Useful Mudlet scripts and macro
This pages' purpose is to share useful scripts, triggers, and macros for the MUD client Mudlet
A LUA function to repeat a series of memorized commands. Useful to go back to lobby from your home point or to macro together one of your daily routine
Must be saved in your mudlet "Scripts" Profile
function SendSequence(interval, ...) local offset = 0 for i = 1, select('#', ...) do if type(select(i, ...)) == "number" then offset = offset + select(i, ...) - interval elseif type(select(i, ...)) == "table" then local tab = select(i, ...) offset = SendSequence(interval, offset + interval, unpack(tab)) else tempTimer(offset, [[send("]] .. select(i, ...) .. [[", true)]]) echo("delayed (" .. offset .. "): send(\"" .. select(i, ...) .. "\")\n") offset = offset + interval end end return offset end
- interval: the default time to wait between each command, be careful as some commands make the server die more that others
- ...: a nested list of commands string to send to the server. numbers are interpreted as additional wait time
Recall to Zephyr studies (where you turn in the behavior bounty) as a Quetzalcoatl dedicant:
SendSequence(0.1, "recall", 3, "o", "b") -- recall takes a long time to process, so we wait 3s to let the server process it before moving on the map
Use some predefined Sequences:
-- in your Scripts profile Sequences = {} Sequences.ZephyrStudies = {"recall", 3, "o", "b"}
-- anywhere else: SendSequence(0.1, Sequences.ZephyrStudies)
Combine Sequences to reach the RSX crafting room from somewhere very far:
-- in your Scripts profile Sequences = {} Sequences.ZephyrStudies = {"recall", 3, "o", "b"} Sequences.Zephyr = {Sequences.ZephyrStudies, "e", "u"} Sequences.RSX = {Sequences.Zephyr, "depart", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "n", "n", "n", "n", "n", "e", "enter"} Sequences.RSXCraftingRoom = {Sequences.RSX, "d", "e"}
-- anywhere else SendSequence(0.1, Sequences.RSXCraftingRoom)
Link preview trigger
A trigger turning image URLs into clickable links that will open a popup on the side of your screen when clicked with a preview
Trigger parameters
- line 1: (?i)(?:http(?:s?):\/\/)([\/.\w\s\-~]*)\.(jpg|gif|png|webp)
- Set line 1 dropdown menu on right side to "perl regex"
- leave everything else as default
Trigger script
local link = matches[1] local explodedPath = Split( matches[2] .. "." .. matches[3], "/") local file = explodedPath[#explodedPath] downloadFile(getMudletHomeDir() .. "/Preview Images/" .. file, link) selectString(link,1) setUnderline(true) setLink([[showImagePreview("]] .. file .. [[")]],"Show Image Preview") resetFormat()
Additional profile folder
- Enter the command "lua getMudletHomeDir()" into your client.
- Create a folder named "Preview Images" in the folder your client indicates using your computer's file explorer program.
Must be saved in your mudlet "Scripts" Profile. Copy and paste both of these boxes into a single script.
function Split(str, delim, maxNb) -- Eliminate bad cases... if string.find(str, delim) == nil then return { str } end if maxNb == nil or maxNb < 1 then maxNb = 0 -- No limit end local result = {} local pat = "(.-)" .. delim .. "()" local nb = 0 local lastPos for part, pos in string.gfind(str, pat) do nb = nb + 1 result[nb] = part lastPos = pos if nb == maxNb then break end end -- Handle the last field if nb ~= maxNb then result[nb + 1] = string.sub(str, lastPos) end return result end
function showImagePreview(file) local path = getMudletHomeDir() .. "/Preview Images/" .. file if GlobalCurrentPreview == path then createMiniConsole("imagePreview", 1200, 0, 0, 0) GlobalCurrentPreview = nil else local w, h = getImageSize(path) local actualWidth, availableHeight = getMainWindowSize() local availableWidth = actualWidth - 1100; if w > availableWidth then h = availableWidth / w * h w = availableWidth end if h > availableHeight then w = availableHeight / h * w h = availableHeight end createMiniConsole("imagePreview", actualWidth - w, 0, w, h) setBackgroundImage("imagePreview",path) GlobalCurrentPreview = path end end
Now image links will be underlined. Clicking the links will show a preview in any columns of your client that are set not to have text. Clicking the link again closes the preview.
e621 post preview trigger
Making the preview work on non-direct links is a bit harder, but e621 API is so easy to use that I might as well make one for it. NOTE: this trigger is based upon, and relies on Link preview trigger to function
Trigger parameters
- line 1: (?i)(?:http(?:s?):\/\/(?:e621|e926)\.net\/posts\/)(\d+) with type "perl regex"
- leave everything else as default
Trigger script
local saveFolder = "E:/Other/Flexible Survival/Multiplayer/Preview Images/" local textToSelect = matches[1] local shortUrl = "" .. matches[2] local post = shortUrl .. ".json" local triggeredLineNumber = getLineNumber() local handlerId debugc("TRIGGERED") handlerId = registerAnonymousEventHandler( "sysGetHttpDone", function(_, url, body) if url == post then killAnonymousEventHandler(handlerId) local json = yajl.to_value(body) local link = local explodedPath = Split(link, "/") local file = explodedPath[#explodedPath] if not io.exists(saveFolder .. file) then downloadFile(saveFolder .. file, link) end for i = triggeredLineNumber, triggeredLineNumber + 100, 1 do if not moveCursor(0, i) then break end if selectString(shortUrl, 1) >= 0 then break end end setUnderline(true) setLink([[showImagePreview("]] .. file .. [[")]], "Show Image Preview") resetFormat() moveCursorEnd() end end ) getHTTP(post) tempTimer(5, [[killAnonymousEventHandler(]] .. handlerId .. [[)]])
Alternative Image Previewer
This is heavily based on the above example, but it utilizes the Mudlet Geyser functionality to create an adjustable image.
As of 12/03/2022, it is fully functional albeit with a few bugs and a little rough around the edges. It is entirely compatible with the above trigger for e621!
Just like the above script, you should use getMudletHomeDir() if you want to get the path set up. However, I added a variable so you can set any file path you want.
Please ping McSpazzy#8413 (the creator of this version) on Discord if you encounter any errors or update this page yourself if you find and test a fix.
Be super sure you save whatever command you sent that caused the issue. That will be vital to debugging.
Trigger parameters
- line 1: (?i)(?:http(?:s?):\/\/)([\/.\w\s\-~]*)\.(jpg|gif|png|webp)
- Set line 1 dropdown menu on right side to "perl regex"
- leave everything else as default
Trigger script
The changes made to the original script are primarily in how it handles duplicate files. unknown.png, for example, is a common file from discord.
To prevent files getting overwritten, part of the URL which is more likely to be unique has been added to the file if it already exists.
A check is also made to not download anything if both the basic file name and the enlongated file name exists.
local saveFolder = "E:/Other/Flexible Survival/Multiplayer/Preview Images/" local link = matches[1] link = string.gsub(link, '"', "") debugc("Matches 4: " .. matches[4]) local shortLink = ((matches[4] == nil and not matches[4] == '"') and string.gsub(link, matches[4], "") or link) local explodedPath = Split(matches[2] .. "." .. matches[3], "/") local file = explodedPath[#explodedPath - 1] .. "." .. explodedPath[#explodedPath] function setUrl() selectString(shortLink, 1) setUnderline(true) setLink([[showImagePreview("]] .. file .. [[")]], "Show Image Preview") resetFormat() end registerAnonymousEventHandler( "sysDownloadError", function(event, errorFound, localFilename, usedUrl) debugc("There was a problem using the following URL: " .. usedUrl) debugc("fuction downloadErrorEventHandler, " .. errorFound) end, true ) if not io.exists(saveFolder .. file) then downloadFile(saveFolder .. file, link) setUrl() else setUrl() end
Must be saved in your mudlet "Scripts" Profile. Copy and paste both of these boxes into a single script. Changes to the original are many, but the resulting changes are few.
The window will create itself and size itself to match the image and, if needed, resize to still fit on the screen. Unlike the original image previewer, gifs are played and aren't just static images!
function Split(str, delim, maxNb) -- Eliminate bad cases... if string.find(str, delim) == nil then return {str} end if maxNb == nil or maxNb < 1 then maxNb = 0 -- No limit end local result = {} local pat = "(.-)" .. delim .. "()" local nb = 0 local lastPos for part, pos in string.gfind(str, pat) do nb = nb + 1 result[nb] = part lastPos = pos if nb == maxNb then break end end -- Handle the last field if nb ~= maxNb then result[nb + 1] = string.sub(str, lastPos) end return result end
function showImagePreview(file) local isNotGif = string.find(file .. "\n", ".gif\n") local folderPath = [[REPLACE WITH PATH TO FOLDER]] local path = folderPath .. file local w, h = getImageSize(path) local actualWidth, availableHeight = getMainWindowSize() local availableWidth = actualWidth - 1100; if w > availableWidth then h = availableWidth / w * h w = availableWidth end if h > availableHeight then w = availableHeight / h * w h = availableHeight end imgContainer = imgContainer or Adjustable.Container:new( { name = "imgContainer", height = h, width = w, adjLabelstyle = [[background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0%);border: 4px double green;border-radius: 4px;]], } ) imgContainer:resize(w, h) imgContainer:show() if isNotGif == nil then if not gifPreview == nil then gifPreview:hide() end imgPreview = Geyser.MiniConsole:new( {name = "Image_Preview", x = 0, y = 0, height = "100%", width = "100%"}, imgContainer ) imgPreview:setBackgroundImage(path) imgPreview:show() else if not imgPreview == nil then imgPreview:hide() end gifPreview = Geyser.Label:new( {name = "Gif_Preview", x = 0, y = 0, height = "100%", width = "100%", color = "transparent"}, imgContainer ) gifPreview:setMovie(path) gifPreview:scaleMovie() gifPreview:show() end end
Known Bugs
- No known bugs. Please alert Syntax if you find any!
Planned Implementation
- Create Twitter integration
- Make the display window actually look nice
- Handle multiple links in the same post
Alternative e621 Trigger Implementation
While the original trigger listed before this one functions and is stable, it is lacking a few features (such as multi-line link monitoring). While you can use the original, this should have some added bonuses.
Also, while it might be tempting to edit this to no longer connect to e621 if the file already exists on your computer locally, it can only determine if you have the file if it connects in the first place.
I ensured you will not download the file if you already have it, but you do need to connect to e621 in the first place to be sure.
Trigger Parameters
line 1: (?i)(?:http(?:s?):\/\/(?:e621|e926)\.net\/posts\/)(\d+) with type "perl regex" leave everything else as default
local saveFolder = "E:/Other/Flexible Survival/Multiplayer/Preview Images/" local textToSelect = matches[1] local post = textToSelect .. ".json" local triggeredLineNumber = getLineNumber() function highlighter(fileName, selectionText) for i = triggeredLineNumber, triggeredLineNumber + 100, 1 do if not moveCursor(0, i) then break end if selectString(selectionText, 1) >= 0 then break end end setUnderline(true) setLink([[showImagePreview("]] .. fileName .. [[")]], "Show Image Preview") resetFormat() moveCursorEnd() end registerAnonymousEventHandler( "sysGetHttpDone", function(_, url, body) if url == post then local json = yajl.to_value(body) local link = local explodedPath = Split(link, "/") local file = explodedPath[#explodedPath] if not io.exists(saveFolder .. file) then downloadFile(saveFolder .. file, link) else highlighter(file) end end end, true ) registerAnonymousEventHandler( 'sysGetHttpError', function(event, response, rurl) if rurl == url then display(r) else return true end end, true ) registerAnonymousEventHandler( 'downloaded_file', function(_, filename) -- is the file that downloaded ours? if not filename:find(file, 1, false) then highlighter(filename) end end, true ) registerAnonymousEventHandler( 'sysDownloadError', function(event, errorFound, localFilename, usedUrl) debugc("fuction downloadErrorEventHandler, " .. errorFound) end, true ) getHTTP(post)
Known bugs
- An error is shown in the error and debug windows saying the following: "<[string "Trigger: e621 Post Preview Trigger"]:4: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a nil
value)>". No known cause is known, but it does not seem to affect functionality. Note that the mentioned trigger would be whatever you named it. Likely same issue as the rule34 trigger. Trigger Implementation
Syntax saw a few people using this site and its API was extremely accessible. Same considerations apply to this as e621's alternative implementation!
Connecting to the rule34 site is entirely optional in this case as the ID is also what the file is saved as. This will need to be changed if the API for rule34 changes.
Trigger Parameters
(?i)(?:http(?:s?):\/\/rule34\.xxx[\/index\.php]+\?.*)(id\=\d+)(&?\S*) with type "perl regex" leave everything else as default
Trigger Script
local saveFolder = "E:/Other/Flexible Survival/Multiplayer/Preview Images/" local textToSelect = matches[1] local post = "" .. matches[2] local triggeredLineNumber = getLineNumber() local explodedPath = Split(matches[2], "=") local file = "Rule34." .. explodedPath[#explodedPath] .. ".jpeg" if not io.exists(saveFolder .. file) then local handlerId handlerId = registerAnonymousEventHandler( "sysGetHttpDone", function(_, url, body) if url == post then killAnonymousEventHandler(handlerId) local json = yajl.to_value(body) local link = json[1].file_url downloadFile(saveFolder .. file, link) end end ) getHTTP(post) tempTimer(5, [[killAnonymousEventHandler(]] .. handlerId .. [[)]]) end for i = triggeredLineNumber, triggeredLineNumber + 100, 1 do if not moveCursor(0, i) then break end if selectString(textToSelect, 1) == 0 then break end end setUnderline(true) setLink([[showImagePreview("]] .. file .. [[")]], "Show Image Preview") resetFormat() moveCursorEnd()
Known bugs
- An error is shown in the error and debug windows saying the following: "<[string "Trigger: Rule34 Post Preview Trigger"]:4: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a nil
value)>". No known cause is known, but it does not seem to affect functionality. Note that the mentioned trigger would be whatever you named it. Likely same issue as the rule34 trigger.