider some options. When Erika asks the big question he figured was coming, he remains silent as well, not wanting to push or interrupt the matter.
(Umeko) Umeko nodded over to Arimia, "Yeah, getting the basics of a kitchen at least should be pretty feasible with a bit of work, though some extra appliances later would be nice. Wonder what essentials need to be handled still too..." The oni was still a bit out of the loop as Chessly came over, and was slightly confused but happily went to gently pet his head as she listened to the rest.
(Erika) The otter goes a bit quiet when Erika asks the big question, silently considering it for a few minutes. Seeing the others all grow silent, she glances at everyone, tapping one of her feet. "That's quite a proposal... What do the rest of you think? You seem invested, but... I want to hear your points of view too." she says, this time Erika going silent to let the others speak.
(Euoia) Euoia thinks for a little. "Well, remodeling shouldn't be too bad. If you need the place for more private stuff, we might be able to build a one floor meeting house if we can find the right spot. That would take longer, but would infringe on your privacy less. Besides even if we do help refurbish the main building here, we may eventually need to add a structure or two."
(Junes) Junes thought but said aloud "you would get paid which is great but considering how far into the woods there are less amenities like medication if something goes wrong and of course bears, but those can be worked on and well, you could hire people too but in the end its up to you and I'd still be happy to help even if this weren't an outpost to use" they gave a thumbs up at the end
(Anbessa) Anbessa perks his ears as the crowd is petitioned for their thoughts, the buck giving a small smile before he speaks. "Well, if we wouldn't be imposing too much. With the plans to build outwards, this being an outpost would mean that you'd be apart of the supply line chain." He points out to Shirley with a smile, using some of his knowledge of economics from running his settlement. "Security from the people passing through the supply line, and of course supplies passing through here in general would make sure this place stays healthy n' safe." As lazy as the buck is, he has had ample time to learn the proper economics of keeping a place maintained with trade routes, so he tosses his hat into the ring with a bit of, what he hopes comes off as, incentive... Plus, regular visitors and customers for Shirley once this place is entirely up and running! Win win, in his mind.
(Chessly) Chessly lets out a surprised murr, as Umeko goes to pet him. Before answering the question he lets out quite a few happy purrs, "It'd be lovely! Somewhere to have as a base of operations would be a great place for me to my more creative side, and considering who knows what else we might run into outside of Oregon, this is a reliable place to have." Chessly points one of his clawed digits at the building. "And I've already got a few ideas in my mind's on making some improvements with your home so easy access would be nice."
(Luard) Luard keeps quiet at first to let the others have their say, relieved to hear the civil discourse taking place, a vast different to the potential hostility he'd expected for them to have been dealing with over a month ago. Nodding along to what Anbessa was saying, he follows up. "Being a part of the supply chain and this place being an outpost would mean frequent company, for better or for worse." He chuckles. "And with that would come food, supplies of your own, potential business probably too. Plus security not just for the supply chain, but for this place itself. We'd all be looking out for each other, and that means not letting anything bad happen to this place, or to you, or to each other. What we're all working on here, or overall goal, none of it works if we're not working together, and not sharing a vision together. So, it'd be nice for us, and we hope it'd be nice for you too. Plus, like the others said, your home is still your home. Whether you let us set up officially here or not, that isn't going to change."
(Umeko) Umeko continued to gently pet Chessly as she listened in, nodding at Anbessa and Luard's points. "I'd certainly love to see such a place rebuilt to its former glory or even beyond, as well as seeing other projects in the area flourish. As I said, I'm happy to help out however I can regardless though. I've really come to enjoy this place in the time I've spent here, and would love to have others see it and enjoy it too."
(Erika) The otter listens to all their opinions and reasoning, keeping quiet to hear them all out. After they're all finished, she smiles and thinks things over, glancing behind her at her little building. "It would be nice having people come around again, like the old days... It's been my den for so long, but really I've been lonely and missing my old job... I think it should be fine, after all you people have done. It's a deal, you can come and go as you please. We've already got a pool table and some board games that survived. But a little more wouldn't hurt." she says, and Erika's tail begins to wag. "Oh, that's excellent to hear. Thank you, Shirley. Don't worry, we'll treat you and your things with the respect they deserve."