Automated Multiplayer Updates/2022 July

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Revision as of 01:02, 10 July 2022 by FlexBot (talk | contribs)
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Silk Song says, "The Nanite Workshop rooms now mention that crafting in them costs 5% less freecred and salvage."

Silk Song says, "Added Color Chooser support to Cuddly Seal. Also fixed some typos and adjusted phrasing throughout the form."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Flavored cum should now properly display when you fuck the mouth or get mouth-fucked. You can even taste your own, now. Having no_flavor set will still block said messages."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "fuck #help updated with addition of part aliases listed."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Globally edited existing Mako Battery to have the newer Type of Battery to enable stacking."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "You can now use list dedications or +dedications to list dedications with indicators to which you've got badges for and which is your current dedication. (With params to shorten the list to just-badge ones or jsut the current)"

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Fuck should be fucking correctly."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Some small updates going through several core libraries. There may be some funkiness in sizes and items involving bodyparts as these tweaks are applied, so, please bear with us."

Tinkering Little Critter squees, "Pinnacle of Stature was missing a description. How was this not noticed after all these years?! Anyway, it has one now!"

Tinkering Little Critter squees, "Size is Everything was turned into a toggle. Why? It increases your height and mass. That's fun! But it shouldn't be forced. You can turn it off at will now."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Some minor tweaks to +adept program to hopefully fix counts/size differentiation issues. Udder size and Teats no longer locked out form +adept due to this change. Bugs may still exist!"

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Similar tweaks given to +Coyote"

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Due to the results of the more recent poll for the Licker, licking is no longer restricted to the Licker item. Those who have a Licker and use the lick command will get refunded the mako cost of a Licker. If someone else bought you the licker, it's up to you to give them back that item for them to benefit from its refund."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Licker refund functions, now :b"

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Also thanks to polls, all X-Ray Specs have been refunded."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "+adept shift bug should be fixed!"

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Redundant name showing at the beginning of poses and says removed."

Nuku churrs, "Legendary Card removed from the elite store."