Bacchanal Research Break - RPLOG

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It is cool and comfortable in the nanotech lab at Zephyr Inc. And relatively quiet. If tou can ignore the bacchanalian orgy happening just outside in the hallway. The researchers in the room are giving nervous, confused looks at the door and at the strange crate of bottles that someone just delivered.

And perhaps it is warranted, since some of the bottles start to shake and pop from their cubby holes! They quickly metamorphose into a quartet of hefty tanuki who move to guard the door, along with some extra help!

One of the tanuki is none other than Fenris! "Hey there!" he says with a smile, "Just wanted to drop by with some friends to have a chat!"
Euoia and hir fae-bots watched as the tanuki fell in to place at the doors before making their presence known. They positioned themselves in locations that gave the best view of lab and any other surprise enterences. Specfically air vents. Sie looked at hir watch and checked the time. "Right on schedule..." Euoia mumbled to hirself. Sie smiled to Fenris and gave a nod of acknowledgement before going back to maintaining a look out.
Rennie - one of the researchers in the room - was sitting at the desk and writing something in her laptop, throwing an occasional glance at the door, the sounds of whatever was going on behind the doors starting to make her wonder what exactly was going on there... Maybe even take a look herself. But then, things started to happen. With her eyebrow going up, she watched the tanuki pop out like jack-in-the-box'es. Pushing her office chair away from the desk and turning towards the intruders, she slipped her hand onto her thigh, where, in her loosely hanging labcoat's pocket was her trusty pepper spray.
One of the scientists, some sort of leader if the looks the others are giving are any indicator, relaxes a bit at the appearance of the tanuki.

"It's alright everyone," he says, adjusting his lab coat, "These are some new friends of mine." Elias, the scientist in question indicates that the others should return to their work. "What are you all doing here?" he asks, then looks out the frosted glass of the door, "And what in seven hells is going on outside?"

Even as he asks, something outside thumps against the door and the sound of laughter can be heard. "Anybody home?" comes a drunken call through the door.

"Just something to keep security busy," Fenris smiles, "So we can chat without interruption."
"Bloody hell. Of all the days..." Conrad mutters a steady stream of expletives underneath his breath. The panther is fiddling with a series of labeled specimens on a test-tube rack, jotting down notes in a notebook on the adjacent countertop. Commotion outside of the room should be something to be ignored, endured even-- but this? A glimpse of motion out of the corner of his eye, he's apparently a few arms' lengths away from Rennie; a disapproving *tsk* and subtle shake of his head accompany that movement where she reaches for something concealed. The big, white coat-clad cat, meanwhile, lets his hands fall loosely to his sides, twisting easily at the waist to study the raccoon dog.
Euoia flutters down from her spot up near the vents. "From the sounds outside, I'd guess a drunken frat party. Maybe worse." Sie looks to Fenris. "There were no drugs involved, right?" Sie sat on a table and kept looking around the room to coordinate with hir faebots. "I mean, we use tempered glass on the doors, so it shouldn't be too bad."
Rennie throws a glance at Elias. Relaxing a little, but not enough to ignore the sudden guests. Her avian eyes following the tanuki that spoke, and his words about 'distracting the security' feeding into her confusion. "As long as I don't have to deal with all that mess, I don't care if there are drugs or not." she muttered. "I hope there aren't."
Fenris scratches his nose and looks up at Euoia. "Is satyr wine considered a drug?" he asks, waving idly toward a few remaining bottles sitting in the crate the tanuki were smuggled in with.

A strange silhouette appears on the door. It appears to be a pair of breasts pressed against the door and an overly large tongue licking at the glass. "Come and play!" comes a moaned invitation.

The tanuki grins again. "I'm sure it is fine," he says, flapping a chubby paw, "But security doesn't really like us in here. A misunderstanding, I am sure." He claps his hands and rubs them together. "Now! Why don't you show me some of this groundbreaking work you are doing for the betterment of man slash mutant kind!"

Elias hesitates, then nods. "I suppose we could share a little," he says, "You were interested in the theory of nanite-biological interactions, right?"
The panther raises an eyebrow. "Do hope you didn't have anywhere t'be this afternoon, miss?" he offers, glancing apologetically towards Rennie. "S' a good time to phone ahead. Cancel any dinner plans, et cetera. Nothing to deal /with/, so much. It hasn't escalated into a hostage situation just yet." He mutters a bit further, reaching towards the countertop to flip his notebook closed. "Startin' to doubt I'll have anything this lot'll be interested in hearing... but if this 'un's already talking, might as well see where this goes."
Euoia just shrugs when the wine is presented. "Maybe? Wine normally isn't." Hir ears perk up when Elias mentions nanite stuff. Sie plays with a little bit of light nanomagic to make some dancing lights, but mostly as a bit of practice. The faebots report an "all clear" with the vents so far. Euoia had little to do anyway.