Tanukifest 2022 - RPLOG

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(Fenris) It is a beautiful day in Fairhaven! Not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket!

There is quite the gathering just outside the tanuki shrine on the western edge of the city. Word of the festival has gotten out and people of all sizes and shapes are milling about the trail to the shrine, currently blocked by a heavy rope hung with a sign saying "Closed for Event!" There is a feeling of excited anticipation in the air!
(Narwen) Narwen ambles on over on all fours, the skunk beast giving friendly nods and occasional waves of a paw. Despite the crowd being pretty dense, he still tends to have a little empty space around him, which helps with making progress towards the entrance. A casual observer would be able to track him easily, seeing his tail raised up above head height for most of the crowd, and if there happened to be another quadrupedal skunk around, the painfully colourful rainbow-striped shorts would surely be enough to identify him. Let's just hope he doesn't end up in a line-up. Peering up at the shrine and maybe not paying too close attention to where he's going, his shoulder bumps into someone, boomf. "Oh, sorry there," he rumbles.
(Junes) a winged chimera with squirrel legs and a low hanging tail walks in looking around almost looking for something but generally trying to seem inconspicuous they stay close to the walls
(Randel) Always the one to fit into a situation, Randel can be seen as one of the Tanuki about the place, walking around as if he is one of the joyous rotund raccoons. To help identify the shapeshifting agent, especially those without their COMMs at the ready, he has his lab coat on, opened, and with his Zephyr badge pinned to his chest. Along with the badge, he has a fancy golden, and very functional, Tanuki leaf clipped next to it! It seems like his form isn't just for show, with him actually being very much connected to the Tanuki as well! He is also wearing a pair of baggy jean pants, which do a surprisingly good job of hiding his no doubt Tanuki grade assets. While having such a pair is a matter of much pride among the raccoon dogs, he is here to party and not distract people with them. As with the rest of the Tanuki here, he is beaming a smile and eager to talk to others, and waving to those he recognize.
(Fenris) Despite his loud shorts, Narwen is hardly a point of concern for most of the milling mutants. Amidst all the hubbub, it seems that some kind of guest of honor has arrived!

A palanquin bedecked in silks and ornate carvings is hauled into the clearing on the shoulders of four large tanuki. Once the palanquin is set down, a tall, skinny man is helped out, escorted by a pair of the more common, small tanuki. All of them are dressed in traditional kimonos and they lead him up to the roped off path.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," a large, possibly familiar tanuki says, stepping up from the other side of the rope, "And all the rest of you! Welcome to Tanuki-fest 2022! We are so happy to see so many friends of Tanuki gathered for some fun and festivities! Please, enjoy yourselves, and be respectful of each other and our grounds! We have to clean up after you animals after all!"

The burly tanuki removes the barrier, his speech finished and allows the crowd in, led by the odd guest of honor and his little entourage.

Just a little way up the forested path, the quiet landscape gives way to what seems like a festival already in full swing! Tanuki of all sizes and description are all over the place and the shrine is filled with tents and booths and the street is lined with tanuki, dancing and singing and playing music, particularly a contingent of hapi wearing belly drummers to welcome the guests to the festival!
(Narwen) Narwen tilts his head, watching intently as the guest of honour is led on in. Does he look a bit familiar? But-- what would he be doing here? And then the crowd is surging forwards and even Narwen cannot play the immovable object, and so finds himself padding towards the festival, nodding and smiling a bit at the music, his steps unconsciously falling into the same underlying beat of the drums. His path crosses one of the Tanuki and he dips his head politely.

"Nice event, great job!" he calls, then a moment later does a double-take as his eyes flash across the badge. The face wasn't familiar but he's seen the name, Randel, before.
(Junes) closing a pot junes sighs and visibly relaxes but after looking around they see how everyone is wearing rather nice clothing decides to buy a purple and white kimono, afterwards they see a tall tail and curious about it decides to walk over
(Randel) It has been so long, too long, since Randel has really touched bases with the Tanuki. So when hearing about the festival, it seemed like as good a time as any to check it out. Goodness knows he could use a break to unwind and step away from the chaos that has been happening recently, having cleared his work schedule just for this event as soon as he heard about it. He looks surprised when seeing the large raccoon dog do the presentation, making him double take and wonder if he actually saw that correctly. He is going to have to check if that was Fenris the Tanuki he's met before, but he isn't going to hunt him down just yet. The entire place is quite the culture shock to him, and is a bit overwhelmed by it all. To his embracement, he doesn't know the raccoon dogs as well as he'd like, despite being just a follower; but this is a great time to find out! Though his train of thought breaks when noticing the skunk beast in loud shorts looks over at him, and waves back with a smile.
(Siaren) Meanwhile a certain fox girl is currently running a little late(TM) and ends up sneaking into the room where everything is happening at the moment before trying to catch up on what's happening and appear like she was here the entire time instead. At least she's not wearing anything squeaky to give away her movements.
(Fenris) There are shops and booths all over doing brisk business, selling clothing, food and souvenirs of all kinds. Many of the vendors seem a little uncomfortable with the electronic equipment for transferring freecred, but they are managing.

The burly tanuki who opened the festival has joined the lanky human and his party and is pointing out various attractions as other guests pour into the shrine.

"We could go see the drummers perform," he says, "Or get some food, there is a great takoyaki stand over there. Or we could get drinks, or see some feats of strength and agility! Oh! Or play find the tanuki! There is so much to see!"

The same goes for everyone else! There is so much to see! What would they like to do?
(Narwen) Narwen sure does have a tall tail! It wafts to and fro in the breeze a little, and then a little more as he catches a wave back from one of the Tanuki. The skunk lifts a forepaw in return. "Hey there! We met before, right? Back when we were figuring out how to set up classes? Narwen," he adds, gesturing with the paw towards his neck ruff where there is indeed, buried somewhere deep within, an ID badge bearing that name. "How've you been? D'you want to catch up over a bowl of tea, maybe watch the drummers? Oh-- wait, are you on duty or something?" His tail continues going tick-tock, tick-tock.
(Junes) almost mesmerized by the flicking tail junes makes their way over to the skunk beast and also sees the labcoat tanuki "wow tall tail you got there" looking lower junes points out "also sweet pants" and realizes "oh i always forget introductions im junes by the way nice to meet you both"
(Randel) With all the fancy robes the real Tanuki are wearing, Randel feels a bit underdressed for the occasion. Though to be fair he is wearing his own form of robes, albeit more functional than ceremonial. He glances over at all the things that could be done here, but then catches Narwen chime up. "Met before? Classes?" he answers back, looking concerned and worried. After a long and awkward moment, he then breaks out in a laugh after remembering where they met, "Oh wow! Really? You mean when we were getting the school up and going? Damn, that feels like it was so long ago. I've been... uh, busy? Stressed? Oh, and like heck I'm on duty right now! I'm here to take my mind off of things." he then looks around for a moment, and then adds, "Sure, tea and talk sounds nice." When seeing Junes, the Nanite Form researcher can't help but stop and look over the newcomer, saying "Hi! Wow, you look like you've been through a lot. Are you ok? You seem to be a bit... mixed."
(Siaren) Not sticking with the group immediately after arriving since she was still feeling under the radar Siaren goes towards the clothes selling tanuki and starts going through the different outfits they're selling. After all she needs something else to wear other than the one she's got on right now especially since she's pretty uninterested in nanite clothing due to it feeling like a hack. Plus she's sure the poor vendors could use moneys too. Next thing you know she's starting to dig into one of the piles, searching for a nice hadaka to start with.
(Fenris) The vendor smiles and nods at Siaren, taking note of her foxy form, but not seeming particularly put off. "Is there something specific I can help you find, miss?" he asks in accented English, "We have an excellent selection of kimonos and other festival clothing." In her digging, Siaren manages to dig up a very nice cotton fundoshi and chest wrap. Underwear. Though there is plenty of overwear available too.

Meanwhile, the others are making introductions and trying to decide what to do next as the human guest is led off to one side to watch a troupe of tanuki in hapi and fundoshi loincloths put on a rather impressive drum performance! They have no instruments but their hands and bellies, but their acrobatic performance has the same audible effect as a complex drum line! A gathered audience cheers and claps along to their antics.
(Narwen) Narwen does not feel underdressed. He beams, hearing his tail complimented. "Thanks, I grew it myself. The tail, not the pants. Well... uh, well hello Junes, I'm Narwen." He holds out a forepaw the size of a dinner plate that's entirely lacking in thumbs, but makes up for it in claws. "Nice to meet you too." He seems to be having a little difficulty deciding which set of eyes to meet, then sidesteps the issue by inclining his head towards the Tanuki with a grin. "And this inquisitive ball of energy is Randel, who is makin' me feel old. It wasn't that long ago, was it? Wait, was it? Are they gonna start graduating soon? Should we be giving them degrees? Um, I think I need that drink. Say, you wanna join us?" he asks the grey-skinned mutant. "Ooh, ooh, wait, first let's watch that!" His attention seems to have been grabbed by the drum show.
(Junes) shaking back the dinnerware paws junes smiles and hears randels question looking down worried searching for scratches but seeing the mixed parts realizes "ooh no worries i didnt get hurt or anything and oh are you two teachers?" and after listening hears narwen mention a show? "oh sounds fun lemme just grab a few quick things anyone else want some food?" * then walks over to a booth and buys aforementioned things and also a mask to wear on the side of their head plenty of food a few drinks and carefully escorts them back*
(Siaren) Unable to resist herself, especially given she doesn't really seem to have much need for freecredits due to living with her daddy and thus not having rent to pay, she ends up turning to the tanuki salesman and asks, "How much for all of it instead?" She's probably about to make one of the vendors a very happy mutant by the end of this. And without using succsucc at all!
(Randel) "Make you feel old?" the Tanuki follower says with smirk, "Unless you remember what things were like before P-Day, I don't think I could make anyone feel old." Then Randel sighs as he thinks about how time has passed, and says, "Yeah, if it is a traditional 4 year school, some of them would be close to graduating. If it was like primary school, there would still be quite a few years left, being twelve years long and all. Maybe Eight, given... Anyway, I'm rambling!"

Randel looks over the chimera and says, "I was a teacher for a while, and a doctor before that, but both of those jobs got more than enough help. I got myself stuck in government work, mostly as a file clerk, a nanite augmented file clerk at that, and have been kind of regretting it ever since." He then shrugs and smirks, "But hey, what can you do? I'm here right now to unwind!" When seeing Junes head off he says, "Can't think of anything just yet. Ha! So much of it is new to me that I just can't choose what to get!"
Junes spends 50000 Freecred to: bought plenty at the tanuki festival
(Fenris) The tanuki vendors are very polite and sell Junes paper cups of green tea and bamboo skewers of sweet dango along with a wooden tanuki mask for the very reasonable price of 400 freecred! What a steal!

The clothing sales-nuki blinks in confusion at Siaren. "You want to buy everything?" he asks, a bit stunned, "Well, uh," he looks at all his wares and shrugs, "I could sell you all of these clothes for seven golden taels." He produces an abacus and flicks some beads around, "That would be 70,000 freecred." The tanuki shakes his head and laughs, "It is quite an offer, but hardly necessary, Miss."

The drummers wrap up their performance with some particularly acrobatic tumbling to the approval of the crowd and the guest of honor is already being hustled away to a new attraction. Some of the group might recognize him as a Zephyr scientist. "You're going to love this next bit," the burly tanuki leading him around informs him, going toward a large tent.
Siaren spends 70000 Freecred to: bought out a clothing vendor
(Narwen) Narwen nods to Junes just before she heads over to the stalls. "Teach a bit, though, y'know, not efficiently," then turns to Randel as she vanishes into the crowd and grins. "Yeah, it is a bit overwhelming. I kind of want to see everything at once! And yeah, I do remember the olden days. Miss 'em, but -- well, I do like that we can have a fair like this again without anyone getting murdered or eaten or knocked up. Oh, oh, I know! Challenge time." He ambles over to the clothing stall. "Hello there, friend! Do you think you have-- oh, sorry, I'm jumping the queue. Please, you finish up first," he says to Siaren. "I was just gonna ask what he had that he thought might suit me. Givin' ya fair warning," he adds to the vendor with a grin.
(Junes) heading back with the goods junes sees randel but not the skunk beast and takes a chug of one of the green teas and offers randel some dango "mind if i ask about that thing on your coat?" pointing a pinky unoccupied by stuff to the leaf on his labcoat
(Randel) "Woo... What a performance." Randel says when seeing the finally of the drummers and claps. He then looks around the place during the lull in entertainment in a bit of a daze and says, "I barely recognize this place with all the festivities going on. I already feel a bit lost, and that's saying something." While taking in the sights and figuring out what to do, he spot Junes returning with drinks and perks up, "Oh, thanks!" and takes the green and sips. He makes a 'Mmmp' mid-way when asked about the Golden Leaf, swallows, and says, "It's a Tanuki Leaf, one of several types. This one is of course pretty special, and enchanted. Long story short, the Tanuki are shapeshifters and good natured tricksters, but are still quite honorable despite the deception. Their magic focuses around using a leaf for various things; like transforming into various things or illusions like passing simple leaves off as paper currency." He then points to where Narwen went and says, "Let's try to stay together, I get the feeling we're not going to get a chance to sit down." and walks over to the clothing stall.
(Siaren) Not that Siaren is really trying to be helpful to the tanuki salesman so much as figuring her daddy would quite like the new outfits especially given most of them were quite form-fitting save for the hadaka which was definitely an item she'd be using at home a lot. Meanwhile the foxy reaches into her top and starts rooting around, which probably gives the other mutant a small show when this causes her bust to move along, only for her to finally fish out the freecredits and start counting them out. Upon getting to 70k she hands them over to the vendor, figuring he'd probably appreciate not having to deal with eletronic payments for such a large amount. "I'll be sure to make my daddy come pick them up before the festival ends," she tells them.
(Fenris) A nearby vendor laughs as Narwen ambles up to the clothing booth. "Over here, my four legged friend!" he calls, beckoning the skunk over, "I think I have things that will suit you!" He shows off his wares, floral printed coats and shawls, along with carved stone jewelry in jade and some kind of soapstone. He also has a selection of carved wooden yokai masks that Junes was recently looking over. "No fine shorts like yours," he admits, shaking his head, but if there is something in particular you would like, I am sure I can accomidate you."

The vendor Siaren has been speaking with splutters and stares as the fox simply transfers the credits to the money device he barely understands. He finally recovers and bows low. "Very good, Miss," he says, "I shall have everything wrapped for you! Do you wish to have it delivered somewhere?" He waves frantically to a pair of other tanuki nearby and indicates that they should start folding and packing things up. He takes her information and nods and bows and scrapes obsequiously until she moves along.

There is still quite a lot going on! Barkers at various tents and stalls call out attractions. "Everything you wanted to know about Tanuki but were too afraid to ask!" "Guess the weight of the tanuki's bells!" "Are you as strong as a tanuki?" "Can you pick out the transformed tanuki! Come see the amazing shapeshifting power of the tanuki!"
(Narwen) Narwen dips his head in acknowledgement and makes his way to the nearby stall. "Oh, hey, these really are nice. I like the carvings -- d'you have something like an ankle bracelet in soapstone? I'd ask for jade but, uh, then I'd manage to break it and feel terrible. The masks are neat, but would they fit me? In fact, challenge for you," he adds with a grin. "If you've got a garment that fits me -- a real article of clothing, not just a hat or something -- I'll take two." Some of the other stalls were calling to him, but no: one thing at a time.
(Junes) hearing the mention of tanuki info is just what junes needed and seeing the table it just seems perfect for the time being and so steppin into the tent junes greets the tanuki asks about the general stuff about tanuki how they transform things small facts and the relationship between tanukinand kitsune then after junes concentrates and pounds on her chest like a baf cough and a plume of foxes tails appears "could i ask if you know how or where i got this?" looking perplexed
(Randel) Randel shouldn't have said it, but he did, and the idea is gnawing on him now. He can't tell if it is the form urging him on, or just himself, or a combination of both, but the idea was too tempting to not try! Tanuki followers don't get much in the way of illusion, but do get a great amount of transformation ability. But he does have illusion powers from another source, and has been itching to practice it since he got them. "I think I have an idea of what I want to do." he says with a sly smile in a slightly distracted tone, "We can meet up near the main stage a bit later, ok?"

The Tanuki adept then digs in his lab coat pockets and gets a small note pad and writes a few things on the pages, doing the same thing for several pages, and tears them out and folds them up tightly. Then he looks around the area for a suitable stall to practice on. He's got something to drink, and something to eat with it would be great, and eyes around looking for a Tanuki food vender having a poor time with the 'new-fangled' electronic currency system. When he spots one, he walks up and checks the menu he, waving politely, and saying, "Hi, how's it going?" in a happy tone before setting down his green tea on the counter.
(Siaren) Meanwhile Siaren decides she might as well make sure the clothes are actually delivered to her and her daddy's place since she still didnt' get a response from him though given the festival wasn't over for a while yet she ends up giving the tanuki salesperson her address and tells them, "I'll make sure to come back and tell you if he can't make it then," and holds the piece of paper with the address out to the vendor. Upon doing so she goes to put her freecreds back where she got them out of though this time it takes a little more effort and gives the other nearby mutants a bit of a show before she ultimately locates the rest of it. That done she heads towards the food one next, having gotten a little hungry by now.
(Fenris) The vendor at Narwen's booth laughs warmly, "We came prepared, my skunky friend," he says and pulls a few articles of clothing from a rack, showing the skunk beast a fine, flower embroidered coat that looks like it would fit on his feral form, along with a pair of loose trousers artfully sewn for a quadruped. He also shows off some wooden sandals that complete the look. "And we have all sorts of accessories, of course!" he adds with a smile.

The tanuki at the information desk holds up his hands in mock surrender. "Slow down, miss!" he laughs, "I can only answer so many questions at once!" He looks thoughtful, lining up his thoughts. "One, with henge, or transformation magic, tanuki can transform themselves INTO inanimate objects. The how is impossible to explain. How do you breathe? How do you know the difference between sweet and salty? It is something we learn by practice and feeling. Two, our kitsune cousins have a complicated relationship with the noble tanuki. We tolerate each other, bit tend to avoid one another, unless we are directly competing." He frowns at the tails, "Perhaps you have been possessed by a fox spirit?"

The food vendor frowns as he looks up from a modified comms unit. "Forgive me, friend," he says, giving a weary smile, "The local money tools are beyond this old dog's understanding. Can I get you some takoyaki?" He nods to the fox woman following, "And for you, miss? I have many delicious choices!"
(Narwen) Narwen can't help but laugh back, and slaps a forepaw on the ground in approval. "I think I've been outplayed. Well done, these are gorgeous! I don't know how or why you had them, but if you've got the stock I'll take two sets, as promised. And if they fit. I'll try wearing the coat and, er, sandals now, maybe, but will take the trousers on trust."
(Junes) Junes gulps "i sure hope im not posessed" they say holding a tail "it's not dangerous right?" after hearing out the tanuki junes thanks him and leaves a tip heading out to wait and generally just enjoy the festive atmosphere and looking between the tanuki spotting game and where that man that was being escorted inside was
Junes spends 5000 Freecred to: tip for the nice tanuki info guy c:
(Randel) "Nah, it's Ok." Randel says with a hand wave, "I've got some real money on me." though what is meant by 'real money' isn't elaborated on. He then looks over at the menu again, ironically in as much of a loss with the information as the poor merchant is with his point of sales system. While he feels a connection to the Tanuki on a spiritual level, good natured, proud, and big balled where it counted, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to make the connection with them, he was still painfully lacking in the finer details of the culture. With a deep sigh, he admits quietly, "Been so out of touch with things, I almost forget what real food is like. What are takoyaki again?" While listening he does glance around the stall, double checking to see if the vender does take any other forms of currency.
Junes spends 10000 Freecred to: this poor dude has some fucked parents he needs this
(Siaren) "Sure give me one of those," Siaren tells the food tanuki when they tell her of what they currently have on offer though she wasn't entirely sure what it is she's not really picky when it comes to eating things either which she gets off her daddy. Mostly since she still has no decided upon mommyfox to get it off of instead.
(Fenris) The clothing vendor shakes his head. "No, no!" he says, "You will wear the whole outfit! Allow me!" The chubby coon-dog takes the clothing and there is a puff of smoke as it disappears and a glittering green leaf appears in his paws. He reaches over and sets the leaf gently on Narwen's head between his ears and with another poof of forest scented smoke, the skunk beast is dressed in festival finery! "There you are!"

The information tanuki smiles and shake his head. "I am sure you are fine," he assures Junes, waving as she leaves. She notes that the tanuki's special guest was escorted to the Find the Tanuki tent.

The food vendor dishes out a bevy of some sort of little fried balls into a paper tray and covers them in a savory sauce and little flakes of spice and seasoning before passing them to Siaren. "Takoyaki!" he says, "The finest octopus balls! I also have dumplings and noodles and fine, grilled fish on a stick!" He proudly shows his wares then waves sheepishly at the machine. "My assisstant is better with these things, but I can take any sort of coin you might have if you do not have freecred."
(Narwen) "Oh! Well that's practical," Narwen replies, craning his head around to try and get a look at himself in this get-up. "Super. Well, I guess I will wear them all out." He takes an incautious step forwards, wobbles on a sandal, starts to topple forwards, scrabbles wildly, and somehow settles back into a stationary, if unstable, position. "And look, nothing even tore! I'll take 'em. Let's settle up."

And so, a few minutes later and happy with his purchases, Narwen goes a-wandering a little unsteadily through the festival a little more. He's lost track of the others, but no matter: they'll surely run into one another again soon. In the meantime, he pads towards one of the larger tents, looking to head into a surprisingly quiet opening that-- no, hang on, this isn't the main entrance, it's just a flap that's loose in the back. But maybe he could just peek inside and see what's going on? Just his snout and eyes. To start with.
Narwen spends 1000 Freecred to: Clothes that fit? Witchcraft!
(Randel) The not-quite Tanuki looks at the food being prepared with a bit of awe in his eyes, seeing they are a form of fried dumplings, and noticing it smells rather good. He holds his smiling expression when hearing 'the finest octopus balls', not wanting to crack from just how many ways that phrasing could be taken. After a moment of mentally recovering from the statement, he says, "It looks so good, I just have to! How much?" and digs into his pocket for his 'cash'. He isn't one for seafood, but then again before P-Day, he wasn't one for a lot of things, so why not try 'octopus balls'?
(Fenris) Beyond the tent flap, Narwen can see what seems to be a large, ornately decorated study. Well, half of one anyway. The room is bisected on the far side by a heavy velvet curtain. The room as it exists is populated by a trio of ornate chairs, a heavy wooden desk, and a number of bookshelves, filled with collections of books and assorted knick knacks.

It also contains four surprised looking tanuki, mostly in the middle of the process of turning into objects scattered around the room.

The food vendor looks at Randel with a smile, passing the fragrant dumplings over the counter. "They cost seven freecred for a serving," he says, "so if you have something equivalent, that would be perfect."
(Narwen) "Oh, are we playing Find the Tanuki? Don't mind me, carry on! Oh, nice fretwork, looks very real." Narwen scootches a bit further into the tent -- don't they say that if a skunk's head can fit though a gap, the rest of him will too? One shoulder bumps into the desk and sets things a-clattering, with one or two tumbling to the ground. "Sorry! That wasn't expensive, right? Don't worry, I can replace it! The show must go on. And, er, I'd better hurry." And he puts his paws onto the table -- teeter, teeter -- and concentrates, starting to shift shape himself.
(Junes) thinking over waiting for everyone or just playing the game junes decided to relax with the tea for now and taking a sip wonders how it would go with some gryphon milk, grabbing some from before she adds it to the cup and decides to chug the rest of the bottle and turning into *mostly* a blue gryphon after becoming a full one their tail feathers shake a bit and in a poof the tails reappear
(Randel) Randel blinks in surprise by the cost. Not because it was so high, but because it was so low! Have the prices he's seen while working in Zephyr skewed things so much, or does the poor vender not understand the cost of things here? The shock almost makes him forget his plan, almost feeling sorry for the trick he is wants to pull. However without skipping a beat, he focuses on his Nanomagic illusion, which feeds back what the person is expecting as what they actually perceive. "Yeah, right here..." he says, and pulls out the loose 'money', spilling it out on the counter. Along with the folded note 'money' paper, other small things like a pen, a couple of other Tanuki leaves, note pad, and other miscellaneous things. "Shoot, sorry." he says, his ears pinning back in embarrassment and worry, "Pull what is needed and I'll stuff the rest back. I should have put the change away before hand." and starts pulling the other items away, leaving the note paper.
(Fenris) The tanuki in the tent shake off their surprise and quickly go back to their shapeshifting into various items. A large globe, a fine violin, that blushes a little at the compliment on their fretwork, an umbrella in a stand, and a rather furry book end. Hmm. Someone got a little distracted.

Fortunately, none of the things that fell off the desk seem to have broken, but there is a stack of papers scattered on the floor along with some very nice looking pens and a particularly ugly paperweight shaped like an ogre's head. They definitely picked some wild decor in here.

Junes draws a few odd looks from a number of tanuki as she both adulterates perfectly good tea, and transforms in a way that is certainly unfamiliar to the non-Fairhaven tanuki. Though many of those also give sidelong glances to those foxy tails.

The food vendor raises an eyebrow in surprise. "Are those imperial notes?" he asks in surprise, picking up one of the illusion cloaked leaves and holding it up to the light. "I haven't seen one of these since I was a cub! They are not worth much, anymore, but certainly collectible!" He takes one of the leaves and passes the rest back. "I'll take one of these and toss in a bottle of our home made sake!" He reches under the counter and passes over a large gourd, painted with the kanji for sake. "Enjoy!"
(Narwen) Narwen fights the urge to stop and pick up the papers, first because paws, but second because this is serious art that both requires and deserves total focus and concentration. If he can pull this off, why that would be a real coup, a feather in his cap! Not that he has a cap. Or feathers. Perhaps they sell feathers here, though. Possibly peacock feathers, that seems in-theme. Why don't we see more peacocks in Fairhaven? Hee, peacock. Maybe it's the name. Skunks, though, at least you do see a lot of those. Something timeless about that colour scheme. Hm, yes.
(Junes) Junes sees the weird looks and decides to just go for the game and see when it starts or if its already happening and with a long stretch tosses a bit of trash away and walks over to the tanuki searching tent while scanning the crowd a bit for that familiar monochrome pole