April Fools Tanuki Delivery - RPLOG

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Something is up at the Zephyr building. Security guards are swarming everywhere, and scientists and corporate types are all hurrying around looking worried. No one will comment, but someone has definitely kicked the hive. Out around the back of the building, an inconspicuous bush is definitely not watching all the craziness with interest, and it definitely does not contain a tanuki looking around furtively for the backup he hired....

A black ooze, its shiny surface betraying it's latex material, is attached to the back of the Zephyr building above the tanuki. It starts rising out to form a male torso, with something resembling a head turns to look down at him. It asks in a gurbled voice: "Are you hiding food?" As it slowly slides down into the bushes beside the tanuki, then turns to look out at what the tanuki is waiting for.

Arthur was rambling to no end on his situation. He knew this would make the powers send him on a bunch of wild goose chases. Whatever the hell happened, he wasn't informed yet. He kept circling around near a bush, his arms flying and flailing around enough to make an Italian proud, "... And sure enough, it'll be like 'Oh, Arthur, we need you to scout after this and that, don't worry, it'll be super safe!' Suuuuuper safe! Like that fucking time I was hunted by a fucking gang of gun bunnies! Oh, super fucking safe, being shot at like a fucking carnival duck! Oh my fucking god, it's a fucking wonder these fuckheads are still standing!!" The ramble doesn't seem to stop. Given how much he's cursing, it's a safe bet he has very little love for Zephyr. If only he was given a chance to give them some payback...

The tanuki in the bush starts, surprised by the latex blob! "Don't sneak up on a guy!" he gasps, "Oh! But you might be just the person I need!" The raccoon dog also reaches out, seizing Arthur by the wrist and dragging him into the bush. "Hi!" he says pleasantly, "Listen, are you two free? I could really use some help right now." He looks back and forth between the odd pair with a pleasant smile. "I mean, I can pay, I just need help, like, RIGHT NOW."

The large goop gets uncomfortably close to the tanuki, a few drips of liquid latex falling on his back. "I can help, but I'm a bit hungry right now. Is it something I can eat?" It gurbles again, loking up at the two larger forms that are Fenris and Arthur. "I can also store food for later so I don't desolve it yet."

Arthur's rambling is cut off, who the hell was that? How did he miss him until now? Just his fucking luck! Clearly annoyed by his future prospects, the dragon man massages his nose bridge and sighs to see if he can calm himself a bit. "Ugh... Ok, ok, look, I -may- have been less than truthful in some repo..." He stops to properly look at the tanuki and the... Latex thing. Neither looks like Zephyr agents or workers. "What the fucking hell now... Ok, look, I'm not in the mood for a kinky orgy, pal. I just need something to ensure I don't get dragged into "solving"" - he air quotes heavily - "whatever problem happened. Z can go fuck themselves, i'm not helping them." The dragon man also takes a step back to avoid contact with Texy, just in case.

Fenris grins even wider at Arthur's mini-rant. "You are perfect!" he says, "Listen, I may or may not have borrowed something from the building, here. I may or may not have upset a few people doing it. But what we can be absolutely sure about, is that I could use some help moving something." He reaches deeper into the bush and produces two moderate packages, containing food, goods, and interesting trade items. "Discreetly," he adds, "You two interested?"

The ooze doesn't bother answering, it just reaches out with goopy hands and slowly takes hold of one of the packages, drawing it in until it disappears under the surface of the latex. "Not food, but for later. Yes? Where do I take it and how am I rewarded?"

Arthur looks in disbelief at the tanuki. "Look, just because I'm not, uh, a model citizen doesn't mean I'll go in with whatever crazy asshole offer gets thrown at me." He shakes his head, looks away and then back, being hit with some proper reasonable thoughts, "Besides, there's nothing here saying you actually mean your words. Could be a trap to fuck me over. Been there already." Arthur looks at the packages, arms crossed, "Is there anything even remotely of value there?"

Fenris blinks at the pair and shrugs, "It's the best I've got. Unless you would rather be paid in freecred? I can do that too." He produces another box, this one a little larger, about the size of a milk crate. "I just need this taken to the Shinto shrine on the west side of the city," he says, "when you get it there, I can get you food or goods or straight up freecred for your trouble." He rubs his chin and considers Arthur and Texy. "Unless you would rather distract my new friends out there while I make the delivery myself?" He hikes a thumb off toward the front of the Zephyr building where guards seem to be planning search teams.

The ooze does the same thing with the box, pulling it in till it creates a small bulge in the liquid latex. "A shrine on the west side? I think I know what that is, but what is a shin toe? Is it another hole to breed with?" The goop seems to be distracted for a minute as it contemplates.

Arthur takes another step away from the latex goop. That thing is giving him the creeps. He looks back at the entrance of the Z building and how people are almost going mad there. "You son of a bitch." He mutters just under his breath, barely audible, then points a finger at the tanuki's face, "Alright, you better not fucking give me away to Zephyr, or I'll be sure your ass goes with mine!.. What's that, anyway?" He asks, referring to the package that needs to be elsewhere.

Fenris lets the latex thing goop his package, with a little bit of a frown. The box is heavier than it looks. "Just be careful with it," he says, "It was hard to get!" He turns a smile on Arthur. "It is a box that is bigger on the inside!" he says, "With a little bit of proprietary tech that I need to borrow for a little while." He pats Arthur on the shoulder, looks like he is about to do the same to Texy, thinks better of it, and gives the gooey mass a thumbs up. "See you both soon!" he says, then dashes from the bush. The tanuki runs at the knot of security guards and takes a flying leap, leapfrogging over one, and doing a wild little cartoon tap dance across the others, leaping from head to head! Then, once everyone is flailing around and furious, he makes a mad dash toward the north, the guards trailing behind.